faun The Hest Advertising Medium In Ha. wood County Published At The Eastern Entrance ul The tireat Smoky .Mountains National Park Kead In . Thinking People ,01. XI.Y1 NO. n WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA i ill USIUY. MARCH 1. IKI BRIEF NEWS I T E M S Sales Tax For Six Liquor Bought Here With Months From County f , ' n , Amounts To S29,ooo- Old Confederate Money .laixm ,-i-nt sharp protests to Mo uliv 'Wednesday demanding that Ku--. ;;, -top planes from dying over .tUnvhuria and Korea. The statc-ran'-' elided with, ''It ijt always danget -nd- for children, to piay with tiro." Japan officials claim that Soviet plane (:j've Imvii dying over their territory ,,r..i en.- civilian was; tired upon. Over Three Million Collected In State During First Six Months ,.:!Uv. - are .-earthing for Uu' olvt I'oitfcdciatc l..h m - men: xin.vv n man who iro; rot her lot' Uu. gallons of ,,.:er. hut had al-. v r.k :" N'.rt. the t hi- - uu j in lo.i.l,- r iiiv.v. J M. Bourne well known A.-novi !,-. ..r.orny. Jiexl from injuries .-u-tnin-when struck by a -hit-and-run ilnvi ir? Ashevilie last Saturday nijrhi. liajph Sprinkle, prominent Mar-had !..n;ee:'riU!ii, is in a serioU.s coalition ' k, a bullet wound said to have :t indicted by his wife. The in- , j.,:i, man .-aid h:s wife was jealou-. M-.- .a ai'ti-ted and placed in jail. s. ;'i.s,'i:.- were killed in Ari."ii.. i,.i 1 1 ;, ; .a- overturned when the driv ', - fa.-'.--i :-. warnini.'- -igna!.- which s ;)...., y i .in ha i vxt inirui-hed. ', A e -;! ', --even iithi-1- we IV injured vl ..-., K, ivn li i.. .." I .ivingti.t'. -. . -; ... ded S'n I r ( M I liv a ju; i . '., ,- :-;o;t ihiii agadi-t Katpli I'. ,i;-)-..l.r.l"-. Sd.e -lied hilil i',.r i : . .i -:i . ' :i : r 1 1 1 -1 -. .S i , eutt"!! mid aooiisned the i:iv :,ig!it shift' recently because i--.' lr.;iu'. w":k'':: whi,.i ,, ,.....' lae order v (I! miu -v oumy n uuiii iiri'cnv ut i t' work. llax w a will kn, , u , -. v,.,, i ...a... i I r t ii,, .til.. . 1 t i , . eoo.i .lit ':i - l" eNV 1:lx l:lw fund-' with wa'.ih to buy liquor, but , in change. a- he posse.--id an old Confederate ' t'n . Wednesday iiijrht the oili.o:'-- rsr the litst .-ix month- ;:i t li dollai- bill he thought he , ouKI u-eihad :,.: ieen able to loea'e the pur- -ale- tax was .11 f..!Ve in that pioviied he was lareful where , h 1-1 1 of the !iiuoi, but weie -li'-. ..r.dina. Haywood, av.imv paid n,. made his puivha.-e. 1,11 the look oat tor niai thv. tia.i :'-?-'-'."l- 1 !!) was pan of Hi wriit the home of a Well a warrant sworn out before a mairi- . 1 77 1 . that w ,.- eolloi ti .! in known !m.. Y;r-er and made the tiade j tiate here bearin- the -iuauire ( ti"m July lir-t t,. .Ian- jth the hoot lexer's wife who t'H.klthe man who w i-hi ,1 that his wile v" 'lie C -a!) federate money to be worth I had lefu.-ed to make one sale af lapior. i .tvi to d ue Ai uu, '.a,. 'eer what w a pi inte.l m the faee of it, 1 It was not otl'u ia!l -late,l. ;l -!r..iK-.-!,,!rer A. .1. Maxwell, he Win 11 the ooot'euan-'.- hvisbaiul ii--ie:tain tint the lapio: sold the 111:11 : art hi r that "tax telief af- uirned home he -orrowfu'iy learned wa.- not n or a- ,'.! a- the bill hi- e,r,e y ihi la-t leKisiature in ,-naet- thai hi- wit',- had not only .uvopted I for it. .-a!e- lax ind other aieasares ' v them, atfords propertv tax agS Made To ?,l:i;,?(3r?HrH ve 850,000 Suit lr' To' Federal Court -.ate ' to '.a!.- ,, - ;iven 1 u; i ( .. :Mie,.t of r.-v, an.- are: pi-..p- 'in;, ulint Kneeted To He 1 Other Details To i' Cleared lu -.a. :et ,.:i ii,H'.!.:.po. In- ...'.. I Made In Aetir l uture liv 1 Near I mure i i'ark Uodv Last Rites Held Bo Scout t roops Saturday For Miss Will Be Organized Virginia Welch In Community Soon Was A .Member Of Prominent li-lriel Committee Named Anrl Family Ol' Waynesville. Plans I ndeiwav To Hein Taught In llih School Work In Neu l uture ,il : Park Commission Park l and Tracts viola ertv t 1- ,il',e Vl . ..-.la.:: -Jo,oii;i Bill Introduced In Senate By Reynolds To Pav County Taxes .1.111 w 'it 1 v. rkt'n A:o."-.:!e e:;i,-:;t wa- made !a-t- week ; v .--. iet' .-f I'olie,, V. .1. .Everett, !' A.-hi-vil!'-. that i'l'imi nmv in only two i'i -e- w:l! i-e -ei ved daitv in .no v'.'.v ST.'.tlOO From Loss Of Tax ation From Park. Lands Clerk Of Court Mere A''"i!ao- :'. r tlw tlreat Atlantic ai:-i r.tedi, h i- I'liiiinaiiv tiled petition ana made motion be fori' W. ! Hyers, 1 h-rk ut th,. -ujH ti.ii Murt, to re:iK)e 'he T.-'a! wh.i-'i l a1' I.aN'eve is -uiiiiV the j. ry eonipair. for $.0 OlHl. t . the I'tiiti-d Stati-- I'i-trici Court. di 'i-'eia'!! .-.rid ' la id 1 ; :: : 'V have been! A - !':,:!, ai,-l:r; a. ri 'a' 1 . h 1 .1 din.. Vi i ! o I he 1 lei i ... !t 1 rln-ek t'oi n the ''H,l:lll- I., w . I : 1 .t i- i Moiinlain- ;,-e 1'um-r.il M-rvu-i- ler 1:.-.- Vnc'.iua ! . ; ma! pl.11 we. We!..: ',' who ii.i.--i-ii aw.n last Tut- ! i tor the mi t'inir-day .!!:!, .,:';. - an i-xtende l Imn .ma .-pon-01 iiil- of 15 1.1 S, ,.;it Line.-- wen- heid S:r:,; ;. -iieuii v.o'iv in -, h 1- i-oliiinUn it . w t il , : n nao- a- tin. '.'In. k al :':. !.-; I;.,;.!.-: n... he di-t.iet .omim'tee e,n 'b'ir.h. V.. II, W.I. ..in o ,' , !i.i ... nian bein api'oin'.i !. the ehiireh and K. . :i,i lia.,iin, Jr.. 1 hief Seoul l-lxeeiit i , A. W o.'-'.a- 1 f th.. 1 : . Mi ;: .;.: ,!,. t:,-a m Ashevill.-. a..;; with' 0 - map . .0, i1K-U..l tn,. -eiva-e. v.:;i: the n.UMe . I,,,.),,,..,. am . s ,,. teal.: of ihee.oo " !'u' ane-. . '! 1 : i i;:i 01 n; un it - :rn, defmi ! i-K I've mal.it e.l plan u'!..h Ml.-.- Uih-h ua- o. M.er t,, .... t' the l!o S oi.i-i. .-.nderwav m, nt was :n l,.vi Mill . . :n. -, . nltbu u.v, ,ru .n,, , ..,,..1 ,1 nii.iiu' one ol th . ., . .on .a.'.ie-.N M. II Itowle-. ,. ,,,.,,,,,.,... 1 . .. Ma- - a- a 1 . li.apli I 1 1 o-t, ar... I e, , . i.'..i,,.i . :10a; 111. 1 s i-r- and h a I n - - i I'll j wa- tne- i-n.j ii.iniHer .-. . ,u s.i .1.0 ;iai::in.iii ikv.i ,. -mnM,,.,.. !iv th A"- o'1, ', ,"',",;'' M;r;'1' -at ion ana w,l!; I,- 1 1 :, - .a a in - ilk . mi,, w as no: 11 1 V .,. ne-s ill,- an-1 u.t- a irradjaie tli. !o,a I iuj; h .-1 iiiiol 0 ml, of .Salt 111 ' '- ' , . I I el ni.O ill : , lid H lllll -ill- . , .-::.!": a ' I In e !:i t In - r ill roe . . ..- 1 : .. 0 In. 1 1 1 o 1 L., i ii. 1 a . - a a n niimttri. ana aiiveii n-.- i -. lake the ,...iii..e .'u.1,,1 : mil h w , : ii li i in. Tim e named .0. I' .1 -I i . - Well' ,1- follow I : 1 - t 1 'fa -t , . H- t 'el , (I, I ho .1 ! - a:ii:ii:.- the ai -)'. u li. . .'. d he nam. -, 11 ! ho . -oa: aeill "): t ra mi ip; . oai -e W : ' 1 d ! - I en ! , -1 1 ' a 1 1 nea to . .1:11,0.1 w i-ii ai-.- to ; ,1 i.i the 1 : : 1 -' 1 1 1 1 ; -. I hi ' . a 1 e no .hi: .:- I '.e . no, a ,. :! I, - iind.-i : -a- ,!n 1 : on of M . M en an,: W : 1 I ! 1 ' 1 1 1 1 , '.1 ; l 111 t 1 t e, I , - , f j. nab o - -a 1 -.- on, o , a, h w or ,1 . I I ' W ' ! I IIV .1 Mil III.- w ife. ' U .. ... u ..: ., u--.... i . iiaitmie 1 1 a- 1 M eat 01 , I 1 1 1 ,-t ,-ite .- :ul ! :. i .a' t lie .-.III:' - iall)fht 1 I and !'; 'o- tae: . Saiini, I ( '. i-', !i. .If. 01 1 adaat :n;; ; imn Sale;.; ( al ". 'J;.- ae a oi niiiclt'i .;, he IV It. Id.i-i i !'. 1 1 in, 1 , u - 1 ami- a ti aehor of in tui y ai lit,. Way. ily ha- ln-eil in x ill, ll'ifh S !) 'I. w hien po-ilion nl to 4 ;. J. da held with inueh .led f, until about . hi . signature'. .1 -ar atu when the voiolitiou vf her t.ertvtn the I nit health loi,i-,l hi r ri-t 1 1 !)!,-it t dee 1 : 1 a man. .1 ". K 1 . 1 aii.ipinir, W'. A. Hi a, Hoy. t '. .111111 i-sioiie- . I .eli-iy I lav: I inaiii e, ,1 . I " I tea m. I den- -oi lee and ael i vtth-- tir: ,1 Syla the rno- S.-M f . . Sw a::t able -lf VM tiotUl. ill-. W i.ltam Ihahe, died in a Shel ;.y h.-.-iiita! from -hotirtm wounds still have bet a inflicted when she refused t . ride w ith a man named Louis Hen- t. !!, . ; The nian L- -aid to have fired : 1 '"' ml., ,:i ,',.1-iiiin of irirl; ce-iO-;il time.s dtU'e-I (,. in ,(a:l in Shelby. ..- Key no'd- :nt rod 11, e,,! in 1 If i.-t wi t-k a hid to provide Saii'i. tt.e eo unties of lliywood and, na-.-n 0;' th.eir lo.-s in tax jaation by the e-taiilislilllelit '.i.-i-at Sniokv Mountains N'a- t ' " w.!l :-e ... , 11 t l(e rear f 11-. are. Il il. W ill. am- and Felix 1-1. V !!.-. ' I i-.. a : 1 ..i-i : -. .-'it imr" the In .,1 At ! lattt a- and 1 '.u-i'h- Tea 'olnp 1 ny. ! at- - a e 1 iiini-nt . ,1100 work Mi,- wa- inlkh Intel- " 1 " 1:1 e,-aiaii-.i ,1 !,...- ,in ,ed a iheeli ' led ::, I'hy-lea! Kdil.a t loiran.l both' Ti . o n 01 : a 11 - 1 i-il.'Joie-a-l Hon, the Met roiollt ill I .' - a -tti.ant .iir:no,ier eollooe dajo A. (ieore;e, iij.'tv in-.-ii-.i,, mmniv it- 010 -'aii-l a.-.i t . a. h e 1 ... hi- 1 . 1. . k an tii-ive Court of honor. a naii of lia'.-lttv I'oi depo.11 part . 'tn athlet:e . She; wa- eaplam I'avi and I'aul Hindi 11,,- ,i, t'uiu-1 1 .nt 1- 1 1 Itaok .nut of three teanr- ,-t' mai. ;M.i-t. at' I'r' .'nl ohm a ' e t, oa .l.e 'Me- . .r.i 1 I ;ie-.e ehai-.;.-- iha; .hi- w a i.ittell 'Id a -t i.'nii:pan y ,, taiiititala w la ti in- wa- t old by '. . 1 1 1 :ed b,tiu , lael'k ill tho .-toil- to r.i-t a buuell of .a 1 patiy . airol- from tm- -now wimlow. In..; I,, U'ake - . -ii.t wa- 1,! oaif lit anair-t t Dr. company similar to t lie one nitio- j rind the iiiananer and u--.:-tant 111:11111 hoase a shurt time ,uni ttir .d' the local .-tore. by Hi :-r--en:.at He. Weaver, and pro-; Jlipan,' Staimy and Ward. .!'. K. vUV.s "t.-ait the sum nf $oiii'.,S,';iF Ik- ! ,l,ihi,-on of Wavne-v;lle: and (leoi Re : N. ilea. lies, 47 of ' Asheville. , et a-,;. - by the department of the ! Ward, ' !' A-hcvil:e tepreent the i"t -:' on a Florid i coif course Monday Hntet i--v ...ut of moneys derived from plaintiff. I rem. lii-ait failure.' lie was vice -1 evettt;--- irtsaiir 110:11 1 oivc-.--ioit Soil, (Mill bond u Sal'eiii ( o n- , .iii:iii--i..ii w tth the '-ot re "li l-'oi um u 1 1 ' V siiliia am 1 ..ml t in 1". an in i.-.-ion wa- awaideil SO, 7 .''.,,'.l'.1 lroin the t eiitui y Indemnity company hut tile la! lei took an apieal ' to t he .,-.,,-.,,., 'ri, ., il,.. 1 . ..: 1 1 . i- . 1. 11' . . ., t um- -he w J' 1 1 1 oi eivei ui ine nmn couii con .. . 1 ! I ' . I II ' . 1 1 ! W , n I mo 1 a nieinher ul'iln Ath- I1...11, in aiii vi!h- ni.'dl and th,. 1'ie-id.-nt '.- 1 1 1 i ,i oo.i . I: ' . '.-o.; . v. 1 ' '- - on ; She :ih-o eoiitnl.iiti'd a uh'- ..f ho - ; s I -'Hit 1 1 1 ' a ,111 towaiil 1 he erection ol' Th.: I, na In . ,iin.t ,e nai nian. .1 'heatiie'i, -tailuiin ,.' S.ih-iii loiilcj;.'. T i'.i a 111, ami .inn ,-, lha'.he' , oiimiit Sho wa-ma, ilium in.-til.-utvi' of the I e, . u , .ii'ld hiv, 1 li wai i, -a M hill tile ni'XI nirl'-ba-kethiilt squail- 1 t li- Way. -f, w -,h: . in raihimr fiimb t i,atrv out .,. . . al.. u ;.. I, v.'. a.. . .1 .1,...: . . .. . i. , .. ... ,.,--. 1,1- 11. -.,11 -i in... 1 11 11 eo uu- i-. mil- .-coin loor .em m ta.i- 1 on, annul . -. a teachrt- t here. J'l,i. A me: 1, -i 11 I e(ion 1,'otai ("lul. h w as a mem her ,,f nil oi-1 .., i- it, :.,. ,:.. chii, 1,.. I tl, Vctioll, t 1 -1 V 0 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 : 1 II 1 ,-l Ol . IVoi-t Mill 11, president of the A shevilie C'uoa-Cola relit - .ib.ttTiis Company. (ireat - . park.' Five nersuns were killed in l-'HU. 'ah-'V t Stis.-kv mountains n.'ition.il !C E, Cole Resigns As Deputy Sheriff IJesiynat ion Ik'ttintes KH'eeti e . Todav. Will Seek Oflice Of -,n-1 T-hat the sum Iw .made avail ::,( ",',vd counties on a ba.-is of furir when a pa-sener train left thei-o j-e- ,nt ,,f till revenue, so derived. rail a-n.il pluneed from a vj uluct into : pa,v.a.V :.:tmi:i!ly, until the -um shall the fttiet below. Officials wtrt un-ihave. y'rt entirely paid. 'The money able t-. account for. the accident, vi;l ".' .i.-ej..:.,.:' relirinir out-tandinc 1 b..r i.- a unties Nir Ihirtmouth eollejre- -tadeiii.-ij Reytv-yis' bil; points out t hat l'l's,- ; Sheritl' In June Primary vied : torn carbon .'monoxide " -hile J'in taxable land is beinjr tak..; i-yxp,r,.i Sunday, A broken chinineyjen frrn the two counties by cstah- j " 7 " jane , aused the deadly jrni. t ,-eep 1 Ji-ha,--t . "f- tine park, and that both i t 'romo F. i 'le, 'of t 'aiitoii. h-inde-.l through the house, . our.. ';av v,U:-:andinir bonds which ! -hi resignation to Sheritr J. A, ' , mil-- trtiil, dc-pite the los- ol'.revc ; I. owe. e t, rda' a depuf V .sheritV .11 f ine ,--,'11,11.,. .nomiav voted sixty 1 nm,. , lieavenlam townsinp. in nis re-mna r.:J!:..ri.-i,.HaV. for Veterans. A mes- Ivev.r. ,,'is r-tiinales Haywood cojii-id i-m, which i- ellectivi today, Mr. ( -ole "' "oni l'rtsident. Iijosevelt .-aid he t - ;.xt -.fu.r p rcent of its taxable stated that he was rcsitt-ninc "because 'uuld veto the bill if passed by the valute-it-r.. or s7'('Mhl of its bonded in-1 lie wa- -eektm: the nomination to olli l .'.i--e in March 12. deatedr:-.-. and 'that Swain countv ' sheriff in the .(vine prima i.v an 1 1 ' 1 ' . '' and pi --inline ut l amilv ol thi Mill,' , II- ik 111 111 1 1.. 1, '11 1' 1 1 . t'Ti'iin ..I the Kaven l'iu-,1 Lumber ,.: . .. o . . -', " ' 111 ""' IMH 0.1 ( r m I la 'omm.ltlily a . ...... .. .-. ..... a. viioiim "Wll' - a popuiat aneinuei ,,..,,1 ., ,,,;i l lull 1 1 V 1 1 1 I . 1 I 111 I . ,. 1 II l.l I I I .-in, ,,y,, . , 1 ... . i ll ' T , ,' ,. 01 uu- oL,n;.,i s1n-1.11 sc 1, 01 i ilj lieu- .,:,) in incidental damniro- reViiltiHK I rom N ;n; ., ,,!-,- ,',f. the Kir-'t l'.autit 11 ,1 .. , , 1 itoiideninalion of its lands in the .tJrt-al , fh'tirt-li ' atut lor -nine viar- a teacher ' -' '' "' "'''',' Smoky Mountains X ..ioiial park . W (!'S ! , ,-. ! o J s t. i t 'eo "l" ''"'"'il' exilected to lie arelled ill .-1 1 110 1 1 u f .... 1 : 1...:. 1',.. i. ..,',,' ..1 - . , W a 1 1 : - 1 II li'l ll li .tic I 0111 -ill n 1 "en a ill, it w a 1 an.iv 11 Vi'iileli: court here Fridav- n I by: hi i' li iciids and ac iiiainlaiice-, w ho wen- l'i uni all w alk-; ha- eiicoii "at'.ed I he an ael 1 ve pa I llltilel w: 00.11 t livlll" ..eplet Well hi.-t '.:;t per eent, or .'.10 I.S.'IO of its ati'l not leei it lair, to .Mr. I .owe to .senator. Kobinson. Indiana Repub- i,.1n n-'i'-btf ini ' ' jeontinue in hi- eapacitv as de)mlv .cat, on the Senate : floor openly 'Tr, ' ....utrnent of ajrr'iellltu.e al -; sheritf uml, a Shei iff I.owa- who ,s ;,lso ;-.imed t rcsidenv Roosevc-lt - for the ; pw. t.(,nt of rt,vl.nut, ,-,,,, -ei kina- the same oHiee.." ..va h o. - anny fliers -who have i ac e-timber, lands or national for- j Mr ( ides' action- are the lir-t tW-J tlZX 1 Tor-the eountie- in which mal steps thus far to be made public .. ; " rney arv .'.rcaieu to reimourse i no i-oun. 1 eai uinjr me .une irrmary. It was l-.e Five Here Tuesday ;p Rotarians Heard hn 'Calfree ( Ashevilie Fridav ent Ol Ashevilie Hot; 'Tells; Kotarians What 'Oru'tiniiitioii Is Doinn - htatp TnrnmA Tjiy Man Is Here Todayi1 3ecives jiiiSs oertoiarsiiip vwaiu .J. S. HraswelTof the State Depart ment of Revenue w ill "be in the clerk af v,n'c r.fft.,-, a,. iTu tn,. Mavcb . ; (; :.:.r l.:i' i ",?f: stud...: the schi of Medici ... v,, o.-.-m-l vi.iiro.- 01 iiii.- f J... .- ( W leh. Jr., of Wayiie-ville: community in making out their income ax returns, and to also drive any ' in- Star.f-'.rj 'University, has'tH-en award- ! ed a Uravt-r.-ity jraduate . scholarship ,fortnnfi ,,;,.....La.;,'.u act!;,c to an aniiouneemeiit Irom t prm, ornv 'hev tel ce-. Present Ray Lyman "latter.;. MVilotif -af that institution to I he. He stated yesterdav : that all siiurka 1 :. r . - - . . wr-ons having an ineonie of ?1 000 ; p ri,v.,ris Assodated AVith a mmo were --required to make out wtro .As.MKiaiei im a leturn. All married per.-on.shav-: (iarrttl's Funeral Home an income of $2,000 and above - ,-: . - Lake Postmaster Kxain r:e io-- ot taxanie valuation, mentioned m this paper several weeks au'o that he -would fx- a candidal., for tibo'ut ten others are -aid to ite-, but, have .made-no for ment rettardintt' their inten tion-.- . . .'! ' ,; ; "-;"' t l'.. a tn : 11 a 1 1 on s will he uiwji.at the j W.iyne.-ville po.-t odiee Saturday to amdii ants for onstiiiasti r of I.nl.,, .In Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Morrow an- j i.alu-ha. It i- expected, that ei(;ht 11 ounce the birth nf a daujrhter., , 1 will take the ,.amination. Ill Ki ll AN N" (it "N ( K M K NT th th. l.aeii.-loi-,r laini .-i ttleil ol lilo. II 1 r aetii in-i f v and hei mill ,l-tllil.- ilieiiboit 1., liiovill,. -"title 1 In ,0.. la 1 o n .Vl .., I. I , ., ,- t , , -, 1 1 n-1,,, plan ainl to Slinore-i lannbei comoanv lands know hei . i'p the narl'. an a out of the. way in Her fat her.' wa" .-l-eit .J.vtu jcii'i 1 hi ' He il- 1 a . . ...t ;V, ( hi i oh n::'.. " at: o w a- a in . .n . : -i.-iit la vc'vei ui till north, n of th,- oarl, will l. In the : a nes '. a ! ! fai lb- w:i - intl u' -nl ial hand, of the feih-i-al i;o,-inii.i.ii1. '.-a I: i-n p,.!:t', a in I . minn unity ..;,l'air.s. fnllll ('iViM t 1' I--r yeas he wa- :, iii. niher of the v.niii l 'ill a ill, cliool n.iaiil rale ami took imicll 111- Inermometer Hits 1 1 v 1 n ..null. -in iiieni-.i-i ..t in,- rir-i i.ap- .. .,' :.ch,,rc, and a 1,,-ial eoian .uioi ., ,.j(t.n (,, sheville KotarV it- linanci -, a.- well a- In all local - . uoiiln'.hile nioM ment . He, ,wth Chili Tells Kotarians W hat NVIlile oilier cetion o tin- i it n I , y 1 be hi : I li.-hoii .1 . i me- A t k i n.-, w .a - oni were ha inv: sh c-t and snow , Wayne,. of t he- out tanditi" in ninot e i ,- o Lake ville and comaiunity only had low . ,1 u na hi -ka. World I'eiice temperatllie- and a little sliow thai ; Miss ..Welch r- xnvived i,y her blew fiom lb,, snow-capped i anuea : i. rotlier. Saiuuel ( '. Welch, na 111 aer u!i ... ", ,, neai by; The ollicial tlK'i niomet r here hhe .-tall' of ' the State' H.inkine De- iniei aatioiiai. lo.- aiv .. non e Tuesday ,-,i-lered live will, 1 he 1 p , , t ment and i- the ' yungest -tale n"'"' . "r,. "l'.1'1, .' hiKhit -readiiur of the day beinK . eNaminer in Nort.li .Carolina-;- hy thme i"'".- , i ""a ' t' ai ,'' '. 'Va ' ' "V n ... ,, v ' o'"' o a' V-"av:!e Ib-.tarv I nl. to ., .aunt., .Mr.-. , I. Howell W ay. Mrs. Nora ,, - ,, ,i ,, ,.-' , ,. F, ' ... , . ,., , : , ,, ,,. i ,, , ,. ,. , tile Wavne-vi ., leituian.. at t'lrir -xpeet K.ht lo'Iake j A.' '''-I1 Mlr ', hKr1 "' '!' - V,1 ; regular 'vvc-ek'K lueotii.,. Ta'-i Kii'dav. . i m o - i o i ,-e u iieii-s. , i . iv t -1 1. ii, i.i - ii neu o , ii, i , i ,, - . . .. .. ,. , ,, ... 1 .'nil ulai to he a. nii-vni., e - in i .VI alette, of ( omo. . - ( ., and H lltchins , , my liiembersbip in Ibilaiy fhan ,n a: other oi'io'iniyat ion," la: a oa' itaredi. . the - in a In i w,-i. int i .i'ia. mi -io ii.- id'-nt 1 ir. S. I ' ( lav. ' job I '.,' 'lie ,ei..,.. .I- ' . ITImS1i Id' IIl7iniir. ' :A Kotaiy and h.-u-'the i-feiiiiiiiioi iiid i itniuu in iiiuuiw rv Funeral Of George Washington Is Given In 134-Year Old Paper Now Ma ietli'. of I'oi tii.liiiitii .-eveial first cwus'in.-i. Ya. :. and Massie Report s That . :):' Good Tourist Season vote also required to file. ..There is. no '.cliarife for his services and he wilt onlv be in Waynesv ille one day. March 1. He leaves here for anton and will be at the Chamlxr 'f Conimetoe offic-e. then-all da-v Fri day.. .. ... . . " State Dry League May Cease Function K: .-.e.ft: ). Kd wards', of Andeison, S. C, r..vs. arrived here and is connect, ed with (iarrett'.s Funeral Homo as emuw.-n.-r. . . Mr. Kdwa'rl for the iiast four years j ha.- vn -,vit.h J-.-. F. Tolly & Sons, of : Anri-r--r.. which is : an establishment "o ye&T K old. He is ii jrraduate of the Cinolnrati Oollejre of Kmbalminir and : coin-.' t.- this eit v hig-h.lv lwommend- ,fd. - uwned Hy J. Harleyraricis-Herete Junior Order To Give .. The probability that the reiKilation 1 oi l.e.rs:e G. Burnett as superintend-'. fit of the North : Carolina Anti-Sa-' League forecasts the dissolution i iK-if.-rs- of : the Junior Order will Program For (irange at that organization in this State and .assumption of its work by the l, mi09 ,Dy Forces is entertained in 'ry circles ir, Raleie-h.'.- -ur. DUrnttt s rf.sio.r,a v .ciirii.e' i KiriO" -viil 1t -ii-i-i- fnr the m'omMtv itiiendent was announced only last reeent.?y ibodfht by tne orifanization. render, i program at the RatelifFe ('ve t:'.-;..-,ve Hall tonig-ht (Thursday ) at 7:'eJ oVlock'. A - small afmission will te vharjred," with the proceeds Want.- &lthnnrh"t.o i i j- --t ! -n.'.":- : -'!;. w.. u;.-ui.. i f. .i. im dlivciiy eiiwrtr . l llu', iilll jriuililMS i-' ui: iiiii..v it,.'? duties as executive presi .fcnt of Dodd Collet in Shreveport; ,.r ,?t'Id ,he Post two years, sue 'Het' -V' C A" uPhun h' of Ral" Ttlt is no '"'cation that a succes . 'r. Burnett will be named. The v W!,! b disctKsed, however, at ?.',Jruir't -meeting of, the United Dry r-' tn Ralegh On March 20. entertainintr and well worth the ad- mis;.,:-r. --harpes Jir. Franck Massie returned Mon- I dav arter a week-end visit in Savaii nah, Georgia- He was acconipanied homr by Mrs. Massie who 'spent -the pat Month in Savannah as the guest of ht cousin," Mrs. CrfK't-ee Haiinon, nr. X ". Hsmon. , Other Interesting Event Record, ed In Old Paper Printed In 1800 In, Xew York State Newspapers were printed in , this yountry.: iM IsiMj, but did not. carry up-to-the.'-minute, news as do m.jlein newspapers, as is shown in eo.py of the Ul.-ter (,'ounty .Gazette! dated Saturday, January' . 1X00. The .134- ! year old paper wa- brought to The 1 f ....., : . i,-.'t' 1 1 i ..louoiiuiieer oy j. ii.iriey rrancrs, ol Lake Junaluska, who is the proud owner of it. On,, ol . the most interesting- arti cles in the 4-pare, 4-colunm paper, is an article on the death of (Jeorge Washington. 'Amonc other thinHfs of interest is the pio(-edinp.s of eon. Rre-.s in December, 1799. and a series f addresses made before that bodv by President John Adams. An idea of how news traveled in JR00 may be frathered by he fol lowing article: "By the arrival of the Factor from Falmouth we are put into pos-s-.-,sion of London papers of October 20, 1799, from which we make the following .selections,: "London The---Hamburg '.mail due on Sunday last arrived, this- htorninc (Oct.. ISth). It -b'rinp.s. a.-cour.ts of the event-, whieli took lilai-f in Switzer land in'. tin- bitter end of September, exeept. tii"-e which relate to .Marshall Suwariow, df w'hieh we have no po--itive information. " ii li tt I, ' .ln.fi 1 ' ' O'd ,- ' del o :- e ,1.1 elii'ns- 111 To ": iiiil ion--, with, .-in'h o I ,-audviiiK and ' ooitiv if- t'-i't " ward--Wo i M ji. Vie.-. , 'l b.' ..'ei-.en-t '; -1 1 llnui, ,I..-s:e wbo rettiriiel Ji ;1 in (' uba. lie :oiil,:: v.a: --,;"! Korarin 11- - i ln-o . i i:.-. ! . .. , ; 'iii'vit lililc,- ". w tha t 'A'.-' f e .: o'm1'- . Ol nation-, ami all workin- ..i',...;,-- i- r An ordinf to Mr. ,l:,--i,- ai'xl - i t hei' -';'' '.. .!' ,.' '.": --' V'; ' -.. i: -.. .,. ,".. -. . '.,' ,'lletl t- . (or the Ini-itie-- -:i:i'-i! ' ! t er ,of vear.s. indications are that Wc.-tion " ': . Th- two inside: pae- of tb,. paper have black lines one-fourth : of an inch wide .which ' signifies mourning for Georjje Washington who was bur ied just a short time before the- paper w as puoi...vr.c!. Carolina will likewise i-njuy : ii v noil seas 'on this. year. ; "One of the thine- du.t :.. no - i .: me wa- the fact that .- many fanli-. Woj-i to be a- .- Ili-'i a ''til a- ' t hey have When a peaeef u! n.i.i i. to a n.,tion at w.-u t'i o..1:--:.m' lo.e o I,,,, '.. .... -, . i:;,,,, ,..:..,t; ' .-. -i . ties are provided b tia- , ,.mi;mit le . I.,,, ,. ' u,;,al i(llls , Uio-i- eo.n- o'-:" for the visitors to enjoy Ire'-'.-ol-charge. ,..,:, .., One nf the thing-- that U ."popular- nil Kalpli ' I'lvvo-t ..,a- 'i; -.-; i. e.! :- 1-Ourist centers is slmtrli' , Iniards. j ',.,ul :,s ;f new ' menfioo, ;.. -,v I-argo crowds attend .'laily and . play ".Weiv- ''fnur' visitor.- iir.-.-. h vio.r. : IT,l..,. ,l. u i;.v . :..... -w" "" .:''" -i-ii-iv,- . i y llanlm. Jr., avm--'. : ,..' I . '.: F.dr lied"' t -ei - 1 no .;main.tainence. fee an, yet irive the. i.,,.,., Gree.n'vi'll", '-S .-.-''; W. V r-ntomtxil il ,t is. . : v isitors somethintt; to enjoy thi-nr-elv-: !,,., ,, A -Inv.lle, -and .'. ,K" Ha" . George Town, Dec. JO. y ,es with and to na-s tile time mvuv." 1 fill l,;,.i,H, sivt,., ,, ,.., ,'..;,'.!?',. "On Wednesday last the mortal part of WrASHINGTO.V the Great the Father of his County and the Friend to Man. was confined to the tomb, with -olemn honors and funeral pomp. "A multitude of person- . .-.-embled from many miles around, at Mount Vernon, the choice abode'. and last residence of the illustrious chief. There were tht. groves the .spacious avenues, the beautiful and sublime scenes tii- noble mansion hut alas! the aueu.-t inhabitant was now no moi"e. The great soul was gtme. His morial part was there indeed; but ah! how effecting! how awful the spec ts:!f. of such worth and greatness, 'Continued on pair cifli-y hi : - t. i, i:e present. itch 1Y1IUU1I V WIUICU w. , SHKLTOX ATTK.NDh'l) Woman Passes Away ,KmN(; ,N , A 1 ,: 1 ,; " . Delie Hackett; one of the eominu- ' W. T. ihidioti -., r Tiu -,:, : ,.-: nity's most highly respected colored ' V'1'1 a ;- - ' ;';--' . citizens, died Fridav morning of last I'"1 r'nd Maintenance i-.,-;.o.i U,.; week after a lingering illness. A ' 'e. ( ifrolma M-.tor t 1. - .v:o,or . t-, , Lirire crowd of fi-len.ls. WI, -l,lt ,,.1 edneylay ir. Kaletgti, colored, tilled the A. M. R. church ' ,. Several .-important qa Whet-,, fk.. funoi-al c,.n.i,.n, .. V,U i dlSCUSSed at . ttle ,),,., on last Sunday. During her thirty years residence in Waynesville she served faithfully some of the most prominent families here and was loved by a large'- num ber of both t aces. ( Contributed. ' ' deal , wit h lit., m .: - of t lo : - 111 K'l'H AKXUrXt FMr.:, i i.' v. . -. W;- ..'- . .Mr. and Mi nouiiee the birth of a. Saturday, Fe't jary !

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