The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The (ireat Smoky Mountains National Park Read by Thinking People VOL. XLVI NO. r WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA nil KSDW. MARCH l.V liii: BRIEF NEWS I T E M S j. ;..v .it'tci nu"ii the the! monu'ter i ...'.iugeles ciimoed to In San 'uim-:iw it, was 7b, breaking a rec ,1 .', ou years. i innounceu : I' ,ai iulost'Vell .,:.,,, 1 i -Min i six in' seven days 1111- UK ;1 Honda eo-.n. it will ue. longest ausenccs 11 inn me .a pita! :V a i'i ink' I ongre.-s is in sesMvii lent in lecent years, fcUet delegates tn the State eonven- Jit-l .; o 1 'liver Wemiell Holmes, re- . t i 11 which will be heh! in Charlotte 'tired can oi' the supreme court: April It::. A c.onitv chairman l.enrh elebratetl his '.: bin hday i s, . rotary w ''! aN , he ele. ted at the a.'t 'I'hui : day. : t'tit:rt in- j-a'a!.- - r ' M Hi. la vd it: a farm ! taleincit! Mr iliuurne Sutton, of New iiei n, , s;.:i : o-mautlv I -uicide. ny Hanging hiinsell; "The piceincl chaiiimii a-i r dim-ted ,v;:h , necktie i tlie oining rotilll " call their vote! - together ill pre- ' motive was assigned tur riiiet convent ions em or before the act. 1 T 1 1 1 ,lay ,.f March l'.l:U for the pur pu-'e of ':mini'::itM!i an-.l -Uvtiiijr "))- il,iu:i White, hank clerk- two ko elates to the county convention, and (,:;',('- ami .. memoer of tin- Crccn- sui-h other l.u-ine-. as May eome be-.-j.,. county grand jury were arrest- r-uv !! ..nnvrmiun." ...i Saturday o charge- jrrowinK out. . ,in.. .:,,. yr ;llVll ifi: .,, j,.1Vt. ..' : ,- SolMKNi Pinik noiii-up at Vireeii s l'., Thur.d :y, Whito, a ' ... .:,i,eeiier at the hank, w;;. one of : ;M '.wo oin;iioyee, held up within the, -:;.eitiw ui the- (ireeliviile eotinty jail .vluii th,, meiiey was heiii transport- ; vd from tile post ofliei' to the hank, : i-.-. than two blocks away. U took four 1'ievard men from Kritiav until Sundtiy nifjht to get from I'i aiisylvaniii county to the States i'risoii at Raleigh .where they ;u'e befiinnine; services of sentences in 'dieted iii -1SKM a.s an outgrowth of the bankinii debacle in Western North Carolina in 1950. They are ' Thomas H. Shipman. J.. -H.. Pickle, simcr. C, li. McNeely- and Ralph ! Fisher, wha tried, every avenue' of i , before finally going to ! anscin. " j . Acti.trron instruelions from 1'resi-' lent Itoosevelt, 'Ma ior . dcncrul Hen- ,, -,, , u . iamin' D. Foulois, chief of air corps, ti- Sumiav temporarily suspended all r '.i.'l t'tirht.s pending the drafting .i a new curtailed shedule to insure the tliers saftey. the suspension is iD. itcd to about three davs. i t-rowiiiK- o'ut -of thw -Roosevelt's' contrj nand that "death in the army nil : ;ip- mu-t .stop." To date, 10 'fliers , 'nuvf l.i.-t their lives in the -20- days.! sime the aimy: tixk over the work.' Twenty four firemen-'. were injured .Hid property damage, totaling $:,00(. .'MK) ..was ( itised ;it IJir-mingham on Siiturnay iifteiiioon by a fire in the tieiiit ,,f tho business district'. K--, ry ;('.':: tluble piei'e of apparatus with i' tie icinity of Pi mi high am' wis :. ' '.-'. use. :.e .ul itor car industry, a leader in ..,ia i aii,. toward pt o- pi'rity, dia- ' I :,i hue.d f'resbient Kaosevelt' iio slashed . hours .and higher -'-. .The' Xiitjonal Auloiiiobile ftiii : of t'oniinorce aiiiioUnced ii-.u'ltt that jt had recommended ineinlier lirnis that average kly iieai, i.e cut I'luin 4'0 to W- V.iil coinjiensatiiig wage'' ' increase.' ii rd, a few: hiiii.,'.- e.irlier. an t that he -had' icstored the Sin-,. Minimum- wage. d'ncli; Hilly" Martin. fJU-year-obl : J tai.tner. believed to have been muni, i ' I in a.intiary. elurr.e.l to his home -in .Shelbyvilie, Tennessee yesterday 'roiii WanderinRs into West Tenhes ',' tind Alabama- 1'drst to. greet aim. was his . brother, Felix. (i5, who iusl ti few minutes before wa - re- eased from the county iaii where he I ail been held charged with the mur-. iel '''.-" s -! - .' ; : ' A, B.iumann, of Winter '-Park,''! ! and New York ( it v. recently , J iiurchased 1,000 acres of Cane Creek ; j Perty, three miles east of Flet ;"Hl will develop, a beef cattle ranch i wd build: a summer home for his ! i-,ii, -rn. ' , .,, , . , , i -mily. ,J he ranch; will be stocked i iin 'W or more thoroughbred Here- ; inrd catle from Colorado, Texas, Fast Tennessee, and Western North l arolina.i ' : i : .' , I- SlHPP FpKrilQrV First I V 1 CUl 11(11 J 1 II ZH I 176 people have paid their subscription to The Mountaineer The reison is The News The Want Is In Thu, V iper atth f'-ite on your paper and renew ! when it expires Republicans Of County To Meet Here March 24th Klettion Of I cuntv Chairman And Delegaies In state Con. sent ion lo lake I'laiv' tJIriiti A. lb j, I. ehnit man of ocpiutic ii Kxccuttv,, c.mmittii' Haywood cn.ntv. told The Mountain h f.. k that a luiiM-niioii of the ivenilli. - ;ui party would In- held at the court in u o iter. .111 Satind, y. Man h L'lth. at ;w oVlock. "The purpos-e at th,, uuvting i-to any staH nieut to make reifai'din' tiie outlook for the I'ieitioii in Xovembei, otlie;' 'than to say "1 believe the lo j 11 id ica 1: will ue better or'iiniod.'' New Car Stolen From (iaraje Here Hill :n . l ,.. . V""" mm"" : ""epe. lo;ll)- Uu, s , luuAvas t injured len with a nevV I untitle which was : su, toujtht the bltize desperately unt. M"n II iiojii ,llloi .lllllliu 1111 .llllioi .. I' o ... .1... n . :.. -vi , .. , 1 w .. 1 . i , . , , r . ' t neives o""k s'v"'' f, Inn the-e. were. y'irvered when the can was Jound. , . U,' ( ' , Cesser, une ot - the owners, ? hi; riKe and agent for 1 ont.aits JV" Mt terdny tor Knoxv He or the ear-' He alt' hefore ho left that . '.'! .''"'.ri'' .'I' ! li.ii - j ueie. .is ini- uui'iiM' w.i.s a leiieitu r -' ' Wlien the car was recovered a quan-I tity of t-'oods that, had been stolen in atid went to Shelby, or met another : ear and transferred the goods.' Mr. M esse r said that olTicel s .iu ' :Knx - yille said the car had. 'only -.been j diivi-n . and- was' not ..'damaged:- -The ' - ca : .was used lny-e as a denton -t rai.or. Local Students Vni,T : .Mi-. - I'.oui ' Ivtwaril- teach'-: of i;,,.:ie ,'r:ill'i!,r, - at :u tie-Vrlle. 'nigh school, has fii t e : . . ! her students in a .11 '-.f.ipn-Wlde i ' -: i '. i ,' 1 1 1 -' , -1 ill wh'cn u:.A''i:y M'!"i: i : ii i- ;..' till Iliiljor : w.a ';!- '! I.', ' f" ,!i "'.,: ii la: 1 to i :,-!' i '', i ii.ttll! :,i.i--. dbb" , ail.',. In. 0, study of lb 1 naiie ti rati 1 on 1 ti- I bv tbo a' b.nal :' l." I. to: : i.e', 1 j!,:::. i an Inn dl.Rd.ed ill : ,.iopei a,! i on with ioaelu'l'S., the event is s'liii o have ill: i ea -C! ytarlv in scone and populai it v. In ; .'.';: hih .t',1'""l's h'"i'" econoinics d partir.ents- froin coast to 'coast ' it la iookel uiian ;is the high "'point of the year's instruction. Fines Creek Seniors To Give Play Friday ' .... - , -The senior class if the Fines ( 'reek high .-chi.ol will give i .day Friday ."ieht; at" ''' oV:l'iick''('ntit,le'!i.-'".iHjst..'of l Kart. Those taking ;le;d;iiig - KfiVs ; .u.y ja.n'c Jidda Fi-h. r Margui Bramlett: Paul Ferguson., Robert FC J Ruson. On 1 Hannah, IJoger McFlroy. j and Athal. Ho der- . i ... . -i(,n , ,,, and :,r, eenfs will be charged , -t .: , Bonus Bill Passed ' .- . t By House Monda , Figures -received bv The Mount'iin-j C'er tilis wfcek 'ih',w'e1'.that''i'f the. Bo, j nus Bill is passed that Haywood conn-. ty veterans would receive jjo.ok 1-. : and the veterans in the state of Xo-th k l.l ;..,soi.i i-oi , ?mV 1f'-"?-'""-1 ';'"4- County Carolina Alumni here Wed- i "u.nH,'""l "nnneiu iiem.ocruts, oi .eont ticten at thchome. 1 uesdav after- od1 e '"JL !lil;-,"l.t,ht' h'-ue Mom ay, . n,.s,av night when a group of about thv ''st?tl' an'l members of the .national ;:iioo, at . 2.. o'clock. Key. K.l Mc 29?j to: .1 s .President Rfvelt : ha jo.' ., . ,h(, -j;eF"aine Hotel at ccn,te, W,U le present. . raeken, pastor of the, Clyde .'Haptist sauFhe would veto the .hill; if: ptussedj which.; Coach '-'Carl Snavelv and ! The Jackson I)ay dinnA- is a I).em-: church, and' a f ortne, ,p dstor of Ha- by Congress. ' J. M. ' Spike" Sauhders mac.- 'inter-i fK'ratlc rally' acco''')mK u announce- j zelwood ..Hapt isb church,, of whichi the .;' - i. . ; :' . ; i;. jesting addresbes. ; ment sent out by Mr-. May Thomp, deceased was a metnher and Rev. H 1 10 p rrOOUCtlOn Alan To He . Here Thursday r S. S- Williams: field cupervvor for j. the crop production , loan will be in 'Waynesville on the afternoon of .Thursday. March lo, a the county : egent's otli.'i!. " - . . ; Mr. Williams, said, that announce- inent tor the lyoi. crop. loans would . 1, , rtifio : u-;thi"n . a few day? ' and (-authoritatively, yesterday, is planning the applications ready. Announce-bearlv. consolidation of the' nation's ments will be made in the papers and j -military , and : .commen.-ial air ' forces tibsb from the county' ageit''S nffiee. ' under a .Htngte g a "rr ,:.g- agency. Sheriff Wants Letters Signed She! ni .1. A 1. sin .; .. I iH. wv y.-u-niay m a Hoiima :iii'c i main oil appc.i. to tile IHIhlK' to (l.ilpr - tin ,:. :r :i,nm to letter when . i t:!::, to 111:11 ,iid askinjj him t n.tiAc -oiiis inetiratien." "I'.i iUl!o a few letter I'liHH ) e p'.c vr. . M-em. to i r afraid '01 .-iKn I heir fhey tilway- want me t 1 u.. Millie! ii.nji. ami mo:-l of the tune o, i;'t tfcv nu- eiinuKh inl'iirmatii'ii to w , w it h iuake 1! inipo-ilde :. to no alu oi wr,h the ease," hi' " All nifoi :11a! tan . or letters !i:t u i.l In- kriit :i; riete.t eon 1 ma U was 1 o : 1, cut thai oioet ime.- w ii, i: an atteiiio; ua- :n..oe to cluise lb . uiiuio 1 I'm -ua that uvm Ue oown a clue revive: tlirouirh sonic cenib. r 2 to .lai.ii fn-t b.. uad .uiVen tiled letter it jiioved only a t ke, althoinrh niuch time and' -e had been made Keller Home Is Damaged Bv Fire . 1 .1 . . . . 1 . . 1 . . - 1 1 1 ... . . r.Moiimt; 1 o;ii ,-sioe causes S.;.()(l(l To SI. (III!) Damage Here Sunnav AfterniMm An oxplotdnij;' coal oil 'healer in the hen, 1 of S. II. Keller caused a stub coiii two hour fue heri' Suiulay after noon which did -about three or loui iIinikmiJ ,;,ai,.... a-,,,,.,,.,. i...i'.,,., 11,., control- -" "ei 1 1 .none ..i i lie n ine .ill's. Keller was alone ,i 1, . , I nil uu iiOMOiui iii .IIH-'I. The hous'e wa . a two-storv dwelline, ., was .1u;!t ul- -hardwood m T),(, ,,. vvas (tmrM vvith ,,MtilU(, untilmv. ,, ( which was 12;,: . s o(, th(:, turi)1-UI., Wii,C ,,amiWt,t, ilut ,t ,., , ,v. p;,;,,,, Keller said. There was M,.ue insurance on the i e,.. , house, but Hot enoutrli to eiiver tin (lanlae;e. , , ' ;Xn."Ji!!c' ip , -tecd iv Vlr' liim.nttuiiM.hi - Ir! Keller plans to remodel the damaged building, and make a one. stoiy buniralow instead ,,f rebuibliup, the oiirpnil style hou.--e:. - - J - L S'a,Hcr rr Nomination For d. i .;, VV letli W.ii I'i tilt. Sic I'i wa--. i.iate o: !b. , o i, .higii d. A. I.ow, ii) : -1 : i ,. i iu "He did not -in. Ho i,a t: (:i-u.t, i, n-yiv.-i.'-i ,-r.: ...nd ba, ' , m m a :d r. . . 1 'V id ;i ptib' id',-.', ii-;' a 1 a : ("l i alw. nity. Al, her i . "Walker i- a Mn-oii arid a iueni-t- -th,' ('::,i,'ree; Hatvt:-t' church. Hazel wood Boosters Huh Has Meeting .'he na.eiwS' "ii,,;.ter m ' j day night at thi'. Pi-esivyterian Hut. 1 he nii'etii.g wai in charge Of jir.esi- dett' Whiteni.'i' I'revost. This wa general business meetini. Several movement- were discussed. : Tile' club ,,'.,,,..,1 ;, p..n.-'bring' the Hoy t:h. .Committee- on "this" movenientiwitli yU, CWlU. Kish,.,-and Sam Knighf : . - , r.i.v.b. - t -slants. llazeiwood. Mr i ne next, meeting will l,e HeMgnal-,; e,l as leaehi l's- .Ntgttt. when the liVS. tti , n;... ,..,. i ,.,..m o L-i...ut ' .,1 w,"$ ' -V,efl'0rd ,Ieads I . N.: , . Alumni In This County -.".' -.';. '-..'' . , u'iil . T,.,n-.i . a... .....i i William C. . Medford ,,.:,' . ,', .. ii.,.. f i i i ., n.i.i ci .r.i.iis'.ii . c UB ' a', " .Cn-' was elect-'lina,( ; r' "i" pi f snitrni oi trie tiaywoou i division ;.hd Dan Moore, fif Svlva. j was. elected, vice president f.r the i J.'tekson county division Whiteiier . Prevos.t. of Uazelwood was .elected1 r f the organi- , zatlon, ;." ; :- i resident iioo.-i.vei was learned 20,000 Pounds Of Meat Distributed Here Since Dec. jt.llt. Auenev DiM 1 iIhiI.'s IKIII Doen Kfis .::k, luhl I'mnuls, Of limter I 10111 Keliet St.! turn A i lock up at the pla.o !u : . nieai Is 01-1 1 ll'utid to ill. iin-dy e', ilay w 00 1 1 eotin 1 .1. . : : 1 v s oow c i I lap .since l'ecenrbev there lia- ''een al most Jli.Pop poinii:- o! oicat i;lcil away t hi .injrii til,, idii l .en y. P.. A . 'I'll 1" 1 H n W llo ..- 11 1 II.'. l cle of li I! : a,f ; 'a r, : . . 1 ua i arr .-en, from the w el la 1 o depa ri 1110 11'. , odd The out . ii 1 ,'.'U 1 poai M .rch in : hi in n a at. S t in 1' di-t I : 1 U 1 1 a o e! ,n.'0 poana . Kecelitly liiM pou::.U .1 liuCci wa.e leet'ise.! and a'-o t'i'i' '...,'.: 11 iitjt . t pro.-, i t ,iow .. v , lin i . ; oniy leat a Hi : a -:;..:.! .,.,;in;;i : .'I ::il n hand T. w ! aid I he 1,,, n i'P till. Tl:e !:: i meat .ii:., 1 : die . it vi a . Few peiiy 1 t a.'i 1 a lu halt-., ii's.-a'l i -aed,'' irst star ted, U hi ! niar bat now 111 d i - 1 .1' i lull ' lie, t !; ed out iu-i as iiio,,t . It i - hand i ime to it in the sh:ppi' b" he said. in which it Mi unlets for the moat are liimli1 at the we I tare ,-tUce and no meal is Kiven out except by a properly liHi'd out order. , " IV I I) II . .1... ' M . J. Ii. ItICi I HCHl'II r w wi , Winner in Mrsl Week Of Contest lii'te Nuiuber Submit Answers Io luol VAili. ,n i,u aue Mountaineer. Another Award Next Week I'r. .1 K. AlcCra, ken was dechired' tlie Winner of the "lil'or Contest" of I'll,, Mountaineer by the judges .Mini day a f teriiooii, a ft , r c 1 1 of ully going uier the huge nuiiiiM-r of answers .suit last v, ,-ek's a,.'-. A Check lol ,11 i reieti' for hi. McCracken ijome si ,, ;ven pcr- .01.. 111 J i:'.. r. c! a osw - 1 111' W I It'll' ! W'il.-i a ' 1 1 v ,. i:d ri, ai . lb . M .I a to k- dared II: :e icling a v, i : . , in, : : i- I .:! v , P ' i - I 'i iu. i 1 : a lion lb r Is.- lb Asiiii-h. i I. '.-;,-: bilovai', ...ity S.i'l'ha nine Vl and l'!,,yil Uui Tbo name.. ,-u.t 1' i ii t die s-w r nil inbi'i ( li. , I i -l,u: din:, a, I." ii its a 1 1 sw i-is n I eaidi an il fefol'e g i ving i belli ', t he judge - -.elecl ed , loi nib, i and ,l:d not to the .nidge.-, ' ilo VV I i lie r ; :. kno w' i bo ha rn if t in- 'A 1 li I.e, II lit il Uit'er. '. The ad vei t i o-nii nt la.- l. w e,-. I jm d nine erro: .- iij-ti ad ' of ' but any: seven of th"- nine wl-i, i-idercd-' eoil v, n, . - hi : The ha rdi'.-t ; M,r,:l -reeiiivd to .'he. skillfully in Waynei-vitUe Ph.'itna-, ' - . a i. Th, woid. : correct with -ithei I uire "I," two. fhii week there ate no -wrong tele-. l'n""1' numnet v. .t) t lie ei n.i- neing ; common words, and any ,v,t, mi.-. 'iJ',,""' worus. win ue i-.iuhu.mi, . .'.n-; , - , . . . . , i . - I"'.!''' - ' 1 ' '"' .inaitieii M eligilde to compete, except Ur Mc "' "ti"'ki: anil nreinbe-rs f l ire Muun .- taiiiei i- -taff i !.,, in, b,,!- e,,i ,.in,.s Remein her. eoi rect m neat n anc originaltt v .'count s. ". - . , . r.: ':...; Jackson Day Dinner . V To Be Held March 31 Senator 1,'hanip Clark, of Missouri, will ! th,.' principal speaker at the; Jackson I lay I 'inner which will be held m . the auditorium in Jialeigh. ! March bl. Besides Senatoi ('lurk "a ,. .,.:::. ., . . ,! -on Cvato president ot .North aro- ' .Clute. of Young 1'emoeiat-. i icKf'ts tire oemg: sold ny r enx: F. Alley.' Jr . and : I)ov Alloy. Tln ,' pri, ,. ts $l.o) each,: - '..-. ; .. -r ' - i Holding at bay. a large crowd which' gathered nulisidc. seven machine gun handit rained tne . First. National! naiiK. ot -)iason ity. . lowa; i uostiay.- sisjtors. :w i s. A, AL Allen. ..of Hazel and i scavied w ith ca-h estimated, by j .wood. .Mrs. ().. I;. Hooper, ed' Tuekiv fdTicials al So2dU5 1. .John Dillingei': j s(.(.gee. and AIijs. !.. :.M .. Vloopei.'. of notorious '.outlaw, - was : believod the Fast XaPorte. 'one brother. It! I1 shot .dow'h a by- . i CWA t ork To Be Discontinued Hist "Wo haw nisi : net loll: ,:i-..iuuiue ail CWA .k by Alt i '. ' I loinei 1 leni , d : n ctoi A., e-t. idav. '(lur pay loll i' cut to about I o i -this u.rk will iU and about one k and b the :ist de ,'h . reed c : I'm e v, .1.. w ; li I: s c 1 : ! 11 le.s.- ;,.1 vci .1 w ark men, will epi liloso in t 111' tinisli niakmn rt-," lie viinl.iiui 1AV A project i :nin d at pre -1 nl Boy Scout Irani-. in Course Will Begin 7:30 Tonight I 1:11111 n u Sehool lo Hein At 7: i(l O eloek I nder A. W. Allen. Scout l.xeiulne , i hoi -la; n ' ' ; niaik e in mining ol tin- io Smut tram- :.' 1 01.1 - e here i'oi ail 1 hose u ho a re o! i re t e.l i n t be I 't Si out lllol I'lllell I'i'.' ra nunc, coins e w ii I he under tin inei llou of A. W. Allen, Seoul li e;,ile oi AsileVllle. file cell 1 so U' i 1 1 i e oil, e , i i i !, lor Meek , wit h onlv Iwo hours each 'P'binrk. 'Idnoe is no .haute w hat ever for the i olltse. an, I oil ibose iidio :v iutciested in learninc nioie about Boy Seoul uoi-l, or,', ii,,.,., I I,, :,lt..,,,l .I,., i i;,o ,, jL,i,i ' . o,,,, . .i, (,, .o,,.,,., i ,;i,se I... the pract ic , 1 -.ex'-jiej'ielioi! 1 iftven in lit t a., I treatment. Thai ll'e.'ituie 'alone is worl li many ' i hues i what litt lo time it talus to alfeml tin h i 'w ill bl nothei-: inteie-tine; feature !' the best methods of U'adin(.f l,ol and e.etntu cros.s lo; tliein ideas. J Tlie liii.'iuce eoininit tee has bcoil 1 woi king during. the inist week ill raising funds to carry on the Hoy : s"n" "io,meni ... W aj nes-yillr anvl; "iiw,oi Former Resident Predicts A Good Season For W.N. ( i'i. W . Ki ,, ti , I'oi nie- Villi' ' , eMdeiP Mho the past eighleer i r litis lie, n li v i in: I'dorida, nil ii U .viis-vil!,' last ek becilU e of 1 b Ml' hi- gl -ain't 'fa I lie I , K. Ill . I Pie. on , '.it'll, l , , ; , i ;; r , li i :', . i i, ., I'niiii, nit rn,-. . i'oi I I In v lo I; e Mb! II : I : ' I' i ' n 1, b, 1.1 ev i :m'.'.'I ,-vnl inn ir IU, Deiliori'.at'S I' ro;n lii-i c ... ill Al lend Mfeliiif I n Hi son -v,! .Several "I I laV c, , siii e.ianly ;, Sbiiju:.;' I enioi-i al will '.at tend iheii: aiiiiuiir I I'll loll;: fe !, nnb nn el tng uhii h will lie held iu ill: v-i"H I ity Satind iy, -.UaVili IV, ispeintil iiiiilaliom have i'i', a, , , nt: In Hi. ti ie (."hairman, Vrl litani .1, ( oef-o, . 4 i ,,'!'' A dlelllle,' , to,', Ciiiieruor bl; ) h' ng ha il - Slate t lia-i 1 man: -I. W.bbi.-.e' V"ii,l,,i: ne,' Seiiaior,;' i , , , - i,-i . . , i.cwioio, ;,,i'i IjllUi. V ,1 iill"l''s-ll,till (Ul'llv' 'V lorni.-r (mveinor O. .dax ' lavdner, .ill . Uay I'lloni-p-a,,, F.v ins, "'eh Toint, pK.i, tent, and .1, I lewey -' '"i-seir. i.a tent n,, jias; pi es nlcpt ,e,l : "' i,. "". '"vl" .'v!l' l"CtiCal t oruey, i . i . I , i . : , - '" , , . - . " ' K' u'":' "u" - .. - :,',:," d"' 1 . ,' "" hi , t net. ( ha ecoim.nei Viate ,g Ml-y U'.T. t i wC,l and W. d'iio IVe been el;,, en by the lli.s- iruuui, M r. ( 'm-'ke. to make I ecoiiii.iieiidations foi changes in t he I g.uii.;il ion's con -tit ul ion. : s - -- -'.' 1 ru JfWfiirkr 114 Hrs 1100 )tr yj II TOlU'loH I li Huried I Tuesda . .. '.-' ' -:. ' .'-' " :" ''''. Mrs. L. . Hooper "died Monlav . moiniitg at n:4f at her horn,, on t. hu rch street' after an illness ,.f. iv T.ei al vears. . Fnia ml .... . , . ' ' ... ' - V . Haucom. : pastor of the Wayne vtlle liaptis! chu.'i h, were in charge of the service. Inteimer.t ivau ,"n ilie li'iUdifi' cemetery. I .The padbeniers were John JJlaliick; Alillanf Tortnei,, Sam Knight, eh Hoonej. M, ,-V. Potea.. and Tom : ! Queen, ' b : Surviving tiri- a husband, three Xdam-: of Tliekaseeg nieces and nephews.. : ail'.l". uill' Curfew Ordinance Passed By Board For Waynesville No t luld I nder Sixteen Allowed (til Streets Alone Alter One I lour A f ter suimiow n 1 ! : 1 , .'0:1 1. w us !i i 0 : 1 : a 1 . i 1 ' ! '-ixlc.'ll HI I all . 11: p., no 0 n; ' : al), otb.o eu-!iil of f ha . a newly 111:' t ! it :; ii-- pais "I'l'sii'l child, i: :B"e.l ; !i : . 11 rli'n' "I he r.l: iiaiu'e 1 in ". her :..:: . :: Id o at: ! 1 .::ti e 1 1 ii: 1 t.i a u puidi.- ' ! 1 1 alley 01 public place in one hour alter sunset and 'i'i i' ir, .v b,, taken int.. an y oilk ei of- t hi' to 1, a dill iiif t iii- :ilj.;ili foi 0 police ei till oi t lie :: ! day. 11 ! 'Ml id deta. A 1 1:1 : 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 or pa re : :t . f o .. a : : V H-lat 'a.-'. ' he o: di nan, e .. 'id coii id o: be :-ui'eci to a lino of $1 on lo: the lir-a olleii-e and So. OP m 1 11 1 mum j :, , I s 1 1 1: h i N ; ,,,,, ,,, , ... ,.. i, , -eipn lit elf, 11 -e. A .onidar ordnianee ua- pa . ed ,i: Canton several months ..ire. At the t niie I hi' ( anion ,,i!b ' v: , iu i 'ir' 1 1 "'""'' there was some discm-ne i 11,1 !v " 1,,H" I'-t'-sHUf a smiilar one. ! 1! ''lis lieell tile sllP.lect id 'lllUel l! has been th 1 """l,u'1" "CHow many ellil.lreji un.lei .'-iMeen ye ,rs oi :ine .spend much '.inn j mi the streets alone after a reason ii.-natile Hour. several minor crime have been t raced to minors' who' were out more for th(. thrill' and novelty of couimittiuft small crimes than they were f,i, .actually, tt'i'ttinu' uionel;ii. : l''1 ln' file ollicial .weal her bureau ene-s t he ..unset hour af lit.'io. which mean ,' that for the time lieihg" clnl I i i n under sixteen on t he st reet . til, me I at ter V.tdo are li ilrle to be arrested Rl. , . ri i Kickman deekini ur onmiauon ror Shenl1 ln Ju,H1 Mu,,lwi ,n ' (,,,inlv ( oimnissioiHTs Makes I ick l oi inal AniKiimceiuenl lur S fie rill in, .:, I I'll in: n'-W- , S llll ilin J'dire 0 II, : 1 "I bll i.ide: I'll 'I 111, : i-l:v: i n t an e i ;: . ; i.e., . i . .. M r. I ; ic-k lira ir ha s - ! lit. ; 1 1 j 1 1 e s vy it-i-i pi ;icf jr. ! l-y spin el' lie )' .,11: lid I v. or l'i,,-,,,,i C.,., 'C,.,.-t '. .,,,11 i ,.,:) 1 , i ,!,,:, a d i i, Wa vne v i lb- amh Catitnh. . ,, , , rani and ha- one -, n iibo.i' 1 u,f,ui , . ,i(i i- , I J v- i,ia i-b-'ini 'eeuos M;v,(in, laoiuber ' ol: -1 be .bantoi II ob ,,i.niied American .U, i the, .1'!, I in 1 llapli I, iv. , , . , .-Wr- K , kiii ,n b.:i - .a t .,gi.r : 'He. -, a t irint-it:' ni ,uiv!'-i I'lvat t he puliite linni . i !y '.y m. w : epaid.". - Clark Frad Out On $1,300 Bond . ' 'lark Frady, 2.'i is - o::i( ; "ii Oil o'"' bond, iifter being .given ,,i b, :ii -i . 'before Magistrate Frtink Coinc " . last . Thursday. Frady was rba:,;,' with the laying of M, ,n r,,,,- , : ;.' .' , of ( 'ceil town'shi p on . Sat n ' ,bi.v. ! :. ' ," drd Fiaily g:ive.: up- Uf In j-m't.' S' o.- '. fi,,-ii,,' (,ie'. a,:.': '" ' ": .. -;,', lb, It w a . said bv thsoe :W Frady and West hoi f! fatal bliooting th.:,t ti' sonie; 'whiskey Was the trouble,, MIJss, )() ) Ms I) MI I s ( ()MIN(, MION .' '".. - W'or.l . -.yy i . .; a s ::!-: M. js..:p-H'i The Mount; ;,.,( , lml,.i and Airs P cart '1'11,'Ullli' Laki dti'b' to tin : v. Mi the" bitd i 6

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