Page THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, MARCH 15, I9;jt ahf iHnnutainrrr I'ub!:.-!-.t,i Bv THE WAYXESVILI.E I'KIMIM. CO. V W. (. Kl.'SS W ' 11::- .: -i .M. T ! . i-' - -. I'ubl.sht-r. I'ubli-hed hw-rv lhur-d;iv -I B It 1 11 ION A I KS I III USD Y. M U II 1" lit. U IK) UKMKMiJKRS.' f;:;"w r.i-;ri:n h - . 1 : rlir t iuij of NYjrp Mi.- ( 'h"-.' a;: ,-,(.'! IVpjiifman s-cti- 1-1. j-1 i h:i ' ( t h,. ':., v , , aKUijj- -".V -.Taps Tini t t- yt-ur a)f -. Ul' -ian-say. :h.-v i- ' X' !": 'ai''!iiui fariii woman wiii-- r '::::. -: '. i-i. Vt ar- rov.-r who had no'. ' i-ii'i. : ;' -.-ap. aii-J hardily a i-kanirmy 'u fi.'iij li'.t i in it'll I ri with tin- ta-!i- of t.'ic ly -!rVi. i i-l:e ijiv!i the scrap.- int a soft icily. I'i-.c n.a-- 'lial w.-ulil ivally ivm..-' tiirt fr s ( . '. i rk.-taiiicd iiainl- and rlothinjr. Ain-. r r : : i i 1 1 1 1 i k ' ' i iiit.-n an 1 w "m--ii "1' tic N.,rt h ' a i i 1 ; 1 1 i cm;! i'itlt- an- wt-ll acijnain!' i ;.i:i. t pi cuinni'inly rt:iVnvl to a iv- -i-ap. il.ii:ii- anil- J u i t . - !'ri-' Ut-nt ly. faces of small-fry v ci'i- cni!)!.''ii v iih it nijrlrl and ninni. iiiir, .:iv jffhitp--ot' a Satunluy nijrht wHt-ii M pink p-ai' oi- cirg--hajicii cake of sto'boUKliten might In- .substituted, in oinc Immcs lc soap was ust-ii for a highly moral purpose. I - ' .; ii. the audience any fort '-odd-year-oliler wh' maternal parent vn-hcd out h. ittoiitli with th terribly. tastiiiK coiitent- ;of t he kp uvii li--h to cure him of fibbing'.' Xnt all of the lye came from lied Dew-: cans, either -Some: of it was produced by leach, ing water through white-oak ashes in a hop. per which was as prominent a feature of the well-kept intckdooryard as was the grindstone. And this in turn causes one to reflect on the honest-to-goodness home-made lve hominy. O tempo ra, 0 Mores! Oh, pshaw! Whatever could those who have been leading the North Carolina movement have been do. mg with their time if they have just now reach ed a revival of the art of .soap-making? Char, lotte Xews. ' . UETKHMIXATIOX HA S During the war. at one 01 the Southern naming camps for negroes, a buck private start ed out one night to see his best girl in the near, by town. When he had gone but a short wavs he was halted by the sentrv 'Halt! Who goes there? Have vou got 'i pass?" 'Naw sun. What is a pass?" "A pa.v is a piece of paper that will permit you to leave the camp. I nless vou have a pas-v you can't get by." At this imt the private was rather upef and aggravated. Reaching in his inside co;it pocket he brought forth a long open-blade razor, .slowly lie opened it and said: ' Look here guard, my mother is in heaven ; my father is in hell and my gal is in town and I'm going to see one of them tonight." Moral: With enough determination, there are few things that cannot be accomplished even if the odds are against us- LOOKS GOOD, BUT , Wages up and hours of work down that was where tin- industrial recoveiy program started and that's the point at which the pre-i. dent asks that it be bolstered yet further. Higher wages will bring about greater pur. chasing power and fewer hours of work will enable the fellow who has no 10b to share yours with vou. Looks as neat as a corsage, ii'.-'j to stand off and peeiat it, faultless, sublime, the per. fection of perfect! But can business and industry stand it? These who employ and who must depend upon sales and profits with which to pay more people more money, where will they the capital to proceed with this procedure? Char, lotte Observer. The little insignificant groundhog mignt have a reputation of being a poor weather profit, but we'll say hes a pretty good gueaser. THE GAS THAT KILLS The belief that carbon monoxide poisoning ! mav be responsible for a great many automo. bile accidents to which other causes have been assigned was advanced recentlv at the P it th ! Annual Greater X'ew York Safety Conference at the Hotel Pennsylvania by L. T. White, of the ! Cities Service Oil Company. Speaking before one of the five afternoon j sessions. Mr. White told of studies made by his company revealing the presence of the gas in many passenger automobiles when drivers had no idea that it was there. Ht- indicated that improper ventilation and improper combustion ui-i'" the chief causes. "No one doubts the ability of carbon mon oxide to kill." said the speaker. "Hence no one should doubt its ability to diminish the mental ;.!..'! phy-ical faculties of any motorist. "The ditleieiice between an accident and !:. accii i'-ht is often a matter f iwhfs. Assum ing 'hat one second i riquired by tile average adtil! for t:ie executioi: of an idea, a 1" per een ie- selling o!' lij- alertne-- is ,. factor in the can -e if an accident." He a-serted that '." per cent of tin gaso line. propelled vehicles of the country are pro ducing "wanton qualities" of carbon monoxide. Last seai Mr. White's company interview eii I motorists in 1" cities, asking each a st rii of -i tie -t ions involving-vai-ioiH s.viiiptom- i f ;;xl I. V, !l.o!ioiiie poioolling. ODD THINGS AND NEW-By Lame Bode VJ ' f MILES PER HOUR j-i 4 SecAtilsE of propeller O 'lr5Rf. St STANCE WHEN DVING FOR v maximum speed, the record of SNjC- over aoo miles pep. hour was ySj&te' "If OBTAINED WITH MOTOR SHUT OFF. VvV High gas V Gasolene in ( FCANCE IS TAXED T j t3$t FOUSTEEN CENTS PtK JrX I HAILEO OOT-Ll ' . jyLl A PLAGUE OF RATC '- ' Jf . I IN NORTHERN InDiA Wm: ': RECENTLY STOPPED BY A I , I GREAT HALSTOrtr. I'.H.C' ; ' I OESTROYED TKOacv: - 1 ' 1 22 Years Ago in HAYWOOD ( f'jm the rile i March l-"- Thtre '.vas quite an ex a-.v.y vr. Main stieet We While uriving i.ivvn the h'T'v :e..m .f Hyatt .:r.i tatiiia: i y wuifo-n, i lie "f the lea-:'!-:ghtt-r.en ar.c.i rar.. s Kay w h'i wa.s At ivir.e ' : an i jumju-l. sustair. : t .:.'ui:.s. 1 :u- was: v : v the hf.r.-,,. I M: it Of..l J,' U Ka.-: Wavi. h -i gui-t: Sc'.tk- X'. Tiit-tr Dispute- i y tiatii-::. 1 hi- atfiVMiative ; I rrif.u ,i ; y M. F.Alrrijfh: a - !.t,athi-!'vti,.!. 1 . ('. Frar.-.-:-- i . f "fitit-: wim j -.v:!l :. ru t ' ; vtrativi.-, The r..:: r - -1 i fur the r::,t . ; : r the rr.'iing Mai :'n .: j.-: Sir!i:e-" Martin .lame- Tur , Pirknev turbvtiH. r'ortlmtH .1 ' j l.'ert, Kstelle Scheitz-. p Mvi'ra -ket:, Mattiv M. IVr i Frarkie HMIielii lre!;e Hav: - : I K- -I s--::, Pink KraRi-!.-. m -I'ni tnat ti wt-re' cent -a:.i it. a' f :e; Tw er.t. '..i'ght per c !' mental fa liv driving, Thirty-eight per :ey s;i!lVred from headaches. admit 1 1 1 to til.- dulling ies ; 1 1 per cent siili'ered nausea.. while 1" pi r cent said that they had suffered fn in '.in- i.i i vim- p.')--pira'ion which -r .! co'iapse. Ti;.- s-oaker ; ol.i of tests maiie on ( 'oiiiii 1 . ''a .e h-ighways. last year in which l' n'.otorists w ere stojipcd and their car-; tested t'or t ho pre-, f-nce of carhpn niein xide. "We would have coiisilered our results I)ositie if w,. had found the gas in 2 per cen',' ': a-.aI it in ."in-per cent of: the cars. 'and :n dangerou- amounts- in 7-per cent.'-' the speaker .said.'- As remedies he suggested better car venti lation and caiy to he certain of the best possible motor combustion. Defective exhaust . pipe--,' in- said, were frequent causes for the presence of t he gas in cars -The New York Times. Random SIDE G LANCES l! W. (TKTIS 1U SS '. i.:--. Thv M-iU:.-ailleel-: I -.-1. r..a.i.i. The M : '. 1 uppli iate the litl..-u:t:e- i..:: wr.- .' a. a : e .My let: : i-sur; ' khei-tv t-. se fit. Trustir. kier. ah'.,, i We have it . V iiee- - rally i r - t' r.K :iei.j. te matter tt :v. a r. e :: lc. Ti t - . r:' . ; onta-i-n-.itrment t--: r-aper it- U-. e a : l ei : i The til'st i en la: . ne ah . truck t ha ¬ ll ee puliiic k:ii-e-.s 1 :a-s. street were jus; as bad; a -u.lilen the tewh duck KKKI' VOI R EYKS ON THE MOUNTAINS The mountainous area of North Carolina has suffered along with other sections of the country insofar as development of its resort possibilities is concerned. The boom of six or seven years ago reach"! unprecedented heights and immediately after ward proceeded to reach unprecedented depths But keep your eyes on the mountainous district, 'iou're going to see some real Pro gress made this year. This is one time when it would pay the counties comprising that area, to get together and put across a constructive program of publicity. Thev would find it a mighty profitable proposition. The State. Aftt r vou -ly rueing the remain ing three blocks to the Rotary Club, I found I was one minute ahead of time. If i.h'ii) been late it would have cost me a dime---that s the tine im posed on late comers at thy Rotary Club now- All Rutaiiant- . vote for the politician Who aeVive.s correct time, it 11 be worth money to 'em. The doctor was telling the patient he wouM have to be .-rayed, when the patient spoke up: "there's no use in that. Get my wife, -he can see right tnroujjn me. DOUBLE MISTAKE At a negro revival meeting converts were coming down the aisle by the dozen. One color ed man strode down to the altar and knelt. He was barefooted and his two enormous feet stuck up behind him. In a moment the preacher started up the aisle, kneeling here and there beside the converts. The near sighted old man peered earnestly at the negro, patted him on tne shoulder and nuirmered, "Bless vou, broth er," Then, kneeling behind him and' putting a hand on each heel, he said. .-."And vou too little boys." The four convicted Brevard Bankers were delayed in getting to the state penitentiary be cause one of the four had "sinus trouble." It might be said that "" a new trial Was also the trouble when the Supreme Court de nied them a new trial LaM week when the weather was ! rather chilly, two farmers met in the j lobby of the First National Bank and one remarked to the other: "Why in j the world don't you shave sometimes?" I ' Well, I intended to this morning, t but the spring water was so danged coki i counin t. .11 it don t soon warm up I m gonna shear em off." I hardly believe there is anyone who enjoys laughing better than J. P. (Josh) Beam and M. G. (Monty) Stamey. They seem to get a real joy out of it. IT: Kil.'!:ri:x. -JKJKi TS Ti i KNIT eiRi.U. .' L'ditcr Tile VP-ji-'aitr.e! : i .i.mi , rtiewnat di-ai..p .'::'-tie- wjiu-ao c:;:r:e'i'- n v...ur editrta! i.-a-. :--ue et' Maivr 1-t. l!c'4 with ie:e:'ei!ee t t - ee 1 1 a: ;'t a-i ve rt i si :ir el'ed .in WaylU'sville It happehs th..t purchasc,i tins ad vertising i-eeause 1 felftha-t :t ' war worth the money. ;.nd 1 have always conducted by busine-s as I saw fit- 1 cannot conceive that you or your staff were the authors of this "write-up but to the contrary, I feel that it was the work of an organization that in my opinion ha-s done Waynesville more harm than good. When it becomes necessary for a governing body to dictate where and when I must spend my money for advertising, I am going" off the ad vertising market. Such a write-up is not very complimentary of the in tegrity of the ..Waynesville business V- U. verv : !.; Iv. P. II WAI.Kiai Uav.-.esv:::- N I a- -. . w;.? the work .of at;' r-rar-zatiett. 1 tit was the result of -eve-a :t;" vie'vs -with V'Usiness men wiri t y. pi-e-.ei :iie opinions as ' set forth in -, o'i:t'..-ial. The thought that m had' 'm m:nd was Ui help tbe: busims'. ma:: and 'nothing more; MAYTAG ing at Russell's uniform. I don't know what the lad was thinking of, but the expression on his face betrayed him, "Gee. I 'hope.-I get to wear one of them suits sometime, 'dev sho' is prutty.'- A teacher at school asked the class where elephants were found. One little fellow hoping to enlighten his teacher said: "Elephants are so oig cney never get lost and have to be found." BRIEF REMARKS Don t let hardship make you hard-boiled A lie travels by -airplane ; truth by tract or. The under-dog is often just where he be longs. ,.';: '...'.' ' j-; ' ' ':''; ' ;; ' P.etter religion in politics than politics in' religion. Who shows most her body-shows' least her wisdom. The wolf at the door should keep the stork away. Worrying is paying interest on trouble before it's due. "When the roll is called up yonder FEW'LL be there." The thorns I have reaped are of the tree I planted. Byron. Too bad vitamins were not put in pie in stead of spinach. These two were together in the of fice last week and talking about the time when Beam, then principal of Last Waynesville school, asked the audience at commencement to .stand and sing "The Star Speckled Banana " The next fall Stamey was making ah Armistice Day address at Hazelwood and. Beam whispered to him. just be fore the address hot to s.ay:.. "speckled.-banana.". During the cour.-e of the speech Stamey got to the place where he wanted to use "Star Span gled Banner" and to save his life he couldn t sav anything, but 'Star .speckled Banana." bank to cash a check. Teller- Just endorse it. please. WavhesvilU-WoTtinni Jn-.v .. to understand. You see, my hus band is flwav n nrl c--t 'Ul;. - ii, nil-, fcef iuc. He always takes care of these things. Teller That's all right. Just sign your name exactly as, you would vour letters and I'll give you the money. waynesville Woman-I think I un derstand. So she carefully wrote on the back of the check: "Vour loving Jane." Prices Reduced $89.50 iMARTIN ELECTRIC COMPANY r-s.TTSl n : i, Avy-i u oi If VOU Want SOmpthini-- h:i(;,l nn the vocal facilities trv to ssr fa-t tVioi following seiitenee : ' I saw six slim: ! slick slender sapplings." The contest that The Mountaineer is putting on is certainly creating some comment Few people realize how hard it is to keep errors out of a newspaper until they try finding some that they know are really there. One man called last week and Swore there were only six errors on the page. Another said there were four teen how s that for contrast? A sheikish looking young man ask ed a Haywood farmer in the court house last week what kind of tobacco he was going to plant this year. The farmer quickly realized the youth knew little about farming and said: " al, I don't know whether it it will be cigars, cigarettes or chew ing backer." It's alright, t . h nroiirl of rmp'c ancestors, but if th' stock is good it shouldn't be necessary" t mention th' fact!" "They Say" '' fr JiUbl'C Hea.Lh La,u,horiti and reputable physicians are pre Suack"" oatTnt hh!-K"" jy their warnings of the danger of quacks, patent medicines, and get-nch-quick specialists. These warnings cannet be given too often nor too loudly ii,'t i" 'S a. "asoni1n-f animal who forgets to reason when the situation most demands it. The trust and faith which the average person places in hearsay statements regarding patent medicine advertisements, specialists, and others of their ilk is one of the paradoxes of human intelligence. ' Than "they say" no two words when applied to the healing art do more damage- "They say" prescribes more medicine than the doctors m the country; and. incidentally kills more people. "They say ' that a certain old lady can remove warts by the pow-wow process; "they say" that this and the other is good for headaches; "they sayv that the-highly, "advertised doctor can cure any disease in any stage. "They say" and "thev say." And mill ions of otherwise sensible men and women, without asking proof, look up the sorceress, patent medicine, or quack, and spend their money to be cured of a disease they never were afflicted with. The wise person will seek for a more solid foundation for his health condition than "they say." When something goes wrong with his physiological machinery he- will consult a thoroughly Cimpetent physician. -From Health Bulletin. A S K YOUR D O C TOR I was rather amused this week whpn A. G. Russell, chief of police from Canton was standing in front of the court house, and a boy who had not seen all there us to see yet. s.tood gaz- ALEXANDER'S DRUG STORE Phones 53 & 54 Opposite Post Office

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