HFor Finding Errors In These Advertisements lp2LS 2J.A I is; i ilii i i: li SMITH'S CUT-HATE DRUG STORE The Rexall Drug Store Rig Values For Thurs., Fri.. Sat., & Mon. 2.k- HIack Draught . 15c $1.00 ( ardui 79c $1.00 -Q Wampoles i 35cCutex Q Preparation CitJK 3.c Ponds (ream .Wlc l.vsol 25c 21c $1.25 CreomuLsion 75 c Listerine . . 25c Tooth Paste, 2 tor J5c- li. ('. . 25c Fl.a 98c 59c 25c 17c 19c Can You Find 7 Errors On This Page? r u l e s 1. In Seven Advertisement on this page there is an error. uch as a misspelled word. Missing words DO NOT COUNT! 2. Head over the advertisements carefully and pick out the errors. List the error and the advertisement in which it was found. :!. Father bring, or mail to the Contest Editor not later than Monday noon following pub. lication date. 1. The cash award will be made each week immediately after the publication of the win ner for the week has been made. 5. The advertisements will ri'ii for one month, but a prize will be given each week. After a person wins one week he or she is not eligible for further competing. (i. Neatness and originality will be considered. Decision of the judges will be final. Nothing To Buy Nothing To Sell!! ! spring is here. . ihI lh.it ine.nw it'-, lime In build and rc !air your Iiohm', barn, car.tue or an other iililiM'.'.-. Fiiiin n-. Mini huildim proh. Inn- ;ind we'll ylacil. hcb) ou. Easter is April 1 so Order Your Easter Suit Now The "Dress Parade" is early this year. Right now is the time to be measured for your Easter clothes. See the rich assortment of distinctive new fabrics from Ka.hn Tailoring Company, Indianapolis and also Ed V. Price, cf Chicago. There's a patern and model to suit your personality; a price to suit your pocket; a suit to fit your body. Drop in! McCracken Clothing Company Outfitters for Men and Hoys, Shoes for the Entire Family. 3v.v.. i Mov eauipcd to do any sie r.'.i en ni!:.'h! have. There' - no !' 1 :i ". ". ! r w hi K av . i o-l r:i !l. The (lothes f basket And '""end Them To. Us- With cur modern machinery and up-to-date methods of cleanirg nnr ilolhes we don'! have In v, :.K.r neither Put Your! You'll Make No Mistake In i, a an d r y Ivin"; Any Of The Following; Worries i n a Slt! r?$rsr !ntrk SPECIALS For Thursday. I "iicl:i and Saturday we (die. these exceptional bargains. 11 will p.' jni to buy at the.-e prices I CI ' I -.'!- I m'. 7 r- or 111. a I Min.-;al l ( In L'fii. Mmilli V. .i-'i a 4 v . it yon, because we ir-wler a . rci ' i.a i'l: I e: H lie duplicated ,.im here. Wl; W. V'M.U CLOTHES ,- I. oi k U E Y 0 I Ii it., itl..U s.W F UiUtt WORRIES'. li a r I Ati'v. d': r. i. AKi; II A I d SK A n ii mill i in'1 in a i Hi iiiii nm i The.. Economic Strength of Our Community' Rank's- arc a jiart ol" the cinnomie blood and sin of all community life. Without banks com nir rce and industry could not carry on nor con tribute to the economic welfare of the people, In times of prosperity unusual demands upon financial institutions are few; therefore tlieir sta bility is considered a matter of fact. Hut when conditions drop to normal or below 'tis then the 'fundamental soundness, and foundation strength of a bank is tested. Ill- institution was built upon solid rock and built in .stand the lest ot both good 'tunes and bad t ints. With adequate resources it 'stands t i ; i a t!i-1 in ( ivc ini'r in I he proinotioit i i' local industry ititi i;niv.t:";H pr-nurc . Make this Ik-hK your'. Wayaesviile Laundry . I.auu;!r aad !rv ( leaning Service 1'hone -'" 4 c C Mr 1 I'- cilia - rl wl j, in. iir..;- I i ii 111 pole- c. i i -..i- ..ii win ic i ic-ljit' Soiip st ! , ! ! Is r f? Ferguson Grocery The Store That Gives You Service Every Day .lust telephone us and you can rest assured that your order will receive the best Attention i'iit).SF V.". V A W r.s ii.:.!', Backfired And Stalled! THONK I S FOR SIMI'TOMS Wjiatever the trouble, the simplest, mo-t certain way of clearing it up is to 'phone us. We'll come at the highest speed that "John Law" and his motorcycle will let us. . . Mak ing daily diagnoses and cures for automobile troubles is not only our business but our pride, too. Completely equipped to overhaul and repair automobiles regardless of their condition, you will find t.hat our charges are low and our mechanics are the most skilled in the cit v. I'iiOM; Hi Fir;?! Mm hrk i W hy walk and carry your groceries, w hen we I hc'ii on your kitchen table m 'i'.iUe true tur (iihi'.o'' it ur V . Complele Fine Of Standard Oil Co. of . ,. I'roducts Carrier! bv I s 4 f n ii . Other People' Save-Money Here Why Not You? This is our twelfth year in business and hun. dreds of people who have been steady custo mers all this time tell us they have saved money by trading here. A trial is all we ask. DRV (;O01)S SHOES READY-TO.W ARK NOTIONS FURNITURE" MEATS PRODUCE 1 N. Allen 1 Co, M :t: (Mi!. x. . p .: : V ' I ! M if :i:ift'J V 1 '.'. 7." , f-i 1 ' j V-:" J -A;- SlepOut In A MERIT SUIT 1111r .Niw Easter Suit is Hereits in stock in the newest of fabrics and shades. Iook them over before vou buv! ' $20to$22.50 BURGIN BROTHERS (General Merchandise Phone 33 1 y I l";ll -i "!e I - in ' l i 'v Malicv. ; Our .shoe Department is toniplete with all new styles and colors of lirownbill shoes and other leading brands. Ready-To- ear and Millinery arriving dailv for the Easter trade. J: M. Long HAZELWOOI), N. C. The Ladies Shop MRS. M. H. rkj: FS. Pn.p. In l obby Ol Jo. Ann ISeauty Shop It Pays to Look our Rest Special on all Standard Permanents Make Your Appoint ment Now lief ore the Easter Rush. WE SPECIALIZE IN ALL LINES OF BEAUTY WORK Jo Ann Beauty Shop Phone 63 i;ir '''iin:; (Ic.ii'. im:nHiri!i)te(i icceptii'i ihevc. U M.nieth-r v.,ng itl, Mi;ir Radi" ( all u. ;m(l let i:sj -k it over and if charges .'(' m.ule they will K reasonable. All Work Guaranteed TUIiES TESTED FREE AT SHOP ALL MODERN EQUIPMENT Wanoca Radio Shop 19 DEPOT ST. WAYNESVILLE S. A. Jones and L. F. Gebo. Owners MEMBER S Of Radio Manufacturers Service and Official Radio Service Mens Association Here's An Opportunity To Win $2.50 For Just Reading The Advertisements Carefully. if!: lill m III! ;u u l!