THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1931 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Pajte 7 (go to (Eljurrlt mtflaij Waynesville First Methodist Raul Hardin Jr., Raster. Church bel.ooi ai .'.-to "-- '.':-io a. slo-m Superintendent. We hayL. a '''lor each one of you, and wc jrpe vou to attend the Sunday school. Morning church service at 11 i .i- -ind the sermon subject lor av"rnS "Facing a Crisi," Porhar-s vou too have a crisis to face It would' make us happy it we eould help you. V fi-4" in the afternoon the young ,,0;,pk. 'meet They are always ftld have visitors. The evening' church service is at -. 0 At this service the pastor will ' -he text "Thev Ought Always to pray." And so we should. May we it !'. 'you why and how Or Wednesday evening at 7:30 we ,r,t;nue our discussion of Christianity ..r'd Industry in America. ,(1"in "he chapter, -Wages And Hours. Voo will find this discussion both in- beneficial resting an you like and our.- we urge at tht vital lurcher people '1 Wayiusvillc take interest in their respective We welcome you to all ,.t First Methodist. . L K X T aehcr in .Grata Episoo sf the sp. cia pr -a! church. On Wednesday, Mail ... r , end Harry Deny. ll Hector of St. 'iiillip.- chu-eh. Brevard. N. C.. will Grace Church in the reach here :r. r ii. m. Kvervboi lv 1 Mo.tntnin.- '- eol'diall.N invited to this vesper si the Rectm of Urovaril i 'oininunion with a mcdiiatit l, Rev. Albeit Now. -ame held . M i list . I Mile;: S M"ining Hector. I -vice. To i ser 'The Ha.elwood l'reshyteiian Kev. O. C. Lamlrum, Pastor suiiday Sclv-oJ, 1 1 oVdocl:. Meining - servicv 10: P' o'c. k , m-r service, I 'raver meet in : 1... ever' Woill.esday j .".(( in toe Ii. nathan CharjiC, M. South E. (hurihl Rev 'IV . M. ivobhms. Pastor e: .- iinday . Sclfool III '.'! 'id. Supt. ' , I. ir. Staekhou.-e, of ', p: each Sufltlav .'.'nek. 111., (ilonn A. , Lake dunalu.' morning at ka, 11 ilcmphill: Sunday School every Sund I'reacliing li 1st Sunday at ih'.vi- Chapel: iy Z p. m,j o p. m. Preaching every second Sunday at !l Zi:i,WOO!) WKSLKYAN" MKTH. ODLST CHURCH lo v. and M rs. Zenas Bean, Pastors Sunday School 10:00 a. m. I'icachin.g Service 11:00 ;i. 111. Voting Peoples' Services 7:00 p. m. 1'ieaching Service 7:30 p. 111. Prayer Meeting each Thursday - ning at 7 :!i0.. 1 iTIZENS BIBLE CLASS J. 15. Morgan. Teacher. Meets every Sunday morning at 10 - clock in law office of Morgan, Stanley nil Ward, opposite court house. All tho-e who are not affiliated with ny Sunday school urged to attend- Waynesville Presbyterian Dr. R. P. Walker Pastor. Sabbath School 9:45. Sermon 11 i. ni. Christian Endeavor ;30 p. m-Mid-week service of prayer We cs Jay 7:30 p. ni. i LOXG'S CHAPEL METHODIST CHURCH Lake Junaluska. N. C. F. O. Dryman. Pastor, Church School at 9:45. R. H. Ter- -ell- General Superintendent. Worship and Preaching at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ! Groups Meeting of Youns Peoples' Division at 7:00 p. m. Church Night Prayer Meeting each Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Cottage Night Prayer Meeting e?ch Thursday at 7:30 p. ni. Council and Board meeting subject to call- You will feel a friendly spirit here. Our people really worship. Both the congregation and the minister wel come you. Waynesville First Baptist Rev. H. W. Baucom. Pastor Sunday School, 9:45. Jack Messer Superintendent. Morning worship 11 a. m. . fi:30 all B. Y. P. U.'s of church meet. Evening worship 7:30 p. m. Mid-week prayer service 7:30 Wed nesday.: ' SU John's Catholic Waynesville Rev. Michael A. Carev Mass at 11 Sunday Mass, week days at 7:30 a. m. Hazelweod Baptist Rev. J. M. Woodward, Pastoi Sunday School, 9:45. Sermon 11 :0 and 7:30 1st and 3rd Smidays. R. Y. P. U.. 6:30. Prayer meeting 7:30 every Wedn.s y night. . " J IMPROVED JJi UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY chool Lesson (Bjr REV. p. R FITZWATKU. f"V D. Member of bUuliy, Moody Uibla Institute or Chicago ) C1. 1934, Wesiern Newspaper Union. Lesson for March 18 JESUS RESPONDS TO FAITH I.KSSOX TitXT -Mali. 1 3 : t -S - 1 4 : 1 S . h-i;:;i-:i. GOLDEN TlWr A-k an,! Riven 'yon, sock am! ye kneel; rw.,1 it idi.-ili Ce or you. Matt. 7:7. flUMARY TOI'ICJvmis Stranger. it shall 0 shall ftnvl. m to ; ;: i - a cold? 1 : .ist s l '. n 1 11 1 : nil K.r'!:. jumoi: Tori.;-'!:p:i i Jesus. in i'i:i:mi:dia'i i: a x i TOl'lC A )Ii!:h's l.ove ( youn.; riX'iM.i: -anh adi;lt IC Faith Tostd ..ail Triumph-t I. The Unbelief of Jesus' Own Coun trymen ( I.'! :,"i l ,".s). Jesus shared Hie common fate of me!), unacknowledged in In own coun try. Lon his own brothers did not believe in him nniil alior his resur rection, (.lolni 7:.". S; ei'. Aeis 1:1 P. lVeeauso of tins unbelief only a limited work could bo done il'ioro. II. Jesus Responding to the Faith cf the 1. the the Multitude lie relin lieus of (Ma d lo I. 11:1", II). the desert (v. niel tleiilli of J grief to the h iilidrow to a i oiniuuno with s'ls accepted .To his ow i, i:;v m1.11 art lac-" Hie ltaptist Jesus ai iiuietni" foil.: I 1 1 of ti heal only death :n- I'al in s .1 J. I 1 The p. in him Iowa d li. W I'l l li e people (. greatly inloi'e owoi hiiu on i::). -led foot that the: the eilii out of ;:. Je hi n I he is had bro -'abandon I aiid .Impel lini, none w (v. ken 1 l. u i ! h All hough I ho nil. ldlii, be did not Though desperate were brought lo 1 woi-k. cases found Faith ir. ji- too hard for . him. III. Jesus Responding of 3 Woman of to the (Matte. 31).. T. The iiiolhor'.s awful dislress (vv. IT, '-.'-). II or daiiulilor was grievously vexed with a devil. The daughter was tho one who was ai'flicled, hut it was the mother who carried tin burden. No doubt this ConiUe woiiiaii had heard of the laino (if Jesus. His power to heal had eiuuo lo her notion find doubtless many times she 'longed for him to come her way that her dausli tor might lie healed. Now that he was In her neighborhood she' came straight-, way to him. . t!. The mother's fervent appeal for help (.vv. 'Jo-"o). She humbly fell at his feet and pleaded for mercy. ; She besought 1 1 1 111 to cast the ilemon out. Her appeal ' may be nmsidered as ri model prayer. a. It. was sincere 'aiid earnest. From the depths of her heart she cried, to the Lord for help. b. It was brief and definite. In a few well chosen ivords sli.e besought the Lord In behalf of her daughter. c. It was personal and humble. The Lord is pleased when we beseech him in behalf ot 'personal, friends as well as ourselves. She came humbly, for according to Mark's leooiiiit she fell at his feet (Mark 7:f-o). d. It was believing and persislcnt. Though she was outside of the cove nant people, she believed the Lord would hoar it cry of need. All who accept Christ are Ids covenant .'people. She persistently begged help of the Lord. She would not accept a refusal. The Lord is pleased with the soul who will not let him go until tho blessln? Is granted (Luke 11:5-10, 1S:1 5). 3. The woman's faith reivnrded (vv. 20 2S). . a. Jesus' apparent refusal (v. 23). He ansvvered her not a word. This seems strange that to her distressing cry he was Irresponsive. Scarcely ever did anyone have to ask the second time. Frequently he did not wait to be asked. The reason for his i .silence, was that a real difficulty lay in the way. He was sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. This woman was a stranger to the covenant people. Her appenl was on the wrong basis. She addressed him as the son of Dnvld, which only a child of the kingdom, an Israelite, had 11 right to do. b. The woman's quick response (vv. 25-27). As soon as she perceived the difficulty she worshiped him as Lord and cried for help. While only the Israelite could approach him; as the sod of David, all can come to hm and own him as Lord. She willingly took ber place as a Gentile "dog." recog nizing that salvation Is of the Jews. The word for dog Is a diminutive term used for the pet or household dog which had a right to the crumbs which fell from the table. c. The glorious Issue of her faith (v. 2S). She received more than she asked. Her daughter was healed at once while the Instructions she re ceived were worth much to her. She goes down in htstnr.v with the Savior's commendnriin of lior fnith RICHLAND BAPTIST CHURCH Rpv. L. F. Clark, i'astor Preaching services first and third I Sundays Sunday school 10 meetirjr o'clock. 7:30 Thursday Prayer evenipff. Nobody's Hv GEE TROUBLE BREWINCi ..a congratulatkmal meeting of the members of rehober church of Mat rock was hell in the social room last night and right .-mart of trouble en sued since rev. hubbert benn called to higher priced field in cedar lane, the pullpil is vacant where he uster stand and preech- 1 . .yore cony spi ndent n.. mike Claik, rf l., the secker-tei ry v'.' the board an pr tern tieasure occupied the chair l ballot and called the meeting to order and st ted the purpose oi same, as followers: "we have met to consider calling another pa-tuwo re maining Vac in! cnlaiaisg the hal 1.. net' of t he dome -s:cn . .. i eh kilchen.-1 move,1, seconded by 'lis wife 1 1' call no p."-tuv. for 6 nn a lo et chei e or foul : h ai'.u it a. lie not ,it iijhs but 1 stiuiiav i'' lin.i tl'.e nee. i ' ntents. and i nil get bet ! i" nd pel l :'. aal rofl'e this way 1:11 tii t to promise ' Itlg l 111. p slUle m slipph oi nt -lib- moli.'n was . per tale d th ui 'in I he eliureli fo ,'tV -spring g. -in and shanu was in favo w h.i w oiilil pii low and of a n to - pen ble Ilia i or . in I'er ii clie ;p. ; 'nought t Man ehure v. grot" it auih! laise at i.i Uidmg hams or , vegetald tin u b tile dowr.. :he talk i in tie '.111' ha w , up I ha: ! in if l hey li.e -eile-. II" 'to any " I V ill.illH.'l-i the 1,-ole 'OMIlUll ol the i . bill 1, law: step 1 , 1 1 1 1 p 1 1 y in I w i ! , 1 111 1 1 a . I lot k I'm 1 1 rv - p. nd. j I WORK -. t; Itori YI-'.RV S OV I ' DAY TIM I '. . 1 1, 111 1 1 ni' uk I '1 1 'li Mill Hie, 1 I 111 ollii e 1 ari i ed :il itut it s that Vol looke.t. not an un a i in ve, been N I! A'. 1 oil! . o:d0 p in; As -0011 as 1110 I infer upon new lend Hugh S, .loliiison 1 Ye !. iilay evening was LET -It-might he 1 P il.! raise jjieniy oi miiis i eai imu t am not convinced that it is I have things to help make gar dens and crops: Seeds, Plows, Hoes and most things needed. W. T. Denton Denton's Hardware Legal Advertisements NOTD i: OK EXLCUTION SALE NORTH CAROLINA. HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR ( OURT. .1. J. BRICKHOUSE I . - vs. " : I -: U. H. FERGUSON. I By virtue of an execution directed . to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Wake County in the above, entitled action, I will on Monday, the 2nd day of April, 1934 at twelve o'clock," noon at the Court House door in Waynesville, North Car olina, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution, all the right, title and interest which the said U. H. P'erguson. the defendant, has in the following described real estate, to-wit: FIRST , TRACT: In Hayvood County, adjoining the land-; of Ane line Haynes, et als.; BEGINNING on a stone standing by a large chestnut stump with pointers on top of Rich Mountain, the fame being: the 76 acre tract of land conveyed to the parties of the first part to the heir of Joseph P. Ford, and runs as follows : N. 20 10' W. 9 poles; N, oo E. 15 poles. 8 links to a whit- oak; N. 29 45' W, 20i poles; N. 4r vr. y& poles; N- 62 30' E. 9 pole-; N. 29 E 12 poles; N. 21 30' E. 14 poles; N. 34 .15' E. 12 poles to r. '.take; thence N. Var Mi) 28 $ po'es to a chestnut; thence W. (Var Z 45') 321 pok to a a stone in the boundary' line of the old Osborne tract; tlHince S. (Va?. 45 ) 120 poles to a stake, corner of the 76 acre tract; thence E. with the Northern boundary line of said 76 Business Met; EE. u.-ual evening: l ii nt door it with ne. p. m 1 entered the mill the fol- U wing show niv sch e hde of service: did onlv as.l was told to di: 1 . . "Daddy . plea e ti my scales." '2.. "Vou t ergot to fetch the egg for breakfast." :; . . 'Wo tip stairs and let down the window in the bathroom." 4.. "Write a check lor the ash. ei w oman.' 4. "Why don't you answer that i phone" j o . ."Go put a new w . slier on kilch I en sink spigot." ' 7.. "See if you car. catch them 'J. t toK! hens in tile 'ack yit'd." 1 s . "Air you net going to till tin mrr.acc'.'" i i :ii '.'in tnat p et U' ; tie ug 10. .lhi.ld ' 1 heal yard " 'Cut .. closet; "Mae - book." . "'I'lli n a .1:11:0 running bulb Imen babv' you r I pew i iter Klin iloiMi town an.! " Answ " I'hc ! oelll," "( 'ellle C! the -hade phe 17 llltlsli s i.lllli.l I:' is down and h a mi ; 0' raun elf 1'.. I , " i IV Ha ,1 piil Ha Y.M I. f' put i'li ,-k I. p 01 III 111!' 'II I rk lo 1 III a I' eft' hoi re--ei I i in ( . I . !' to I. Till - 1 ' m 1 1 1 ITU 1 sponsi.l-cd by I It Hardware. US EAT a - good idea not to . A .. .. --4 K.fJ I -. .acre tract (Var. 2 15) ;iOi'i poles to the place of lieginninR', enntaining 2.H acres more or less. SECOND TRACT: Also a certain tract, lot or parcel of land owned by U. H. Ferguson on the head waters of Fines (leek; bound on the West by Glenn Palmer and Lawrence Rus on the North by the lands of Boyce anil the Madison County line, on the East by the Madison County line and II '. Kersuson and on the South by M. M. Noland. beiiiK alL and every of the lands owned by U. H. Ferguson on the waters of Fine. Creek. containing 120 .acres more ot ic s This March 6th, 19" 14. .1. A. LOWE, SherifT of Haywood County. .No. 174 Mar H-15-22-29. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE -H;,- ing. -qualified as Admiristrator of th .Estate of Dr. Cha?. H. Mc Dowell, dt'ieaed. late, of Hnywood County. N C. this is to notify all persona havinp claims against said estate to exhibit them to the under, signed at its ' flice in Asheville, N. C on or before the Kth day March, 1933. or this notice will be plead in bar ol their recovery. I All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This the 8th day of March, 19J4- ' wachovia bank and trust COMPANY. AHminlstr.itar of the Estate of Dr. Chan. H. McDowell. No. 171 Mar. 8-15-22-29-Apr. 5-12 STATE OK NORTH CAROLINA, DEPARTMENT OF STATE Certificate of Filing of Consent by Stockholders to Dissolution To All To Whom These Presents Come G reet ine : May I I , Whereas, it appears to my .-atis-j faction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary, dissolution thereof denosited in my i office the I'nagusta Manufacturing Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated in the town of llaelwood County of Haywood. State of North Carolina. ( R 1.. Pivvost beiinr the agent then in and in charge theieof upon whom process may be .-eivedl, h,s complied with the requirements of Chapter "J "J of the Consolidate.! Statutes prelim inary to the issuing ot this i crime. ue ; hit sin h consent lias ocen tiled- Now , i he eioic. i. St.u ey W. Wade Societal y of the State of North Car otin do hoichy celt if y that the said corporation did on the nth day of rVbiuarv, 1P:I1 til,, in niv oilice a duly e w nt ing there-: utt ,. tl d alio lis Itcsted .'lis 'lit HI said cor ihan two- '.. eilleii ntelest licit sail tl'.e pi. n li'e 11 Ml the s'loekhi'ldei s ert ilicale and the lllllgS i sai, ale U" i.ronb.l as law. In horel' Tosliniony Where. 1 sei niv hand and 1 1 ia e llbx 11 1- 'iliei.i I seal, a! Kaleic !i tin- d: b d.'V leruai y. I I'd I S l'ACi-ii W . W AIM Seercl.'i r ,.if St I till bob S l,vJJ-M,u. 1 ADM I.N IS I R A ll.n ing niialiuo. the e-lriU' of TOR'S NO 1 11 I I a - ad 111 111 is! rat. . II Nieh' 'I-, de ceaseo ha im the d. unde i of Ma this . to not 1 1 against to 'evhtb: all pel's, .lis he eslate of '.hem to the Ih. -lb day I IV 1 1 1 eh .' 1 1 er this II 'I li'e V claim. C. -aid it: 1 1 n tut ill bv ol li.h bled a 1 1 a I Hie MR -1 1 Mar, h, I'. .: 1 U. n 1 1 : n I'M 111- will 1. N I ; 1 1 O 1 S A. Mai. niii ti.ilor- "I 1 In- c- !.:i I e "' II. Niehol . ,!eee.,-,d. s 1:.-:- : , . : 1 XOI li ill O i; I !l 1 iiol ,1 A V ( if ll WO. U. r 1 i ' 1 1 r 1 1 N i 1 ii;t; i- ni 1: si it Ku i: 1 ot 1; 1 I . hi o I ! I IT N A the id,'! II enda SON s id, ( iT I' aieiii 1 i ii.., .Sl I pel N01 1 f II to i. 1, 1 in.. tia i,l d lb l.!l.lon- llelelo.l'ot'e e le I 1 1 .11.! III. lak, 'not d. fend. nit will I bit I' she 1 If -1 -' ' 1 .1 I ... n pi'ea r at I he "Ih. e " ! 1 1"' !' be Supei loi I 'on' 1 of -11111 ,li 1 b,, I '.'ill I II. ti o in W a -N.uHi Carolina on Hie I-, May , I '.LI I and un wer or .1. I he t-oin plai nl in raid act ion plain! ill' w ill apply lo thy Clel'k ', Clin I llesVlli, d.l of 111 11 1' 1' or the ( 0111 ! for the i .-! i. f ili ili. i iide.l in -. ill. I Ulipl "I 111 ml. Hi. I. 1 da . f March ll'-H. w c. i;y i- rs i i i: of 1 1 :i vw o. I lei k 'iilllll V, No." I" Super N, ('. o Ma i .. s I.. ::.' Ni Mil I (IK I ri'i 1 1 ARDON aTIon KR Nolle is i liei oby given thai the undeisigiieil; will apply. for the pardon of, Ralplr llighfnwci, who was -en-leiiced to serve Iwo years on the road.s for a violation of fli,. Ri-ohibition Laws. All persons opposing said pardon will please fiuw'ard their ob ieeliiiir to tin ( 'oniniissiimei oi i'ar lion at Rab'igh, N C. This the .Mb dav -of March, I'.'dl MRS CKR'l'RCDK, IllCH IDU K.R N... I ,'i Mar S-lo Ni il K I. l.'Ni' K ol sale . f Trust CA LITE tee. dat. rocoriloil of Hoods ( iir.ilina default I llient of t hereby OK KOREOI.oSt RI-: SALE l; .and by virtue of the power ntained in a certain 1 Iced fit.m .1. 11. RACK iind wife RACK to A. T. Ward. Trus d November '!'. 19:12. and in the oilice of the Registei i'or Haywood ( 'utility, North in Book No ol on nage -1X6, .ving been made in the pay tbe notes and indebtedness -ectireil and demand having been made for payment of same, and the holders theieof having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at the Court House door in the City of Waynesville. Haywood County,-North Carolina... at 12 o'clock noon, oil Saturday. March 24. 1934, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash, :it public auction, a certain lot or parcel of land in Waynesville .1 own ship,. Haywood County. North Caro lina, described as follows: BEGINNING on a stake near crab apple on the East bank of Allen's creek above Ford of rrwk; thence North and down public road S poles; thence North 12 1- West 22 poles North 37 East 21 poles and 5 to a stake. 'in Lot No. TI; thence with line of said Lot North 77V- West .'!1 4-o poles to center of creek ; thence up and with the center of paid creek to the BEGINNING corner,.'.' The above leinff the -same lot of land de-cribed in the Deed of Trust. This the 20th dav of Febmary. 1934 A T. WARD. . - ' . Trustee. No. 161 Mar. 1-8-15-22. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in a consent iudimient entered by His Honor. Felix E. Alley, Judge presidinur, on the 18th day of December, 1933, in an action entitled "Lucy A White Hyatt v. Insured Mortgage Bond Corpor ation of North Carolina, et al., the nr.Hf r.siirned Trustees will On MONDAY, the 26th day of MARCH. 1934, at eleven o'clock A. M. at the Court House door in tht town of , Waynesville. N. C. offer for sale at public auction to the highest bid der for cash, the following describ ed lands and premises, to-wit: Lying and beinu in the town of Waynesville. Haywood County, North Carolina: Beginning at a stake in the South west side line of Daisy Avenue, 229.5 feet from the corner of the Oak Street in the Oak Forest Addition to the town of Waynesville; thence S. 31 dei. 8' W. fJOO feet to a stake; thence N. ;")S deg .VJ.' West 7" feet to a stake; thence N. "1 deg. 08 K. feet tn ii stake in the side line of Daisy Av enue; thence along the Southwest lino of Daisy Avenue 7," feet to the be ginning. The aforo-aid sale i.- not only made pur-uant to the teini- of the judg ment heiein referred to, but also pur. uant to the terms ot a deed of trust executed by Lucy A. White Hyatt ti the Insured Mortgage Bond Corpora tion anil others Trustees, which 1-1 registered in P ok He pag t .Jlice HaVWOilil Keg 1st ci ot unity. Tills '.rd day "f Fe' liisured Moitgage iili.m of .North 1 1 li a lloi. I ol pol - a. l'rus- No. 1( lai 1 s-i: NH l it K 01 Sl'MMi (NS STAT K OK NOR I'll CAROl.l N A. COl NTV OK HAYWOOD IN T11K SI' Pi- UloR 1 ni l! V MAUN M. Ri: I'l l 's Ai i a 1; i ' ii. 1:1.1... Tilt. dt'felltl.Uli, Al'.ll't t ,. li' '.i.i, HI the above eutilled iieMoi:, w',7 iako n.otiee tha, all aelion er.l.'e.led a. abote lias,. Court of flint. b .iga.iist I'lllpose ai:ain.-t lule .h . omillellCi 1 .11 -Uiici'loe . w ood 1 '"in ! v , North Cai an.ill, Mary M. Keveli. aid tielt llti-.U". lol' the -oeui :nc jU'lgniein , 'idan. :' : an, als -n Hie e .'o'!' i - if two ,1: ; in ' - .,1 ,!,:', ndan! ake I...:-.,. :l,:,t la' is iine'im; , .... ;,; : ,, . llice I' the Sim . : r '' a. .1 .0' .1 N. ' . : 1 ..'. ;.: a, at -' , ...y , . liV on ol" Mai '' ' and nii.i: : ' r-' . neaui' If. ,'i, i -. , , ... Hon, Wii! . ,a':: '-. :'". C aid ie'li. ' ,ald i, ,t.u o : i 1 " .,.,' e in ; : . 1;. 1 i'K.S 1 ( e: . ' I i , ;. e. .-1 C.iodn... , 1 . I s I th ' Id f veil 1 opal 111 1 he d I" 'I! .pill the l-k of plaini 1 tiipiiiin I Hi H . 1 Hi o,' M I ' i la:' U..l d Mr-. I'O!!' iliid . I :. S 11- tile roll I 1 t Km ibi: il i .ef.U't : illg day of ! le lull dUV MISS l.olf MRS li. c, , ll! .'1 .11 lie v S Hill i-ohl. ' ir.f. i Kol'. I ' : li Mile III'. I.i' M r- N, - M. NOTICE OK SI MMON'S STATE Ol'' NORTH CAROLINA ol N OK HAY WOOD. IN THE. Sl'I'K.RIOR i'Cl r; V. IIAMRICK, I'lainlill'. i KT. V... FONCIE w urn I lefi'.nda nt . The defendant, lick, in the allow' II A MR l( K White Hani I action, wil e en! n :in ac! take notice (ha! alioy.' has iieoii :i entitled is miiiei.ceil in th Superior Court ol' Haywood County. Ninth Carolina, by t be' pla i lit ill'. 1'. V. Ilamiick, ag'iin I the .-aid ilefendan! K'niieie White, llamriek, for the pur liiise "I' securing 'judgtiient '.against saiil (lefoiiilant for an absolii; ,, , li voice on the grounds of (., t ion : thai - ml defend.-!! lake Hot-ire Ilia! ( lie ii and appear at t he . lb. , of tin- Supei no ( ' . ( '.unity , Nola h I 'aioiit.e H..U e in U a ne -i rib ilai of I i, a -epara-itirthi'!' d to lM' Clerk u 1 1 ; quir, of rh ,,; ll .. u'.hhI i oiirl L'Mth or on pi .in ii'ittitT .lellllll t. the ' - ti pla i n! th,. lilt' bled in - ml : lo If. in hi- fli! b . tie will apply i it'iii il in Ii-i I Till Hie colli -aid n l of K. oi I he relief .inplaim. briiar, . I'.id l. RYKItS oui! of Hav dina ' : U . C. ( lei k of the Superior. iod Countv . North Cun No. lbb 'Mar. I-S--LV NOTICE 'OF T HUSTLE'S SALE-' (In Monday, .March ISth.. I934. at eleven o'clock. A. M. at .; the. court house door in the town of .'-.Waynesville. in Haywood County, North Carolina, the undersigned trustee will sell at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash the following do-crihed lands and premises, to-wit : . Lying tnd being in HaywaxHi Coun ty.. N- ( ;, in the town ot tl.azeiwooa.- and BEGINNING at a stake un the West margin of . Brown Avenue 100 fe't North of the North margin .of' Geor gia Avenue- and runs theiice with the West margin of Brown Avenue. N. 8 30' E. 1U0 feet, to a stake; thence with the line between lof- No.-. 2 and 3, N, SI '' '30', We 265 fee! to a stake in center of Railroad ; thence wit h the center of the railroad in a Southerly iliieetion 101 feet to a stake; corner of lot No. 1 ; thence with line ot lot. No. 1 ami 2. S. H 30' E. 274 feet to the BEGINNING.' BEING the sam,. trai t of land conveyed to Rachel L. I'nderwoOtl by J. R Morgan, et a!, by d-ed dated the 15th day of June, 1920- and "recorded in the office' ot the Register of Deeds of -Haywood Countv. in Book 74, page BElNt. U Nq 2, in Block VII, us perurTey and map of J. N. Shoo'.bmi, dateti December. 1922, and recorded :n Man B,H-k "B." Index "G." of sum county and State. f Sale -made '.pursuant ;,t.v power M .'..nferrt-tl uuon the u:-.!t rsignet trustee by a deed of uu V.v hel L. I'nderwood at 1 txecuiea husband I I'nderwood. dated August' IS, 1931,' and recorded in B --k tn,. page 274, Record of .Deeds..-: v Hayw.xl County. ..-.:,", This the 10th day of February. 19:. M. G. STAMLY . Tru.-tf. - ;. No ldJ-Feb. 22-M.i i-l''-. .