The lk'st Advi'i'tisint; Medium In Haywood Counl- -Puldished At The Eastern Entrance of 1 lie (ireat Smoky Mountains National Fail, lieaii l) 'I'n ink i iil Pcok NO. lti WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA BRIEF NEWS ITEMS i ,. ! resident U-MM-u-U .--lti)!"-''' iniv i , between capital and labu.-!--ua ;,r..l won u pi"'isv the . ' I,!r, ;V vt an extension f pu-s-, ' .i'k:- tuiiii next Jan. 1 and halted -,',' n .nuriiy the plans of 5i'-0nl au ;,.,. K"i'!u'i t, vine - d:.. r.-.-fiv ltdiowiujr :u';!iiu i'V i'-a. ,i;v New ork ilcpaltnicll! Stoic.-, . "v. Woi.hvurth company aiuu-u..-,r,l u-u-vday thai .nipoi'.al i"ii of lie i niaa -'.h-.Is lecu ' di. -continue 1 Sun .1:. r action had been ti-kcn by U j ..y and Co., Inc., Gimhii i;,', i-, 11 cam's depart m i:t .-.tore im;,( ,!,. Brother- and olhei s. ,, .'i.iiu-i'tl oik' per cent .-ale.- tax Ul. , v rwhcluiingly defeated in I mUnU'ilial i-U'ctioii ai , rm- a - i .hi.' Dam. .Manama ji'mviu.i, , I : n.iwaiii r Uut'ini Kninia of I ! ;TJli t- n, ;k tln'tl ul lirm hiu i ui'.-iiay ni tin- ai' of 7.. 11,'tlaiiim they ai',. without '-funds. .,n, unable- to ujiport thfmsidvcs. the iiiu.nts of Mary Astur. film aetix's.-,, .unlay tiled -uit in superior court lor .iiaintfli..licc from their daughter. The parents, in the complaint, al-.. aT'. .i Ah-.- Astur. known in pnx ate. ate as l.tnil.' V. 1 hurpe, owns plop- ,'ity value! at laU.Otltl anil t-arn. . SI ."iiio a week. Seven per. t.ns perishe.l ycstei day in , telleliient house tire .... the upper Kitst Side. Nek York, brinndiiK to 25 the number of deaths from similar fires iii the last six weeks. ! Rnbc-t and Marjorie Switz, voung! A 'th, nJ pals a, the Kmitest. cspu.nage plot, ,-tt-L in,,,,,,-.. . .a, .-.f.- tieu because ot the revelation oK the ruip activities, m l-ranee, KiiKliiml, ;1iui th,.' L-nited States. . A .-law -.paas- d in ISSil, makes it possible to grant; p,rdun to suspected spies .who con- less ami implicate others .bet ore they ' arc brnuKlit to trial . , .... , , ... , , Asheville tohacco men an-iof Hi. u it. . u . i.ttftuut Lilt V ail- l- ing tu lease the Citizens Lumber Com-' ua iiv v, ai. ' in Hiltmoiv for the operation of hurley : warhouse next : fall. T!ie warehouse will he the third ai ; men hcr-i Wievilli' market. .The three .). H. Hanks. It. .M Shop. ':' -ant,'l-'y. ' harlot re News .-aid Sur.dav iere was "rising sentiment for -.a AloMison to be returned to ii m llKllii as governor of North at.", Koi-nier (iovernor Alorri- .lid not be reached for a state- . I K- S, l.angley. Th, a aa Kal. 1 'a:'- onie .if' the federal the -Jim'- eight and a half a' the cuirent fiscal vear.. 1 t ho tnltd ..r t h.. ...ltit-i. nrc- v.ioiH tiscal year. Total receipts for lb., iisi-al year to. Al..rch l'i were 1 I'J o I.'i.PK:! iiiniparcd with I U7II, - ,;!''.712 in the 12 months that -ended lun.- Ill i;c;:l ' "- ,, .,. -.'.- of govci iinient work 'fo-f the' hist , ,-' ;V,diaiu. 1 hilupe. a repai rnian, was , (,(. .. wa(., jiuI,u,(1 tJl!; tupped tor 4.) minutes in. a bakers,:, o,,t to "ee p' eceil'.iit w b.-n c,.'o l-cts "veil m New York, when he. was -un-.f,, : Lh.. Jri vear 'ginning July ' able to crawl nut a Ki-inch pipej'i 'wi.cii ne went thiough to -.the oven to make. i'e)-iir.s-. The temperature of the ...ven .wa.s dob degrees. The front t the oven was torn, away by tire. '1!"i:. i'hilune is in a serious, condii t ion. In 1 2 ;1 21.780 acres of fores da nd was burned, according to sta vi-tics reltiased bv the state depart men. ,,f . Mh,.,..,.',.: .r,.t me t T K ; . i .. i a 1 ' X . lit t Ul Illtl Lf(J Uilllitlt VV 41- -at ?:'.,::.;!,47tJ. Special Junior Order Program '-'V ' special program '-of entertain will !. given next Tuesday ev. v. ttg, Maul, .27. at the meeting of ;nc Junior Order United American oMechanics: at - 7 :',). o'clock at the hall en Main .street.: This, fill K,. l.....i... . 1 ., 1 " . ot . tx l.u.-l less i.ini sut,.t nioeting anil a treat is in store, for Jl UK-Ill hni.o D. , .. .!,..,. 1 Ill- U ." - Afct. -i i trpo uicil tta ktoi -eivi-1 after the program. Hr. S. P. Gay Given , I I! 1- 1 ' ' - I.r.; .S. Pi Gay-was made a niemher will lie in : Xorth (' rolira' ab'-ait 'three of the Southern .Academy nf Peri-' days, perhaps four. They afi' while attending' the mid- uled to enter the .ctateV'ii- Friday, 2.'!rd. P,, session of the Thomas Hinman j at " the ' Virginia liri". atul i' i-' f-' 1 bnic at Atlanta list week.. ''.-.. : pp. ted that they will r -J'" -')0 : e p until the mid-winter session of ' mile.--. in about two days. ,,e -clinic- there were unlv eight i ..'"-lusts m North Carolina that were members r,f the academy, Dr. Gay air) one other Carolinian xvere given m .,.-! . hi p.. thi. year. I ElMSl. ATI HE CANDIDATE N4 ? " 4 -4 1 ft OK A I. .. i vl l-.S Oral L ates h Seeking Nomination For Representative -i-,, ,; :l. ,, ..,,..,,,.,,.., R( , ,lUiv;. ,jt ,), al .. 'anion ai;o iu this campaign Vau,. ! WirlnmnK next Sunday and elo.-niK, M, V;;t, - j, ., i..VWo.-.. ...unly -M'l'il l.-t.. This is also the plan of ,.,,, i,.lv,-is . 1,,.l.:n '.,, ,.,,.,,.,,,) j j the Waynesville and I'resbyterian aid thl. ,.lia.)tv alli Vl.M m,, f t,,0 ;j ' Kpiscopal churcht-s. ' s of h !s life here- : I'-Vannelism and t'hnsinm ( au.en H..' received his euii.a! am at (lvde'sh,l' w'H he em phasi.ed lurillr- this Mi S. Ii.i.d raid i- a e ra.lm.te -.!' V. i ''llil1'-. Tim week f special :-ei - ( ' T. I', at I'liSliiwhet. Aft, r lini h- ' .it 1'u ow !".' he' l-aue h! at t ie Ma.jn - ie district -.-ho,,! and also at I ihe Wavnesvii!,. Tiavn-hip School- Fur the'iva-t u.hi avr, die has been tonnet led wit Ii the clei 'ca! depart.'. , n-.ont of the Southern Kailwav funu pany. ' r ., , , -, j ",' k.KisIlltu . mivi,in ;uul whiie . there, tltvitlwl to eck the nomination in Junt, f((I. ;l. iv(,. , lh( t ,Vw monlhs h has,' num. erous Raleich and Washing. to ;'i 1, f ' ' V "d V.-T" I t n.att Ut will lai, ouK up 1 . ,.';., .:. . : 1 ' , .. l0U1" -Mr.. 1 ate- is the .-(in id Mr and i jus. i. 1,1 sues. lie is .1 nieiniier tht. i,aVis n,ap,., M(.th)Mist church; . t J hiinitlUKI HllirP ( ( 1 1IIIJ1UII 1 JUl X? CUt 4 J J ,A. iAvarueu v umraci .Th,. i hampian Kibie Conipanv was -. awarded goveinnunt . contract; hist ; week on ,,., ..::,!:.. sllin.T'.M or about la cent of the .-utile letting1 .,!' s27a'ui f,.r U,.. ;:h,ee month pe- riod Li Kauiing Ai: il I , accoiil ing to- it t..i t'r'.m W';.- I,iiig!..n. )in to idenlieal bid-, the bia- iia co i . leen hei' I .a., a - i" -,: f'ei.: aa i v lib and ' or;;vfeit ,:,;'l:,v!i( i ciiaiunaa and fvi,: .. -en'aii , l,a.-n- 1 i(h: oli Xoiti, (.'arolln::, is vice : iScv - "v:'-'y '- i . reject ch :i lila.a. na-. 1..-. t i' in.' e: incy- tir'f.l 1 6't f j j coasidcr the io.k. . j ' It - was linally liieii.' miiu'd . . .reject ; i -hals of ad c mpaiii-c- win. h have 1 h'o'l con .'oi'iiu d o the NKA cod,, ami : Mi. divide the work am., itg : he others j in -jii-!'porte,.n f tlu.r pn.-'ratu partsjoi of giiveriiliieiiV. woiui f, ,f' I he ' last i. are let Road Commission Expected To Arri e Here This Sunday The .commission for t ire J. edci al I nnit'lU which will decide i the location of ihe p irt-to'-PaH;' -cenic route, is expected vicinity either Sunday ot .Monday, at w hich time the---members will get a gene.ral view uf .the pr.-ipto.'d . route a presentt 1 them in lJai'innue b. the State Highway llcpartiiient. itinl of ficials recently, ", ' .-..' 1- lank .VI iller. irember- of 'Ii" State : ! liignway -tt .pari men t sa:d:tnat tilaiu that about ten fifteen -.Voubl he t i. the '.flicial pav'ty .which woiui. 1 in-i 'elude Jciife-cntiit ives. of the :d'-p ii:t-i let:', retiorters 'Th.o statf. is nd. others i r n - --n . ng tra n-por- .e.. :.., 1. .. ... . 'VZ' :.,a'.V ' ,,''Z,X' i:t ;'''. - V '... - ".'.. o. ... I a..,,-.- ,,.;i o '...,..n-.-. tbi .-,.,;.'.. i ,'mi: assist then! in anv wav posi- I hie; The commi-slon wid nm- at .this 'timi. make the trip ovi r the tVail.- hut will drive on ithe . i oad.- a - near - 'the III - .. t'.,. p., a. :i let possible j. and later engineers on i,..i --. ' a. k will I traverse.; the'- out-. It is expected that tile offi. i;di Xo formal t ntertainmt -r, ..tares will .'a- tiv tl t'a' commissioif in 'he state. As' was ie.Uestd; because they want to devote aid T ; linie t:vi to business. Haywood Pastors, Laymen To Aioet r At Lake ( '.:uni . ide ( hii-uon ( nisade V ill i;t Discussed At Mi!:;KT-IVi't inn i'.i .aviiu tn.nat u,n a i a . 1 . , r i aiwi na'..'V. of llaw.eed 1,'HU- Mclha . f . ! n i I i 1 1 lv i i tn Slll'l'vl' V! h, i -lh' -hu:-ll. juntv iia-- i'l'fa i tour laym'i', aii .1 t lull', la's. ., .v;li I'f an I '.Ilia l.lllli' a a i't ', .m. 'ii I la ud.a, U I . 1 1: 1 1 lo H . , n: Yavm'.s ill.'. 1 ' tyuoo i i i tiiii 'M. fill' 1)1.1 I IH, m.iimii,., i . t lit- ..s.T-' A.MH ia- f thf uiilhi'riiiL; .- ( ili.-fu-s .i ni.' taui'iit known as the (' i -n.-han i rus.itli'. l'lan: fur 1 1 1 i - ri ;,adi' ha- tu-.-ii dt'- i 1 . . i i 1 1 f...- .s,,ral tr.i.nth.-. l-altli fliurrh in fin' i.'iiir.y im- .u'tii ii-kt'il to n.iiilutt a st al ui.-k t.f M'lvift's, hfninninn' April !-:. and t',intinumy : diiily ftif i. lie v,ik. In -ann' install- it's the w,,'lt l.f, nnn.K n,.t S-nday will lv tod. - All the chim-he V ttni nt- u.-cii. i no c iu rent's n Vll'''s w 1 ! 1 ! "' ' -oiidueted by t he pa; - vaiiou "' iain, :, el Hi. chureht . - 17 AHftlll'l QwtlH 1 ' AUllUl OlUUl rl.I;M', C)y,I,IWJ 1 1 "aillin OCIlOOl nf the Boy:. Seoul t raining cho.,1 will be held at o'clock with A. W Allen, iseont execu. tive of Ashevilte having charge. j , .. J;:!:?,. 1 "".'r'11."11. . !ii:V;i",llTn !"'" I " " , " 7 ,thu' tssion .in. I a deal ot enUiu-l asm was shown. Methods ot con-! ductfny; troop- op. ir.ngs atul activity urame.s together with a feature talK mi I what boy want and expect by Mr, A I .... 1. ..I. I :..!. . ... a,. ...... , , w tug-lit s session. 'Si.viir!il".,i..'v' I., tit.. ....mill. mil u ii'av'e have stated that tiny inu nd to take. the ciair-e beginning with limight.: tie .. , beginning w,ti, i,,ight ' Those in attendance la.-t 'l'hiir.-day V r ' 1 'V ' V V VL i , ., ' V ': ' ' u '11' ,,,'"Vl ' V,"1 ''',' 1 ' U' 1!al" 'l'"' ) "' , ' , ',, U' ' 't'";h"1 ' ' MwdHim,." cv K, i -'p K ' '""' ' "''atlieiliv. 1 !ll'; e ;:)" im .-'ta I . j- ..M :gs t ..n vi)a lever '-.r. taki : he; .Co:, 1 ,-. ' " Were: J. r. lic.m, I.. Koy Pavi-. .. A. Delinquent Taxes To tBe - Advertised Apnlr jFiilhin This County ; " a. - . ,,,lrl lit ilivl H 'I !.!.Cl 1 1 . 1 fi Ef i 3H 1 HIS I (HjntV . - ' . : . -Aiembe-ns o; : . e.,uu' ' a -. . eol- 'i'"1 f oluci-'; h.-i are laiMiy. ngiiged .ncnniu i ne t oi uenniiueiii iax- P ;y 11 s an ' ne new siiafici-. m i tie Pi'Vers f.,r ttM- newsii: ccunt y which will, bog,,'in- on. Thii r.-dav ; A nr All win. have not pai iiivfitl.-ing. ""Ii. lid men u..J .axes r,y .tprir nii will W aciveri is.'O. ..... r...,-v. ,. ... ii'itoi rioin a group nl names, ea.eli ternra-- iiiavor , f i lie cil v Jm.jUcnt list in the .following ; town- ,:f' -will' be S.iilis(,re,l bv a local1.: ,( ;'."' ' ',( , ,.;V1. , ' u ., ,.if.,.,,.,( ,h:!,H aS;;v,,'.'V'i: (',y,i' .;''"" .l'U,r'r'Hrehant. - A emmit '.e of Ihe I'. T. I ,-, , , sent: t ,y of Haw nod' cuiifv. ly Hill, White .Oak, Jonathan, mes A. will within the next few days visit . . y icon. mhuu-i'i',;, aii: .. a.aioo. canu.n I'.inei'pn-i' w ill carry, the list ri om. lioaveriiam.. t igcmi ( ecii, and . Ka" latitat ion And Det lam.iti.m ( (intest field At l ines Creek .Miss Ruth. Roger;. w:i the ptize .for mo leader- . and I e I Sailord wa.- awareded the piixe for. decianners in - the recit.'ition 'leciitrriiititin eon- ' ., . u. i.a ... .u.. !.:.' . -.- a .(::.. . in i-i i .it tin: rii.i-s . i .'OK i i i it n i S' liool last week "'Alis-t koeersV-uiect wa "Jiminv! ricket-" and: Air.. Saffonl g;. "The li dlroad Cii -ing. r- , presented five dollar.-. Other- taking part ' in .' the ,n test Ruth : Mao IJogors ' 'Francis.-' James, Kona Kin , J,.!,,.. iaKsn, Ivddie- AValker. Hiliv : M. f it V. RtC F'oguson. Judges for the , ednU st Mis Mi',llV 'wford-I, Il-'arrol.!, aml '"'' . homa- Ret ye-. nr 11 tr i 1 i . ell IVnOWn I OlOred I - , : .hdith lliiyis. age 47, daughter i,f the I late-James and -Christina Cap Ixive, j ineri March . IV , J, after a brief ill' . . - - - - -i i:' -'-. r;; v?n?Ja! v"' "'.;1UCt" : NOTICE T() MASONS y- .- d at Mt.. Olive -Raptiet church .March....--, -v ,y , . . : V ?V iR0 AW,u ':iUnf -;, 'r'15' V'Vl";"',:"',,rtnt'Ce '"'t M.ted b,;Rev,A. H. W '.Tson: of Bre- be conferred .? --foi in on :l ue.da.y i aid. . .. A! inch.- 2.. at r:dO at the Masonic She i- survived by a hu.sltantl. -one j sister, t.twc, a orothers one step--on. nieces, nephew a and a. hosf of friends.' l . 1). Ketner. 65, . Buried Wednesday Husiness .Man and Karnvr i ;.s. ed A win Mondai i: , Lonu ll'iiess : i . i .a . i . i '. l-;tt. : , " ' ! .i-iiu-v- man of a si, . n.uu'lf,! a! t!;f iifii't' iu it . .,','k W'l'dlh'-.i.lS .11 .t'I'li. ,.: .1 ' . TyMn-v: V. I U, . K . ollidat i lit; ln-V. !'. r. II ftlt pill ii.t'ii u i I i I I'Auii- W . !l;t' l 'It' a: :in al.-, 1 1 ' a.i llm i. I'' Saul1!, i- i ani )L aa :Vi . .ana l-'i.aik S l.vr !! in''.'i' ;'..!'' n a i f 1 wvi Mr. I:!:,:.r,r.. i. H. ,1 . I.. K. .-u- I. I; i;.' .1. U. 'I M. -.!, A- l.lll'J l. , .l.lll..- ) ' . I 1 1 1 u :. K. i. . i an: i 'I I'A'ai'. . U l,. lav; . I. M. .a 'i i . .la , k St i . . . i ;i:r'. '. ',. i , ai l V"t,... . ;...1 V. 1 1. -Stmt h Sun '.x .stu a it- :i! w i.i.u nit i t Ii'.- lolliminr. .!i;ki;,ii, Mt.-. I'mn i ' . 1 1 i I t'll -la t ;!!. , ll. i. ,,! a;,,' llli; Mi--.. . r. in.-.m 'I mi.; Mr-. (I U. t;ivi-, if i aadlt-i ". luax if lira -l wn ; A 1 1 -. .1 a im Nm r i - Til II. i , 'k-. 1 . 1 1 . : : . Alifli.; Karl, of Waflinla. I'la. ; art Kin.-I. Mat! I It;, I.',-, and H ., mf. ! all ..f n. .-illf. ts MlSS AlOOlT S HIS k ") 1 11 SPt'OIIfl ?V . H ..ItUIIU Wttolf'w fi Ctn4tui TTtLIV ? Vl! V (MIllM - T;,. ,,r:e,. f,,, )hi, s,.,.m u ee)t, ,,,nt.est in 'I h,. Aleuntaiiieer "Krror 1'iii'i'" .'lit t. Ali-s Slephanie Muuie, , , f ,;,v,. .1 una I u-ka. Th,. det ision wa.s .,,,. Miss Alaore'bv Ihe nidevs lie. e .ii.-c uf the miu in d inann.'r in which -.lie. -cat in her .i ii-weis to the mis- ' , , ,,' , , " ,, ' ,, ''VS, .-pellcl words J complete h,, details.; Air llowell is AIm.u! a- in'uvli inteie.-t was shown!.' lawV' a I"''1''--"""1 nr in..:ny the ,.,-n,! week of Ihe contest as Ihe ':"'s has ,li7'''1 ' ;!". ';P;'.rtai.t pari, in first week A Kt eat un.her of poems . !'" '.'vt'' " "';' ', llh' "'' "' weie s.'iit in. , nesv lie iind II :,y u ood coiint y. Me The h an, est .word in We,WV ' " ' " " li;!l,sl;'',m'' i'y'i.'S'"'v.':' 'I",' I .. ;,, . ,, , , , . , H:!llk' A a dozen who sent in answeiss overlooked the "i" lieiiu? in is.-it'.y:. 1 ... weekthe pane is he,nK ! T , "C awarded to some person hndmjf seven misspelled words, and . sendint;- them ,,, hefuic next Monday noon. Reincm- 1.-, neatiie-s anil oiaL'ina til v is -d wi!vs "iv ihl u'le-'i. ; i. . . , " . ... I.-- .' ' i . ...isvtris tt .'If still- mil toil in the form of a slor-y .'with 'ho 1 I i - ss i i-1 1 1 -1 1 wards ii-e.l as a basis I1'1"' i 3.' I V tlLltlll I " ' - QKkir' rlw I !.." MlOW. 10 It I III .. :, Oil iNeXt WeeR In an . ' v ,ri ' ' o en, ... ' gc- a erealee ' I! ! i i e- ! i , he a , ,,f ,- , t f,,.- di e.; , J:!,,,!;.::'? ach I ot ton I- a 1 1 : . .'. i Sb-.w- al t he ;! viiewood Tla iJlFe V. .In.- day. - Tbur .dav i.iid I' inlay night :- ol ne t week. Thi- '.ailracli.m ,s beaig i ia;',-,l j addit en t.,-t lie i!ei.M--lar cju aflra, li.ui- and .a; ihi; re).vu la v adini-.-iou p; i.-e-, wi' h-,-a -l -of -1 't v of V;iv- ne-ville's locliest .,uur- ladi.-.- of all . a, H..,, :,,,. .... models: display- ( ,, a-on . late-1 cotton fariue . aiMiatel j Icat ui e id the at! 1 act ion u i be lire se ret Ion of " o,s r 'otto,, On,...., " (,,, , t ijiuitc young la. Iv. will be .-e- I u a nesvilli. merchant ..' and giv. theiii an '.pp.irtiiiiity do enter if cm- 1 tes'tant Will t Uof 1 REPEAT I' 1 A Y i'.y -peek I I .-.Uo t, the l.adii Aid ! lety d the lii.thel Met hodi-t il: )u .'"hvyrl-l .repeat. Uieir -presentation Wedding" .in f a . : ,i ; . i . . uav nit'iii , aiarcn i. I. ai i :.;u .o c ock. ... , ,- . i ' " i"",''1 I.eature to tile entertain-1 I1"'".t furday uiglil will be . a mock .!'!. 1 "ii-owiiig Liie WJ'iuiing. I ne I - a .Or i I i I'...' (.'.'.(. ' . 1 , , tf I , I..' ll I vo-eiiiii, .. i (' i :i .Hi'.-.(:,, . Ileadligil ek.s a div.irce froni Archibald. : i A -mail, admission 'if. ten cent- veil r;inso ( iiili) ni RiED AT liETHEEON MONDAY ; .'.: rvices veie held Mori- I-'u r:ei al dav moi.mii!' for ) het a Gib-am. ive-year old daughter of Mr. arid T , . iu, - f , v W . mi.'.- I. lucU il bv Rev. I.. F. Clark, nasldr. of j the Richland Baptist '.church. .. I Interment was made at the Retbtd j ceinetefv. . Temple. Al! Ala.-r.ns are invited toy attend and visiting brethren always j we:, una', ! APPOINTED POSTMASTER t lit .unit t's - A.-llt'Villr ( it t: tr i. ii i;im: now t i l L Harden Howell Is Appointed As Local Postmaster -Sfiialo ('(inlirined Nomiiialinn Tlll'sdav" Will Take Ollieo hkmm. Mill laittUIIl.t I'ilsl Of April ' i .1 H,,,. ., ,,.,.u , .,, AYedne.-dav nioi iinie- -t il iii'i.- t h it t he Sen. to had loiiliimed hi- noinin-it i,.n fur nnstma-ler f Wnvnewillo ' I .... .. ... ,. ' ' . I.. " '-. ' uWell I II pi oli;iby lake of- ! '' '"l . .' Ilt,"t it i- lieaiiicr ul the city of Waynesville in l'.HIT and continued to hold' this of lice until l!U:!. In th'.t year he wa- named nttm ney I or I he city and sew- ed in that capacity until 1 !M .r. In I'.Hii he was nominated without oppo - sition for ri'iireseiilative from Hay wood county. lie resigned at the liominee of i he, p 1 1 1 y liefnie the . I. c. tioii in order In an-wer his ciunt I '. ... . . . . ; "HI i .-. i t .- tin III. ... . , .1 Ci.l 1 1 IMU (HI ' dining the peri, .d ..f iiiisuiiiler.sian.ling i with- Al.xie,. h'el u i n ine- linim' I'r.iiii sen ice tin the border he entered (he ainij li.r I'linr in ihi' Win Id War Hi 'lib 1 1 'i I .a - .a nii;ite ur (.'.uuna n v If. I' " i '..Nor I h l 'i i el in a I ufunt ry, in )!"'.. Hi' re,l m Cory e spued y a .a old a r rMeiii air-1 bent etja ul , up I ' and ' iin-'u: !i tic I he , .-.anna lid of full re" t u ' 1 1 1 I n I '.I I 1 1 .' w a pi . i ' , moled 1. 1 be caplain of hi- ' , oilnpai.y a lid l cina ihe. I a I hi t e . i ..f : h, i-un p.-.n,v until Mf.. I,. ; i J , .,. u a a. . 1" IM'. I ' 1 ' 1 tie I I ill h bilk' alteil O f i I b'l I rei'-aiieii: , ti , aa ..niie.r n, 'hi,.;. ,,;, . 1 1 ' a. 1 1 nl 1 1. I . u ,i w en i i.-.j a, ;, l l,,'; ' ' 1 It' i He 1 ' "i. - nni pa 1 1 1 n 'he I , I I, ' la1 .:M:irk Mi, tin- Hindi a :. '"p-.'i in di ,'hatt'e b, lote'd I , Lieu!. I ,i,iuel. i I- I ' ill i !' I '' ' .1 I 'l"ll lie AMI Ilpe v . .a. f fa , ,he i;n h In :ai ;! CUipil iUif tile !-.,'.lf!l, . d' llutliolilbe - .liayuood -,,;i. I'olk. Tr in ..a ania. II einler -',,i, .lak-nii 'Swain, M;ie,a: I h-rok,.,. rlae -..,,,1 r:.-.ii,.,, ((.. i ,,.,,(,,,,,. i , i,. .. '; . ,,t !.., ,11 f i. mi . in;; I iiiiial i:.ij!:i. . i' ,,. :... . . , Hi' w a- ' l.e " .ilcc'ed . , , 1 ');; 1 ,nd .-.'ev.'.i hi . iff' it Vesper Services baptist I hureii : v. ... ' '',, Sunday iifteVic i,,,-at live o'clock al I' il l ' K.apti.,! liuri Ii., e. per eiv:..- w.l I iii' held, it v. a . antmiini-ei'l yeslii-day, Albs ;'i .-.-,,. Cioi ker. choir oirector ani ureal:,- . ns- ia,., ... -. . . ... . , . . . .. air-. - i.a iiiu.l Ifarlji i, .Ii., violini.-f, ha - atiaiiged 1 h..; following pro- tiun r esiivai I 'i : iude K S).auf ', f 'i t . '. ) L IJ t 1 1 I ( ll 1 i oce -,-ion.i. - .Ml i.l.iy J:,aud .1.:.,! Honor- .At. 'Ce. cl.inei-.- 1 1 ; j ltiilc i.ii!-.H:,lc.i,ti in Maj-.-i-ty! An- ient lly uin tune, ( olegiio li;o;;. :: liivociit ion. i . .:. . .' . ' . - . - '' S iijgur" Readb.g-. Ala! thew :'( : 11. - . I'iv .'. : I'i a vel . . ' 'V.'.";:- . di:. i- .T: 1'aV, i Ji, C. ' ' aim - M Al ! it-- . ' f.,.,1. Jit-la Id h- t .' Of-' .:' -i.- ii K r ';' l." oS!.'-'; . - 1 -. 1 1 1 ,.,."' vr ., t- i i ; . . liarber, Jr. . Let Not Voiir . II. -art be .-Troubled '- Jlt'y Sp aLs. Teiior Solo - 'IT.,- H.ylv ("ifv- I eRou Uavts. ' . Org;m Tw.i ,;,! A- Stebbins. . - He-Shall Feed Hi- Flock. Come r"1",, "! .I".''"'"- t'"' AIessii,h-i;an-,t.r,'v. nelrs Green. . , ( ome Vi- I! i..,,.,L . f H. s;,,., ,' - ., , . . - 1 Benediction. . U,g:.n i INj.-itiude ; Jubi'aiic Re Ho Von - ' ': De - I i III !Si)A . M AliCI! II. in : I Aioral ( 'lean-Dp Js .Needed In Tov.n v"a !V Vi." i'V til ! lit'!-, a; l t i V 1 . 1 1 in A.Li nanie. I'VH a :' . ;r- 1 1 . .. r v.n: , ', !a n ,r tf i a 1 .it'... t 'i: -; n . i Im ' i ,(!.,, nn i t ii.iii'.l I 'ii- l a. I ! :ia; !:. u a - i . ) i.iii. . ii. I'd: nn-.i I hat m.-i. r. .a' .in,- . a : 1 I .' -1 1 a i . ! . i ai ! f.. , . ! ion . i : : . , '.'. i-; ,t'l I Ills . ' f 1 111' ill I'llM"-. Iti't . II. V . Ilaii.oni na u! ll,, .n.i nia.i.. a u.. ii ,i. .,.',,..,,, i "'' '"' ''' 1"v" '"'d -f 1 Ii.. -,Hi i ,, ,,v .t.,j.l,llj, ,,.., f,.s ..;i ,ha! ., wa- "ai..-t .list ivs-ine." 1 1 . . I.. Ik llae-, pi, eld.';'. i said lie had .Icn.uinc.'.l -Ucli tlnni'. ' ' 1,111 ""' pul pit hefo, e ;in, . inteniled continue. ' tl.iv - same 1 thoiit'.llf. lie also stresse.l thr (;,;; . . Ihal I he n-e ..f profane lan)'.iiai'e on ,),,. .llr,,u ;ls t ,im mos, (etvrail ,m,. " ' Ii use of ..lofauo l.ini'.iiai'e ualieale- Ihe hick of intelllceil. e." he ;s;li,. "t ,dv do men use il fieeU . j .,,. ,,f ,. .,. have l'..ia.i ,). iaHl." : . Uev. I'aul 1 la.dui. .1.,'., .d' the Alethodisi clnirch, InoiiKht. the discii.- "V 7l, ' " ii'-.Vl'V lh . ,,, Ma aV.dp'mn'''' !.' im, , ! ' ' All. Ilaidin blamed "di'ly polilu .-" with -part- of Ihe present condition, "lirty polilics are paranmunt in tin jrriiauiiint y," he said, "and until the community i.- 'freed of that nieiiace. there is little that we can expect i., do toward a clean-up.". M r,. Alley earlier.- in tile dist u-;.i..'i ": the -iibji.t sai, that a coiniiiunily only had the kind of law en f a . enien: . . . I . . . i. ... i .... I o, ' . .. ...... , ......... .. ! i e.piesled. -N' actum w.i taken by I lie . !i.'. 1 n'.'i I'd iniv tin-. Dialler, lull o, va- ill '" each per on pn eeni i,.. .'. a u- t h..ii"-it he I a a a :eii. ll i . audi i- I..I..I Ilia' pla the . ii;o. If iiiilui' "'gal ihi 1 1 v an tl. pa -' a' : ! SAM N UMTv. :'. -K) U A i I El:. p.-l I, p i h: ' :. . 1 ad;, to c. an. i ri a i wa w i : i -I -. i I Iiaia, 'A a . .. II, S u , iv, ne a i , Vi .iMlio la, I- r at i.f A l.'; 'Hi. ' Hit' . i in:"". ." VI'I'l'J.K A l Hi iii A.. ls S. . W a ii, , ;-!i, hi;, a:. the I'i.i'i t .'' ' . y 1 1. ; 1 iiifia inat - bbnd.- hav. fie ready for i, , ,l:lll h '' ; K g. i. Apptteatio, ollii-e i, ail - ; iini il i ),.-.., -. ..... i . ,, iui".a ,..a V. : ' ' . : ' '. I t j I'l'f l ri j('mK( . ' " - 7". - ---- - - . - I. II 'Suntri - . - . ; 1 AI...-I r. '.i,a . 'A!:.') '' i! ' KHic S ( 1 1. W ;. -li'ic Mao-n. Mae ' 'Sa'i'n IT., f Katbh ,-.-, 'i--l if- J '; T h' -1. n:" ; v . ::.. W Davis Announces ' - - - i As I he AlounliiTn'r went.;,, p .-- (inner C Hivis promie. '".-ai a-- and termer -olicuer.: lli' . (ri, t."formalIv ann.ain, , d. . b. i c , a- , ..- , . .1, . ..,, t t timi ai.t te hi, .1 -1 . i - - . ,: , .:, , An. Art itle ida,it Mr: if.t pear ill in l . k's t - - .

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