TUI'Dan a x , . For Finding Errors In These Advertisements 2oSO 2 CASH i i f i f SMITH'S CUT-RATE DRUG STORE The Rexall Drug Store Big; Values For Thurs., Fri., Sat., & Men. Introducing The New S E V E N TEE L I E of Cosmetics at .New Low Prices Powder . . 79c I Astringent 79c Tissue H 7fl (ream .... f JC Freshner JC Cream . . . . 79c ( ompacts . . 49c Cleansing fjft m Cream .... (JC Rouge .... 4"C Foundation Lip am Cream .... JjC Stick ... . ) C NO JOB TOO BIG Since we have installed new and larger equip ment there are no jobs that we can't take care of when it comes to repairing machinery of any kind. We have the most up-to-date machine shop in this section. We ask that you give us a chance at your next work. Complete line of Building Materials at the Right Price Junaluska Supply Co. Phone 2fi.!..J Jerry Liner. Mgr. LAKE Jl NALUSKA A GOOD BANK IS A GOOD FRIEND Let Us Be That Friend Any banking or financial information we possess is at your disposal at any time. Any advice we can give you is yours foi the asking. In the meantime, if you do not carry an account with us. we suggest that you open one. Interest is paid on your savings and is better than carrying them in your pocket or secreting them where they may be lost or stolen. You can open an account in any sum at any time. Deposits up to S2.500 are injured. First National Bank WAYNESVILLE. X. ('. EVERY DAY PRICES Sirloin Steak 17c T. Bone Steak 17c Round Steak 15c Rib Stew Beef 7C Pork Chops 15c Mixed Sausage .10c Pure Pork Sausage . . . .1 5c Roast Beef . . . .12 l -2c Roast Pork 15c -18c Burgin Brothers GENERAL MERCHANDISE PHONE :J3 1 . Can You Find 7 Errors On This Page? R u L e s J. Id Seven Advertisement-; on this page there is an error, such as a' misspelled word Missing words DO NOT COl'XT! 2. Read over the advertisements carel'u'nv and pick out the error.-. List the error and the advertisement in which it was found. :i. Either bring, or mail to the Contest Kditm; not later than Monday noon following pub. licatio.11 date. 1. The casn award will be made each week immediately after the publication of the win ner for the week has been made. 1 The advertisements will run for one month, but a prize will be giyen each week. After a person wins one week he or she is not eligible for further competing. Neatness and originality will be considered. Decision of the judges will be final. Nothing To Buy ----- Nothing To Sell! ! ! Spruce Up For The EASTER PARADE You will want to look your best when you join the Easter Promenade. So send us your clothing now to be dry cleaned. By Our modern cleaning methods we will make them look like new, and for so little. Waynesville Laundry Laundry and Dry ( leaning Service Phone 20") SATURDAY'S SPECIALS HI Tcmato Soup 1 niliipS Pork and Beans )Q I j j Apple, Blackberry, ure Jellies (.rap.-. i; . 15c 5c 16 oz. Pkg. Oats MEATS Round Stake Beef Roast 15c 10c 3 Lb 25c Stew Beef Ferguson Grocery 'Phone 45 We Deliver -K N I T T I N (- You must have at least one knit suit. We have them ready made. Come and select your Boucle thread and knit a suit or blouse. Just received a shipment of new millenry to complete your haster ensemble. HAZELWOOD, N. C. Ileres An Opportunity To Win $2.50 For Just Have You Driven The 19:51 Chevrolet? f,.t,,'!riV' U a"fd lr?r.f"- -rself i.s many , li'dlurcs Mime i f which include: Knee Action Wheels. Horse I'ower Engine. U .Miles an Hour. IV, More Economical at Al l. ( 'rui.sing speeds. rir !l. ' "h !ive mlU's and ''ll never be satish.d with an other low priced ear. We Carry A. Complete Line of Standard Oil Company, of . J., Products. Watkins Chevrolet Co. SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 7.1 WAYNESVILLE Expert Motor Repairing No matter whether it's merely an adjustment of hair breadth dimensions or a complete overhauling, our Garage is completely equip, ped and expertly staffed to do the job. Our charges are moderate, service fast ! Dealers for Those Good Hood Tires When You Need Auto Service Phone 20 (Night Phone 282) Complete Line Of Standard Oil Co. of N. I i iouucis Lamed by Us Cherokee Auto Co. DEPOT STREET WAYNESVILLE our new Easter Bonnet and Dress is here. With Easter just two more weeks off. it's time you were thinking about that ' new Bonnet and Dress. We are ready with i complete sellection of Spring and Summer fashions. The Ladies Shop -iKS. m. H. REEVES, Prop. In Lobby Of Jo Ann Beauty Shop PERM AN ANT WAVE FOR EASTER Exquisite natural waves, fashioned in the season's smartest styles. Reliable methods: Pnces as low as $..00. Phone earlv for an appointment. , Prices Advancing After Easter Phone 63 Reading The Advertiser,!,.,,! Jo Ann Beauty Shop Lots of things in life may be a "GAMBLE," but it doesn't pay to take chances in buying "Price." We have been furnishing this community dependable merchandise for one-third of a Century We hope we have meritted your patronage We certainly appreciate it. SPRING GOODS ARRIVING DAILY McCracken Clothing Company Outfitters for Men and Boys, Shoes for the Entire Family. SPECIALS S.K- Jad Salts . . . 59c 25c DeWitts Cold Tablets 16c 50c Walko OA Tablets ... $)C 39c 60c Creolin 2,)c Woodbury Soap 2 cakes H for Zt)C Armand Week. End sets ...... 20c 50c Dickinson's 15c Putnam Dye ... . 8c Witch Hazel Pints ... 31c We save you money on Prescriptions. Waynesville Pharmacy PHONE 16 Buy your Easter Togs from . i . .ii. us anu join ine paraae LADIES' SHOES $1.95 to $3.95 DRESSES 97c to $6.95 oung man we have just the shoe frty f you want, only . . JbtJ.") New shipment young men's (f 1 f ir Easter suits, only ... . th 1 9. h Good .heavy overalls only. ...... ... .... 24 LB. GOOD FLOUR ONLY . $1.07 89c C. N. Allen & Co. General Merchandise HAZELWOOD, N. C, RADIO OWNERS!! POOR AERIALS RUIN RECEPTION vn,,rh,a!rSO? .f aerial o"r radio connected? Is In J,- . T" t( 0wate unr the handicap of an anfquated xorroded, hastily erected or make- iKna and are direct source of 50 of noise which or jou are bothered by man-made static call us and wotain to'E? ' hour,aerial and d system and system whi,i" -,h ad,?B1le of 3-purpose antenna static ,tSelf liminat's 90 of man-made We Are Proud to Announce that we are an Autjiorized MEMBER OF RADIO MANUFACTURERS - ... SERVICE Equipped and trained to give you the best Radio Service PHONE .57 A. JONES y VU 1? lEIOT ST. VaYNESVILLE (W.,!.; Wanoca Radio Shop