The liest Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky .Mountains National Park Head by Thinking People ! - -- I VOL. XL VI NO. 17 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THl'HSDAV. MARCH 2.1, IrKll HI I Hfl- H TTh . A HIT 1.1 VTV 1 I 0 naywooa minny iviaoe ran ut neaim u istnci Chambers of Commerce Have Merged. Directors to Be Elected Friday Night At Mass Meeting The iiome 01' ' 'Lome-Time Prisoners" ItttKin ol Nine Directors Will He Held At Courthouse Fri. i!a At 7::0 O'clock J '' day name: i''g w house Nino la Mot Tin a .-flies of meetings, tile .1 directors of the two cham ommerce of Waynesville have a mutual agreement to merge iplish one organization with lor the new organization from both groups, dilation committee was named afternoon to present the f twelve men at a mass meet .h will be held at the court riday night at 7:30 o'clock, '.he twelve will he elected by :u:n:ttee lias "not named the .- as yet, but it is under t '.'ley will be men. and pei ne" women,' from the cnmniu- Our Community Moves Forward CHAM REUS OC COMMERCE INVITE REORGANIZE VOl TO HELP ill! 1 Live the. 1 ( ham medlt to lh iitld i. Tk, lUl'.e! I i c ni?ht . gariiz. that ' take . izativj cater I ut w nT a each un thi tee h; : ritorv of pi, ''Per;. I rillee appointed to ne eci the two . bodies here, ut iii detail whereby .'! ,-tioii at the meeting Fri i no entire community will pportunity to take part in il orgjnization of the one d commerce, which will inl under way in catering irist for the coming season duties of such a group. us stre.-sed that eyery '.ills community should be .the mass meeting Friday r.h the forming of one or- tiere it wilt be necessary u h individual cooperate and j asiive interest in the" organ- The new fcroup will not just t -ins-within Waynesville, 1 lake in all the territory with laihus of several Iriilcs. As mmunity is directly dependent adjoining section the commit- -uggested that scope of tor- ncreased and the number directly benefitted by the in of one chamber of com-; ! f the merger and of the : Friday night are given in ma statement fiom the two -identa on this page. . The Wncsvilk' Chamber of Commerce ami lite Waynes, ville District Chamber of Commerce are v'onsolidating: in a spirit of broader service to the eohimunity. WAYNES VILLE IN NAME DISTRICT IN SCOPE In name, the.. merged organization will be the Wavnes . ville Chamber of. Commerce. It will function under the charter which has served the Waynesvillo Comtmmitv nianv years. It will .'embrace Ha.elwood, WayiU'sville, Lake -Iima. luska. and all contiguous territory. Its purpose will be in develop a jrreater spirit of ueifrhborliness througboul the region j to unify our objectives ; and to consolidate olir forces. Thus prorared. we. shai projects. NEW HOARD TO Friday night at 7 : Services Will Be Held At Episcopal Church Noon Fri. Pastor Of County To Deliver hurt Addresses On Last even Sayings Of Christ 1 draee Church in the Moun tains beginning promptly at noon, the Three Hours Service will be held with add -esses on the seven last say 'g ol Our Lord while hanging on I he Rev. A. V. Joyner, pastor of !;'"' Baptist church will fpeak on In- f,rn "Word" Father, forgive 'ni;m fr they know not what they do- Lie Rev. Paul Hrrdin, Jr.. pastor ' Vv intsville Methodist church, dl .-.peak on the second "Word" 1 L -h It thnU be with me in Para, disc. " TV- Lev. F. O. Prvm in. pastor of Cike Junaluska Methodist .cbuirch, give the third address Behold 'hy un. Son! behold thy Mother. 1 he fourth aAA the nastnr nf tho RHct v,n 1. u-hu liiifl tkn.. mi walker, of the Waynes- tenan church will sneak the fifth Word. address: "It is finished." bv Rev. O C LanHnim. ,"'Vi'r ot the Hazelwood Presbyte rian churxh . . Rev. G. L. Granger. Hector of St.. ndrc s church, Canton, will give tho ttnth address: "Father into Thv r-anrts I commend My spirit." Every body is most cordially invited ' attend this Good Friday service. nd to be present at the beginning of l-ie service, twelve o'clock, noon. l lu-v. ii. w i V '1, whv hast x f R-v r p V ,1 i tille Presbyter f I ' n: "I thirst." - J The sixth ad will be taken b Stamev Chairman Of Election Board -M. G. Stamey, local attorney, has named chairman of the Havwood 'oiir.ty bonrd nf eVefJonc;. Mr Samov suop,,.. Grove. C. PpviV who .!' a laJVI-rtnte for judrre th'e-Hictct.'-' M.T.rni, of Ta7wooH And 'eorffrt Hamntn. e -..!.. n. :tr hv( members of the buird. I he in a position o ( neouraire needed HE ELECTED FRIDAY NKiHT ?0, the citizens of the community are invited to meet at the Court House to eleot a Hoard of Di rectors who shall govern the reorganized body. All responsi ble citizens should be there. It is your 'community your Chamber of Commerce and you will share in the benefits. A nominating committee comprising an equal number from each of the two organizations includes the following persons; J. M. Long, W. T. Shelton, Paul Hyatt, and Ililliard At kins; E. J. Hyatt and C. M, Dieus, Ex Ef. Officers.. They will present 12 names from which nine (!)) directors shall be elected. Each name represents a unani mous choice on the part of the Committee. I.allots will be submitted carrying the 12 names. You are to indicate the name you prefer. The nine receiving the greatest number of votes will be declared elected. By agreement between the two organizations, nominations are Hot to be' accepted ' from the floor. NEW OFFICERS WILL HE ELECTED HV HOARD In accordance with the by-laws, the Hoard of Directors later shall elect a President, a Secretary, and shall arrange for suitable office facilities. The Chamber of Commerce will then be ready to function. A get-to-get her banquet will be staged followed by a membership campaign Committees will be appointed and preparations gotten underway for the summer season. j KEYNOTE SPEAKERS WILL STATE OBJECTIVES Short keynote talks will be made by two or three local men. .The Park and the highway alone, are enough to demand a vigorous organization. The boarding houses and hotels need support. Lake Junaluska, Duke Sum. mer .School, and New College need our cooperation. Local business and industries need backing. Garages and filling stations can be benefited. The farmer can be helped. Our recreational facilities need strengthening. You committees are determined that these needs and opportunities f shall be met. YOUR COOPERATION IS INVITED. FOLKS LETS GET GOING THE COURTHOUSE FRIDAY AT 7:30 P. M. J. E. MASSIE, President .'V Waynesville Chamber of Commerce ..."CM. DICUS, President Waynesville Dis'trict Chamber of Commerce. Homer Davis Seeks Place Of Constable Homer Davis, well known in Way nesville and throughout the county, has announced that he is a candidate for constable of Waynesville Town ship. This is the first formal an nouncement to be madj. thus far fo this office. Mr. Davis bad given the idea of running but little thought, until a number of his friends persuaded him to make the race. Miss Jewel Hipps arrived Sunday from Peace Junior College in Raleigh to spend the spring vacation with hgr parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. R. Hipps. Massie To Spend $2509 On Theatre J. E. Massie, owner of the W'ayno-w-ood Theatre, anmunced yesterday that Within thP r,..xt thirty days h evpects to spend approximately $2,500 in m?king imjVovements at the local theatre. . . New upholstered seats, a late model screen, new spotlights, and" interior decorations . will be among the im provements ma to. Mr. Massie also Commissioner Cave Approval Yesterday To Board Of Health County Cooperating With Stale And National Hoard To Make This "Healthiest Sped In World." v.-tn.-t ,,1 en in p lenees building I laelwu tlif In ' . .. -1 U'hh 11 !" IHiW t 11 i.: iiuaitiis at the state prison un " ( men serving long .-en r '4 w-wwtHwwswsmtsarfjj 3 i"HjAuif,AS n ( VM On tin 1 lael wood left State is the lauinlrv Prison t. anii. Oil till' c .amp m-'ni ' is the a ..- 1 hi i It Ilil'.-S ll.'l inoiit hs II at ago. til. Parkway .Officials Here Monday Noon Enroute to Park Hazelwood Prison Camp Is Home Of "7(5 "I onjif-Timers" The in sn ;i I in n . mini j I ' ilea Health Sc. i.-c tern ..i tl. ( ,ti The di-ti ;. t woiiil, ,la. . nr. v. a. the t int. ,1 St. u . 'an! y i ianiuis.aa;.'i ."ii li.'ii W'r.llii'siiav ..I ; . ma lu 1 1 a J w mi': !' the S .Hilary lha!t:; in- State Hoard ..f I'mled State- 1'ulilk' i -et t nig up in We.-.: -Ilia. i.- comprised of I i ;i -md Sw-ain euunties. I'gier, acting otlicer of es Public Health Sei oi .'.'(l and ago -made an 1 lu.s cminty !V(HI. The i c.miii) u is Advisory Committee Encounter Had Weather During Inspec- I lion Tour Through State (.'.amp Is Now Carinj; For Prison ers Serving Lonjf Sentences. Others Transferred i feiliral scenic rnidoah Na- M cm Tors of a pa rt.y of and state hijrhwn eiitrinei is, illg" the p' oio-eil I elite l or highway linkine; the Sin and the (lieat Smoky -Mountain tional I'ail, -loppeii here i few min utes '.Monday noon en route to Soco (lap. They aiiived In i e n:r High way 2S-1, iiax'ioe, iieeii to the top iii' I':--trail. Waynesville e'ten. .j tlje t invitation to have luneli here arty ," but t hey wati'.eil to get fore nie;lit they hail pared in A bi.-vaMo drove. The p n (y ai : iveil unlay night- after through rain, fog. All day Sunday was vjlle. Leaving there to Knoxvi ion liinchi i Mi i at ire I,, y nig .-holt t he i a - - ( Th. .w "o, State I ' i hud ( am p "home" of jn .Miners' serv rai .-ent eiu'es, instead of a- Mils been t he ease for month- -ine.e the camp and in Ashi ville Sat ' having driven -leet and snow, .-pent in Ashe- at 'J:'-', Monday ,:u riving: here at noon. n t"l''' f for P.isgah More rain I'igah. Whfn the )iaity r(-turiied through Wayhesville from Sik-o Gap they wi r presented w ith Haywood ap ples at the Chamber of Commerce office. Quite a number of business men met the party while ! he -ars. were leinn filled with; gas -a-nt ' oil. While here the un shown for a f w minutes. . Ieavin'jj' Way rkviiic after ..their trip to Sin;o (ia;i the party headed for Cherokee and then to (Jatliugburg, and m to Kr.owilie for the night. . At Knox ville, T. S. Straus, s.pi'cia! advisor to the secretary of the in terior, said the purpose of the pro. posed federal parkway was '.-in "e-conomic one." "We want to use thi1 highway to bring the tourist business to the. I counties which need it most," he saiiT In connection with this phase of the project, hr. said data was being sought from counties showing the percentage of farms 'rwried and those operated by tenants, percentage ef high school graduates, percentage of those employed, sales income per farm and retail trade. Mr. Straus said there would bei little difficulty in. selecting the route in Virg ia but the hardest route task would come in choosing between Tennessee and North Carolina. "We, however, are dealing fairly and expect to decide on a route sat isfactory to both North Carolina and Tennessee," he added. E. B. Jeffress, chairman of the state highway commission, and Frank W. Miller, of Waynesville, member of the commission, together with several other state highway officials accom panied the. party on the tour through this state. The nary w s in cars belonging to the state highway department. Two highw iy trucks with mechanics fol- j . Ha iw tin '.' terms past 2 I (ipelleil ,-i rving -iior'. sentence- have ii'i'ii sen! to ramps in Mecklenburg, Rutherford Mitchell, Madison coun '!' and al-o to ( riiggy. i n Hull, onibe. Seeit :-i Ij'eni ( aldeah I' arm i;i ar Kaleigti h'ive been ' lan.sferreil to 1 he f 1 azel w iio.l (.imp. Might eook. were kepi :if tin- , -a nip mill not. tian-- ened whin tlu other:-' v,'r". Th(. .sentences, of tie- pi : ,i.i r. the raiiip iiow- range I'roni two to tint, ty year-. In a pie.-.- -ii.-p .lcli t ruin kaleigh, t was -aid that one of the I'll va id hankers recently sentenced to pri.-on was at the Hazelwonil camp, hut a check with camp oflicinls show1' cd, that the former' ijiniker was at Craggy and. Hot at Hazelwood During the past 20 months that the Hazelwood c oni has been open, there has not been a man to e cape and not caught. ;Une or two have gotten away but. always returned. During the 2i months there .has not been any . trou ble whatever among the prisoners," if was learned, and it is the general opinion", that this accounted for the change, being made, and the "long timers" being transferred here. . The general staff . at, , the , prison camp is. as follows ; . I. . K.. Cabe, . su perintendent ; Johnny Merguson, stew-a.-d; A. K. Mehacey, Kre.l H. Cald well (j, M. Hoone, J ulius Kogers, Joe ('. Ilavis, (iiliner Kong, Jim Mauliey, guards; Jasper Krookshire, n'ight guard. . llave .Ci. he, truck drive'-. T . . vice ajipeared befou- the board and exp'lamed that a sum total of fJl.OOO would be spent- in this dist rict during the next j i' U-- and the State Hoard of Health, together with the United Mates 1'ublic ileal.! Ii Service would contribute SIS.tllHI of the amount. Swain c. unity eilne !:-v :-!, vd to pi o 1,1c .11 slla JacUson : ,, i no lew da ys. appi o'ii :al ion et s,I o,i(l. was called -or: t. pay a I lot men! made ', o e,u I b .-c,l on nopul-it ion. 1 lie cl is I net heailipia rli I s will - bt mane in ir aiel oilier : pace provided i i tlir lounly. 1 he .set. -up provides I -a. n.-a.t.'i ollu-er, who will have In- 111.'.-- i,. i ( . .md an as:,i.,!ant with an olhee in liiy.-on ily - both ot .whom ar pliVM.- an-. I here will also In a saiuta.y ollieer and trained nuriit' in ach co'iini I be Milbce id sanitary olheer, now held byK. 1.. Hinton will I),, absoibed m the new work. t ; til ut! and Waynesville ., re imW paying ;solio each to the support of ine w.,iH of anilary iilliccr, auii M -yoi- .1. I,. lui-ves, oi Canton, and ..layer t I!. Atkinson, of 'this city, s.-uied the iininii.-sionel's', t liat the lesepeelive town ,-i would continue Ut .lc( l.u-ki olio a i contribute that amount of the sanitary district The Haywood County oi oat ion in a pctiUcn In. a. K board In hoc I 'I ... 1 ! Ill . I 111- -: t lie ills! ric! .-i t up in 1 lie . t win k' is lieing done in '.i it Ii I lie 1 1 .i I inlla Hi', '.ir; section I -gl'oUllil of c.n oe al ilace in 1 1 to the Work .hi lie; pa ik ; tier i i ' i i 1 1 d . i'tis'cd ' t he ' ivoi I I and ve-iii eil a.-. M le woll.l. I A,-,- pi e-enicii ny Uiged the f the lU'ilth til si lle.lttll ate, and the -. oopi-ratiun "Vice. that . he, i.l,- play--oon it It'll its I ...iii.laiy ,e (H-cCl iU- t.y ami .--..lute ilh.hc liliilll e-iii, ami I'c i! w a.' i w w le Ul.- lie..t,l. Warning Given To Delinquent Tax payers Of County C: C- Francis, tax supervisor of Haywood county, announced that Apiil first whs the final date set by the county hoard, of commissioners to accept nates for taxes due the county for th(. yers prior to 1 9.2, ."' " AH taxes that have not been paid for the year.- prior to 19!12 will draw six per cent interest beginning April first, Mr. Francis stated. The fact was also mentioned that tinder the law, if proper arrangements are not made to take care of the back taxes, that the county can be gin foreclosure proceedings'. .. -. Mr-. Francis in an advertisement ih this week's paper calls attention to the fact that "this is the final notice'' and urges all de-1 1 be we i k i ,f the iiui -i oilii'i-r will I e'r t pel I Ir Hill o f t l-ie I ijl.ll, ia. .Id ii lleaPi.. I : Si I l-i.-e I I, !,.-; - :v il) i-.e illenl. lilspecl lulls lllaiie pile- aim piriiic ,j)i,:i-v-ea-es; aie i!i.,-r tiaoje io 1 lie mutter ha- : beeh iirfore the; sinee Maicli iii.-'., lull U-iey Unt not I ke any ar!i n -until lieainn; ii-oin the H,..ywood' A-iso:ia-iion aim oilier groups allilialed vv.lh On-' work. , . : l)r. v Z.i gh : stated that : the : only reason tliat. this bealtli ,(li--tl-ict vv;ti et up was- ly the i'..ct .that Uie i V A, the ( hcrukee Imlian Kes. i'v..iiou, and the (.real .Silioiiy .VloUiitaii's AaLio.iial I'ark, togi tin r w ith -.'cooperation - of the three counties, thy ;' :St-;Ue '.Hoard, of Health ';,nd the local iioaid u hearth hud ah joined in the -program. About tifteei'r iBte.Cf .I'd ua.-iJK. and civic ii a H i - !' tne' xoun! y u . tended the iiieetiiig. Funeral lor Mrs. Elizabeth McLean Mowdv To Be Todav Mrs. Klz.aleth McLean M -w is. died at, her home ori. Wi'lcii -.-'!:,'.. here Wednesday afternoon of p-.-i'-i-monia . following-an, illins-s of a -.jt a week.. .'..: . .':.'' -.-.'.' Muneral se.-.vicrs will he he!..i ai tin home this afternoon a! .'!:' id- . 'i'',.-.r.; with . Hi v. I'aul 'Hardin, Jr., pa, tor of the .Methodist churcn in charge. Mrs. McMe'i ri, mother of C intai- dit . died cKactly une.ycar ago y. ster lay. She ks survived by , . her fat. i-r mes Mel. can, , and., 'one , bro1. 'h r, ',. Holiert 1.. Mc Lean, and a ,d;.jg:ii. ,-. Betty Mowdy. , I'allbi arers. will -be': ' Honitfr :.)w.-n Frank W'orthingto,)!, Jimmy Con;. it: Haves Alley. W (". Ku.-s and " e "v Hot ha, Jr. Honorary p'lllbcarer.- will lie: C . ". Ray. Clyde Kay; Crver )-.v . . . I. ; StringfUM, K.H. M Chi'.. - ''. Withers. K. J.- Hva't, C. (I.. ) ,'t'aM J. R. 15 .v.i. Dr. O; T .sirs h-i ::r.1 W.. t- ..Shelter, .U.'.e-':"-'.M.'-:i: 'anil V: mis Atkin-.- warning said he was going to rearrange the stige in o.-der that stage, attractionf; j lowed the party, in ase of mechanical j linoucnt taxpayers to f him imme-j could be presented. trouble en route. cia'.i-lv for nroner .-irr.-inir.i.i.nt ; ' be presented. W. S. i e'-eciitiv.' my r d i lturiia v I-ie- o'2, rie-'o;!. in the Idi-ke d e. v,:s linm.. night feUnwir-g -i - : '"h.."l -trcl.e.' - wm r J