TWv, tJ 193? - " '. 1 1 ; l-r " ' T Page THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY. MARCH , 19M Society . SOCIETY PAGE Local Items IVews Mrs. Ben Sloan, Editor Phone 137 . . . Hi To Reign At Engineer's Fair ill i IP M fk :-: lei n il WA Y. F.-YIFFF. 'H FRISTS IN st n: n:i;si:FRt. fi.a. St. I'l'-v;.-1.".!!-. Flu. More c!r ! Li! a: a.ilhai.: than, c'.c: betore -':-.::i.-i'- hlaif -t ;:alu f.etst. Uie an-!-!.;: Fo-tv ! ki' State.- celebration v. !: a -. ! re Jia:. 1111(1 .,.lt. : :, Aiiu-i. il ;,r:.i f..nt::i- ...... u.'!; 1 . Apr.. ',. v.-im-i; .-asl- :.! . - 'la-'-: ,t.y,' fl.Mt pa il.' : - : .v.i :.atui ' ' wii! cuptLiie t ' - ::)' ' -u!:'.v. .1 !'.. i ni'i'-." li .... - u'.h l:;.: ,.r' lh" r. u:ri n- : ;it : .1;.- a: tr..- i'.'y :;:!' ii.jr.i-ic '-uivua ittc!ui ::.a. : ' X..i 1 'ai 1. lira. Am ' - vvh.. iti'" 1 -1 1 :.yiiig - ".V . !: ti: .U(i.-r.: ni' 'it v ;. re M : v I : (IK ( lu.m'i'ii.-. Mr- (',. I). a' .1 M:. Mr-. .M . (J. Uca,i, Wavj.-vi:,.. Embroidered in Squares AI.KXTINl MOTHd In-. Alli I:. I '-! Ha: ! a : 1 Ml-. M,!;..: Woof. si;y i i:;ilx,K nos. TK.S a;. ! i;.r M ' ! 11 . ! ! i liri- 'il illtv, V..i.;.-i y a-,-t'i))l.l.-.i r i "i::ra.-: la.-t Thai -ihiv 1 - mi. ic. i a1. t '. vt'iti-.-s ati.i ;). v var.i 1 . fiii . 1 - leal.- - .,n-; uru A !'.. ; ; -. ,.-Lt I' - ' a VI-r I . I' ','.r.- WL'l 2 1 : ..-lV y a 1 V. !i I . I.. I 1 11 !l. 'A I. . V.-.'. '! .-. v. her h-iia, ;: a 1;;'.v day.-. : ' ..!:- ;' ra-w.i a :'.; aii'ai: Th- siui-:.-n: .'u: i'u-i liuiii: -.-w;!;? ::.!; la..: .ture !" Mr-. l;aU-n!::a- "a-: v,-u : .Mi., (ii-ft-r.-, ivhi- -M 1 A. "Havnei Xaiai!!, M.-s. Jarvis -. K. C. Cotfee .Mr,. I,!:. Mi-, J-i.. Hci : .'1 Walii r. am! M'--c-r-a- Xi.hiral. A -' mm mc:i -I r v. 'i is- ll.KS Tn UK SHOWN" AT ( ()M M"nV 1.1! MKKTIXC fw.'..a.air. I ' : 1 J . a : aaa:: . 1 : a i 1 1 . . . ! u ! '!l i,- -in,-, :ilf. !':!. X .a llaj '. M. in! . an.-r-, . .an- ,,.!, Mai-ali-ait -i:-::v .-!i.U-- ! Cca; .a co'iiitr a i; 0 ni'. I1 1'1 I'm. M A a', la. .- .'lilt . u h . v.'; -j-. Ann: ... ., a!;.! Mi-- Kl.. uiiiaii-. .- ...! !' U.c av .M r Xi-.-, ; - an .vut-.-t.i!i-i . an: v Imi: :;-. a 1 )'l--ti .11 w ,f lia : 1. ' . .a . i . II. 11. M Tim a! fact 1 v " m 1 1 f )- . Mr- U, .1 Mr-. -i'rv.-.l i!ii'. - lit' wi'.r: Mi1.-. "-ha!!. Mi"-, l:. H Mui hell, Uay. M .1. I.. Strnig I. W Kn-.l. Mr-. Kalph '..1 M -. Bt-i, Slaan. Mr. a:. : Mr-. X..i 111 Ar!:...-ur .el.-, a u .a-k wit ii thi' f.n-!f ri'V Jia.-- U-. Mr. ami Mr- l-ivi irt;. Arniuui', !vt": T.n -'!a:. Ma.--avhu--t! t nci r la :a- I. vim, 1 r aiajr'ia-n: - r.r vara '.: Ma- r..ra!ma Al-taattai i'.a. ;: - ' .'a I1 oiS'. ana T: a : 1 If. a . ( la r,!,-n - ma;';i- . ; .... alar int-u- t 1. ! Sa; ."A,r- a:;.) jrur.ltu-r.-' i-nl tho; 1 rma. ... .: :. ii! .an n . visit...- vh..! S T N"-:t!. . t'ru-m. i-.aail'i will l.(- t't-a- Mi--;i vocal .-olo bv Mi Ida ' a iiifin'1'.! ,' Jean 1!.' -wii ;.nil the ho.-tosMi- will 1 (lia-i n-a a Mi.-. I 'a ul Walkr, Mrs. Tom Spur- i :v today lock, Mi-. F. n. (J.-u'rcn. and Mrs.'ta.n with i. Waik.-r T X M .-- A ! - 1! ; Tiia t u re ! M I S i 1 i.r 11 V 1 mi: Hi . IN ! i iiTS ISITi 1 ii"'l:Kli T iat a ( ' i : Mi v: : A 1 .a ..1 u : h: hi; atf'a.r la -v, la": tin".' enter M: X. 1 . a . :: .A: M r', an !Mri i.l' l.vnn, la.-.-;. ivs'.tlli- Mu-H' ilu' a- iavv. nay aft" 1 Ii'"'ii ill tla- C ainui!: . . 'an, . Main -'1 r.-t. u . I.iiun r.i'i (ir.-ain . - I " t.---. Siaaiia t!..war- wale atl aHvaly a: raavf-d in lh,. a,, i.,,m M is. lla'i Ai laiva, n - ijilent. va in rliuw.- I'.ai'. Wfiv i a. 'i'.a!al.v,i t'.ir tha anniiiii "pi-n llit't'tiiif, a May whi. li is i hvay, an tkdpand by huth tlu1 rial; -annuacr-aial t!,c; r !' ru-tiil-. Til,, ii.un'ani, uitii M'.-.. I. M. Ka-hv-.a) m ('hal;tO w;i ni ui.u-ua. intcii.-t. tin- sdbjt'rt .iii-iiir; "( l.-.iiut-.' iiini nr.i'.'aim music." In lior a- nar niv-f n'.t-ii - prior t" the niu-: al -'V'""' ' '., ,. v:, . i. -I...1,.. ; : 1 ." irav-..- i in -'r.. ...... ... . : I V ..... . 1. A I ... I VI 111 l.b.-nlUtc- lllll- ..i ana i:i h,--. .11, .Mr y. 1 -. r.a 1 1 .ifi'ii- udd M . and Mr- I'Mi-i Malnncs. Sari.'.in lla'A . r- u ." . atVi". tiv-dy :ir-!a::ee-l 111 d-cirat; .1: ..I' the rnaiii wiaa'a 1 ii 1 1 a'- win e pkna'il '.. far . In t ..!. M -. fo'tin Ali'Inn.-.-,' Mr.l I.. M. Uut.t-.--h" and Mr. Fail Wajjcii- 1 :V'..i niakii l: ha::: a'ai !"w aaivi 1viir,. at t r:u't'Vf.' awaiiia.i an.. I tna mu'.-ts .:' liar,.! wi'ia s,rit'n a )U'tty prize. A .-ala.! a'.-a w .- -m afti-v tin' -ana--.. nit wen-: Mr. and vxqurs'te .0 1 :n. ..hiltaa at phase: -ic, uhldi rli.-pire the dilutions. Witi. ,, ;..i .a aa 1 ;.it..iao-.a ill a.Ti 1',. its laiiiiynieiil. Sh.- then explainai Mr. aad Mr-. I.e.. Ma: tel. and Mi,, t iie . p.iii.t,- jl prona'ain mu.-.ia .which i- ( '! '- - n'!l'i'-an. . !,i";V,,tyl,t'" : M 1 SS 1! A l; I'. 1:1 11' IS id N Mil; HOS- 1 n,. -.vinu (Ton rani wa.- u'ive:'.. TFSS ... liai-l -ite fKt, V.'ll'iniu ff:i'1H'... she Vlar l.anie: wa- no ititl iie 1 m e ich type ul' composition Mi tor ir " for (1 String l,y , a iieaiaiHidy appointe.i dinner ii.fin H.i.'l, " !,v l,a -Uir-hill-.l X llaiael' , a- ilel llaltl,. Jr., ac ::::'!, ahied hv Ml'.'. U.vln;n H, evenmi:. Fane Tiies.lay The dinner wit- enjoyy.! at inn lai'K'v tiihle in til.1 .lining rooni which was traced with a loely howl of: jaii quils :i:d ciy-tal candclahra hid ': -yellow candle-. I.iuh'ed lapers 111 ih Si'Ul)i' shadi; vcre als.i advantu tft'ously piacvil, aih-at the 1.10111 and S.jihe cho-en tailor . " .11 u a - noteo 111 1. Spuilock; and the "l!o,:iry," by courses ot tn dmne'. Si i-v i it. -tin" ay Mi.-- Ida .Id : n lii n, .('overs were laid for M . .aid Mrs. ' r.: ..' '"." ' '('.'in Mi'lniHs Mv. iiiul Mr.-. Ralph m us. a uii i.' 1; 1 1 1 iX( u f ii at Jr,".;.?,;,;:- -d Mt iS;'"'- I , K 1 1 M 1 I. S;n t. her; "Minuet" by Mozart. - by Mr.-. '. if. amp; "AnilarUe," from ta(: Filth Symphony by lieethuver., ic' Mr-. II, .race Keener, and throe -ociiil selection, "Ava -Ma.ia, by Itraih-i-aahoil. by Air-. Fred Martin, aa eoinpanieil by .(r-. V. 1.. Matney.'o." bv Haildel -unir bvMrs. S. , On Molality al' Mr... Far! i T Ii KS U V TF Ul A X I ' 1 1M ' I . F S 1 Wage1!. tela enti i tamed lit I. riiiirn- 'I'm. circle, of. the W'.iihan'.- u- ii:"" pa:ty as a c imidiiiient to -. I ;:l , v af "the" l'i esbytai ;ai; church will '.M r- Xarinan A. lnoav ' of I.ynii," .las-I ,lu.1,;' n.'.At w,.n k us follows : -i'lcaa-ita witii. her husband is hcU. N. , .witp"; M s. IL.nj ai . a.. : ail-: i:.ce!..a. p tl Olutii : . a tjtiaatiia-- ,. an; otiior ,..,'... ..f-., ..ii'ii'..', ;'i':i..-.i:iv alt ihjll .-.pi iac ib" wer. faiiiieil 'a pi ettv tet tha. ft;e- liailaiN. '.a.ll of I'll Ite: na.on. at ":': tin: table: T'lllli.e- were vo!- p. m. (lice Xa ., u i.ti. Mr,. 1-. M .. Klc.- !"., a:ai wiiiti and. thisa.' colai s were. ;, Maniiay after no.. n at 1. o'cbicii : ul," note i la. other . delall-- bf the ; irele X '.'')' wit h M ; -s . Ma i y (Juili pi,..t:; . '1'he "Iia-te-s iiresentci "lovely '.'a,!:, TueS lay a ftctiia.fn :at . tf:U0, prize, to Miss Wih'ia ("raw-fhi-.l. . -higii ; .o'cl"tk: -t'oivr, Mrs Aiinotir. ..Afttri . ..' ' ' dhe name- .a -abai cnif-e "with tel. tMWFK IS ! ' I". 1.1! ' H i'F F I, F Via NT uas aerveo. ...."-,. ,. . )t :. v Kiin'i r . a . The arut',.;,a .vi'iVv Mr,. Xariivah Ar-j.,. ".uir.i.v. of 'triehd, at a delitjhll'ul anuu.1 Mi's. Iv. civ. : Amour, Mrs. nlii-iiay dinner "U. last Sunday at. her ila'; :: I'l-a-t, .M : ,. . ( o! :i .l. Inn, i-, .,1c .'n ...,- Fane. .Mis. M. ii. Il-.w'.e-. M:-. H'.U'i: Ma.-- . A c.lil": chiahe of yellow tin.i whito -ie. Ml-- Mary Striiurjiidil, Mis, ) w savvied . at :n tae table apnoir.t- Maiy l.ii't'er. ami .Aliss. ilda ( raw-,',.. aiai tr.-. decoraiiot:, cf.tlu' hcirn:. - ' t t'l'.tere.! "With ; a i vu i . daiiked with yellow ioru. The tab;, of , datfo I VoFXn idiolT.F S FXIOX TO ' MF.HT ( :, . V.a.iea,a.l ' I" .Hl-'.C inulll- a ".. Fa- John, on" and dauirhter, Misa Th-. il. r,,-;,',:,; C o-.-v Ynniiiv f'eo. . FhrUtine,.;n. aiaFMr. and. Mrs.1 a,!,,- i',. I.,',, . t .1,., t,.tiia,i;.-t , H ! I oil- ! ;,!: i wiV ,aU ;'i a.' ,.,,-.'; hi v niPPitinir at M r,. Richard Fa: lier, J r., Iir. Chark's 1 Hon in v (J:, v. Mondav Ani'il 2. at ' radaa t Mr". F. I.. Hii. ton, Mrs. Bar ber, aad Miss- Maty Barber. WHERE'S A 15ETTER PLACE TO EAT THAN IR 1 mm eig hton s On Haywcod Street In Asheville? Reasonable Prices Quick Service And when better food is cooked. Creighton's will cook it! p $7.1)9 to $21.75 All Styles Leading Color-; Rest fabrics Red fern Coats W ri-oiiiiiiiu ntl I'spiH'iallv. Their jjreater price meas better value. Aristocratic coats, ewpeciallv cood for niotorinu: and other hard sen ice, Swagger Suits Smartly in the mode hut mil expensive, ("oats loose or fitted. I'inmr tip to 7-S in length. Colors navy, gold, brown, green and t eeds. $12.95 to $24.75 Silk Blouses (! '"course. Beautiful Assort ni cut. S1.95toS2.95 ( i mplcliiii; the ne costume. Add color to the old. Every Garment Individually In Silks Selected $2.49 to $18.75 Not just ordinary Adorable Spring Bonnets Easter Hat! Byron Felt Hats Reduced Children's Dresses SLIGHTLY SOlI.Fl (Iroup of (juality Jack Tar Dresses. Sizes 111 to 17, Originally SI. IS or more, now MI St'E LL A N E( H S ( . K( ) I V Including Jack Tars, sizes f to 11. Originally 9Sc or more. Now 95c 69c i .. j i . . . niueeu yt-s, we can in vou in an Faster hat just the right son loo and at a reasonable w. tl AI.ITY IN LIMITED 95c to $5.00 Boucle Suits Nothing mere distinctive of Ka,ft ; and spring time than a l!i:ucle ? nit. Ours are lovely and ieas nahlv priced. Sizes 14 to 12 $3.95 to $18.75 LOVELY CLOTHES FOR LOVELY KIDDIES Cotton Prints 39c to 98c .Everyone '..splendid, values. Those at !sc are tailored into fine garments suitable for party dresses. :. CHILDREN'S Dressy Dresses Silks in prints and pastels. Dimi. ties and dotted swiss. Simply adorable. Sizes 2 to fi $1.95 to $2.95 Silk Dresses Sizes 7 to 14 ; $2.95 and $3,95 Each one a colorful beautv will add character to vour cos tume. onderfullv stv'led. You will like them, the" price es. peciallv nice $5.00 MATRONS HATS Attractive stvles large sizes 95c to $1.95 Foundation Garments (iossard .Madame (irate Vassarettes Soon IN HOSIERY WE CRASH THE (i.VTES Ilard wrrk has placed lis in po sition to Rive you unusaulh good values and cHr range in stock is tremendous. AVomen's Hose 10cto$1.25 Children's Hose lOcto 19c Men's Hose 10cto75c . ... u... lust erainarv are-ses. nu. trm ks carefullv selected in N'e York by our Resident Buyer with special attention given l" riir W;vaesv ille needs. Colorful Frocks Richly impressive fabrics. Navias rf course and solid colors. Flam brynnt. prints. Pastels in crepes an I sheers. II ST TRY ONE ON lis the Nelly Don challenge. Sporting they are and value giving. Cottony good encugh for anyone and none better anywhere. Nelda crepes in mar." velous prints. Onlv SI. 95 to $12.95 GLOVES Especially (iood V alue- 95c to $2.50 AM pcpular shades Kid and Fabric All washable i w wan fffiMrirmllf. l.m fteuH)5nf ..Halt. " " Hill hamwmmwv C. E. Ray's Sons STYLE QAI.1TY ECONOMY OUTSTANDING SHOE VALUES

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