THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1931 THE WAYNESVILLE M0UNTA1NEEU Chief Sources of Tax Revenue in State General Fund Inheritance Licence Franchise Income Non-tax revenue . Sales --- Froperty tax of loc Beer Total (icneral Fund Road Fund Gasoline - Auto license Title registration . Total Road Fund Collected in 13 1-HW2 $ 4iil,77l' . .... 2,371.502 . 6.677.071 ... T.TSL'.o-lo 1 .471 .V 12 $22..r)60.!t0tl Collected first t months 1933-1934 224,058.59 1,098,524.84 5.112.883.99 564,533.22 j 3,318.296.16 " 185.372.41 lS10.503.ti69.24 $11,840,000.00 4,460,100.00 32.500.00 S 16.332,600. OOt These are actual collections to January 1, 19.3-1. with big income-tax navin" period to come in March. Estimates for la.-t half of year are that atleat ten million will be collected. Non-tax levenue alnuit one and one- 'r'vThee are estimates of highway fund, for whole year, not collections. The above is a reprint from the current issue of The Noith I'.uolina Tiaeher. ?1 1.941. ISO 5.471.895 80.316 $20,493,392 HERE AND THERE IN SPORTS IN HAYWOOD COUNTY Hv THOS. REEVES Unavoidable left out l.t week) All basketball games hay bwn completed except those of the e-le-.iicntary schools. They should prove interesting to all high school coaches hit are looking: for prospects. ThoM' inlcrestcct in the Western; arolina Boxing and Wrestling tourn. .orient in Asheville should lie in good j ..million for the meet 1 understand ! that Canton will enter a full team. I h. j. discouraging to the Waynesville j .-.thleti to have no place to tram. The hoys here have about eight or ten ftlcs won in the last two years, it no uiu enters from Waynesville ...!) ,-r live titles will be undefended leserve- Tate, of Waynesville. Os borne and Hurnette. of Hethel, and Fi ancis. of Clyde. Hoys: Suttles, Rcvoloy Owen and Cabe of Canton; and Morris of Way nesville. For reserves. Wells of Hethel- Green of Clyde and a pick of the other Canton player- after 1 have .-con Speais play.. Tue.-day afternoon Ka.t WaynesT villi- won two games from the lla.el- i ici. ., 'in,.. M-..,, their game by a score of 20 to 5, while the boys won by a score of 16-6. It was the first games for both schools. Fast Waynesville will play their next game with Lake .lunaluska iiU'lt' man lilt o 'aim c0. i 1 Suavely got the boys lie looks like a business lo me. I doubt if a player on am would return to the line. up lew days after breaking train ule. . The Carolina alumni sure in an excellent show at the Ix'- he lobby looked crowded new and prospective stu- POTPOURRI 1 had the pleasure of talking to ' oach I'oindexter, former W ayncs- ille- high -school coach, at the Caro banquet. Although in a hurry, Coach I'oindexter is never, in too j;rcat. a rush to not be interested in :iis, former teams here. When asked .vhat was the best team produced while he was here, the former Car olina all-southern did not hesitate to -ay what he thought about his teams. 'The best team I produced wa my tfirlV team which was composed ol May Crawford, Hilda- Leatherwood, Rebecca Beeves. Habe Welch, Gladys Justice, and Grace Campbell." Ac cording tA Coach I'oindexter this was '.he best, girl's team that has been ;jTouueod in Western ( arolina. No one will question the fact that they ve re head and shoulders above any team that has ever played tor Way n sville high. Mary Ouckett, Mat tie HatelrfT and Jane I'lott were the 'ut.'-t;;mling reserves on, this team. Along with this girl's team Coach f'oimloxter developed the second best .v s team that has played for the iigh- When these teams played they won the Cullowhee tournament :h(- only time any school has won V'th cups the same year. George Washington. Locke Howell, Fred Crawford, Jack Phillips and Fred ( ampbell composed this great team. Most Hideous Animal What is sa'uj, to bo the M.osi .hid eous of all living animals is the mandrill. It is a ferocious -member of (lie baboon family '. al in- J liidiils West Africa. It grows to huge proportions. Even when kept in captivity until full grown -it re mains very savage. They live in groups and walk op all fours. . 1!C.;3, Westoni Newspaper Union AN ALL-COUNTY TEAM Girls: Forwards, Underwood and Phillips, of Waynesville; Stamey of Bethel; guards, Taylor and Queen, vf Bethel, and Brown of Clyde. For Job Printing EXPERT WORK The Mountaineer PHONE 137 RUPTURE E. .J. MEINHARDI OF CHICAGO H EKE AGAIN He will demonstrate the "Mein l.ardi Rupture Shield" privately in his rooms at the George Vander bilt Hotel, Asheville, N. Car., on Wednesday only, April 4th, from 1:00 P. M. to 7:00 P. M. Ask the Hotel Clerk for the numbers of Mr. Meinhardi's rooms. Only men are invited. Mr. Meinhardi says: "The Mein. hardi Rupture Shield contracts the Opening in 10 days on the average case regardless of the size or lo cation of the Rupture no matter how much you exercise, lift or strain." The Meinhardi Shield is skillfully molded to each individual as a Dentist makes false teeth. (No leg straps and no cumbersome arrangements). It is water proof, sanitary, prac. tically indestructible, and may be worn while bathing or sleeping (continuously day and night) until no longer necessary. After twenty years of experience seeing thousands of cases Mr. Meinhardi will be glad to answer questions regarding all methods for Rupture. ; I)o not neglect to see him on the above date. There is no charge for demonstration. This visit is for white people only. Chicago Office, Pure Oil Bldg. &LCMSI You can earn several hundred dollars this sumnier, and you can secure a better position and a larger salary for the coming year. Complete information will be mailed on receipt of a three ent stamp. Send for it today. Rural Schools and City Schools Summer Work and School Year Positions CONTINENTAL TEACHERS AGENCY, INC. 1850 Downing St., Denver, Colo. Covers the ENTIRE United States -ift , . "Thanks for sending me so many good positions to apply for. over during the first five days I was enrolled. An Illinois Teacher. - t SCHOOL OFFICIALS: We can put you in touch with the very est teachers. Our service is free to you. dr. c. h. Mcdowell I860 1931 By E. Y. Gl'DCEK One of the painful things that the years bring is that one is called on to suffer the passing of old friends. Twice recently this sad experience has come to me: one in the passing of Mr U M. Killian and later in the death of Doctor McDowell. These two men were men of character and integrity who tilled well their sphere in the community lif(. and going to their entern.,1 home they leave va cancies in home. community and church not easy to till. Mr. .1. A Francis has written fittingly of Mr. Killian and 1 shall t . y hero to give a brief sketch of Dr.. Mc Dowell and to note whai he stood for. During the winters of 1SS7-'SS and 1SsS-'S!. I taught in Transylvania lounty and at intervals visited relative- and .iiul friends in Hendorson villf. There 1 met and came to know and e-teem "Doctor Charley Mc Dowell," a- be was generally called by hi. intimates. He was about "-S ye:rs of age. a tine, clean, upstand ing man, well liked by everybody, a man who was developing the charac ler which w ... the out. landing thing in his life till the day of his death. About 10 oi 1 1 years later ( I!'!') he aim- to Waynesville to live and from linn on until his dealh 1 saw him in the summer.- when home on my va cations1, mill mm,, to know him well. From I'.Hio t, lit 1 1 j Professor of Iliolotry a! ihe North Carolina Col lege for Women and toward the close of my time taught his older daugh teis This brought me in closer con tact with Doctor McDowell and his tanv.W and 1 came to see more closely thi1 ical worth of the man. In all the 1 1 year, of my acquaint, aiuc with Dr. Charley McDowell 1 nevi r knew him to do an unfair, un just or little thing. He a- ,.mineul ly a man of integrity and character, an honest man not merely in bis tir. uncial dealing but he was ethically honest. Such men as all loo rare in the-e Jays when the reaction from 'he heighls attained during the (Ileal W.u ha brought so. iely to the level of the jac1.'. Doc'.ir McDowell ha., gone to hi., and thai going ha' bereft his family of a good husband and father, hi. church of a faithful mcin- RESOMTION OK RESPECT l That whereas. Our Heavenly Fath-l er has seen tit to remove from among! us one of our Rivthers, Kay Clifford, a brother that was always faithful toi our Sunday School Class, and who was always present when able to be with us. A ged citizen a faithful Father and Husband, and a loyal mem.1 her of the Church. He it iheiefoic re..olvid by the Men'. )!ibk (lass of (he I'n.t Methodi-l I'huich of Wayne. ville: FIRST: That e the mcmK-rs of the Sunday S.-hool Class grea'.U uu.. Mr. (lifford who has been taken from among us by a wL.e and loving Fath er who doeth all things be..t. SECOND: To this family, we ex tend a warm and sympathetic love. THIRD: That a copy of these reso lutions be sent to the bereaved family of Mr. Clifford, that a copy be kept in the records of our class, and that a cpy lie published in our local paper. Respectfully submitted, R. 11. lllaekweli T. 1.. Ilraa.let Orover C. Davis. Committee t'ii;,i i" grocei'. u isnlow : "We'll ci'.i.a n. and it is but titling that thisi,, ,,,u in , estimate o! his lile and clu.i'acter bv j , ,,, . t ( one w ho bad know n him long- should , '' ,l1' be put on record "'ic man wool in ;,. buy and pro- Peace to Ins ashes J.'.itced a pict ure o! Abi .i;:a.i. I.ini-idu. be : . . n.l hi. community of a good Ovarcome Pains ink better way WOMKN who get into a weak, run down xinditum can hardly epeet to be free lrom tioubb some "small S 11: ! 1 ill.S." 1 o the trool'le Is .lue to w.-.i'. l!'-s. I'.ildlll helps o I T i , ; i ',. . : .'-t ! 'I t:. . L t 0 1 ttlOH lll.iKcs 1( i-.l.sii'l Is r ,-. lo ! ,Ur us .,.r.l.-il 1 ' . 1 1 1 1 . !. H i . o.i; s in;'; ams .:-'' 1 i as !.: hi, -in of ii.,. is r i.i , .1 ii.l'.l.l o! .Iil'.l'.llli ,m l.'HIn'.nV 1 :ni fill-! .tiii uu: 11. Km,' of I. '1 I - IiU,' ".o ',l lo blllfl lli oil! i ' " to on;., ill v a iliiii ol ; A New Way Fo Save Money I!i inn Your Shoos To I s (o Ho Itopairod. The Va V Ktpair Shoos Thoy l,as( Longer anil Tool hotter. HKIX(J I S YOl'lt OlA) SHOES AND WE'LL KKIT'KN THEM LIKE NEW THE CHAMPION SHOE SHOP E. T. IHTKETT. Prop. M I STREET"' NEXT W ESTERN I NION Teacher "If I take a potato and i divide it into two parts, then into tour parties, and each of the four parts into two parts, what would I have?" ' Little Emily "Potato sHlad.'' TAX T IT PTH TT T T T iLJJikJ List Yoor GIVE IN YOUR POLL PircDperlty APRIL IN USTING Begins Aprtf 2nd TAX LISTERS Beaverdam W. W. Pless. Cataloochee Flora Palmer, Cecil Charlie Moody. Clyde Carter Osborne. Crabtree Claud Williams. East Fork-Willie Burnett. Iron Duff Jarvis Chambers. Ivy Hill-Jim Plott Jonathan Medford Leatherwood. Fines Creek Hiram Green. Pigeon R. A. Cathey. White Oak-Ben Wright Waynesville C. C. Francis. AH property owners and taxpayers in said township are required to return to the List Taker for Taxation for the year 1934 all the Real Estate, Persona! Property, etc., which each one shall own on the first day of April, or shall be required to give in then. All male persons between the ages of 21 and 50 years are to list their polls during the same time. All persons who own property and fail to list it and all who are liable for a poll tax and fail to give themselves in will be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction fined or imprisoned. c c nr '-"n"11''''".1' - :V' l ax oup ervisor

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