1 mm The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Ureal S nuk Mountains National Park Head ly Thinkin- People XiTe-- , . f. j 1 -"TTffJ VOL. XL VI NO 18 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA TlUUSIcvY. AI'Kli. .V BRIEF NEWS ITEMS Floods that 1 1 Hi k nine lives i reeded ycterday jrivinjr residents of" west. ,13 Wisconsin and -out hea-tern Min-iie.-ot.i trteir rir.-t i.pi'MH tunny to u,r-u-v th- heavy damage to pruinri : v. of i a in that iVH Monday !m uii.-iii communities hardest. Piv- vijMtatii'ii :!i'iv i.inciu li'i'in to four inchv.., A !'. rtastv of nn.re than .-J.".ooii,iu'o x esterday a- paid to Richard .lo-hiia i Hick) Reynolds as lie reached ids LlMh birthday. Young Reynolds is married and has olio son 1;. .1. Key. nidil-, d;-d. limn si'Wial .muitlis The vi!l of the elder Reynolds pro vided e udi of his four children wuuid inlie! it a fourth of the estate when hey reached the aye of 2S. Hick is tin .': 1st to eoliU' into his. !:. A. Davidson, former president of the defunct Cherokee Hank, of Mur phy, and hi.s son, J. W. Davidson, who iva- a diiector of the bank, entered State's prison in Raleigh, Tuesday tv serve prison terms of live to eight years for bankin.tr law violations. Federal guns blazed retort yester day to gang defiance and cut close to the trail of the arch-fugitive, .John llillinger, and reddened it with blood of one of his gun-toting pals. The wounded man was Eugene Green, who admitted he was one of the three persons who shot their way out of a police t rap Saturday. , ' ' r.uward W.-l'ou ill, representative of the Fourth X. C. District for'. '14 years and dean of the House, 'died in Washington early Easter morning. He was buried in Smithfield Tuesday. Report Made On Sanitarv Work Done In Count v' Total of l;i;( I'mie Uuilt l iuler LV. Since Lat November. 1 Over ST. .i(MI Spent On I "ay Hull. 1 !i !"un in i'is f. ,., , ,,, "L:a.s ' :a!.-:.-h -.h!- week the Vl ' k d i:e :!! Hitvw.,..i ,-..niiv hv tlv.. jSanita'y I h pat ; nu : ,ir. !v'r CV I .;! '':'-! pr:-. ie- aac been J!" v '-'e "unt, w '. :; average i f .-:!' mate: e "vV. lurt:. --, ;,, l-add the ,iio let n iv : e- a: a 'otal ' ' T,.Vc.i;i. ;::-.r, ;..;.' lie r :!:' " -v'U'.i Sl.T-i". '-!, A tola! of I'k IL' .uan-iieu: - -a. r, ,,,, the n oject, tile , i port -':;o , ed. Tw i-Jv m h...il .in iv". . . t...i aiel tu , ,-eptte t;:k :t.-:.:'de.l. - Uti'l f .: I ptr.: v.er. 'itieved and rebuilt. This project uot v,)i.ivyw;,v ell Xo vemlier JH, ;,n, elide I .March ;;u. Seeks Office .vxs s. " Father And Son Banquet Held Here On Saturday S' :hi Hi use DaiiijUe! a Am:, a I i' : . , . i 1 diu. OH ' I i,; a rd- (K, A' :i;t.. ;a;ur... , i . . : , . 1 i ; .i Metlt.'.i. :a - : a i Hear-Admiral Richard K. Hyrd has been left alone for out on tlie Ross ice barrier .since last Wednesday starting seven months' absolute i&si, iaticn in a snow covered hut with books, a tifamophone, writintr ma terials and scientific instruments for company. Kclipsitr all previous marks th attendance at the famous Moravian Easter service at old Salem Easter ' morning was the .greater because of fair weather. Winston-Salem Jour nal reported that thousands, unable t secure accomodations, remained on the streets all Saturday ni.eht. Lee Ferguson Enters Race For Nomination As A Commissioner Fee Ferguson, ni' .lonathan reck, is a candidate for number i f the hoard of '.county nmunis-doner-. i.M r. Ferji'UMfii u well ' known throughout the county having serv ed two terms as ( oiiiniis-iiiier. In I - he was commissioner and in ltr.'K he serve,! as chairman of the board. . Mr. . I'Vi-irU-oii -tati'ii when' making his formal aimounce-mcn't' that, he had always tried to lock after the tax payer's' money as if i; were his own. He is an oatstandinc farmer and cattle raiser. I .1. I". HAII.KY' 'Otto II. Kahn, nationally known nancer and ibanker and patron nf art and music died suddenly in his New York office last Thursday. Mis. Cornelia Vanderbilt ' Ce'-il, -Vs h i v 1 1 1 e m i 1 1 i o n a i r e ss . c i n 1 y dau'ih'.er of the late Ceorn'e Vanderbilt,. and her KiiK'lish husband, John Fra'li is Amliear.st Cecil are seeking, by mu tual consent, Associated I'ress reports ay, a divorce in the trench courts. Walter T. Crawford Seeking Nomination As Representative Walter Crawford, wi ll Lru.u-n Wnv nesville attornev aimounced this week mat lie l- a candidate for Repre, sentative in the coming 1 k-mocrat ic ; prinrary. Mr. Crawford u- the second! to announce thus far i .Mr, Crawford was born and reared i j in Waynesville. After 'fifiishinjr high1 i school .here he entered Mais Hill Oil-1 i lege and was admitted to the b..r in l'.i-fi. ! j En,- the last five years he ha been'' actively engaged here ti legal u. act ic 0 i f He is the son of M -. W, T. Craw- ' i ford of this city and the late t V:'. . gii. -snian W. T. ('awfoi'd. . . Nomination For Representative Sought BvBailev Formal announcement was made yesterday, by J. T. Barley, of Canton, for t he nominal ion of Representative for Haywood County. Mr. Kailey i.- a wholesale grocer in Caiiton, and for thirty years has taken all aclie )no ; in civic and religious art iviti.es of the . oant v. He was a nuimliei-' of I fie Ivo.-i r,1 ' ,.f 'ilucaiioii of this .count) for two years, in I mayor of Canton for two ti iiii-. Fast fall .Mr. Railey was iliauni.iii 'f the clrv 'forces' it' I h , , il, leil a .successful cani.paign again's't the tate voting wet. In a .statement. Mr; Raile) . said, '.'Now is a time that we must be liberal with the schools of the state, and at the same time watch carefully the fi nancial conditions wf the state." He is interested in education and always takes an active part in any move ment that Ls lor the betterment of t . (Hiiuaiiunity. I u a - lllollg' .i , I rem W. II. Williams Is Seeking Place As A Commissioner The first candidate to announce for county commissioner for' the coming' primary was W. H. ( Kill) Williams of Wdiilc Oak. 1 hi : girl- w: i l i hV ; he i KidUi: ,. ; I helped' . ' , li'iu u.. lieip th.-,- ; cur .i.i.i-. ti l'i icmls. Tlii' .pivc' h'l ih.i.uch nig :.s ti.i U. C. All, which soiiu part of thi e ' e 1 1 tic lillil ellj. ,)ei th.i I cyan b. the w i i a) ioi c iirgu-c: .... ,,;' ; ),,. ji'ial Agc.ii' hi!'. Wa- loHoued ; b.V the iiian, -peak, . of th,. .evening.: Mr. S. C, Cl-.pp S i pc r : in f iiiient of the Swannanoa ''et Farm ' who made a el .tei-e-t nig talk on ' the gene a! , H, ;,t Swann.'i- i ""11. 1 be follow n "r :(."., u .,s ealleil i upon for dim ; t ail . . I Mr. ,!.,,k l. ,-c- s: ... : ... i of Haywood l ou ii . :. School.-, -M r. M.'i H . Howie-, Sup, i iic, ...tent ,!f Tow n. ! ship School-. 1 i t ! I.', 1 chairman .of the school hoardand Mr 7 .iik; la wh.. tided t he place , if ID'. U . A. Hyatt, . In.. i man of board of . com II I i -lone I ''aving the -eii. oi men i i,;l i were talking al,ul .i-uood and ifs i ')S Mr. Ceoice "Stephe'iis." of the I I'armcrs l-'ederat iol). New - of A-hc J me, netd up i!uru'..iiibe couhIa "and , also made a splendid talk -allowing Mr. Stephens was Mr. R I". Mei-i ser, chairman of the counts board of j education, cpre-sing hi- delight m I being present. Mr. W, 1 1. Smith, who i.- alwavJ ready to make a good .speech, took up I about fen minutes of the time in .li eu sing ihll'ereiil ni-nlili n.- TI,..,, ria I i lowed our teacher. Mr. A C. Morrow'. As all the old boy- of agriculture I were represented hv a speech fromi I Rufu.s Iiatcliir II.,. f,,.-, .Aggie Club eve.- had. It wa.s then! left open for . anyone to -av a word I who would like. Mr. Wcat h'ei h , Mr.' j Allen ,-ind Mr. ( harle. FraiH i- v;,)J 1 ; a lew words. Crack Pilot v "fv. sT t 'L. T V,.- C. Of C. Directors To Name President i .-J Lj ...... i 'V 1 New llnard Ol Dii-.-edu-v Kl.i t'! At Al;i-, Meefinu Here Last l'riil;i Niylit .I'1'. , . . ..:!, , .' .. , i .ay -- I 'e l c:i i: : c . :' i . , 1 1 1 i, i ' ,ii -a.... ',. .u . ; i ' . : ... u c i 1 1 1 1 . .M.i i . Wilt . W . Fl.iol. . I., il ir,. ;,r. da. I II I I IA AN I M. . KKIJl I'l'iiviler an (I'll! I'OU'te. Oi.'X ill.' l it If, 'n i The National Geographic Society on Saturday presented to Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh its bighe.st honor, the Hubbard medal, for her share in her husband's aerial survey. The presen tation ceremony took place in Wash ington. The imedal previously had been awarded only to Col. Lindbergh and Admiral Richard Hyrd. National Publication Carrying Article About Haywood Apple Orchards "Ksso Tours and Detours" a publi cation of Standard Oil Co, is going to press one. month earlier in order to carry art article on the apple or chards of this county, which u-a, pre rared by Mrs. Helen C. Matthews. ihroughout the season, the publi cation will carry one or more articles prepared by Mrs. Matthews, one be ing on the golf course and other at tractions that are offered in thus com munity. The publications are distribute-, through stations of the company ana travel bureaus throughout the country. . Read before You Buy The wise and thrifty shop. per reads the advertise. ments before they buy Mrs;Medford Wins Prjze For Sending In Best Answers The judge awarded the Jl'.ad in cash to Mrs. W. ('. Medt'oid: i,f Wav. nesville, for .sending the answers to the errors found in last, week's page of advert isinp-. . Mrs : - f Mlfnwl ' answers wwe sent in .in. a' mtvt un usual manner. A small basket of Easter eggs, with eich of the .seven errors printed on an egg. Each egg was of a dif- lereni cotor. The contest created much ; .interest, with the answers for the fourth week out numbering all previous weeks. The Mountaineer extends congratulations to the four winners; and appreciates the answers s.n. -n ,- flu cnrc, v.f Others. Plans arp hflntr mala ts Kiaera - . - -. - r.-t- v . iwjtc similar contests in the future.. because in the advertise. ments they find bargains, and fashion suggestions that otherwise they would '' miss.; ',.' ' ' Pegin today and read the advertisements regularly. Death Claims Mrs. Reuben Robinson RAihen Robinsor., ' -aVe ,73, died Wednesday of week at 12 o'clock at her home in Hazel wood. Mrs- Robinson, or "Aunt Jane,'' a she was known, hari KcptI coriuKli, ill since Sunday. She was widely re lated and Well known in this section of Haywood county. Her radiant Christian life brightened and cheered an tnose witn wnom she came in contact. As a mother she was un surpas.sed in her motherly love and interest, not only in her own home, but in the .homes -' of hpv nf-ic-hKor- and friends. Besides her husband Mrs. Robin son is survived by three .sons, Hector. Ernest, and Verlin, three daughters, Mrs. James Holder. Mre. Lee Win chester, and Mrs. D. A. Winchester. One sisfpr frs ' Tn-rw,y Ra,.1.- qm four brothers, J.' P., Will, John, and EU Scates, also suryive. The former brother ic iisvn of Hn7f.li-nrwt Eiehteen eirandchildren nf'.on 'irrpsit grandchild ako survive. ine. iunerai was conducted at tne home at 2 p. m. Thursday with Rev. K. AHen in charge, a.ssi?ted by Rtv. Frurii- Irrlr.irt.in ar.l Pov V- f Pruett, both pioneer Baptist ministers. .tirs. nouinson nan oeen . 9. memDer nt he hwnfKtl'hlirch fro- vt.ari Interment was in the Buchanan j cemetery on. Allen's Creek. Mr Wifiiams; a pimniiii -v farmer the lower end of the county stated wlion making his formal aiimiunci im nt that ho Wa socking the itli'e of' conimi.ioiicr because he "wanted help the 'taxpayers'." 'Thi.- is the fii.-t oflice u. h,.,.s over sought. He was '.orn am) reared in this county, aioi for fifty years has lived on the farm and devoted all his time to farming and cattle rabing "I nave voted, the Iiemocartic t ickef ever since 1 was old enough to vote," he said. And I am asking that the Voter.s elect me to the office just this one time, becau.se I want to help them. It is for the interest of the people of the county that I am run ning:" . (o.od ' -111 u - it- un - iciidcii., llir.iin.iii t he program and I lie moo! mg ad journeil with cvi-i.yoiiv ha ti I'.Jn:'',. hi in -el f. SCHOOL FINALS ARE HELD AT JAMES CHAPEL C losing exercises were held at the James Chapel School on la-t Friday afternoon. Mi.ss. Kay Gibbs, '".teacher of the .school, presented her pupils in a program ol one act plays, read ings, and songs, to which the parents were invinted. A special feature of the program was the presentation of prizes to the girls and boys having the highest scholastic .standing for the entire year. Both prizes went to members of the fourth grade. Sara James, 10. was given a doll and Ray Messer was given a wrisx watcn. The prizes were donated bv Mrs J. M. Caldwell,, of Atlanta, Ceorgia, a sister of Miss Gibbs. Thirty Sheep In llaywimd County Killed By I)os Thuty sheep, owned by T! (I. Chapi'iii1 were kille.l by d'ogs eaiiy Mondav i morning on his farm 1111 the l-'a ii vii-'V ! road near here. .Mr. Chapin, who lives in Wayne s ville, discovered 'the' dogs in the act of killing his sheep when he went to his farm to wfli k . Munday morning. Arming himself with a giin, he gave I erase to tne Oogs, (ut could not .got : within shooting distance. .: j Th" loss is estimated at around Jl.'.li. l ast Week, dogs killed two hogs be- ! .longing to Mr, Chapin. Several farm ers in the Allen's ("reek section near HazelWfKKl, have lost she'p this year as a re.su 11 01 raids ly logs. (OI(i TO HOLLYWOOD LEGION TO MEET The regular monthly meeting of the American Legion will be held Monday night at 8 o'clock at The Masonic Temple. I I.- M .. . ;. . .. , I " ' .'..-.-.. iiwim-i arm operator . i ine vaynewood I heatr,, here and 1 the Imneria and f'r.loni:,! Thi,(rt in Canton, will leave ; tomorrow for iioiiyw'ioit, ( aliforn.ia, where he will attend a national convention Of mo tion picture theatre operators. While in Hollywood Mr. Massie will be en tertained by Paramount, Mefro-Goldwyn-.Meyers, and ithe.- outstand ing, producers "'.;. O. E. S. MEETING The Waynesville Chapter O. K. S No. 65 will hold its regular meeting cms evening (inurBday) at the Masonic Temple, Worthy Matron Burgin, requests all members to be present. ' I NOTICE TO MASONS All M ason-s are in ha present at the regular Communication of Waynesvj lip lodge No. 259, to be held in the Masonic Temple Friday night, April 6th, 8 p. m., as there is very important business to come before the lodge, The following degree will be con ferred in form Tuesay night, April 10. 8 d. m. You are cordially invited. ATTKXI) SUNRISE SERVICE Among those morotoring to Ashe ville for the Easter Sunrise service Sunday were I Roy Davis and Hor ace Keener. It was- estimated that between two and three thousand at tended the service which was said to have been the most impressive ever held in Western North Carolina. Local Roy Is Now A Crack Army Pilot A nali ! of Wax nc-viKc, laculcn an! Minthorne WHolscy Kccd. 1- one ol' 'la' 1'iai-k A rill iiilots to xxl'ioni the 'x cMinlclit lias t-nt ra-lo,l I lie a ' ry - 1 ing. ol' air mail. laeiltelianl Heed, wh.i.'xva-- . Ilo en i !'rm anioiifr 1 !, niriiiiici' ol" lino- In' i ; 1 j 1 1 Im. mail' ' botwvii ' exv. Yirk ' nu, Kii-lnii, was born and reared lieie.j the s,,ii ,,' Mr. and Mr.-, .lame- Won, I Uei'd He 1- a grands.011 of .Mrs. I li"iiia-iii' II. o.dox and I ho lalei Col Mini home V....No of New V01 k. I 'loi hla. and U a nesville. I Hi; as-ijrnmen: on (he mail loiiie,'! ai i'oi .ling t . mii' 111 Im i s ol' I he fanidx inaikeil the .11 1 1.11 1 hat ion of an ,1 1 1 1 '. lotion he ha.- bad sinn' he as a inall' box lo be "a real aviator." Ills dream became a delinile .lan a fter. )ie llcxx over th.' devastated 10 rion'-s of t'rance and Germany .xvit h In- grundniother Mrs. Woolscy, fol lowing the World War so, upon his-: gradual hui .- from Huke rnixcrsity m j 1 i'-'S, he took Ihe mceSsarx -.e.p.-. lo 1 ward 1 1 a iiV.at loll. 1 At 'lei several pi eliiuina 1 v lests . Io l began In- course in aviation at liiook, ld!y lield al San Anlonio, Tea.-, in j Oi-loheT, I'.lliS. This Held, now KlloxMi ' a- liaii.lolnh field. Is tile "West I'uin' i ol' 1 he an " and il .was' here that ( n' rharle A. , Lindbergh .was trained. II iaie. -icliie-,s a ie old at Kelh : lie'd . -iliilc K'ei'il a . , "in li 1 - 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 . i - " "d I 'cm naiil m l'.r'i an,) xxi-nl I , 'Sell ralg). Held. Ml,' Clemens. Mirhig.v: ' Alii-, ic .'hi and 1 i : 1 i;;cii.-.i ve Irani ill;'- hi- a.m. :'i-.i-n a !el acli inen.f of V-i iron il 1 iglit.- l-'i. :.l, ia, I. 11, Din.,. All a in- v dl -, pai I n id irly hi- ,l , .1 'loiolniale- al the II ie h ' . hnul hele.r ha- followed hi.- raieer il IV llllere-1 . - ! 1 lei.iil. have noted thai In ahilit v ' has .'esulled' often ,js being, given 1 III I m . il ail I duties and re-poll ibi It ie Ibat called for skilled leadership.-' . He made his init iiil I . ii, leith t l.,. air 11 ail .March ID. The Host in Trav elec has the following. to say regard ing that trip: "Lt. .Minthorne W. Keed, Of W ay nesvilb', one of the crack army pilot's, reached the. Htiston airport this morn ing (March lit) with the first -..Too pounds of airmail to be received .here since the service was discontinued.. A large crowd awaited him at t he land ing field. He left Newark airport at fi:15, reached Hartford for gas, and started from there for Boston at 7:1.". arriving here at H::;;." Lt. lined has received', much recog nition from all New York and Boston papers. The "Koston Traveler" sent the flyer's mother a large photograph xv.hieh she prizes very much. : IVES BABY BURIED FRIDAY Funeral .services were held Fri day aftiertioon at the Cullowhec Baptist church for Kelley L. Ives, Jr., three and a half months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Kellev Ives, who died here at 2:10 a. m. Friday. T. Ralph Moore Is Candidate For The Office Of Sheriff T. Kaliili' Mra.r.. ,if Pi,,,., -r..Jn shin, announced thit tr,.,, 1,,. is a candidate for sheriff in the June primary, Mr. Aloore is a ilntivo .f IT , ,.,,..,1 county, having lived in the Pigeon j sveuun an nis me., lie is the son of James W. Moore. He is an outstand ing farmer and eattl,, raiser, ",.' This is the first time Mr. Moore has ' ever sought any political office and! fce said that hiu nlntfr.i-, - tv, 1 . - ...... ,j iu.i ..I ,11 ... 1 ,j . ,hi; oflice which he is now seeking is "flerie'ai enforcement of the law.'' . He is a prominent Mason, having been Master of the Sonama lodge. He is a junior and a member of the Methodist church. . -I. Hard, 1: 1!, i'-. and If. I., l'i, l '"e.!.g u.i- a.ldie.-'.s. d .y ' l:a1'" l:- lil. -It , W. . Ku, -. and W . I Shcllon. 1 Uax in 1 h,. , ,,U--,. ,!t 1U marks s i e-sei the fact t li ,t iu- ,K-1 oigamzal ion w as for hr entire com munity and not ju-l mr the b.-nctit id' UaxnesXille, , Ha '.eKxi.oil. or Lake .I unaluska aloiii . r .-tated in detail, the purpose of the meeting which wa presided over by AV. C. Hyers, clerk of Superior Court, Mr. Uax said thai Way nesx ill,, first had a chamber of conimcivi' s,,nie thirty years ago, and named al- oil : , ' the 1 '-' 1 'ei liu'inliei - U) :vu, lu llie community at this lime. ne looiarks ma.ie ii , t . Ku.-s were al.mg tin 1 1 j 1 . - Hl;lt ,',,),,. cli.-.inlier.s nf ,. liii-lci- 111 linirisl- ! i-oiuinun.it ie.s iu'Iv doing meet with ..-ilcre-.s. Several see .'eta 1 it s l'lom oth or towns -er(. ,u,., , a-' ,, o c. : "The I'lea of opcralihg a : ihamher of commerce with -committer-' ami on business like methods is 'the only way lo as.suie sUici--." (i,u. ,1Uota'. Hon lieing. 'The day'.:., o.a-scd when you can. run a chaiulici cl dniiniercc xyith hot air ni..t l,,K " W .T. Slielton talk.',! U11 thv value : of .1 he pa rk to I hi , -.illinium'. y. ('(. spending many years in park ' areas ' in the west, Mr. Slielton s,,,,. ;l ., authority .011 the park ami it .elation to the immedinfi- territory adjoining He slated that within, a shorf tim,, alter Ihe opening of the Croat Smoky Mountains National Tail, that be exr prcted lo see highway No. Ill to A-hc-villc widened, as w i ll a.s 'o her roads thai . lead- direct ly into 1 lie uark. "Flour live to leu 1 h,,n-.-. 0,1 ..,,1.11.. Inn -e.- w (II he t. . 1 1 j j n- I ., meet, the nerd'- of the nmnd,. win the pa.k : I - "fii'iii'd" lie 1 Il.rtl. :l "W heif -'lie pa rk 1 opi'ii I .iii"i ! will ha ve lo he Inpfn 'l niio Hay xx'd. d ,.. ai.t y a great d'-i'-l Hi"H Oiall i; o-- I v, g, -acies 1 li .il ' a 1 . - u.iw g-i '-.yn hi i I M l ai ! r'ea H'l iionpii . ''li'lld : I. ' -a ha ' p ..,v ini-aii l o 1 In - 1 .-'' a in." ' '' 'in- of" ' lie 1 'n'ig . '.'.'. ;:..i,..' !a !li.-i,i oo.xx 11 ' hi a - a- c. oil :i"i ; . y r, : in-. . 11 'oierat ion g l'. ( a 1 in- ;.a , k ;li.-i.,'. . ',' . boiild h- a !it;b-'- 'o'.':i' t'r.n -lady' ".'.- ' xva'i'd I In" 111," h... cjiP . 1 ; j d A pjil-'iN llliati'l.v ,-r i: a Miireil pi op.lr idteMiled t'!n- in;--- inii'l'l:g. Crom K. Cole Is Now In Race For Sheriff Nomination (')ion Is Ciile ,il' Heaveldiim ship, .'inn-oun -ed ' I b i.- iti-il that a candid.'ite tor Shrrdl 111 the In iiini-i al primal y. . I 'p tiiit il Weeks hl'.i Mr. Cole was Ih-iiiilx- in .HeViyerdaur. .- Mr baniied in h ignation in. order to ''-wage. In paign for. Sheriff., 'For -th" last ,' loa i ' een year-'-, been cnip'ox e,i at '". i La iiiiinn. Company and ;s io i-.-ci:' . fy, of i.nc a.f t lie dona ' t men's. ' : In.. -Hi:l 'Mr. ( idi- wa- :i r for -she riff, and receive a i.." Votes., ': VeM'-rday :'. sod. ." votes 1, ic-eived in I'iclo, ' ad perience I have !,ad -;'i.ri : ' ' .with law enfii.rci'non- I v..i ''aged to make c" I ! r .. 1. . . a r . .: ; . r. 1 1 t i c. oij .1 .. , 1 111 th" sei vii-e they x 1 ' ' t'i sheriff's xiince," lie ...'oiif iiiu''d. .Mr. fV.le is a. native !' and is .'! I years old.. to'wn he is urn in a few Siierifl'-: res-. s canw.; i... ha i ':!.. -iienian;- .l'did'a:.' : many i'h th' tie' e- " '.iiiuc IH I' ur: .nee pie : il the . rountv TEACHKRS' NIGHT WILL BE OB- si-.kv t.u A 1 15UU.S1 Kit CLUB BROTHER OF MRS. II. C LINDSEY DIES The Ha7eln.nnd R,t(, ri,,l. ' .;n entertain the teacher- of the ll:.ze xvood Elementary' School Thursday night, April 12. at the' Town Hall. 1 ror several years tnis has' been an j annua! 'affair. All Boosters are ex 1 pected to attend. Friends here will be sorrv to hear of the death of Rev. R.7L, Telford. D. lb, of Richmond, Ky.. a brother of Mrs. H. C. Lindslev of this citv. Rev. Mr- Telford died last week. lie w is pastor of the Presbyterian church ;n Richmond for about twenty years. He was well known here, having made . several visits to Waynesville. Minstrel Will Be Given April 12-1:1 For Boy Scouts ; Rehearsals have al;-aily svai ted for' the Cotton !:'-.- 'ii .III' which wrll . be given a: ' th-: Mi irh Sehdol au.l:--torium on April J 1". i"..i. r the a.:s niees i-.f til,. .-n. , M T ,r I, ,e nl 'n,-i i Legion Auxiliary, '-!' - he; benelt ef ; trr- boy Scuuts. '. The entertainment is lnong dircyt- . ed by .Miss Ketsy Lane Qu niaii, xx hu has-;-succc-fuliy: diia-ctrd - hf j-anse : j'eiformance in a nu-iilxi :;. of other... towns, and i itiL's t hK:ighut the south. ', -.Snannv minstrel i:c,- i dances . wi!) be given . by . a h . al ia-t if about To. ' One -of .the f.ea:;i'r.- the mins trel will le a, regi e area h of promise suit: in the. second a'.'.. ' More de'.a.'t i ' a'.i n w'iil be c iv. ; next week. . . :