..... . . . , r ' 1 " " m fgtJ ' -ii ' ---..,-...- r-'--.-.S. -'2vJ- V "'"' -!:- -" . . )'', v" &,-.'.'-"" ", ",' . - I 1 The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky .Mountains National Park Read by Thinking People VOL. XI. VI NO. 19 WAYNESVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA Till KSDAY, APRIL 12. lii'.J Haywood Farmers To Discuss Cannery and Other Projecis At Meeting Here On Saturday! County Agent Smith t'rges All Farmers To Be Present At Court .house At 10 O'clock Saturday One df the most important meet ings for the farmers, of Haywood comity ever held is scheduled for Sat urday morning, April 14. at the court house, according tu County Agent W, 1'. Smith. Three major topics will l e discussed, one of which is a can nciy for this county. Mr. Smith and others have been working for the past several weeks on these projects, and some definite .t-s are expected to be taken at the meeting Saturday morning. In a formal statement he said. "We car. put a cannery in operation here thus sumnier if the farmers are inter, rsted and ready to grow the truck. The only way we can know what they want is for them to be at Saturday's meeting and express an opinion. "All farmers who are planning to grow certified seed potatoes should in present, because there will be some things that will be discussed that all should know," Mr. Smith continued. "Another mater that a number of tanners are interested in is a milk market here, and those who are inter ested in this will be given some .in formation," Mr. Smith continued, "Many farmers have told me that they want to grow tomatoes and other truck, and we expect to come to some decision, one way or another. Let me urge all farmers to be present." It is known that several of the matters, which Mr. Smith mentioned will depend on the response at the meeting Saturday as to whether the projects will materialize or not. BRIEF NEWS ITEMS ! pailey, an elder in the Can ton I resbyterian church, was elected moderator of the Asheville Presby very at the opening session of the spring meeting in the AVeaverville inurch luesday morning. A tmy baby girl, Dorette Zietlow, 'i'k died in St. Elizabeth's hospital m Chicago yesterday from a shock and exposure during two days as the p.-isuner of an abnormal 13-year-old '-V'V. ivifniy snort-wave radio receivers ir installation in police and sheriff's department cars will be purchased by Asheville and Buncombe county, it was announced yesterday, Kishop James Cannon, Jr., who talked a large portion of the Demo cratic south into voting Republican at the 1928 presidential election, at tempted to prove to a jury yesterday that there was no skullduggery in his Political salesmanship. He spent nearly $100,000 in his campaign against Alfred E. Smith. He is on trial before the district supreme court on criminal charges of conspiring to "eakthe corrupt practices act. If the jury finds him guilty the bishop would ti',.(U,1Jtct t0 a maximum fine of vtuouo and prison sentence of two years. ,;. Turkish American officials today arranged to return Samuel Insull to "it L-nited States aboard the Ameri- n steamship Exilona which sails rom Smyrna" for Boston Friday af-ti-rnoon. . Thr ee gallant soviet aviators, af- 'u weeks of waiting for fair weather, n-'ve rescued 33 of the refugees adrift a great ice floe in the Arctic sea the result of the sinking of the Kwernment icebreaker Cheliuskin. It ;: o-pea that the remainder, camp- "k comp.ntoH Kr .u : could be lan off soon. Mis- Florence Gasoue. who has 'n :vIS!ting in Atlanta for the past ''W ' -Of.b- 1 . . . -ur i i. returned and re U,', . 5?r Position at Jo-Ann's a-: y Shop. . . By means 0f a new medical camera, w' -mall that it can be swallowed tak.i, d.'f on)fort. 16 pictures can be tv the stomach at once. A Urn. ?,h met?,1 finder contains the tarife, X i""i, ana iu.wu r.Me-power flash bulbs. :. : bll'W r,f U I-.... , oi-.-' !ra-l' ' . onuea stales r.;'itllrpower-100 fitting ships &T?e: ,'33'000 enthis i headed for fh Ait:- - i j.. tarn- r,.- r . Atlantic: tirutt co 1.. Vi. ejitenaed maneuvers. Far r- me van of 'i j fl.. aimaaa inree this armada three p -u'-h Th,.s,, wJnZg their way -3-V !,- " e squadrons, comprising Foundation Laid For School Build in": At Fines Creek New Building Consists Of Six Rooms and An Auditorium. Twenty. Five Men Working The foundation building at Finc hist week, and c ting underway thi of t hi- lloY school I ( ri-tk wa.. jiouiei n.-tiuctioii is get week un the wa oi wie iiuiiu:ng winch wi Approximately H." men he of stone will he give woik on tile building, according to J. H. Davis, superintendent of the work. Six class rooms and an "audi torium ar(, being constructed. This building is separate from the present building and will lie Used fur a' high school when completed. It was esti mated by Mr. Davis that the bull ing will he completed in. time for use when the .school term opens next fall. The Work is being done by the county, ami it is' estimated .Unit the new buildmg will cost approximately $12.0(10. The present building will be li-ed for an elementary .-cliool.. Mrs, G. F. Boston. Is Candidate For C, Commissioner First .Woman' In Twelve Years To Announce As A Candi. date In Haywood County Mrs.' G. F. Boston announced this week that she is a candidate for nom ination as a member of the board of county commissioners of Haywood county. Mrs. Boston is the lir-st wo man to be a candidate in this county in 12 years. In making her formal an nouncement she saiit: "1 feel that there is work in Haywood county that no one but a woman can and will do I am a true Democrat, and if nomi nated and elected will do my duty as one who is truly interested in a better and greater Haywood county." Mrs. Boston came to Haywood coun ty in 1919. She was born and reared in West Virginia. She taught in the graded schools of that .state for six years. She lived for eleven years in Arkansas, and took an active part in civic and social life of the commu nity in which she lived. At one time was chairman of Woman's Voting! League of her county there. She has j been a voter since 1914. Since coming here she has been ac- tive in V, T. A. work and former chairman of Haywood County Hospi tal Auxiliary, She organized the women in proups and instructed sew ing and canning which was used for the hospital. She has been a teacher in the Junior Department of the local Methodist church for a number of years. : Minstrel Will Be Given Here 2 Days The Cotton Blossom Minstrel will be given at the high school here '.to night, and and tomorrow nii?ht under the auspices of the American Legion and the Legion Auxiliary for the the benefit of the Boy Scout work in this community. About sixty local people are taking part in ine entertainment which is being directed by Mis.s Betsy Lane Quinlan. One of the high spots of the entertainment promises to be a negro breach of promise suit. ; Old time minstrel songs and dances put on in thp old fashioned way to gether with, spicy songs promises an evening of entertainment. Funeral For Mrs, Coffey Held lues. Funeral services were held Tues day afternoon in Canton for Mrs. Vance Coffey, 34- who died Monday of pneumonia. Mrs. Coffey had been ill only a short time before her death. The serves were conducted by Rev. P. C. Hicks, and interment was held at Bon-A-Venture cemetery at Canton. She is survived by her husband, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Coffey, of this city, and three small children. BENEFIT SUPPER SATURDAY The ladies of the Episcopal church will sponsor a benefit supper at the W. W. N- C. Cafe on Saturday night j beginning at 6 o'clock The public is invited. T. L. Green Ends 19 Years 01' Service As Postmaster Here Harden Houell l.a-l i riday . Mr. Practice Law In ville expressions nf app.vi the people of Wavne: "I political addition. WAS AITOINTKI) I n)0T Mr. Green Mas appointed' lirst in April. l'.KlT, by President Theodore Uoosevelt and served "through Taft's administration and a part of Wilson was succeeded i urini Wilsm-'v -i niinitiat:ou by Frank W. Miller and remained out until' Harding was elect ed when he was reappointed and h. s served until now. Hoides lii.s service, in the pu totlice iiiii i-: niei.t , Mr, (ireen has Ueen a t'uimly and community hudder. He w:s I'-'i'n near Clyde Haywood count v, De ceinlier 1M17. 1 he. ,,.,",-nid of 1 .'l chil In n of Thadd. ii- Mi. Green, and Tern-pcram-o Louise Sh.ndi G.-eeii. Ilis ed ucdion was received in the public schools of the. county and at the Clyde high school with it cour-e in law" at the I-Diversity of North Ca rolina. His M'rvice to his county and State has been "marked- by spoeial work in many different lines. First of .all he is a lawyer, but -was drawn away from the profession by other duties. For (Continued on page 5) i.iim I ruia . r. Croon T.. a ' f ' Practice Law In avnes. " ' Ls V, q I . ' ' !ie. Wti-rair- Postmaster ? P rfX' 4j ? A li.rc. r, '.ir,.,l ,; It....- I.-';.) r . " V t' ualtWt. f. 1 A it'" wl!wy ;,; II f lit years, the . wV i ;t4 - I"i-iie. u-nure oi" a poM.nastvr here . V i V v A " 1 v 1:U" ;: town. 11,. .stated . --X&Yw ,';! " I" w li pnu-tiee law in 2&Jt U ay-iu- ill,.. :,-gi:in;iur about Mav 1, -f S?7 ! !'- ne wid !uc vn his farm in Crab- IT . Jrf I I J'e.; t-wndi p ..bout s, ven miles from: I (..' pT j i M.: t live I. -aid he l.-:io the ollice JL r.r-' i;lH,.,lu:y ;l, ,d highly appreciative of , I. Un- k::ulnes and con-iderat ion of the' jff liopl,. of Wavne.-villo and il. ,t. Vk l!iiir of-the p.tal service here. II! V' : U:,:!:. Il' K'vallv indebted to the' ' NS. jV- lis public tor what, -, . NSt I J vie,, he has bee,, tii-le t render. Mr. ' SWrfi '. ' i iilocn has recclied comniendat ion .m.'l 1 ' Haywood County Refuses Milk Permits To Dairymen From Buncombe County Geo, A. Brown, Sr., Announces Himself For Commissioner George A. Brown, Sr., prominent farmer and cattle raiser of the Fines Creek section, announced this week that he is a candidate'-for nomina tion as a niemher of the county board of commissioners. Mr. Brown was born and, reared in Haywood county, and has spent his life farming. For the past year he has lived invWay nesville. but continues to supervise his farms- . For in..ny jours he was justice of the peace in Fines Creek, but haa never held any other office. .. One of Mr. Brown's friends said of him, "He is a elf-made man, and has attained success in life. He is strictly dry and absolutely sober." Mr. Brown is a Mason and for 47 years has taken an active part in the Fines ( reek Methodist church. The three- things that he delights in de voting his time to are: civic affairs, church work and better farming. L. M. Leatherwood Seeking Nomination Of Sheriff In June L. Medford Leatherwood, announ ced yesterday that he is a candi date for nomination of sheriff of this county. Mr. Leatherwood is an out standing farmer and cattle raiser in the Jonathan's Creek community. He is ako a member of the Waynesville Township School Board. More ii) detail about Mr, Leather wood will be given at a later date. Abel's Garage Now Agent For Goodyear Tires In Waynesville Abel's Garage, on the highway, has been named dealer for Goodyear tires.. ,AshevilIe authorized A complete line of the tires been placed in stock, together have with thp usual line of accessories. Another up-to-the-minute line re cently included by Mr. Abel i- the Raybestos Brake Lining, which in cludes special linings for each make of car as recommended by the manu facturer. This is something new in the automobile industry. ATTENDS MEETING W. T. Rair.er and Albert Abel at- tended a meet:ng of Ford dealers and salesmen in Asheville Tuesday night, Retiring Postmaster ia! ion from all Thos. 1.. Creen. cille regard less ; After -e.ving as post master for I nineteen years, Mi. linen retired la.-t : l.'ii.ii, ii.. ....... 1...1 i... i i , III .1 III 11 l . ll 1 1 l V , Harden Howell. The above picture of Mr. (ireen was made about tell years ago. Bonus Bill Would Enrich II. ( ountv By Over .$3-16,000 We.-iein N'orlh ('an. lina would he nrii lieil liy niillioiiv of .dollars,' and Haywood connlv li- $:!1(;.0(; I .&2. should the soldie.'.s liniiiis bo pajj iiinler the plan .offered' by the I'utnain hill, now pending in t 'ongrcs-, '' ac cording to litru.-es coniiiled by Sen", a tor Robert K. Reynobls. Senator Reynolds. who has an nounced he favors payment of the bonus as a fair way of increasing the amount of money in circulation. prepared a table showirlir paymwnt would bring into the state annrox- imate slni) of $H8, 000,000. I'nlil Asheville Hating Is As V,wd As One Here, Permits W ill Not He Issued," Is Ollicial Order I ermits to sell milk in Haywood county have been refused Duncombe county "dairies by the: County Hoard of Health through E. L. Hin ton. county , sanitary odicer, it W'is U'arned lie.e yesterday. Mr. Hinton toiil The Mountaineer that th(. .local' lioard of health in a formal statement had said, "When thf milk rating in Asheville . is as good as the one now existing "in" Hay wood county permits will be issued then to sell milk in this county. Until then they will not bt. allowed within the county.'' . The rating as given Haywood county b.V U. S. Public Health Service is 9, which is one of the highest ratings of any county j the state. Waynesville's ..rating being and Canton's .!, making a county average of Hi. The A hevill,, official rating is H7 according to U. S. Public Health Service. : OMicial .atings received from the I i;. o. r. iiealttl Service by local " offi cials"' showed- that the Asheville rat ing had decreased during the past year. I.n'.l.,i2 their raw milk rating was'94- in 1 u:vt u. .I...'; i ' , Th . 10 ot. ( I'""-"' "-.i racing m i,b was sc., me rj.i.i rating being 77. Thi tniorcement rating dropped thirty til. "i,unl f.... lli'iil . ....... J oeing 04 per cent. . it. was pointed out by Mr. Hinton that th(. Buncombe dairies each year have been coming into Haywood county, and especially in the sum mer season they .have- ..practically AupiuicH- L,aKe Junaiuska wjth milk ;' mere' is enough grade"A" milk being produced in Haywood county to suppiy me (lemanu, - Mr. Hinton said vve have in ilaywood ten dairies all equipped with the jnost modern equipment and receiving a state offi cial rating of 07 per cent by U. S ruoiic Health Service. 'Photon dairies at this time are producing aooui ,'m gallons ol grade A milk oaily. In the summer this is increas ed by about twenty-live per cent. Since the local dairymen have done everything possible to attain one of the highest ratings in the state, it is neither fair to them nor the Deonle of fhi.s county to let outside dairies come in with inferior grades of milk. Our dairymen have cooperated in every tespect. to .-fttain (the high standard, and it is the purpose of the local board of health and ...myself to see that they are. protected." ' Up to this date there has ixien no ruling made regarding the sale, of creamery products and ice cream in Haywood county f-njji outside pro ducers,, according to .Mr. Hinton. C. of C. Banquet Will Be Held Tuesday Night J. W. Ray Is President Vbout $75 Secured For Boy Scout Work In This Community Total Of ,Si: Needed Tu t arn On Work Tor Next Tweive Months. More Troops To He Organized .1 1'. lieam. chairman of the linaiice committee of the local district of the Key Scout council, announced yes leid...y that approximately !f7.r had been .-ectiied from individual citizens and liiin.s of the community for the can. vine, on of the Hoy Scout work tile next veal. A oiiota of St.MI was set, and it is expected that Mr. Heam and his eo-workel's will raise that 'amount .within the next few days. Plans are underway to organize two mure t roups uf scouts in the community one in Hazelwood and one here within the next few weeks, or just a- soon as i lie training school for scout leaders is completed . here. The training is being. givrn by A. V. A I'll. Seoul eXeeollVi. of A .I1....II.. I ..". he:. 111 in his report vest showed lli.it the following 'had ..day con- t ribuled to the work : Joe S. I'avis, McKay's 1'harmacy, I.' lv -Mas.sie, McCracken 'Clothing Co., ,. W. Garrett, ,1. R. Latham. Tom Jr., K. t . Mcliride. lien Colkitt, N. M. Med ford. M. C. C. n. Mr- Massie Hep'. Store, Mass ie Furni tur,, l'ii, Bradley-Mavis 'o., C. M. Ulcus hmith's lrun Store, Dr. F. O. (Jar fen, Cwdy l'lott, Aliel's Garage. Mill Howell, Geo. A. Brown, Jr., G. C. Ferguson, C. K. Kay's Sons, Frances Kay, J. ii.. Si lev, Watkins Chevrolet und lialph hnsley. V. II. I'revost. Aaron I'reWnst, R. L. I'revost, Jr., F. :. Compton, C. N All.... It.. 111 ""ii i", ivooersoii, nev. ). I ,lin. drum, William Winchester and 'J. I'. Beam. . The Mountaiiiivr. LeFaine Hotel. Morgan, Stamey ami Ward. Fdwin Haynes, V. (J. Iiyers, T. A. Cathey, J. A. Lowe, J. C. Patrick, F. I.. Iliii toli, (Jrover C. Davis am a friend. ( ITIZKNS SUNDAY S( HOOL CLASS STEADI LY GltUWING The Citizens Sunday school cluss which meets each Sunday in the law offices of Morgan, Stamey and AVVird opposite the court house, is .steadily increasing in attendance. J U. Morgan is teacher 'of the group, and the class is especially for those not affiliated with any Sunday schooi.or .cluirch. The class adjourns in time for the memlx'r.s to attend church services. The class convenes at ten o'clock. Last Sunday, in spite of the rain 1(5 were present. Mrs. G. L. Allen, .75. Passed Away Thurs.; home of her son, Rev. C. L. Allen, at Allen's (.'reek Thursday niorning, at K o'clock: following an illness of ten ilays. I-'unera services were: con ducted Friday aftei noon at" 2:.'i0 o'clock at the Allen's Creek Baptist church of which she was a charter member. The services were in charge of Rev. A. V- Jovner. iiastoi- of the First: Baptist church of Cariton and Rev. V. M. I'iuelt. a former pastor of'-, the deceased. Interment was in (!reen Hill cemetery a! Waynesville. The deceased was a typical mother, not only for her family, but for all those who knew her. Her loss will be deeply felt in the enti re commu nity in which her interests were cen tered. She had leen in good health until her last illness. The beautiful floral offerings Were tokens of the high esteem in which she was held by" the neighborhood. The, pallbearers were her grandsons and the flower girls were her grands daughters. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. W. If. Davis, of Gastonia; Mrs. K. L Smith, of Hopewell, Va. ; and Mrs! W. J. Allen, of Allen's Creek. Two sons, Rev. C. L. Allen, of Allen's Creek, and Ben Allen, V)f ronton. A large number of grandchildren, and great grandchildren and a host of friends also survive. Lowe Announces Just as The Mountaineer went to press Wednesday afternoon. SheriflT J. A. Iowe announced that he is a candidate for re-eiection to the office that he mow holds. Miss Virginia Roberts -returned to Western Carolina Teachers Col We Sunday after snendini? the wpek.pnd 1 I with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cabe. Hamiuet To He Coinmunitx -Wide, Will He livid At .Ma sonic Temple Tuesda, April 17 Wilful pn -1, w 1 v n ill. Cliai ( lll llle 1 1-1 -I' d 1 r.- and the ne lei s-madt- 1 al tile..- t 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , ; t x some Tf 111 1 W ly elect ed 1 1, a 1 i ! 1 1 1 1 an- Tin -d.. iiiir!.' coiiil inei tmg, have. .. wide liailqui: al the Ma le on Tuesday, Apt il 17 at i :( o i le, k, .a which time 1 he naine ol the committee- and other mailer whnh the new organization has Urn wei king w ill he made public, A committee was appointed by Pres. ident Kay to provide ..n inte'iv.-tirig and eiitei tinning program for t ho occasion. The supper will he Dutch Treat" and every person that is ill te.estcd in t he-commun.it y is extended an invitation to he jiiesent. idle committees that will be named at Tuesday's banquet includes: -;x-eclltive, nuhlicitv. meniliersliio luil.li,. allaus. sanitation. hie-hwav: mil (uirk, community improvement, islative, industrial, agr icult ura I, lei tainnu'lit, Telines.-ie ...1, y t lnu-it y, tourist accommodations. leg-ell- A u-as-ral the mhl y and edui at ion and fei Some of the plan- for lion l'i.- the coining vein- relief, organ i.. also Ik wil made known hv President day. T!i,i tueiiilu-rsliip comniilteo is sched uled o liogiii the lileilibership drive within-, a few days following the banquet on, Tuesday night, Plans are being inaile to complete-the drive in one day. if possible. At the lirst meeting of the board of directors on last Thursday night. Mr-. Kay was elected president; Guy Massh', lirst vice president and V. Cu.ti.s Kuss, second vice presidelil. The board named Ernest ,. W ithers as secretary and decided to provide a woman assistant for the months of May, June, July, August and half of September. The duties of the assis that iH-ing to answer mail and devote full time to the office. A lis: of all inquiries received by the or ganization will be mailed to each hotel and boarding house that is affiliated with the Chamber of Commerce, ami also to any liu-iness firm that would he interested in receiving such a list Applications: for the position" of assislant will he received by the board, and formally passed on within the next few days. in a formal statement on,, - member ..f the board said: "All applications must Ije type written, in order that we may see just what the applicant's typing"qual ilicat.ions are. and also the construe-, 1 "ii of :i business letter." It i; e tiniated -tluit if Kssib(, the the a-sistani will ! made ha me of t he i at. the banquet Headquarter ConiineK e will K. L. Withers street. : un-Mlay night. i.'f the 'Chamber of remain in t he ollic,, of & Comp.ny oil Main The boa I d of diiector., elected at a mass meeting here several weeks ago is composed (,f: .1. II. Howell, . K. L. I'revost, Frank Miller, W, A Bradley, H. Curtis Rus. . I, Wilford Rav. Hugh S .-ie Mei Guy Ma-sie. Afts- .the tion of .Mr. Rav as president, hi resigned as. a member of the board, and .lame Atkins was hamed to till the. Vacancy, . Mrs J. M. Mock Is Opening Store Here New Establishment To Open Doors To The Public On Friday. April 20th. M ,.-. .1. M.. Mock announced y. day that -he is ojiening i husin. -tablishnient in li;e '.building ';.'., cupied by' the Woman.'.- ' K,.char:g Friday, A to il I'o'h. The new business will '.carry :" plete lines of piece goods, hosiery underwear.: Olie i,f the ,f'iat..-i the new business will be thi- t'-ri servics of a dre;s maker. '..Mr'.-;.'.' Mock Ul .stated that m.i lounging quarter- would pyov where. Women coul I . res; ' ilmj. away time., Trie new . firm w id he operated der the name of "M :ick"s." Jlor.e detailed irifviniatiin v: fiiade in . next Week's a iv .",i-;r::.r umns' of this' paper.".::: bo. Local (iirl .Makes Honor Koll At The University Co ora M- .Ucere ot U avrfcsviilc n.i.le the .'cho'l:;.tic- roll if htin?r al' the.-. University cf North Carolina f" the quarter just en, led, a, hotineemen ! y the 'Rei (flit of a student bi i 317 .-'a -it w. :: :h: tii n. To make -.he Ijorif must ave:agi-' ':. grade -in "all -tudics. ' ' jr.dft-.g t., ar !. ''- 0:!',-. . ,,,;' iH.-.ojj!y high liistiiJi.- . a ; ;u' :-nt (t'Oto i. : ' o- "Ci-.." TvT-