- i t I b t-r ; : 1 1- Page 8 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Store Chats from C. E. RAYS S HAZEL WOOD NEWS M r. Walls. Kuf'u- G.il'li.-, Mi.ss Mr. George Wall--., J'' isi'OUIll ti lit l aclive :tn, Oui on a group "I' Asso.'tul siv.v up to $1 H.V.i. Keady-Tu-Weur. - Shoe liargain () M M would wear o wouM "lie Men wi page It: VOl' will suinmei unu.-ual is Week lit- -e . . Values 1 tin. I t lit- ex pi of Ald'alls In sltiri Bargain- be delighted '.v olhe asarettcs. anal ion mi r May. tl'i the new- Mis Hazel Arrow Mrs, ( ail Swami day afternoon. Mrs. Geoiuc Hi visitor Situnlay. Mrs. Cover ( taw daiie-fit'i'. Joana Point, art: visiting f riends. Mi.-.- Kuth Suiriin week-end m Canton Mr. .ml Mr.-. W. K. Maiy Kllen Biysoi,. Horn to Mr anil Ci iHin, Monday, Apt Id .-j Helen in Asl hull' w: Vat A l ie M r, Kat- . anil r. ami tram! High. ! v , and I " M KS. HM JORDAN TAKKN 15 Y Sam Jordan, ,ied Saturday aghter, Mr I ei'Vices were WAS TAkLN U'ATH M oi Allen's at the home of John Moody. conducted Sun. i dent ; W . dent; C. I li. Green, ( racken ant: tail Or-en commit' j on The .olloW were named nun-sent ud B Murray, vice ptti c etarv; J. treasurer. Kamyn i Haden rne and D- Reeve.- aiigement.- Mc- ageius. iNulanil, THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 193 I .! n,,n7H Hollowav slent t, FOR SHERIFF - t in the kitchen stove of hi- , mv.plf as a can- mptit eave off fumes. At o a m dl( lu 'for sh" iff of Haywood County woke and lighted a cigarette. A 1 ,i -ct to the wishes of the voters of I ter,inc explosion hurled him throug. 11: l'rt ,dt.n """J1' . .. :.. In ilo Democratic rrimurj ... - m'I appreciate any support given me. T. Ralph Moore ,nc- M N'.d R. '1. M, t Itulibinsville Woodard and with' Rev -pent ine guest of and Mi- Kohl. H. Mi Wil Join il ernoon ,-v W. M . 1'iuetl in chaise, vivmg ale live childrei ,-. -fhiii-lii. Jordan. Mrs ,-, Mrs. Will i'luett, and Mrs. ,' A'lkin- Twenty-nve grand and a numbc." of great grand- Jordan i survive. ,d twenty-t M r. "2"c $ I .'id a yai'.l. cale.- in a var'n-ty suitable for the iiil- i Toe a yaru. A, li. . P'T ui patterns ; and matron. u.xr k Fur 'Kami) Convention" " Vv ..nrinv 111 FillOS (Veek Section Ill, Kariiaiiis (.alo'f Kll)I(i 'I'ROl Sl.RS lor women m ular and joiii'mo lteineniber them and tell lends. Remember alf thai have all soi ls d spoi , . ason. bol styles. your fr we wil ine- annari'l in shoe Italian's FOI NDAI ION (.ARMI'A Is - two-wav stretch l-aslex are ,i-l',.,.i in;, lei- the thinner s-oltcr i . V I... i .es. .mi oui We have Ihem in t;,ssard and Ma fiiiu restraint ilrt sumtuer no vi inkles. Vassarelte-, dam (I race. -li it auhter. , Shirl Rarnains .,,. (, M sI')RI K N I T S" -cliarmiiutly rtdlect trav vouthl'ul carelessness. Kor dressy .-ports and those- dt'jie.'ld ' ful informal occasions "knits exemplify K'xhI 'asU' a,l !:"mi' in all Hie i'w sprint;- shades si.es 11 to: -fJ. iiiirKH'Jis (.alo't -TKNNIS SHOKS foi- fhihlre.il at ;;t)c. The-e iiH'l title broken lols j-J-om li-' season and ctunpare wilh new sbi.'k al lillf." ;lust anuther chance oli'ered yoti lor a saving. Shoo l!aiT;ains- 97 Cl-A'l'S will Iiiv ill straps ami ties a line Knna Jetti.k shoo. Solid leather with arch support. Rlonde-, only. -lust what, you need to wear around the house. Original values up t" .sliirt HarKains SI.!).-, will buy in tpiality brown straps anil ties, Original values up. to ' Sri.Uii. SafriliftHl tin account of beiuft' broken lots, i.aiuc soi'tnient. Ladies you may just the shoe needed. Marrams daloro l.I-.I' the little lines come unto us. We will lit them with shties of "the proper kind, size and prk-e. For instance black or white .Ro man sandals in sizes -1 to 8 at $1.75 to S 1 .'.'5. . Shoo Barcta'ns HOY'S CLOTH IN (i that's mighty nice and reasonable.-. Sizes 6 to 14 in 2-pants suits with half belt and patch pockets. Fabrics .styling and 'price all ..right. Mothers, you will like them. Boys you will say they are snappy. 12nd Annual Convention N ill lie Held At Hannah Mrinffs on ! Hif.-hway 20!). I.are( rwd Expected tl, othc family Final the 4'Jnd which i.- Ci'eek, lath. convention is i about twenty prt but have been "':'de t" innual "Ramp Coiivent ion held each year in I'':"1' Ihniroib Snriims near th Hayvvooil-Mailison- county lint ,lnt',. cet Ibis vear bv J. ! l'avi ident, is Sunday, Ap.il place who) e the on highway iitl!) from Waynesville. The ramp convention is sonit , ..A.,inlO. Ill, 'II ic ike a a. ire cooniio,,,, r ..... tlv.t the chief souiat .... ,,u: Tibs is a lilanl. similar iin onion and grows wild on f' nuAintiUnsides. liread meat the u.-ual ticcessoiat he .Ugl l u 1 1 I'OI', than the or group re and orepaes J ,,,t of cotfc" is u-ua attending. '"el ation .nd serving of ramie. builds their dr meat A lv servet! than the the meal, in one if the d. d are fhe hat, ex-. if food i- o rtam j and s to Dm tell gi o Lie! her conventions. amps will be t tending, ac "l.'iicle Jim'' few years in nveiition has : iieople from places almost a tend. In tne f rain the convention is rienl following Sunday. Dt the pa in I ne ramp i i,, tin noint wbt Tciincs.-eo and other buntlred miles away t'Vent on the Mi I lavis said that every one is invited to attend, ami that the con vention site could not lie nii-seu n highway No. is followed. The following a iv ofhccis of the li. Davis. presi- invelit ion : find. 1 M 311 lip I (JKNTLKMKN, if you require an extra la ge suit, see us. Our ict-ock of stouts is unusually com plete. Quality suits at a reason able price. Shirt Bargains P J AM AS for men in a very com. plete line of choice patterns. Faultless means the best. Pro viding comfort, for the long leg ged man, we have extra length garments. Bargains Galore LAMBS w.ien you come to buy shirts for your menfolk come to shirt headtruarters. With the big gest and finest stock west of Aslieville, we can meet joui needs. Sizes 14 to 20. Shoe Bargains DUCK and other white trousers are being stocked anticipating grad Uaton and other spring newls. Seenuckers m the new sanforiz. ed cloth. A white garberdine is the best looking of anything we have seen. Shirt Bargains MEN'S SHIRTS slightly soiled reduced one-fourth (Vi). These include original values of $1.00, $1.35, $1.50 and $1.95. The latter are Arrow shirts. See them on display. .Tiudge for yourself. C PAY'S Sons EJlWDeptStore 2 "MUST - HAVES" for u m m c or Gayettt White Perforated Tic.SofKjd Leather. On cl the featon s imart if patfemi. - " Novel new T-Strap in all-over White Kid. Very Smart. $3 95 All siie and width These are the outstanding new patterns, but we have many others to choose from. See them by all means. & 'H, itsWHEELS THAT MAKE THESE OXFORDS GO ...Everybody i wearing this new Peters Sfylel For bicycling, walking, school. Carried in o vontty of coloi combinations K ' ' ' Low Heel Modified Heels Youunlwysjtly.on our Peferi Shots to gv more wear This new "Bike" type is sweeping the country. They're so ttractive and so very comfortable. $295 $495 C. E. Ray's Sons Quality S t y 1 e Economy em i-rL'U.-1'i: ilaelwotd: -1 I' 1 '' Maii-e Mc( lacken. 1 ke .Junalu.ka: V eav and Will Meilfi.rd. Don Dutf: T. J. Metllt Davis. . White Dak: li. 1 ' Clyde: Mack r'i-h, M and ' 'oman Me racken. .z,,i, S. T. I.ewi.- ;.n (::abtice: Mr.-. Clau l.b.iin Palmer and Hull Fines ( K-ek : Fred L. Sal (J.-een and Dave Rathbon-s Spr:ng Cieek: Ad, Davis Askew. Canton: Taylor Ducke Cagle anil Hack Cook. One of the members o vention stated that ramp sidereti to he pm fooils known th'.l the eati pring a. : J' leniaindi'i- o! I OR SHEUfl'F I hc-eb announce myself as a can-didate-for sh.rill of Haywood ountv .Lhjcrt f. t!- ol V;' "be d Ik-- D.-inoratic primary to he hi to I une ' HKS!. Anv support given nu uill he appr.i'ialed and if nominated and eU'tied I "ill serve the people ( l thet.iuntt to the be-t of my ability. Crom K. Cole . h.i t A' ut tne apdrtmeui. uuiiuuii; , rove 00 scantly dressed persons int tVt street, ami caused $30,000 damag n'lLn-av was found by firemen ir vacant lot adjoining th(. building . ,. b '.dlv burned and tlazed. H. Teacher: "You know, the camel 1 o.) a' whole week without touching w. tel'." !lov: "So eould I. if mother did: make me w:,sh. A. Il W : 1.1':.; ar,. 101- . of the best Ileal'. lilt) that some Neiie of ramus in the earl I OK 1 i K I ' 1 E S K NT A ' I'l V E 1 herebv announce inysoll ' didate for the nomination as m ntative of Haywood County .. ... ir;,i,,rv coining UCUHRiain . .- Iw taken the interest ol ..1.. .i' 1 his count at h nominated and elected a can-Repre-in the 1 have the peo- t, and '1 endeavor to repre ability. -enl them to the J. T. Ha i ley besi of my R (ieorgt Saturday as ex lector of the sta works depart me the race for grc.-.Monal se lor :;: years it'tM 1'tiu, who cutive as.-isl ait highway ami public t. this week eiiteretl the foui'th district con- lather neia whlcii ins Political Announcements KOK SIIEUH'I'' I hereby announce .mysell as didate for Sheriff ol Hay wimkI ( ounl, suhiect to the HeliKKratic Primary in fune 1 appreriate the support, you have given me and will appreciate any support given me 111 (he coming primary, li nomiiianii .mu i..v.v . will serve the people to the very best () m v ability. K. H. Kic k man FOR ( OMMISSIONEU l present to the voters of Haywood County niv name as candidate tor County O iiiiiiissionc r in the June Primary. Mrs. (J. I'. Hoston Want Ads WANTED A competent dress mai cr who can devote entire time -, .. ,.., K.lieVn.. business Wavnesville. See Mrs. J. M. at The Georgian. Mot- I'Oll SIIEKll I' an-ol I 'hereby announce iiselt .is Ji.inti. i nr noiiiinat ion ol S-ln ri Havwotxl County in the Dciuocialic Primary in .lime. I will appreciate the support of niv friends and promise it- :,,(, a n.l eb'ded to fill the II NOIIiniuiiu ....... - ollice to the best of my ability. J. Lawrence Walker i Oil SIIEKII F 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate lor Sheriff of Haywood Coun ty subject to the action of the Demo cratic Primary to be held June 2 I nromise if nominated and elected that I will do my best to make Haywood ( ountv an ellicient sheriff. L. Medford Leathervvood FOR COMMISSIONER 1 i.r,iln 'innoiince myself as a can didate for the nomination for member in., hoard of county commissioners wnhwwt in the action of the Demo cratic Party in the June Primary. Vmii- stiDPort will be appreciated. 11...;.,.. iwM.n fariiier in this county ail my life I know their problems and if elected shall strive to lessen their burdens. (ieoiRe A. Hrowrt, Sr. FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce myself as a a'- iidate for the othce of Uepresentative of HaywMd County subject u me action of the Democratic Tarty in ine June Primary. I will appreciate any support given me by my many friends. If nominated and elected 1 win serve all the people to the best of my ability. Oral L. Yates FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce, mysell as a can iHnli. lor nomination for re-election as sheriff of Havwood County subject In the action of (he voters in the Democratic Primary in June. Any support given me will be appreciated. J. A. Lowe FRKSIt LINE OF BREADS AX C AKFS JU't tne miiu me "' familv likes. We serve scores families daily we suggest y (tivo us a trial. J. ( - Re, (.roret Main street. MEN WANTED for Rawleigh Rout of 800 families in vesw aou illaTVvood, Swain, South Jacks, counties. Waynesville. Rel.a, hiwtfcf -huW start earning ? 01,, ,nJ increase raDldly. W n 11 run ..... . immediately. Rawleigh NC-5-S, Richmond, Va. Co., De; A fi-: W' ANTED vou to enjoy eating, frying' the good foods we have alw-avs fresh always the rig J. IVKose Main sueta. prices HIGH SCHOOL-GRADUATES -1 fore vou get your visiting cards s the NEW line just received at 1 Mountaineer . .1 1" ST RECEIVED A brand u line in visiuii's j the other high school students ; buyinglet us print yours, I Mountaineer. FOt'ND the best place in town get -good- things to eat at reuse; ble prices. J. C Rose Grocery, its good to eat we have it. JUDGE OF20TH DISTRICT I am a candidate for Judge of the 20th Judicial District, subject to the wishes of the Democrats of said dis trict at the Primary to be held on June Second. our support will be uppreciated. Grover C. Davis FOR CONSTABLE I hereby announce mvsell as a can didate for the olhce of C onstable of aynesville Township, Haywood Count Vt suhicct to the Democratic Primary to be held in said county June 2, 19.11. I will appreciate your support. Contrary to reports that are being circulated f have supported the Democratic party for the past three years. I am running on my own record and not that of any one else or any group. Homer Davis List your house witji us if you want it rented for the season. We are having applications daily for nice summer homes. Always headquarters for the best there is in In surance Protection, Ernest L Withers & Co. INSURANCE REAL ESTATE RENTALS FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce myself as a can didate1 for the House of Representa tives, (jeneral Assembly, subject to the Democratic Primary to be held on June 2, HM4. A our support will be deeply appreciated. W. T. Crawford FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself as a can didate tor member of the board of County Commissioners, subject to the wishes of the voters in the democratic Primary in June. Any support given me will be sincerely appreciated. W. II. (Rill) Williams FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce mvself as a can didate for member of the Board of Commissioners subject to the wishes of the voters in the Democratic Pri mary. My idea about the tax payer's money is the same as it was when I was former commissioner of this county. A cur support w ill be predated. Lee Ferguson Smith's Cut Rate Drugs Meet Me AT Smith's ap "FuU Feeling" After Meals Here 13 how Thedford'a Black Draught proved helpful to Mr. Archie W. Brown, of Fort Green, Fla.: "I have taken Black-Draught when I have felt dull from over eating or eating too hurriedly,'' he writes. "Small doses right after meals rid me of gases and heavy leehng. I am a great believer In Black-Draught," Thedford'a BLACK-DRAUGHT Purely Vegetable Laxative CHILDEEN LIKE THE BIRCr $1.00 Wampoles . . . .69c $1.00 Ovaltine . . . 79c $1.00 Fountain Syringe . . . ... . . .49c 25c Black Draught . .15c Pt.Elixiarof I. Q. S. 69c Pt. Castor Oil . . . . . .35c 25c Ex-Lax . ..... . 18c COTY'S Powder and Perfume 98c Builds Sturdy t.-al;i $2.00 sss $1.59 25c Woodberry's Soap W 50c Ipana Paste ..... l Large Listerine . ( 100 Golf Tees . . . . . 6 Cakes Almond Soap 2fl( 50c D'Orsay Powder , .'-.? Pt. Thermos Bottle . . ACCURACY, SERVICE AND POPULAR PRICES ON P RESCR IPTIONS If'

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