"I t 4 f 1 ! i The Best Advertising Medium I Haywood tountv V VOL. XL VI '.Wished At The Eastern Entrance of The Ureal Smoky Mount NO. 20 "ins National Park Head by Thinking People WAYNESmLE, NORTH CAROLINA 1 ' tanuLiii A .... . Q A . v , T7T NH'KSDAV, APRIL in, l'lii opint ot Uptimism Prevailed At i 00d Askins 2,500 students ex- n z -ruL r r 1ICV";cum inat ionnKeMadef peded To Attend lommitteemen Are Named To Lhamber of Commerce Meeting; AVo"iLimimt 1, . ld,"eu 10 KU-ct.ns To Meet April Haywood fount, School Dav To 1 U1 "IUICUC 1 TUf R 311116 And Decide On Making I5e Observed At lliuh School ; VOUIHU J ''H" 1 recincts In Wavnes. ll s,lw.k i.. ' I. President Hay .Names Commit tees. Short Keynote Speeches Indicate Co-operation Hill He (,'iven Officials a;ai. school head Approximately ,1U! hundred citi zens ot thi.s community were p-esent at the tn-st public meeting of the which was a banquet given at the Mas.viie Temple Tuesday evening President J W. Ray acted asL master and introdin-i.il th., ........ vi the evening who were chairmen of la- tourtee,, committees who will MM- t he responsibility of carrying oul be diiterent phases of the work of the o.ganization. J he committees weie named at the banquet, following a plea f,-um Pres- alci:!. K., that the communitv combine ail loiccs and join whole hoartedlv 1,K' w,nk and carry forward a"t tins particular time, which he termed .- most opportune for thus section " I he central thought ,uig "through all the tajk.s was most opti. "ijsUc. Reports were given from -the.- sections as to the tourist possj. ' - 111. .oniing ue, an i M II (. uni ty . AKent Smith went into detail ,-,. i nt . ol He .number, of thing th.-,", ' lK 1,1 ."e.mg c-tabl,.-hed in Haywood that "ill assure mort, income from the Mciiltui-ul- sectin.s of the county. I . II 1 lily, representative if the 1 amies f ederation from HendeiM.n Ml.le, m the course .of hi remarks -;"'.! "lat in all his fifty years of o-l 1 ',, t with 1 miRi and l.nmlimK ,"' , U'slVr".. . -"rth Carolina he ' .had iound that the Miil in Ilavwoo.l - -a.u.N was ricner and more suitable ' M w ,i gicalci v nitt oi 1 1 uit and. vegetables than any other county he knew of. He also remarked that indications were that the tourists that wee planning to come to Western V'lth Carolina this summer would moie than consume the enV and. chu-ken.s that were being raised in t In- section. lhe chairman of nu,.i. t .. ...... s..su uuiu uuxti'e "ixu oiaeny a 1 Which his " 1 ' 1 I l5oan :;(ith Moie Precincts In Wavnes. Mile lownshjp H l , 07Wn'UH -pi i i , h: 1 um, "U" V tins, 'pel, h- i-n i llld IUl , ''I " ' ' 1 Kl" at tlui, i. na u'ii Saturd: Ill older tlllle I-.-, , I U ii . Alondav. ilw..t.d a votine' nre l -ls l.u, :iSt l:lv -'int.eoubi oe granted 4-'ly a p,.mnK- plae,- in i , , ' ";" ,,aV'' 'o sUidv the .w, ,"Ur'v' 1,1 nHMd.oit:, i ",U'iS --een m t,e 'led i-'n ' rU" "" ,,u' l:(-v "-forc ii .Saturda ' 11 I Hi i 1 n i i , , I' " M. ni " 'th a pel Hum cit i-th. -elected ipeC- - 1 1 - Hi j i Township IVhcIuts AreNamod3;or lhe CominivSdi:))! Year W'w ( ..myes u. y k UaiK OfIiu..l Vllolmc, i ,,, KaleiKh. Ue-iiluibv Minf, School Piincip il i tl" l.l pi.aiinient ""). including 'i "t . Mermen, ap 1 1 II l.Uion-, le'lle.l l. ) . . I . -. HUM 1,1,, I , !, N I'l'lUKt 1H ,s t ..lileler, All Schools In Count I'o Attend I Mday ha- been set a-ide a, Hay. : uyed teunty .Vl.o.,1 Hay :,n, all Ihel .-. la-ols ot the county, eveept f ,i,ten, will participate mi a general p. ,,-atn ' which wail be featu.ed ,x cei.te.st.-. i and exhibits thlmiK'lMiit the dav Mineial helulay u:l . declared at all schools, ,m .,,( Iu,ru iH, : 'oquired to attei , . l:ll .., ,iu. ' o'Kii s.nooi do re At least .'...iHlMudiMts ale epe,ted " attend tne lAerciM-s which will ' :", ""' ocl.H-k All kdiool I l-osi,-. vv ill operate as usual, but will 11, 1 hl.-l.l , I I 1 i I. . . c i , , .... ... ,B sen,,,. I I,,.,-,. ,. --lead ot the regular schooK r 1(i CI's Will check .11... a, .i. : 1 1 is as t ie arrive. I he niornine- s.,.s .11 I... .1... , llU' a,.v , mn.-Jc and athletic j ceiit.s tor the elementary boob- ' ' 'he a Hern tl. I.,, .a. a. .. i "'pete in ,.!;,, ainr me of 1 ll.- do. hi i, mi ,,,,, .l( , ,.c!t . litest" Will I , held ,,, l . ,,r. I OCT VOH ( II AIK.M AN w ill event .lion lei no. Th, dav. work the - Ml. tw 1, IIU'lll. no .. Ir.'ln ih, Welo .e-onu,; ,, , v; 'Mo coin t house and i war 1 t1"' lo ,T,f w,o e ! .In "''ooni. A ft,.-,-1 Hide Hi.-- board re- i ch,. ' ': ' : w o ho, ii s. 1 he 1 la. eiU . wait u I'.-ii the ileei-ioii ellelal e-vhl. 1 be ehlbll "lie in .u !, .l.iir.iii l- w ill be open all wdl consist ot departments ,. -lb.- pa.-1 .school I I niak will il i in 1 1 u in .11 made to 11 nl Hilled on j. poll S, I-.....I a 1 1 1 1 1 '. lun, h, C-II!HI .,- .be, h appointed to "I ; a no exhibit . I he 'be III,.. I lluinliei ol iwa del a tropin, "'la-- anon, iced that an be e, uied n the. If""'"' " ."'""''.'i,i'yiiicii, r 1 v x k x ! e N . J ! r. r II 1 m 1 II V is t" lol lllabv I 4 ... .MM'roxinialel.v :'()() rarnieis Vnd Husiness Men In Meelino Decide lo Establish ( annerv Here , aiaiei " in mi ! .- a.-t .Sat :t'0 larni led, h. , . CU! ive ... tl. .ay. i.i;(t(,i: t le lirst , -.-1,1,11, 1,, I. 'nl,"""-'- l.'t. be is a candulat .....iMn.iiioii mi- ( in, n-niari of the Hoard "' ' '",i,ii,,,s,oneis. M i . Hay,,,-,, ha- -' rve, lour Vo:,cs ...I o ' " "ill ill.-,:- JOIIeJ - county. II, A nione- t he wsitors here I roiu ( 'l abile.- la.-t week were Messrs, (' N-M.lker, 1' A. .In ,t,ce. and V . I! Ilopjell ihJ W .Ml. M'b 1 u.l , Mht boiu-d on i-,.,1 n . ... ... -.. 1 UK , , ."".may nmnt nanie, Ua tLulu 1 ' n th, ,,i, :t lew of the tbin.rs ;,, u, ...f;' . 1 "'"r wen- mad. livmiiiu .., ,S I,, "( t'l. in mil k I , ; towards to .cuaii -1 Tsh U tn s T " K" the community. Ul,s d'ti ;ct is alloiod ibe -.al speikos -tat.d that the th. 1, " , i , v' ' ,, ,hl ' ' In ii m and up e-cntation of the (tc 1,-t t , , ,, ,k u'' Prietudllj evtiy l.n, of bus,nis at' Hun n s , ' ",nt ' Hon, th, Ii t , i i . 1UVI" ' I'HICI. - I III 11 1 1 Men Working Day and Night Here On $25,000 Creamery I ( t t 'f i et'H,K- w'a by far the . ...... iiii.i ever assembled in ,ies vine, ' a- b-mquet was served by the -mm'Kis of the Ed-tern Star " mmittws as named by Tres- "5' and announced Tuesday H-.'fe as tollows: ' "ut'e Committee J jj n,w ' llush Massic W. A Bradky utv Committee U c Kuss, l hAtk,ns E. J JUatt, C L. Alembership Committee; W- V i,.., ,', ". u utiles AtKins; , V,u',ln hitne- I,1tost Mi "-," LonJ N C M- Sanitation Committee: F. W. Mil i' r ,,. ; Shelton, Lauriston Hardin, K uKh?fan7 a"d Park: W. T. Shelton f - Miller, Tom Strir,rt,.l,l I.- l nmniiin.. t. ........ u,.hj improvement: Mrs. R etcher Mrs. W It. Luther H (j "1S f J- -Keiger, I). S P. J i.-lat,ve Committee: T. L. Green, Ir J 1 J- Howell. m t I ? 1Vor,mi"ee: Ralph Pre . , JlrVErk- Jerry Colkitt. Sn f' U T cl. Vmmittee- Ddlton K hiMi h i ,ton Henry Francis, 'i" Barber, Mr. Kerschoff. .M.us( 7"nt Committee: Hugh 7 laul Hyatt J. Dale SUntz. ( ' k' i:,mT"l!R-L Prevent, tu F'oii .,c5?""!;?datwn8 Commit- - 1 ( P l i "u" 1- H Black ' vnus CrJft.1"1 Dnald DU" J.a,d.n k-,l aml .Education. Paul Jack Mo :;; ' '"e "ay- HuKh Sloan F..,l.,f W b- livwn. T Ted P pro-nenh rV, " v,anaiaate A o Succeed Himself b or Chairmanship A. Hvatm.:.. - . . co-nmi; "u"rm" f the board U- .1... . " ".si. ..ll-ss,. .'.lit,., of the s i ' , v " -operiiiteiiitent ll w " 1 Hi lb ,Ml, I JumLtl.,ut u "lhLUl -'-'''' " Ic "he i I,"' UU u'"'tt. liatliei .-. tor other .-eh, ml ,,, . fobiblj I, , m t 1 In the hii'b s. i,,,.., , .. . , Hldrttum b fi 04 .-iu.i l.lillis, .ins. V . Miss Mnl f"VlKS ' 'iK'aiet Hv.tt 7 May and Miss M lllt Ashtort. were named to fill the.-e two vacancies. i". l-' w . . .1 ' , . 1 in 1 ' was named m-inein.-il : . - -, r inH -;i, , ." -"( i.-M-'l .-CI100 , and will also continue as eo.ch . vvaynesvilie H,Kl, S. ho.:! . V. J end Utll,'. '"'in tipal. l. , Un ,i,s,,o 1.',...,.,. 1. , wood W ( .IknV Vk (r Ash' Kelkttd'yMarki lr" J''lh Kelktt Mis J ( Patrick, 1 th, 1 tiWAK."1 Jones,' ,u,s,' -": ". .i.iiu J. -hock, A. (i. A (u row Vocational Au ulturc, Louise Ed' wards. Home Economic Central Pli,i.c..... t. ... Maude. TCP'U fK. p '"" fl"ltl' J-'tui, Mrs t- i Mary Lou Ledth.rwood VV t "esvdle-U . 1 hl Recw s, M.Mr ,M,Craiken Klialxth Hmn Mildred Crawford Mrs Annie 1'lot PL-' l'U'a Patterson, J-annn Bright. l"(- ' "" Hazolwonz-I r n t . . . Mars-aret. Kimm,- t'-. , ' I ,i. W' J "oce.s learner. i,,-i 1 -- --..s. ,a,y nainuone, Wilda Crawford Mary .StnnKf.cld Sdunook h rank f ergu.-on, J , , M r, rauline Noland Davis j kn'e ,',.h(r Lake Junalu-ka-J Harlty ran, Ixiui.se Rogers. recJa r.ncher, Ur-! bam L. Queen, Stephani P Moore Mae-cie V v ' x- ,i ,, H,li 1.7 i, 'en ump 'Supreme Court -' Renders Decision In Sheffield Case A reprieve whidi ixpires Mav h W,IN lii"K(l luesilav by Gover nor Hirine, hails to James Sliellield, ll.iv wood ( mm I. v man under death sentence lor murder.- II,. was scheduled (o have been executed April 21. ( ominissiuner of Paroles Edwin (ill said tlx- respite was given that hhelln -Id s altorney rould have dp rt unity to present further facts regarding (he case. (Jill said he not 1 lied the attorney to present all data immediately. .Sheflield was one of live men scheduled to die April 27. lhe Supreme Court already has ruled no error in .Sheflield s case. I'l.iiis Art- lo Open ( it'aiiu'i v l'l;inl In .Modern Hrirk Huild. iiik liy May l..lh. (Vor eC. I lay nes Seeking ; Nomination As Hoard Chairman ! 1 "' '. I '"limil anouneemenl to be 111 "'' 1 1 1 " nun I lb, I, , , "iiiit i.'Miiiiis-ionoi.s wa.s mad,. Ihj-.- ; week by (,,-,,.,. ( '. .,ves. 1 ' I " N U l, II ,,s ),, '-'-.'u;" 'he boaul of comiiHs-Min I '! ''"""s l-aM,,;, : , ,: ,,lmur 1,1 ,.' "' Xl 11 ' I. 1 1 , , , , '""'ii and reai-cl ,-, in.s 'guilty and ha.s .vJM.ll( ' j , , . ., 1 11 til.n ., , , '.". lest ,n eommiinil y illf in 11 an ardent .-support" I 111...1 .it ,,- party, haViie. oted the I lenioi ral I,. jrK- .: '"''lis aie being jmsi... 1,h' ''-I ibb-linieiii '11 Haywood c.-iuitv """.al at a mavs m, . m day :,t u bid, 1 1 111. . ai..,r ' l s and Inisiu,... ....... . .". ii .t, ,, , "caoy l,a, sever.-. 'Hi reported vesie, I'lan- ar.. beine- ni-,,1,. ,.. ..ampa.Kn , the ,,,-a .- "tu! u to delnntely start the cail,,er lhe committee a.- appointed ... 111 .ia s meet rag s ,.s 1 . 'ei. rian.-is. n,lVt. , -- is. . --, .in,, .111 inn- t isiio, lu. Since the rn....i...... s , , ,- 1 1 . h . 1 1 11 1 , 1 a v iiii following have been named .,'s-,-m i..uii.sii,p coniiiiutee.- ,11 I'"11111'""'" HI',, lequo.s-e, ., ,, . , , """'' :i.ur.l..y at tw ; ' ock an, Inrmula.e ,,,, lfl.,iIliu. plans In.- tu. ea,nicrv. Wayi.esville; Heiiiy I'ranc,-. J.,,,,.., ..... 1 we. Kaymon,! Suani.-i,,,, ( I,.,.. I 1 in, is s g,,,,,, Ull , , ; ,, "HI Stiellon t'.'axer lam: 11 , Henderson, I, rover Ivii So llO I I.. n e,,iu , I at. am, an,, I ,1, "IV, (o- l;. Ki, I ageoil ; U . A. . I .v, Kalph Kel.lv, I- H. Volk:. I.ecll: ,,-,ek Mini,-. .1 barbe Aloo.lv I t I , k I ml (log. in. and .lo.. VI, .-I. 'abi rec I. ly.lv: I- llllei- J , 'a I , ( 1111:1 11 . iiiii,,, i . I,.,, , I. H. Kegel,, Hv l.m 1 at hey, and h, I Kuicher loliathau s ( leek- t ' j c- - I Loyd. .an t John Mnuell Ivy Hill; lae :,,, . I E.trl l-e.giis,,,,, ia,M-r U ll" ' Oak : - (Ji-oV.-i I I n-I 1'r.lil, and Mill ,11,.-,,, 1- a :n '"in liv.n. ,ind I'l, I .11 ill, r, I ll 1 I v.i. i;,,i, 1; I' in.l ha of i a Iwa v Religious Census To Be Made Hero Sunday Afternoon) VII Churches Of The Community Are Co-operating To Get In formation In One Afternoon Kork-Hill i t u 1 i-i... ii - . "".yu, ria .nave m ,; .Maie IJurr Morrow, Louisa 1UIU- Hemphill-Edna Boyd, R. E. Owen, Dellwood f v 1,. t rp ,, . . . oonnie Teaeue, Estel p ITvil Upper Cove Creek Belle Brad snaw. Waterville Rikh VJifh f.; The AVaynesviIle school board is ar J . . ,- ;-' ""T'1""'" ,s "at hP is ca 'ia 1 I V lnls Tv ' pT-a 01 w' "s- chairman, u'" r that i;; , e lor wner, secretary, W. F, Swift, of the DemoP?Ul2ect t0 th. Earl Fergu.on and Medford Leather vy of th ;"n; zzeubect t 1 1 uiie. primary '-J Htd,k;dn announcement Mr. I -auditor. f" t"e record lone Tunnl it 35 to what had 1 - hv th"rn? ,he. Past eighteen man: "'VUU"U ot which he Was in Haywood all his - has Itved and hn. "aywo .11 all n. Ken an active '"-fttSy: the bet- APRIL 30 LAST DAY TO APPLY FOR SEED LOANS S. S. Wllliame nf V, T,. T) , , s-...s., llIC UVAll 1 1U- QUCtlOrf dlVKSinn nf tV,n announced yesterday that all appli cations for seed loans must be made on or netore April SOth. lhe churches of this community ...... J..I1.UJ lane a religious censu1 ot the rnmrnuintif sn,,n.. v-r. , . uumuo, auei noun. 1 uli Sloan has been named general chairman of the work. ' Present- plans ... .c w nave at, least (U people 11.11. ianc me census. The information fathered will be used by the .Sunday School depart ments and the pastors of the churcnes o. tut uiy. r.acn home in the com munity will he visiteil ami ;n,K.,;,i..i lecords made for each member of the lauiiiy, , AVith Mr. Sloan as chairman the following have beTen named to repre- aci.u- meir respective churches and help formulate plans for making a complete census m one afternoon: Jack Messer, Baptist, R. L. Prevost I resbytenan, and E. L Wither" Methodust. The canva.?spr i!l n.ii- ...... atiu make the campaign. Mole than a scire ol workniei, are nig kept the job dav and night in an etloit to eoin nle, ,, tl,,. 1,,. :1.1a... 1 - . - , . , . , , , 1 , 1 1 g t hat will bou.-e i be .fL'a.dllO ere no cry that is henig establi bed in Way-ne.-viile by .May lath W . ll. Wo.idall. ,.l A ii, vibe, man ager of the plant, told lhe Mouiilain -.-,- ye.-terday. that with .1 "decent i. .... ... 1 1 . . I".... in inn w..au,er the open ing dale w,nil,t t... ..I.,.,,i .m.... 1 -.1. woik ,.s being .-ushed in an eirort to meet the market this summer with ice cream and butter. The plant will ban- a capacity lor . making 2,0(10 pounds of butler a week and 1,00 gal- ions oj ice cream daily, I reamerv riiti. ,.011 1. ... i..i : .. j v ..... .(. e.siaill.sN- i in Haywood, Jackson and p.xsi b y other counties a.s soon as the Jilant is opened. 'I he plant is being built on Hi.'hL-u TV.. 10 ...1 c it ., --- Awwn.riu o. II. Keller had u wood working plant This ha.s been torn ,iv f.,- iv... i., 1 1 vuiii- try. lhe building will be forty feet wide and seventy feet long, and will be provided with a basement- The ll.jor .spacc, will cover 28,000 square au lh; ,,ul,,JlnK Wltl he of brick. All new, and modern machinery will be installed in the 11b. nf. 'tUfi-i. lo.... compresfers will provide the refriger ation. .1 The establishment of the creamery here .s. the result of several months of negotiation bid ween the creamery oflieials and County Agent VV. I) -Smith and the Chamber of Commerce" Arch (, Russell Is CnnrlirI:iJt tun Sheriff Nomination 1 I -urccss Dr. Stretcher Is Named President Of Rotary Club . II. Latham Named Secretary or Coming Year. New Hoard Of Directors Elected At ting, upon innumerable -.:igK, .. lions vo,ced recently by - bis rnanv fiiend.s tbrougliout. this and other .-.-cons 01 11 aywood count v and fob low ing due delihcral i,, .1... . t . . IMV .-ui JV l w- Kus-HI, Canton's nf in. l, ;.. 1 , 1,S W ' ' ti I, .11 nouncmg his candidacy fr the ollice of sluiiir of Haywood .ounty whh will be found s(wii, , , Moun u.i 1 1 .rt hief Kussell, who is lo.iay only :ih years of age, ,s the ol.le.st officer j iajwood (ounty , ,)0int of -( rva. Having suvi',1 a- an olliur in this wuoiy lm past , , conttutlvc years, At. I he t mw. t, . .. . I chief of poliu , ( cll,l()n , wa, I". iin,"K ' Polui in the -tate o( North ( ,,ol,na He has n-rvtd a, chief of ( anion polu. reg ularly since VJU w,th markt.,j- ciency. Probably no other, ollicer f Ifay w..l county i.s as familia- with thi--stK-tion ol the Stiii.-, .... : 1, - -s .s .. . . . 1 1 1 c , ivus- ' - 1 nrouirh lim . .iiin . a i- ,r 1 - - -' '""-."kiu,ii, fin. VacUut activities many .,u.zliiW - nave neen .sol Veil ,u career as an ollicer of the law - nier Kussell s . 1 .-eek : I lias. Met 'im,- nay (iieen, and .Norman .l.ii,i, - Iron Mull : Lee Stow-fon 1 1 -. rl..N j 1 ,, si,,,, ami ( fee, I ,-,-, 1 l alalooe,,,-,. : Jar vis 1 ai,iu-i 11 M.-,,l, H amah, and ,lai vi- i',),,,, ., t'"- meeting. Saturdav. ( oiinly , Aca-ni Sniith pie-i,,.,i, .;.,, ,., ., - geii.-i al diseu. -ion wind, -,i .-, . , . t 1 -d . into l.y I'.'tli larnieK an, I l,:,ni. .s I Ha-1, .egar, llllg lhe e.-l.ihl.,h,n, ,1, '( a cann-i-ry her.-. It via.- painted ,.i,i lli .t lietween .S 1 oil., Hit, :,M,- s:-i .,, nil,, ml ol the count, animal I -. lor goo.ls t hat c'.aihi l,e , .-huh ,1 ully i,g bt h. ie in llavw-.d en 11 lit v. I liel e yet r.-iiiains, suthciont t lino to, the lariner.s to planl tomatoes and see,al other crops that the ... nnerv could US,, -til:.- seas.,,,. - .Some of -'the high lighls--.il Salur.ljiv s meeting will " " "ii 1 1 (v. Ull- I I'hM,.- w , ' u I .'11 1 MIIV'UU I .('Union s chief' 'K found in aiiotfitr column in th WEAVER SKEKINC REELECTION FOR LOWER HOUSE Says Me Will Support Aims Of Itoosevelt In .Making Mis Announcement ..-Congressman- ebulon Weaver, if A.-heville, who has represented, the 11th district for eight terms in the lower hous of congress, has an nounced that be will l,e , 1 ... to succeed himself in th. Dr. R. If Strntef,,,. ,. ; '., . .:. ;,inr,t ,.r "iir'.:" ""u pres. , - - - .--j ... .... .iiC ivotaiy IjlUu oy the new v i.ki.iu.1 u j . r ... ,- , wmiu 01 uirec- tor.s .Monday night, J. R. Latham was named secretary. Last J"Vui!n, tu ... ,.l,,n ....uers.-oi tne p V xV IT 1 ?ay J- 1- Latham 1 1. " j ,,iui..i 1 ir - ...s.. ,., . ii.,... , ii,-.. .. d during ,is I"i'iiai'.v m June. ,. 1 I In mill-tiur l,... ...v,,.,,,.. ...... ... i.ivv. "f. .."".."uiiceiiieiit , 011- ... . . . ...... .-.. -.i' , .. . ...s.. ...y.vm a meniiier of the ""-''"""1 iveaver oeciares ne serve. I iiuernatioiiii Aii,.i.,i :..- , r um li.r u -u , ,,.. iv:i.... ..:. . t 1, -'-'"""i, 01 e.nieis . ' ' .."""" . . .m..i ..on su ,fi Ol I'o 11 e :. ,,,, I., . . ,. .1 .,, I h e ...a:..-. .:., , . u.... and I olitc Olhcrs Assoiation. and an u ,vc. m ml.i r of th, J-J,ec OH. J . f Association He holds a c.ilficate fiom the Umvc ,ty of rw,rth Caro m:. 1'oti,... ...a.. , ; , . . . - - via v, v. . ,t. h ri rn 1 Isk'rK du,Ua with high eo nis poi.icie.-, and that he is now seiv-mg under h.-anklin Koos.-v, it na will support h,m in hi.s economic policies. . Mr. U eaver declares that he .!,es not come to the: people with spec: ms I, ri ,m 1 s-,,t- ...i.l .1,... .... .1 ,1 . , - j ...uyurtii-a Willi nigh ' . i iii.iL ,,e. snail noi un honorg. Chief linssi.ll ,..... ...:.,. dertake . t., ,t-l I th... 1.. ,1,.,, a,.. Id Was us- .will do things which he kmivvs are am . possible of JiccomplL-hhient. . Should Mr. Weaver bt, nominated in the Democratic . primary for his ninth . term 1 he will be opposed by a fellow citizen of Asheville, Halsey B- i.eavitr, who has teen nominated ' . ""w. serven Willi distinction during . the World War as 'lu.ing the Mexican troubl, ,n l'Ub ' '.th Inst Noith (aiolma brrVf,,? -vemem- th,. am '"'"'"" region ana of the Vetran.s of Loieign Uai, DOm in Cinf,,.. 11.,.. r ....... . . . n.: ,, , " .i.w. l hiet i.uasui n;i cr,,.ii u;.. . . .0. ... in Havwnod , r 1 ,UJL M IS 10O9 TI V adult .,fe ha; leen sn ntT It " ' M 1UMllU UP laws. In i tv,.. , by the Republicans a--. their candidate for .congress-, from this district. F r vr,th ' r ."iam Alley ad R ll StuC m?m? Seon f hr (), v.. 1 -. . .. """ ul ing one -of--thn -mnn .h..,.:. . w uv uvaiu Ul UlTPCUirs n tho ..f HI...... H'O'V.UIIS REPUBLICAN'S TO MEET Glenn A. -RovH a that the Republicans of Hay-wood n.vuiii-v wt;uHi 11 if 01. ar t ro nnii-fhA.inn Annlimfmn C a,J " "'V' APri1 to name a office of the County AgenC " 1 ZuTe gnen next 'weTk. , . "'".-wucr as mem bers of the board of directors for the wining year. JJr. Stretcher succeeds Dr- S P Cay .a.president; Mr, Latham suc ceeds Dr .Stn,ti,.- , t- 1 t, as .secretary Under Rotarv rules, rir r!o ,;n u' j uuj win ux;- come vice president for the next year. nt ciuo lecorus snow n momhA... ship of 21. Plarus are underway for a majority of the members to attend the district meet in Hickory early in May- r iv. V x' ' ("oneer ,pnyicians 7" North tarolma and was Vnrth r runest members of the u- d t.arollna regiment during the War Between the States. His mo'h! er. who wns- hif.-.- 1 ... . . "-o ner marriage. .Miss Louisa KniMthr,- h "-!! th c.nnu iioni one of the pioneer families in this vtttl0 h il flp fc,tat0- Chltf Kucll 1, the brothers of Dr J Milton Ru.scll, prom inent Canton -.physician and surgeon .nK1- ussel- is -also .a .32nd degree Mason and a Shnner Worth S125.000 To Havwood Farmers County Agent W. I). Smith, an nounced yt-slerday that the tohao ; raised in Haywood tountv in 1U.JJ, totaled 1.2."0,0(KI pounds, and (hat a conservative estimate show ed that it brought $125,000. in cash to the farmers of the count v. Ihese figures, together with other data, have been compiled at the office of the county agent here.

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