The Best Advertising .Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky .Mountains National l'ark- -Reuri by Thinking lVople VOL. XL VI NO. 21 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA TMl'KSDAV. APRIL -'fi. lit.Jl Building And Loan Directors Decide To Make Loans At Recent Meeting Board Of I)i rectors A Feeling 01 Op. timism Was Show n Tho din-etui s vt the li..yw,'",i Building A: Loan A -am-... . .".i. a last meeting tiiscu.-s. ' : j,.u.. t vivinjj the activities ,.; the 1;-. &i Loan Associ,.lii.n. 'I hi, a ha.s (li'ii-' niiT,, u. build up villi; and Hazelwood and ai sections in Waynesv;l!c town I any other one institution. 1 ' n i-e.i.tvlli- many ihu.-:ii..:.. .! i have i a'll Wiled I'M' i.ui: poses. I'll aeon.'!', of !in:,: diticns many bun'. vi .-.v p. able tn meet tin .)' a;. mint .- in ly ami for sonic time the a has nut made any n w In. ilinvrU-! f, huvr cr, iii. n thry van make con.-vrv. We i it 1 Ih April, ur ihi fti ; h ;u iu.w iiiicii ami those u:-lni,,' ; pane,, their loan- s!i. u 1 I j . ti 1 1 ' ; L Stfl'iuv May t'url. A desirinu- tu secure a loan J. ii. Hoyd, sis-ivtary. an: i-t. in i his svrit s. ' In addition tu planning :,, ii ... i a part ill l lit fund's r--w -I.c.:ng cii-. . oil. tu" a.-s-'ciatii u a.::' -,ni ier i .,!-:. (ration iHo matter m ! n,..::. y iioni the 1 ! uaiv t.l'.v n ,. . 1 .a:i i . n. .. atinn .'it l ill' pi..' :-,,-, 1 ' ! i ;,. :. i . ' Inall.- t ' li ,'tls ('Win i -. 'Groyer (.'. ii-er ; Seeking ur,-iv Ay ": A 1 tiVhS ii. siei To Deliver Baccalaureate Sermon J- ti Jlw toWT - V Mi i is 59 Graduates To Receive Diplomas Next Tuesday Modern Bakery Is Opening Here On Or About Mav 1st Complete Comnieiui .neul I'ro ; gram Is Annciiiiced l Sup erintendeiit M. II. Bowles To Deliver Commencement Address iv w I- ! . hv4 I . am. cr.. vnii'ii! rtiii .M's lav till I W;,,::, ;.lv I'uwn.-lnp lll.ull SihiMlj ; v.ili bfirm hi'r,. Sun-lav i-wiiintr w lu-n ' ''.tie '.iavvalavu-i ate .-i i mmi will v ilv j I l.vvrvii at tlu- Innh s.lun'l aiiililuriuiu i i a: iiVlu, I In U,'. K. I.. AP van-I i ill1!'. ul' l.tliill'i'i'tan. Tiiffil ij iiK'nimt, a! ii a ii'. lnrk, lliv . , I vlass .lay .Ai-iv..-1'.s w II In lajre-l. !m,,,o! V'y'-nai Tui-Mlaj vvi'inr,; at s:l.. al,.vk, thv i i.'ia hr U aynv-- 0,mniK vilivj.t a I ! ;! hv ,k - " . ' ' ' iiuiv.'i ! i,u u.iit alil Modern Equipment Being Insta ed By Henry Vedder, Sl.'VOO Oven Already Placed in. i:t ! mlay'.- i - - iii' Mi..'i' i ki i in the i:i:s . u. i.. i i: mii:k HooUels Are Helm Distributed i i ake OHtnals in! 'v at i. :.?. i ilia.l. nl " a A 1 1 . a iii ' p: I ati'ii Mlv.H--.ful i a n.ia ri y. );ln"y the p:i-t tWl wv.-lw-. lliv .'inliiiia;' form, r'y rupi, ,j hv foop ' Haki'iy. bu I , ,-" w,,ii.' ,.ut and ii pamli ,1, and ad niai h .iii-rv ...vit- '.' I' !:!: well' a the addil inn t.i so;. a- in ..h i n niuipliienl. One of the late-l additions i t he si,oii) avi-i: wh'rh wa-.jn m.-talled this eek. Mi' Vi-.l.liT -i;,S(r, ;1 i-,,i,ti-.-1 f.M hi- ,'lienin.u the )elail uf whieh will he l, mn, I in hi- adverti-enirnt. Republicans' (r ( To aine 'Ket -aiuraav lie 1 111 i e iM'I'il i'.-l llpel 1 1 1! endeiu M . I ill n.a- i en to t Ii i: ' a,: na les. 1 lie pi i Kialit i a- aniioinu'r.i n II lloulr, I- .... 1 S I ' N I A V I A i :li I'l la e-'-iniial h i hoir. Sui:, "All Hail." liiui' iliuii l'. Iii A nt in in tiy V .ij i. Si i i pi ii iv. Si.!.,, ,1, I hair St. Srrnioii i;,' . ); ; llrltedirl lell, UeV. I'hel', Mill ii,,! .J,,, li'l' v II! lew II nl h, . p i ,,e i a in !i u a :, im I in -,!;, . in, rnii , I .la.- - I ';, in ..." in, 1 al.-d. - rile Senna S lipii-n,'!,, ;.,v.i 1 Public Invited To Inspect Third Floor Oi" Hospital Friday I'ormei Nurses (Juarters ilive Been ComerU-d Into Mater. nil ard At Local Hospital i .lax e u til. Illl II fliati I 111! j . ! ' . i M.S'. . ' : . 1 1 -a i . a i'l I'- l . I'.ml llardai, ,h -1 1 1 !i i Inn r-. U.-ande;-. I. W. Ihilnoin. any .1(111 h siT I hail t he svliiud 1IU' p'lheAilie; a he ii-lideivd, I'arly:" ;-oi-rell:. ' i., I Ktihn,. hi; u. i. MoiiKi-: Lowell Thomas To Make Personal Ap peal ante At Lake (ii ever ( ', Kiaiei -, -:a . .,'al in , lianl a s t lyde, lira itin -i-ii pi,-.. ,i ls that he is. a I'anilida'.e for tin ir-iii-iiiatiiin as meinper of the l.oanl t-f romniisieiiei-s in the .- minj p "linai'.-. Mr. lingers was i.e.n oil l-'i;- Civek "tl years. ago, and has lived in IL.ywuuil . ever .since. lie was ti fnrnier farmer and stock raiser in the Fines (.'reek eonumtnity. I-'iiv tli.o jia.-t fuur years he has been in the iiieic-aiitile lni!wes9 in t 'lyde Flans. Underway Foi Spring Flower Show 41 Earl Date . iianii-i j ; -iav al u ill U.o. .o i .e. I ,l! -v II . ,, ; Ii,. I... 1 1 i y i i i he" ,' -lie 1-1 o, 1,1., sell. .nt in I anion at W inch t i.tiie -.n-i-iui !'l'"iic.lil I efiii e t he o..y nt a; I .folh.u I III i o,i 1, ' .- I'l.-ilins i.iUiaiy a, I'ii of Jl.v Hill . I'i- i i ) 1 - it i n of ( la I.', eai a V-.i.-i-ii. I '. i i I i .oil)'.. !.;' I'l.i'i".-!,. M!:.r i 'III I !1. ' ' v l av. id i;r ;-,,l' -'.,!lel. :i.o " 1.1. , ; I - - . Mel- i . l l. -y d.iiiiio-: " nl- pi op lam 'I'd.'.; M.I-.,. o". loi k will he a l.-'.veil Ih,, ma, llel p.lpe III. I and i ao jo , la made I , I . Ili.ana;." i ,-l hl. mi1 ion . . w i r i 1 v 1 1 1 a i ,- a' I . i.i . .i i - . -1 . i ' . i 'A'lkili a: In i niiiie I'or ('ripples And iiejonned To Be Held In District il.lelld- 111 1. peaker h;, W K. hr. K. 1.. ll.ion', ' Kohes-in M II. Ho. Irs. III. I I . ; A i kin I ii' im Ii,, I 'I ii ; 1. 1. .in-n , i. j, - .1 li"ll I , III. I 1 ral ..Hit lie W.I.- -I in1 a o.e 1'lan's are heiiiL' finrnuikileil hv til, ii-iuiu e-iiintiness m v i.viie. -.,.i. ;,.,:.. ... .. . - .. Although he has been a resident of fa'; , ' '" U . thp .V',n").u,l,,y the cminty for 50 years, he has never held a public office, l-'or the past. IM yie.i'.s he h;us lived in Clyde town ship, and is iw the county. al, and ii i nili.iole ann do later ' ' ,-n n: ii 'i a i a lie i ii in; I 1 Baptist To Hold Fifth Sunday Meet ing At Cbde 29th ' mat tei ttieup I 'file ineel me hei v will Im helil a IV the emit house, and ..e,-m-,l i ne- In ! prnicilial. lll.,,t I......I,,,.. ,1 u I , I,',, I, ""e in. n, in i; , in- ia i i ii'm ui'.s,' " ..',''"""i a majority ot tho Haywood Kepulilh ;-"Ul'ei ini em lent . cans are expecti'il i,. lie pie.cnt when I'.'i.'t wen smip', -eniiir clioir. . 1 .. i : 1 , . i 1 ' -I'l I.. .11 : . . ,' 11 . Club fur the annual. Mirine tlovver h ""'"- .,. . . ', !'a ' ' L ":',V . w . . . 1()W-; 1 1 i. anion nieeiine; will lie a 1kmi- '"" . n .iiimii:., .hiiiv hut nia- i.-,o , : ,i, , , I ie i -. niecimp, a. was M..tei . i'"n. uemy i.uineu, nay . mire i u, fl, ,11,'.. i ....un.ty ; , ..... . ....'.. Ilehn Cale. .Viiima Campbell, Riilh vnown thruughout',' . ' .' , !; ..... . 1 B 1 W ILJCv..,! . Caldwell, liirhard Ca.'swell . Lillian ' ".- n . i' it'.u i , WW tll'lll III II I I II i'l, . . .. i . m r i i -, an,,.,,, iov,, and ,vr, j ' " ' " " " ! ' i,';r;e;;r.. w,:,h,,,. nr,.-i For Nominatioii :l:tn!' A'"u,r Kl'iim'i" "'ran 11 III this taue there' a,e atleas.! .. AS ( ( I 111 111 I SS1IH1 PI' , ,,' ' A ' "V ' '' 1 'i , V 1 "'" !' ' '''"'l , In... For this ,ea,,,n a eh-ne-i. in the.1 UV9 VUIIIIII11UIICI ,-,t llei n,-f . Ahlne fay. Henry,! -iiiiatioii uf etnraliU will he inada ,. laiw.iiii iiiu, Aa iiaii Hill II irrii'll ihi;- war . vi: Cmmeicia! and nr..- ' . didleld, pioininent faiinen l"",l11 Huwell. Jain.-, j u':;l L'-i-iim-i-, iiinl 'im'iii.iii- an, I call;., lai-er ,,f i he I ion 'Dull 1 1 "liter, Helena llyalt Homer .llis- I I'iizi. will In- offered to both M ' " " "' ' 111 ' ui announced yes- f, VU'tii'-un', .Allien Kuime I'li'Kiain for 5th Sunday m;'ct;iiK cl is-ae. of .nlrant.. and it i felt that ,r"la-v !,I:U '"' !- '' e uididate for M.-ihel Leal liei w.n,d, ! lane,-.. Liner to lie . helii With the Clyde Bapti-i j .J,..uvr, t his chaiiKe a.hlei iniei'e-t : " 11 a -, . , u iii y i .1)1 ini o-ioiier ; ),H'e 1 -i nel'- I'al il h I .''IIK. chtli'cll,. Silillday, April 2'J, l'.fol: j will he I iniiil ,!e,i a,- it has eome to-1" -,U,M' plinney' ' (litis Mas,--le, KuK-lt(. ' MiCiiiekeii ... i.i., o.... , i 1. . .1 . . ' - . ; : . i. . ,i , , . ell.. I I ' ' i ' i . i i i ... -...'.. ., m. ,., uuii.i. .n i,.. i. ( t m- a iieiu 'on in ine )!;micii rum In it tee "' ' '-'' " ' ' 1 "'e ' .- -'"'o i"i'i .... no o. !'., n-. n ."" i -1 1 ion o In-, prai I ice he, ,,.,: m ,ir li 10:4.) to 11:00 Devotional, .1. V.ltiiat nianv ainateu.- K'.'ii'deiiers have li:l" '' Vl'' -'-''t' I'l -.a n '.Hi' e, .alt houuh be ey I'all'ii, Ihn I'hillips, Na nil ie j Carol, na he i , a mein her ,f t h,'. p, , Davis. 1 fell in lhe o.l ilo.i il.ev ,.t i '- llxr'' in 1 1 ,-i w I a ! I hi., Ii fe. a lei I i 'h- :ti liion . ( a-rt I ude I 'lot I . .I n-eiih i no I , ,r r., ,. i; - o.. ...-.' k .' e - ...... . , ' - , ,., ....' . . ' " '.' i "ii,. ..lie, .o.iie . vi. e, Ilia. n'K'iii ami S-.iith Ca-o I ... . i , .. i '. ll:.;o to 12:00 Sermon, (). V. liur- ( I in- '.mr-nmuty Club appreciate ; '. p v" " C '-".' 11 .ann upneiu ii:-l inini lyr- . .Heine luieri-.. - - Vl. ,,,.,) ,-,.,. ,,,,,,. -..,- , i,,.i;,(j prae." neu. i.'a- c .'-'nil ai ;..n w ni, Ii lies Ie ,-ii eiven e" .,.,,i ..,.,,,,,, ,,,, i , , , , ,,,nu ni i.i , i ,. riii an. criniin.'i Judge Felix Alle Announces He Is Out For Reelection .lude;e Foii L. Alley ha., announced Ih ,1 he I- a c.-llldldale lo Mlcee, ,1 Ililll.M'll : s .ludl-'e of the. Twelllli III lild"; al Hr Ui,e, and lias entered ill: name a , - ueli with he Slate I ;.;'. nl of I'd,', t, ne .-, ie,pille, !,y law. I' .'- I hil ly years .1 udpe AM. y v, a .'-, I i. l; enp.::.,-e,l in I he pra.-i lee .if hi -inif, , ion li, lhe 'I'wentieMi .judicial I'l-' i.-l , and I'l i i'm ' I i me io I i hi .-ei'vicee Uoto Mine-lit and -feu led .n, iinpi.i taiit lit :p;:ilioii Hi maii'v oilier ,-t ion. of I he Slate, a - well as m 1 1 hit .-.ia!,',-. Hie 1 lie ma im Hon Senior Pia To Be Presented Friday '! -he Cha: m Seho.,,1 I he lieliht ful " a" iiy I'.v An, e Dili r hiler, w ill he ,...- i- l-'i'iifay t'e.'i,i): al. s : 1 ii lock. Ihi . play '...:, i.i- -i'ai- ,, h.-'ine. ,iit of 1 1 i.i. , n'ln.liiie'; ev. n: ,.,. i In- -chool ; ' n l,-,. , n - :: i - u.- 'i an ii'l i ac live pia'. Hi i ,-y' ,h tail, keMi;'; riear, v- ' ,, ' ' 'In . a ie , ' M ii.e a ..Mil i n-e-'nt .!, yei ,-f. ii-liriK "iii' " I la te. . : w". , ; as i , '. - i i ' : Lr ', a:,'l de- ,.-' . . . i 'en, in i ne niai i my w ere noi ' ,. ..,.,,,, , . .. ,e, ,,,.-,,,,,,,., o-,,,,, , ,,e , ,,, ,,,,. Mi.roiinilin"- .Male 1 1 :II0 to 1 1 :.j(l ( hristianity m ( lvic aidp I -I i.-mpcte with the 'larger ' ai" v '''' A '"' ' h,rnp, i at -ie ticket . I I hit t Ivieh.i , i tt'ueen Ihelina liny, j ' emu 'see, ( teorp'ia ami S Life. Sam Robinson. 1 j::i'"w ei ,"' " ''''-' taken an active part I William's' XY- I lay, Ha I Lh.i,, hac,' :, :: . iv,,, ' , A , ; hi li" n , t ' y iiie professinnal ki'hw- i.'f.-. i ire.i I a.'i a-ipation lias serve. ! and, of . Mi'. Mciford -aid that ! K"he:i Sloan,: l.ewi n ways delijrhte,! in helping tho, 12:00 to 12:45 Dinner on Kiound 1:45 to '2-00- I' ( Hieks. las an iinp'.ntii.n to Hi,, . ani;,teui-' wh" were less fortunate that he. and 2:00 to 2:30 Christianity in Social I nardem i ami.' -as H result, each ,-irv hei-ausiyof t his, he has inany frieinls. Life. Jack Me.sser. : cessi ve , how has shown tnai ked im- 1 t mly m lLiywood, hut in. ..II iiarts the pi'ovemetit. However, the ami of the 1 ' (. .. .-: su -. n .,nin (iiioiina.. 2:.M to 3:00 Christiiuiit v Home. Rev. Paul Hardin. 3:00 Open Discussion.. Lord's Acre Plan To Be Given Here Rev. Dumont Clark, head of the Lord s Acre work with the I armors redcration. will be here at the First Baptist church on Monday night May 7th. at S o'clock, and will ,how .-lides repardinjr the work that has been successfully put on in Western North Carolina. The pastors and isundav school workers of the county as well as th Public is invited to attend. Seeking 0 f f i c e As Commissioner NORMAN PLOTT WINNER IN DISTRICT CONTEST Norman IMott, of Bethel- winner of the- declamation contest Tecently staged here, and sponsored by the Luildinjr and Loan Associations of the- state, was declared winner in this district recently. ; 'i oung Plott is now one of the men -n the state that will compete in Elizabeth City in June for the first prize of $225 whfth is being offered b the state association. I'arilen ilena rl llleilt U- In nisik-o file I ' : -' " spring show of. lim -one in which I I KV flnnrloruntl It! i-A'KKY Ih.wir grower in llavwood J' I V IlUi I Ull . 1 county may feel that he or she may j compete ;in,l it is hoped that , many . who have net had exhibits- in pre-,' vious shows will be exhibitors this year.. On Sunday '.'preceding the flowe.-i : show gardens ol W aynesville will be James r., Henderson, son of: the i. pen to the public- hue . II . .Heiiiierson. is a candidate JJate or .show and list of prizes will i lor the nomination a, member of appear in this paper in the near l u-i the board of commissioners Mr ture, i Henderson is a native of H;ivwK.rl I and is a farmer and prominent dairy i man in Keavedani township I Viir sixteen vear.s he' wah nuperin i M-ndent of lhe - Cherokee. Indian i .-chool, and for eight vears supcrin- i . ....... . r . i . I l r, . " , f T-k . . """'"i oi me arusie ftrnofil in LOmmiSSIOner POSti 1,"n;.vlyaia. While away from the i county he .ent his earnings home to . . ... invest in farm land- and other real Iaiw Mil on will known duivman , t ,t Im the pi t ixviarhhcha and general farmer, announced him-1 .heen farming and operating his .-elf tni. week as a candidate for norn- , rar-v near font.,-. M- -,...--.w :.. ination for member of the board of i first' ran,li,lan. from T?.avr,io ' M. Di'-us, owner "if operator of county commissioners. '-! r.nnounce for commissioner. I Belle.. Meade, announc .his week that iii. .-.oisoii iihs 5-eie,i as ("iiniu-. . i wie aniusemeiii eeruer would open on sioner before. He was on the ixiard i T r . iir j 1 j : ! May fifth for the. Week-ends, and be- when tne new. court house was built. J. j, TT OlCn IS A ginning Jun,. first will reamm open Jarvis H. Allison Is Candidate For A nine Tat e. ; l''r . m , .. Thompson, Corel t a Thivlkehl, Sybil I .'' nd, i, KoIh-i I W iigenfeld, ti'iirdiiii W.yatt, IJIliai; Wyall. Kev. R. L. Alexander, the . speaker for Sunday night. will be i-emeiiibe. ed heie as having held 'a 'revival al the I'l eshyteriiin -buich several years ago. He is now pastor of the First I'l eshyteiian church, in Lumbcrton, having bi-en pa-tor in Hieva:-d before going to LuinlM-rton. " . "Hefore entering the' mini.Ktery, hi was coach at North.. western (,'ollege which is rated as ope of the leading. .schools , of the 'nation-' Dr.. R. L. Moore is ju-t cbmpleting his ,37th year at Mars Hill, an insti tution where a numH-.- of Haywood citiy.ens received their cducatioh., ; Those who .have heard'.-both of the ahove -peake.s, consider the. school officials , most fortunatoA in 'etliiv; them here, as they are both interest ing and able speakers. minion l. George V. Call is After Nomination As Commit Oilier I-, (h iii-.-e C.: of ii,,-. ,.:, week ' that - he wa. 'a , a:.',; ;;a:,, -i'o ci'iiim'issioni'r in tin- i-'ini'hc,'N I- or the ' p;i, t "1 hl'ee.' , ;,!.. lie ha I ecu ju : :e,. of t he p, ai e, ami da lis rin is until Itio;.'- H, ha- ,. i, i a wood ';ii:ii 11 Yh to Havw: i- ,-',;'i!i: 1' rum " ' Kc a: Li'-h:. -.. h . Belle Meade To Open Ma Fifth la no -. 11, 35 yean- fig. native state. .' This i, .tills ever sought. plllol.- ADDS EQUIPMENT TO W. W. N. C. CAFE HERE C. A. George, owner of W. A?V. . N. C has installed new booth partitions in his cafe here, which not only add to the appearance of the place of business, but also affords privacy for tnosp not wanting to eat out on the center tables. -Mi.-ss Rena Weaver, of Canton, is f pending several davs in town visit ing Mrs. Walter Crawford and Mrs. Joe Howell- for a number of vears has U'i-n secretarv and treasurer of the nesville National farm Loan nation. He was one of the first in the county to have a model dairy and to receive a grade -A"' rating on his milk. He is a native of this county and taught school for a number of years, i or four years he was county welfare of ficer. When making his announcement he said: "This is a time to pav debts in stead of making them. It is impossi ble to state the exact policies of government- for there are continually arising new and changing situations, However, where county money is ex pended, it should be so expended, and in fuch a manner and with such care nH fnr-.ciirri, that the neome and 'countv will be financially .richer." , ly-1 Candidate Seeking bhenll Nomination J. C. Welch is a candidate for the nomination of sheriff in the coming primary. Mr. Welch has been in public hf in Haywood countv for many yearn, and is known to evc-rv Ha wood voter He is at present tax collector, and has been sheriff Mr. Welch has been mentioned often as being a candidate, but hP had no statement to make until late Wed. ne-dav when he made his formal announcement. full time A number of added attractions will he offered. Mr. Dicus announced, such a.s .shuffle boards and horse shoe pitching courts. C. L. Weatherby will have charge of amusements and Miss Maud Dew, of St- Petersburg, will be swimming and diving instruc tor. .' Square dances, with music furnished by hte Soco Gap string band will be held three nights a week. More complete information will be given later, although the entire sum mer program has not been arranged by the operator. I lie eel mm Lawyers and judge- -evi'iy wljei-e v, i I h iw hoiti Judge ' A 1 ley : i n- come in' coiilact, aiti'rl (he f :Y th'.t he has been a elove' and untiring .student uf the law, and . that he na. made himself muster of its. funda- mentac p. ineiples and. rules of pro cedure. . Since coining of age he has always taken an active part in politics. He U'.-IS fieri, of 11, '...,,( ... i. ...i. Couniy . from 1K!H until 1!)()2, aii.dYf'"li;','M1YV '" 1az' represented that, county iii the Leg islature of Liu.',. In 1 910 he was , elected Solicitor of this -district, .-erv-ing one term, but did not a.-k for a second nomination. .beginning, with the campaign of r , ,, .,. . ... Judfe Alley has responded to Lot'a' lioy I (, '' m. ill of hi putv iua, Liunsboio loi (onul on the Wilson ticket he made an ag- gressive; c;ini)aign in (ivery countv in - ,., . , the old Tenth. Congressional District, j L,tw, l otea: I.lav d S-ei -.: v.; an,) in 1920 he was Klectbr on the Cox ! yesterday for Cia , nssiiin wae. i '.hey electoi ial ticket and again campaigned I , rel'i . Wayia -vi:;, !i :k the: entire district. . Following 'that "?hxdYHi lhe ; State. ' )la-- !,'.r.;-'.-; his services as a Democratic speaker ! "I",n""",'l ".v '-ne Woman - ; have been sought from everv section I-1'"-' L niversny ..i ."i ; n i ,n:.a::i of the State. It is claimed by his Jot .it ..goes as ; a harrVone -.-. -' friends that he has made a : greater ' lin,t .xtl"nt7-. soluisf: ;n 'fh.- unca:irf-ed liUmher of sneeches in l.ii-hnlf ,!' t P,. I hoys, voice gi out). ,'J ii, ,.,! , ' ::, : ' ;." (Continued on ia k piie; 1(fr " t n W Charlie L. Hill I 'l , ' ' , Mr. Charle Ray. Jr. left Sundav for Chapel Hill to spend a few davs with Mrs. Ray. Mrs. Thurman Havnes and Mrs. R. P. McCracken- bf Civile, were Wavnesville visitors yesterday. Mrs. Hubert Liner spent last week end with friends m Hickory. Is Candidate For C, Commissioner ( harhe L. Hill announced this week that he . is. a candidate for nomi nation for county commissioner sub ject to the voters in the Democratic primary in June Mr. Hill is a well known farmer and ..stock -raiser in C rabtree. This is the first time that hP has ever sought a public office,, although he has been active in all the Democratic cam paigns since he has been old enough to vote, . ' : MR II U I - II I I U I HI M-M i -li'i'i Rev. L: BY Hayes and Mr. J.,ii:es Atkins left yestenkiy for. ,laeki-:, M:s-i.,ippi . to atleiid the to :ai Conference of th(. Southern M.-h-i-di.-t church. Air. Have.- gees. as a ck-rieal Vie'egatp and Mr At kin.- as a lay di. legate : from the We-tcrn North ( aroljna (.'ot. fi-renee. " Tney were i lectc-l at the annua! ivnce in -Charkitte last fall. . I II Km NMs Beginning . May first, the W.ynos ville Library will ho o!vn each week Although never . an officp holder. I bav tie,:n three-thirtv unti1 rive--Mr. Hill has taken an interest in his I thirty. community, especially school affairs. . I ibr:. ry pat - r.s will 1 e gki : to know He served at different times on com- that f rom now, en mere win in; some mittees to better the schools of his community. One of his chief inter ests is the study of taxation. ,.: new hooks plac'd o-i the shelves every- ef caving niont h, atjd th. the latest ;he..i d.

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