'!! I 1 i 1. f: ! I . ; f THE WAVNCSViLLE MOUNTAINEER Mr. And Mrs. J. E.ib":- Massie Return From Trip To West Coast ar.'l a. '.v:-.;-r,- t thii g.tat.cratic Primary to be held June 2 I r.e Buncumb promise if nominated and elected that TOR COMMISSIONER FOR COMMISSIONER ( nuntv an efficient sheriff. L. Medford Leatherwood j the vi uxe a n: v :n j r . jut i.ut: thrvue.-. at:tr..:e : tr Theatre U Arftj.e; a: i- M .-- affvr.:t-. :: nuy tu:e- .:. :! Nit - FOR SHERIFF t."- i 1 htreb announce m -tli . re didate fur nonrnation !. r. a-I as sheriff of Ha w cd o-irt.. r . . to the action (if ;he v,t.. Democratic Primary in Ju; i -upp rt Bum me ill be a,.. J. A. Lone Mi- rs of hav oixj a- t.'.:icJ:da;e tor ::, r :n tnr June I. I j.ir-1 on THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 193 j FOR COMMISSIONER I j nereuy mnit u.ocn as a t, I heehv announce myself as a c - dj(Jate for the nomination of Cotta .ae lor the nomination ot L0""';f I Commissioner subject to the wih subject to we y of tne voteTS in the Democratic tic part in the J"nt marv in June. The support ,,f , ny support given uk --.oner - i!t niocra (,. l . !'a.; Ft HI SHE Kir 1 vottrs ill tie appreciaiea. Grover C. Ilosjer FOR SHERIFF An. -te n V'i FOR CHAIRMAN OF HOARD - OF COMMISSION ER 1 hereby announce niv-cif a i didate fur nomination as ..bairn. ar the 'x ard o! c'limini-mniT- - to tiie wishes ot t!::- ;- 1:1 '1 he - ; Cic' t r v- ' r ".- IT.S --f., it t -t ' t a.:: a:. 1 . . : 1 : . ; 1 , , . iitnuxraiic i riniaiv ;u ju- Xirt of the voters Will i.e ayp'ni..n ! deursie ( . H;i nes Fin: ;r.iv n. "in. I. I announce myself as candidal ( - rno' -ce rovself a- can- oiiic- of he"lT of Haywood lour, ! " "' vV-riff of Hao d Coun-subject to the action of the Heir ' ;;. .he action of the voters crane party. Any support (.'" , ,rin,arv in June, will be ureal!) appreciated. .!.' j,.-'. be appreciated. J- C. Welch Vrch u. Kus-t'Il , FOR COMMISSIONER i ( Ol J I O.MMIIONER j (n-rt-by announce myself a- a ta i ippuunce itu -elf a, a can. ::ulate for the nomination for (our , . . ; v uuntv (. umni-ioner.. ub- ( onimi-sioner, subject to the Vot( ,l ..u itmocra';- p'imarv to be in the Democratic Primary in JCI 1 144 oLir -upport Any support given me will be m, ..: appric: iati d. Political Announcements Judge Felix Aile Announces He Ih Out For Reelection FOR SHERIFF I herein announce mv-elf a- can didate for sheriff of Hawod Co nn subject to the Democratic Primary in June. I appreciate the support "ou have pnen me and will appreciate any support u-nen me in the corn in i; primary. If nominated and elee'ed I will ere the jeiple to I he erv be-t ol nn ability. F-". R. Ritknian i OR SHERIFF I I hereby announce melfa can didate tor nomination ,,( sheriff ,,f Hawooi ( ountv 111 the Democrat ir I'nmary in June. I will appreciate the support of mv friends and promise it nominated and elected ' -to till the office to the best of my ability. I. F;iNMtnt-t.' Witlker FOR REI'RESENTATI E 1 herein announce mwlt as a ci'n Jidate tor the-oliice of Ke jiresenta 1 1 e t Hawiii)d (ounly sublect to the aition of the J lennx-ra! ic Party in the June Primary. I ill appreciate-an support L;iii-n me In mi mam triends It nominated anil elect if) I u ill i..n.-. j all the p ople hi llie U-S ,,i n ahiiiti 1 Onil I.. atf- II I , K Ol Ju l II JUSTRICT I am .1 candidiile tur Judze of ihe -'ih Judicial District, subject to the ishe- (it the Democrats of said' dis trict at the Primary to be held on June econd. Your support will be appreciated. (rover C. Davis hui.c I . Hill .Jai vis H. Alii' on FOR CHAIRMAN OF HOAKI' OF COMMISSIONERS I herehv announce nie.lt as a can didate ter the office ot ( hairman .i Hoard of C ommis..ioner-. -u';ect the D mocratic Priniarv 'o te he!. . aid count. June J. ly.il. W. A. Ii;;'tt f'-ie-nr 1 1 " ul c t ru r:-'r t tui , i'-T i t. :i ( R I VMMI.-SIONER :rd If ;ua hi- not I li ne n In va U:;2 st vent: t . Ve.t. his err.' M .la :-n - vr.;. faa-.: -J Ik- FOR. CONSTABLE 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of Constable of ay nesville Tow nship, Uajwood C ounty. subject to the Democratic I nmary to be held in said countv June 2. iy.il. 1 will appreciate vour support. ' tontrary t(, reports that are beini; circulated I have sutiDorteH the j Democratic party tor the past t: j three y ears. I am running on mv own .. , record and not that of any one else ' or an croup. Homer Davis L .1 ' t- .s t - . 1 I . c l' FOR REI'RESENTATIVE 1 hereby announce mvst lf as a can .lulate tor the House of liepresenla- I liw-s. i.eneral As-embh . subject to t the Democratic Primary 1r he held I ('n June J. iHil. Hur support willj "e. deeply appreciated . T. ( iawfi.rd Senior Plav T H E C H A R M SCHOOL FRIDAY NIGHT Don't Miss It! ! FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce m self as a can didate tor member of the hoard of t ounty t ummissitint'.rs. subject to the wishes of the voters in t he democratic Primary in June. Any support eiveii me will he sincerely appreciated W. H.. (Bill). Williams FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce my self as a can didate for member of the Hoard of Commissioners subject to the wishes of the voters in the Democratic Pri mary. My idea about the tax paver's money i.s the same as it was when I was former commissioner of this county. lour support will b preciated. Lee Ferguson ap- FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce mvself as j can. didate for sheriff of Haywood Countv subject to the wishes of the voters of the IK'tnocratic I'nmary in June. 1 will appreciate any support Riven me. T. Ralph Moore FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce me!f didate for sheriff of Haywood Countv I suoject to the wishes of the voters in me democratic primary to be held JunoL2. 19.il. Any support civen me will be appreciated and if nominated and elected I will serve the people ui me couniy 10 tne Dest ot my abilitv. Crom E. Cole FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the nomination as Renrp sentative of Haywood Countv in the turning ocmocrauc Primary. I have a ways taKen tne interest of the peo ple of this county at heart. nA if nominated and elected will endeavor to represent them to the best of mv ability. J. T. Bailev FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Sheriff of Haywood Comi ty subject to the action of the Demo- F He FOR COMMISSIONER ;...-,.t,v i-mounce mvself as a can. I hereby announce my-eli a j, ri -,. , r e nomination of ( ountv , didate for nomination as a member P ,', -,r .ub-ttt to the action i the Hoard ot County Commissiont h,-' 'h mocratic panv in the June .-ubjec i to the wishes of the Den arv nv sUport i-iven me will cratic Primary in June. All supp, ipr c'a'tsd turn me will be appreciated. : . . Mcdiord j .lames E. Henderson 0S? 1 At ;V Mr'-m- 1 i... wm -T vi m turn wc r-. - j s - a ...iisrc Mso.tiiemttfm, kIhiImU tv !) ': tVr- in' M 1 Hi3 till P-rcr5afi W 7" -Si (337 V WJl- is t.1 v4Mt4- 1 --j hen you pay the price of a Knee-Action car, vou natu- ulu vant grnuinp KneeAction and all that goc uiih it. Yoti want the new gliding ride at its best. You want the huskiest, sturdiest front -end you can buy. And, of course, you want shock-proof steering. You pay for them all but you prt them all, in the low price field, only from Chevrolet. The reason is simple. Fully -enclosed Knee-Action w heels are costlv to build so costly that onlv " a i Compare Chevrolet' t loir delivered prica and easy CM. A. C terms. A General Motors Value Chevrolet w orld's largest builder of cars, can afford to make the necessary huge invest tuent in new machinery and mil keep prices among the lotcest of the low. Onlf Chevrolet has tiie resources and the assured volume of sales that permit this extra produo tion cost. Chevrolet does it because Chev rolet believes that, to KEEP OA SELLISG THE MOST CARS, YOU MUST KEEP OS BUILDING THE BEST. CHEVROLET MOTOR CO., DETROIT, MICH. SHOCK-PROOF STEERIRG 80 HORSEPOWER 80 MILES PER BOIR CABLE-CONTROLLED BODIES BY BRAKES FISHER SAVE WITH A CHEVROLET VALVE-IN-HEAD SIX r icovEKTisowr Watkins Chevrolet Co. PHONE 75

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