The Best Advertising .Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Head by Thinking People VOL. XLVI NO. 22 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THI KSDAV. MAY p.t.n .,5 4 Creamery To Use Grade "A" Milk In Making Ice Cream Plant Jo He In Operation Rv Mav loth. Orders Fur 200 Gallons ot Milk Given Local Dairymen V. K- Woodall, general manager of the new. creamery that is being es tablished here, told' The Mountaineer this week that the new plant would u.-e only grade "A'' milk in the manufacture- of ice cream. Orders are being placed for 200 gallons a day beginning May 15th. The grading of the milk 'will be under the direct supervision of K. L. Hinton, county sanitary officer. This is the only plant in this .section that uses exclusively grade "A" milk in making ice cream, Mr. Woodall said The plant is rapidly Hearing com. nletion, and the installation oi the new modern machinery will begin at an eaily date. The plant will be in tull operation by May 15th. The capacity of the plant is 500 gallons of ice cream daily and 2 000 -pounds oi butter a week. Annual Library Reports Made At Recent Meeting The chairmen of the: different com mittees of the Waynesville Library Association made their annual, ve- poils at the recent meeting held at ihe library. The reports as a whole were encouraging, it was said. In l-riof, the. reports were 'a. follows: TlMaASFKFK'S KFPOKT Cash 1 lank balance March 1, I'Xm, .$ 31.20 Subscriptions . '.. . 170.00 Fee- and fines ........... 70.25 Kent of Books 2C1G Lost book . . 1.00 Picture show . . ............ fi0.55 Citizen's' Bank. .' 62.49 Donations. Community Club . 5.00 Donations. Woman's Club .... 10.00 Donation. D. A. R. ... . . . . . . . . 10.00 Donation, 1). A. R Teas ..... 10.28 Donation, miscellaneous 4.25 Total . . ... . . .$461.24 EXPENDITURES Librarian's salary $206.77 Janitor's salary . . 34.00 Hooks 77.00 Cards. etc, . 4.67 1'. O. 'box . . . . U 00 Miscellaneous, tax on checks. etc. . .. . 2 54 Heater 13.50 Coal and kindling ........... 12.43 House cleaning . ............ 5.97 I'lumbing . . . 1.00 ;r,o 88 Bank balance, Feb. 28, 1934 . .$100.36 Total . . .... ...... .$461.24 MRS. W. T. SH ELTON, Ireasurer. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE LI BRARIAN Classification Circulation Fiction 3505 .Juvenile : . 733 Magazines 243 Poetry 84 Biography 197 History 181 Science : 38 Essavs ! General literature 80 Total circulation for the year 5101 Total No. subscribers 125 Total No borrowers kol - Signed LOUISE BEV1LLE. Librarian. , ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOOK COMMITTEE As an annual report i.s at best but the skeleton of what -.has been accom plished, those who are interested must, read between the lines and. endeavor to visualize not only .the actualwork done but the high hopes which have tome to naught. Under existing con-; ditions. th(, following account of the circulation may be considered fairly : good:: ; , No. volumes on hand F eb. 2, 1933 .: . . 6037 No, volumes purchased dur ing year . . . . ....... 47 No. volumes donated during year 53 No. volumes worn out during year 53 No. vloumes lost during vear . . . 39 No. volumes on hand i eb. 28, 1934 6047 ACCFSSORIFS CI SSIFIFD Fiction . ....... ..... 74 luvenile . l ........ . 20 Reference 8 '.. 102' The decrease in circulation (936) and the decrease in subscribers (18) are regrettable, but the committee feels that the only remedy is at least, a dozen new books on the shelves each month and that Seems impossible .t. present. F ortunately, there are roany tourists who recognize the fact that books which appeal to any indi vidual afford mental stimulus not to be obtained in any wav and the Library is quite popular during the j summer. -V real effort is made to keep the reading table well-stocked . with, late : magazines, though no . funds, have (Continued on back page) Deed For Last Of Park Land Being Recorded Here l inal .sellement I.s Made to mm. crest Lumber t onipanv for Lands in Park Area What js believed to Ik- the longest deed ever tiled in the Register of Deeds ollice in Haywood county is be ing recorded this week. The two deeds are for two tracts. 32 OOP each to the state of North Carolina for the lands of the Suncrest Lumber Company. One of the deeds is (S typewritten pages, ? ingle spaced. Tht other is 20 pages of typewritten (natter. The work is so tedious and exact ing that it is expected to require about three weeks to complete. The first tract contains 32.853.53. acres, while tiie second tract contains 32,521.11 aces. Federal government official.- from Washington brought the deeds here, and at the sam,. time brought check.-, with which to pay for the land which the park commission is acquiring. The settlement for the two tracts of land, under the Weaver Bill- com pletes the purchase of land in North Carolina for the Croat Smoky .Moun tains National Park- The park area in North Carolina now .comprises 100,(100 acres. Chas. Willis Is Out For Hoard Of Education The first candidate- to anneun b member of the County Board -of Edu cation wa Charles Willis, -of Canton. Mr. Willis is a native of Haywood and has been connected with the Champion Fibre -Company for many years. This i.s the lirst time lie has ever sought a public office. He has always taken an active interest iii the schools of th(, county. Judge Alley To Teach S. S. Class Judge Felix K. Alley Will speak before the Citizens Sunday School class which meets Sunday in the office- of Morgan, Stamey and Ward each Sunday at .10 -o'clock.' The class' .was organized some few weeks ago by J. R. Morgan, who i.s teacher.. The at tendance has steadily increased each week sine,, the organizating. The topic of Sunday's le.sson will be "Christian -Citizenship.." . The class is especially for those who are not affiiHated with, any Sunday school, and a cordial welcome is ex tended to all to attend. Sunday School Rally Will Be Held At Clyde A -Kiihdav school r'allv will he held by thP Haywood Boptist Association at the Clyde Baptist church Sunday afternoon beginning at 2:30 o'clock. An inteersting program has. been ar raged. on the importance, of training for Sunday school-services- . All pastors, officers and teachers in thf, Haywood Association are urged to attend this meeting, and anyone in terested in. the Sunday school work is invited. ... Following a song service; by Jerry. Robinson, the Scripture reading . will be given by Paul Grogan, and the gen-, eral activities of . the. associational work will be explained ar.d discussed by Glenn D. Brown, president of the organization. . Mr. : Jack Messer, of Waynesville, county superintendent of Haywood county schools, will speak on "1' raili ng a Church Responsibility:.. Legion To Meet And Arrange For Scout Troop Next Monday : The regular monthly meeting of the lrtiprii.nn T &pt will h held at. the Masonic Temple at eight o'clock on Monday night. Several matters of importance will be brought up, one of which is the naming of assistants to work with -LeRoy Davus who has been named scout master for the troop Boy Scouts that tne i.egion its sponsoring- ' the Kotary l. lurj iroop is pioKiesa and members of the Le- iAn nva VOnllPS ted to bQ present to help formulate plans for their troop. IO AN TIML FXTFNDFD made this week .-iiliiuuii.1',.". .-.j --- ii.i t'UA :mrwnn' cron loan time limit had 'been extended to May 15th. Former notice had been made that the rm- limit was -Mav nrst. sin r'?JL Z mkimr annlication for! thee 'loan should get in touch with ' was part of an English language pro courilv agent W. D.Smith. ; . ect launched at the Lmversity of Haywood Republi cans Selected A Ticket Saturday (Miners l or t ouniv Organization Ke.electt'd. Mate t haiiman Heard In Address Selection of the iounty ticket to gether with tiie re-election of Clciin A. Boyd as county chairman, featured the Haywood county Republican con enthii held m the court hous-e here Saturday ..f t.eniooii, with ti, Guy Hipp-, prominent Canton business man -presiding. 1 be county ticket i.-: For state sen. ale. Alvm f. U.:id; l epi oscntative, Thomas L. Givin; Cleik of court, GU nil A. Bod; sheritl. James A Singleton; register of deeds, VV.I. Mc battey; chairman of the county bo.iid of commissioners. Jodie il. Mann, with T..T. Noland and William A. Bradley as members, Dr. K. W'.S. Pegr.iin, t anton physician, ' wiis .-elected the candidate for county coronei. Ollicels elected wcie; Glenn A. Beyd, rc-eJecttd county chairman, llaiiey K. nglit. pu.d. slier of the Canton Kind-prise, vice-chairman; and Clinton .U. Holland, re-elected secretary. A ppi ox unateiy olHl person.-, aitended the coiu edition. .ddic..-(. s by W, C- .Mv.'kins, of 1 lenders. uivillc. state chairman of the Kepuiilirau executive louiinitiee, ami llasley l. l.eavitt. of Asbeville, can-ilidiiti- for ( engross 1 ri ttie I llii i.lstlid, l'e.llllleil a sH clal .lleetlU); licid in llio t'aiiteoi hih .-ili.fol ioinuii .Hi fluriUiy in.iiiii . Willi nmie ' 'MM .",.10 pi. . l. ..Us a! ielni i -I'lg I 1 U !i udii el .; eb cti d dill 1 lig 'l 111 i-tl. 111.- s :-(:-' li-ll. ill ri ' K. .Nl . V ii'lei , c,l ..'l.i 1 i.f the i I .illip.i 1. I- II v I ,.111 jiaii . la.-i-lei '. d ii-;-ldei-ii , Ce, h gi r d n-ri ia n re i li i led iii.i-.uni, while ji tor .1. Al ;i i 1 Hi,' 1 1 -e.ii-cti d si el ida . y id the i liili by in ci.ini.a; idfi. Prol.K. J. Robeson Ends 50 Years As A Public Educator Well Known Local leather lias .spent Past I- iltv ears In I lass Rooms 1'rof i- la. J. Kob on -completed his year as a i school teacher th,, seveliteent h is a teacher. -Buncombe ooiin- t his week year in W It was vnesville Ho is a native ty, being the son son. Ills niothei of Kev. .1 nil 11 RoIk 'a.i, Harriett M Cumming. He spent most of bis; boyhood young niiiiihiHuf in Asbeville. H( ceived his early education at the and rc old New'tmi Academy:-uniier- 1'rof. lianks and in the school I'm- hoys t digiit. by 1'rof. S. l- Venable. Lat r he went to W'eavervillc Col lege and it the last year before going to college, he taught the primary de partment in the Venable school. He went to Kmi-iry College, Ga.. and w,(s giailuated in IKsl with distinc tion, ami rcceiverl his A. B. degree. .The.- lir-t year 'after his graduation he taught, niat.betnatii s at W'eaver ville ('ollcge. The next year he came to W'ayncs ville ..nil taught for two years in- tlur oiil academy . . Here he met ami nia;i ied S- Fannie Ferguson, a daughter of the late .hidg,. Garland S. FeigU-soh. in 1 v:d h" w t:i i in U-rsville. G..., as superintendent: of' the public -i hoois. Ho l emairieil in-Georgia untii li.'l", wi.i :i he retu i ned to Waynesville as suiierihtcndeiit of the city schools. While in Georgia 'he organized and establi.-h. I the graded : schools of yuitnian- where he .eniained for eight years. .. .. lie 'was superintendent of schools at Marietta anal Gainesville, Ga. In 1.013 he went to LaGr iiige Collfge as vie,, president, and .taught mathe matics for four years. .. Since 1!)17 he has been a citizen of Waynesville and connected with the public .school system. MOST SLANG ORIGINATES ON COLLEGE CAMPUS, IS FOUND Investigation' Of ."SlanguaRe" Terms Gain Circulation On W orld. American flang is hatched on the American college campus. The modern slang vocabulary underr going a constant revision as current expressions become trite and new ones are created to replace them, is traceable almost to the word to stu dent groups, possessed with a desire irr the bizarre and unusual writes John V. Harden, staff member of The C harlotte News, in that paper. The American college was estab lished as the principal "slang-uage" source in a survev recently made by S. L. Woodward, principal of Fasi fern School, Hendersonviile, and a lfinl.1 inr.liwnnin Vv-i fin II- Vi J-l Til -ll-nc V l - 'vkii "h '""- - home at the Y. M. C. A., The.survey Over $3,000 Worth of ?tock Has Been Su! scribed To Cannery One Hundred and 1 ortv 1 ai mers lake Mock in Promised ( o-operative ( annen Will- 01)11 worth of stock already sold in the proposi'd i operat ive eanuerv here, plans are being pusbco forward by nained at a the committee recently mass meeting togethei Aei'iit' V I). Smitli to with County bring the total of stock up to S4.000 When the reitii.ed amount u- reached plans will be made immediately on a site i rid the solo, t ion of a manager who wilt supei vise the new iudusti. It is hoped of those heading ihe project to get the cannery under way in tun,, tvi use this year's crop. Of course, to be able to do that no time can be lust in bringing the matter to a close, either one way or another, it was pointed out. Common stock has been sold to 110 f. diner, at tep delta. 's a dia re, and the leiiiiiinder to I ii-nitss men, mibt ot w lufin are Wayi..'s illc (iti.eii.-. At ;i decent meeting of the fanners vi f Haywood eount, the fact was In ought out that lie county' att'oids he. opportunity for -a cannery that tills county din's at tin- time. . The farm er have taken an iutiw pari in the eampiiii'ii to sell sio ., k and :rre most iHlAHUi- l icit t ile p . ejict goes tb rough. 'II. at .a Willi :leeinig coi'i iii it "lev as named .en; meetiiig is a- follows: J. I I lay. Ileiil.v I'diincis l:ie Tom Koge'r.-. an. I A rt bin ( Directors Of Ha wood Federation Recently Elected "The -Haywood County si oeb bolde I s of the Farmer-. Federation met at the warcliou. e in Waynesville. on Satur day. April 21st. .lames G. 1 Mc Cluie, ,lr,, pn'sideilt of the Fu.'iners Federation., presided ;it the "nieefitnf and a report of t hodjusiness. Professor S. C. Clapp, of the State Test Farm, who has been a director of the Fanners Federation for 12 years, spoke on growing vegetables and soil improvement.,- . The following directors were elected tor the Farmers Federation foC Hay wood county : 11. Arthur Osborne, Canton, chair man'; Henry Francis. Route. I, Way nesville, vice chairman; Glenn Hoyd Route Wavnc.-ville. sec.-etary; K. T. ' Route 2, Waynesville, .1 B. Meilfo'rd, Route Waynesville. Glenn I'.iliiKO ( rabtree, R. F. Davis. K,,ute '-!, Wayne-ville, R ( '. 'ha rubers, Route 2, Waynesville. N. V Carver, KoUte 2, Waynesville. C. S. (ireen, Route I ( "rabtree. Fach of the six counties in which the Farmers Federation operates has its .-group of seven to ..ten directors, who decide lb,, policies and .program of t lie I-.. : oi' i Federation in its .own county. NOIK L l( () s( Ol IS White .Mease, .scoutmaster of the Rotary troop of Jloy Scouts announced that the meeting' place of the. troop had been changed from the Central Flemeiitaiy school to the First Na tional Rank building. New rogistra, lion is M-hedUled for tonight (Thu s day I at 7:.i(i o'clock. K ( 1 I I YOU OF CALVARY r HliRf II IT I IKK TO I'RKACH SUNDAY At Cleven o'clock on Sunday niorn-V'V- -May ;th, , in Ciraee Fpiscopal church the special preacher will be the Reverend Kdgar It. Nell. ICector of Calvary church, r letcher, N- I . The Sacrament of the Holy Com munion will be administered. most coidially in vited to be present. Shows That Most Words And Campus And Then Go To Outside Tennessee by Mr. Woodward. He sent a questionaire to 50 Amer ican colleges and universities, asking for the slang in use by the .students there. Ileplies were received from 50 of these, making it possible to draw some conclusions regarding the una and origin of slang at the American institutions of higher learning. The final collection- of these ques tionaires and : the classification and tabulation of the information that that they contain reveals that an many cases slang expressions for. given person or thing are often more ilptfri nt j VP than the .-dictionary term designed for the same use. The slang words also reveal an apparent, desire fcr -h'itti U s ird f xnresion-, (Continued on ...a-JK page) I (Jolt' Course Is Now Open Fo Players. Has Keen Improved Ross lalor. ol Aslieville. Has IJeen I.mploved As Pro At I Local ( muse I -or season The Waynesville Country Club golf course is now open to players, with eleven of the eighteen greens in the best condition they have been in since the course was built, according to J. M. Long, operator ot the course. Mr. Long said in t ten of twelve nun were now working on the other : seven 'green- and that they Ui ald be I in shape within the next ten days. i", are doing cveiything we can to I gel the m shape -and feel that j nit Inn the net ten davs U will be in j such splendid shape that it will tie .. bo e crit icism." Ross Taylor, professional golfer of Asbeville, has been employed by Mr. Long and is now in charge at the euiiise. In ...peaking of Mr. Taylor, Mr. Long said: "He came to us highlv iceoiiinicuilod by a great, many yood golfers. He was formerly connected with the Aslieville Country Club. hilling the month of May special meiiibe. sin is are being ottered local people for .fl'J.dO plus tax. I liana Shoolbied is in charge of the mem bership drive Mr 1ong said: "This lilt,, will expire on May 'I! 1st.". The other rates are us follows: .Morning j lifty cents." -Afternoon fifty cents. jWeeM.v tin eo dollars. Monthly seven ; dollais and a half- Hii.iiig 'the, entile winter, when Weather .permit t ed , M r, Long has had a crow 01 men working on the 'greens of the cull I'm-. New lilelhods of caing lor the gleeiis have been installed all of which ii.-suies til,, best that can' be e U i-ted in il gol (' course. Primary Election Calandar For mi j ( .implied by Fxi'cul ive See re 1 a i y aid of l-deidions. State lie MAV b'l'll Regi. I . ntion liooks Open Late of opening of the Registra tion Rooks by tile Registrars at the polling place at '.1:0(1 a. m,. for regis Irittioii of new voters. Registration books ar,, to remain open for regis tration until sunset mi .every Satur day through Saturday, Mav l!t'h, fo.- registration. ('. S. b'J-il, and C. S. ll(WV, Sees. :!1 and ill of Klectiioii 1 . . w pamphlet. Inspiration f iling Time for .Legisla tive. ( ' i 1 1 r 1 1 v and .Township . Offices Last diiy lor candidates for scloc. linn as I lie nominees of aiiy political party fur th ollice of State Senator, member of the House of Represent as tive , and County and Township ollb ces Iv.lilq Notice of Candidacy With the Comity Hoard of Flections. ('. S, Iiil22, -Sec! 87 -of. the Kicofion Law panipblet. MAY :-TH CertiUcation of Names of CaniJidates for Stale Senate Last day fur the ..Chairman of the County- Hoard of Flections in the Sen atbriiil District co'mposed of more than one county where there is no agreement as provided for ' in Sec tion lilll-t of the ('. S. to. certify, to every other Chairman, of the County Hoards of Flections in such Seniito rial Di.-triot, the names of all candi dates who have filed Notices of Can didacy in their resiiective county for the -office of State ..Senators, C. S. lidH, .Sec of Flection Law pam phlet. MAY 22ND Statement's of Fxpenditures to lie '-.' Filed. Last day for Statements d' Fxpx-n-ilitures to be tiled by candidates -and campaign committees. All -candidates for State and District offices shall file such statements with: the. Secretary of State. ' Ail candidates. 'for State Senator in districts composed of only one. county, ; members of , the House of Representatives, and. all county ' offi ce..: shall file such statements with the Clerk of the Superior .Court of their county. P. I.. i ( hap. See ' 7, -: Sees. J 07 l'i'.i of Flection Law pamphlet. 1A 20111 Callenge , Day . . Day for Registrars: to attend the polling places with , the registration books, from. 9 il. m. until .'i.i: ni. when, and where . the registratioii booki shall be opened to the public for in. speclion for . the purpose of chal hng(s ( S V)72 S(c 11 of He c tion Law pamphlet. Jt I 2ND Rfimary Flection Held ' Date of . I'rimarv Flection, ( . -S fiOlX. Sec of Flection Law Pa n phlet. Mrs, Zimri Rogers, of Pitt -burg, Pennsylvania, . and daughter,: Mjrs. Judge hrank M. I'adderi of C hicago, are spending a few days in .Wavncs ville visiting; their father and grand fdthtr Pcv R -V StntcPc Mr Padden is accompanied by her : hus band and . daughters, Mary Frances and Patsy. . Mrs. Mary Hampton and grandson. Bobby, of Asheville, arrived last week ,, for an extended visit to. .the former's brother-in-law, Mr. .lames McLean. T $1,000 Raised Here In A Few Hours For C. of C. Adhities Leaders Leliee Amount Will I Jehu-reused to Sl.'i(M). Alxiul I 100 ,Setiiied in ( ash i he membership eommittee together with the finaiu-e committee ,,d' the ;l nesv die Chiuninr of lomnierce made a drive hole -Thursday m winch pledges amounting to appi ox innitely $1,(1(10 were secured. About $HMl iii cash was received The amount ,a rcceived from business men. The hotels and individuals of the comiv: i nity are yet to be coiitinted , . pledges received from them. V. A. Bradley, chairman d' tb menibei ship committee, and .J . M. Long; chairman of the tin uice com. mittee, together with members ol' the board of directors and President .1. V. Hay, all expressed belief that when the remaining business firms, indmd iiiils and hotel- contributed, that the amount raised would exceed ,l.,"i(HI; i'he board of directors will meet within the next few days to name the assistant .secretnrv who will: dev. do full tin 10 ill the office. The meeting was scheduled for iast night, bill stveral members were out of town working on a matter of interest to the cut ir,. section with highway ,,!' iicials in other parts of the -state". As soon as they arrive back in tout) a meeting will be c.-il'cd, '' v,., iin iiounccd. Students Awarded Medah Tesda Al Hih School !;:- . Koil h I, en;: 'and .Holvby Sbum WO - e ii'AM riled the . ( ' 1 1 jz( o Il i p uiedills Tiiei'il.iy iiiorning following the Senior Cla s Day i sei'cises in tin high: Mdiool :iilili: oi;iiiili. 'flu si' t wo st uileiil were clod I'. din t he .senior 'cla.- s. liy tile ivh leber.s ,,f the 'faculty, ' for' theu ex celli ine in honor, leadership, pets,n aliiy, sehol.irship, and service. ' The nieilitl- were given by the porc'i., Heii Love eh ipter Of the. Daughters of the American Revolution and were pre sented by .Mrs. W. F, Swift. A ir,-.,.i u i.;... .. .. . i i... -.. ..-v., ,itiiiie , , est' l( I e, . ,s,io as a prize for the best perfoi manco iii the senior play, " I he ( bai in SchiMil," This iirize was given by the Woman's Club and was 'presented by Mi-. S. P. Cav. Following ttie custom ef the si vera I yiiirs the senior class pre sented a to the high school. This year the gift was a picture of M r. la. .!. Rolii'soll. who , has served I lie Waynesville school for .-(ve.nfee.v years. At t he same t ime the foutbaH siinol presenteil i liaiidsome leather das', to Ciiach Weill hei bv in :i nrn-i-e .'.-i 1 1, ,n of his leadership and co;iching, wliicii resiilled tn -the -local team- hoiiig eliain pioi'is. of Western: North Ciibifiiia foj- . I wo sUi'eessi(.' seasons. Robert Harrell Died Sunday At Cove Creek Home Unbel t - llai ii'il, 47, . passed :.way at hi's heme on ( :ive . Cteek ..'following ;i shdr.L. of-, illness which : ..d'e-.-velcpeil into piii'UiiioHi.'i. i'urieral service- Were held Abe id iy .nd tider nic nt was- made'-at 'i.v(; 1 i'1 'k' i!;ipti-t 'chui ch with Rev. Fore'-t IVr--' gu - on di iii,! Ke'. V'oiler" 1 lav is. riaidiic! -, dig tin- services. 'ihe deri'iised is survived by . ':.! wife, a- .-,,)) 'and a daughter, hi'-' par eiits, two (iiothei's. .lanies and Floyd, nrirl foiH siste i s ;'.'M , -SV..-.K. '-1.: "'Du;s',. .Airs, iiob (jreene.. Mrs. Jiiiiic.-, ' ".ham-.' liei-s, -rml ,1 r.s. Krnest Durican.: ' :.' He was an active niember 'of .'.In; church, having been a nifrnKt I'in years: . lie -'was former sHpei'iiii i'i'iileiit of the Suniinv -A-li'-J ami .fai-i: dores: detd .ii: :tb,. I!. V. 1'. C. . "'ilis' friends -.a al- ,','f: 'him, ''H- .-'u as t-itlly' il I ii lis ! f Ji' g"i:t leiiian':',' X:V. -I i.T I "HAL .: LI-' If l: i. I ' T , ' Tho;,gricuhiii; A t'lul'r' of. ;i !:-' 'W;ay. nesville- 'Township .-,'.H igii - .ch-.s--: me': . 'iue'silay ami ('lected the .follow '.' - iicers for the ensuing yijaf: ' : '' , Presi'rleiit. ilav FergUswii ' . Vici'-President,-. " i 1.1 i a' t ri -' F c. '.: ' ) -J" ; ". Secretary, '.Frederick.. ,N;vdit;ss Treasurer, Lucius Allen- . .:. Watch Dog,. Pa Pui-gess,'. : ,Tp()l4e'ri-'i-UK;'''ie.;'Fh-ir:c!.--;-..,'J ,,' ; r 15 APT! ST a iKCLFS T'iivM;i''FT-:'' ' The !;:ipbi-i.sciieles''.w;il mc ;. Tues-ilaj-e.Miiv a.;.'..wit.H '''the .f'Ib'W jig t.i ie'ss..s: :.i'di: ',''' v- hi' '.''.: . '':'; 1. The Lottie Moidi with .Miss.Jcs-ie... Herren,;'.; :'""',d'.::" '. ...'".''..';-, ',: : ' ."The Mollitf Heir-en ...'wittt .Mrs. . Fred 'Siiunders. '' ,'., . '. The, WestdlSi.!'.; wirh Mrs; IFrrst ' Ilm-trin..' ''''"'.. '','. s ' '1. The 'N. :".h. Sab' w it h "'.M rs.r V . ' Noi'eck. ''. ' ;,' d,'.-, .". The Fu--t--' Weddin s :;(,-rcle: win- n-. et wirK MrV,- .. 'C. .Fet'gason ' hu'-sd-avi' Mav ' a't.-'T :'.-0 .p.'.jrt-. :". ' ;''