Hi 1 The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The (Jreat Smoky Mountains National Park Head Iy Thinking People VOL. XI. V! NO. 2:1 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY. MAY 10. l.bll ' More Candidates Haywood Farmers ! Hospital Day To j Seeking Offices Allowed 855 Pounds j Be Observed Here : Than Ever Before ..Of Tobacco To Acre, Sunday Afternoon Monday 01 This Week Saw Much Active Work On The Part Of C andidates Hre This :s a. banner yea;- in Haywood i county for candidates. Clu.se political observers who have been un the ground for years reported' ye.-terday that they do not remember the time when there were more can-! eudales seeking offices not lnclueinij: j towm-hip constables. ; Asperation fur county cummbssion-, v. lured 1 to tile, wnile three arc! seeking the seat ol chairman. The LHj.ird uf education will bu ft- leeted from the seven candidates. T he next lcprescntative from this county' will cither be J.'T. Bailey, W. i.j I rawlerel ur Ural L- I'ate.s, 1 In the primary of lV,i2. only 22 . candidates sought the places which are now being .-ought after by do candidates. Those who have filed for the 1'ii niar aie as follows: Commissioner ( Vote for two) 1ee Ferguson, Astiury Howell. G.' C; flail, Jams Alli-on. James K. Hen derson, I has. Hill- Geo. A. Brown, 1'. V- .Mas.-e.v, John Kinsland. Hill Wil liams, J. if, Gus.-ett. Mrs, 1.1, 1-'. L'os tun, C. V. Meelford, Grove.' C. Roger:-. Clarence T. Medforel. There, were .-even before. Chatinian of board of eoininisioiicrs W.A. Hyatt, incumbent, Geo- C. llai,es. and V. A Moore- Four .-ought this place before. M. . ;:; J.' A. Lowe, incumbent, E 1). Kickm.n, .Ucdloiel l.cathc. wooti, J. i . Welch. Ralph Moure, and Arch Ku.-.-cll.: La.-t primary- thefe W"le two '.candidates. '." C ounty boarti of education ( vote lor mice) il. A. Osborne, K. f. Mcser. and Homer Cagie, incumbents, (.1. L. 1'lott,' John Howell, f has. C. Willis, and John Best. Judge Felix K. Alley, incumbent, drover C . flavin. Waynesville township constable George Buchanan, incumbent, Homer Uavis and Geo- W. Coble. Deputy unstable, John Kerley, incumbent, K. L, Uay. '.".' 1 the otlices of Register ot lJeeeis. Clerk of Cuurt, Solicitor and Coroner do not have any opposition m the primary. A close check revealed that Mon day saw the most active day for can didates thus far this year, and some political leaders .-aid mat . it , was the most active day they ever remember four weeks before an election. The . leaders -uf political activities in Hay wood county were in town Monday ever t u.-y with the . large cruwd that attended court and the first -Monday s.e-.-,i :' of the county commissioners, while r.buut 100- farmers .-Were here t ii'. tend the meeting regarding the establishment of a .cannery. Last primary . the total vote ca-st was about (5. ZOO. Since the large number of candielate-s are out this year, the votes are expected to reach a new iccord mar.k of at least 7,000 with a possibility of nfi .. As usual there has been much speculation as to the successful can didates, but few have made a pre diction that was convincing enough to assure any candidate . that tine ..."nomination'' was in the. bag" which nieai.s that during the coming ' weeks greater activity than ever will be en gaged in. County A .Tent W. P. Smith ma lv public this week that Hay VihI i-aiulj fai'mors bad been alb. wed an average of N"," pounds 1 f tobacco ic the acre for next Open House Will 15e Held From ' '5 to ") O'clock Sunday Alter. ' noon At Havwood Hospital year me nt tlV the Agricultuial Adjust- Aoniinistration. lia -wood is the only county that ban m- allotment accepted by gov irnment olticials. I'he farmers have leeched their acreage and l'tt ni that can work cut the pound i ge for '. he next year. Some n.'iiuie'. aie having to w rk out an entiuly new sched ule, which will leqmre several months, h was said The HayweKHl County HeKspit.il will .'bsene National Heispital Day here on .Mimiay, May house from to ," ternooli. llosjiital Day i observance of tin erue Nightingale'. British nurse who eharge of military The purpose- jutal Day , witti an open 'clock in the at'- J, H. Gossett Out For Nomination As Commissioner J. H. (io.-seU well known e'ontl".lC tor and real et.-ate man of this coun ty." announced yesterday that he was a candidate for Countv Commissioner. M r, about on t!i Fibre he w tmn turner leal ile.-'s. truck other He vel. sill Gos-ett came' to Haywood 'id years ago. and began work const rue lion of the1 Champion Company, for about live years is -iipe'rintenelent of colistruc n B , i! i.-h ( (dunibia. He re i to I lay w-iti'.nj and entered the i.-iale and ..Vobtracting bu-i- n-'W operating ,i -mall in conjunction with his held on Ma.y U! in birthday of Fer tile great beloved in 1.W1 was given nursing in Crimea, f .National He's, s to enlighten the I citizens of America on the im port .nee of hospitals. The olkser vance was -farted i:i years ago and since that time mmh interest lias 'been shown each year, and the peo ple are awakened each year more and more to the importance' that hospitals play in community life. Few people leali.e just what the local hospital i.- doing m the way uf caring for the' sick and- injured wt' H .ivwood count : Fast vear llOd pa tie'iit."; were admitted '.'7 births were recorded which bring- the total to 1,07:1. This does not include .the -"owl patients" that received attention or treatment through the hospital statF During the past year the $12 000 home has been construct, d I tloor of the hospital maternity section with e trained 'for that woi k lie- i farm duties e- has ,1 pnielit if) VI 'he mueh towards the de f the' county in that he several tracts of liind several year.- ag and sold them in small tiart.s or Jots. On a number of these' home.- have be'en i'. voted. .led nurse' s ami the thir mid,, intei a a special nurse m eharge. ln .Monthly ol over oO pat lent w hich liecessil ,-i care for theni 1' of assist.tnt-i tt ext. 'a help, Ml.Tr maiils. t In- w t t'k : lu re w t re' in the loeal hospital, te.- eleven nur-i's to gel lit r wit li a number I say hot bing of tin' as ianiloi's, eok and Sheffield Case Heard In Raleigh Bv Parole Board W. F. Sheffield, younger broth er id' .lames Sheilield. win) is un tiei tit a, ii se ntence fiom Haywood to- muuler. leel a delegation Tue.-.lay al K.ileigh which ap pealed to Commi.-sioner of Paroles F.dwin Gill to snare' James' life. They presentee) a petition, signed by Dune than -1,0110 persons, ask ing that Sheffield's se-ntenc,, be commuted to life imprisoiiimnt. The' jury which eoiivictcd Shef lieltl signed t he pi t it loll. With V. F. Sheffield were Fu ge ne Alley. Jr., ami M ti. Stanley, of Waynesville; Funis Sentelle, of Canton.-and George H Ward. of Asheville "The .people of Haywood county don't want Shef lielil to die," Stanley told Com misMoner Gill. In Mr. Gill's lihv- there' is a let ter bum Solicitor John M. Queen, who pro-ecute'd the cast against Sheffield. It stall-.-, in part: "He (Sheffield) w s my friend; 1 have been rai.-id with him. I know his people and they are .my. friend.- ami 1 am lug my term as was called upon i defendant for t hi he Was right fully "The 1..W is Wil li alio ha- had a la,, ! on, id hi in guilty Farmers Vote To Continue PlansFor The Establishment Of Modern Cannery Here Mrs, T. L. (iwvn Is Named Assistant C. Of (.Secretary Three, lourl.hs 0 1 Neeessary Stock Has Iveen Subscribed. Leaders Are Conlident I Of Success ii Wav- o. tv thai dur olicitor that 1 i pru-ecule the . I inn' of which .onyie ted. en, t he elcfcnd- i i i. ii, the jury .n J the law lixes llle like ally lint! .'. n .all v. lb w et fo i-ie a man pel soli dly yet i' my oath 1 i i ccoiiniu ndat Ion i 1 might dis- iv 1 he pcti: init ially and innol make W. A. Moore Is Out For Chairmanship Of Commissioners W". A. .Moore of Pigeon township, a life long resident of that communi ty, announced . -today his candidacy for Chairman of the Haywood County Ht :i-il Uf ( 'ommi-sioners. Mr. Mooro was. formerly a member of this -hoard several years ago and is well known throughout the entire county. M' i. M oo re is a member of the Masonic .lodge,.' chairman of tl district townrhip high school board and it present superintendent of the .Methodist Sunday School at Htthel. Mr. Moore is a very -successful farmer 'and ha.- always been .an inter ested worker in .community ami coun ty affairs. . John Howell Seeking Nomination To Board Of Countv Education! John W. Kinsland Is Candidate For John V. Kinsland, of the. Pigeon mmunity, 'announced yesterday )a: he was a candidate for County emmissione-r.-' This is the first office litt .Mr. Kinsland Vtac- otai. crMifrh wa,s born and reared in Hay- and alwav-i elfJVnforl Viic firrto to, farming and cattle raising, Mr. Ain--il'ai!(l...i.s-ellkn(Jwrt,throughoutsthe ccunty. lie 15 a Mason and member . the Junior Order. He W-iKil. An Added Feature . . John Howell, of Jonathan's Creek community announced this week that hp is a candidate for nomination as a member of the ( 'ounty . -Board -oT Kd. lira! inn. .Mr, Howell is well known in the county. He is a native of the County and taught school for years-. Since he gave up teaching he has been en gaged in farming in the community where' he now lives. . For: the past twenty -live year hrs been justice' of. :he peace in eommunity.. R. T. Messer Seeking Re-election To T h e Board Of Education K. T, Messe'i'. inesent chairman of the' Haywood ( ounty Board of hdu eation announced yesterday that he was a candidate for nomination ami re-election as a member ot the board. He is a native of this county, .having lived mi a firm until about twenty live years ago when ho came to Wayne-ville and .entered the- retail grocery business, which h(. -operated for .about fifteen year-. About ten years ago ho -entered the wholesale groce ry business which hi' now op elate .Mr. .Me.-.-er stated .two yea..- ago when elected a.- a member of' the Board of Mducat ion, '..that! he would strive t'i 'make the. school -ystem a larger and better one. He also st iti'd that in- wa- for 'anything' pro gressive in -clitMil work but at the same time believe d in strict, economy win n hool cords' on file indicate' that plished bis intention. Mr. .Mes-er is viee-pri'sident and 'general manage)', uf the Haywood Supply ( fimpany ; an activ,. . worker in the Ui,ptist irhurch, and a member of the Junior Order. , Sheilield is scheduled to die I' .'i tlay week. Coiiimissiiiner Gill 'hart' iiot indicated what action he will recoiiimend to t li,, governor. 'I'he Supreme Cuurt already has pars ed on Sheffield's case. W. I'i. Sheffield arrived he.e Vetliiestlay nironing from. the trip to lialeig. He tobl file Mountain eer that all the facts were left with the I'arole ( omniisMon and that no indication was given as to when a deck-ion ..would be made in the case. Last Rites Held For A. M. Newton Here On Saturday it did: .not interfere with . functioning ; jiroperly. in file imlicate that he the iceom- he hi; 2 Withdraw From Sheriffs Race Funeral, services for - A. M; Newton, who tlii-il in tli,. Haywood County Hospital here, Thui,-day evening ut K o't.loik, were held ..t the First .Bap tist .church at II ti'viock Saturday morning with the Key. II. W. Baueom. pastor, 'officiating. Buiial vi in Grt.ii) Hill cemeti'iy. 'file' Waynes ville Masonic bulge altended 'the service- in a body ami pel'foi ine'd the '1st. i iti's at t tit gi a f. The .following Masons were active pallbearers: I'aul Walker, I.. M. Kil i ban. W. A. Bradley.' I- , Davis, S. 111. Steyen.-on, iintl Dr. J. H Smath ers. Honorary pa 1 1 be . it' is we-re-:- Dr. , S. I.. St l ineliebl Dr. Thiiinas String- liebl. W. T. Kenton,' M. T. .McCrack ( ii. I . L- Green, lv B. W ithers, (). B. Briggs., Clifton .Motidv. It. D. Lew, (.'. 1 I Ba, II Hi, Hi W H 1 mi . Sam Freeman. If J. Sloan. W. II I ut'it -, J dm I (ne Bll B, ii k well. nd J. M, 1'almer. Surviving, are the v.itlow, two daughters. .M i - l-'lur Newiibrt Nf.v , Va.. Mr C. Commissioner p. V. Massey Out For Nomination As Commissioner p. that tion Beginning in this week's Issue of The Mountaineer, there will appear each week a column of news from the Haywood County Hospital. It is througjh the co-ope. ration of the Superintendent and Staff of the Hospital "'at we are able this news. V. Massey announced this week he is a candidate for nomina as. county commissioner. Mr. Massey is a native of Haywood, and son of" 1). A. .Mas.se v and Mary Med ford Massey. and has lived in the county al! his life. . -'F6f three terms he was treasurer of this county, and has served one term .as-.commissioner. For twenty two years- he hfiJi been a. barber, and IDrior to tnat time ne was a iauin-i and a xodhcco raisei. i oi ik 23 years he has. been in business in VavnesvilIe. : Mr. Massey ha,s made for . himself a reputation of alway.s being one of the biggest vote getters in any elec tion, having led the ticket on several occasions. to give I.aui eni e Walker and h. ive withdrawn from rate, leaving live can field; r. Walker, -has a i t h" coluiiin-. ,J Col, ifF.s th(; : : M r nient paper Mr. in the r t I might n: thank my' given me, I withdraw ( rome I-,, the sher lidates in r m a thus s'ate- week'.- k Bum-' cbildrt II ii . (l , of . lie .V)ii! ( stiid There are too many at present, anil some day ake the ra'-e- I want to friendis for the support ut feel that it is. best that it this time.'' of A kroii. Mi Waynesville here one si t A -hcVille li ha i t , .1 r lia, .'a' re I' he. Newton,' i If. G. Kuhn i-r, VI r-. - IviZ.ie and .- i grand .. Alfred, frank Arm Kubne, all night dstatit dm ie-.atige-She ollie'e- Tlie boarel of tlireci lii'.syilb' Chamber .of Commerce' icutive session la.-t Thursday electeil Mrs. T. 1. Gwyn as as sicretary of the ore.aiii.atitm. Mrs. Gwyn is to assume her Monday, according to the ar meiit,- made by the tbrectors will devote full time to the which is bleated in the' building oc cupied by F. L. Withers ev Ct. (lie of the major tluties of Mr.-. Gwyn will ly mailing to e t h board ing bouse and hotel thai are mem bers of the Chamber ol l oniiuee a li-t of iiHpiirre.s ree'ei vttl i'loiu pros pective tourists. A folder noil Hilling th,, names, address, -number of room's and rates of all bo.,rdnig hoii-e nieiii bers of tile organization will be iriiil, ed within a few days ami -ttit mil in all mail leaving 1 'lie ( ham ' r t ( 'oinmorco ollice. The Kill fanner, men that attendetl nig hei Pb lie to t Milt lie .i -cri anil few busint s the ealllliiv niee Men, lay afternoon at th lioil.-e voieil to eontiiiue wit., to e-ial'li - h a c , iinerv in a uitl sui's, iibe, iso,;, i atltl 1 1 that had previously been brought the' total u liu Ii Eajrlo 5 & 10 To Open In New Store Saturday Morning The'- t'iagle ,'t. 1 II, ami '.!.ie Store will iinen Saturday moiuiiii' at. S'fliO in their ni'W ailtl largi'i' budding, ami I tillering to the public a larger v;i riety of niercbantli.se', jii-cordiug to :in iiniiouncemeiil by Mr. Wallace, gen eral manager for the company. H. C McBride, local manage')-, to gether, with managers from other Mores.' in tin' chain spent the greater part of the week hi're helping to ar range, thi' stock in th,. new location w 111 uiiie at bu h Mock' The more modern fixtures I be nesyille was formerly occup Department SltHe new stiiii' not only p.ii'e-. but is ai rangeil in way, and ..ti by lll'ol.l.- a mo t ,agle 1 ve St i ars illllU'le b Funeral For Mrs, Crymes, 99, Will He Held Here ioda d to afoul . I, HUH "We haw enough ill sight to go ahead, and when the- committees that aie now canvassing the . county make thei. report-, we feel that every cent will be Mib-cribcd," County Agent W. 1 1 Smith told- The Mountaineer Tin -.lav. 'The next thing towards establish ing the tannery will be collecting the -ub-i i ipt ion.-. 'This money must be in the fink by'Jum' first. Tlii'n vc -hall continue:' negotiation with XV A to . eciire fulfils, for operating; rx ne'n e.-." Mi. Smith 'c.'it in:., o. As soon as tin' collecting is complet ed and the constitution and by-laws vent ten. the common .slock holders w dl elect, a hoard of directors. There i.' seven members eT the boarti, pie'st ut plan- are changed ami e named, or any reason'- plans are' not '!eil' i t-rry person: who pays ni': ei iption to the cannery will !' ( liinl, it was. pointed out, TV A li :s show it much, interest, i -I aiili; bnii'iit of t he' caiinerv. and lho.-e here who are heading the work feel loiilidenl. t hat. TV A will pro-, yule fund-; which will be -used fer ojieiating ' capital. The money paid, in by local stockhohlers will be used ill erecting or renliitieling a suitablii building and the installation of inoiU irrn cannery machineiy. The TV'A w ill not in any w ay have any... claim on the building or the machinery, but only mi the goods that are can nod by I he establishment. Another I'ml tint was ,stre-seil it Moielay-V nieeling was 1 lv fact that common .-toeklioblers, which are loll ta.mei.-, will be given preference' in .-.oiling .their pioduce to the cannery not If if "Hp their get a Til. ill lie r Hit: -lockhold, proililct'i who ;i re eeiat I , "ici,iv'. ,11 ).: t, i int I - ami nil.-1 tH's iiieu inei-l ijig t i . i n I I i their ei i pt I'.n. Soiii,. farnn'i s iii'Mint iiig to a - .in iiclr w ill Kb 'U li ': in Id lion a bo 111 it . Mm Macni'b -.ni. -ul ii .VI C 'in.- .ut 'oin the n h f'.r l'llol;e . coming here .1 ro mi ni- ('., w hei e - h.' was i,D7i I t lived will' y-a r. .a', vania cour.'y. - For a number of yi c i n t r a c t o r a n d b u i b 1 e r n a ii'.-ideiit (if t ban In years ;en- 'county, S To vi 'ars ago b o ill Ti ail -yl ars he - a lit re. The Hay wood County Hospital Funeral -services will be three o clock tin.- -afternoon Bapt.bt ehiirch for Mr Cryines, i)U. oldo l worn. in ri'-.i'i Haywood county, who jia.s-eil aw the home of her grantbl .ugliti. r Hubert: Boone, in Francis ( ove, nay mglit. btie liatl lieen ill IIKUlt b. A total of I.VS tleseeiniant-, prising live generations, .survive survivor- incHnleir three cni Mis L II W.ilkt i, i I (i ibiin J. M- Mootlv.: of Wavnesville yelllgUs Cryme.s, of ' - ciicis ;'(. 'o'.e. Mis. ('rvinew was tlie tiaugbti ,' of Wayne Battle, owner and pi oi. i iel or f the old Battle HoU.-e. the fir. 1 hot I built in. Waynesvilb', and tin gialidilaugbter of llollyinan , Jtatl le, who was :i commi-sioner appniiitid by ' the Legislature in . 1 0. ti,. locaiv the Count v seiit of Ha.ywtiod. ,i I bit I 1 b. l ,t : rig 1 1 t , -,l ,li, 'bill' . Owl lilllouiiced d. t h. '..It.be bail ie vol i i t ion.--. have I t lit the le abf i in -iin.imi oreler 1 capm ry, m and car t bat . .joobcr.- na Mi a .j ii (. I am; j.abt th" iuaiity I' b'.s and fruit.s that can 1h'. i re and begin taking orders l ie- dm put-' of next year's i'i'o.p.. i. tjiti ,-i'iifiiii is so niMir at. hand: ; o iii" 1 lie. e ' y ill p i i l.i ; bly not lie ijiiin. four' to six week's of actual d. in b', ..but 111,'llit )in itil'l l ilt ! I' -III fill Traffic Lights Are Working Again City workmen completed the ta?k yesterday of. installing the traffic lights on Main street here that wre discontinued last winter. The bghes are at each intersection on Mam street from the court houe to the i postofRce. The addition oaiTisrni ! at the corner of Hnvwood and Church streets , was made last winter- Of inestimable worth to the citi yens of the -countv is our own insti tution, the Ha v wood Countv Hospital, which on December .'il, V.Ki-i completed six vears of service since admitting it- first patient on the first (lav uf January, ll'J. Doubtless, comparatively few people in the count V' have anv conception of the work that nas been donet dunng that time, and in the belief that some authentic information compiled from the annual reports will be . of profound interest to every thinking person in the county- this article is published. The . building of the hospital was made possible through the following: 1. A bond issue of Haywood Coun ty for .$100,000.00. . 2. Financial aid from the fluke Kn dowment. . d. Donations from firms and individual.-. The present investment in the in stitution being as follows: : .: I -and and 1 nienUs . . . : Hospital buibnng Nurses l.oim b:i:i Fixture-- V u rn 1 1 u re Appatatu- fJiher F'luipment . improve. ;ng 12,100.2. 7 !') 1- . v.yiy.o 21 ".71 1 ,17') "i ' 10,i;i7.8.'i 2 ',,(! 1 1 Total investment ....... ,Ji:M, 12.2.". The success of the hospital during this six year period ha.s been- out standing in every respect. This can be confirmcnd bv any one who will take the time to compare its averages, such as its low mortality rates and the number of recoveries from des perate . illnesses, the number of pat ients treated, the average daily cost of care to patients, which is far below the average for the State, the ability of the hospital tv take care of in digent patients of the county especial ly during the last lour years financial stress and to keep the cost to th (Continued on. page. 5),. Clarence C. Med ford Is A Candidate for C. Co mm is si o ner Clarence ('., .Metlford, who has Ix-en in the mercantile business for ' the past 18 years, and a native (if Hav Wood, announced yesterday that he was a candidate for nomination', of (ounty ( ommi.ssioner- M.-, Medford was born in Wavnes ille townrihip, and has alwav lived in Haywood. -This is his first polit ical race. He is a member of the First Bap. tist church of Canton, a member of the Canton Junior Order and also the Knights of Pythias -1: i ne major tor ope i' -on. show ii i. . the met t ing oil the lender be ei.itVii.gli: su' ,- forward and i rif solie'i t nig - par: C. C. Hanson Named On Committee To Draft New Studv ' C. C ' Ha'i-oi;. . Bethel !!'!, Sd,. last' week by .M iss on 'i-ecbi)mi(.inla'j., liiincipal of the' I, was appointed -Nancy C. llevi'.s, of .1 Henry H iirh- smith, as a member of the committee to work, out t -late course of stutly in character education. . ' : The work i-'.. . under the (supervision of the State Board cf Kducation. CONTRACTS TO BK (T.FiARFD THROUGH. HAYWOOD AGENT Waynesville ha.s been designated a headquarters for clearance of con hog contracts. W. I). Smith, Hay wood county farm agent, ha.s an nounced. The office of the countv farm aereiit here will be headquarters for hand ling contracts and .sending them tt) the State office in Raleigh for the counties in this district. I he closing date on the contracts is May V. All contracts in this dis trict must be closed bv that time and tax. cleare'l through the Haywood countv : . Cifhee. .'"'. Mr. Hanson that the. coinit gethei- within over the -"work ; the greate.- part of . th cation in preparing hi? tibtod that; he '.expected.; W'U.'d be called to a short time- and go id that he wouli! spend summer va- iillotment oi . the work for the course-. : . This is quite an honor, ...and: the many f rienii - of .Mr. Hanson in Hay wooil .will ':!,,. triad to know of his appoiiitn.i ' . His ph.ee on the com mittee will :n U'1 way.- interfere with his school wt.'.rk. 171 Hnyw(Ntd ( ifizens Paid Income T;i In 171 pevpV in pan! income In lib,.! t ne re -Avert Haywood countv w!: taxes. The total number in the state was 27.!'!t wh. ch was 2.t77 more than .were, required: to pay in 1932.

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