n! THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1934 THE WAYXESVILLE MOUNTAINEER 10 i 0 (Bp to (Eburrli Smtuay THE WAYXESVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH The Daily Vacation Bihlc S .,iiHT in a trend v .y anil w tl'Ust much good is hi-int; accompii-shy.:. art' .still einollmg new pupus -,jiin- who have had mo.:.-lo v: ' nt'Nt Wee!.. Mother's la.v will i.e ..':..- rc Sunday. Special music wii! .lerci at I'l'. Vi M o'clock. . :r.e ., tcr'-tii' n1' ti no nmthiv will t 71--od. ''h,. Sunn .-I'lhii-I ..tit rum i ho Baptist Ilo.-pii..! a: W: Sa'om. The H. V. !' U. will gi, .. .-pec. a lotlu-r- Pay program at 7 vVK'ck A!: !uithoi '-'.so invitioii. Wo iiin no d r.oxt 1 1 1 - n- CKV1VAI. SERVICES SUCi KSS E U L i'lie revival services wlin'n Were .-ori'iuciod at tin- Richland Chapel for ;he pa. t two weeks came to a close Monday night. Rov. I.. F. Clark, of ( i.ntui:, who conducted the m-. vices n siorte.-l ! hat irrcat siuw-s was tin-: K. WALKER TO l'RFACl 1 RAN (IS COVF 1 1 K Walker will preach Sunday afternoon at ',) o'clock in I-ram is Cove Chapel. Tho puhlie is WAV.NKSVILl.K ClKST M KTHO PI ST IVu". liar i.r. ,h. 1 '.,t nr. Asheville Men Seeking Office . M Pav. l"l it- an- v. i- c;i;. ..a. nor (i..d V.'o '.':!" a. in. auditor, inn . . u . Sureiuy si "i v A.-oii;i'lo pniKvuaily :.p.im :r: tiu chi ; l' c'...l: h i : l !;!-; u ; a-', "An '1 .-:'..-.; :, ..1 I J' " . x. - v j-v 3 s t V 11 . n . n ii..i ni'.y w : llri am. M l () il I I 1 1 I aw a.: n a 1 m. ohur I I! 1' HiST l'i.'KSUV rKIUAN ( ill 1U !! N. ; S.: ;;,y. May l:Un i. "M, ' - t :iy. : I ii: Sunday . . vc. y j di Hi:' in. r : n oat of .ri n'n vn nn .;! t r . ,i n . i ian- C u. ( la . tniiiu ., , w ill k- i w thi- nay m : in. n; an i nan vo:-iiir tiu- MT.t-iiw n' at . ap poni!. : !,c pa- loi w d! , n.a ,t . ; ' Worih mno; n praotaai nn- l.i !ll,lr-, : Mo-Inn-' Pav . a- ni w v Wo.thv V V : t R. I WAI.KK!; i -; .. i! i na; mar :h n hi 'an Tin II:;;nK.'d-l'ouHtyj Hospital Aews HAZEL WOOD NEWS : ! I n 1 : . ' n i ( -nil io i . , dm! 1 . a : i;)().STKR CLUR WILL MKF.T lattorV i'ho HazoKvooci Boo!itor Club will . Tate, p.ll'OIlt Mr. Mrs. Joe I IV: hold its regular monthly moot i Thursday 1-veninjr at the Presbyterian Hut. The committe,! plans an inter esting program. PASTOR MOVES TO TOWN Rev- J- M. Woodard, pastor of the llaiielwood Baptist church, moved to Hazelwood last week and is occupy ing the house on Balsam street bought by the Baptist church from J. C. Fisher estate; The community wel comes the pastor and his family. MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEETS The Woman's Missionary Society held its regular meeting of the circle at tho home of Mrs. W. A. Whitner Thursday afternoon. The program uas ifi chargp of Mrs. S. Davis. There were ten present. Mrs. Whit-rio.- served a delicious ice course. JUST ARRIVED Born to Mr. and Mrs, Eugene V yatt Monday, May 7. a daughter at the" Haywood County Hospital. Mre. Wyatt is th0 former Miss Char, ltitte BuiTell. VISITS PARENTS -Mr. and Mrs. C S. Benfield and daughter, Barbara, of Lenoir, spent the week-end with Mrs. Beidield's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McElroy. Thoy were accompanied home by Mrs. d. ('. Burrell, who will spend, this week visiting friends in Lenoir. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Scruggs, of I.onoir, spent the week-end with the me. Mrs. Rob i Naylnr and daughter, (race, left Wednesday for Charlottes ville,' Va... whore they will visit Mr. and Mts. Ilarrv T. Andoi'sou. Mrs. F. H. Par. is and Mrs.. ,1. llolli lield. of Way liesvillo, sjiont W'odno--day in Asheville, Leon Morrow left Satu.'day for I'lackstone, Va. whore ho Will visit his aunt. Mrs. Ilattie 'Cobb. Rodney Shields spent thro,, days of last week visiting in Walland '1'onn. Mrs. K. L-.Davis loft Saturihiy for Charlottesville, Va whore she will join luir husband, who 1- cm ployed there., Mrs. James Kuykendall and son, Jimmy, returned Thursday of tor vis iting the fo.inor's parent.-. Mr. and Mrs. McLean.at Topton, Mr. and Mis. Homer Mosser. of Lenoir, spent 'last week-end with Mr. an.) Mrs. Jesse Messer. Mr, and Mrs. John Jones and fam ily, of Spartanburg. S. C., wore week end visitors of Mrl and Mrs. John Tittle. Mrs- A. T. Black and .Miss Helen Morrow spent Thursday in Cioonville, South Carolina. Sam Knight wa a Canton vi-itor Sat urdav. Pukv En n- an I !'iv a in 'U mel.it. Wjh-ii lia la, . lan.o. I!. Puki . iy befo-re in- d' ,,'ni. signed tho tunc 'making p'-ihlo the Puk b-u nniit. no rial itnnv t hail . an a h .r man has licnu n.aa'd a'ili''. at in o tin - n k ami siill'. ri'r.jc 1,1 the ma.-M of Xo.tli and S'Uith Cara'dna. An ,,: lr which every .itizen snimln !o grateful. nr. io , h ttn I link N 1 i .o 1 1 1 1 0 11 1 !1, C!de. i!U'd.al , lank, . C., t u e Crook. t real meat 1 'loin lib -n ntmii. Maeo!' M i; .,j , nia. ' M i'.-: .1. !:n 1'arwti : roa; iiiont: M . - P n :i Won., junalioii. INI.-- lf:.:-ol -ndiern oj'.or.tioii. tmbi,. Met .-art, ( ld tor injuries. i li... . ( ase, eoinrcil a lle- 1 , I r.o lovallv am! coop, rata n ol : tiie.lieai 1 1 eat ineii! . ptvani.mlly all the doet in the conn ty. Thev haw doito :noa- than oiiei be reasonably ex.ptH tol. : Manv t niie thoy have "carried their patients. ;,, the hospielal win n it meant tinaneial loss to themsolves. Very few- pi-ople have any idea of the charity wmi-. thai if doin' by the f lotors in thent Miani'festitioiis for the welfare of tlnni patients. have any idea how many they treat from whom 'they never receive one cent of pay. e. The liiy.'Vlty ami the cheerful co operation that has Im'cii .shown by the nurses and ot.her (employees of the hospital. They work long and hard hours and many a night, they have been called froni their well -'earned sleep after a hard days work to take care !' an emergency. t 'anion, oper- .Maggie, up. M t-s Jennie Kogo i alion. M i s. Sei.ion Kaihh m at ion Kugoiio Kussoll. Caiitiii, treatment i'oi- injuries. , -Mi.-, j-lliiiabolli llay, Way no- illo, medical I ivatrnerrrr -. Miss Margaret l'lom mens, l.uek, N. I '., operation. Canton, opoa- pera.Uon. worn i : ; i nont see now us p for a single person to make so many mistakes.'' Teddy ( proudly ) : "It i-n't any single person, teachc.v 'Father helped VtTn.jM .!. twmmmmf Smith's Cut Rate Drugs Meet Me AT Smith's One Gallon Thermos Jugs $1.39 VS1.00 Warn poles 79c One Gallon Thermos Jujr with spipot $3.19 . A ..small tax rate on ta.-naver- Teacher ( looking over Ted. ly's hi.me'01 1 '"'iiv. However, most of the rkl :; "I don't see how it s possible t """'s ioi.eiveo jrom taxes .-are .'used io ;Kumaie inc ixinu issue and to pay the interest on same. When, one, rea' i;a s iii.i, nie i axes, pant uy a man i w-ith an assessed valuaiixm of $1,000. on has inly bei n thirty to fifty. Cents", he can re;ulily see that the hospital do?.- not- pu'oa heavy burden on the taxpayer. A p' .s u, ui,n oulil walk through ihO wards ainl the roams .of the has fii'al and see I'm- himself the. great work that has been d alio to relieve pam and -ickness would never inter t: in for a moirn-n'. any q lestion as tn the work ic.'iiig worth the cost. STATISTICAL AN'P FINANCIAL .... PAT A The following figures have . been compiled covering the past six years: There, has been admitted to th hospital 1 70 patients; ' To these'' patients the,' nurses and doctor- .' have' administered 58,040 days of care, Thole have been 1 '.,").". I out.-patienta. That is patients not ndiiitjtcd as bed P ttii. n'.-, bu! admitted for temporary Jib- Avo Eveiliart tion. I ai'i Iioeee. avtiesvilie. i Diiirns Mr. and' M rs. Sam ArwoKi. (.'.mton Route .tw; a daughter, May I. Mr. .and Mrs. I.elia Long, Wayaeu ville a dallgliter'. .- Air. and Mi;.-. Roger Nolaml, Wa iiesj!le , daugbtr, May 0. Mr.aind Air- Colic Wyatt. a dauy;u-le.-. May 7 Mr. and Mr-. J. F. Moore, ( anion, a da ugh '. el M a v PISMISSFP Mi . .1 ( . Ilayne-. Whittle,. Mr-., .b'hn Parson-. ( lyde. i.iigeiii' !( s i ll, ! anti'in l.oo'O G5s.:;i iu! patie'tU-, .aiiinunt. t $lo0,. The ineome in take ciie of this expenditure for actual ope'i iting ol' the ho.-iital wa- derived Irom the following : Cat lent.-. . . . . 1 luko Endownien' Taxes . Total '. .'', . . . .;:!.! 7(!.oij ls.oL'a.ii'.i 127 . lao.Ci.srcn 10c Colgales Soap 5c Tooth Paste 10c (.)C Listerine 59c Give SPECIAL Whitman's Candy Banana Split .MOTHER'S DAY 10c ?1.00 Wine Cardui Jf i0c Uterine OO Tonic 3C Tooth paste J Pint Uottle ) H oOc Ipana Ofl Rubbing Alcohol . . AJC Tooth Paste OuC -!."c Scholes rtH ? 1 .00 S. T. .'57 pjq t'orn Pads . . .... . Z)C Antiseptic . . . . , V I jC S 1.00 Can 7fl Coty's Powder AO Ovaltine ......... "C Witji Perfume . . . JQC fiOc Caldwell m $2.50 Seventeen qb Syrup Pepsin . . . 450 f ,eansing Cream " G Half Gallon AO Cara Nome AA -Mineral Oil ...... 5OC Face Powder dlUU lea! men such as.', dress iiij! etc; X-rays, 2a7 babie- h ,ye lieon : born i n the hospital, , 7a." j.-at :.'- admitted , were chil dren oevwevn t h , y ages 'of one month and, 1 1. years. : - i I is . i rite re-ting to note that' t hp number of person receiving treatment during the ' .'pe'riod will number ap proximately T-'., of the number of the entire population: of the County. . The cost of .operating the? hospital while administrating f.-8,04'l days of caie to the J.7J0 tx.'d patients and IN( RE ASE IN PATIENT PAYS It is interesting to note t he. large increase in patient days for the past two years as follows: Patient davsl P' "1 . S SK Patient (lays A'XVl . . .:. lLaOo Patient days. I '.':;:; . . . . .I0.1; It will bo noted that or each year for the .ia.-t two years there has been around a oO'; increase jn patient days .'over' the. inevious years. P HANK CLOSED TODAY The i- i ! -t National: P.ahk is closed today V. in observance of ,( onf.ederatfc Memorial Pay which is being ob served throughout the South. . Pictures you will want . to keep. I e tight fill' .-erie-- ot exotic- i lititings, in coior.-. . by Edmund puhic, in the Anierican. Weeklv, the magazine which loo.nes with' the BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN. Buy your copy from your favorite, newsboy, or newsdealer. ; " - ACCURACY, SERVICE AND POPULAR PRICES ON P RE S C R I P T I ON S A New Way To Save Money. . . . IJring Your Shoes To Us to He Repaired. The Way We Repair Shoes They Last Longer and Feel Hetter. HRING US YOl R OLD SHOES AND WE'LL RETURN THEM LIKE NEW ' .'.. THE CHAMPION SHOE SHOP E. T. DUCKETT, Prop. MAIN STREET NEXT WESTERN UNION SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY Matinee 25' SUNDAY'S rfrrorniaiueH at WEDNESDAY ASHEVILLE d 9 p. M i Vl Vf i p 2 sslSt A "I LOVE YOU. ..but cannot marry you... Father will not permit it I AM A JEWESS. ..and YOU ARE A GENTILE! i iv i ( r :,. $&W ,fi--. s,v .jar .' - " f - J JOSEPH M. SCHENCK prtllnli Ih. DAS'. , : UUQK nodmlion Me HOUSE of ROTHSCHILD , GEORGE ARLISS 1.(11 4ILOf IOHITTA VOUNO IOSMT TOUNO HI1IN WIITLIV For JO II PRINTING that satisfies See THE MOUNTAINEER Announcing Our Formal Opening SATURDAY, 8:30 A M. (MAY 12th) In Our New Location (Huildihtf Formerly Occupied by MOCK'S DEPT.. STORE) We sincerely appreciate t he patronage nien us since 'coming-to a nesville. This patronage and co-operation has enabled us to move to jailer iiar(ers and provide more of the (utility (Mds that has made our store head quarters for the Economy. Minded. A pain.n let us say we appreciate your business of the past, and now since we oiler even a greater .variety- of lines of Merchandise, we invite . Von to conic to see us (iften. . , HE LOW ARE 1 OCR SPECIALS FOR OCR OPENING' COCONUT CANDY ..... ICES ;.....;.':''. Regular 20c pound seller Tl RIvlSII TOWELS 10c 5 c 'ound Each (limit ( to a ( uslomer) 10 qt. DISH PANS Green and Gray 19c Each (Limit one to a Customer) ICE TEA GLASSES' : ! 2. Ounces. - 3 for 10c (Limit 1 to a Custoiner) Eagle 5c-1 0-25c Store MAIN STREET R. CMcHRIDE. , Manager 1 1 n .4

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