The Uest Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Easte.n'l-n.ranee of The Ureat Smoky Mount;, tins National Park Kead l Thinkino IVi.-ile VOL. XLIV NO. 21 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Mil KSI)A. MAY 17. HKil Real Estate Transactions Show Big Increase Here Number Of Sales Made. And Others Are Almost ( omplet. ed. Massie To IJuild Funeral Home Rev. R A. Sentelle SUMMER SCHOOL ! jj o i J 1 ! Laid To Rest Here AT LAKE WILL JM1 dneilieid scheduled Af.,J.... H'4 1I?V OV r- 10 Liie in Liiair rnday During the pa-t two week.- then has been considerali!,. activity in tlu real f.tate business here, a survey conducted by The Mountaineer ie vealed ye.-terday, Besides a total ot almost a dozen sale.s having already been made, there are -everal others that will likely be made before the end of the week. Massie Furniture Company pur chased the V. J. Braddoek property on Main street here, and are making plans fur the erection of a two-story modern brick funeral home. The property is located just opposite the Citizen Hank building. The present building, which Ls the summer home ot Mr. and Mr.-. Uraddock. wi torn down soon. The lot is HI by 22' feet. Mr. Massie stated . thai ,i,.t-,;i the building were being worked out now, but he had no statement to make at this, time, other than it would 1),, brick and at least two stories. The deal was handled by Hradley-Havis Company, local real estate lirm. The sum paid for the site was not made public. b ot M then c. K .Mr. here. Bon V and Mrs. K. 11. Ill ukwcll sold lroperty on Haywood street to . Kay, anil in turn brought from May th,, lion Air on Main .street ' Mrs. Blackwi'il j, having tlu Air renovated and will have it open 1'or summer tourists within th next few week.-, 'Die Bhukwell home on Main .-trcot will also tie open for boai del . ; W. 1' Smith nought the forme BlackwcM property on ;' Haywood street from Mr. Kay this week Perhaps the jf.reiite.-t scene of real estate activity has been in . Hazel uood and community, with a .total of .-ale- within two week.-. J. M. Long bought four houses and lot- and -old two others, Mr. Long sold John Wyatt a lumse and lot in Hazehvuod, and also sold one to '". V. Davis, in I lazclwiMil. Mr. Long bought ine 'Lloyd .ira.-ty pi. .iv on tligjiway .No. Id; .a sinafl larm of 1 or 5 acres and: house from. Liu l'ajfc on Allen':- ( reek; a house and three acres limn Herman Wyatt and a ho.u.-e. and lot front Tom' Allen. ""'Veral other dc .1- ale being vyo.-i.eij. ,n" at thi' tnii,. but nothing (lein.-:.:,. to announce. ..Hr. I.nng .-ani. Two Men Are Gassed While At Work Sat in C a n t on lack West, 2d. m,ii. of X. C. We i. 'V'le, and Ehlx- (iudger, about V -"ii of Bob Uudgcr, oi' (,'andlcr. ware a.--o. while at vvoik in an extract .:ak car at the Champion Fibr,, I om-P-'iiy in Canton :i o'clock Saturday morning. 1 he two men, .employed in the re p, '" ..,"'u! alterations department of the Hare company, were taken to the Norburn hospital in Ashevii:,. for treatment- . Although their condition is. still .serious, they are exerted to re " cover. Carbon , monoxide ga.v is believed to have formed while the men were in the extract tank car which thev were relining with nickel. The men were' u.-mg a metiLlaying machine and the , gas is believed to have escaped from the torch. Both men. were masked hut in some manner the gas seeped through-their-masks. Feeling f aint, West climbed out of ' the car and "obtained' assistance in icsctiing Gudger, who wa.s found Iv-ing I rostra ted on . the . floor of the 'car. i I he- men had been in the car about '" hour and a half when the accident i ' curved. a .a I. FergusorTHeads More Drinking Now Than A Year Ago Says Dr. L B. Hayes "l'liblic ilr.uiikenne.-s a- one bundled per cent worse in West-' em Nerth Carolii.,1. than it w as a y, ;ir ago," Dr . 1. B. Haves presiding elder, told The Moun taineer this luck. "l'.-om my ob.-ei vat ion in tiav ' eling over We-tein .North C ro lina 1 have -eon about 1 M i , nr. re puhhr drunkenness on the high ways and around tilling stations than I did a year ago." ''('he breaking down of senti ment against liquor due to re peal of the 1 St h Amendment, and the laxity on the part of the of tieer.s i- what 1 attribute tile in" he continued. "There -eems to be a greater need now for odiccis of character than ever hetor,. i,, this county." While Dr. Hayes was giving this paper the above interview a drunken young man in his o.ily 1 went ics staggered past the ollice. Dr. Hayes sadly nodded- In- 'head "...anil. left. Tark-To-Park Croup To Begin Second Sur vey Of Route Friday . l'lan.- havo I ron in ,de in W'a.-i.'.ug'-ton for t l i 1'ai kw ay ollicials to nuike another' ainvcy of tin- iinipo.-ed aouto of the JfUi.lHMIilKMI route whiclt Will connect the Sliciiandoah alley and the tlrc-it Smoky .io;mt diis National 1'aik. tillieial- are making ari ;t:gi-'-ineiits t..: leave 'v a-!i:i:e!oi, l-'riday. Tin ,-urey pai'iy - u lib h i- -latad : ''gin ork next , l-'i idav w ill coinp'nscd oi , I'ltoinas' 11. McDonald, chief of the Lmted S'.a.te- bureau. of Public loails; Tho-, ( ". Vi-irt: cbi,.: landsciijie aichitect a f tile pai-k ! viie ; S:.inli y All! ,o! : , . a- -i taut, t.o 'ti'ilmoie t 1 rk noted- land.-, -a pi' ai -chiti-it. wlni is ilou o I ii !-.yi a I . - - tlio p. ;ik M-iva-r ; nllii ail- i,i i .. ;'i , giina. -'"1 ' il I aiohu'i all. T 010(0-..-,! 1 ,oi, w I on") mi ; u i -. 'and. i-i I . r - ' Li,:!- 1;.. I i.a i r ; lie pa.1 : y oi -.di- a 'oil: '.":' t.ha- a ci ..,!!, I'll! i-j'i' ;., b .0 "it,' In : : I; .an; ie a; . ' ,,. :.ia n o; -, i.l ' K- i uui'i i..o gained. Vord aoiia- a 1 .".!. Via - ,) i ; yton .. a .. .thin ;iii''.i!"i l iio ; lay, t In- bet.., lef eiiaiici- X"' : u I .:e . hna will have in gel.t !b",; tlia jo . ,p..,o; highway .! i "Die t a I iv Ii : :a - a' a- In- -.'em ry 'W'd'I liiUiii LicV'-cr th ill it :(.- a. :' w w-..' ii -'.i;a, ! .mil a' pre'etn .in t he higher jii'-al,. . When - lav iiaity a - on then- last t Ui t f : .- ;.iiji.;ii in U aynesvi; !e a tew mi mi i s i i-i , ire g.,i ng to So -o Cap, ami thin lack at'iii ihiough the pa.k aa New l'oiiiid (lap. Outstandinu Kducator and Min ister of County Passed Away 1-ate Saturday At His Home TWO THOl SAM) ATTEND ITNEHAL SKRYK.KS OPEN ON JUNE 7 lb: .hi".,' Tib. th.' .lunaiuska Summer S.-h-ool will open its ninth ,-es.-ion at the Mis-ion Inn. lake .lunahiska. ltiring the preceding .eight session-,' more than 2000 teachers ami student.-'; ,. V ( -Mien ' ta ii'lvailtage of thi- s.-hool, I' UMcial service- for the Lev R '""L i'U",y " U,v" . U"' "" 1. N. (Jarlur Is To lie In ( liaise. I'lea Made l or I.arne Enrollment ....1.0.-1 ;i. . i Seliti who dieil at hi.- home at I'igeon Can on Hiehu-.-.v v i i '-''iuireil by a number of the South- mile, east of Wavnesvdle, Saturday '. , a ' "" " l,:l.s , K vf Wual afternoon at 1 o'chuk after an .1 Ins 1 f '' '), 1 "" 'j' lla'"l "n.ty, t --everal months weie held at the , T""L ,as " h:,s ,Ih' "I'l'orl un it y lidiiel Lapt, st church Mondav after- ' ' sul""u''' w"' at a very "t o'chH-k. Interment wa ! "",mal 'M"'- ror tne past sessions, i. t; Childs has been director, Hr. fluids having resigned, Dr. I'auh N. liarlvr of the I hike School of Keligion, and the author of a number of outstand ing books. Ilr. (on! ,. i- ,, i'Ih-ki; ,,, I gentleman, a vcrv pletismg iier.-oiial- rviccs had tobuj''' "n, much intcie-te,l m the pro gress ot Western North Carolina Here For Cannery "If we -collect ail I ha: i- .ui, scntied, we wilt be .ole to put over t he proposed- aiun i y : , ' Hay w nod count , ' . 1 1 Sim: i- county agent -a.d esterday "All per.-ou,- oi linn.- that -u si a ibed for ,-ti , i in the i annei aie urged to deposit their money witli tli,, Khst National liani. ,ai or befoie June first." he continu ed. City Garbage Truck Hauls More Than oiernor Khrinhaus Keluses Tuesday To Interl'ere. Doom, ed .Man Tries To Sae His Home Ul Li reel) Hill cellietorc v .,.,. in." lwo thousand persons attended the lu-st rites for the widely known tdu-cato.- and minister. Among those at- keiiuuig were w min-iter.- of the sev eral denomination- m ll ii,u,.i ,., ty and 5ll school' teacher.-. So 1-arjfo s nil' ClOWll till !,..! ... '" ouiuwis- oi m fsii'iii .North t arolina . ., n ,, . , , ' w;'rt' by the! There was some doubt at the be- ! and rubbish have been hauled ' b V t he , '", ""' .,1,"':"!t 'm''' pasto s i,f I,,, th.ree 1, Baptist ' gmning of the yen,- as to whether , i cit v s.-unt a rv ,h., ,, , , ,..: 1 hnh,.,-. .shel itV I.. N Vi u-'o1'1 Haywood county: The Kev.l not tl,,s Summer S-.-lmol shoul.l ie ,',,r f'0' vi ,l,hL' Fu';st Baplnrt contmucd. and after ns-urance.s of the hu,ch of Wayne.sville, the Rev. A. V. support of our I,h-:iI teachers and stu Joyner. of the I'rist Baptist church dents, the -authorities of luke Lni ot t anion, -and the Rev. li. 1'. Mc- vorsdy agreed to , a, rv on. Sim e tho . acken o t,t, !;lpt,., ,hurch of life of the .Tunaluska 'Sammer SelHd Lljde. Lulogus were give,, by these is dependent upon lb. lovaltv of llav hree niimaers and by t- lb v. A, J.j.wo.,,,,, t uul v people, a p h' s , Ju, ice ot Henderson cou:y, ,he liev nia.le for a larger i no I i, from .i.'..!i-..-,l man e-terda ,ll uhr, "aid lo -ae hi- mountain honie f.oni foi He ua- .lam.- K. Shi lli. 1,1, lla,w,i. ,i lountv man w h,, k t,,- ,1;,- J-' ri.'iay the eh ctn,- hair for the ambush til i.'i of .lame- Miller, ai-o of llavuoo County. Shetlield, in hi.- Heath K.oi -icmd Jiapeis asking .S'.ll;i,s.( ) 1 from th,- Home Owuels Loan Corpo-i-'Hion. to lift a mortgage on the homo in hu h his w ife and two sons are now 1: ing. The application had been in lilc of 1800 Loads Of Trash'-'' months but was ru-he,j here ves- tcrday uhen it was learned that Slief ua, t.. -ii.. la ... a ... . ... ... .... ,,, , eio.l . t tta-li i.a ,i, - v., ,., ... Shetlield I - , ,, ,, ui.., .ii,ii ' . .-lioiioi I Ills Mill he ljev. Dr. L. I', va!h,',- a, J :,:, I iiska. ,,, tile ir.-l I Vi ay lie -ville. i ii ii . , h nei essitate t hi gins at si o , lin k . i nlay moniiiig ano goes (to eeiy -i I'tiou o'f tow n." lliiring the jia t few months a mini her of i.ld building.- have been loin down and vacant lols cleaned oil nil ' out, ay- ol a huge oNpe'n.-e to th,,.-e v!:o wuii'kl bo , iiiinieli,..l i.. a,,.,....,:. ,i,a. . ... -.. i-'-"iwjin.-iii-iiii ,,,',' I'al I'carei.- w, ie . g i and.-oii--; "d in older to enfoi-,',- i .jr bichard AlcLlroy, K,',r Leone, IJiul licnies. Aside t,::,n the educat lo.lal enli'!le. l-.niiis Sent, lie. Hoia.'c Sen- advantages . nll'.iV.le,l I In- w.a i., -I... telle, Jr.: and .Lick SeiitePe l.'l.. .-', , b ,., , a. . , , i .. , -"' "' ' , """ v'"'"" : ''"" ,,..,.1 ... , i ........... , ,, , ,,, i 1 1 s- .-m iiooi in oui 1 inr ine inri c ion o A r. ,biii Sevc a K rs f U'r'; fT ' '' ' ",',V:TU!''-M''-i-'r -onomical poua jot he, project,. :,:.::, ,wv in. I .lusot the l.apti-t ,!!. :u,na;i ot o w.-u. I ls School ba.s .meant to is making plan., to , nl ini.e i hi : w.el b,i,,r3 m y W,',V -e! 'V,1''-1 "'' 1 '-' u,,d C'oui.ty it, saving and'- in tl.rougli Hie sum.iier in ... y pallbearer.-. 1 he t ll,,w , ng ,, v,ue ,o,e than' 10,00(1.00 each 'I he e,t ,e,is of WaV.iesvdle wanliu I c, la, "n-iister- ed - a. In m - yea r, a,l has,ad,, po-sible l ,, liiiili hauled shouhlVaH tad and . ',' 'i'V . , Vi , Taa I'.M .1..,, . ; teacher,, in Haywood Count v.' tnnk will call .on Linlav. -.r,.. .,,,,!-, .1', nine.. t . ino puisuaiii-e ad the. work neces-aiv 1 'li It v,l y' I v V ' . I, ':' )"' ' riUu" their eertilicate rating. , 1. Iv. I.oyil. ,. ,, Nolanil , K . I . .Mcs- -I'l, . VV. '1'. Shell, ,n W. T Denton. (; ''C' C ; -- o be ,,, erroiieou.-- ,m J KoIh-om, Dr. .1. !' l,. I, ,, I1'1'1'1'1 that allot t he curses ollered ,MaU,lid,. i'-!; K Km- . al'"a '!"""; -ik"" ' ""'' "' lleniy A. Sn,ath,', s,' Dr.' L ' M Davis' '':'' U",V",V-'. 1,1 '"' 1'' to correct I Ins ' I I - II , , I . I . . ' I ' 1 "iii a ii i ua le.i-e.'itly ie.eiM-,1 li',,,,, . ),.. 'ai 1 ' on! Hilled on pag,. ii) citv s.-uiitarv il -i ,i..:' , ., . .neiill I.. A. Slletliehl of past year, according to Sam 11 .1,.,,, s , " , l"K U'w i;,,u,"-' " .'Itairmanof . he ( 'y Sam.arv lUnV'T M"r ,lV', nient. 'slii. ill .-aid he "went to Kaleigh a.- .1 i'oph. v!ou,,r.m,y da :;';a,e o,,1;: it z ',mrr ,h" a. ul Place the,, garl,:,Ke on . he cm b ,. i t " - - 'Tir 1 late ThuiMiay afternoon , time tm- t ' I"' D uck eaily Lrnlav nnumng I, ,, - , , ' '' '- a iiiur- ..s inuiossible for ii s i go ,n,o the '' ' l",,lk"U b"1 ""tin.y. b. ck lots and behind bu it, I in,. . , . ,a Ui,h She. ill Shelli,-l, ware two of I.MIgmer-. I . e.ille, on l ', . takes too milch tl The truck I, ' 1 of Lai. aes LaUviii Dill and i- Lliriiicliaii-. The ( iov ein,,i . ii'i Inn ng to inii'ia cue in Slief -a-e t.olil 1 1 n in, " am rrv for l "leiii.aii ! i.iii, a... A ( . Walker C.-i roo A, Lmwii ; ;.' MediVird W '' iCiiuaih, T I '.. Wa-1!.-, I i. 11, Lless Moodv. Lranh V.- , W A- 'I-forn,-' and W, -H : 1 li'ia ii r i-1 1 - la i- a I,. : Ami': a I, lie ui'b.iw wl lini,. ! ho. i w a .iiow Nat- Summer Residents Operating Success i u I School In Flu Haywood Fanner Makes Money By Selling 1 I a n t s .Ilia- lo I ... i i I III' ii I II I a l,l' you. ,,u- t a , :-oi i v as I ,-an bei" " 1 '" '''' "' '"'I- men, M ilo Sia!,niiil and L- L. K.a. !,. -,-ouuciod . I' the uiiii. 'I(''' "' a hanK ii Ii hi- in a I a Ioi.-mII, Jol'laay, and .lohn "aid,.- liarlotl.o. Necio c.un arlaai ol ! 111 'i-i':. of a i-'hai bu . : ' , . !l,-:n o. a lioMiifi:. are . -hed'ii.', .1 '" !' I' M day. Ni-M,- h.v,,. ,,,,, .iVu: ' u " men .In en , ; j , i , , ,,, i-, , , ; a u: in lb li-- ai. . In, ,'I ii, in ia.: I , n, I W 1 i Unemployed Must Register Again At Courthouse Here Lucius Line, manager of J,,, re enijd.oymeitt olliai' here, , annoum cd yesterday that lie. had received in structions tiom' Raleigh that every person seeking employment through the reemjiloymenl ollice 'would have to register again -before June tir.-t . ".No matter vvhen they registered before, they must come in "'and regis ter again.'' Mr. Liner ,-tated. The., local " ollice has re gistereif . a total of -"ii'iUd. " At pres-en't. tin- number listed is only 2.'!."0. as "many have found employment and others moved way. A number have been placed in homos to do general vork and ii have, been placetl on farms of the coutity. Ii!al",i.. -i m a: ..b.i,,. I ,; , ,., "' ' - ! bnilia, v. , - !;,,a,a. I'i-I im:g 1',:.; Ai - Wi K Siu-pheid Denver, I oiii ; Horace S:. il:, ',i, I li,!,, iC K. Sell!, ale Sollta i, -a" ; ,. ' f Sen telle Wayi,e- iHe'; A I i i 1 1. I h.a'n bi.e. Kal.'ie-h; Ml,, .ibi..; 'drblij'y U ayiiia-v ille, nd i . Will. I ,. ,i ,", Fa i i vie w. Mr. Sentelle Was e-I.e'')' the ua- : i emarkaidi no n t hat ( liv,.,'! an i i , :. , , i i a li II i ! a f I in , . e , :, , a i, l.,.,i, - 1. , , , a I - ' '. 'i ii'i - - --"hi.m-1 OO si-ii.ini. W II lill -.00", ' n e v i e i ,,w-r- a i Having, it- - coinmeiieement a C t'.t ':t':"""' t"1"i"u' - The -ehool i, a on,seclariai,. i;!i r;,t;'::t ' - ' -ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 . pi t ill i 1 1 iii ( n ( i i i i r f, .. 1 1 i . ., i . the Soul ho. ?V A - -nciation witi, a.- hirh ' and Mr .' II. I'; Caipeilel, -lnhi veaoV, Kb, . w ill ban, lo. Way -'- ;!!'''. : biO i j;, ,(,1,,,, j', f,', their summer bom, H.,,.- whole in, i w ill I - it:, i n 1 1 1 1 r j 1. Sepl', nibi'V The! a i I- i.ii I, ii . ., i . . , , , '"'' 11 lir-liiiineiilal i h;i in,' -everal 1 '"K f ' 1 ' 1 E " - and ' each i via liti i-i'. - "I'tiivb.i- i- b. me- be ,-' '' ; pbe- iiiost of t In - e, i f ii, li e:i Di.'' I 'a : oeii I . ,- i- ore i l', ' r . , W !i peeia ho I be,i , ploiiuces lili-m. '''v He hail a mere ;;n oim , ednesday mm lung.. Totntoes! I'olatoei ! and lino,- i , ; I at oi' ! hat':" w h a I 1 ia. e I a a, w : a I bai' I. if all liie " hp ' : ha: ,. .'(a,,! ; bi icbi: ,, ay.,'. v ;,!,. !,,,,:,, is.;, i a .' ' , '; and in . I u , nei i,dl ', :,u ,, (,,, '-"'O IIOII ,,f ) u , ' - : I Not alloy' will On: i 1 - be .,,), :l i a! ; I bio a hi i e u 1 1 1 In' a :; a lapb " .bop, -. . ' t onial of'-- i,' ; h,. hat. i p'.ii-a b, , : I f :-.Voii don t QIC 1 1 , i poial"! .-,,.' ' I , oi'- , pel I : I 1 1... ! 1 1, ... I i ' I -I a j 1 111 , , i ! a:-'" pl.a nl .- w ounl p", 1 , nie i;-1, ' . l.o, i you girinn, t.-aelhis ui'ii tli ; HI (11)11 wel'l pi-ppoi- 'p al Ml' Ktllbliotll- lieeiab,, i,, ,.,,,S " ' 'i I ii i 1 lis h ! Il-a .'-.!,, i a !,,.', i ill", :i,' ,ye i i , . , 1 1 1 i more I aa.ii mi, ,a Oa- I t iil.i.! . fuii ap lin il I. Young Democrats Father Of Mrs. redder Passes I He was superintendent of :tfie. lountv puida- school system I'm :;i year- and ; a leai-her (.,. years. ; During .all those years With t lie, except ion of the period of bis .'.active career a- adeaidier j-bet o.e-' i'litertng t:hi: ministry, he was- a iniaidier of the.tiospel and actively engaged m pa.-fo'al wmk Richard Alvah Sentelle, lonspicu-pu- among the school nii iran,! .'wi'nnen J" Hay wood (oiiiity. and the State of irt K. ( -arolina, wats imrn jn Hender son i'ointy Decembi f 2;;, lsp). When a boy hi had iibnr i-durational- advan tage.-, attending school only: a few month-: in, the year for' two' or three yeat - before: the War , lietween the States came on-' Duaihg the four yi-irs of strife his advantage- of be'teV prepiualiOn. for hs life work Were des ultory. ' a; . .. In 1 Mid,, he came to Haywood coun. ty and worked on the farm of W. W., (Continued on page eight): I'm i. a ratmg l-he associal-ion gives.' Its Jige, limit - .are " from- ejgb't . yea iv t brougli Itiglr scboiil, ahrlusive, jii'iiL its 1-igni is "T 1. 1 in ing -Ilea id ; Jleail ami M a.ipl. '" It, ha.,- been di-ignated a's the school vvliicb i"-e. -..ii :,n with Mail," s. it allow:- i,l j 'st udi'nts to work "out half their' expenses. The sc'li on) lias ' a 1 all acre eainpti-, an apiary from which more than two. tons of h-oiiey have', already lieen I .ken and coiisiniied in the dining room this year, cit.u- irrovfs n nil: -hoo- Tin boys care far all these, . working about Two Dairy Meetings Held In County Ml.AmS Urs j,.lck. well Own !()!! Air Two gon dairy meeting- Weie.boa.l ip ILiyvvoorl on Monday aiol :Tiii,,alay:' . of 1 hia W'eek, alid wi.-re attended d.y a : large group of I inao. and tboir ;, w ives:. . ; i -Monday night a meeting vrt,: hold '.' p't op, at .Lock Spribg rnnl Tuesday after-1 alb a noon . oho : waa held, at 1 Ik- Karl Ken j '-a.i' ... giison l.lai.ry. o,j the Soco (Ian Roi.d a,i a -i r. ! ;i i' in in: st al .. i a n v A i r r- a. n.-i in . -a a i . i oi , i i- . tii - o- v ia ,,.,,,,,.... ia... , ... i a ., - ., '!.. 1,..,, . .. a,. ,, ..a. 1 1., . i a .a . I I ,a.l, t .. '. . . , . . ' ' '' a : I ' - f a - ii'im.- o oo.v , ! ioie i ne gi lis a r e .! i'oi oiiiii!(,v ami i ouniy ;geni lor i hi' i-td in a.rv di'biirl anenl .- tcorkiio,-1 Sniit It irrisw'i'red the nari' oin-at i,,ri-; . . . - .' '. I C . hi.u'r.s a day:-. The - school isa that wer a.-ked by the l'arniers: "-a'ud Ik ICR 1)1:111 if lfll!lVH a. , , f ' . ' I . ' t - i. i 1 " M 1 1 va 11 ' ' , .(iniiir, oim- lllii'l": a Wa - -shown in t be new- creamery which wdll ojieii about .June first. ' . Ml, Smith stat-, that otie- Ia. I'. R-iaiinii! riot undcr thi' ilirection ,,f a.ny c;h u ri b, but: it all student'.-; to take ii 'H:bIe:-ciiurso, 'ln-l b-vi iig 1 i vest -'will be ;,.i i -1 . . : i..: . ..:. . i , . a eniiiue.i ,,y ill'-aiiiiii i I', I ac IC - -" e. .aFoilll -1.1 (I'l I I ol le ' -ei- ngs oft hose who have .had. a inoubL 1 'ions wanting to. have similar dairy From Sheriffs Race ing.intbii tic upon the ent ire, world. . j meetings should arrange Avilh him , ?:-v a-'-nded the meeting of the - .,ui ui iiit uanquet a1 .u. t -.v"'"it au me oanquci ai a. no .nt i. r-:.i - ti - it rw , . . n -,,-u;.u 1- lXV last i iuay iiigni, . -.urs. Henry f . ; Vedtlcr r ti,,v, .' c uiuceis ,01 tne loung m ratio club of this county were ' anted for the coming year. rr4'-1n K Fe,r&uson, Jr., was elected President. a' Mrs. Chester Cogburn, of pon- Vlce president and Mrs. Ruth J'Otha. secretarv. Hollnr,,! rii rnr,- "v- treasurer. . ,' '?J- Mll "meeting t-f the org.mi fa inn., will, be, held one week after -'- June primary. . . .. f :rrri'trt.a'-ment for th evening wjus and by ,the Hazelwood string ' and and a colored quartette. SCOUTS TO MEET I flivV B,f Scouts of the American f;f eton rneet over the W. W. N. C f- - l'. ' :30 :lock Friday night- to b' v , v. "'Ka,,lzea tneir troop. All . wno are internti . the tronr , tt.?.,Jn,erested m Jomtng dbu-ii ; . u Present.' LeRoy Brtf!' ; t"u ."lastr and Marion T. is asistarit. Sunday, .'from- Davtona He.-i. h Kla.. where .-he attended, the funeral of her father, J. E. Xicholson, 72. who passed away .Wednesday following A stroke, ' :: a : Mrs. V'edder was .tailed to the -bedside of her father a few dav: be fore his death. He was a summer visitor, in this .section for the Past five or six years, and stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Vedder at Ral.-am. The deceased is survived by his wddow and seven children; all live in Florida except Mrs. Vedder, who came here several weeks ago with Mr. Vedder and opened the Waynesville Baking Co. DR. HAYES TO PREACH AT FORMER HOME Dr. L. B. Hayes, presiding elder of ' the Waynesville district, will preach thP commencement sermon ati Granite Falls this Sunday. This is the former home of Dr. Hayes: I) 11 IV E CAREFULLY TODAY ttiat - tie mid wa! i -heriirV ' . a ''. : ;!:: '". stateillell ' :M r; J; a-1 waa-'do;ng- :t,,f. - V:'. and :d-o b'aca:i.,a-- a ne-- interest.-.-' - Mr, 'liiefcnn'rr i., :. lli-r of tb,. i,i,a . j i ; ' p-!oi)e'v ;,n I o 1 ',: ('. I'i'ot!.. well known W o-. ... diu-anas mehioi -ia- ! viil,. man,, announced .that he "is a inilii ate lor nomination a-- a mem- G. C. PJott Seeking Place On Board Of Education In June i LIFE'S POOREST GAMBLE If you are .'K,, you may, expect 17,000,000 more minutes of life. : To 'save one little, minute some: drivers wi 11 gamble and take chances on losing the 17,000.000 minutes. They, do this every, time they jump a traffic light,, when they cut. in' when they stubbornly refuse to yield the' right of way They, take a dtath-lefying chance to save a min- : ute. It's, the- poorest gamble yet figured out. Highway Safety Committee Carolina' Motor . Club.. I In-- wtt.ndvawa : eaves li v.' in-, ia. bf:- Of the luaafrl .,f ,...V;,..i Mr. lio' served four year,, a- a FORMER' L0( F; I. ) memner ol . tne . board, and has also j served four avoirs as, -a member of j I ow n lioard of Ablermen. ' 'He :- a native of HaywH.. and is At ti ;ent engager! in farming and ! HOSTESS TO I)EMO( K T: Mrs. Jo- t'i..r,c U ji ", T..I-. .. I, TS . , ': -1 t '' ' - ' H i "'',1'iJii,!;,, i'ltii 'iiin ;'ftJi: lumiiei .una ne was general manager i and,, Mr-. .1 R. Thmi:ai of the I'lott Hrothon! T iiml.,, c. pany, at Dellwood, for a number of years- - was tiit', re- dent Ihas-es... --a the Santa Barbara' "ounty. !' Oonimittiie. Mrs, H':ed 'ha of the ' program w-h'ich :.:ir:oi::. of the I.- ,.: rg f) !::,',,'r:i:-' :':'; as speakers. . REECE BUILDS CAMP HOME C. J. RfffP hac "in fit afnmnlfit,l d five-room buTijralow on the bank off l ti:.. 1 me i ieon river near laruso. ine bungalow, will, be used, as a camp ir. the summer: and the site on which it i -built affords an idofl fiTiino- crt . ne location is at the . foot of Mt'.!for. the c -sot' en or a'v';' Ju Tisgah.--,:;. ' : ;t wa- lea:xe-l here' th:s week LKASK OAK T KK . Mr. 'and Mr-. V H- Mara',- h.;v leased. Vim i ars: .ir,! : w '