mm The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Read by Thinking People PS I kV I I 1 1 II g i I H I KM I i V I 1 I I 1 r, 1 1 1 1 ' J i il VOL. xi.iv NO. 2: City Officials Discussing Advisability Of Buying Lot For Recreational Center Would Afford Ample Room To IJuild City Hall. Reasonable Price On Easy Terms Is Offered The City Board of Aldermen have under consideration the advisability uf purchasing the W. J. Braddock property which is. being offered the city at a very reasonable price and v n'easy terms. The property, if pur. cha.-ed could be used for the .site of u city hall, fire department and also ;,,r a small park which would include t modern swimming pool. Th,i property is one block off Main -trcot and faces on Haywood, Miller Montgomery streets. The lot af fords a natural spot for a swim ming pool, and makes it .so one could be built without much cost for the excavating. The lot is about 175 feet Mjuave. The board met and discussed the matter this week, but have taken no tlctinite action pending the expres sions of the taxpayers. It was pointed out that the pay ments on the property would be less than what the town is now paying for rents. The Braddock residence on Main -trect will soon be moved for Massie 'Furniture Company to begin building' their funeral homo. It has been sug gested that the house be moved to the lot which the city has under con sideration and used for the present for .city, hall headquarters. The price of the property was made to include the house if so desired, or without it. Several business men have at times pointed out that spot as an ideal lo cation for a small recreational park in town, and also mentioned the pos sibilities of making it the central ! cation for air city' buildings. Although 'no official statement has been made by the board, it is the (pinion of many who have discussed the matter that they will accept the offer soon, because of the low price offer made to them, unless there is objection by the taxpayers of the town. $2 Penalty To Be Charged Those Fail- ing To List Taxes C. Francis, tax supervisor of Haywood county, announced yesterday that approximately 40 per cent of the taxpayers of this county had listed their taxes for the coming year. : If the remaining sixty per cent do not list theirs before June first, they will be penalized $2.00, according to an advertisement he has in this issue. It is necessary for the taxpayers to 't their taxes in order that the budget for : the coming year can be ninde by the board of county commis sioners. ' T. Ralph Moore Out Of Sheriff's Race ,'r- Ralph Moore, of Pigeon, stat ed yesterday that he had withdrawn u.ithe race fr sheriff. ..With the withdrawal of Moore, there are now tour left for the primary, namely: r A- Lowe, J. C. Welch, Medford i-iathcrwood and Arch G Russell. Election Returns Will Be Given By This Paper And Martin Electric Co. Several Entertainment Features Will Be Given In Connection With The Returns r,. la,ns v,ei-e completed this week J,R? Mountaineer and Martin cubTi,nC Pany to give th PUbhc on : Election Night, June 7 ,r,fe C0I?Plete returns of the S ynnd state th'n a short -T.e after the polls close. : .- , , A .large public speaking outfit neyest be in- EIptw Pe'ated by Martin & (.?,-1and over this -the urn3 will be given, and then W "rruthe sPecial board in :..:'eakff ThMountaineer. The bhtk : J Can be heard at least a tef,kana7y' and the e of let board fires to be used on the . ard C6I be read at 200 feet. : KivetL11."10 attend will be luhone latesV "turns over -the vea f the features of this 'hou'r r0?r?m be a two- " Can r.lertaiment by the Soco P Dance Team : and String First Ice Cream Is Produced At Creamery Here Operation Of New $25,000 Plant To (Jet I'nder Way In Full Swing This Week The first ice cream from the West ern Carolina Creamery w;w made Tue-day, ami consisted of approxi mately To gallons. Final detail work has been completed mi the new. ma chinery, and according to Mr. WikhL all, manager of the $25,(100 ciiler prize. full operation will begin in a few days. The engineers who came here to install the refrigeration system, which ktips the storage room to about -0 degrees below zero. Were completing their testing Wednesday. The cream routes have been -vs'tah- . l-b-hed anil cream arid grade "A"' milk will be received this week from Hay wood, county farmers. One of the features of the creamery is that only grade "A" milk will be used in mak ing the ice cream. The testing of the milk will be under the direction of K. L. llinton, county health officer. Mr. Woodall stated that for a week or two, he. did: nut plan a formal open, ing, but as soon iis details we.y com pleted he intended to have "open house" to the public- John Best Seeking Place On Board Of Education In June John Best, a famier in the Crab tree community, is a candidate for nomination as a member of the board of education, it 'was announced yes terday. Mr. Best is a native of this county and a heavy taxpayer. He has al ways taken an active interest in school affairs, although he has never held a public office. He is an active Democrat and a member of the Crabtree Methodist church. Poppy Day Will Be Observed Saturday Saturday,May 20. will be National Poppy Day and will be observed throughout the United States . Mil lions of Americans will wear the little red blossom in tribute to the World War Veterans. The poppies will be on sale on the streets of Wayne-ville on this day and it. is hoped that everybody will buy one and aid in a worthwhile cause. The poppy was adopted as the mem orial flower of the American Legion at the national convention in 1920. The flowers are made by disabled vet erans working in oS government , hos pitals. The contributions . received from this sale will be u-ed for the relief of needy veterans and ihei families (luring the coining year. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jack IlarmTlle, of Washington. iJr. C.. are here for, a few weeks' visit and. are guests, of Mrs. Harmille's mothe:', -Mrs. J. M. Moody, at her hohie. on. Main street. Band. This group, of outstand ing musicians will broadcast from.. thP office of The Mountaineer, be ginning about six o'clock. ; From . 7 :30 until 9 they will make a pub lic appearance on the porch of the court hoUsp and . give the same . program they recently gave at St. Louis. . , ..-'".'; Sam Queen, general manger of the team told The Mountaineer... that "Plenty of er.ter2ainnir.t ; would, be furnished,'' which is enough to cause, people to come . for miles around. ,. Between the broadcasting of the. . returns, and the music from the Soco Gap band, a Philco Radio : will be used to bring in special radio programs. . , ..In the 19:2 primary; a similf.r event was given by this paper and Martin Electric Co., and it was estimated that 1500 attended. , An even larger crowd is expected this year, because of the added entertainment and the large vote that is expected to be cast. City officials are , co-operating to make the event .a success.-' Everything will be absolutely free..:.- WAYNESVILLE, Final Details Are Being Worked Out To Build Cannery Local Committee To Meet This Week With TV AC Ollicials And Complete Plans Final details are to be woi ke out this week for the proposed laiiircv for Haywood county. The committee recently appointed is scheduled to confer with Arthur C. Jackson of the TVAC and J. L Barr. cannery su pervisor for TVAC here this week. A group of farmers met at the court luu-e here Tuesday and defi nitely decided to go forward with the movement and to consult the TVAC authorities about getting i'ut:.l- for i pcrating capital. Mr. Barr was pie.-ent ami explained the proposed set up to the farmer.-. In an interview with Mr. Hair Wednesday morning. he said: "It looks to me as if the plan will g through. There are several details to worK out, out iney are and I see no re imiii why t will not be c -t.ii l:.-hc i ville." "There l the best !" seen in the mountain so. t tablishing a cannery. 'I"::, land available, ''and the ; vegetables that can be r 'because of the cool night days affords a brand that : i : i r ) i ' i one lie o.innci y I . HVIie.-- ve es- Is more d.ii'y of the row n here and warm ',-tio'u! I al- ways find a ready, market.'' "Our plans a:o to ivnip! ).' : tail work, get the ehu't'vr, a irndeiway .this season. Ii..t;i so late 1 expect we will h ,v 1 the canned products to tomato piobably. a few beans, this year. '"Much ere. in i due v,,ti. i , in agi-ni. Mr, It,- for tii- w.-rk am thought lie ha;- put - on ..: ;g tin cannery matter started." Mr- Barr. has hail L!:! years of tx peiience in the- capacity, a- an . por mi eanhery work, and will have i-up pcrvi.-'ii)n . of the cannery iie.i ;f lb project, is completed. Hilford Here Try ing To Get Name On Election Ticket Needs Names Of Ten Thousand Voters On Petition In Order I To (iet Name On Ticket As Independent i m. n. h Wednesdiiy in llaywooi f-;J, f Napli-s. -,va hue making )i) ins t-.i get v-Me.- county to ,-ign a petit n which be v-il! iiie:-enl to the stale iiiar of ...etion- asking them to nut fns name en the general election bal- lot us an inoepeiiii from the Eleventh nt fo.- Congi District. '" The board that he will ten thou.-and before they of election- have ruled have to secure at least names on the petition will allow b 's name to ! appear on the ballot In a paid advertisement elsewhere in this paper Mr. Hilford sets, forth his platform' and requests that thocse in syir.pi.thy with his movement mail in : the coupon to him. Homer V. Cagle Is After Re-election Homer V. ( ag!e. ;. progressive merchant .n .Canton, ; announced yes terday that hew:.s a caniiidate for re-election as a member of the board of f-iiucat.ion of this county. : .M ".. . Cagb is ' just comideting his first, .urm as a member of the board, which i- also his first public. office- . One. of the things that Mr. Cagle ! rid'-s himself on i that he Kae al ways been a hard worker for the Democratic party. He is also a heavy taxpayer. He was bom and reared in the 'county and is known throughout Western Carolina. I) R I VE CARE FULL Y TjODA Y ALWAYS HAVE YOUR S UNDEg CONTROL M DRIVER RESPONSIBILITY A tor) or more of steel in rapid motion is a dangerous proposition unless, it is under control and operated by a parson who is fully alert to hLs responsibility. Safe drivers appreciate this fact; and drive accordingly. 1 Unsafe drivers take chanc es, either thoughtlessly or wilfully. ; Driver re sponsibility covers the whole field of good judg ment, caution and consideration for the safety of self and others. Highway Safety Committee Carolina Motor :.':""' Club. NORTH CAROLINA John B. Henry, 63y To Be Laid To Rest At 3 O'clock Today For-Twenly Yea"- ' a A Hard. Mare Dealer Here. Had 15een In 111 tiealUi I or l'a.-t Two Years Funeral scrvn three o'clock thi dav) at the M S Will i-e 111 !,l Ht a ftenioon ( Thurs-tbi'.li.-t church for I. who passed away John B. Henry. o! at his home early Wedne-dav lllo.n- ing following an il!ties- of. aiiotit tw years. .Mr. lUnry i. a deiiler of S his com .n i Miiei- hi.rdwaie t , hit log ouer- ate-! a hll.-Itie-- for a I u; in villi's, lle 1.1 hU lill-ille ;igo w In n hi- Ileal- .1- iml-l) oil .loll had H! in ll.ivi life- a'.', at lu.i j ea r -i failed linn. He h:uf Cvcek and ,1 county a!! of his The W idow Dave I Hiiirv Ml :' i v i iiov, ing Point ; M i .( ' i ill v, s i by Tli . iiildren: ,1,-inie.. W. U. Hyid. sl'va; and lloll New , llie-n . . i : : l-'ie.l II lligh l'o Mi- F! A in hi In ..nil two A-be lib nesvillo-.' The RcY. 11. Baptj! i 'of 1 'and Herman, wili la- n Acl',e . i' t (:. diet h H y. Wayne-villi-v, a vr-es v ;l;e, ' .1. II. l eague. ,'a:i To,.- W ay condurted by of the Fir.-l . I". A. (it..-. . Lev. ( ii'. 1 nteinieul Hill cornel cry. v fil .lie nephews lomoi- Henry ii Moody,' Ti'U- .1. K. 1! rvici W. bur, i r ; ,b i : 'i", amir, K M. 1" Iiiivall. and Jr. . Fee, Ii. N. F. A. I. F. sblll'V l-'e'r- .. A. raiili ' II. !, ll.o -a eh-.. oil,,, i:ii git ll-nry-iary ' a ; l-.lim-'L lknw, -! C. II. 1 .1 a 1 1 1 1. s b .Mr( . H are iila. A. w: i kwell. Lowe, .1. M Clean. Dr. 1, Hi- N. I m, i:. i.. on. Paul wn, Sr I .ancaster, A ihoi-. (Iiaydei ilker, and .-(it Hundreds Attended Funeral Of J. B. Sheffield Sunday Fast Rites Were Held In Canton; Interment Made At The liethel Cemetery I.a-t lite.- wciv on lo. .iani, P. ivii.-o- wer-' hi-l ill Sllelli.-ld, in held Sunday aftcr Shedield, -IT. ..The I at the home of Hampton Heights. w anion, ;. lid , i. ', i I na nt inaile al t In , lb t.i,. ! eoiiio' ..-a y, which is t he com munity in W'tiich tin- deceased lived. The .-civil i - were i olid net oil by Rev, C. . Clark, pa.-t'ii- nf the -Canton Methodist church; i v. F. S. K.-skiiie. iias.tor id. thi- Pi 'i-byterian church t A ml lews an Active: pall Ward. Sam St .iney. W. T. Jr.i and Knni. The decca.-.e 1 IIi v. Mr. Hammond, ioai ei.- were: Alv'in M. Robinson, M, (J. Hannah, F. K. Alley, Sentelle. I is survived by his widow:, two -otis, James and Leonard, and 'hree -brothers, W. K.v of ('anton, 1.. :. of L'-ak-v:I!e, and J. T., of Seattle. Wash. It was estimated that between throe and four hundred attended-the. fu neral. - Well.- I'li.-e: taking establishment of Canton, had charge -of the funeral.: Asbury Howell Is Seeking Nomination -. As'nufy Howell, former member of the board of commissioners of this county, announced formally yesterday that he i:.-- a candidate- seeking the nomination in the primary. . Mr. Ito well- is a progressive farmer in th,. Jonathan's Creek community, and owns i tie of the best farms; in the county. He has served several times before as a commissioner. He is a native of this county and Fs known to almost every voter- Auditor's Report Shows Financial Condition Of County In 'Good Shape' i. Florida Visitor Finds Golf Course Is Much Improved (lolf'-plnying lou.ists will go no farther than Wuynovillo this -cason in search of a satisfactory course, according to Mr. Archie Hainanl, of St . Petersburg. Flor ida, who arrived in I he city last week to spend (lie summer. Mr. Ka.nard spent last summer in town and came back, this -sea-on with the idea id' staying if the golf course was in good shape, lie says that it exceeds expecta t'ons and is writing his friends in Florida to "Com On Fp To ayiuvv die." ilr. Long announces that all the greens are open and show great . improvement over previous casons. .. Thr' Waynesville golf course is particularly desirable, for both amateii.-s atul pi-ofessiaiirl. in thai tlie l.ay-out of the .first nine holes is t oiiipa rat ively level will) few Irans and hazzanls and the second for tin "dog galore, nine holes oiler good sport most expert golfers -with egs,'' bills, and hazzards Home-Coming Will Be Held At Clyde Methodist Church Sunday, .May 27. has been set aside a- lioiiie-Coniing Hay at the Clyde Methodist 'church, according to an an nounecnient made liy Kev. ,1. NValden Tysinger, lastor of the church. The formal will begin t ten o'clock Sunday morning and will Include'' addresses by prominent speakers and singing by some of the county's' Itest talent, il wa.- -aid. A picnic dinner will be served at the Juneh hour- A cordial invi tation is extended to all to be present. Rotarians Heard Miss E. McClelland Last Friday Noon Miss Fliz ibeth McClellaiiil, sUpr inlendent of th,. Haywood County Hospital, was the speaker at the Kotary Club last Friday. Miss Mc Clelland went info detail of the work of the irisfitution and stated in the course of her remarks that approx imately 75 per cent of the patients of th,. institutions we're charily patients. The local hospital ranks next to the top in the low cost of operation per day .of all the hospitals under the Duke Endowment she explained- Congressional Candidate To Speak Here Saturday Dr. James E. Owen, candidate for Congress from the 11th District an nounce') this week that his plans were to make a public address here Satur day, May 0. Dr. Owen will "in all probability speak in front of the court house. Playground Facilities To Be Built ; , By Chamber Of Commerce Here Soon Hoard Of Directors Approves Plans Of Advertising Com mittee To Print Folders ' And Use Advertising , - - - . The board of directors of the Way- nesville Chamber of Commerce in session last Thursday night authorized Hugh Massie, chairman of the enter-' tainment committee, to proceed with ! plans to build playgrbuml facilities iin town which will include two shuf- lfle boards, swings, sanil jiits., ' horse. I shop pitching court-, sliding boards and other; mean,s for ".providing amuse- ment for both young and old- Mr. Massie said work would get; underway immediately. . Two sites have been chosen, both on Main street: i The major part of the equipment Will; be on the lot owned by Mrs. Reeves I-etween the LeFaine Hotel and Mrs.- Hardin's boarding house; while the other lot which will only have a shufflp board is next to the library. i City officials are co-operating by! donating trucks and several men un-i der the direction of Oscar Briggs in haulingand building benches and erect ing the swings, etc. The .board of directors also instruct.' ed the' publicity committee to submit. Till KSDAY. MAY 21, !!).?! Keport (Jives A In Each Fund As Set Out In Hudtfet For The Past Year "Haywood county is in a better financial condition than it has U'en in a number of years," T. ,J. Cat hey, county auditor told The Mountainet. this week as he handed in a report for the first ten months of the currein fiscal yea.- to be published as request ed in a letter to the editor of thi paper from F. W. (iudger, of New Vol k, !:..-( week. "The statement would have been made months ago, but. the account ant was taken ill and until recently has not been able to continue, with his work after completing tht ma jor part of it," Mr. Catbey continued. The statement, which is published in detail elesewhere in this paper, shows that there is a substantial balance in every fund as set forth in the budget fov last year. Not a single item will go beyond the 'amount allotted in the j budget, according to Mr. Catbey. and i in most instances th,. balance will '-bo I several thousand il l.lai . J The statement is made up a.- of I May first, there being two moro months in the present fiscal year, but all balances are iilor,, than ample to take care of the expenses during. tho .next-two months,-it was pointed .out. tine .of the outstanding items of the budget is that during the past ten mouths $12!),; has been paid on tb' If 1 ,7,.l7.:Sf( -'indebtedness-- of the county also $72,.r)t!:i in interest has been paid, which made the bonded in debtedness of the county on .May first at '$1, if(, t.r0. Two years ago it was ovc.- SjfJOU. 0(1(1 more than that, a check up showed. The debt service .fund in the budget for the year was lllo.Li'.I.S.'.iri, which was the largest single fund in th,.. budget. One interesting item is that on May liist -there, was due fo the county in taxes almost as much as the tax levied in the year l'Joli-Ii-l. J. T. Payne Laid To Rest Monday Funeral services for J. T. Payne. 7,1, of Lake .lunaliiska, who dieil at bis home. Saturday, after an illness of ii-u-ral njonths, wi re- onului t-)i at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon at Lake, .l uiiabisku Soul liern Methodist' church. The Iiov. F. (1. Drynian, paslol, olli ciat)d. Inl)'tni)iit was made in the Clyde cemetery. .Mr. Payne is survived by his widow and four daughters, Mrs, Ray I'ark-)-r, ,.f ' atiton, . rs. Heti-r Clark, of Waynesville, Mrs. Mark Smith, of : Cainller, and Mrs. K. V, Cobbs, of I'lack-totle, Virginia. T. L. Cili F i:N Ul'EN S LA W" O K 1- I ( ' Iv I. L. (.ireen, former postniaster here h is established law -offices in the Crawford build ing on I 'ark way, linn. I'dy D).pot street. Miss- OHve Jane (ireen, granddaughter of Mr. (irnii, will be his secretary. She has just completed a business course at Cecil'-, in A.-heville. Junior Order To Elect OHiccrs The legular . meeting of the Junior Order United American .Mechanics will be bold hc.xf Tuesday night, .May 2'.), at the hall in the First .N'tit.i-.iia'l.. Lank building. . An 'important feature of this ineetj ing will be the election of crtlicers for th,. . next six months. . I'-an- :'( a Id ;. g. folder hxh wiil be used 'to: advertise this Miction. A., small boarding houe'afid hou.-l liui letin .also to be printed, anil -iw-il ;n all correspondence leaving tin.' ollice. Only names of hotels and: boarding nouses . who. are mcmoer-; Chamber of Commerce, w ill this bulletin. The rates f rooms and ioeataih .-'will of th) be -H-ted - nun: aise jer included .with r-ach listing. The . publicity cuiiniittee ;W. completing a s. lit.iiii mer.t.s i:i the natn.o V.f e , ol aiiveriiM'i the 'CliamU-r-e'f- Commerce which Vi!l appear.; th a number of the :!ai gest new-papers i:i the . south and s'juthvvesr, .with .pmh ably a lew in' northern- papers.. - The committee, is securing a -number. -of. picture's- of -ceiies tu; use i,n the folder which thev expect to he liifferent 'from a.tiy.thiiig ever printeii. before. . : Ernest L, Wither;, -cert, taiy,-read . before the board several; letters re garding the completion -'of' highway,.: 24 and 'other 'matters of vital- im portance to this cotnir.unity. . Mrs, T. L- Gwyti. assist.. nt skre tary. i-. working on. xh hotel bulletin and is .making plans to hjive. it oil the pi ess with the ne.xf few .lays, and all persons desiring their places listed should call Mrs. Gwyn ..t 100. ..