-.,1.V ''.; THURSDAY, MAY 21, 19 j THE WAYXKSYHJ.E MOUNTAINEER ,-.rv i X r CEhr iflnimtaiurrr THE Y AYNKSVIl.U" HUNTING t'O. Phaac m: M.i.r. St:.t Vnevi:!e. N. i W. r lU'SS F.aaor w r !;.., . : r iir..aas v:.-wr l'u''l i-hoi) l'cr ThurMl.i) si I!m Kir 1 u 1; l i s ! ic.a 1:. i'a.:--:. Jl (V V, '.- .."'. .."'.i 1 Y ; iV. - :i . .aay '.."': .: ..tc a-.h anco :'-a. , -.! a ; "' . a: S .i r.e.- .'.a. 0 .u Sv .-. i ... - V..-. V.a i . ..- ;:v uU :iv. ic-r : : V. :' V., . .'. ' la : .'if'::!vr I.U i I II! 1I! W Ml I. 1!' ! I THE SOU) (JAP GROUP GAVE 'EM SPEED Several w't'ks :iro out in St. Louis t ho National I-lk I-Vtia! held, and : he Soea (!a! Danu" Team ami Hand uvk an active part, .n fact mi active, that tho largest paper.- :n tho v.M'.ti'.v hava. carried articles about thctn. !'he Ch; i-t'tan Science Moiiit--r can-.. 1! tiu ' 'living a- v r::!i'!i I t ! 1 . i i" .-pceia! S:. i.tua 1 nvs;K!i,a,r.: : "Thing- speeded :;p when tho North Caiv. i.a aai:a a. ers t!vk d ouiu : ho now auditor. a. id can. uaii.ty c titer'.- va.-t stage to 'sinjr ' a - r.g- .tr.d dat the ;:a:uo that havv '; .:aa; :'.!' i.'oi'.ora: ion.; ;n tho :'.'..-. - :;. ::'. r :ar:i; of tho low or Appala- Random SIDE GLANCES i!y w. ci 1:11s Kl ss j KuV HAYW('Ul VHTFl) IX loM' I . T:'.i- M u::ii.i:a-tr: I J.. j . vi-r an !.! uia.'y ot ! :., : .-. i .i u pac :hat ; : ' :; vvi-::i":- an ! rt.p- ! .. II..;. v.-.--! curity n: 22 Years Ago m HAYWOOD :a ii!t- uf .May 4, U'i: DO.lNii SOMt"HIIN(, i n vr seldom done "!.;!. ar.o. v :!r aiai i'i-lt ilar.oinr aro suiv j i r. a:i a'. jaaro iiar.oo.-. !;;: wr.o'.i J , a Maru wi'I'im :' .. Sa nt Qa-.t-r. t . Soo ( lap i- " i.t.'.r. XKx-.ij; 'aos ;.!ti 'I'.uK'.-' a:i Moor. ' co". Uattji- Tar.;;'' v' 'ir.o :h.ok atui fa.-t a:a; a VL. ! ' !:., :' r.j.'ht a'.on).' or -.t. w i:'t le : .v ,k ' - 'v 'a.- 'i. ,, :::rt ;u-r' .-oia liaui : nao: i, I ' ii.. V ... ..... w . ' : i; v : '.'.: ;'-;i:a . ' of Ha w oavi . V:.c : i'.oia '- n " :a t ' .n.i h!ao : -sks, ha: : par:;. ' : a a a a . r.ani-os n'-: - vh::;,; A; ; aiuat ! i a Mo- I T!Vf!!S t'r.o tli; at ; : :;;) .hi jvrt". -p-. - :' -r i N : Aims AND THE MAN -.,:.:.. '.f ::: :;.. . ' :' lao ;aa r. , a. a a : : :a aob: a..':, .'.rai ;aaa - m p: ,:p far so orai oars. ..'"a "aa : .a '.:a ' ' . '' .aat xaaatoat'oss ..- a..- pa. a t a "a-atas. .: w'll bo on!' : : ,a:a a;r a. rate iu'ro w a" , ba aa f 'v. a..: .'a- raw a:i probably o.vr ta; :a w ;;o .'. td.a': :or.. t:a: ' lv-p..c aav , -v a .a.ca a :a.'"' .;a-vahaa.. 1 ,.-. . - , a: ,ia .:aa .a.- - pea aa . a pr s; ..:. r.c to o.o is '. ' "'-Vi ' ; aact ' aa , i ;a, a;.as :r ao.vatvo stui at tr.c .ir.'.p-o;: ::. oar ttr... f !-.; they havo a Ivi.arA'o iitt .r. o.aa". taa'.a.. 'aat.t '.ts am of th-as thitpes :':-.at s. hia a !:: No a' Now to It i.:a i ). :ttaohi!:o jri -u:lot PI ni.K' SENTIMENT IS .Ui.UNST CRIME Haywoovi tytinty is eor cifsr.jfir.jr. ami 'wo. Ivh.ovo. tr tho host. Ono roason .. tr.ako the staton-ent is a oontpansoti of court oasos for th.o ptvsont ar.oi tho past few .years. la liK.io l'... w ovi eoar.ty w as the seer.e of eleven iimrders .thus far ir.-Tt':?-! orily one. Two ye'ai-s aro it would itave tven almost irr.pHVssible to hao Venviete-i a irun. of hrst o!o. rreo murder .r. Hay woxl. but vr. loss than s. tttottths two wore found guilty of firs: degree one is onter.oed to spor.d.the rentainoler of his life an prison and the other dvod in tho chair. 1muos these twp sevoro senfeno-.. tiu'ro are ttow m Raleigh aboaf ten front thisur.:y who wai spvnd tho Ivst js;t of the.r lives for otantes they eontna'ttod Vive ser.temes range front : h.trty. ears dawn. Puih. sonttntont ha gradually gt ow r. against tmse Ovianitt i-.g aar r ar..es so that the :u !ottgor get by wata them, and we iv. lieve that watr-ir ai few years" the. ' 'TV.'.mlv.'r .oi small ottelises will i-o les. thatt what they are now . although the do-evet as much s-alkr than vt has; Iveii tile past, terms at criminal a.:i t Y;th al. these things takett. into eansideratiani we Ivlleve : ii.it lla -,v. cettatg b-ett-'r anil one r-.'a. i is ta.it tho w a . rati ."a kttaws e a..-nee at s. aping t ae :aw aad not l-e.rg se iVtvl;. taa.iuv. v a aaa upon, tho' dri or of an autonobilo to hau'.t'. Tma ugir the .Middle- Wot.alolm Ihllinger an.: his gunneis havi . movod from th.o cities to '... o. up tne banks of iitah' towns. Ir.e g.ingste.r ;:i Amenea is no loitgor a igure of city streets but a menace of the Ameri. i ?: can .-mghways and eery point upon thent. The j at:-to:r.o'!)t;0 anci t.'to g ..i ..road -wh.;yh proinised : tc - make easy the way of tl-.e farmer and hi crop :o town have also opened the Whole eoun trysaio to gangsters who can rob and kill and n" bo gone. Until recent -months North Carolina has boon happily free of the big-timt gar.g-ster and his machine gum ; But last week in. Asheville '. ra. a t a li i;e:. K i". W'M.KKH. Ma Kt-.a t : w - : a- .:. ! ilP.A'- ' Ht'Fo'H IN I'llV. MOUN TAINS.'' WAYXKSYil.LK - " . ' ' '. ' s.a- . -.v. M.iv .a..-. 1!'-.-1. T'a K-,a. K,v. .V.a,: N,Uv hai "'-I. la'i.'-a S. P V aa": u a": " .- la .a ir.ii -a'aai -t :v;P-, ; In-a-.g ' :i:a; Siir.i a. Tho Rtvtvr w:'.': a-i-aaaaer i"t- Sa.raait-n: .. f :ha- Ho'y vx.rnuf..-. a: 11' A.M. - ana .preach j 4': a T': o: -i wis :r.tre my c-r. "Thv Sicrar.car.ct ot th .Triune M-..:aai::i ..aw rv. -v. a reaab.e U; : " Tra- tv S;:-:av the- .;r.r.i- w.u riiavnu : .-...'.' ' ' N't- a " -ro.ir.atior. a a . - --a. .a-.,; ;v - i.a.aiii, I am , ,-, v-a- !'-jr But. .'l.i. . li.a.:.;. P. Kt-rgu.-un a:. . ,.f P. ha.:n ( R .-.;ia.. i w ,-:..i-a.i ai'ternoon a- '. :r.-.- ia... .'..-! i- wah nu m-jii:-., , .. 2e4 S'J .uinv -a '-'-a ui catizt-n.- ux; !t . . t 'j.' -. :aa. .-s j.r!S.ion of thvir ui'i-tx . t- a ... a-a- .-ervices of t n l ".vU . , . ; a. i. iia.-i- : 1 at- alalia" . , .vh "..'. sniat'K-rs will rt-tuiii . ..1-':; 4 i wvi-ii n-'ii; Ua-haigtun and Lc-,. L a, . . lP" Is . -!.-.ty wiu-H- hi- i.as teen in . . 21 J M: J . :!. 1. ..r. --'id Mi.-.- Ma:. . Wvavi-r ;.. ...-rang- rt-Iaava- d ; a:. a U. S. Ft-rgiL-ur. .o. . 4-a1 .:aia.ia . i -ur-t-i..-0(.'i'o a.c ;!a- a . ... . 1;J' : Mi. aa i Mr-, J. Y : - .i-a a . i.-.-- S. A ! :'..:- v.a.. icaa .aa,. a.-. , la. ... i : .'a...:.:..- L'lty. N J. v;.-r i -t i a a..: a. 'a.i. aiu-t of Jai.iurt- a:i .a a..:i -.-.v.-.v' .::-. i-..a.:. S: fjr : i'.-t- a .! L-tas i-.xpvctvM 1 : .. . ' ,a .- ... Iw . V -ia; City a.-ai a. : . . V. ...a.: a . ' .a -. .. .lui-e r.t.- na 1 -r i : a ; - a -. a Uiavtiaay a .r.:c.: A li K:...ar. will arr:vt. :.t .. Ia a..u L'iaege, lia :. ..', ; 1. -. .-. ...--a MiC haj. -v:. , a .. 1 a ' i S , a- . win'.cr. .. , 1 . i . it..;.' .- makr.r txtva-.v a- - a S .a... Ma.r. tri-t-t rr.i-nl. , ; ,, ; .... .. . ' , a P. Ma-aa Whvaa-.a :aO S.a. ..... ' '.- ..... a:.K wat:". t:l aaa.. '.'. -. '. . ..;i- M.. .., 7 I-Vht-r anu'.Mr. Glv:. -a. v.', '.;.aa raaa a Vv't-jr.ta Jay aurn 'aa. .:.a .a - ..-a:. . e.-i a: the :a--. aa. VC .ir.v- :.y I : ia- '.'a'a'- : aa;:? in Hazeiwo-j i. aa- saa a.y ! Yay:a: .ia. ..- a-m;r.g to lift- agraa ay at l ' ; -i a , a : aava-:y i:a aci-tj a'.'v pcKinnaa 'ai k ,ai : i ; :a - a i a:a- itay appearance of "Th : i (. t'.i Sua.::. or Time." v u al . '.P.---. - Lata aa.: Kntnia Ai?tta":e: Malta. I.. '.a- i. Mr. James I. M-a .-a- . . 'A -aa t.- A.hev:".Ie Satur aa.' aa.:::::.; Saaiay They ma: t - i r : " v : a,:ato c ra.a-y.oa e. PIAN s---. -aa A;:t a-i.-i -:a W ... ;r.a; aa:ay :: t- : :t :a -. . aaa r.a t brt n ::'--;- - '-' f thv httcent- '"' : : -;t' ' -tv ,ai :,-:.'. h:m to .:.:.. tr.o liotc-ttive that A-a-.:. a. 1 -,Va, I'ra-j-t :r. tia- H- .y Church. He w-a i-.iviaoa a: ia.ahop: c'atheural, Enr K-v.. :yh--iy :- ci-fjiaPy invited t atteiai the Anniversary Trinity 'ser v.oo. .nt. t.tv aata-r ;n tn hAr- u:a:er tr.e .sins t.nat has membersof one of the toughest mobs in the United States were, convicted of ntail nbWrv :i i;-;': tV:. i.':a:"t st a nanotte. t naay. af .Newton machine gun a v-1'-' rc-.s :r.a: o -. a-tnv-y have same bullets brake the quio: of what once waas a quiet j !u!u'!i l:r t7fi country town -;irj eft twe :wo omcers serious iy w'oundod. The uth.as not unaccustcimod to crime Indent, all statistics of murder in the I'nitec --a.. .u.. .; w.r,f?r t t " 3 i. M1"' -1;rx- -.--.-n't t'e.. rt- tna i.mr. Last i a yoanj p.-.ar. ;n Penr.. i-y:van:a whe tsaucnt hr ' w.-.uid re Sta'es c:a -rK- .'' h'..- t?,-.-. l.,.,., t-u.. "-r-..J fc"- t'rur.d haw . v" " v- t ac: ' ! kums he cited tar he- althcujrh he out:t is unaccustomed to such arrogant, ado. h-iC f:tf- "', aaa sbcuicer a few ouatelv arrtte,-! ar-na as .,V,; . a-J r-c:e. h:ra a .riane ani ordered . ........ .... ..... ......-.. 1 1 t-. ii.ao...ije : ract v -.. gun and automobile thrvatens. Southern State teart s aes v .'.'en ." : s t r ir p r ' 2T.t. Just ij iher however. o.i v .'-!., i ..a- .1 ':'' .! --;vw -'Tr te cvuse .'.he arot oh t . 10 i,ci .afir. :ii , av. cut the future as well ns .:.''- r,-i'?,.-v, ,r.,:',. 'c droa? , ignorant and twrly armo-d. l.val whito an Negn1 criminals. '-.'. Sucit adovpuate preparations means not more nacninc guns in tne hands of the police but m atv orftcers of -intelligence, and vigor. In the nano.s at imimctvr.v tra:r:ti and iirrhir"-'v s ver tze r.An a.Jv tc crop out w:tnut ever a parar.ute wr.er. tn.; r: C h; .tr.jfur're; aaa rau.ea hint aa:k into tne .-..r. P.. - "A -at nte f.iks cant tn:ns up to uc. . 122'y a "Whatap- the dirTerer.ce be fiVee;j aritmcnia and pneumonia?" P::zy; "Search me.'' lazy: "Why ammonia come in bo', ties, and pr.eumtr.ia comes in chests.' rt.aa yaun;: ...:. it f; he.. LP .."llCi tit. tt li -. - st.L ' ...e ....avcts are sr.e ocx-sr. t1 :': a 1; rtht . .add -here that ' r ' :a- .c i ..ir. lear- t. e iO. ...e unptter.o.ir.g puo.ic.tnan to tr.e -f " "' r- levteo ofdtcers. machine guns may tv a greate1 "a I tr.e cra-.ina. Tne public safety is. not a .matter of arm- but of men. The gangster nourishes only tp:vttg:t tne ineth. toncy or corruption -0: those whose duty ;t is t. cr.f.mce the law. .H wall .su:T,.r m N r dar e .:..a..t m d rams and nt r :s race '.ate.- tnat are . -v . .- -. ... . ate a v.. a ..e . ,v. roa.ot. .v .- rrotv" 1 o the -law. er.f t-t-, caur.ties a n a t aw'r.s ef N" . A i : - - t z.i re- are J m A . ! i Preserve 11th District Statesmanship In Congress Having Faithfully Served the People of this District in the U. S. Congress, Congressman Wearer s-eeks Re-election on his Honest. Progressive, and Constructive Record. PRIMARIES June 2 The 1 t-oiatne Kevonj of Conjresstnsn Weaver Proies him 1 Friend OK Al l. THK PV.i'i'l.K . . Workers. Business Men. Firm r and War A'eleran. Vote For Congressman Zebulon Weaver KOK RE-ELECTION FOR CONGRESS Araer? BRIEF REMARKS S.ncvrtty tj. best manners.: Mac". ui. ..i'. ..tt c m t ri . l.o e ts- l.tvrty : often '..-' m..:. a so. : A t g".t ev i" ?.. s t 'c 1-. st . g..c. Ti e m.v.el nam - a w , r vg m.xiel. Never, make nicrymattuise at etc paavvti TKU 1NG HOW THEY STAND N' r.i.c. 1 a.tt.e. v..r'.. - v. .1'. kr . vc w 1-tTt 're is varked. A - N . t - ax. : a . k' C . -"I t Vi-.ttv v-r.s are ..t- rot t. tv ana- t-r.e .'. aie. masters hyS .'-wr: trade .can rt:his owrt Mitt b-ag an a jr.xi; 14-''g mcrv g.: wire Ire :ro. trwKesome- m.Ast j.:.d,.- ' - - - t -.re. bur:d hand' arid-::cv;t. j rt'cic-'' r.a..:'..g.r. tnat -: new-?-' aj'-r.'-n .-' t-at aacke' . ..sj-i . ; f -: tn an . r t c re mi : :a irtiaran.tcr. ,js.n...c - -A" . ts r - :e ra . 'e . a IVrsians are "-i e-eced :hxl. but d'"-Ur -a - ... Making ntort of what yau hv; is as a hiving morv. Yes. ntoney talks: usually f-tst ;-rg ni to say g-.wlby. ' Work is irythtrvg we must dc; pLay. thirst (. tc d. .aa ug : ta stm? " -Yes. targ some, clathes ur.utV v"ater. satar. .:'; Taa jerri r '... 'i -aks .est ai" A aiaaar .. :' ti-;- -stiii a:' O. vf I-hii-: v. -r-t--.-rcas.rr.agi .: iVcu-rirtg a btdo. ;g:v? ' iVcun .-aivieiTaa :i-i r.:rf tvcrld.ts zzviH the- centre! rru'ses. .- -:hr cor-versiCj- of .dmpuls'es. .. .-' - .. ' i- : .-,'.'. '. . . .. . ..'., ''-.-: rae itis r':.".-r.rs-ra a-t'-t'r-:. H as"'-.-'.:- tia "if r.i'arrer" V VC . - Ci- ra: 117. NOT "HOW Ml CH BUT "HOW" Alexander's is not nearly concerned with the volume ot its businehss as with the degree of satisfaction enjoy, ed by the customers;' who do business with this drug store. Our thief interest is not how many dollars; have been rang up on the cash register when the day's work is end ed but how many friends e have made by thse little "extra- services and courtesies for which they did not pay. .:.. ,:"-..'.::.-.-a. IVes that sound too idealistic for a business? We regard it a jast gcHd old common sense. For. after all isn't it a fact, if a concern takes care of the "HOW the -HOW MUCH." will take care of itself. AS K YOU R POCT OR ALEXANDER'S DRUGSTORE Pheotrs o-5 & 54 Opposite FVst OaMce

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