THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1931 THE WAYNES YILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 3 J.R. Sheffield Died In Electric Chair Last Fri. Morning Was First White Man From Hay. wood To Ever Die In Chair; Was 133th In State I: was 10.4:1 o'clock when James ; SI".-. ''' accompanied by two Sahi.t:- :. Aimy ministers, waikeol into he .--ath (lumber at the State pen Raleigh last Friday. (,u.-. . ds stripped the black .-ay on ., . k ; : 'in hi- riht foot. Remember not the sins v my viKh. nor my transgressions," the S;ilva:i"!i: V-'.- deep tones idled the ,.th chamber as guards weir, hivuirh the mechanical process ei" ; Ifrir.f.'iiiifr oft-used straps. "Veil want to say anything, Shel' bibi?" the warden asked. Siutlicld's head bobbed mechanical. iv. Praise the Lord." 'Let not your heart be troubled. ; Ye believe in God. believe also in rr.c. In my Father's house are many mansions. If it were not so I would have told you. Lo, I go to prepare a place for you." the words of St. John :ung out. ... Water poured from a white shaving mug into the metal cap on Sheffield's head, into the electrode around his right leg. 'The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not wnt. . . .." Straps were tightened- The war den glanced at the figure in the chair. "Yea, though I walk through the udley. . .." 4-! seconds. Undertakers brought an stietcner i'.to the death chamber. 'No, Sheffield did not discus di rectly the clime for which he was convicted. He dimply Mid that while of crimes ..gainst God y ' ! crime against William G. (bilk Char Aimy i rtieer, told Adjutant L. Sehack- .tlor i tbbeh Salva. ion Armv officer, a!.-, wa, wit:) Sixiti. ld on Heath Row. KKITKKATKS INNDt'KNt'K S:u-t!ieUI b:- k-tte- ',. .-, l,,,,,!,.-. d. i'o:t j'-.itiii;-" his LIBRARY NEWS no was ;-ru!.: lie was gull man." ,Iaj..r ktte. Salvat IK w s lia p.. n-,. William ; inn. -v-nv. si a nb: : i iu am "J-'1 Milb-r. Ha Ti-.i- ..-; .' in C"".i:; w. wa- sen.'.i-r.ced t die for of James 'Bud" v." i cour.ty white man. ! '.):,. crime as brought out Th,. following is quoted from a booklet sent out by the American Librai y Association: "When the citizenship o: a commu nity, countv or stati Incomes actively aroused about an e i-ting condition, something usually happens. Some thing did happen in North t arolina in ll'JS wlu n more than one hundred and tiftv citizens, men and women from all parts of the tale. organize themselves into a (. itizeiis' Library t'ommittee. Sine- then -cores of c izins h ;ve joined the movement a are new adding t lending their aid improved public lib WJiy did they u, leasoiis. Thev wer intluence be aiurf er ice. 1 mi :i:m.. Will :v vears air- 1 bee;, at o. qua.--Smce - had lb eral of ' 'Kell. Ilb-llt. Weioi iter men w oi l The warden signalled. The switch i licked. Sheffield's body jerked with the electric current. "Of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil for Thou art with me, Thv rod and Thy staff they comfort me. ..." King David's song of comfort sounded in the ears of witnesses. THREE SHOCKS ' Aunty: "You should be more cor- For two minutes and 33 seconds the rect in your speech, dear. You say num oi me uynamo nuen tne room. you had a bad cold; did you ever .Miller ami sev standing m front ' kickmans -lore, near Woodrow. ia:m out irom a iraraire cross street. Miller fell mortally wound- eo, Weich seriously woumied. Weich io.-liiieil that Sheffield tired the shots. THIRD l-KOM HAYWOOD Sheffield was the third Haywood county man to die in the electric chair. The others, both Negroes and both sentenced' for murder, were: Taylor Love, executed Novemler 21, l'Jll; and George Love, executed June 19, 1925. Not siniv April 17, 1925, have two white men died in the electric chair on the same day. On that day. C W'. Stewart and his son, Elmer Stewart. Jtrunswick county men. were executed for th,. murder of two pro. hibition agents in July, 1924. Mike Stefanoff who died a few minutes before Sheffield for the 134th man to die in the vhair, Shaftkdd the 135th. (The above is reprinted from The Raleigh New and Observer.) The prison physician shook his head. Again for a minute and 39 seconds the dynamo hummed, still again for henr nf ;i iron, eilit'v Johnny: "I had one once that keil..! me-home irom school." . it . i' or sever.; brought to real 'Ir.e with a .-hock that North (a.o Ima's ::. nking in local library facil ities was low in comparison with the wiioli ef tile I'niiid State-, that tS jier cent of its people were without libiary !'a.ilu:e oi any kind. They wer,. convinced of the value of punlic library as a vital'iicy in their educational, recreational, and cultural development as a slate. Also they h:.d seen what could be accomplished when North Carolina citizens were enlisted in other movements essen tial to the public welfare and knew that organized effort was the best way to effect a worthwhile program for the whole state. In declaring war on existing library condition in their state, North Carolina citizens stated their objectives in these words: "The citizens in this movement have an ax to grind for the children, for the people both in the town and on the farms, and for the future of North Carolina. They mean to hew to the lin,. and cut through ignorance, indifference, inertia, and inequality until every person has an equal pub lic access to books in every county in North Carolina. These libraries will take their place along with the farms and mills, schools and churches, highways and power streams in the rebuilding of this ancient common wealth into one of the youngest and fairest regions in the world." Former Governor Max Gardner oi North Carolina, strongly advocated mobilization of citizens interest for the promotion of library development. He says: "1 regard the Citizens' Library CLYDE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Cat hey and two children. Flank and Lucile. were vis iters in Carton Sunday afternoon. Mr. ami Mis. C. Hyer, of aynesville. were visitors here Sun day .Miss Kvelyri Strange, of Gastonia, is .-pending some tim,, here with her grandmother, Mrs. E- H. Justice. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. llaynes and two daughters, Misses Lois and Linda, and Mr. John Shook, were visitors at Crab'. i oo Sunday afternoon. Alberta Shinn, of Concord, -Mis- -Mae .Morton, ot Kivky .Mount, Air. iyson I aihoy. of Ilithel, and t'ttis Freeman, all students at West ern Carolina, Teachers College, spent Sunday here the guests of Rev. and Mis. )1. c Freeman and faniilv. r M,l Maili !' .i ken bu.-ka spent ". and inton 1 Mrs. of avncsvillc. the guests of . Anderson and in Hrysoii Citv th Al. tb an Financial Report Of Haywood County By T. J. CATHEY, County Accountant WAYNES YILLE, N. C. As Of May 1, 1934 Estimated Actual Valuation, Haywood County, N. C. .. 1933-31 Assessed Valuation 1933.34 'Tax Levies . .... .$50,000,000.00 . 22,708,890.00 375,216.32 "1933-34 Appropriations" General Fund $ 33,151.38 Expenditures 2fi.236.fiO Balance, May 1, 1931 ... $ 7.211.78 Debt Service Fund ... $195,298.95 Expenditures ..... 117,816.22 Balance, May 1, 1931 $17,182.73 Building Fund Expenditures BalanceMay 1. 1934 . . . . . . . . Poor Fund . ... ...... Expenditures Balance, May 1, 1931 Road Fund . . . . . . . . Expenditures Balance, May 1, 1931 School Fund ... .... ...... Expenditures . . Balance, May 1, 1931 Hospital Fund Expenditures . . . . . Balance, May 1, 1934 ..$ 7,023.37 4,465.71 ..$ 2.557.63 ..$ 12,778.06 .. 9,673.49 . .$ 3,101.57 . .$ 319.00 115.51 ..$ 173.16 91.358.25 . . 58.798.S9 . ..$ 32.559.36 ...S 35,700.00 .. 31,081.31 77$ 1,618.69 lie v. and Mrs. were visitors at Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sunday at Wayiu -Mrs. litis liurgm. Miss Kthei Cockian, of Miss Helen West, of .Marion r.thel !ii kpatriok sp lit Alonday here M.-. Vance Kobinson. Mr. and Mrs. J. M children spent Sunday visiting relatives. Mrs. Kichard West, left Monday for Marion where she will snd a week visiting her son. Mr, Fred West, and family. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Norris and children were visiting at Sunburst Sunday afternoon. Mis Willie Francis and Mr. Walter Cathey were visitors at Cullowhee Sunday afternoon. Miss Ruby Hoglen and little Mis Roberta Norris spent th,. week-end at Crabtree with Miss Hoglen' par ent. Mrs. Sophia Hayms, left Sunday for Spartanburg, S. C. for a visit with her children. Mr. and Mrs. Hiyant Holtzelaw "lid children, of .Canton, spent Sunday here with Mrs. Holtzclaw's parents Mr. and Mrs, M V. Robinson. Mrs. John Stamey js: reported to be doing nicely at the Norburn Hos pital, Asheville, where .-he underwent an operation one day last week. The third quni te-bv , oiiference of t lyde Charge M. K. Church. South, will be held on nct Sunday morn- State General Fund Runs In Red Again yond estimates by revived use and purchase of motor vehicles. The highway c.i-h balance on April bo w as lil f lo,.")Tt.4T, and this, minus outstanding wairants and the general 1 1 1 1 ;., u.. ., . !. land ocinit -jave the state a bank Huge Hi8hwa Fund (.ives Mate -....;. ,u.,. , ,-,.-, ...i;..r,i ,, April ;iu. A Nine .Million Dollar Balance NOTU iF TRCSTFE'S SA1.K The State's geneial fund continued to lag ami the highway fund to gain during April, the combined tatc ment of auditor and treasurer which were made public Friday revealed. With general fund receipts of only S? 1 bi;i.'.itili..lT during April and db' bu.sements of S-.Ll'.'i'.li'iJ ,"0, the gen eral fund overdraft for the tisc d year lose to S' l.ttS from $1. TM.bUl.t'.b in ill,. ;lO-day period. For the first Id months of the ear, business of , pernting State depart ments, institutions and the public schools has co-t isL'ti.-lTb -17b. (17. Rev otuics to meet this have been only i t,tr:,Ts i .tu. The ditl'cience has been taken care f by borrowing from the highway fund, which has been swelled be- l iaiii and iiy itue of the power of ?;iie ,i..'.ai:!ed in i h:it certain Heed of Tin.-'. i-M-catid .vy Alonzo Hull m ..a at;.! wife. Anna lbiilm n. to Insured Mortgage . I :.!.. I I oi-poriitiiin of .North l 'i i ; . . i . T: a ..-e. under date of .May 1' lf".'J. v curing the indebtedness thcie.i!, .-.ud 'iced of trust ! . :i:g :ec. rde.l in the oilice. of th,: lbci.-,e: ,if lleeds for llavwood bun- tv :li b I, 0 paci :iss. . U fii .iu Hav ing ;it cloven o'clock at Harmony Clove church, Rev. I,. B. 1 Fives, pre siding elder of the Waynesville dis trict, will be present and' preside. Movement to promote a good county wide library service for every county a- one of the most profoundly impor ! nt and .far-reaching, developments "i public education in thi.s state since the introduction of the compulsory school law." , - There are now 'JL' counties in North arolina with free county libraries, Haywood hopes to join the "ranks in th,. near future. Library Committee. CHARI.OTTK. N. ( ., NO TICK OK SKlZiURK. Whereas, on April L'i, l!bi-J. Dodge Coupe, l'.i7 Model. Mo tor No. C-N37074 was seized by Fed eral Officers in Haywood County, N. C., in violation of Section dloO Rc vWed Statutes; now. therefore, no tice is hereby given to all persons owning or claiming right, title or interest in said automobile to present certified claim thereto on or before June 2. 1S,'!4, in default of which same will be advertised and sold at public auction, provided by law. T. K. Pat ton, Investigator in Charge, Alcoholic Heverage I' nit. No. 204 May :i-10-17 ing mo: m..n,. ;n the payment of -aid in.iebnbnc.--. ami at the roqiic.-t of the l :.!..- h-; iei- t hereof. th.- un do! - neb !'i ,i.M,v will, on the 1Mb d:. of ,lano, l!i:;i, al 1 1! o'clock noon, at '.lie I on hoii -c door in Haywood Count N.-th Carolina, offer for -ibe. :' r eii-ii, to 'he highest bidder, till ioiliwing de.-cl'ibed pieilli-es, to-it: I! KCil NN INC at a stake on the Western or Southwestern side of liovt rninent Street, ;U'J feet from Smathers .treet, iind runs thence S r.b ."HI' W. ISS feet to a stake; thence. N. 24 :UI' W. ,.,- feet to. a stake; thence N. tb .'!((' K. 1SS feet to Gov vernment Street: thence with said Street 21 oil' K. 55 fet to th,. BKlilNMNG. Being lot No. 7 in Blook No. 1 of said Fairground Addition as recorded in Map Hook Index "II." This the 15th day of May 19M4. Insured Mortgage Rond Corpor ation of North Carolina, Trustee. By Johnson, Rollins & Uzzell, At tornevs. No! 20'.) May 24-:il-June7-14. A New Way To Save Money, . . Bring Your Shoes To l's (o He Repaired. The Way We Hepair Shoes They Last Longer' and Feel Heller. HHL(J US YOUR OLD SHOES AM) W E LL RETURN THEM LIKE NEW THE CHAMPION SHOE SHOP E. T. DITKETT, Prop. MAIN STRKKT .'NEXT WESTERN UNION 1 Penally Fund ... Expenditures Balance, May 1, 1934 , ...$ 4,500.00 .. . 2,916.60 1,583.40 TAX STATEMENT AS OF MAY 1933 Taxes collected to date 1932 Taxes collected to date 1931 Taxes collected to date Uncollected all prior years . . . . . . . . . . ....... Total uncollected taxes, as of May 1, 1934 ..... .$210,924.59 , . 224,749.12 . 245,990.56 1, 1934 Uncollected $161,291.73 Uncollected 93,906.11 Uncollected 31,719.17 ... 31,382.23 .$321,299.51 BONDS Outstanding as of June 30, 1933 ...... . BOND Retirements to May 1, 1934 .... . . . v. Outstanding May 1, 1934 . BOND Interest paid to May 1, 1934 . . ... ... ,$1,797,350.00 . 129,500.00 .$1,667,850.00 .$ 72,523.00 Will Be Imposed On All Persons Failing To On Or Before MAY 31. 1934 This Is Provided For By Law And Will Be Enforced List Yours Now And Save The Penalty c. c. FRANCIS l ax oup ervisor J

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