ti.'fil 'to AVIV 'AVflSM 1HX THE WAYXESV1LLE MOUNTAINEER Page 5 H ' I I I "BELIEVE IT OR NOT"? Right Here In WAYNESVILLE Clothing Quality Economy Distinction atisfaction For Men Regular weight values . Minimer wem wooiens .... Not the Cheapest but tlie Best $12.50 $25 $17.SO For Younger Men We , Can Fit You Ray's FT W We Can Please You Ray's America's Foremost Suits REGULAR AND DOUBLE' I5REASTEI) MODELS Half Belt and Patch Pocket Suits Sizes 30 to .'56 2 PANTS SUITS $16.95 America's Greatest Stag Party! NATIONAL ARROW WEEK MAY 21 to MAY 26 Nowhere in 4mcrica is National Arrow Week being celebrated more brilliantly; than rielit here in our own store Please accept this as our cor dial irfvitation to join the party . . . to sec the grandest Arrow Shirt style show that we've ever staged! Awaiting your inspection are the new Sanforicd-Shrunk ARROW SHIRTS AND. ARROW UNDERWEAR ARROW HANDKERCHIEFS ARROW CRAVATS ARROW COLLARS Don't miss this display! ;ay s ions LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS PHONE 137 Senator anl Mis. Capus Way nick. ' I Vim and Raleigh, mailt' a short n-.'. to Wa nosvil!,, Friday en v.".:u. ;, Franklin whore Mr. Wayniek ."poke at' the banquet held by the 1 Democratic flubs of .Macon " .Mr. Wayniek is state direc- ' he national rc-cn;pe lreiit Judge V iK Sin ,t;i.T. ai..i a Hi I ,1. it .sm;i;li,T and M of At lam ;t- ( :: ., ,-w Jot. Sunday for a . : the parents, D . act M : -. 11. !' : i, Hon Abbott, a n ivt ,1 i: "tor's Dr. ami M : pon.i.ujr ! a : - w 1 ' aev aso a! i 1 ! senile v ut t n. ., !' ti Mi's. N'oy K:.i:s f H;gh 1 '1 his moot'i.e. ''' ' ;v::t 1 .st wookn m tho . uv ''lb' ,:,-s,-'u-i - a.- nn: of .Mr, ami Mr- Doyle Alloy j an! al.-. attended the Macon lmniv I r yy j ,":'""r 1,l'm,r,;'!-- convention and j Florida, arrive (.: "11 lie' 11- : i t i- i-ifii. l-n LV..I..V i - i ' , , ' ' me .-umnvr a l-.ym- suite president ot tho ! av(,, , ,,,, 'a; 1 oop.o, IbMini.tai.c I'lubs. , .,.',. ., h,; , 'OM1 Mini MO'O , U'. ! : c i c ;.: A - . wato: -.p. n, M: "o lob tinting EXPERT WORK The 3iountaineer IMIONK 137 -'ii v;iti iiovor ti l:. : i-u't wiso a.- am-.- that a man i.. n-.b-hed ju.st au i- ho casts n'tloc-t i.-m-. M i'. .1 bcwi-j ib-, t:. na ni.H'i- i.f :ia- Xiutii Carolina Iniiustiial I'.iiii-nii,-!Mr, of tJaVi-h was in Wayiio-- '!' du: aic: t ln pu.-t w ,-ok. i AH, lion,;,': i Kali iu ii I'd id . i Ms t to her Mini! Ann in: ihoAYnyinsv, Ho people u ! I ... atten,u,l tin b nupiit and convent nm I ' lr- 1 1 M"' of MacM t'oiinty Votin,: Ibniocrali, t,",,'w:,!' i -in i '.s. a; i-l ankim la.-t I- ralay we.c: Mr. .and Mis. W. (d Hyois. Mi's. Ann, d U'.u :b r. M r an, i M r. II. 1 I Ml, v Aie-srs. .Maoii Sv, ea ! moi-r, l-'oiKii-oM. .) i ., and T. .1 i Frank I 'I'liiinando!- Thomas 1 b I'arke ni' ) U lvodoro. (aliloinni, 1 S. . re-t til'''!, who i- spondaic, . ...no time :nd A.siioxillo was tl'.e uiiost , ; .Mis '. '.'. I raw loid last week, I oinmandoi l'a;do-r i.- asoci;ited with Mis. (daw. lord's son, Mr. Hiliary II. Caw t'or.l, aitoiiiey, of San Francisco. Mrs. Kosa Kay has loturned to her home on liiiinner avenue alter :i visit to Iiit paronts. Mr. and Mr.s. C. H, Mi'.luill'ey, in I'nion, South I'arohna Mr. dim l'ailj:ctt' of Fore.-t City, was the. miest of his brother. I)'- ( ha.-les I'adcott, at The C.'oorgian the first of the week. .Mrs, J. P. Knox returned to her home ' Tuesday after a several days' visit to Mr. and .Mrs. K. II. F.lack xvi'll. Mr.s. Kno js a former resi dent ui Wiiyiie.svillo and is; pleasantly lemi'iiiui'i-eu oy a Must of I .'lends. Mr and Mrs-.. I'auF Hahlin, Jr., vh,i have l.eeii in Arcadia, Florida for the. p.i.si leu nays, wnere ttio lurmor is lioiiluitf a revival, will return home this week-end. '"" Mis.s (Jlenis Dodge spent last week end at her home in Southern Fines M,-. Charles 'Russell, senior at Wake Forest College, is expected to arrive louay to spend several ilaya before returning for .the .commencement ex ercises. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sudde.s and Mr. (Jene Fitzgerald, of lUdmont, were week-end guests of Miss Susie Fi.sher at the horn,, of her mother, Mrs. Lu r isner. in nazeiwootf. Dr. J. R. - McCraeken- left -yesterday for Hayesville where his holdint; a clinic. He will return Saturday. Miss FdleiV Louise Killian left Tuesday fo.- Raleigh where' .she is attending' ;.i reunion of her class at 1'eace Institute. Mrs. (ieorgo I "lot t. Mr.s. Koy .M!.r tin, Mrs. Will Hyatt, Mrs'. John Queen, and Mr-. Cleveland Kirk- jiatnck attended the district meeting of the t'nited Daughters of the Con federaey in Andrews yi'ste.d;iy. Mrs. ('. M. Dions ..-uid -son, .Johnny, left Friday fur Trymi whore they are visting tiie formci'.s niotlier, '.M r.s. Martha K.. (iibbs. Miss Martha .Mock spent la-t weok oml with friends in Lake l.u re Mr. John Rriggs'. ad' II. iidei.onviHe, is spending this week :it the Adger H,ui.-e a.s the guest of his uncle and aunt, .Mr. and .Mrs. II. W. W'oadward. .. Rev. and . M r-. Albert New, who have, heen in Myrtle Heach,. South Carolina, for a month's v o-at inn. arc epoctt'd to. ,ct urn to 1 heir hnme. ta nioiin w. Mr-. Ailor.i K.i . from Allan! ie t t pellii the summer Sh.o was aecolnpae Smathe! -, of Hob. who i , s pom I no- .i , parent.s, Dr ami M Mi- J (,. II, It , V II gun i in - ed I lie siiinmer at he, siim Road liiililnj lo Ibn-'n be. ,i. ed Sllllii.iV .1.-, M'J U hole. Ml. bell i'i v .lei ,. - Willi Ills 'i S:r:a! h, i --, Ulclllll.Mid, ,. lo . pern on i he Hal 1 1 Chili 'es I!. M, i; ., k, ,, , llu,. Creek, wa- a Wayne-viHo visitor last week. . ('...lames wa - hcie fiom Fine Creek S., urday. Mr. J. II Fvirkpatrick and daurh tor, Mkss Mary Frances K irkpat rick, Canton. spent Sa.tuVdav with I n.eiiils in town. W C. Host, of Crabtiee, was here o busines.s Monday. W. A. Moore, ,,f l'igoiin, .spent some time jM the i ity thi- 'week. Mrs. llenn.in (ire-n and Miss Anne McCraeken, of Fine,- Creek, spent Saturday shopping m Wavnesville. J. VV. Nol nd, of Fines (.'reek " was here on business Monday. .Miss Helen Green, who is attending the spring semester of Western Caro lina 'Teachers College, spit bust week-end at her home at Fines Creek. There's a time-tested, harmles9, preparation, compounded by a specialist in nervous disorders, for the relief of Sleeplessness, Irritability, Nervous Indigestion, Nervous Headache, Restlessness, the Blues and Hysterical Con ditions. During the more than fifty years since this preparation was first used, numberless other nerv6 sedatives have conn. and gone. But the old reliable has always been in constantly increasing demand. Only one medicine fits tills dJs criptiou. DR. MILES NERVINE If you are nervous, don't walfi to get better. You may get worse. Take Dr. Miles Nervine. You can get Dr. Miles Nervina Liquid and Effervescent Tab lets at your drug store. HELPED 98 PERCENT Interviews with 800 people wha had used or were using Dr. Miles Nervine showed that 784 had been definitely benefited. Isn't anything that offers a 49 to 1 chance of helping you wortH trying? Get a package of Dr. Milea Nervine today. If it fails to help you take the empty bottle ore carton back to your druggist, andieillefundyovnon PAID ADVERTISEMENT VOTERS WILL YOU HELP? If the C,ovornmnt would1 .-issue money without interest charges to a I govemment units, on the security of their bonds, thev could pay off a-M id.Iigations, free tluitn.selves of all interest charges, and CUT TAXES IN HALF Hb money were nationalized, with a circulating tax place.l on it, loreibly keeping ,t , active circulation; all business and industry. Would revive, and unemployment would disappear, uiappud onyM-is' pno. sa.ins'i!.iu omj ,.1(i pan ,)A,)i,)q .vnu.Mt r ol "Poverty in the mid.d ot 'Plenty," by removing the poverty and fairly distributing the plenty for all to enjoy, I Will gladly make a light for tlies,. ideas if yu will give ine the . hance, by you and your friends signing this petitioji on the dotted (llll'S. PETITION to the State. !W, or Elections, . ('.: Please put M R Hillord s nanie on the ballot for the 1!).'M ele.-tion, as an indopendef.t candidate for oiigress ..-for the Hth. District. . .Air. K. F. Smiih, of Ashevill,; and Marietta, Ci i tr:a. was a visitor in V aynesViIle the first of the week. '.. ;K - ' Mr. Donald Dunham a: rived Fr d y from . St. Augustine, ." Florida, : t spend the summer here. He is mak ing, preparations fo.' the opening of the Dunham House on .Main street in a short time. ; Mr.. White Mease. 'returned Sunday alter twi week.- visit to his home in Hayes vi lb . " .- Miss Francis Scale-, of Reidsvilie. spent la -t, Week-end hero as the guest of Mr. and .Mrs. ,V. T. Shelton ami i Jio.W a. guest at the home of Mrs. 15. J. ..Sloan. b '..'- .' '-.! ; -Mr. and Mis. Edward ' Lowrv and inlant. sun. of Wavcross,, (ietii tria. are guests -for two weeks sit. The Geoi gi..n. Mrs. Eugene Carter and. M!-- Vir- gir.ia Carter rt-turned .Monday' after -spending the week-end with friends in Ashevilje. , ' i ' , ,.':.' Mr. iu-d Mrs. C. S,-. liadgett. of RiehWuod, West Virginia, spent, lat week-end in , Asheville and . Wavnes ville. V ". -," ''. ' . .'.,-',""'." Mrs. Sydie '.Ray and daughter. ..Miss Elizabeth Ray. who spent the winter at Th(.. Georgian, have moved to their j Dr. and; Mrs. J.,; T. Murphy and daughter, Mi.-js Marguerite Mui-phy, have moved from the Kirkpatrick Apartments to an apartment at the home of Dr. Tom Stringfield, Cut, this ' "tit and-mail to me at once,. : 'I'ha-ik you. M. K. H II. FO ), Naples, N.C. REAI) THE ADVEKTISEiMENTS m ' ?;:iil'v' '. ill , i i IT! TTH VlVi-b ;- ' , Don't .Worry IT'8 PAIMEI) Willi PEE GEE PORCH AND FLOOR - -idb: enamel: .,- vivb T- loors certainly take a lot of punishment from children's rompinj: feet and from grown-up's feet, ton but they put up a much better fishf when painted with IVe (,'ee; It is Ktra Touh and (i lossy. Now is the time to use it Waynesville Hardware Co. R. (I. COFFEY, Owner V t i t