fe't w j t J Pag 8 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, MAY 24, 19,'U Store Chats from C. I RAY'S SONS HL'MMKK IS HKUK ACAIN. Tiic hut ' cury ha.s hit tin- tup. Ti.uri-ts ar, howinjr up. The water is - !a:-l',!ii; in i hi' .swimming pocil.-. (lull", u-mn- rii 1 ii !-T aiiii (laiHiiij.r an Arc you prepared'.' Spurts Apiiare! Ki'iMNi; srrrs N..-.v ! time tire available at .-ale Never have they been sinai'le: ries prettier tailorine bettor. suits can lie worn ami through the entire year, iboth sw;ij,',aT, and .short. ' a l!.e . price-.it--- l'al) he- en joy if Style.- fa- f: X P V I , A " - W ASH MILE S1I.K DKKSSKS in tail, ored i-tyle.s fur the junior-. Sizes 71,1, jii wilite, l'le.-h, and blui'.C'eid and "i-niiari looking.- Al-w elite M.eur cotton frocks and el' eeur.-e all are tub fast. Sports Apparel W.SH AIM. K I -'A URIC (il.OVI.S cut. toll mesh with novelty flared .or tfaiuly etitl's Slip on lilted wri-t irlove.-'. 1'laied top slip-on-. Ah these in white, o'.le, 7:'c and. '.i.pc.. Sports- Apparel MI.K Sl.ll'S-just. leeeived shadow proof, . trimmed- with li.eht .'colored lftco in tea rose and white. Only $1.95. , L Sports Apparel FOUNDATION GARMENTS of lastex for act ive , sports daneintf, golf, . U-nnis. Snujr. fitting'' step-in pan itics, -Ji'trht woipht girdles - -with or Without- garters. Also one-piece foundation garments with low buck. Sports Apparel - BKAUTIITL (U'AI.ITY PKJl K in the new drop .stitch pattern, l'astel ishades. -t'.'c a yard. Sports Apparel SHEER MAGIC in dressmaking when you use A. B. i'- fabrics with their beauty of weave, patterns and colors 2.V a yard. Sports Apparel ItATHING SUITS in a variety ' en -styles ami price.. both attractive -. From Jantzcn we present the model below. ll . 7'"M . j Teachers Are Named! SPRING FLOWER For County Schools .Ii--e f i-dur ut ail a: pi tl ,,,-k h.ei n-ek tear .I'.. re tli. The list ! ren r.- w il r.d of sunennten ,u:.vd this el'.-, for the e fur Fille. The Fines i.'iably i . n.imeii week. d. gt IA 1H-: lUSlKli I i-nua!. it. ,la'!M -. . MiT.ih.itii an 1 T-i ivll. TKAl S. l,,,l he us i-: - Ah 1 1, M.i! s I. i: -;t r land II.-,.,' Tell, :i. Ii.tvi . FJi.-ti II. i r,l JhuiuA-. link: Fiarici--i ia Hay tie.-. .1 a mi - Chapel l'ave GiMis. lUi-h F..rk Jack William.-. Kiverside na .Mi 'i i.id.i'ii Knsli y. Iron Hull' ink I.. Holers, .- Anna l.ou l.eatheryood. liuek Sp.iiiK la Halleburlon. ,-. Frank 1-. .lu.-tiee. llydij- .Mountain Jame- kirkpat rick. UiK liraiuh Im.--U MeCkll'e. Crabtrce ( h.. ( ahlwell. I- r .nci- l.i athei wu,i d At; .M.i Mr H, l.i. 1 Fr; M r. Hil .Mr IK At 11 K : ri i k UK I . ( . II.,,: i ulah .M atr.ei ine IMS I mi, l'r:ncipal ic liyrd. t 'alliouu. .SCHOOL SHOW WILL BE HELD TUESDAY Annual Spring Show Will He Held In Citizens Hank Build. inj. Sponsored By Com. munitv Club )'!' wer luve ripatitlK till ml. sored by ih will I it... ;. .- ami rr..vvT ' .piTi'.K i!..v the ( oniiiuui heli lank re ,n-.-now, (Tub. next Tuesday in builcliii,;- on .Main in, in .11 I, f u: tin r :ntere.-l that several of th.- out lis of Wayne.-vilh- v. ill public on .Sunday ;. include the a d"-,.- of lt: .Mr.--. K, McLean, Mr-. ( I .vtoM Walker .M il Uoa,l; Mrs. George Host, ill .Mill Uoad; Mrs. J. M. la zihvood; Mis.s Carolina Al.-te l.o.e Lane; Mr-. H. G. West, '.h, I; ai.nou:ic - ta:i'bi')t lie uplll tenuMiu. the fol Hulsam Howell n, Iluw ntr, Ha tter, Kil- liaa street st ree' ; and .-Meet; Mrs. .-licet. Mrs. Hi, if, ll until lise W. Mrs -. ,1 ill T- Shelton, I'ieon Harry Hall. Hazel ie Tate, Walnut s garden will not be o'clock; the other r a l 1 ill ufternoon ist I'm- the dow ns will lie open ov is the prize how: A.MAT i-:i'U Fine.-. !'..- play !"t , !.:, -nd nr.e ! iiie-t I lisplav of 1 1st prize -nd jni.e Finest display of 1 lonliiniuni sjiluy ,d Oriental (LASS of I'eonie.- ris If 1.(10 .50 .00 all U. C. Caniimi. JJethel Jilemelllaiy Anna Mae Ihui-. Nell Kii kp.nrick. Anna Uoe Ferguson. Ty .-mi C.tliey. Uutii .SniK'lelon. I'aulnie Si ntelle, l'eai'l .lu.stice. Idizabeth Ana McCracken, Spring Udl Ga. Chaniheti. -Marie Cohurn, 1 Cru.sj Paul tinman, lilanche Giogan Frma l'atteison. K.-.-io Sellers. 1'riLiline h razier. . Cdadys Hit. son. Cecil Tlioina.s Fiwin. A I rn'a Ciiieva (. haiubc.s i'Avlyn Galluway. Uolierl Way Jame.-. G lady- Moody. Primary Election Calandar For 1934 BATHING SUIT TRICES for adults . ranpe upward from 1.95 in the all wool style garments. Splendid values at that price. But slip into a Jantzen if you want the prize. . MEN'S TROUSERS in all styles and fabrics for work and plav. Flan- neils for formal wear. AVashables for business and sports. Linens and seersuckers included. Pep up your wstume with a pair. Sports Apparel POLO SPORT SHIRTS are the smart est irarment this season for both nKn and women. Zipper neck with iboth long and short sleeves. Assort ed colors. $1.19. JINK .-.T IL -Meeting of County . Flection 'Hoards To Tabulate Votes. . Kay for the meeting of the County lioard.s ef Flection- at 1 1 o'clock a. in. at the Court llou.-e of th,. county to receive the returns of the Pri mary Flection liom the Uecist.ara and Judges of Flection .f every pre cinct in. the county, at which time the County Hoards of Flections shall csnvas-s the returns and declare the result.s of the Primary Flection for all county and township ollicers and members, of the House of Represen tatives. ,, The County Hoar.is of r.loction shall also, at this nieetiiiK prepare' duplicate abstracts of all the vote.s cast tr candidates for all state and district -ojlices and within one day thereafter send by register ed hi, ill one copy ol this abstract to the chairman uf the State Hoard of Idectrons, and tile..-' one copy, toReth" er With all precinct returns, with the Clerk of Uie Sunerio.- Court of the county. C. S. ot'So-rii'SlV Sees. 52-56 ef Flection Law pamnhlct. JC.XF Second Statements id" Kxpenditures : to lie Filed La-1 day for candidates to file StatemenLs of Fxpcnditures with the Secretary, of State and the. Clerk of the Superior I'ourt, same as shown for May L'inl above, P. L.. 1U.I1, Chap- .i4S. Sec: o, 7, S; Sec, 167-109 ef Flection Law- pamphlet. Jt'NF :H'TH Second Primary . Held if Necessary Kate for Second Primary Election, where same is necessary. C. S. 6045. Sec. lot) of the Flection Law pam pi.et. JULY 3RD Meeting of County Election Boards To Tabulate Votes, Second Primary Day for the meeting of the County boards of Flection where a Second Primary is held, to canvass the re turns, declare the results and to make out proper abstracts of the election, same as hereinbefore provided to he done after the first Primary Election on June 2nd. i. Finest ,: poppies 7- Fiuoi-t di-play of pies Fiilc.l display of ' 1st prize , ! 10. 2nd prize 1 ! . Fine.-t display of liani- 1-. Finest l-'i. Finest 11 Fin,,-1 ro-e.s , l'. Fine.-t. roses . Fme.-t di Finest di M iseelianeoUo lm prize . . -lid prize . . Combination'.! lb-play of ye 1.00 lisplay of lis play of dl.spl.y , annual pop ( 'olumbiiio Sweet Wil li lies'!!!!! pinks .... if hybrid ii-play of climbing- .50 .50 .50 LOO 10. 17. JsS. pansies larkspur play ol play of bouquet .$1 00 .50 f three llovvers ,75 low llower.i , . ,7.i Lest garden Uoder glass : :.:?. 00 J!est l:splay from each town ship outside of: W'aynesville $1.00 t.o.-t .li,sil;iy of named w (lowers ' 1st prize . . nil prize ,uost attractively annulate. breakfast table. Commercial or Professional' Class 1st. prize on all entries, blue ribbon 2nd. prize on all entne.., red ribbon Sweepstakes. . AM entries must be -made by twelve o'clock. No prize will be awarded unless at least two competitors are entered under any named class. Any winner of sweepstakes for past two years will not be eligible to com pete for sweejustakes prize. 21. d .!?2.00 .$1.00 Burley Growers Get Payments Distribution of an initial block of S-17 checks totalling $24,;;;i-l. initiated the disbursement of approximately 15 million dollars in rental and ad justment payments to 95,000 growers who have signed agreements to reduce l'.).'i4 burley tobacco acreage and pro duction by from one-third to one-half of their base. The first checks went to participating growers in Smith County, Tenn. Today's News For FAT FOLKS Keep Cool and Peppy All Summer Long While Losing Fat The Safe Way The Kight Wav' CfjDAFSSons EjlWDeptStore A well-known attorney was always lecturing his office bov. whether he needed it or not. One day he chanced to hear the following conversation between the boy and the one em ployed next door: "How much does your chief you : asked the Letter, "I get $1,500 a year. Five dollars a week in cash and the rest in legal advice " pay Little Tommy Was in a rebellious mood. "I don't want my face washed, Granny," he pounted impatiently. "Nonsense," said Granny, rather severely. Why,. I've washed my face threP times a day ever since I was a little girl.'' "Yes," said Tommy, "an' It shrunk Out of the thousands of letters received Wp give you this one from a grateful young man: "I am 23 yrs. old- 1 weighed 210 lbs. about one year ago when 1 started to take Kruschen Salts' otf and on for ' nine months. I lost weight al right so I began to take it regular for tht. last 3 months. I now weigh 145. 1 feel better, look better and I am u. ft. in every way. l also eat anything I Want." Mr, J. C- Record, .inami, ria. .-. While losinp unsightly fat with Kruschen you gain in health for kruschen acts On liver, kidneys and bowels and helps keep body, free from poisons and acid. Keep cool and full of pep this sum mer by taking one half teaspoonful in a glass of hot water every morn ing. Get it at Smith's Cut Rate Drug Store or any druggist- Adv. NOTICE To the stockholders of Waynesville Library Association - Pursuant to a resolution adoped by the Board ef Directors, a special meeting: of the stockholders of the Waynesville Library Association is called to meet at the rooms of the association at four o'clock p. m. on June 5th, 1934, for the purpose of determining whether or not the stock holders will adthonze the convey ance of the real estate, books anil other property of the Waynesville Library Association to Haywood county for the establishment of a public library, and for such other business as may come before said stockholders. This the 23rd dav of May. 1934. MARION BOGGS, President. No. 210 May 24-31. Hospital News ARRIVALS Mas. Irene Hunter, WayriesVille, operation. .Mrs. A J. Sumner, Cuntuii, RuUtt 2, ojieration. Uuftis Kerley, Canton,, operation. . Vim,.- !5'jrge-s.-. Waynesville Route 2, medical treatment. Adele Young, (colored,) Waynes ville, medical treatment- Eugene H.'eese. WaynesviSle, in-jurie.-. Gran, Ivill -Mull. W.:yne.-'.Ile, tnatment for burns. .Miss Frances Garner. Waynesville, tonsil operation. Mrs. Gwyn Hauh-r.-on, Waynesville, ojieration. Ottis Howell, Canton, treatment. Wain- F.ee.'iian, Wa yne-ville, fract tiled bono. Iiv-ne Williams. Waynesville, tie .1 ment. Mi-. Gertrude London Wayne.-ville, medical treatment. Mrs. Maude lilaiikenslii). Canton, treatment. Mrs. Si me Dean, Waynesville, med ical treatment. Miss Elsie Smathers, Waynesville, tonsil operation. Mis.s Eunice Francis, Canton, Route 2, operation. .Miss Evelyn .Messer, Cove Creek, medical t . ea'.nient. .Mrs. (has. Underwood. Waynes ville, operation. Mrs. Addie Chappie. John Jones. Mrs. Annie Price- Mss Mary Tucker. Mrs. Irene Hunts.'. A.le'.k- Young (colore!.) Eugene Breese. Ms.- Frames Garner. Walter Freeman. Local Boy Wins A Nation-Wide Prize DEATHS J L. R' beson, Canton, extends illness. ' ncaii .if :! AWARDS GIVEN STUDENTS DISMISSED Mr.-, Fllii Moss and infant daugh ter. Miss Hazel Down-'. Mrs. Gilmer Mauney, Mrs. Nola Shumaker. Mrs. Dav,, Nelson and infant daughter. Mrs. Mabel Cagle and infant sun. Mrs. Mary Pope and infant son. Mrs. IL U. Pruittand infant daugh ter. Mrs. J. F. Moore and infant daugh ter. Mi-s Margaret Plemmons. Mrs. Roger Noland and infant daughter. Mrs. Ollie Caldwell. Miss Hazel Fisher Nathan Hill. Winners of The Gudger Library Reward which is given for the two .semesters in the W ivnesville Town ship High School were announced this week as follows: girls, Mary 1-dizalK'th Palmer. Patricia Brap.dt and Catherine Martin. The boys were, Lewis Sorrells. Maggie; James La tham, and Henry Hunter. The awards are given th(, six stu dents that made the highest grades in the school for the semester. DOES AMERICA need a new baby code? Read this interesting story in the American Weekly, the maga zin which comes with the BALTI MORE SUNDAY AMERICAN, issue of Mav 27. Buy your copy from vour favorite newsdealer or newsboy. -Urert Edw arti New. of W-m n. i villi-, a senior student m chtmi v- engineering of the University of Nvr.j j Caiolina. won fourth prize in t!.- a'. i nual n::ion-j wide -studei.t )'.!,..;, I conte.-i conducted by the Am. Institue of Chemical Engineer-. The announcement came frmu I A. McLaren White, chairman i committee on student chapters, a New York convention of the ;r.-t this week. Mr. New was formally award iprir.i. a presentation copy .,.!' .01 chemical engineering, la-- T , i i.n New York. j Ac ording to Profess,.,.' Wi: ,. ol a prize in tie :!-::; ntesl is an arh:,-v. -; . -h order. The in, . leetcd is one of much great i- ..,r, than usually encountered i: U: graduate college work, and i. ju not only on accuracy of calcu!.:! and assumptions, but on ne .'ness clarity of presentation a- we!!. News solution was one -of th wmr.inj; lirohiem c a veiy hit :-. r- aiii Mr. few which yielded the correct numerical answer, and his results wire present ed in the form of a clear and forceful report." WANTED FOR CASH OLD GOLD Cash paid inuiiediately for Watches, Cases, Rin-s, Rridgework, Dental Crowns, bracelets. Class Rings, Nun Kets, Glass Frames, or anything that has gold in it. Everything we buy goes directly to the U. fj. Mint at Philadelphia under United States Government License Number P. A. ,")2s. THOMAS DAVIS Waynesville, North Carolina Church Street (Formerly operated in Waynesville at the Woman's Exchange) Asheville Headquarters, Woman's Exchange, Arcade Building. I BtaHBfflCirafWBIBrtWaillTgWW o DOTJ'T TAKE TIRE WORRIES ALOrcaOUYOUR TRIP Drop them off here before y on start out this iveek'end or next Wednesday It's a lot safer, more pleasant and cheaoer in the end to start out on new tires particularly since prices rl are still so low . . . And because Good- year makes the most tires by mil- jJ lions and so offers the biggest mon ey's worth at every price it's a lot l wiser to choose new Goodyears . , . Come and see why more people buy Goodyears than any other tire just SN name your price unu iuu& iuc j.; Goodyear it buys! Special For This Week Washing and Polishing Get Our Prices Changing Oil (Three or four popular brands) Flushing Radiators We Clean them with preasure Call Us For Special Prices On Above TSS Jihi -of it - the tire-I ' V a! Ui rli'l ' that outiirios and I Vsll'IS I outlasts them all. j t WIS I See it! '-' - i VS. i 111 And the best I i V., 111. HI nul nf nil. This I wmill mnrvplous new I IS. t 1 Goodyear -G-V- I T x ,h with Its manyad- I L' VJ' 1 vantages over any I other tire on the I Y" v market costs you I I rt i "'hl"8 CItra' j I $1 tt. i luWV Price .object to 11 I J I' Deptndoble 1 fj Lotttt A (Sir GOODYEAR J lBI GOODYEAR J lfJ K SPEEDWAY 1 IjjJJ.l PATHFINDER I A good low-priced KMn I' Superior to high- a I tire value only nl'MW ! est-priced tires of vi L Goodyear can ll many other offer. V j fl makes. aPi; 30iJi2 4.50-20 SryVV 4.50-21 4.75-19 2 $4.00 $4.70 y $6.50 $6.90 4, 1 4.50-21 4.75-19 ) 5.00-19 5.25-18 Vt' $4.85 $5.30 V $7.40 $8.35 T ',. Other sizes in V 0thcr sizes in Vfjj proport.on. X proportion. ABEL'S GARAGE PHONE 52 ASHEVILLE ROAD so bad that now it wants to be ironed out." ' . -. i