The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The (J rent Smoky Mountains National l'ark Head In Thinkin- People WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA XL IV NO. 2: THURSDAY. MAY 1 . mi (.1. erchants Staging Two Bargain Days Here. Are Offering Good Values Public Appearance Of Soto Gap Hand Saturuay To Be One I cature Of Sales Event Radically every merchant in 't:ivilk7 is taking part in the two I'-'ain Uays .which will be Friday iS..turdaV of thi.s week. The ad ,.'.!;r columns of this pajn-r pre- ,:u message and give some of the which will he on .-ale at the ;. ;n,. places of business at re ' ,! pun-. ,.;;,. stress has been made on ".v i days, and a number of the , '...ughl .-jiecial merchandise' tor , , relit. c..i;iioction with Bargain- Days. m. .-chants have -ccured the scr , . i the Soc.i Clap String Band : i bmce Team who will give a pub ,111. nitration of the perform : hey recently gave in St. Louis attriirted national attention, performance will . begin about i.i o'clock oil the pinch of the court lb, ic u-c. -".Spectators will not be al-..'.',vi-il on the' porch, but will stand on ike walk, and get a guild view of the pi i fit. malice. ' The rtriiiK band will put., on a pro u'am from the office of The Moun :a . hre.r beginning about six o'clock. J t : ; ;s program will be broadcast over . l..c public speaking outfit' which will Ciiiy the sound for two block.-. The purhc speaking outtit will be install' . i by Martin Fleet rif Company and tt.ll i.e. part of the equipment used in giving the election returns later on Saturday evening as soon as th,. pulls close. ' . - 1 The merchants here are. determined i" make this sales event most sue ci - - f u 1 and in order to assure its -a. cess have offered some gooils at prices that could not be replaced on their shelves foi-. Those'-who are anxious to save money should conip to Way lies vi lie Friday, and Saturday and shop. Survey Is Being Made In County On Child Welfare In connection with the campaign that' is being sponsored by the Na '.otial Child Welfare Committee of the American Legion and the state de partments of the American Legion and Auxiliary, Ruth Williams Rotha, together with assistance of a com mittee, has started a survey of this lounty to make a census and to as certain the needs of the cases. The purpose is to make a complete census of minor children of World W a.- veterans and other citizens who are in distress; orphans of World War veterans and other citizens; and "II children who are handicapped by physical disability, including the icrip pled and thp uncared for, th deaf, blind and dumb. The work is being handled through committees in different communities ho are co-operating with Mrs. Rotha in completing the census. The Way-ne.-ville committee is composed of Mrs. Kb McGee and Mrs. J. C. Patrick. Sunday School Association To Meet Sunday Afternoon The Haywood Baptist Sunday School Association will meet with the Fines l reek Baptist church Sunday after noon at 2:30 o'clock. The regular business session will bP held and a program will be given. ..Glenn Brown, of Clyde, is presi dent f the association. Stock And Acreage For Cannery Must Be Subscribed By Saturday v "We must have $5,500 in the bank y Saturday. June the second, and , re hundred acres contracted to planted in tomatoes if we are to Prt the cannery here this vear," County Agent W. D. Smith told The mountaineer this week. . several committees are out work--r'g m the county this week, and re . fPf coming in from them indicate 'hat the project will materialize and a reality. ' t , e, hundred and fifty common took holders at ten dollars each, and remaining four thousand dollars will be preferred stock. As soon after Saturday as it is decided whether or avln ur money and the acreage is pared the Charter be,r' "While we have the assurance of Come To Waynesville On Friday and Saturday and Shop Haywood Summer School Students To Enroll On 7th Cost To Teachers Of This County Is Only S This Year. Dr. (iarher To He Director Announcement was matie yesterday by Jack Mes-er, superintendent of -ehoo'.-. that Haywood county teachers wer,. scheduled to register for the -unimer .-, hool which will be held at Lake -lunaluska this summer "ii Thursday, June 7. at nine o'clock at the Ailm:ni.-t ration Building. The tuition fee for Haywood teach ers is six dollar.-, with a two dollar fee for library and recreation. Mr. Me.-ser stated that there bad been some doubt as to what cour-es would be offered, and in order to clear this up, Mr. Paul Garbor. director of the -chool. will meet all those want ing to di.-cuss that phase of the work on Wednesday afternoon, June bth, at the Mission building. "We are anxioti.- for every teacher that can to attend the summer school.'' Mr. Me.-ser said. ROTARY CM'H WILL D1S TR1HITE LARtiE NCMJ5ER OF ATTRACTIVE FOLDERS The Waynesville Rotary Club is having printed several thousand at tractive folders which will be sent to the hundreds of clubs over the na tion, inviting the members to spend their vacation in this community. The folders carry information about the golf course, the park and other things of interest to those who know little about this section. Dr. R. H. Stretcher, newly elected president, will take and distribute a large number of them when he at tends the annual national notary Convention in Detroit soon. Francis Is Getting Big Berry Yield Henry Francis, outstanding farm er of this county, stopped at The Mountaineer Wednesday morning to show us part of the 1,400 quarts of liftrawberries that he picked fnom his patch that morning. Monday morning he had 1-400 quarts picked and delivered to the trade. Mr. Francis .says that the crop is short this year, but thP flavor of the berries is just a little better than Usual. Flower Show Will Be Held Friday The annual Spring Flower Show which was to have been held last Tuesday has been postponed until Friday because of the storm and rain on Monday night which did damaga to the flowers in the community. The show will be held at nine o'clock at. the Citizens Bank. The committee of the Community Club which is sponsoring the show re nnested that the citizens of the town and surrounding territory make plans to attend on Friday. the assistance of Mr. Barr, cannery ) expert, to supervise the work, it seems , that we can't afford to miss such an;' opportunity in getting the cannery j here," Mr. Smith said. w ! "The summer camps tnat are a?-1 ready established here together witi the C. C. Camps, we have now an out-, let sufficient to consume all our out- : put right here within our own gates. .i And if the park is going to mean -what all indications point that it will, . then for our supply here will , not near take care of the demand.'' to take advantage of what is being j "The people of Haywood can't fail f offered us in the way of a cannery at this time, and I urge everyone to do their part in seeing that both money and acreage is taken care of before j Saturday,'' he concluded. Burgins Purchase Main Street Lot. To Open Business Store liuildino Now Occupied Hv Home (iiocerv To He Remod eled and I'sed As Depart ment Store With weather permitting. workmen win negin next week in gr ailing the back oi tlie lot on which the J. C Rose Grocery now stain's preparatory to remodeling lb,, front of the .-tore which was sold this, week to W. 11 Burgin, A. Burgin, Otis Burgin and .M r- Gladys Burgin. The store will have a new front and will be remodeled inside. This work will begin in the near future, the new owner.- said yesterday. A.- -non a- the wink is complete they plan to open with a new line of merchandise featuring a general department store including i vad -to-wcar shoes, and grocerie- and meats. I lie new be cnilecteil of llu.gin lin The build:) by W, J. lira building acio: ..-hnu'ir, will not tlie pre-ent .inn it vv a- announced. :'bi:iicrlv owned : ii vv . oi 1.. In the ileal, the l! i 'ill the depot next onipany was included, liraddock has already hip. to Hyatt am I c and which Mr. assumed owner The lot bad of the store vv 11 be con. new ti-eil as a parking space for tin venieilce of . , customers of the business, it was said. J. . (". Rose, present occupant. vf -the stnr,, had no annouliceitient t" make leganling where lie entendcil in.iv tug. Miss Lowe Wins A $1,000 Scholarship Kriends here will be intere-ted in lea.niug that .Miss .rine I. owe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ciraut I. owe, nf this city) was recently awarded a thousand dollar scholar ship to lirenau College, (iainesvillc, Ceorgia. Miss Lowe is a graduate this .year from the Richmond, lnd high school, and was one of the ten students in the county who were awarded the .scholarship. l.evve spent the winter vvith her .sister. It will be' remenihered that Miss Lowe won the girls' declamation con test, for the Waynesville township high school here in ltKili.. Oil Dealers Of County Organize Next Meeting Will lie Held At Canton, June 5Ui. W. I. Camplwll Head Of Group C. A. Brown, acting exorutive sec retary. North Carolina Petroleum Code committee, held a meeting at the Haywood county court houe on Thursday evening May 24th, for the purpose of organizing and appoint ing the Haywood County Petroleum Code Committee- A number of em ployees and dealers of the variuus petroleum companies were present. Mr. Brown was introduced to the gathering by Mr. J. R. Latham, gen eral salesman, Standard Oil Com pany of New Jersey.1 The appointments made by Mr. Brown and approved by the gather ing were: W. J. Campbell, chairman C. V. Bell, vice chairman, W. L...Hi din, Jr., secretary. Other members of the committee were: Jack Cabe, G. M. Parrish. J. D. .Mackey and H. V. Cagle, all of Canton. Paul Black well and W. A. Abel of Waynesville. The first meeting of the local com mittee will be held in Canton, at the Chamber of Commerce office. Tuesday evening, June 5th. at 9:00 P. M., at w-hich time all dealers handling gaso line are requested to be present. DRIVE C A REFULL Y TODAY MILI5 PIR fttT PER 1 Ctoppvng-. W-TOTAL71fStT-t HOUP SECOND 30 i 44 33FT.I2S3 SpJoLL r " umi 50 74 56FT. MAKE ALLOWANCES Nobody can stop an automohile '-."instantly. Careful drivers leave an ample margin of safety. The chart above indicates for two different speeds the number of feet a car travels While a driver is preparing to put on the brakes. The chart also shows the distance the car covers after the brakes are applied and before the car comes to a stop. Perfect brakes and the best types of road surface are required for this braking per formance. ." '.''": '.'" :' ". ''''. I- ' . . Highway Safety Committee Carolina Motor Club. Golf Tournament To Get Under Way Here Sunday, -rd. Haywood County Tournament I? Ilei'ntf Sponsored l.ttcal Rotarv ( lull luliio; ef golfers next week will cente,- in the Haywood lounty liolf Touniament which wili be held at the Waynesville Country flub. June ! to 7. 1 his year tne Waynesville Rotary Club will present the top (light prize The Rotary Trophy Cup, which will be On iiip!ay ;a the club hou-e Sunday, Qualifying rounds will be played Sunday and Monday, June o and I and all gvllVis. wish. tig to enter the (oiinian'eni mu-t ;uln jn t )u.j ,- qua. living score .-a. Ms lv .Mi-n.lav even ng I'layeis having tb. est oual-fv ing scores will 1 1 Cbampion-liip tl ght. A possibly a third lliMit will 1- ight low niio.-i !h cond an. an aiige. ' pbivel ai cording to : In W, o entering the lour: I'he u inner of ; lii.oht t match plav I the U.'inry Tropliv may ki en Co. one ye, ning tho tiiurnainei succession will havi session i f the .up. t Ither r.i .- vv i I ' winners of t h,. . i uient . ( 'hani v ill be pi n-hii -enied eh be !' VI I II ir- in Cup vv !i le r. A plavei tlnee jiii pel nianeii t ,e giv en I I Might and pos- ' the run neis-up in i ach Higli:: An eiil ranee f . d' oi) i I .1 charged those Ii iving ship in t he club and ot her charged l.o(i. Ab goIlVr- r llayuitod c. unity are eligibli cuts, will menibei -- will be siding in to enter the tournament, except prolessi. and caddies. Ivighteen holes vvil played in ail malches including naN I In. Imal- m all Mights. Methodist District Conference Will Be Held In Bryson City Th enee meet ' Waynesville District Confer of. the Methodist church will in Hryson Citv. Sundav niirht. June ,'ird. at 7 :.'() o'clock,, according to Dr. I.i H. Hayes- presiding elder ot tlie,. : In sending out the formal notice". Dr. Hayes said: "I am hack from the General Con- leieoce wiin tne convict ion tnat our work is of supreme worth and that our churrh is still brave and glori ous; her Hag is flying... But the great er lihertie- left with .each church in finances and other things will tost ou. lea.lership in the future a, never be fore. From now on the question will be, 'What will I freely do for' Christ and his cause?' " "Since we expect to close the con ference Monday afternoon in time for the delegates to get home it is impor tant that all except those who live nearby as-emble in time to secure supper in Bryson City and get to the church by 7 :.'!(). The people are pre pared to entertain Us through Sunday night and Monday.'' Dr. A. W. Pyler, of Greensboro, will make the opening address Sun day night. , Farmer's Day Will Be On June 22nd. Haywood Farmers Day June 22. The program will be ls oeing worked out and will lie published next week. Every person in Haywood county who is interested in a Jitter and richer rural life should plan to be in Waynesville on the above-date. The program will begin at 10:00 a- m. and last well into the afternoon. It will be varied and will be of interest to all. Remember the date, June 22, and watch for the program. TOTAL 165 f EET Largest Vote Ever Cast In Haywood Is Expected In Saturday's Primary I'KOIM.i: STII.I. HONKST. ixspitk or i)i:i'iii;ssi(. ruorKssioNAi. M s 1 m a a few ho after all. I hi.- pap. "Four ni.v 1 k l hougb.i e.-l a p p,:i. en an ii 1 i lour vca pa -.-i i paid bud iioi thing n pi. :i in, , h, w lit tin. :i I i I ter 'ail, 1 c lie oi ap i urn "June Is Co To Church Mont h" In This (ommunity Moveine'nl OriuiiiMled At Itecent iMeetiiiL; Of Pastor's Associa tion Of This Count v Hcginning Sou av , I he eliitr. lie 1 his comnrinily .1 1 known ;;. "(in J A!i tlie cliiiiihe taking part and upon t lie public ... ,-poic oriiig v l ... I hurcli . ,.: n and past-.r.;.' ai si n .-.-ing the t hat : In i: I act "tb lo Church .Month " Tho niov ement vi ip'i nateil at a re cent ineeting of the Haywood Pas tor's Association,, and the entire membership of this lounty joined the program. Tags will be placed oh '.the. door knobs of the residents of aynesville, Jlu.zel.wuod. and Like .1 uniilu.-ka, and large posters will be disdayed in prominent public phf'e.s rennniiing citizens ol tlie nioveinent. Worker- u( the churches are mak ing a special, campaign to enlist those who have not been at 1 1 nding services- 'JTio.-e sioiisoniig the move ment feel th it once the campaign is started Hiatal will be easy to continue with th,. increased .'membership. Belle Meade To Open On Friday Several Attractions Have JJeen Added To The Playground. Two Shuffle IJoards Anions Them Ilelle Meade Playground will form ally open Friday according to a state, ment made yesterday by C. M. DicUs, owner of the recreational center.' Several additional facilities' have beenadded thi.s year, which include 2 .shuffle boards, a horseshoe 'pitching court and a new lighting system for thP two tennis courts. "C. B. Weathcrby, who is in charge of athletic activities, announced that improvement would begin on the courts within the next few days and they would soon be better than ever. Miss Maude Dew has been employed as swimming instructor and will de vote her time, to the playgruund this season. . -' - The tea. room will be opened about June 15, serving meals and ; lunches- The square dances have been 1 temporarily discontinued;. J Election Results To Be Given In Front Of The Mountaineer Last minute iletails have neen ar ranged for giving the election" re turns to the public here Saturday night. The Mountaineer together with Martin hlectnc ( onipany has gone to more expense and preparation than heretofore to make this the best event of its kind ever staged in Waynesville... The returns will bp given in front of The Motintaineer as soon as they are received from the polls over the county. The results will be read over the loud speaking outfit .and then posted in large letters on the board. While waiting for the returns, .spe cial .entertainment which will con sist of music of all descriptions and radio programs brought in by a Philco radio will be provided. The Soco Gap String Band will Candidates Tt He Elected To Fill Six County Ottices I-or W hich .it) Are After ' be largest 1'iiiiiy, i cpcati'i 'ecu m vole ever cast in H iy llie pi edict ion t hat has y made by tho.-e W; lose contact with eh . ev i 'pmciits in tin county t'., evv months, when niakin.., pa.-t f gardmg the pri- unty baturd .y. t am olllelals to, aiii oMiceis .' il.'VV are preparing hav e all e. nly ast minutL, in to b .mile the pvdi i ibviion lia-. grown 1 1 !-. -..m the greatest cuidiil.tli - not only eh i -. but number.-, of t he 1 candidates ing the lounty lining speeches have been .illice .-ecke'rs. The Oll-V ii'uUI' vv political by county inn ii niaj. part ol th e work has lieen ilolk' iividiiab, in persona I wa v . I'd 11; lis VV'lil 1 Mountaineer e given in .Sal urday if 'I'll,. ;.' oll'uial li.-t of I he candid. will appear- 011 t he ballots nl I. 'W -: lb..l! 1 'Judge Superior Court. 1 1.1I li-ti a t l vole lor one.) I ov ei C. I lavis. lis K.'Allcv, JOlil. .111. ! o-r ..nin '. re,- . ,f- State (louse- of U. pri eiitalives (vote for one.) I. I Kailey. in I I. Yates. W. TrCrawl'oid. for Ii. ar. Ihree.) Ktlucation (vote fur Ki I- Ales.-vr. Homer V. Cagle. ( lias. Willis, tl. 1 . 1'lolt, .lohn Pest, .lohn Howell. I''. ir She) ill' (vole for one.) I A. I... w.-. . .1. C. Welch. 1 Aledtoid l.eathel wood. , Ac:, (, Rui-sell. 1 for Cliaiiiiian Hoard if County I oiiimi.-sioiH'is (vote for one.) W. A. Moore. Heorge ( , Hay ncs. Will A Hyatt. for ( ouuty Comlni: ioncis (vote for two.) Clover C. Itogeli,. W. II. Williams. P. V. Miussey. A -bury Howell. J .1 rvi.s 11. Allison. i. C. Hall. John W. Kinfland. M is (i. F . Boston. J. 11. (jos.sett. (has. W. Med ford. ( harli,. 1.. Hill. George A. Tirown, Sr. Clarence C. Medtord. I.oe Ferguson. James h. Henderson. Constable Waynesville Township. Homer Davis. George W. Coble. Georg,, Iiuchanan. Fate McCoone. . Nat Moore. Shulf'.rd Mills. D'puty Constable Waynesville TovviL-hip. John Kerley. '- Hob Ray. Heaverdam Constable, Democrat. W. Wheeler Scott. W. Forest Sorrels. Constable Beavei'.!;.m,, Republican. Robert Putman. Robert Pressley. furnish music from the office, of The Mountaineer, from, six to 7 :"i0 o'clock. . The polls will close - about T:J0 o'clock, and it will require an hour or more to count the ballots even, in the smaller precincts. Tie elect ion offi cials are co-operating in 'every wriy.. The city police department will be on hand in full force to bhick otT the. street if necessary. The sponsors cf the propram . are doing, this for the benefit e'f tho-c in terested in the outcome of ti:e licr tion. . and will not make any cl .acg'cs" whatever. Tho-e unable to ittend and w ib: to get the results can get tlicm i:y 137,. .