THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1934 r LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS PHONE 137 ((.'(iiitmiii'il from page 2) MRS. AI.I.KY 1 1 K A I S BUSINESS WOMKN'S I !.l U Ml'S. I). II. A 1 1CV WM- . Icelc.l J'IC'SI. dent of the I$usine.s ami Professional .Women'.- c-in 1 at the organization meeting Thursday iMiiing at the court hou.-e he:e. Fourteen iharter nicnilvrs wort' present "Dr. Elizabeth H. Ramsey, of A.-he-ville, piesidenl of the North Carolina Federation of Ha- :. - and Profes sional Women's eiui-r, .wu.- present lor the organization and made an ad- res.s. Mrs. Hutch Mi ase, ot l anion. oresnkait of the l'aiV-1 Itusmess and Profess!.. nal Woniii'.'- clul'-. brought greetings from lie:' ... jranizutKHi. A brief .-peach a a.- ma.:e by Mi.-s .Mae McFee, of Asheville. president of the Asheville eluh and al- corresponding secretary of the Stale group. Several members of the Canton elub. which was instrumental in organization ot the new elub, were present. Miss Rose McFee, of A.-lieydle, accompanied her sister. Other officers f '.he new club are: Miss Edna McKay, vice president; Miss KU'se Davis, -ceretary; ami Mi--s 11a Green, treasurer. Mrs. Alley is deputy clerk el' the Superior court id Haywood county and has been presi dent of the Eat- Waynesville Parent Teacher association for the past two years. This i- the fourth new club or ganized in the federation this year iin.l..,- Die il.ini-ev's leadership as State pre-ddi-nt, others being foi med recently at (harlottc. Kington, and 'I'homasville. M liS. 1! F. SMATIIKKS HONORED ON M'TH 1URT11DAY (.'harming in every detail wa- I'he luncheon given Tuesday by Mrs. Adora Kayne honoring her mother, Mrs. 1!. F. .Smathers. I lie ocraslon marked the.' eightieth birthday anni versary of Mrs. Smathers, tuaittities of iris and 'lemon lillies were arranged throughout the room to denote a color .-chenic of lavcndar and vellow and 'these colors were noted 'in all parly appointment s. The dining table- at which Mrs. Smathers and twelve of her closest friends were seated, was centered with an ex quisite basket of mixed sprue; ihiwers. Th., quests included: Mrs.; Smath ers Mrs. C. E. Kav, Mrs. Kmma Willis, Mrs. liettv fluids, of Ashe ville, Mrs. D M. Killian. Mrs. N. M. Smathers. of Asheville, Mr.s. ,1. K Uoono. Mrs. W- T. Fee. Mrs. I'. L. Turbvfill, Mrs. S. A. Jones. Mrs. J. j. Weaver, Mrs. R. Q. McCraeken, Mis. R 11. lila kwCil M Je Rose, Miss -Carolyn Rose, Mis. Francis Massie. andMiss Flsie Smathers. 'I'he honoree was the recipient of many lovely gifts. W. C Kirkpatriek, of Clyde a vi.-ito.- in the city Wednesday .M:s- Pearl Justice, id -pent Thuisilay .-hopping Crabtree i town. Mia- Ralph (ilance and small son, .lohn, of Crabtree. were vistors in .he citv Friday. thmi VOTt HONORS through an error last week the name of Marv Aim Turner was omit ted from the list of honor students of the Wavne.-v-ille High School who ,. ... iv..d th.. (iud-er l.ibiary Aw aid rlli- .-1 Mi 1 uriier a: d Mary Elizabeth ie.l i'or hi.rit h.-iio! - and e.: luvi'.ol a - it ; ; -. rijitb.n to tie- library, (Hhi'l receivilijt t!V -iJ.i. crlj)'.lon were Pa'.ccia Urasidt, I' Mui , ; i , .... ; ,-e!!-. Jam. - l.atiwm. an I M u. Ib-n . -.,, y) M ,rgan, vciio-'graduat'-d i i , ; M.ns 11.11 I olletie Ui.-l week ar Friday '. spend th,. .-uiiimei in, , mil- with' her ..i.d aunt, Mr an,, Mr.-. -I- II. Moi-ran. Mr. M-r-jai. alt elided the coni'll.Vi.CVi.,, ill i i-rci.-e- 1 i.u.- a..;.-. Mi- Wayne McEltoy. ul' ( .-pent Fndav h..pi"K Waynes W. D. Ketm-r was here from Jona than Wednesday. 1 J. Met ra. ken. of ( labtree, w is among' the visitors in town Thursday. Mr. N. C. .lame.-, of Finc.s Creek, spent Saturday in the city- w Mi.-s Mary Kmma Massie. who h ju'-t completed her junior year at Creen-shoro Collerre, arrived '1 uesday t r.pend the siimine.' vacation at her home. f i Mr and Mrs- II. F. Whiuham spent last week-end with icl dives in 0 har lotte. V Mr. and Mr.-. F. ' Robeson and Mi-s Frances Robeson are leaving to day for (ireen-horo where they Wih spend the week end as guests t f'- and Mrs. i. F. Robeson. o .uoima, thev will t?o to Newport News, V n-i- (,,,. .,.li' visit to .Mr. uia i and Mrs. F. J. Robe.soii, Jr. M, W W. Norman returned to her home in Collin, .Georgia. Monday after a few day,' visit to he.- daughter. m..l. .1? v. I -Harher. Jr., and -.Mi- Harbor. ... Mis (liana Shoolbred returned to her home Thursday-after a two weeks' vi.-it to relative- in Salisbu.-y and clt Fiidav with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C ' lllaik, to' attend the gradua tion' exercises of Miss 1'allline; liiack, at Traveller's Rest, South Carolina last week week-end. Mr.: John ll...:!.'.-.- of No:: is. Ten nessee, .spent last week-end with Mrs llodtres and children at the home ot Mr and Mrs. James 1 nomas. Mis- Mabel ColTey returned to her home Friday from Mars Hill toiler to spend the summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. 11. W. liaucom attend, ed the graduation exercises of their daughter. Mis.s Kdith Haucom, at Mars Hill Hifjh School last Friday. : iu ford Mr. 1 iei, I 'ill a..m .- ,k n1 w:th hi- moihe: Mi.-ford. Mr. and M:- tirad; a.-i week-el d i;i Asia. Ul-- Marv ll-nine. f i) .):: I'll. !;, t '. eek t ln V. T. ( raw - pent .... . .j Mrs. Charles K. yuinlan reiurncu her hem,. Tuesday irom Chapel nm where she spent three weeks as the ; Kue-i ,f her daughter. Mrs. ( hristo-, ul er Crittenden and Mr. Crittenden. 1 ' I Mr Car!e;.m Weatherby spent! .,;,-' n Marion and attended tile ;l; ,,,.: ! Mi,- Ktht-I Spratt, of that , ..; , : )i. M-.-k-y 'ar.- liowden, ot l'.o . , CARJ) OF THANKS tar M.- W. F. McCraeken, Mi.-s Mo.cll McC.'ael.en, and Mi-- Frances liose attended til.' cinn:. li.-eiiletil at 'Mars Hill Ci.ih-Ke hi t week and returned Friday accompanied i.y Ml.-., Martha :l,-i :.'ckeu. who is a :-UuK lit at tile lor a Kale:- left T ue -day relatives in W i'i. Mi Mi-.-e'. L-lna and Fii.aaeth GarrvU arrived Tile, d .y iBf.-m Creeli-boi o Ccdlena- t'i spend tin- .-ununer vacalititi with t hen: parent- , M r. and M rs. N. W. Garrett- Mi-- !:.-!- SaUli ilay f on olin wlie-i-week- Oin-elii 'Colton bios-. I. e iju'ti'a law, .S- ell' the .- :i:u-icai a -in n r.v.-,i h ( ai 1 wi-h to epr..-s my appreciation and the appreciation ot the member of mv family for the kiuoncss shown by our ira:.'.! dunnjf the ill new and di nth of my husband." ,.v,r,. MRS. J. P.. HFNR. 1 All ' AC ATI ON F1UFK S( UOOL Th- i)dv A acalb-n Bible School which ha- ' b-vii in s-esMon at the 11-ia-lwa o-i I'.i -sbvtei ian -church tor thVpa-t t ' week will Friday. F-ei i-c- will be held Friday night, 'i'he .-cboai i- in claw-Lie of Mr. Flee. man II. Parker, of Macon. Ui who s didli"- daily vacation liiblc school work m A.-heville Presbytery this summer. The school will iio on a picnic Thin-day ai'torirooh. the ehihlrc n a'e ': siiLC taulit music, Poble memory w . .:, ev:u!Ke:i.-,m, and other Hihie .-'uoj. ,"-.-. A. unn Mr. Parker an- Mi-!.- .vatiirvn Walls and Vir ginia Whin oer an ! Mr, anil Mrs. O. C. Fan-. rum- COMING SOON nesno miir.-urel entitled "The Hazel wood Poo.-ler. Club," will - be o-iven in the near future at the Ha elwood scliool undei- the auspices of 'he Hazelwood lioosler and Ball Clubs. It is aeinr- d, reeled by Dr. R. S. Rob, I'so-i. Main of the leading ; ; s - i r 1 1 me.i of Hie town are oUl-,-:a!! In!-: iieeroe-. MllAK OBANOl I'KKOK 1-4 lb. pkg. MANAGER'S WEEK This Is Manager's Week at Your A&P Store In Honor of This Event Your A&P Store Manager Offers Many Special Values! 10 UL ' fJUCOA 2 a. 25c FLOtiit iona 24 LB. BAG POl'lXAIl 15KAM CITY OF WAYNESVILLE LIGHT DEPARTMENT KATKS Effective June 1, 1931 STRAIGHT LIGHTING RATE 3iinimum charge $1.20 allowing 15 Kilo.Watt-Hours. Next 50 Kilo. Wall-Hours at ..... 'c Net 150 Kilo. Watt-Hours, at c All over 215 Kilo.Watt-Hours, at . JC LIGHTING AND REFRIGERATION Minimum charge $3.00 allowing 10 Kilo-Watt.Hours. Next 120 Kilo-Watt-Hours, at oc: All over 160 Kilo-Watt-Hours, at ..... lc COOKING. REFRIGERATION AND LIGHTING Minimum charge $3.00 allowing 60 Kilo.Watt-Hours. Next 150 Kilo-Watt-Hours, at - -4c Next 200 Kilo.Watt-Hours, at :Jc All over 410 Kilo.Watt-Hours, at . .... ...... .2h? POWER RATE NO. 1 50 Horse-Power to 300 Horse-Power. Minimum charge $1.00 per Horse-Power allowing 50 Kilo.Watt Hours per Horse-Power. Next 10.000 Kilo-Watt-Hours, at . ... ... ...... -21-ic Next 20.000 Kilo-Watt-Hours, at , -1' zc POWER RATE No. 2 25 Horse-Power to 49 Horse Power. Minimum charge 75c per Horse-Power allowing 25 Kilo.Watt-Hours per Horse Power. Next 2,000 Kilo.Watt-Hours, at . 3! i c Next 5,000 Kilo.Watt-Hours. at POWER RATE NO. 3 ' 5 Horse-Power to 24 Horse-Power. Minimum charge 50c per Horse-Power allowing 15 Kilo-Watt-Hours per Horse.Power. Next 1,000 Kilo. Watt-Hours, at . . ... . .. . 4c Next 2,000 Kilo.Watt-Hours, at 3iic POWER RATE NO. 1 ! j Horse-Power to 1 Horse.Power. Minimum charge $3.00 allowing 55 Kilo-Watt.Hours. Next 150 Kilo-Watt-Hours, at ..... . . ...... v-5c Next 500 Kilo-Watt-Hours, at ... .......... - 4c All bills due first of each montji and if not paid by the 10th service will be discontinued without further notice and an extra charge will be made to turn on again. I Mr. I'anl Dai; urr;e, hist week from Wake l-'ca. I ( olle-e to . pi -let Liu- -siiniiiiei- vacation wish hi- H eiil .1 r. and .1 rs, I..., N. l' -tit their li'Vine at 11 -.7.els.i.,d. M i - (dial lie l'. i d and two children, of llie h I'oiii! . are In-. e foi-' a rvi-a' to i w a' -hut's liioi hei , M is.- .1 . 1. Henry." - Ai r. ISynl. wlii. aecoiiinaiiie'l them liioc- -1 ueek i . attend t 'a., t uiieral ol' M r. Henry, rot timed to his home Friday- -i, i, Mi-, tiiid M: . talrol Hell left Mon day for Live Oak, Llorida whole the;, were called - on accoLint of the.' doul-il uf .Mrs. UelVs fat her, Mr. Well l.yie. ' Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Ilauconi -.lid Miss l'idith liaucom deft 'l'ue.-dav for Wake Forest to attend the commence ment exercises at Wake- Foie-t t'ol- lejre. Mrs. George Setnmos, of jack-son-ville. Florida, arrived -Saturday for a visit to htr parents, .Mr. and Mrs. H. Kay. Mrs. Joe Tate, .Mr.s. W. f Denton, and Charles HadLtett, Jr. were Ashe ville visitors Saturdav. Mrs. tirover Wilkes, of Sy'.v.., at tended the meetiiifj of the Mu.sie Cluh at the home of Miss Margaret StriiiR iield Safurilay. Mrs. H. B. Havkin.s. Mi-, and-Mrs. Ilnna.1,1 II ! ivt i II s if l-i-t MviTS. Florida, arrived Sundav for a few- Weeks' visit in Waynesville and are Kuests at the treogian. Tisa K'.s;ilvn Rav will arrive to day from Duke University, Durham, to spend the summer vacation, tra R. I. I'r-fvo-t mid Mr Aaron Prevost vi.sited relatives in Hickory the ni-t ot the ween. Mr flvHn Mnrlpv rrilrehfield and tittle iaucrhier: Karriettp. -f Ft. Myers. Florida and Greensboro, who have been visting tne lormer s scnooi. niotn 1 - rr UA'uhc. nno :l r Wt'.-liii ow Ipnvimr ttila u-ppk for ..JV..V, .... .... Asheville where they will spend the summer. Mrc Pkio Rnlinir Wphh. of Ashe ville, is spending this week in town as the guest ot Mr. anil .Mrs, Urady Kogers. Mrs. F. S. Miles and Sbti. Mr. Erie ATitpc. nf fawnshnrn. snprit a few days here the first of the week guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. lerrell Misses Lucy and Edna Jones and Miss Frances Burgin left Tuesday morning lor tiaieigh. and yurnam where they . will spend several uav visiting menus. , anA Tra FIqvp Mpnrv if Hiyti Point', attended the - funeral of the former s lather. Mr. J. is. Henry, here inursaay atternoon. Hon. G. S. Ferguson, Jr., of Wash 1"J C . phairnian -f the- Fed oral Traits rnmltlllon. Qnent n TPW days here this week as the guest of his sister, m rs. J. noueson. ana Mr. Kobeson. Mr. and Mrs. John N. Shoolbi-ed ViaH ic thpir trnpstjs week-end -lr. and Mrs. aLonnie McCowan and son, Hardin MCLowan, oi jonnson vuy, lennessee. frc .Tompe Atkins snent last week end in Asheville as the ruest of Mrs Ruggles Baker and motored to Spar taiilDurg, South Caroline with her Saturday to attend the alumnae luncheon at Converse College. Mr. Jim Henry returned to hii home in New York Sunday after a several days' visit to his mother, Mrs. J. B. Henry. Mrs. R. E. Wood and children, Miss Mary and bob ooa, oi r.nzabetnton '! nir WWNKSVILI.K BAPTIST t i 1 1 i! : XeL Sunday i- a spL-eial day in , n chui'L-n. Hi- are exiieoLniy J Sa'i.,lu .-chrul. Tlio.-e who are plan n to attend church are asked to coiiw liv ln:-t" as the closing of the Sundav 'school, will he the opening of !lie eh'i Mi .ervice. We expect -t(V be ihi-..UKli the wiiole .-erviee by 11:40.; You aic :! vileil and -urged to at-Letai. :ttes CARTON 1 QIAKKK MAID BAKING POWDER lb. Can ENCOIIC STUFFED OLIVES 3Z 10c notk k: ;i e---aei .vice mod -of the Aa .-iiran War ami the World War-Y.--.1 aie invited to alien I an old KCt Karat htr nr. t a I,. give.iT Friday iiiiiht; dune 1st, at the court house A&P GriAPE JUICE 2 A 25e VI KON- I I l GIHGER ALE 2 1 5c AND SOUR it. jars F,'oruv SODA CRACKERS lb. Bsx 10c Ol.l) Ml S!f M ALT Can el I r v mwf mum 2 2 iU I l.(Hii. S '.urn' out. 'IJring a friend, I.. liOWKX. Adjt. CO'llia FLAKES H$t T0ASTIES 15c iK(.;s. Pt. Jar SANDWICH SPREAD 19c (lllWDMOTHEll'S FKESII DAILY 1 I t I 'KMC s ()1'U K - 'Having quaTifa'd as executor, with the will annexed, of the estate of Myciiida CryiiH's. deceased, late of Haywood County, this is to notify all persons having claims against the .said estate to present the same to the undersigned for payment within one year from the first publication of this notice or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. Thi.s the 29th dav of May, .1934; Lt hKtlUS ( RYMKS Executor. May 31-June 7.14-21-2S-July 5. Sliced BREAD 7c DEL MONTE PEACHES large can 19c Del Monte Asparagus Tips fc. i "" c 1 5c Tonnosspp arnvpd vesterdav to snend We Have New Type New Press Rollers New Fresh Inks New Papers New Suggestions To Turn Out A Better Job Of PRINTING Phone 137 The Mountaineer Printers of Better Printing The Largest Printing Plant West of Asheville I a week with Mrs. W ootl s parents, i Mr- and airs. Jonn in. tnooioreu.

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