1 HE IfcMlIlIliilMlg The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Ka-Urn Knlmiuv of The (ireat Smoky Mountains National I'ark- -Uead ! Think ins I'eo;d! nil isi , . .'i v. NO. 27 (ioir Tournament j is Now Underway - ! Kotary irop'ij mu"- -" To Winner On Thursday, Other Awards To Be Made - Xiu- first mat-che. of the no If tourna n which is being played tor the W ;noville Rotary Clini liophy. wiTe ..m'pjvted Tuesday. " T-e tournament is scheduled to be cinpleted Thursday at which time i he awards will be made which m clud several valuable prizes that wciv donated by merchants together with the Kotary cup. Winners in the iirst flight were as follows: . Trevo-t, bye. lied"' 1'revost over Kenneth r er-. gUMirt. Tony Hayis, bye. Paul Hardin, Jr., over l.' . R. H .Sm-U'hvr. Sec.. ml Might: li liunham, bye. i; 1. Prevust over Wilord Kay. Alloy over C. K. Weatherby. A ( , I raft over .Jerry Colkitt. "Third flight: A'. I.. Almnett. over A I. 1. Watkins, .1. K. Latham over-Tmn Lee.. J. H'u'.'i Alassie over Sam .Jones. 'Wallace lila.kvvcll. over In Hohe- Funeral Services Held Friday For William James Kuneral services for Mr. William Janies, who died in New Jersey Sat urday. May 25, at 8 o'clock, were held at the Alt- Zhm church at Crabtree Friday. The services were conducted by Rev. R. P. Mct'racken, of Clyde, and Rev. Toininie Nuland, of Crabtree. The service was in charpe of the Ala.-onie order. Surviving' are his widow. Mrs. Tleanor Gomeringer James, his sisters, Miss Hestel Fuller of Bellmont, N. C Mrs. Kerns Hall, of Cullowhee, N. C;, Mrs. Mattie Medford. of Marion, N." C, and Mrs. Maye Green, of Ore fci.n-v hit - brothers. iAlesfs Jesse .anies, John James, R. C. James, Ben James, and J. B. James, of Crabtree. The Mower : girls were the nieces i. :' M r. James. 200 CC Boys Arrive In Haywood County '.-Tw o hundred men for Camp P-17, 'ikai.-il at Black ("amp Gap on the .due of the Cireat Smoky Mountains National Park, about 1'5 miles from r.i re, arrived by special train Manday nijrht at !i:30 o'clock and were carried to ;:h- camp. 'in. trucks, W. C. Phillips;, "f this' place, ' project superintendent, met -hem at the depot and went with tti-ni to the camp. . i ,.n:;i site is the old amp No. f "i the. Suncrest Lumber company at i'.la k amp Gap and was. used by the tun. !.,,. 'company in its operations here lii;..: to l'.i2S when condemnation pio . e. i iiL's fur possession of lands by ''if s: it. I'ai k Commission, were bes -ti". he site of the canrp is now i'!ly J. It. Boyd, president of thv '' National . Bank hero. The buiid.-"'-'s '.'Use 1 by the lum'ner company rave 1,. ,,p repaired and others em ? 1 i tor the accommodation of the .'"-a, and the foremen and other v.; projects for the campers have j i'-inned, consisting of t.-a:l- in V ain.iaries of the park and work J'"!-'- ?i' near, the. proposed tourist 7 '"'fat Flat Creek. . '' : i-. atenant W. H. Armsti'one, .',-." ':a'-'ia:ioos;a, Tenn.. f the -i-'ir l ';;."!i';y. the comrnandintr otlicer; t;:- l ieutenant ,L. P. Hirtson, Scrnn : .'.?.'-.nVr. -'-''th Infantry, is the ad-ju.jn:;.- ,. l. Glaze, OrangreburK is "a- (..;u. ational direetor; and V, (.'. 'j -'. Waynesville, is the camp. sup--. ermttniient.. . . advance contingent of 24 men -tn. 'last . Sundav'night ' 'bv truck . ;womerville, S. C. A second con. 'ftn,l. 158 came in bv special -'- onday night about 9:30 o'clock .f . wtre taken to the camp in army T '.mcial desitmation of the camp -c . ComPany CCC, X. C.,NP-17. tt"ni Armstrong said that the ,atn wui be kept busv for a consid :. -t n ? Vme ing the camp condi h?nt r sanitary living conditions, V, . " :np m Pood order, and the build m gwd shape. He stated that 'Vtr0v?h organization will be per-w-fl- ' u,1 as for th w'ork projects he ina 1 say what would be un dertaken first. He said the equip- r is includes eight for- y truok-' and two army trucks. . - utrS;-nafre 811 frm PintS ed' tLa haIles Badgett, Jr. return, ea -Monday from Knoxville. Tennessee Badgett cvfPent 3 k'.-with Mr. bv t,-' r ? was accompanied home "eDenHir; S' Badge. Sr.. who is Sviife. MVeral das here and in XiA.. XLIV Kay And Coman Are Winners At Annua Flower Show Hero C!yd. 11. Rav -1r fan the- i,,..-s.i4i;il -w . i pstake I and .ill-. ,1. 1'. Lo.u:-.".. of Lake Jan.. iu.-ka, W"li tiit, ama'.eu.- j-wecpstal.e in tile sp.ing si.nvci show' sponsorcu by the g;ide;i' department ot the Vayiu.v:!!e t ' . : i i inanity club neld Friday. The display was under the direc tion of .A1-, K. 1.. Coin, chairman ol the Harden committee. Tile following Were winners: Peon ies, Iirst prize. - Mrs. J. T. toman; .second .Mr.-. F.d Ihickett; iris. Mrs. I. M. Long; delphinium, first. Low.v Weaver, second, Mrs. R. Q AlcCrack eli; oriental .poppies, first, l.owrv Weaver, second Air-. Joe late; col umbine, first. Airs. ,1, M. Lone,-; sweet Williams, iirst. Al rs. ,1. 1 ( umiin, second. Al.s. C.'F. Bo-ton; flies, Alls. O. 11. Shcltoll. Tyri phium, Iirst, Alls. Itanv Hall, second, Mis. F K. Herman; combi nation of three dowels, I i i -1 Alls. I.. K. Herman, second Airs. J Al Long; yellow (lowers. Iirst, Mi. J. Al. I.oiij,', ceond, Airs. K. tj. Alct'.-ackeii ; jrai den uihkr ela-s, ,Ali. Ben (olki;:; u:Ii i'owors, first. Airs. Iluj;ii Abrf sccriid. Al t -. ill rbcrl 1'lptt ; hrcaKtasi la; io, firs'., Al r.-. Wvlf.oii lii, Air-. K I.. Coin. . Norman Holt "'Off For State-Wide Speaking 'Contest Xoi man I'lo'tt, a student ol Bethel liiuh school, and -.winner ol the Keisler 'Memorial Contest in District No. 10 (d' the North Carolina Build ine; and Loan I.eauUe, w ill leave Sun day for Ocean View Beach, near Norfolk, Va, i, . ti i . t-r 1 I'ooi) are requested tfoc a-. lie He. will return T hursday to hliza- ' .'. ;,. , . 1 .. . - ,. ... ... , .. , , .,, " . ... , . . V . N . ( . I ate at i :.,o ! rulav nipln. beth ( it v- .where he wi part cipate I in the state-hvid'e .contest on June i. He will be aeeompanied on his trip by .Mrs. A, 1'. Ledbetter. of Waynesville, and Klizabeth and Fred rick Plott. Belle Meade Host To Sunday Schools The management of Belle Meade has extended an invitation to mem bers of all Sunday schools of Way nesville and Hazelwood to come to the-' Playground Friday when they will be given access to the .swimming pool, tennis courts shuffle board, and . other recreational facilities. I C V WnofViorhv. yvh, i 'fhn-tr, of the playground, also announced that, due to a numberof requests, the time limit for special rate.-', on : sea son tickets has been extended until Sunday- June 10. Aliss Al uv Adams Ward, of, A-he- ville, is the guest of Miss Jewel; Hipp.- at the . home of her pa rent -, I Mr. and. Mrs. John Hipps. .., . icial SHKIilll !.( iWi: WKI.i 11 i.':athkrwuui RL'SSFl.l. .'.'..' I E P K E S K N'j'AT I V I BAILEY VAT'FS ":.';' ( BAV I '!:)) CH A I K. i OM MISSIONKKS Mouiu-: HAY NFS ' HYATT COMMISSIONERS ROGERS WILLIAMS MASS FY HOWELL i ALLISON" ; BALL '.' KlNSLANt) BOSTON G0SSETT C. W. MEDFORD HILL ' BROWN C. C MEDFORD FERGUSON HENDERSON BD. of EDUCATION MESSER CAGLE WILLIS PLOTT BEST HOWELL JUDGE ALLEY DAVIS WAYNi-YiU.E. L1 '. CHAKl.KS l!l SSl;i I. harles i W Wake Forest l . ! i lect ed sc. .s;,;dont (,oi : : He has p.avc i e a-it on the :t. i I . :ai:t t.-aeii -n i 1 l ) K. -e'l, ,- ice. v. : .a v-lVo: I t t 1 Mo l:r, a as u ,'ir :.,, r of t!:, iU'Vl Oil i i 'it ill I S FN.IUA IvM .s- .t i f . : i". t 1" I llo riowlv ol u.l ;!... I ' S -outs, wivi ! i . -i :i A m. i n-.-oi Keirion I ..., !i. ionrr l oa-t al I ki last 1- ; idav iK--lit. 1 he I roop lias o.nlv bceou it- work an 1 h:i- uiiiv a tew Ijos a;, pi-- on,. Anv lev : el ween :h iiiir- ! 1-.aiu I Hi that would like v nm i ill- now IN M I .1 -I! mi I 3fm Two Thousand. People In ( rowd That Got Returns Saturday Niht A ' conservative estimate made by several diifi rent citizens Monday showed tha t at lea-t. two tln-usaild ptople were present to get the iv- tiir.w- f-iiio he Maimta.iieer ami Joud speaki'ng sysU m operated J.y Martin . Kleetiic ('oaiiiany ia-t -Sat- The largest , r- w 1 wa.:. ' ! -a '' n twilve and one ,,'oolck wheic t he : ma - ioi ity "f -the ret arris were I'.cej red, '' -tli', Iv a f tec ,iv a'rlocl; tlif Such lla :iv oil 1,1 a ji- St ring ia: eega:i ii- 'eitaifiineiit oVer tile load speakintf , -y.-tem and cut Limed, afitif ciedit ; thirty. "J'la- li'.-t re: -urn-- wi. r,. r.-ceiv- ' " ed a: :.:u o' -.d.:!;, aiivi. initi! I.u' ' xcen! the Sautii .Ward in, , iy Ife. i!ig I fei ir and a'!...-dir.. t'a ha rep, S. ia Ala ,1, ;' w'-a.- i he n--eiiif!e j (. w-l eAifenai.,! . . The Vole II Sal -"t '; .'!; ' . ea . ;:;' -Jd t.; .-s -'."ie -12- ! ;' 17 ,;o ; Si ydi- in' . ! 'jj Jfrf" ; ;;;.' - vtj -"i l il ' :;a:. 1-k -m:i; ' 140 . i:;2 .'.I .. a";- ,'lt - . Jl--! , -2'.l Jl jo:-; !':. ' Jl l s '.';' ittti ' ;id2 4ii' -117 -'1 11! '- lii 17J 14S li"5 l:'-i 147 tf' JJ KS iV-'j - 72 s.; ''. -'- ' ''.. ' "-. ' .S6 : 87 53 4K 21 1 '.-. 3 .7 ' 3 22 9 24 10 X 17 f, 10 18 20 . 17 . 7 4f '; 01 49 20 i 48 2 19 . 9 . 9. 8 18 39 40 41 44 45 lo 2 ' 17 15 9 17 44 16 71 41 27 31 32 . 8 15 ; 18 . 9 2 .-12 66-31 7 12 5 34 20 20 14 31 -13 36 42 74 82 111 111 50 56 134 43 60 67 95 85 272 149 186 ! 142 145 104 181 89 147 112, 171 228 .314 203 254 169 120 108 320 182 174 188 56 27 31 61 98 80 120 153 190 155 147 126 100 37 143 67 98 70 143 213 302 203 269 242 138 45 158 102 114 67 1 4 . 1 20 2-1 10 6 21 31 ,4 3 25 20 3 4 ' 1 7 2 4 17 13 1 4.'' 1 3 NORTH t'AUOLINA J a ' V, 1 1.1. 1 I , 'l,:, I!' it. I-. . I f. a il L k i ii 1 1 i t ,, :..!-. :i i .-. ii : ) i . i lioiini A ,n, i an Society , of I ml r-.- and o i'sioonl ol the I'.n- ! n . nrcr' . -I otnicil In hi.- .capacity ii.-pi,-Pi"'it ol (lie (.oiincii be auloiii.it I .,.,..i,i, sami I'iii. tlie nio.l oui--iiiii.linu- honor, that can be coiilei u-d .,t, a 'ate I "llci'-e ellgllKaM-. iind lie bad full charge ol -lae.il.: the annual 1 Fnirince. - Fair tin--yea). fluin in fi The Aloiiiitaincer ;ill 'he way to the court liouse steps, Large figures w i e used -o that Ihey loiiiil be eiwily read at a di.s- .'iii.-e -evi-rai iiuiHireo ieei. hih ! he: olid speaking sy.-lem enabled t no- edge' of the crowd to , 'lii. a" l fie i-i'tunis s .-..oil as receivei The c rowd t h i.- y. a i exceeded' that -j , f 1 '.i.'.VJ ! .y a: ul IM people, j- 'd ! 'ban a lup-'lred wer. -present : ;il -i'. o'c!"ck Sunday .morning, and r! ig! i ir I!' .Si .!..!. several ilo.( n 'lie board, while a : ii l-- .-fo'pped to get VI 'dav Monday ... a , . o I,,. 'ay.'d ia : ! in " iff.. liOlli.'..!':: of -lat.-t j- .w-. o'd : 'f n-i;.i i 'it. a!!. .O .aVcl- ! he .jl '. 'ii:,.i r :' -a ' Wi.en h.. Bur a lie or Vi.ated : Th0 ia . a 1 lili I'.l'lte'llew.-. (leek vale was re- :.i. an' more tii.an .. ; i:n , get. t he . . ' . Primary "a .' u ' '!..-. !s8 :,' 7 M las ar - .-in:.. - so , ;t jr.; :M ' ioi .; -j:i Hi .'.'f !"ol . ll-id JTJv i :.i - i.-'. '' ;'.' c;.; ' l"X Ida 17s . Jf - I'i- 2-i" JT 27 f',.:.V ' '-;.':-.:'' ;-i.-':.- 9 'lb JJ la! a 97 :,i 2 a;;.; ..'.., ;,;., a jo. . ;;.i pj rin. n;. :;ii:i dad djid 2 ":;f .':':. 1 ; 7 4 73 Ki fl ; 31 35 154 '-. S - K1 , .' :J7. Jas. '" :.:( JV . -'id '. 'il. K : ' ' Mi 245 3d , 7Ji , 'i73 , 321 'f 47 ' ','. fed : -53 203 r. 87' 14. 55 ,135 19 1 58 12 155i j.H :; 7 .,: ;;l K 27 170 .. 30 . 440 301 2',7'i 25 47: :: : ' ; 67 ' 27 l.-"'. 11") 151 '.l ''.3d 10.".s JtC's 8 ' 2n'i - : '.2 ' ' 160 5 27 19 16 33 125 105 1221 ' '' i- '.-': 29 11 10 74 1 102 15 14 3M 10 u 7 3 9 Hi 16 17 1 228 323 755 5 6 14 9 5 78 42 11 1 9'.) 174-531 .. 58 ' 63 42 61 10 7 285 : a 61 ; 71 6 ; : 395 . ; '.- 848 . 2214 .' -4 . : .';.- S 1 3 2 3 37 109 214 46 44 : "6 85 . i 3 10 4 305 158 .132 1043 17 j 5 ': 5 4 8 1 5 1 85 41 254 5 ux 7 9 3 3 5 13 2 .TJ 25 4:.9 K6 73 9 137 43 68 6 3 267 94 87 L39 225 1 10 47 12 8 15 1 76. 34 602' 15 35 14 17 238 2-3 177 67 65 , 36 437 332 1624 3 18 r, 2 6 5 3 24 24 : 97 646 22 116 . 149 3 249 34 96 155 26 25 253 i 260 105 1 40 7 4 3 7 3 59 . 1 134 151 1340 r,' 26 318 70 228 94 290 152 248 89 935 62 217 247 84 167 58 144 120 220 59 660 7 221 44 3 107 24 92 90 96 25 268 35 178 54 26 86 9 172 88 109 37 410 75 227 ' 315 63 253 122 202 67 210 55 782 20; 192 73 12 136 104 222 232 112 54 374 49 248 183 63 205 . 32 225 159 285 59 728 45 177 178 41 178 ' 125 179 114 83 60 538 s r. i 8 ft W I AIM Commissioner .1 li IS II. M.I ISON Ail-.' . ill on led the .field ill the i.ae i.O' (.lllltV ( olliilll- lellej. ill Which la iv eie candidate-. lie received 111! I I voles. Haywood Institute Pupils And Teach ers To Meet Julv 28 Plans are underway for a home coming ot the students and teachers of the Dbl Haywood Institute on Sat urdav, Julv at the building lid grounds m ( hale. Several committees have dwell ap pointed and are arranging for the program in the morning and contin ue through the day with a formal dinner that night. A picnic dinner will be ;i feature of the noon meal. Tho-c who are interested in the re union ;md expect to attend should get in touch with either of Hie fol lowing persons within tlie next few days: .Miss Bessie AlcClure, Way nesville, Route two; Aliss Frances Justice, Clyde-, or Airs, .lininiie Bolt N.'iO Alerrinioii A venue, A -heville. One Anierionti of every :ilS nor- ally gain fully " -'in ployed is oii actual -1 1 ike an; i-oiiinii t to I tie walk out of bis -pi:'., o. ,(f. einpb.v liieiit ill 1 be near future, a -tiivey of habor "conditions in (he nation'- iiidiil.i.al cinter.- 11 f1""1 i''a-en1ly, ' : , Al r. W. T. 1 lent on will return today fricin Spa rt.a ijImi rg Soii'h Carol': na w la re he.att. nde.l .1 he Soul hem ILird- v:ife ( OlIA ellt loll. f. y. 875 4318 230 2308 473 2063 913 4212 1042 4633 435 2S98. it ? . X 4 J 1 ;.".! ra - rmary oaturaay St'enil ,'losc dies IJeonilt'd. ()ii!y J7 .'tl;irjn () or ( r.i lord i or Rep. resenlalixe Mole than e.f.oo Haywood voters wen! lo the polls las! Saluiday and cast votes in vvhat wa- ihi' largest election ever held in Ibis county i Seceding the record locking ve' . m 1!:; by over l,a00 votes. The boiird .f election i n Wcdin d : morning eoinpleted : h n oll'u ,. check of the voles and i.ecla.'cd II. follow inc.- as high men in t!. -races: Judge Felix F, Allev Hepl'i -elllal ive J. f. IkllleV. She i :lV .1. C. Welch. 'lias i man I" coin m i.- a. an r, W. A . Hyatt. Ko.ai , al ed'.l ..! loll K 1. All's-el , li. ill,.' I ( .ll'ie, itlld .1 ah II I !.',- . ( '.ni-1 .hie. .lync.-ville T .w lish i p (ieorge Cai.le. I Vputv l '.a, .tabli John Kerlcy. file r:ne lor u pre-eii! at i.v ,. wa nned 1 am uiil i l I be la-t pre. net l lad r. pM.'ie,! a B.iiU-y and alter Craw.-, f.od ran wilhin a few vi.tis of : ( . ! i elller unlit ihe veiy 1.1 1. With Bail.'V lea line, by rf ve; -,. In rhe , h. i'i If : :a e. '': 1 v'var , . a, -i. ii a i ..tia:. U u .... . fi ,ii,.i We.l.cli. I he-e tw,, , il lid ld.lt) s 11:11 elos,. and il wa not iitit.il South AV.ij nesv i lie wats In aid from that Welcli took a lead of alioiii alii) in in i l . I ol ig res- nia u Zibulon Wcuvl'i piled up a vote of .a,.'i.'!, While ins. th i re opponents received 'J.,2'.'J- The candidates, living. Ovvens, ti'Jf), At kinson 1 NT and Alullikin 1,-ltit). ' (leorge Coble led the field 111 t he constable lace, getting about 'Jail majority over the uexl high man, George Buchanan. The official . vote for cons-table in this township was a - follows: . Coble, !lf.2; Mills. l'JO; Davis. .'Ii7; Buchanan, bhii ; Alcllone, K.'i;!; Moore, 7S. John Kerlcy received 1,2,'iU votes while his opponent, Bob Kay. got t7j. Fleet ion ollicials said that if the rain that fell during the first part of the afternoon had not interfer ed that the vote would bare been sevei al bund, ed inure. Because of tile close voles III s'V eral of the races there has been much -peculation here as to whether or not tb'ere will be a Second' primary called. Although none of the oandinVi es eligible to call a second .'primary had a statement to 'make to the pres.- this week, it was lea. 'led from a -reliable soliice that " ind ie;t!.ioiis Were j t h :t one would be .called." l! is I be gi lleral belief t hilt if ol.c ...indidlile ,atl- ii '.econd piiniiiiy ;ha: iibiea -t .vii V : a. ' w 1 1 1 ;ie d i:i wr. ;W a til" light'. In' he cent- a e.-eml primal y i -. b. .!, -, ,'. !.l fe held "ii SaUi.:,iiiy, Juno, .'in; i.i. The candida: rave li ve Mia li e I,,,- el,., , .11.1- , a, e : 1) K i E F NEWS ITEM'S aiaive tii IV of tlfe l.'.i.l u , lie -.YiUlt.a. . ' a "lie iia 1. rack '. slide ' !' a-'iua: v en .ii. i '.!: lea. ill. Lr f i oiii : ' i'a' .: li. 'Jl'; highway ev found (Jap- in the (I real Smoky Mountaiari. Nationa! . Park : Tuesday morning The hi'iy o! LUti'H-r Bu'U. 24, of Elk mont. T i.ri., wa- removed from under several tons of ieck 'and dirt in -a few hours aftei' tk- .iteidvnt. ' . Mrs. Josephli'ie. Abargarry, 36, ac cused a f" i ni j r i - v : ; s ng . . he r da ugh t e r. Mary.. 7 in a :hick pen for weeks as. a cure for "an t '.:l eye" was sent to the county .i..-piial at.. San. Juan, Cal.- yesteniay for observation: after btdng' convicted ;n justive Court on charges of - u-fju.-tiliable punishment. . Federal amenta at Greenboro yes terday had under arrest u . second nv;n believed implicated in. kid naping threats directed agaiiift the daughter of a New York manufac turer The arrested man conl'e.-sed a part 'in writing a-:d mailing a letter demanding i S2.".ot0 of , , At- Tomp kins of F;Vt Wil'Jr'gten. Long Island.'. The commiinic ition . threatened knl r.apitntr of . Tompkins' daaghtJcr, Shirley, a student at Salem College. Winstyn-Salem. . .