THURSDAY, JUNE 7, l-j iiil aym:swlll :ui v SOCIETY PAGE Mrs. Ben Sloan, Editor ------- Phone 137 Local Items Society News .MISS ELIZABETH GARRETT'S j ; EN (1 AG E.V1 K NT IS ANXOLNCEb .it t ached tj it engage- .Mu.h the ai.r.oUlacii men; an.! marriage ut' Misa Elizaveta Garrett i Herbert Huiiv Braien -.;' lavt..r.a Beach, Eiorri: a i t enio- n given by : Gar, .-1 : eel. The K.'.c V. e ; K. :iia I :ov a ..n . T Mi iva II.. wli ii vva.- niaiii- yesterday a ;...t-.y U-kiv Party .role-elect'- -1,-ter, Mis at her it'iif.i- on 1'igeLUi BETTY LATHAM HAS BIKTIili.AY PARTY -.- Mi-s Bet!-,- Latham daugh Mr. and Mr;. J. Ii. Latham, ..-to s at a lovely pa.ty e'i atter;. .ii; in eeii rat a -n of h;i a::i.r. . .-a! v ..f !! th- LEGIOX! AUXILIARY .MEETS Mr Cari Rateliff, student at Vt-j WTH MRS. CAM I' ern Carolina Teachers College- has; An intt-rt-tins? meeting vi U.v ai'i ived to spend the -uinmcr vacation j ,fnier:car. .ag r. w.- u a.- disclosed veil -eiveel after ; t he - alad curst: ' -ham -1 caki: wll in. a..- .!.! 'latt-.! M.u.y exclu-j aa.: ..-iiirii. i.- i i :, : i i-t- she i a - .i v i.e.-" . . 1 v ,-ia.-- '-1' i: ,' y i Vo'U." M: vcar Bra. and Lea Yo: the: E i a !).-; v., i Mr- ( ei , k:, at G:e. a'. la ' li;e :il .e! - ,;' Wavm-vi v...- jwlja'-. I ' ii : v- r-Mv -.1 1 He i- ::,e - a 1' U. of the lie. o thi.- Variwu game.- farm-he! ania e- , - -e J r i ' I . t itur.lia; the. at r-ei llovl: alter W.'liejl tia- .-mail gu-.-'.s were invited mtvj,j i a, ::nii:g room. !1, n a odor .-divine ., . pink and white .(a- carried ..ut is: -j--n-e-,1 at'-.r:- urn! tad'- appo:nt- A :.v'i at: f ul h.rtialay ,a '..,K . r!.t Jink .-aclh-.- livid ce.n- :-, ;;a: plan- . n :ri, taale. lee maiii ( '. . a: -d candy w-rc -ervjd. ;, 'J'!:-- invited eu -t weiv: B ... ! .a. i -. i'. -a - Hannah liaei Kay, B.-!1 ' , ii- oa- and 1.i:- 1 'olkltt, Ha . : " ..;''- i, -la:,, and .-la:1: a U'y ":, .', '-:ai.. Vv'a.i-a-i', lia-in-ii A.en J.'!ie.-, i :. r-v M. wdy Mai am M..Vvn.-.. - ' . . ,.-!! Gr. ei;, Mai l; Ha-u-, liai iuii a As-, and i.iiadv li-v.f Thi-re-,a Aiiev. i' an.:- 1 1- ' Miller, and .Linn.- l.-'nia.i. ! MRS. Vd'M: IS HRII.GI-: IH'S- :', LK-vll Auxiliary va ne.-: at the i:..n.e ..f the ).''e.-idelit. Ml':-, t.. J.. I am:., at her home on l'itfeon .-.i e' .M'inday evenir.K- Uperaiig Ceremony dd.e iiii-nil..- - w.-r.- .-eat-ti hv the re-::--nt witi. ore iap ui the Kavt-l. Ti. -'Cetasy a.-. ei t.u ne.i unit )-- -.: ten :iat ail ir.v:i..i-r .i.g cU ut 1 tie '. i.e I' .ii;; an ; ideiiiar a! Ul..-! thi- th- at home. M . .-. R L. I'r. isii:,- Sun-iav ul': .r: Hlek.-rv' S i.-me hv Mr-. Ma:v Lhzai-etn i ui r:e Mr. Tue e H: . . ,-t i v. .,r -. a v. .-. : : e va ae '. Ja. Kum.t-ur v the .-an: ed to her rehil V-.-? i:unanied an i :a . :d: M . ettll I.e. i to his 1 South ' 'ai'olina ul! I tie WeeK-elHl 1 . M. Ru,-..l! Cui Martra el i'.-iry anet Virgin. -, u. ient- ;,t V. i T. . a :.a.Ne :,!ua!..-l ' t-. tneii t in- - -a- n. er. ReKular meeting of tht. American Leyi'.n Monday niRht. June 11th, at :IMI, at the Masonic Tt-nlple. Every Leo-ionaire that is interested in the !..y Scout work is urjred to be pres- Mi- Hester Ann Withers, who na--;u-t .'mjiifteii her junior year at Aunt-.- Scott C-.lleoe in Itecatu''- (ieor o;a. aimved Thursday to spend the -um.'iier a.:atlon with her parents, Mr. ami .Mrs. Krne-t Withers. She ,va- a .-coinpanied home by her brother, Lim.-t Wither-. Jr why h-as he-.-n v'i.-it. (.u hi trrar ipare-'i: to, Mr. and Mi-. S C. Sa'ti-. "hwait, at their v all:- in Atlanta. he j) i I . 1! Liateii, of Haytona eia and J:i!)o ica New .. m; eoujiie w ill make " Gain.-ville. ' " :"e-.,v';n iia.-tment-- honoring' Mr- I.onn by the Gai rett lion.- . , 1 - ,i..rv l-h:abe .h I '"it- '' ;'- :v :' a-iameu wain uan-l , ja,ti,. who !,- her L'Uo-l. I i e-u- n,.it I it. meniner- f h'-n joaica . !; .n repeal il.jr t lie'loIl of -. i :i Atixiiiav and tn-- -ie .a:- I th- WdiVlaviili- 17 :: "Uiariy coiivela-il. j Rn-.i.e- Se-:--n and a-lo!i' :.m of minute-. -.1 - hi.ter- and eommitte.-, . no builet. i a. - t : mil va- 1 ..-Ii.-,.,- . Ma , Ida .1. an j la, no iin, re.-j ted a u. ..::-.--I l' nonnie- on Mav 25- i ' .v a:-pli.ant l'.,r membcr-lop i.oU o r. K 1.1 a. mi' .via- e- ;( . r: - me :.!. K-.-tei n Stat '.vi iT'iiir i!:iv I at TONIGHT li- Or. e la-: t G. Li Feryu.M.n and Herman Green. !' l ine- I reek ' we.e vi.-itor- in Wuvi.o-vill iu,t' week. I,: o T. T. Nolan. i i'ee last week. it i Crab- Lui in. t TKSS Mr-. N-irman Voune w a.- ho.-te.--.- i'or si liilorlitful informal bridge I iiarty Mop.ay at'e.noon a! ner ne.mi- wa- aiaented cu-ion of va- Ie-,l ... 1. ,M the n.-xt meeting the second Monday in duly at the home of Mrs. Camp ami meetinir adjourned. hilT-ln" the .-.a'ail boor w-bieh fol- Ricbanb ,,wed Mi.-. Canm served delaiou- re- . f le-hmi-nts. :ie -ur-t ot IDA JUAN LRGWN d Lai her. -I r , I'ublicity I iiai: man. loin Lee, Jr., " i : M. II Law I. s f Mrs. . .(HINT HOSTESSES' HAVE- 1 1 A N ( E Mr-. Clair. Mi-- Di.-k;, 1',-,-k and Mi-s Anna for ti.a. Lan-1'o..t, of ('anion eriteit allied with . - - :'- I a, dance ..n I-'ralay evening at the 1 I sv A i.ei'tr vi-'.VI llliVIII!bll : koino of the fo.mio' at Lake Juria- NOTH E OK CHANGE IN I). A. R. I "s. Ma.aha Neaf iiaUKthter of- f, -,;;. wa ; ' at . iv,.lv ' ., M, MEETING j -l! '.' .N,'.al- who has just . eoin- w;,h , !-.,,., 1 lie June meetin.Lt ot tile iiauyhte.'.. fl 'el h.-r junior yea, at .Salem Col- ),,. va . he,fev- were ai-te I of the American Revolution will bu ee',- an U ur-toii-Salem, w.i, diHmct-, lvIhe thol. u h held on next, Thuisdav afteroon in- '.'',,a by tin- slu.lent re- .. .,t n.., an, y;. Ja,H. 'IVl,j. ' ,h .-teiid uf Wednes L.v a scheduled. 1 ''etil ly when i-lie was elected bu.-me-s j j was enjoyed t' ioue:i'ort th The date was (-handed in order tii af- i . i 'iiaKer oi "Siyhts and I nsihts' ( ,,.,,. :,,,. " ' ' ' ford the member- .an 'opportunity to ; th(' eel lege annual. Mi.-s Neal will; , ... ', , , attend the Rho.loilendton Festival in l"dd Hn, ullice during her ,L.iur ; , fV n?J V'fOnt wele the lol- Vl,.,.. iiie-.u,,,-. , en me jmiiiurr sei. ttayne.-ville: Alls ( online Wat; w a- Oeati' ::.::: i;. ; L I ; I e , i ! - - - I out a ,..:.; il.'lii The-e . -ha - vv. r tallie- and ..titer a ppvi nt ne.-nt -. At I.! active h gh and low -eore prizes Wele e-iven ano tile iioiioiee wais pre-.-ented ;i lovely tfil't. Tin- arue-.f- pie-int were: Mi.5.: 1-ilieii Louise Killiau M i.-s .Martha Neal, Ml-s -L-wel Hipp- Miss ISabbie War. Miss Heslei An,, Wit'::, i. , Mis- .Mary Adam,. Ward, Mis- Mary I Emma Mavsie Mi,. Felix Stovall Mr,. R-.y CampbeM.' .Mrs. Kenneth j I'd-rLtu.-on i,.i Mi- T'lin Lee, Jr. . ;v- io cai, ... . .. ,- f pink and white. .,,,,:,) ., prt-tty .-e'li., or varj- ij-o poled ill the ,,,,,,, ;linl( l.oweVs. Afl.-l- : o-)ir-' , of ma i e-t inc-- oatne,- the hieh score prize wa- awarded to M,a Ihirbei' Jr. ' Tl.o-a i e a vi no wen. t in- I ...r an. Mr-. Uirha: Mi - S. 1'.: Gav, Mr-Mi.-. R. 1... Coin, Mr- and M is.- Miii v Kirk oat rieK. Atai'fc-uei lie La, roa : I'. I . ion H a mi It on eii mii- d l-ssj: iXARV SOi'lLTl" TO MEEli Tl'ESIiAY i n- V. ..!...n:'.. M,--ioiia:y S'-tcieiy if the -Methodist cnurcli wil: hold U .eeiular monthly meeting' next l ue--lay al'tern.ion, ., .,: ... l a, ;,; ; h htiivn .it -'L-'iti o'clo La Asheville The meetinu- will he held at the home of .M r-, Kate Morris w ith Mrs, W. F. Swift as associate hostess. MIRTH ANNOI'NCEM ENT Mr. ami Mr.-. M. G. Stanley au- , j nounce the birth d a .son. Allies ( lit Miss Caroline IL Welsh- of Cin-' ton. on Thursday, May .'il. Mrs. cinnati, Ohio, has arrived to - spend Ijttmey is jthe former Miss . Grav thp summer in the city and ia a f -Albriglit, dHUthter of Mr. and Mr at Birchwool Hall. I M. Albright. Why Pay As Much and Some times More For an Off Brand HOSE aU hen you san buy a iionallv Known Quality Hose. Gordon lor 79c, $1.00, $1.35 And HowiSheer And Rinuless They Are. Massies Dept. Store "A (.001) PLACE TO TRADE" here of I'itreon. spent Mon- Smith's Cut Rate Drugs Meet Me AT Smith's M.00 VVampoles 7oc 75c Listerine :,9C 2.5c 17c r,0c Ipana 3)c Sl.OOCardui 79c f,0c Mum il)c 0c Sal I'atica . . . . 1JC SI. 00 Pepsodent 79c Pint Castor Oil . .'J.-Jc Pint Almond Lotion ... :59c 8.3c Kruschen Salts ... .79c .50c Hinds-'. . . . .... . . .lie ACCURACY, SERVICE AND POPULAR PRICES ON PRESCRIPTIONS 1 1 nil enfold, .M'iss Sarah Welch. Miss Emily S"e. Aliss Hazeitine Swift, Miss Martha Way- John Cuddehack, How- anl Hyatt, Hob Watrenfeld- Bill Swift, Lochland Hyatt. Kay Burgi-n, ami L-eon KiUfan; and MLss dane .Stentz, Miss Margaret Morrison. Miss Frances Bivin-, and (Jeorge and David Stentz, of Lake Junal'us'ka. . Charles t'aldwell, of Clyde, was a Waynesville visitor Welne.sday. I. J. Nolainl, superintendent of the County Home, was here on business last week. . " Mrs. Jintmie Boyd ami Mrs, .Mabtd Howell, of .Jonathan, sient. Wednesr lay shoptinK jj., town. I! T. Boyil. of J.,.n;ithan, wa.-i a visitor in the citv Thursday. .,. Crady Messer, of Orabtree. spent I hursday :';! town. ,.. Mr. and .Mrs. .James Medford, of Cl-de, wcie visitors in the city Fri day. W. C. Keece.-avf Canto:!, spent Fru day hee;.-n business: : ..' Charles' Ii. McCraeken wa from Fines ('reek Monday. Horace J'. I.edbettei w;is in town M taiay. , (diaries M-... :y of (., day in . AVaviiesville. .,, ,-e-.-. -. Merrit:, of Clyde, ..J, E. Swaynpim, J . ,H. . Wyatt. A. C. Sinplet an, and J. IL. I'axtoir left .1 tusday .!,,- i hattano.-ira Tennessee to attend the annual Confederate Ro- I union.: " ::'.' .Mr. Thomas Reeves, principal of the E.i-V Waynesvjille Elementary Mchool:. Will leave: heM w eek for Dur ham where he will attend, asumnier school at puke- University. .. :.'.''. or a 'Ali-ses Saiah Rat:i.--::e. Lueile t : aw ford. .Mary 'Rathbone. and Lois Thompson motored to Bristol, Virgin, aa and : spent last week-end with fuends. :' Misa Babbie ..Way', arrived Friday from Stnein Collepe in; W'inston-Salem to. spend the' summer vacation with he.:: parents. Mr. and Mrs; Jack Wav, .. a Ml T Ntal wht ha- 'un ,a- ttinK relatives -n Win.ton-Salerit for the past three . weeks, ami Muss Mart ha, Neal,, who : -js a student -at alem ( ..ll.-tre,. returned .to their honip Saturday. .. :.:hev were accom panied by Mr. Charles Neal.. :0f Saliss bury, who spent the week-end. . ': Mi ( ()-bo i e an 1 Mi ,Luk Dun bar, of West Palm Florida, vue (fue-t, of Mi. an.l Mi'- Gilbert Keeves at their home in Hazehvood last Mr A ( . ( , ne, mule of . Mrs. Reeves, . who has. been With ner. tor s:x weeks- con'valescinjsr from an operation , returned, to Flori.ia with his. son. .'.;' '' . ' : :..' : ' ' a": ' , Mr. Wallace Marley. of Lenoir, is spending this week with hLs mother, Mrs. K H. Marley, at Oak Park be. fore, going to Brevard where his is a counrelor at a .summer camp. ,,: '"::.'";'' .'V.'fl "' Mr, and .Mi.. C. C. I!;icoit, of West I'alm Beach- Florida, are quests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grady Boyd. -Ml!, will-: m Lclis -. .:;. 3 IX Sl'MT!-, '. H interest to a lii'Ke number of i-ar-: :: A ay i.esvihe' ;tnd Lake - uiiaiu -i:a j, the- mairiac'c of Miss Aiil'bc! Vtaikey. dauoater of Air- and M... lan!:eiice AL.ia-,ev of Sumter, South ( :n 'ina. and ' Mr. Wilbur Stuld.s, ,,,n of Mi-, (Hive H, Stubb.s. of Sumter and Lake Junaluska, which took pliu-e yesterday afternouii at the E'ldscopal church in Sumter. My. ami Air.-. Stubb- are spending tb.-ir lioneymoon at the Stubbs sum . bona at L .he J.Mnaluska, Mr-. S. il, Coodwaii. St- I'eters buiir, I'ol iila, has arrived to spend the .-uiniin-r aii.i will be the manager oi former Loir ir Hotel, which was 'eon' ly nu: .-ii sed i.-v AIia, R. H Blackvvell. i: : Mis.-es Eleanor and "Elizabeth Rankin, of Charlotte. are-. .spending the summer at. Birchwood Hall. ,., Mr-. W- A Ritr- h i n n n i 1 I i 1 1 1 a daughter, Marian, of Concord, will arrive Saturday for a week's visit to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hardin. .Miss Kathryn Queen arrived last week from Duke University, Durham, to spend th,. summer vacation with her parents Air. ami Mrs: John M. Queen- ''' Among those' attending the district conference of the Methodist church at Bry.-on City .Mondav were;, Mr. and .Mrs. L. B. Hayes. Mr. and Mrs, Paul Hardin, Mr. and Mrs. James Atkins, Mr. and .Mrs- J. R. Bovd. Mr. and Mis. Hugh Alassie, Mrs. C. E. Rav, Ah.-. John Queen, iiiid ilrs, Kate Morris. a -' Mi-- .Martha Cabiness left yester day for Ivor honi;, in Charlotte after a several .lav-' visit to Virwiniu Carter at the (.devewill Apai'tments. Airs. William Hannah returned to her home FrMay after a week- visit t.i rel .tives in. Raleigh, Lumbeiton. and lh:n i lie: . Virginia. Mr. and Alis.i Roy: Tillot.-.-n and mail oaughtrr, of TIendersoi'jlle. spent Sunday m. the city lis gual id Airs, rillotson's sister, Mrs, W (' Russ, and Air. Rus-. . Mr,-William. Hannah is etspected tn return tod .y .from Raleigh. '-w'here he went: to attend ., a meeting of the trustees of the I'niverstty : of North V cl i vM i 1 Ul. Mi,--;'- Ehza-e!h Her.rv am! Eannie I earl I-.-lm,,:. who have been attend ing the. spring session at Western ( arohna Teacher-.-.College have re turned to their respective: homes: : I " . T 1 - - - , Miss R. :ia C. Harrold, librarian .of Queen s ( ollege, Charlotte, lias at-nvt-d to spend, the summer in the citv and is residing at the CTevewill Apart ment. . - a. Mrs. C. J. Felbfr and Mrs Mav . belle -F. B-. atty. of . .Aliami 'Beach. t lorida- ar0 among tne recent arri vals.; in Waynesville and. have taken an; apartment for the- summer at the Kirkpartick Apartments.. '.:''''"..- oMtiVJ- Grw of Clifton. Mass., Mi 1 J Houlihan of Ashland, K , Mr K H Bene.luk. of Swan-eo'tt, Ia.. and; Mr. J. F. Shields, of Newport. Tennesee,, all . officials of England, Walton Company, are spend ing several days in town -and are Kuests at the Hotel LeFaine -.'.'''-. '-.:-.. :.'"'. Col. C. Halktt Mis. R. Hullett a: ' young son, of Firm Park Florida are -recent arrivals in the' city and have taken the: Joe Tate cottage on Walnut street, for the summer - M.r Ben McKenz.e of C)cala, Florida, are guests at the home Iuski'" C L"nfr' dt Iake Juna- . Mr. Drayton Perry, wm undier went an operafnon st the Svlva Hos pital last week, h improving Air Porter (ireenv.-.V .-1 i.a.- arriveil 1 iaa: lluke t ' ni ve 1-ity 1-uihaiil, to -r-en.i the,- viicit: i. at home, i Mr. and Air-. 1. .uis i-f Atlanta, (HM.rgia, were we A-'.aid tue-!-- ef Mi.-. Nancv Killian. Mr- and Alr. Norman Young as their guest at their home .a. Clevewill Apartments the la: si te.', Miss Mary Elizabeth D, of Charlotte. Mi. -i. H. Way. ALs- Ar.r, .! Air.-. Cai-.iline Ashton , Hyatt Joe Way attended the irraduats-: ercise.- of Miss .Margaret A.--member of the senior clas- of V ern Caiolina Tonehers C.ila, Cullowhee Tuesday. Mis.- A -graduated with honors. She ., ; home Tuesday. Air. Jack Phillip- has arrived (i.-oigia Tech to spend the ,-urs with hi.s parents, Air. and Alt.-, catur Phillips. Mis. Arthur Schulhofer, of R.. !.i . t'vf.i Friilav for a vi.-it t. and Airs. I). L. Schulhofer, a ; home on Boundary street. .Mule' in a barnyard, lazy air) . i!oy with a pin on the end of a -, Boy jabbed the mule mule ga . hnch (services .Monday at !:u E. church.) Get Readv Get Set Come and Buy Bed and Bathroom LINENS from C. E. RAY'S SONS In Towels CANNON The best Price The best Quality In Bed Linens SHEETS ) Standard Sizes BED SPREADS Attractive Patterns PILLOW CASES Pleasing Prices Quality Prices. Hoarding houses, hotels, and any other buying in doen lots and more will be quoted special prices. They will be attractive. .See Miss Campbell , Stop! Look! See! Our linen window will interest vou. Windows Ready 9 Window curtains and scrim in attractive patterns and styles. Let us show and quote you. C. E. Ray's Sons 'I

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