us The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Read by Thinking People VOL. XLIV NO. 28 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THl'KSI) AY, JI NK H, 19;U Second Primary Called In Four County Races Local Boy Wins Ten Dollar Prize Hate For Sherifl', Representative, Chairman 01 Hoard, and t on. stable To He Voted On Again C,vw. od county i- preparing fur -i nrn-arv, .which will be held a'dav. June 29th. " ' . . " . I - 1 . . 1 1 . .? nlllH mini; yiin me ouuiu i a .-econd v;k. are: ;.tritl'. Arch ti. Kus.-elb who -,nd high man against J. ' T:. F r if X ll. i r..vfrd is runnirfg against hailev, there being a dill'el . i- "7 ' votes between the two ; ::i'e -in .the primary. i'. Biiuiu;wi'Siii.Ut against ,. Hyatt lur hau man ,' ,,i c iininis.sionerS, ; Much. .nan has called for a :.: arimary against George Coble . a - nijrh man before ... ....imrrs of political all'aiis c u :.;:y ll) -t .indications are '.- ...ming election will he the , fought cutest in lh- ...' 'Ju: coual.v With ihe la.cj '..'l '-i.-w-i to two candidate.- in .. i, tnv,,- will be much .-peou-:'. a:: i VampaiKn on the pa.'t of -::'th!ati. a.- wvll as ii'it-nJs of . ,: -la- time the official .vote va. , I. Down last Wednesday there en considerable talk of a &ec aiainaiy, but'il was not until late iay al'tcnioon ' that any e.indi- r.ia-le a formal step towards eall All the candidates tiling' for -i . ! I ' primary tiled with tiie i ;' elections . within a .short . ;' e .cli other. iaoc -a,e three . races that . were relive.-ted: Boaul of Commission ,hi ige, and Board of. -Education..' Waynesville Girl Received Degree v From Cullowhee G iklowbee, June 10- (Spcvial to Wavra-viile .Mountaineer.) Miss, Mar.-ale: Ashton, of Waynesville, re ie;vtJ ;:ic bachelor of science, -tic !.: ii ini Western Carolina leach-u'-adbge at the recent coninience-nrc:.;- - The :' ilowing Haywood county men ar.i ,-. Mincii received, 'the two-year Nerval diploma: Annie Boyd. Way-ra-vale, cloo Caldwell. Waynes lvon ( alhey, Canton. Mabel Clark llepeo. Lucy Fisher. CraJ) ti't'e Foster Ferguson Cfabtree, Pitirces I.-aitherwood, . Clyde, and - : X Ian i, of .S:-ablie. Mrs. Doyle Alley , Wins Scholarship Mt: Doyle D. Alley, who for the M -'. tew years has been deputy clerk ' Ji enor Court here, has been granted a leave of absence by Clerk '- ( .oart W. O. Byers, in ordc .-he ln'V flttpnrt lio fViTNCi-mnnth fKih-jf.the institute of government Chapel Hill. Mrs. Alley was re (tni.y awarded a scholarship to the . institute;-: - . ... ; -'h-ss Kate -Williams, of Canton, will oe ;n the clerk's office during the ab- t1;ce.,0f'Mrs,- Alley. :.' ' Bathing Beauty Contest Will Be HeldlnAsheville Plans Completed By W. C. Allen To Publish History Tile Annals of Haywood County, a new iii.-tory, will !..t. pub!:.-hcd in' the near fuluic- aeon ding t.. an under-stan-iir.e- KachvJ at a meeting of the , f liicc;or on Saturday, June It is planned f-r tile inanu ci ipt i., ! placed in the ban N the printer by epteio;;t-: 1 and UK book t-. vi. m,. I' '.lie pn v ;.y llle middle ol .December, C o-'ipei -arng with the ant boi , V. C. Allen, in Uie puiiicatinn ,,i' tli Kugeiie Francis, of Waynesville Route one- wen third prize in the "i a re element" contest which was sponsored by Anglo-Chilean Nitrate Sales Co., of this state. The prize was ten dollars in cash. Young Francis is a member of the vocational c'.iss of the Waynesville H'gli School, which is under the sum rvision of Mr. Morrow. Must Have Camping Permits In Park In ;1 communication to The Moun taineer from Superinti ndei:'. ,1. K. Fakin. of the tiieat Smoky Moun tains National I s. k. ;t was said that c inpire: p. nnit- will be requir ed bcf.oe cainptnu wall ie permitted in the !!::.! t .;'., ( Mig Creek. Haven fvr.i I Sancres; properl :e. Fa' i . e.aiation- will be ijoi'oii-ly vill'otce.l in these iireas. he said. SAM M. ROBINSON NAMED DEMOCRAT'S CHAIRMAN Formal Opening of Lake Junaluska Will Be Held Sunday. Daniels to Speak Po Speak At Lake w A t-'lj. IK t la 11. k ar -c W lark (' : de; V. . T. i. W i lie,- 1 i ; D. i. ;.. annah. W d ( labti-. T Smathers j (, W u, Vav!:e- i ' ! Ah... T. i and .1.1 I Sa- M. ib I to. .. f ( ant auiji ot lie i tile H.iVW. - i 1 j Ab o.lay aftei n. I 'y J'T meai-ei ". hou-, v.. :,t ion . ti. i M'IO.1'1 el o o:a r.. 1 Iniii'- ird J i: . iillc.l f ( an ", wa i ; at i e coiiim It ti e ol im. a 1 u moci'at.- hero 'll v. bell anjiroimale- f the p.'i : ty met HI - . a! i r annual n.' .;: i u :r.p.iatv : . ' . .. n.l !ai... . t'. Hannah . I' i-lell HU. ' . ; I ' I . , ailed i,.e mm Wayia ; n. l-a.... F , i i' f the' - . .in I ; nam. d i he .11. V. 1 1 lowuig iitan , tinaiicina t he ti'ai wa- ae.oed anon - Ad der-. w.ll i-e taken.-' t he pu i oha-.c " , 'C'', 'C ' o' i' ouiKniy a aepor-a . - J. . I at iu. ;m,, i jt. of signi'ng tile order! with the ilea-- Vi urer. .). I;, lli.iy,-), pivMdent .a ih,-! ' First . National dhvak:. WaMi'ai.-'viile,-1 ' ' wlri -h amount, w III be h, l.d' -m tiai.-t i p to tin. eiadit. of the piueli..;.- una! 1 the hook is pubii-hed ' and d. livVred. I in w mi n r J im- too na a-ia-o oi t is naid oi f ,-: , :: ..,. 1 M, - V,. A. 1 ! , a :, ' F. A (),,!,,r- aie now beino-'.-olicite'd. Tin-1 !' t'"' !; 1 h lb - i-i.ii.k I'av author, W. (.:. Allen, has been autlw. ' bina-:, a:-! II. A. ( I, : ,:-. ized to receive orders and receipt fur " A.i'"'i..-itc aailied by t hairm the same, and a .. soon as is con- ' -!- ;'' 11 wa e a-, lollow -: -. venieiit and expedient uther canvas-'.- t' AV. VY. 1'k -.-. j I . . i a. a Ma na'tk y, W sers will he put into the liehf. j M. ; ( oedin, (In :c, r II. o, i . .( Mr. Allen began the writing of the I Willi-. T. ('. Alien, i-'.airk Sniathei book in 1 and planned to have had i ( 'ay Fiynn ('. J Met ra ken, Mr it out before this time, but for linan- ' J h Stepiieii.-. S. 11. .'JuFiice am cial reasons the time had not seemed cott- 1 1 Ml I -I ,-411 Present Crowds At Lake Exceed 1 hoso Ol Last .lulv. Record Miiakmi- .season hApecled ih,- i i el- ell o' Daniel.- ,1 the .-ea . liiiiala-Ka will loiniallv ope --ion Sundav is-uuning . a k w hen Hoi:, do.-cph. no- ;hc iii .-i add ivs- , I'hl- will ,,l-.o he 1 1 a I ( llir. Da . ; n. i iiieni ;i,;.,,. .- ei.oa aianae, pe,,.:l eaon ' el. I . Iioe , i' t - ill:' a;.-' ' I he' Lv iiiaia :,. ,,n an. dam.- Atkins, I 'he I. ike. ete.l t'loni ihe ennt, will bad . ' which will idiioi iiini. I. .h .'...SSO'SS.- i : : : . a . i : ,'',.. .1 r.-:. h'll"-. 1 A el',, III - . - oil '. M. Alley. .li.. a i e an.-' ii. a r. I. '-:'..!-:, rn. :; ' .11. K r, I'. I., (.i.w'vi, M, , . A. II ,a :, !.. 'Oil. n Tli Vi HON. .insi'I'lll S D Willi s ,l a, quite until now ih( publication will be in one vol ume in tvo part-. Part I is histori cal, embracing the full history of the county from the time of the first, settlement until. 1!:(4.: 1'art II ' is genealogical and contains the history of more than sixty .of the old families ia,e cuuiuj, me iwo pacts ma lie a book of more than five hundred )ages. . This is the first book ever written wholly about Haywood county. it contains information about Haywood county and Haywood county people that can be gotten nowhere else- ' The number of copies for the lirst and. perhaps, the only edition will De limited and guided by the nuinbe;- of advanc,. orders obtained. It will be necessary for ihose who wish a copy, or copies, of the book to make ar rangement at soon as possible to se cure a copy. Orders may be left either with Mrs. T. Lenoir Gwyii, Chamber of Commerce, Waynesville; or J. R. Boyd. National Bank, Waynesville. Mr. Allen, the author, will make a canvass of a portion of the county and get as many orders as possible within the next few weeks. Those who are interested in get ting a copy among the first that are t da- ( oart W, G- Byers. in order j pi intei should .-ee either Mr. Allen, . i-.cnuir uwyn. or J. it. isoval. Final arrangements are being made to get th(, book out in a reasonable time. Lowiy Justice, Ralph Moore, Joe I Michael, I ..uther l'less. ('. V. Moody, j Mr. Allen, C. F. Brown. J o k West.: Jerry Rogers, Fullei M. --, i. ( '. T; Nolan Dai. n U ., , V... K . ; i... :. ,'i ' , .,, : i l"'i. :'The . .nlr n: u-, a camp.'.'.-,. ! .-.f D. .1. K toil, a::d (li'. i' ( . iepol t of the coll, in iiiiou -ly ad.-;,!,- I h i'll" I'esollltlon- we.c " 1 ..til- c. ill ill i 1 1 ' .The' I! -,':.c w ill form all v .o a t I ! :io -:,,',, Ice I. ' Ibn. .lo-e. !ai I i anaiii .niol'ili ll'e .- . mha t, I . i ii' wa. u. V. . I . Shel Ikniivv ; d'h, l .ee , .. Ule. ll' t ae convent ion i.- follow.-: lo. lie.- to make iraday (In . n. i . !: '-"A-.atr'p this issue of The t,i-itaineor, 'ni be found an. entry tt- v . patlnng beauty con. ();,,. , . i" tne ..Memorial bta- p u I';. ihevil)e. at the 'old fashioned 1vr Che .bathing beauty con- ue- i A- t j.- .... ami picnic on July csv.. 'V';:"('r f,f this contest is .to of RatW -""Miui cup ana tn N, n T E(aut' Qen of MISS CRWMORI) (RDLTIs T LOS1UN LNIV1 I -Il Miss May C rawfonl was. among the I, 400 'students': who were graduated at Boston Lniver.sity's Cist annual Com mencement exercises Which were held in the Boston Arena Monday, Jun(. II. "' .. ( si Aoiano. Zimeiy McFlioy, (kiylor Baldwin, Dee (iaik, J.uai- I'almer, Stive Woody,. ;.nd 'Mack Caldwell. I.. 11- Bramlett. ('. N Allen, (iiover C Davis, ( . B. At I-..!:.-..:-, M r,. Marie Mitchell, Thoma St rmglield, W. It Francis. J. R. jl:pp-. J. R. B,,y,f Williani .Medfoi-d, Sam I.. Queen. William laivir, Me.U'o.d l.eatiier wood. Robeit R. Boyd. Man.-on M.d ford, .1 ires Biad.-h.iw, and Fhner Bry-on. "Any other Haywood County Dem ocrat, who can K to Rali-igh 'will he seated iii the 'convention as an oili delegati-,-'' Chairman' Robinson .-a'd- Shoit imiioinptu talks werL. made before the convention while ,-eveiuJ foil .wing n .-olutioii.-: FIRST: Thai Ibis Convent ion ,,f ti.-tice,. Clrady t "aywuoil County DeinH r..l,.s go on C'harU-; Mc- t nvord as unaniinoiis ly eiidor.-mg on, 'tiVi'S ! a."l'"l.l, 1 . ' e 1 1 1 o e . a I 1 c . . M 1 III 1 1 1 1 1 I a I 1 o , undio- the- leadei.-hi p ol Franklin 1 1. Roo-cvcIC "Silt ( INI); That tli,, Conveii.l io., eii.lor-a- heartily the Ad m i nisi rat a n of our Slate Ciovi rnmcnl, midei tin ado I, ad, r.-i. p of (oivornoi .1 ('.: !!, Fbrinnhati-- "THIRD: That this luiiv, ni i . 1 1 (it rccoid in pledlng our hearty support to i v. i y nominee on om Stat, and ( ..untv lieki-t in (he (o-a-vral Flection. - "To this oil 1 we iit'.imini'iiil that t hi- a'e-olu! ion in- adopted ami spiead upon the Minute- 'nftlio ( 'onveii'.ion." (Sionef) D. .1. KFRR, I . SI I I'll, TON. (IROVFR ('. II A V NFS. Committer. VISITOR KETIWV AFIFR 2 YKRS ii'.i. i li ieiM ,1' li' . l'". aok; Al. Mi.'. A It ( : ' -;' a;a "al 1 'a : ' d' t .ileal -c,i v : : !::.,. l:'h tile (lie.,: Sli X. H I'.., k )" i.a A ; i,.in -slated i hat Mi-'le people on 1 I;,. 1 luialn.-'ka ! ban l hia ,. - I la -1 .! nly , a n,l :. bat tin. wouhl. ... . b i...- , .ol' liit.-iao- an. ill! D.'Roo-o a- oil. in. M.ean ii : n : ma' , Vi'- IV l.d - a! re the ia! ion s :o, ord ,; men ii a i'. . I,.u, "I I'd I like I ; Winkle ,,-it ..ft his lone: sleep," bid!, dill in- Ihe versa ii. .ii rn) a v i li.'iitnii- lii.p Van :.e a'A'"i.'.' fiom ai l .1. B. ( 'amp-' ami -e of a cou ,t h -re Wedne -- day w hi- h war. bis -i i -t visit I o Wayne-viHe in Ll-l years. "Tv.'elity-feiii' ears 'ago- 1 came heic with Mils. ( :niiibell who was rccuper it ,nr ;f r o -ni : vvhoo)ing coiieai': : Wt; ... stopped at M rs. St i iiigiic'd's. 'I'o.lay when we came In ie from A-liei ille we were amazed at the giow.h if the town and the pi' that has been made. We wmil.l not lin.e known t he place." he continued. M r. I 'ainpbell i- president of the ( 'anuiboll Bo an, Ta- ',.., 'of South Bend, In.!. BRIEF LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Miss Ruth Duckett, who is: a sen ior nurse at the 'Mission Ho.-pital, Asheville. is -pending her vaca tion with her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. F. T Duckett. ,. ,..'.(. . ' w m w Mi D ii J t 1. n Mau lc White, and Kiahe'th Francis return ed to their homes Saturday: after .-pending a week at the 4-H camp at iwaiinaiioa. They were chaperoned by Mi-s Harriet Boyd. ;..; testern '': v.. a , . "..:." , """mm cup and tne title h Car ct -dn . I,nze and t'tle that is Ji t 'a ' attract attention is the (a''t.''fAv'ue? to the champion hog - vUstern North Carolina. OMEopATHir Piivc in 4 XT LOCATES IN WAYNESVILLE :r!'.. ?.n"?P vPlerce has opened an Xr'Cr J Z161 Waynesville for DrraCle of Osteopathy. vii'e "C.,l"wej r graduate of Kirs r,r (;f oopathy and Sur-h..,- pract r!) e P?,st twelve years, he fc -urg, Fla Bearckreton and St m Fc're . r fK.Patl?ett fPent Tuesday eral of i fnd fttended the fun home" hv hC a, ea 35 accompa Paditrtt T brpther, Mr. Phil W.anfo, ,eAr" dha8y-gUe5t 3t the . dJ.Ivs. har:is Burgin, and Mrs James Thomas spent . yesterday in A.-heville and attended " the Rhodo dendron I'arade. Mr. T. L. : Green '. attending the meeiing ""..i- -jie Grand Lodge of t- .Vf .Pythias.: , being held in ill" this week. ' Athletic Association ,"M. -Margaret Shackford. Miss hlizaUtfi K nig. .Miss Dorothy C ald- Jar.e Fierson. all of During her four vears at Boston Lmversity Miss Crawford has taken an active part in all .school activities,,, including White , Domino. Retunnic Club, Southern Club, Tennis Club, Pi Gama Mu. Water Carnival. Soph omore Show Committee. Intersection meet Official. Stunt meet. lUi-'.j r . Rm; ball. Fistball, Soccer,: Hockev. Boat : -A h Crew; '.June Iriangular meets (L'nd place. P inal Award. Shp received her diploma - f rom the. department of physical education Miss Crawford will spend the sum mer at Peterboro. New Hampshire, where: she will be assistant director of a summer camp affiliated with Sar gent S-chool of Phvsical Education. ' "GRACE CHL'RCH IN THE MOUN TAINS." EPISCOPAL well, and Mi C harlotte, are 'the. gue.-ts of Miss Sh-c.kford'rs uncle and aunt. Mr. an' .Mrs. James Atkins, at Branntr C'ref- " Mrs. b. H. PearM-n. of Nashville -Tennessee, arrived Sunday to pend The summer with her sister. Mrs. G C. Logan. : Fire Damages Saw Mill HereTuesda : I'.'arly Tuesday moiniiig lire destroy ed the roof, belts and did -ouie uam aee to I be M . I I, Galloway .-a w nrill Highway No. 10 within the city limits. The file w.i' almost .-pent. -before the alarm vva.s turned in Little lumbi'r was damaged as it, is stored' some .li -taiice fiom the mill. 'i he belts we ;t- de-ti oyi ,1 and the hug,, circiilai .-aw was iuified by the lie;,t. Tine e-t i mated 'damage is about I'lioina - , v. :i ! .id :o no n p. it, l , I" Mill V ;t til,' nd 1 1" il ,i t !'.-, 1 i ,:. i mi' ion. . it i-: " , . a , t hat William'. K.: Boiah, of Idaho. anioua'' iho-.. aiiiieaiani: ait -the III! . peak nai ion- a, It hoc lake in Wa.-hs -ellatol' will be Lake, n r w it. h I Ii . N i. Iio'.a - M ni ! av B.i'.ieie pi-e-aleni o 1' I ol ii :ii l.i , I'niver " n . Mr. At kin,-. , and Ins program com mittee are woi king on soup, other out standing events 'for the .-ea.-on, but are waiting until later lo make dii:i nite aniiouncement about, t hem. Tr . Duke Summer. Schoo, opened l.l-t week with a enrollment thai'! usual,' there heine' aliout L,' K I hi t liis -ession, . Hazel wood To Present Minslrel On Friday Niirht tin. the Orphanage Group-"' To Re Here Monday Twele immbers of tiie L (). O. "F flrphanage at ( ioldsboro, vvill give a concert ai.d i i.tert :, at th,. Fle- inenfary School here .Monday night at :: o'clock. : This gioup of enti rial net'.-: and niu sicians come n ere umler tlie..auspiees o trie .la.-ann; ol'ijer- . ,An ailiiii-sion of 15 and 'lio cents will be i barged. 1 Miss Sara Williams, of Eluford. i -South Carolina, is spending this week I m the .ty as the guest of Mb Mary i Emma Ma-sie- Miss Massie Mso had as her guest last week-end Miss Mary Rev. Albert New. M. A.. Rector. Sundav. June 17, lt34. 10 A. M- The Holv Communion. 10 A. M Church School and In struction to candidates for Confirm-- .. ' '.', .-; , , ... atjon . Mrs. hill Eagle and daughters. , ,, V .. , . ( M.sses Josephine arid Edwina Davis. 11 A Al V imng la ail of Dceatur ( , armed Jestertia for mon by the Rector. . ' -la ri.nt to the former's sister- Mrs. On the following Sunday, June 21, Oradv Bovd. and Mr Bovd at-the which is also thp festival of Sam. W avnesville., John Baptist, the Right Reverend ih'; Bishop will preach, and hold Connrm- rr. and Mrs. N". M. Medford left ation. Tue.-oav for Atlanta. Georgia where Fvervoodv cordiallv invited to. all they are attending the Georgia State our services. . I Ciental meeting. M:.-scs A lora and Josephine Holtz claw. of Riehniond. Virginia, an ived .Mond.y to spend the .summer and are guest.-,' 'of tlnir aunt, Mrs. Adora jvavne. ... Mrs.. Cniirge Harmon and litt'e laughter, : Holly . and Mr. Huford Smith, of -Siivannah, 'Georgia, will arrive .tomorrow fo,- a few Weeks' visit to their cousin. Mrs- Francis Ma.-.-ie. an 1 Mr. Ma.-.-ie. . .Mr. Rjthmond Gray, of Richmond,. Virginia, is, expected to ai rive tomor row to spend several days as the guest ol Mis.s Adoi-a Hotsclaw at the home of .Mrs. Adora liavne. .Miss Mary Quinlan left Tuesday for Chapel Hill where she will take a three months' cours,. in ;.. Public ' Wt-. tare at the Lniver.-itv of North Car olina. Sh-Was a ccompanied to Chap el Hill hv Mrs. Dovle Alley, who will attend the Lnivcrsiiy of North Caro lina for tax weeks studving County ' j lj' "j '"'., 01 npiniuai service, to our summer who will visit her aunt. Mrs. C. L. Lsitoi.s. We would like for you to Dickson, and Mr. Dick.son at their! sign our church visitor's register and home ..n Durham, a the pastor' would like, the opportunity to become personally acquainted. . . -Mif. Martin Honaker and daugh.i Our church school begins lat 9:45 .tr. .jrs oiena riairiiiion, ann trill dren. Hulda and Edwin, of Abingdon Va., arrived yesterday for a visit to -Mr.. . A. Jones and family at their home on Walnut street. ) N 1 S 1 1 I I III" I DI ST Paul, ilarding. Ji MFTIIO- .-tor ,,We were delight,- ! to have so iiiany visitors With us last Sunday -J we hope that we may . have the, same ones, and ethers,, with us next, Sunday. It is our prayer that . our church may he Mrs. G. B- Braren and con.-Mr-Herbert Braren, arrived Sundav from Daytona Beich. Florida, and are spending this wcck at their' summer home at La:.-am .- Mrs. T. L. Bramlett loft Monday for Greensboro where she is at tending the meetincr of the Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star Mrs. Bramlett went as a del egate from the Waynesville Chapter No. loo. a. m. .Mr. Hugh Sloan is the super intendtm." Ihe church services are at 11 a. m. and h ji. m. Ihe pastor will preach at both services Sunday. The young pople meet at 7:ly p ni. We are continuing to center our rafeht services around the congrega tional singing of old and familiar hymns- Come and help us sing. Let our members remember tnat. June is go to church .month ; ami let all visitors know that they are more welcome to every service at A irst Methodist. the main lea t or,. .- we. k's elite. tajiimeiit, prog, nil will he the min-tre to he 'iven tomorrow' night at lh,. Hazidwood school; The ' niin-t'ol, '; Black Itoo-ler ( lub." 'i.- hcing spoiisore,! hv t he Ha zel wood Minister Club for the 'benefit of th,. B,.v Scouts and the Haze.Iwood Ball ('lub. The piogiain is. full , f humor amd J enf e ia a i n meni . songs and ilaii.',-.-, .ii'id .will !, -a treat for tho-e who attend -A special attraction will; be the.' east of characters which includes: I.. M. Riche-ou, Sain Knight.. Rufus Caddis, Ravmond Scutes, Je try Col kit t. -Joe Davis, Claud Allen, "Mug" KuvlCndall: "Dutch" Fisher . George Bis'chofr. Bill Chambers" 'Rod'' Pro vost, ('lari'iire Bai re- "Bib Boy". Hooijer. ' Naiioleo.n" Tioutman, and "La fayette" Scruggs, : .. Dr.VRol inson: of Ha7ehvo,u is 'lir. r, etihg t lii' minstrel and M rs. Geori:" B1-. h-ot!' will act as. ,'iie'omiianist; . Admission' will b.(. It), ani 2,a cents, 125 S. S. Children Enjoy Swim Tn Pool from, : (until .More, than .12."). .: hiidr.. 'he SundavaSchool' 'if th tv- cok adva ntagc: of- the'ft'o.,' i.sT itig (if ; Belle Meade Playgrounds I Fri(la,v.and took a.dii) in the .p Rain tFroughoiit the 'day , inter'f: ;" with the : crowds., but in .spite f t Weather.'- th(, young-ters had a g timf. ... G. K. Weatlierbv. athleticMiivc! stated this week that plan derway to s'aige . a shufflC- ! .,:!'. tournament at the playgrounds in t'h. near future. Details will. be arCoiin c"d later. .. . A reduction h':s . . - rrade in. ':, prices nf the nool. he present price being twenty-five ccht.-a r '. .' M Wilma Doggett, of Charlotte arrived Sunday to spend two weeks with her sister. Mrs, Norman "i oung. and Mr. Young at their home at the Clevewill Apartments. Will Kojrers To Talk .About Pisfrah Mountain The Mountai'a'er W'i-. Ire's day .af'ei'nooii saying th:it: Will Re about "the' drive . roc Pi-crab hv .represent:1 companies . -in- t'tk; ga-oline in his - week l-oadcast. aild' talk made' tin 'gasoline