'.; 1 j: V ; The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Head by Thinking People VOL. XL1V NO. 29 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY. Jl'NE 21. 1931 aywood Formal Opening of New $25,000 Western Carolina Creamery Will Be Friday Plant Is Now Spending Over $300 Weekly In Haywood. Amount To Soon Reach $1,000 Friday will mark the formal open mr of Havwood's newest industry the $:25.uuO Western Carolina Cream, t-rv Inc. The opening date of the creamery was .-et for Friday in order that the farmers of this county could attend the opening while attending Farmer's Pay here. VY R. Woodall, manager, announced. Although the Creamery ha.- not hail o formal opening, it has been in op eration fur the past few weeks, and is now running behind with orders. This is largely accounted for because of the lack of milk and cream in the n.iituy. aiiit also that the products have .found a ready market. At prevent approximately .2,000 gail.m-- of i.e cream ar,. made weekly, and a jut 1,500 pounds of butter. When running full capacity, this will he m.-ic i-'eil to about seven thousand gallon,, ice cream and .4,000 pounds nf butti r... v Two 'crearti routes: have been '. es tablished and in one day 152 gallons of cream were received. The routes are being operated by Locke Howell and .lean Smathers- Mr. Woodall stated that at pres ent about $500 is being spent weekly in .the 'county for milk and cream, and that within a short time this amount would be doubled. The . '.products of the creamery are U'tng sold in Asheville. Canton, Waynesville, and Sylva, together with nil the territory between these places. Une, truck is now in service and an other one is being constructed and will be u.-cd as soon as received. Cury 1'eah, of Sylva, is driver at present "r. No. 1. Checks are passed out each Friday fer the products sold to the creamery. The three items that are being made at present are Carolina Grade "A" he i; .earn, and Carolina butter and hatter milk. Only grade "A" milk i- u-o.l in the manufacture of ice cieain. This is the only plant within the Carolinas that does this, it was said. All of the milk going into the ae etcam passes the inspection of E. 1. Hinton. local sanitary officer. The Western Carolina Creamery is the only creamery between Asheville ami Georgia, and prior to the estab lishment here, all the creamery pro duct, were shipped into the county. Mr. .Woodall has assisting him, Cnas. I). Ketner. of Maggie, who has had special training in creamery but ter making. Mr. Ketner . is in charge of the manufacture of butter. Mr. Woodall personally supervises 'all operations in the manufacture of ice cream and the general manage ment of the plant. . Miss Ethel Leopard is bookkeeper and makes tests in the laboratory, where each "batch" of cream and but ter is tested before being placed on the market. The creamery is in a new building built by the owners of the creamery, and is modern in every respect, and is equipped with new machinery th.-'-Jk'i.out. The building is so ar ranged that a maximum of products ran be made with the least trouble. 1 he unloading platform on the out ride is i,n a level with the "balcony" in ne plant on which the pastuerizing machine and mixers are located. "Pes from these machines run to the ircizers and butter machines on the mam floor, which eliminates the milk cram from being carried by hand Jrom onp machine to the other. t rom the time the milk enters the Wra and is placed in the first ma enine. -,t does not leave eome machine or J!'PuntiI poured into the cans. ine freezing room is kept at a temperature of about twenty degrees below zero all the time. ' . ln.the basei"nt, there is a boiler sw, .nei,ats the steam used in .verilizing. the utensils and machines wre and after each run of milk. tL vKe' refrigeration plant is alo in w t aement , . Farmer s Day To Be Staged Here Friday $5,500 In Tobacco Checks Will Be Distributed Here By County Agent Smith Speakers On Farmer's Day Program Passes Away I hi. 'I Ml yN W. 1). SMITH Mr. Smith has made final plans-fur Fanners Hay which will be held here I-1 iriay. He has brought to this ( oun- ly some of the most prominent sneak its' in 'the state for the daw 1)K AN I. (). SCHAFI1 It is expec ted that I lean Nrhaub will be among those present at the I' a rul er's I av program lie re F riday. He M DAVID J. KKKK David J. Kerr, 61, Dies Suddenly On Train In Raleiirh An Appreciation The Mountaineer is indebted a ' ,H- JeW editor of the Agricultural Intension Service - S Tflle iOT applying thi the Pares used in a 's .itjon. and also for the of tv6 W some of the heads StatP rVOUs departments at ye College. wer ler and associates in JT- ctmeous and prompt &",f e terial wliich the fttL U of mu"h help to farmers of Haywood County. Superintendent Ol Champion Fibre Company Plant Was Enroute To .state Demo cratic -Meeting David J. Kerr, of I anion, superin tendent of the Champion Fibre Com pany's huge paper plant, was found dead in his berth on a train en route to Raleigh early Wednesday.-. Mr. Kerr, for many years a leading citizen of western North .Carolina, was en route to Raleigh to attend the state Democratic, convention in Raleigh Thursday. His body was found bv a porter. Coroner I.. M Waring, of ake. county, following an investigation, attributed the death to heart trouble and expressed the opin ion Mr. Ke.-r, died shortly alter re tiring Tuesday night. : Prominent in busjne.-s. civic and political circles ior vears. Mr. Kerr was elected .mayor of Canton in 1923 and was re-elected four times, serving until 1 t;.j.i. He was 01 vears old. RETIRED- ABOUT 1(1 Tuesday night h(. was seen prepar ing to. retire about 10 o clock, after he had been talking with J. Wallace Winborne, of Marion, state Demo cratic chairman, and I'lato D. Kbts of Asheville- Mr. Winborne. and Mr. Kbbs, ac cording to the Associated Tress, left the Pullman car Wednesday morning and went to their hotel. They were notified there that a man had been found dead in the railroad car. The two returned to the station and as certained that it was Mr. Kerr. All of the passengers except Mr. Kerr and P. . Cook, of C harlotte, had left the Pullman when the porter went to awaken Mr. Kerr. The man reported to the conductor that he be lieved Mr. Kerr was dead and exam ination showed this was true. J. M- Wells, undertaker of Canton, left for the body about nine o clock yesterday morning. He was expected back in Canton about midnight. At that time no definite funeral arrange ments had been made. CAME TO W. N. C. IN 1907 Mr. Kerr came to western North Carolina to begin his term of service with the fibre concern in 1907 and was placed in charge of the electrical work in construction and operations. Later Mr. Kerr was made superinten dent of power, and in 1925 wes ap pointed to the position he held at death general operating superintend dent. He wa.5 a past president of the Canton Civitan duo and served two terms as chairman of the Greenville section of the American Society of Mechanical Eng.noers. He a member of the Southern Methodi.-t church and had been active in church circles for years- Alwavs a pj'r.l:c-pp:rited citizen, Mr. Ke'rr Was in.ariardy called upon when a man to "do things ' was need ed During the World War he made exceptional records in putti-ne Canton many times over the top m Red Cross and Liberty Loan drives-. MAYOR FIVE TIMES j He was eiecieu niaoi vl v....... .. in 192'J and was re-elected m 192., is oean ot agricutuiiH- at Mate toll i - t r rjiin.i-jkit I Prof. UufTner, of State College, will be one of the principal speakers here I ridav on the 1-aiMers Day Program. He is one of the outstanding speak ers in the state on subjects of interest to farmers. .lair: Car M r. Fai iiham is in W'e-tern Nn'r'tl State ( oJU'ge l:x is an authority milk and cream for sale I to milk, plants and cm amen field worker ina for Ihc ens'ion S'rviie. He n the -production oi fai mors Daniels Returned To Raleigh After Week-End Here Uefore A -'..'.Oil Audience. Took Trio into Park Saturday Waynesville Is Being Advertised InSouthBvC.OfC. Newspapers Are J5ein I'sed To Get -Message 'Across To Prospective Tourists Two thousand folders Containing the names of all the boarding nouses, hotels and rooming places in this community, are now rieing distributed by the local Cnamber ot Commerce. The matter is being sent (tut with all inquiries received by the local organ ization,' ; Last Sunday a series of advertise ments were started in seven Southern papers. Papers were selected by the advertising committee in South Car olina. Georgia, Florida, and Alabama. Advertisments will be used in addi tional papers during the coming three week-- The total circulation of the papers used will lie over half million. Answers are beginning to come in as a result of the advertisements. The committee has prepared a ten- page folder which contains a large number of scenes of this country. This, is ready for the press and will be ready for distribution the first of the week- The folder ls being print ed on a tinted enamel paper in blue ink. Workmen Begin Remodeling Of Burgin Building Several 'I housand Dollars Will He Spent In Putting In Modern I ront Creamery Receives Government Orders (Continued on t-k nage) The Western Carolina C reamery ha been awarded the contract by govern ment officials to furnish the C. C. Camps in this area with butter, butter milk and ice cream. The award of the contract was made this week when the health "in spector for the camps mad? a per sonal inspection of the plant here and was more than ple.-.std with sanitary conditions- The camps will use about loO pounds of butter in each amp each week. The amount if icP cream will jun into a number of gallons. Workmen began Wedne-iiay morn ing remodeling the front of the build ing recently purchased by F. A. Burgiii and others on Main -.street here and -formerly occupied by J. C. Rose. Home Grocery. A new front will be built, and sev eral major changes liiadi- on the in side, mP of! Which, will, be the removal of a partition now cutting the stair steps from the store room, Ihc stairs will be built In the rear of the store. " A modern front will be built. Mr. Burgin announced. Several thousand dollars .will i-,. spent in making the change-. As sin as. the iiuildir.g is, eomplete, a stock of. goods will be put into the store. - J. C- Rose, former occupant of the building, has moved his. .store to the liildinig .' opposite .. I be Wayne -wofid 1 heat re. Veterans Receive Pension Checks Pen.-K.n checks for 19 Confeder tte 'veterans were distributed Satur. day at the office -of W. G. Byers, clerk of the Haywod county superior court. Some of the veterans appeared in person, but the larger number were sent to the pensioners, : When checks were distributed last, there were 21 on the roll; but this year 19 are on the roll,, two having died within: the past six montns. The following received checks; J. II, Allison J. W. Caldwell, J. A. Collins, W". R. Ferguson, Alden Howell, W. L. Massev. David Levi Matthis; J- W, D. Moody. J. H. Paxton, H. (;. Kobin son, A. ('. Singleton, James M. Stanl ey. James E.- Swayngim, Merritt Tran tbam. R. T Underwood. Andy West, J. M. Woo:i, J. B- Wyatt, and W. A. arbrc. Ambassador and Mr.-. .l.is4plm. Daniels left their summer home at Lake Junahi.-ka Monday altenumn t',n Raleigh, where Mr. DanicL- had been called, on Inisine-s. .Mrs. Harold lekes, wife 'of the see red a ry of the Interior who accompani ed Mr. and Mrs. Daniel.- t,, Wo.-i in North Carolina. la--.f Thui-.-day, left oii' Sunday l'..r, Iter loom- .n Wa-liinr-ton . The party lirst i.-itod l:; .w ,!... Rock and lloono, and then ,-.iyed in A-bcvill,, until Saturd.iv , The 'gi eat er, .pari of Sat ui day w;i- -)eiil in lo'iiring Hie park. VI. 'pon tlioiv jti iival liei i Satui ilay a iliniior wVs, '.givt n . in t hei.' lion,,r ai the Co dun lintel .here. This uas an i ii f i oana I t! i n ne i-,- a 10 ! a few l'i s nlont- al tcnded. . Anilia.-sadoi' Daniel- was. the pi in cipal ,-peaker at Lake .hinalu-ki Sun day vv i i i - j marked the fonnal open ing of the A.-seiniily (iHiunds for the I-!'-'M -ea'sotl. ' .Sunday w-.s also .'lay wood County Day. it was estimated that a c rowil . . I 2, olio at!onde, the services, id the day and heard Daniel.-. Sunday afternoon .Mr. Daniel- to gether with .lames Alkin.-. nianagei vi the l ake, ami ot he. s visited the '. '. : '.unp N. ' P 17 at IMack Cainfi Gap on tli,..cdgc of the (ireat Smoky .Mountain.- National Park. Mr. Daniels -puke to the Imys for about 'HI minutes. When commenting on his trip to the camp. . M i Daniels .-aid Monday that he was -pleased lo see that the lxy.s in eamp were doing som,. permanent const ruet ion work. "They are a line group up there, and doing a splendid piece :f work.'' One il the bicf iinU- of interest in this section, to Mr- Daniels is Soco (lap. Several -years ago In- wrote sev eral long articles for his paper in which he jiiaised the heaiity of the 'uiuntiy suiroumling the gap, and lie was one cf the first, to advocate the const met ion of a highway through the gap into the park. Sunday lie walked- around that 'territory' and stated late- that he wis glad to see what be had long Irojied for come to pa-s. lie spent the greater part of Mon day morning in visiting around at the court .house and different places in Waynesville that he has marie friends since establishing his- summer. : home at Lake Junaluska. , ; Among the places vi.-ited was I he 'Mountaineer, office, .which he says ''seems like home with the' smell of printer's ink " Mr. and Mrs. Daniels: were .luncheon; guests 'Monday at the Jones farm j near Lake Junaluska. I hose pre-scnt at the lurichefift included Mr. Jack son. Mr. Atkins, ami Miss Catherine Rav, of Lake Junaluska. Mr. D'anicls said he would remain in Raleigh until the latter , part of Jurie wheri he Will, return to Mexico to resume his official duties. I-irge Number Of Farmers OI County Exoeded To Attend Program Which Hegins At 10 O'clock Pinal plans have been made for the 1-armors Day here Friday, and hundreds, a re. expected to be present and participate in the program -which . D. Smith and others have arrang ed for the day. The morning session will Ue devoted to a formal meeting m the court room at the court house, beginning at ten o'clock. On this program will he ail-riio-sos by Dean I. O. Srh.v.ib, of Stale College; I'rol. Kull'ne., also of Stat,' College; F. R. Farnham, dairy lield worker of the extension service, of State College; S. C Clapp, of the -late te-t farm and Coiinlv Agent W . I Smith. The speakers' w ill dis-cii-.- problem.- of Haywood fanner-. At 12:1." recognition will bo made of the dill'erent com 111 it tee- of the county faun work and announcement - .nd ni.-olo l o;;a l il in tenia I in n-g- pio; At. l'J:;;0.''tli( llotlse. will adj will not be a fo those who bring benches ii,, the Creamery, whicl for this purpose, A n hour will l .-pectloll of .the I i cautery from 1 u tu. ram fc piair ' the lie meeting' at urn for lun .lay. the rinal their shad, r has court l"he re uic. but all lie- will li tnl it .- lie:.!' til.' vided 'II devoted to e.-t ern ( ' ''At to -2::;o. 11 oiiipt I v at 2:.'lll the athle ainl contests of the .lay will b conte.-.ts will be staged at K liesville near the Creamery The following schedule ol will be staged, with a valua being offered to each winnin t no 111 arolina events in. The : Way- prize cam : i ug-ol -w a r Wayne.-yi . Francis L C. ( men led by J . M. 1. 2. lieel callli- m tiwvn vs. dairymen gu.-on- :i. Bethel -1 11 Club v.-. Club. ma rrie.l ineii led liy. Hazeluood mai l ied Long- r by Lenoir Kail i ei lei' il l.y 1 II L 1- llies ( reek 1-11 ncsvillc Vocational Bo Club After the tug pony race will b open to any boy A fter the pony -id-war ec f held an ami hi- p race, and tl if- nte-ls, a I will be my. that oli- )ld that ,11' o' Eight Workers Are Added At Laundry j l ive Hundred Square Feet Of i J Joor Space Is Added, Jo gether With Modern Dry Cleaning Machine Eight 'additional workers have been added at the Waynesville Laundry, it was learned Tuesday. The present number employed is the same as at the peak during the boom. An additional r()() .-(.uare feet of flK;r sfiace has. bwjn added to the laundry and a new filtering mttchine added m . the dry eleaning depart ment. The addition of the machine will assure work that cannot be sur passed anywhere, Mr- Killian man ager, said. The local laundry is now doing the laundry work for four of the CCC Camps that are located in thus area. participated' m the. tug-ot-vvar test have had time to "blow," an fashioned hog calling .-'contest, will be staged- Anyone that can call or "holler": can join in this group Sinjpe. a' larire crowd, of women -is expected to be present, a rolling pin. throwing conte-t will be' staged for them, with a 21-pound bag of , Flavo Flour, donated by , Jonathan Holler . Mill going to the winner. A dummy will be. set up. and the Woman hitting it the most tunes, and in tin most vital spots will be declared winner. . (One of the rules is that the women- cannot participate who prac tice that morning on their htu-bamls.) . After the contests have been held, the management ot the I reaniciy wih furnish ail present with a generous helping (if Carolina Grade "A" lo- (ream Mr. Smith stated be ..-'necessary.-' to furnish y sp.Kin and - dish. .: The community having citizens present at afternoon session-wil bred Guernsey calf by Arthur borne, of Canton. The luckv com munity will annoint a committee whV will Consult with Mr. Smith and de cide on what nerson in the wn.bing community will.be given the caif to, raise. The count will be ba-e-i on population, which . makes .. it p- lor .the: smaller one to win- as as the larger communities. One of the most mtere of the day will be. the dis $5,500 in tobacco checks Smith has in hi over 400 Havwix checks have to be signed, f. farmers themselves,., he. -aid office of the county agent wiT. open from 10 to 1 UiO V: xk i;. ca the program in the cou": j fo'ii,. ne mo- tbe morning an- .given a pure ( Is L I- . ting event. ribution of which Mr. li. e waittrig . farmers. tr for The tho The WE'KEi S. READY TO OPERATE M. O. Galloway, owner of the saw mill damaged by fire last week, had I made all -repair this week and was I about ready to resume operations. i It Was our inten i.-.-ue of The Moun paper, in. -.carrying color scnemc. and the time we went would- have :t, bu: Utc-we found that :; gtt it this -ide. Ol though we tr int. ,i New several Yo w anicrv , i 1 -.i: we t niin ' e to k ai re