i mi The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National I'ark Read by Thinking People !()I,XUV NO. 31 WAYNESVILLE, NOIITII CAROLINA Till RSDAY, Jl'LY 19.-JI 1 n Survey mows Business On Increase in County A Lines UI XJUSiiicso wuvn Decided Increase Over 1933 Business a -urvcy made by The Mountain- ttr r . .. i ci.inu!ii.,"5 " : hum nip Tar oeicer iiittu .,m. Some oi me svaveiiicm-s a wi "!- , ; . . mailt' by the Dusinass men in iuwn are as follows: James Atkiw, manager of Loke Junaiuska: "There is a 33 per cent increase this year over last year. lnd cations are that wP will not be utile to care for the crowds this sum mer. " A. C. Craft, manager of Hotel Oir(kii "Our business this June showed an increase oi 4 per cent over last June- "ave reasons 10 xheve this is going to De a uaimer year.'' Ei nest L, Withers, secretary Cham ber of Commerce "Inquiries received this yeor are 200 ner cent above those uf ia'st year. I attribute this largely u t.'ie advertising the organization ha- Jwiie this year, and together with the fact that business is far better." "In my personal business, rentals are j'Ml 'per. cent above that of .last year fur the same period. eV have ;iiL-o li'ai) several sales thus far this -ea.-nn, Business in general is head and -boulders above last year." J. lb Way, cashier. First National Bank "Our records show that de-,.-its are: about 10 per cent above J:..-'i veai-, and our total resources are worevthan $100,000 above last June." .. G. Terrell, manager Southern here uhd Southeastern Express There- are GO per cent more passen gers riding our trains from here than last year. For June our frieght busine-s was over.' $1,000. more than last year. The express business is better by 25 per cent." Albert Abel, owner Abel's Garage "Our pusiness is 25 per cent better, than it was in June, 1933. This in eiease is in every department, sales, gas,' oil and repairs." Joe Mormino, Frut SWnd "My .-pusiness is .thirty-three r cent bet ter than it was last year. The sea son i- starting earlier, and the peo ple are buying more.'' pr. 0- T. Alexander, manager Al exander's Drug Store-"Our sales show 'an increase of 20 per cent over last year, and ' indications are that before the summer is over the. per centage will increase." Charles. E. Ray, Jr., of C. E, Ray's g(n?-.Ve have had an appreciable increase in all eight departments of our store. Our records reveal a steady increase each month.'' E- J. Hyatt, manager, Hyatt & Co. "Our general increase over last year .is 20 per cent. Our cash busi ness h..- shown an .increase of 25 per cent-'' R. ( . McPride. manager Eagle 5 ?0 & 25c Store "We find that our business: js 70 per cent better than , 't ...was a year ago during June. We are very much encouraged over the feasor.,''" - . tiuy Mussie, manager Massie Furn Jture store "Our 'firm has had a jtittant:al increase over last year. Our business is better than we had expected, and we are orttimisttie wer the future." 'Hugh. Massie, owner Massie's De-. 'Partrrr.t Store "Our business has -nowr. an increase that has encour us as to the future. The increase e nave enjoyed is far beyond our Pfcctations of: a year ago." . wrL I:',r,irt 'Bree.ce left Tuesday !,tWi!'ar,ta' Grgia. where she will :vn: several days visiting friends. . , I land-Ohio, ii,- . ay, oi iieve' r-va' u "'"""It me letcia.-ai- ( E .'c, ;n. the '-city and are guests at 'wood Hall. THEN AXI)X()V ' I ri d l,. . . er, but there ..at yam .that Is eoitlc armiTid tioniro- t ,aL 15 '"'ortn men- 'II? S"' h0 t'r.ginated the1 story, or ar't'aa!lv r,,t i" ". tne tacts we do tered iC a 'ng man en- ur ShT : 'wv-last Sat- cf aiemf looklng" over the list of h;? fa:.htrVU''r Saw the name !aheid? t0 the flection of- fcow V !,ttlat baltot- I knew Wiun -tx-np-n ho he v,les ' 1 ant to see ho- sh was granted T Where That "Bought Vote" Money Went Two small, dirty, ragged, under-nourished children were beg ging at the home of one of Way ntsville's 'most prominent citi zens after the first primary. Af ter answering a few personal questions, one of the children said: "The last money we had at our house was what pa got for votin'. He got $2 and spent it for liquor and got drunk, and then took the $2 ma got fer votin' away from her and bought more liquor. Ma was agoin' to buy her a dress with her money. When is there going to be a nuther 'lection, mister?" The Waynesville resident was swept off his feet, he said, that he failed to answer their ques tion. Playground Was Opened Yesterday Full Time Attendant To See That Children Can Play In Safety At New Playground Waynesville's playground- officially opened yesterday .on Main .(t.rect here, with scores of children tiiking advantage of the playground cquip ment that has been installed through the co-operation of the eutet'tainiiient committee of the Chamber of Com merce and the town. Hugh Massie, chairman of the com-j mittee, announced that -Mack Davis.' son of Mr. and Mrs. Grover C- Davis, and a leader in Boy Scout work here had been named as attendant of the playground and would devote full time to supervising it and seeing that the children use the -equipment in a safe manner and will not be bothered with children inclined to be rough. Mr, Massie said. "We want every one to let their children use the play ground,' and we are confident that un der young- Davis' supervision that they can play without being bother ed with undesirables. We feel that we have one of the best layouts for a playground and the best and safest equipment that money could buy. Now we want th(J people to let their chil dren enjoy it." The playground was built under the personal supervision of Oscar Briggs. An admission of five cent? i r game of fifty will be charged . for use of the shuffle boards. The money going to. defray the expense of the attendant. MOTHER GOOSE IN FAIRYLAND The choir of the First Baptist church is sponsoring the operetta. "Mother Goose in Fairyland," writ ten and directed bv Mrs. K. M. de Laet. It is to be given Tuesday even, ing in the auditorium of the Elemen tary school. This is a children's operetta in two acts.' The characters are various, be loved : story people from Mother Goose and elsewhere. There are. choruses of fairies and dolls, and the plot is built - around, two earth chil drenFrances and Red played by Jane Dudley Francis and Henry Toy. The. music-ris tuneful and attractive, and . the ensemble "very ...colorful throughout: The cast is as follows: Mother . . . . . . . . . . Mary- E. Howell Frances ... . . .Jane Dudley Francis Red HT Queen of the Fairies, Virginia kelle.tt Spirit of Music -. ..Marion Morgan May Queen ..... .... Betty Burgin Mother Goose ... Mary Ruby Nichols MOTHER GOOSE CHILDREN Bov Blae Capers Gr. en Bo Peep Lenora May Walker Jack Horner ...Paul Walker Tommv. Tucker Miss MurTett MiFtre-s Mary , . . . . .Billy Kurgiri Pauline Wilson ; . . . ... Ruth, Burgin Mary With The , Lamb. Patsy Burgin Pol IV i. .... milieu uuSv yueen ol riearis. nowiumj. jacK ana oni i Kits-- ""fi Doris Grahl . King Cole ...,.....- ;; Herald ; Humes Hart FAIRIES Gladvs Walker, Patsy Gwyn, Lou ise Noland, Adele Baldwin. Mary Lee Alley, Betty Gene Alley, Merrill Green, Rosemary Herman, Lois Mas- DOLLS, Marguerite Way, Betty Sue Bur gin, Jane Wvche. Theresa Ahey, Mar tha M. Wyche1. V . '. ' cpv Miss BellP Bright will render sev eral vocal selections between act?. Mrs. J. W. 1 Ferguson and M Isabel Ferguson- returned to their their home in. Murphy Tuesday af ter a few days visit to Mrs. Margue rite Barron. . Miss Dell Kin.'of .Leaksvte. and Miss Anna Leak Scott, bf--Winston-Salem, arrived Tuesday for a a st to their cousin. Miss Martha Neal, Cannery Building Contract Is Let To G. H. Gossett Plans Artj To Have Building Fin. ished 15v July 13th. Haywood Farmers Have Beans Ready Actual construction on the cannery building was gotten underway this week, with the contract let to G. H. Gossett, of Clyde, for the construc tion. The contract was let on a bid to .Mr. Gossett .who was low bidder. Hi.s bid being $2,;24 for the main i building which will be 40 by 100 feet and also a storage building which will be 30 by 40 feet. The excavating lias been completed, and with a little tilling in. the grounds will be finished. Plans are now to have the building complete by JuJy 15, according to Y. 1). Smith, county agent. Mr. Smith, who is being assisted by Mr. Barr, of the TV AC, said that it is necessary that the building be. completed at once in order to take care of the produce that is ready for canning. One Haywood farmer is reported as having 1100 bushels of beans ready to can-. It is, the intention of the manage ment to can blackberries about the first thing. Haywood Industries Have Displays At Local C.OfC Office The lir-t of a series .of displays' of 'products niiinuf..ctui ed in Haywood county is on display :it the Chamber of 'Commerce ollice. . The Knglainb Walton .Company -has. a. display ofj their" product.- -and a graphic- story ' of- how the raw materials are con-i verted into the finished products. The display is creating a gioat deal jf interest' and it is the intention of the Ch.nvlier of Comerce officials to hav,, each indu-try in the county to have a display during the season- The Royle ii I'llkinglon Company of lla zelwooil, will be the next to Use the "space for their display. The di.-'play of the tannery shows i .uv. leather and the many things that are used In tanning it and the finished products which now 'include- cut soles for i-hoes. The A. ('. . Lawrence Leath er Co., also . Ls in on the display. The idea and promotion of the dis play is-that of Mrs. T. L- Gwyn, ;is iistant secretary of the Chamber of Con, me) ce. ' Young Democrats To Hold Rally Saturday Night Judge Sam Cat hey: Of Asheville '"..Will He Principal Speaker. State Officers Are Expected , The first rally of the Young Demi c'rats of this county will lK' . held Saturday night at the court: house, ac eonling to a statement made, by Frank D. Ferguson, Jr., president of ; the county organization, The meeting will begin at eight o'clock, and the principal speaker will "be Judge Sam Cathey. of Asheville. The purpose of, the meeting will be to elect delegate.s; to the state con vention which will be held in Ashe ville this month. Mr.. Ferguson said that he expects Mrs, May Evans Thompson, of High Point, :tate president, and William J. Cocke. . Jr., of Asheville, district president, to be present. Other prom, ment . Democrats are also being noti fied and expected. W. R .Francis will intr'j'ijre tht. speakers of the evening. A strirg band will furnish music for the occasion and a large attend ance is expected. Mr. .'Ferguson announced that the following had been named as mem bers of the executive committee: Waynesville, James Coman; Canton, Dave H. Harris ; Clyde, Jerry Rogers; Pigeon, E. B. Rickman; Fines Creek, Carl Green; Crabtree, Hugh Rogers; Iron Duff. Oral Yates) Jonathan, Med ford Leatherwood ; Ivy Hill, Sam Owen; East Fork. L- A. Pless; Cat alowhee, Jarvis Caldwell and White Oak Ben Wright, YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION MEETS AT BETHEL . The monthly meeting of the Young people's Union of the Methodist church was held Monday- evening at Bethel. The guest speaker was Mr. Roberti Laughlin. Mr. Laughlin spoke briefly on the' story of five talents emphasizing the fact that each of us has at least one talent which should be cultivated. ThP Bethel Home League present ed a one-act comedy and a freak show a-s entertainment during the social hour;-. i Punch and cake were served after the program. The banner for the best attendance was won by Waynesville. The next meeting of tfie Union will be held at Jonathan on Monday, Au gust .6.. '- . High Men Of First Primary Winners In Saturday's Contest All Four High Men Of June 2nd Primary Were Elected. Vote Of 8300 Cast All four high men of the primary held June 2, wore again high men in last Saturday's primary, which was the second primary to determine the nominees of the Democratic party in this county. J. C. Welch -an up a lead of 812 votes over Arch G. Russell, of Canton. W. A Hy tit took a lead of 13(18 votes over George C. Haynes in the race for chairman of the board of county commissioners. J. T. Hailev held a margin of 22S7 votes over Walter Crawford in the race for representative. Mr. Bailey's lead in the first campaign was 27 votes. Overriding all .predictions for a light vote, a total of 8.3ti4 was oast in the sheriff's race, which was over 700 more than was cast in the elec tion of June second. The votes for the other races were over the 8,000 mark. In the', .ac,. for township consta ble, George Cubic was again high man over George l.u.hannau. 1 he official votes for these two candi dates 'being, South . ynesville, Coble, 7'.0. Hucli.innnn. T ' : ; ' North -Waynes- ville. (.'.oh Total-, Co A 1.,im Sa! uni.iv During, l.l Millie got I Mdellt.v , i Tl.. lfiii hiinnan. 355. l."'i''l, liuli;innaii 1124 u d c . me to Waynesville bt to ;'ct the returns cui.-e of the evening ; her n-Vis.v and several lie town complained the ble next clay that they were unable-' to rest, until fwr'two o'clock. The re turns wiii' given from the court house. Services Will Be Held At The Court house During Court "Beginning' next Monday morning the pastors of Haywood county will hold a -.-ei-vicc each day at the court hou.-e, at noon, during the current session of criminal term of court The program will be about -l.". min utes long and will adjourn about la minutes prior to the convening of the afternoon session of court. The noon-day services Were-started last fall during court -and the re spons,, was so gratifying, . that the pastors in their regular monthly meeting at the Methodist church heie Monday decided to r'pe.:t it at this tei in of court, The program consist, of .a .-ohg, a prayer and a talk by one of the pas tors of the county. '".The schedule of speakers is as fol lows:. July !), Rev. Geo Cititon. Hammond, July 10, Dr. R. 1 McCracken, Clyde. July H, Rev. F, O- Dryman. Lake .iUnaluska. July 12, Dr. R. P Walker, Wayne- ville- July 13, Rev. H. C. Freeman, Clyde. July 14, Rev, Paul lUrdin, Jr.. Waynesville. July 16, Rev, H. W. Baucom. Way m s ville. July 17, Rev. W. M- Robbins,: Lake ,,'unaluska. July 18 Dr. L. B. Hayes, Wayiion vilJe. July 19, Rev. A. V. Joyner, Canton. July 20, Rev. O. C Landrum, Ha-zelwxid- July 2, Rev. C. N. Clark, Canton, At the meeting Monday a commit tee composed' of H. W. Baucom, L. B. Hayes and H P. Walker was named to an atiged 'for religious services to be held at the Black Gap C2 Camp. American Fruit Stand Moving Into Larger Quarters Felix Stovall, - owner and , mana ger of the American Fruit Stand, expects to move into the building that he is having remodeled about the tenth of July. The building is the orLp formerly occupied by the Blue Ridge Furniture Company, The front of the building is being rebuilt and a series of folding doors being installed. A larger floor space will enable .Mr. SVjvall to carry a larger stock of fruits, vegetables, fancy groceries and drinks. . "GRACE CHURCH IN THE MOUN TAINS," EPISCOPAL Rev. Albert New. M. A.. Recto. SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINI TY, JULY STH. 1934. 8 A. M- The Sacrament of Holy Communion- ' . 10 A. M. Church School in the Par ish House, i 11 A. M. Morning prayer and ser mon by the Rector. 3 P M. Evensong and sermon in "St. David's in the Valley." Cullo whee. ' . " Everybody cordially invited. 1 Tenative Plan Is To Cut County Tax Rate 25c County Receives 375 Gross Of Chalk Haywood county school chil dren should have a sufficient supply of chalk to last them all next school term because Jack.' Messer, county superintendent of education. ha. just received a shipment of liV.i kiws or 54.500 pieces. The school board bought now in order to save on the advanc ing price. Some person inclined to work out difficult mathematical prob lem should see how many words that inu.li chalk would write. BRIEF NEWS ITEMS ASH FAMLLK Mrs. Wallace Ii. Davis published formal notice this week that she would seek-a. paidoii lor her husband, lori.ner banker ot Asheville, who is now serving sen tence in the stale prison in Kaleih for violation of I he banking law. KIXSTON -There C ;i leu-fool gap in the Central Highway here us the result of .in explosion caused by heat.'-'; Ma.ssos of coiicreti' :ind as phalt were, hurled into the air... No one was i n j ti i lol. RALEIGH -..Governor .1. C, lC lvhringhaus intemLs to lake his vu-i-ation in August, It. is likely that n will spend it ,it hi- home in Elizabeth City. ..Ml-AM 1 Harry Shaw, la- ton-fi.-sed t police thitt he killed his mother with ii shotgun because she insisted mi him studying English during his summer vacation and make up a ileli leucy -which caused him to fail 'in a school evaminat ion. . GASTON1A Four hundreil work- el- w'alkod out of two cotton nulls at Gastonia. No violence w.-is shown by the -workers, except a few women had genuine hair-pullinirs when soint. tried to go to work. HENDERSON VII.LK - A coroner's jury returned a verdict that V. L. CiH-kran -came to., his. death .by. drink ing poisoned -whiskey. North Carolina farmer;, whu co operated in crop product ion ' iidjutt -ment programs receivei! $7,01!..htl..ii-l in federal rental and ' benefit' pay ments through -May 31, John B. Payne, -comptroller of the agricul ture adjustment administration, re ported to Administrator Chester C. Davis. . . Tobacco growers received, the great est amount. !?-I,D47, IM.VUa, " Hile cot ton fanners were naid $2.0 j4.(ifiUf74 in lentils and '"-netils for acreage reiluction. Wheat growers received !-:;v,2i:.. o.".. Berlin-Chancellor Hitler-', of Ger many is purging, the ranks of the nazi party w ith execution "of 48 rebelling storm . troopers in smashing a still born revolt against the Hitler regime. Captain Ernest Roehm, a trusted Nazi leader, committed suiciih; after he was arrested as a- conspirator, and Kurt Von Schleicher, former chancel lor, was killed when he resisted arrest Reports indicate that Hitler has con trol of the situation. : South Bend, Did. - John Dillinger is believed to have led the raiding party that stormed the Merchants Nativnal bank here Saturday, getting " $2X,U0ti in money after slaying a ixdkeman and wounding four officers. Benjamin and Joseph Adamowicz, Brooklyn., .-.soda-pop: , 'manufacturer's, were forced down Saturday in France by lack of ; fuel in- their flight from New York to Warsaw,: Poland, which began Friday. , Last year the two Polish residents of New York were declared inexpert at flying and had to abandon plans for a transatlantic flight then.. . . J r Washington After '.ignoring ."..-the NRA codes since the establishment of the recovery campaign, Henry Ford surprised national -leaders', by sending in proof of compliance saying that ho would comply with all provisions of the. automobile code. Washington With ti e early retire, ment of Clarence Darrow as chair man of the national recevery review board, AV.: W. Neal of Marion has taken over the post and. will continue the functions of the body. which came intrt hin nftnr senatorial critic had charged that in the NRA, under the direction of General Johnson, the ten dency was in the direction of monop oly and trusts. Hoard Of County Commisfsioners To Sleet Today And Formally Adopt Budget And Lower Tax Kate The tax rate for Haywood county will he reduced .approximately twenty-live cents, according to tentative plans of th(, board of commissioners who will be in executive session t day to formally adopt the budget for the coining year. The Ixiard in session Monday told The Mountaineer that if the school hoard maintained the sum,, rate of 4o cents for the coming year, that the rate would lie reduced ubout twenty live -cents, making the new rate close to $1.35. Th,, plans of the school board, it was learned is to make the same raU as last year, pending several slight changes due to increased enrollment in several schools throughout the county. In any event it is the belief of all ofhYials that the rate will not exceed $1.3,r. During the past year the county wide rate was $15. A 'report recently published in this paper showed that over $..(10,00(1 had in n pa, d ...on the bonui d inoeiiteilness and interest during the past year, and this: f.,et accounts for the reduc tion that can ly made' in the tax rate for t hi-- comjng yea r. Criminal Court To Convene Here Monday Morning Solicitor Queen Ready. For "Two Hard Weeks." Docket Made I'll Of Many Small Cases Solicitor John M. Queen it: hi- of liee .Monthly sf inlying 'Ii- eouit one lo t for ii July term of criminal term of eo,irt which convenes hero Moml .y -aid: "It i full of small rases that means a lot -of .work oil the na.rt. uf the court. We'll have two full, hard weeks of it " '" There is onlv one homicide case on the .locket .' ...... Judge J. Will Ple.-s will preside :A this 1 1 1 1 n of emirt. which will be his li.st in this coiintv since his appoint - 'men I to the bench to -uceeed Judge Mi-hiiel Schenck who is now on tin bench of t be Siiiireitie ( 'ou: ' . ' No- civil -easiv will be -t ried in t hi term of court., as. has diei n anticip.it eil by several iittfirnevs of the eounty. Tin.-..was decided ,-iiid 'made as a sug gestion at a recent meeting of the bar association. The jurors named for fhe ' first week of court are as f'dlow-: C. A. Mann, I'igeon; A. T. Mc Cracken, Waynesville: . Geo". J. Vain court, Beaverdam; O. ti. irenson, Lit st Fork; Jarvis. H. Allison, Waynesville; I'. J. Price, Beaverdam; T. E. Gard ner, Cattaloochor; T. I.. MvElreath, lieaverdiim ; luirlie Evans, '....na-: than's Cierk ; v, L, A niler-ou. Ilea-. . veiihim; Arthur - R alibene, . Fines Creek. Ii. W, Hcdtzelaw,, Peaverdam; T. F. Smith, Waynesville; .1. L. '(".ham-', beis. Pigeon; J. L. Phillips, Heaver dam; J. ( '. P.lavliH-k, . Pii-eon ; , .). . S, Setzo'r; Ivy Hill; V. C. Medl'onl. liea- vei-dam; J. H, -Page, Waynesville; ,. . C. Saunders, Keavcrdiam ; S. H. M.--' Cracken., IJeaverdani;: Hardy ('ahlwr' I, Iron Duff; L. E. Ensley, lieaverdam. Highway Workers Here Join Union 'Aliout t Ave tit v -tiite highway 'j-m-ployi-e- in HaywooT cot(ni,- n1 ii '.'V uaiiin of highway worker-, a; ' - ini? hold in the i'i",-i''". h'-u Tii-'- i.iv night in wh.Vh W. I!. .PIom'-' -ti-',;..-,. : e; ! (.--htive :if the.: . A me'rdca '' 1 ViN-r.ir tin of .Labor wj the. pr'; t--: i J.i I I.) a .'.--. e-r--. ' ' .-, - '. : Mr, Plemmor; - said ,'tha' .i ;i;u' 'v-i-. m.,ely: :;!0.o. -r,f ' the- 4, -"('u .h.b-A-av in' the, state . w-civ- now, - .i-ic'mv- r- the- urti'ih.; . The next-'meeting iif t!ie'!-al Ur.i- n ; will be h.-bl Julv 1.7., ();li.er- elc. V-f Tuesday night wore: -Lawrence: .t.-.'-hi i -,v. I. Rute two. ;o-.;-i-ier:t ; A :!j CorZine- -Route 'two, -vi - president, and.. V.-.R- Rhinehart: ;i:i..T..::al - socretary. Local Grown Corn Eaten On June 28th ; Th 'Mc'f r:icken',: . -v'.-1 '- ' gmwintr ('vn a- a hic by- ,-sai-h . g:therod::.onough fo.-: .Hntter J-i'V 2S and had' been', getting .er.-ug:i e;ic,i; dav since to. 'subnl-V his- taller. . Th;4' i-'a record for Mr: V. ' :u.Kl ';. s foi'iiKu- reevrd rei-mi 'Julv ' l ou-M- ,, ' Several' other: rv"!'l' .' ave -sa:, that they':-believed their cren w,ju,d be irr before July fir:, V-ui-. M!.. ! ' Crackpn is th,; firs: to rcp-'ft ' 'aJ . gathered; some fivtu' ; 1'V--1 g-'-!'"'.: