THURSDAY, JULY 5, 193, THE WAYMESV1LLE MOUNT AINEEK SOCIETY PAGE Local Items Society News Mrs. Ben Sloan, Editor - Phone 137 MANY VISITORS KIXISTER AT C. OF C Visitor in the city who live reg jsterd during tin- a.-t week at the Chamber ol' Lollliilei'ee uu- a- follows: Mr. i.n-1 M... Muurt Smith, of IJeuu nioilt, Texas; .J. L. liomar vi' Tei:a inix (.'v. ; M :.-. Kluuin-th Hazard ami Miss l-oui.-e HaL'uard, i Tamjia, Kla ; I.. D. Cole, of Durham; J. A. Bullock, ..f MontKoinei-y, Ala.; E. U Littlejohn, of Chatham. N. J.; Miss Mary lv ( ai r. ot reierhuuiK, Fla.; MiV. 1- C. Wade, of Boston, Ma-ss.; Mr. William Bishop, of St. I'eU-.'.sbuiK. Fia.; Edgar C, Dunn and familv, of Daytuna Beach, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred I). Hamrick, of Rutherfordton; Mrs. F. G. Steel, of Philadelphia, Pa.; Mrs. B- S. Hid don, of St- Pierce. Fla,; Noble R. McEwen, of Winston-Salom ; Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Bryon, of Titusville, Fla.; Mrs. J. M. Reyes and son and Mrs. E- Hoi, of Havana, Cuba; K. C. Neal, cf Mobile. Ala.; Mrs. John W, Knight, of Tampa, Fla.; Rev. and Mrs. Earle I.e Baron of I'easacola, Fla.; Ma. and Mr. J. A. Wiley, of Fort Lauderdale, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Bottom, of St. Petersburg, Fla.; Johnette JkCormich, of Pensacola, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Wiley, of family, of St. Petersburg, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Dollolf, of Miami, Fla.; J. C Snowden, of Wayne. Ark.; Mt. and Mrs. 0. M. Edwards, Younges Island, Miss Carleen How ard and G. L. Craw, of Miami, Fla.; Harry Burton, of Wet Palm Beach. Florida. CLASS REUNION A mo.-t enjoyable occasion last week was the reunion of the class of l'Ji24 of th,. Havwuod Institute which wa.s held at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Forgo -in on the Crabtree Road. A delightful picnic dinner was serv ed on the lawn and the afternoon -was spent ii reminiscing of school days. It vvar ilitele.-tiiig to note that eight of the ih.rtten .members jin-sent had ni.,ri ie i cla-.-mates. I)l.-ing the busine-s session jthe class wis 01 ganized . with' Mr. .Jesse .lames as ' pi.e'.-htt-nt and Miss Roxie iS'oland, secretiiry and treaurVr. It was decided to .make the reunion ui annual affair. - ('las- members present" were; Mr. and Mrs. Jesse James, .Mr. and Mrs. Guy Messer. Mr. and Mis. Orville Noiand,' Mr, and Mrs. Ben I'atton. Mrs. Kink Brvson, Mr- L. O. Fergu son. Mrs. T. G. Highlill, Miss Roxie Noiand, and Miss KHie Green. Others present were; Mrs. L. 0. Fer guson, Mr. Dink Bryson, and Rev. T. G- Highlill. SUMMER VISITORS REGISTERED AT THE PIEDMONT Summer visitors at the Piedmont Hotel includ,. the following: Mr. and Airs. Sam I'lerson, of Okmulgee, Oklil.j Mrs. (Jeo.-ge Bava, Mrs. John S. Durham, Mr. and Mrs. P. W; Dol lox, Mr. Richard H. Hunt, and Mr. Roy H. Massie. of Miami. Fla.; Miss Ernestine Wiebenback. of New York City; Mr. J. J. McCown, of Mobile, Ala.; Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Thompson, of Atlanta, Ga ; Mr. "Calhoun Park-, or, Mrs. L. R. Riebbre. and Mrs. J. C. Holberith, of New Orleans, La.; and Dr. Nelson B. Martin, of Atlanta. Mrs. Charles Ferguson, of Wash ington. D. C. arrived Monday to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Coman, at their honv at Lake Junaluska. 6 66 Uquid, Tablets, Salve, Nose Drops Checks Malaria in 3 days, Colds first day. Headaches or Neuralgia in 30 minutes. Fine Laxative and Tonic Most Speedy Remedies Known fee 3 mi $1.00 Wampoles $1.00 Cardui ...... 85c Kruschen Salts 25c Stanback . .... . 25c Feen-a-mint . . . Pint Alcohol ...... . 25c Black Draught . 30c Sal Hepatica . .79c . .69c . .69c ..17c ..17c . .15c ,.15c .24c Fresh Fruit 30c $1.00 Orange Freene LYSOL FLIT 10c 21c I 79c PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED ACCURATELY AND ECONOMICALLY MRS. WILFORD RAY HONORS MRS. DOGGETT Mrs. Will'oid Ray was hostess for a lovely party Tuesday at'teinoon en tertaining at her home on Academy street :n honor of Mrs. Jve lioggett, if High Point, who is visiting her sister- Mrs. Louis Kuuser, in A.-he- vilie and Mrs. Woodson Jones, at her home here. For the occasion the home was attractively arranged in the patriotic motif with (lowers and party accessories featuring the combination of red, white and blue. Ciontraci tf.-idge was enjoyed at four table after which attractive prizes were presented to the guest of honor and the holders oi hign anu low scores. Those playing were: Mrs. Doggett, Mrs. Louis Rauter and Mrs. Carl Rhinehart, of Asheville, Mrs. Hugh Ma.-ie, Mrs. Lauriston Hardin, Mrs. Diana Shoolbred; Mrs. Tom Tallia ferro, of Raleigh, Mrs. Charles Hard, of Ellyria, Ohio. Mrs. Frank Hodge, Mrs. M. G. Stamey, Mrs. M. H. Bowles. Mrs. Woodson Jones. Mrs. James Michealfi, Mrs. Grayden Fer guson. Miss Isabel Ferguson, and Mrs. Joe Tate. ARRIVALS AT PROSPECT HILL Arrivals during the past week who are guests at Prospect Hill include: Maj. and Mrs. T. G. Hearn, of Fort Benning, Ga. ; Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Buttone and daughter, of St. Pe tersburg, Fla.; Mrs. Glen Evins and daughter, of Tampa, Fla.; and Capt. and Mrs. C. D- Thmes and son, of Tampa, Fla. AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY TO MEET 1 he American Legion Auxiliary will hold its regular 'monthly meet ing next Monday afternoon, July 9, at M:.'Hi o'clock at the home of Mrs, E II. Camp. Mrs. I. J. Brown anil M - te.s to ! Ida Jean Brown will be bos All members are requested present. .Mi . O J. Story, of Chicago, llli irrived Saturday to spend the sunimer as the guest of her sister, Mis- E. 1!. Camp, ami Mr, Camp. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Scheflius,, of Washington,' D. C. arrived nl week to spend the summer as guests at Birch wood Hall. .'.. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCracken, ol fines I reek, were visitors in Waynesville Monday. Mrs. Annie McCracken, of Crab, tree, spent Monday in town shopping. . . (. . B. MeCrary. of Fines Creek, was here on business Monday, T. J. Davis was here from Iron Duff, Monday. Among the visitors in town, this week was D. M, Cagle, of Clyde. O. E. S- TO MEET 1 he Waynesville chapter No. 165, Order of Eastern Star will meet to night (Thursday) at the Masonic Temple, at 8 o'clock. Past matrons and patrons niirht will be observed with a special pro gram and refreshments will be served. It is hoped that every member of thP chapter will make an effort to attend this meeting. ..' Mr. and Mrs. Gould de Neergaard and young son, of New York City, arrived Tuesday for a visit to the former's mother, Mrs. C. S. de Neer gaard. Mr. Paul Frye. of Albemarle, spent last week-end here as the guest of Dr. and Mrs- R. P. Walker and left Sunday for Bryson City where he will spend the summer. '-..'.",.'';,. Mrs. E. E- of Cruso, Avas a Waynesville visitor Monday. ; Smith's Cut Rate Drugs 50c Ipana Paste ...... .39c 75c Listerine . . . .59c 40c Squibbs Paste ..... 33c 35c Mum . . ... . ... ... .29c J- Gallon Thermos Jug .$1.19 50c Almond Lotion 29c 25c NuShine 17c 50c Perfume ......... 17c Miss Helen Sisk had as her guest.-; la.-t week-end Misses Eleanor and Sail far Dockery and Miss Ann Louise Steele', of Rockingham. The visitors left Tuesday, the Misses Dockery ging to Camp Junalu-ka and Miss Steele going to Camp Cheonda. Mr. and Mrs. L. Grady Burton and two sons, of Wauchula. Florida, have arrived to -pond the summer and art gue.-ts at the home of Mr. and Mrs Giover Davis, Mrs. Frank Therrel and young sons, of Nashville, Tennessee, arrived Sat urday for a visit to Mrs. Therrel'e mother, Mrs. Nora Ashton. .Mr. Therrel accompanied them to Way Yiesville and returned to his home Sunday. Mrs. A. E- Jones and Miss Rowe Jones, of Warrenton, have arrived to spend the summer at Birchwood Hall. Mrs. Robert Woodward, of Colum bia. South Carolina, arrived last week to join Mr Woodward and spend the summer at the Adirer Hou.-e. Mrs. Harrv Frehn is expected to arrive Saturday from Kansas City, Missouri to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Blackwell. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Seawell, of Winder, Georgia, spent a few days in the city this week. Their daugh ter. Miss Anne Seawell, who accom panied them has entered Camp Ju naluska for the summer. Mrs. J. B. Chestnut, of Savannah, Georgia, has arrived to spend the summer and is a guest at the Hotel Gordon, .Misses Clara and Ruth Taylor, of Charleston South 'Carolina. are among the the recent arrivals at Birchwood Hall. Mr. Eugene Carter, of Lenoir City, Tennessee, arrived Friday to spend the week-end and the fourth with his lamily at the Clevewill Apart ments. i.i Mr. and Mrs.. George Anderson and nephew, Benny Breiiiuui. left Friday for Boston. Massachu-etts, where they will spend several weeks. Mr. and Mis. Howard .Covington. ot Asheville, were week-end guests ot -Mr. and .Mvs. Hubert Woodward at the Adger House. Miss Rosamond Lengom of States ville, and Mr. Allen T. Brown, of Ral eigh, were week-end guests of Miss Susie Fisher at her horn,, in Hazel wood. Mrs. J. R. McCracken and Mrs. Lauriston Hardin were Asheville visitors Monday. Mrs. Tom Taliaferro and young son, of Raleigh, arrived Sunday to spend the summer with Mrs. Tala- ferro's mother. Mrs. R. H. Mitchell. M.s. June Kincaid. of Dillsboro, is here for a month's visit to her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Plott. Mrs. Evelyn Fitzhugh Lee Shapter, M;ss Agues Shapter, and the former's sister. Mrs. Jessie Ayers, of Wash ington, D. Ci. have arrived to spend the summer at their home in Grimball Park. Misses Margaret and Maud Terrell returned to their honv Sunday after a few days visit to their aunt, Mrs. J- E. Cochran at her home in Inman. South Carolina. Miss Maud Terrell also spent the first of last week in Greensboro as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Miles. Miss Elizabeth Henry, who is at tending summer school at W. C. T. C, spent last week-end at home. Miss Sarah Williams, of Savan nah, Georgia, arrived Saturday to fpend two weeks as the guest of Miss Frances Ray. Mrs. S.J. Schulhofer and Miss Rosa Strause, of Richmond. Virginia, ar rived this week to spend the sum mer at the Hotel Waynesville . Vaughn H- Byers, of Canton, was a visitor in the citv last week. ,. Mr. and Mrs. John Noiand, of Crab tree, epent Tuesday in town. Miss Pearl Justice, of Crabtree, spent Wednesday shopping in Way nesville, '.' H. C. Ledbetter. of Pigeon, was n ere on business Wednesday. , Mrs. Thad Howell, of Jonathan, was among the visitors in town Wednes day, ".. Mr. Richmond Moore returned to his home in Richmond, Virginia Tues day after a week's visit to Miss Adora Holtzclaw at the home of Mrs. Adora Rayne. Raleigh Chief Justice 'Walter P. Stacy of the Supreme Court of North Carolina has been named by Presi dent Roosevelt to an impartial board of three to bring peace to the steel i industry through arbitration with labor leaders and employers. Other members are: Rear Admiral Henry E. Wiley, retired, and Judge James Mullenback, of Chicago. The board met ior the first time Friday in Washington. MR. AND MRS. PAUL HYATT ARE PARTY HOSTS A .-(.cial event this .week which was charming in every detail wa the butiet supper and bridge party given by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hyatt at the Piedmont Hotel. A profusion of mixed garden flow-;-r added beauty and color to the lobby and reception rooms and the dining tables were graced with pret ty vases of sweet peas and baby's breath. Supper was served at an at tractively appointed table and the guests were seated at small tables in thf, dining room. During the evening contract was played at six tables with high score prizes going to Mrs. Ralph Prevost and Mr. Francis Massie. Mrs. Wil liam Hannah won the consolation gift. The invited guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lee Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Barber, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. C M. Dicus, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Bowles Mr. and Mrs- Frank Hodges, Dr. and Mrs. S P. Gay, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Prevost, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sloan, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Massie, Mr. and Mrs Wilford Ray, Mr, and Ms. Lauriston Hardin, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Hannah. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Thom son, of Atlanta, Mrs. Marguerite Barron, and Mr. Charles Ray. Program Music The term program music li applied to purely Instrumental worki which are Intended to reproduce by musical tones a series of definite Ideas or events. Real Boys Tom Sawyer a Fine Line Attractive Clothing for Girls and Infants - V 'V.- Boys' shirts of the finelst qual. ity. Whites, colors and fancies. 39c Ip Tom Sawyer Shirts 79c Sport shirts in broadcloth 89c Children's dresses in per cales and shr cottons, lovely colors. Priced at 95c " : practically Everything in Children's Wear J C. E. (jABBY yERTIE Hilt AT. 0.SSVSSS' "A domestic argument usually ends with a few finishing tushes.'" Old English Old English Is defined as the lan guage spoken In England from the Fifth to the Twelfth century by the Anglo-Saxons. Shorts of imported linen beautifully tail, ored. Priced at 98c SPORT SHORTS IJoys' shorts in kahki and pin stripes. Attrac tive and reasonably priced. Boys' suits both sleeveless and - short sleeved styles, white and colors. Price range 95c t $1.75 Children's dresses, demi. ties, Swisses and wash silks. Frocks of hand embroidery. Priced at $1.95 ...... RAY'S Clothing at Ray's The Greatest Corn Crop The year 1020 saw the great, ,t , duction of corn In the Unite j s;,'. This crop amounted to y.l;os ,,,,.. ! bushels. That year also nre'.Viet-i tu largest corn crop for the r.j ot the same period, amounting t-v a of 4,7ao,uuo,uou misneis, ucwr records available. ti, COOK WANTED. Must and furnish A-l referei Wf'l as health certificate A!.-j war"w( one or two euro o rear trvie waiters. Apply Belle Meade I1 14J Ground. 1 EXPERT DIVING LESSON GIVEN- Ten a. m. to five p. m. see Charles Spears instructor. Rates reasonable-. Belle Meal- I'Uy. grouna. Job Printing EXPERT WORK The Mountaineer PHONE 137 "WASHWEAH- For RxU Boys Boys' linen suits natural and white with colored blouse. Si- 4.5 6-7. Priced at $1.95 Boys' gabardine suits in white and navy also white with coat of copen or tan. Sizes 4 to i nccu ai ik $3.50 And $3.95 7 Piaue coats white. ink blue and yellow, with cap to match. Priced at $1.95 I ai SONS ui Read The Ads j