1 -4 J TRURSDA5 Jl'fcY II, 193 J TVdvfc Million Defers Worth Of Bonds Decorated Office Of Governor Ehringhaus Monday THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER '-' t,i u 1 n., (;overnor and State Treasurer t arried Them To .New York To Sign ru n VK .MILLION TuVlve million, two hundred aud O-m-.v ':iiou,-aiul dollars lay in neat , i... .!i !hc reception room ot the ui ! ',. , ! v)v:nor Ehringhaus in tht ( i-,.:..: Monday. 'Ir.v hue sum wai not in grsn 'u'k' but in brown-backed general Vul buiuls of the State of North Una. In all there were 12.230 'vnd.-, ech of $1,000 denomination. rjx!i'each, O. M- Jones of the State T'tasurer's office impressed the great .eaf If the State. The bunds vere packed :n suite-uses Tuesday and Governor Ehringhaus. Stale Treasurer, Chas. M. Johnson and the Governor's secretary, Chas. I; I'owell- left with them Tuesday pht for New York where on Wed-r.e-day the bonds received the final touches to make them worth $12.230, (ii,u the signatures of the goverawr treasurer The signing will be done with sig i.atuie ntichines which fix up liO nds with one singing operation. The signature machine was used .i) actual bonds by the governor and treasurer for the first time, as th bonds are the first to be issued during tru;r terms of office. The machine., said the Governor '.u-.-k like old-fashioned hatracks the Kind that extends or retracts, you k :... Viewing the piles of bonds Treas ivr Johnson picked up one bearing .tt.f rotation of 3 1-2 per cent interest, .:i ! declared: "1 am about to have the pleasure !' signing the first 3 1-2 per cent lor.Js in the history of the State of .V:;h Carolina." Kngraving and preparation of the l2,2::o bonds will cost about ?3 00U. Tlie bonds were bought last month ' a New York syndicate. Many Questions About County Are Answered In Book History of Haywood Will Con tain Many Interesting Facts As Prepared Ky Piof. W. V. Allen 1. Where is the most elevated watershed in the ea;-Urn part of North America? 2. What and where i.s the lowia-t 'i elevation in Haywood i.oun What is the highest point? StMe Gets Over Million Dollars For Education Relief This Sum, Together With The Half Million Already Keteiv ed Encourages School Officials to the increased enrollment expected, it was emphasized by Secretary War ren that it was essential that the money be placed to the credit of the state as soon a DOs,sible. nnH tii-v urged such action at the relief ad ministration. They were told that the $1SO.OOO for buseg would be available as soon is necessary papers were executed. ty? 3. How many mountain peak. in Haywood county that are more than ouiu feet above sea level? Beer Appetite Of State 45 Million Mugs Last Year I :. i ly Tar Heels nuuiVed !.", -H-,H!ii.-e mugs of boor during . .war eliding last June 30, or an wait' "i' 11 mugs for each nun, u. ma' and child in North Cai'oliua. Thr State's appelitr e-tima'e is I.-im.I m gallonage computed, from S'a:. ii'vtnuo receipts of S.'MlUiHl ya:n.i-l I'lron the $3 tax. (in- ea h 31. y.iii' N barrel, of the beverage, and on State's U'30 population of approx ,M;ac!y 3uil,()0l) people. The tax leturn indicates a con Mimjitinri of 1 1 .J.i;t4 barrels "'of 31 u.i'.U ns.euch. or :,52:!.584 gallons, I amounts, to 451 ,1 ON, 7 ."'2 ounces, .and beor is gener: illy dispensed now oiays in 10-ounce mugs. I.eu;sliitors, eager to have tlie beer I ill pas-oil, estimated annual revenue all the way t'nmi i?.")()0.0()() to J?'!, 000, 1111:1 '.;' vear. i 4. What was the course of the an cient river, prior to the Pigeon, that ran through the present boundary of Haywood countv 5. How much of tlie county is not included in the Pigeon drainage area. Locate the parts that are not in it. 0. How many acres of land in Haywood countv are included in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park? J What famous mountain peak in eastern America is not so elevated as the main street of one of the towns in Haywood county? 8. What is the mean annual rain fall of Haywood county? What is the mean annual temperature? '.). Wh.it is the mean annual snow tail, the average date of the tir.-t killing frost, and the last killing frost ? 10. Name five of th, first families to settle in the Pigeon river valley; in the Richland valley; in the Jona than's Creek valley. 11. Name the c.in'.m;.' : ioi'.ei. 'hat were named in the hill erecting the county for selecting the county soat What was the name of the Mte he eded 12. Name the cuimis-ioners that were selected by the Legislature tv licit the court holi-e and jail. 13. WI1.4 was the rate of taxation in l-Oll, levied for the payment of the public buildings that were creel ed 1 1 I., Nanu -cine of Ihe" fi.-.-t sct tli'i.s of .Crabtree and Fines ( reek. What was tlie 'livst name of Fines ( rock? How did it get. its name? IS. What was the cau-i' of the dis pute tlii.t aroi-. oyer the location of the county seat in 1KU? How wide spread was it? . All of these question.- on iho be ginning of the history of Haywood, county are answered in the Annuls of Haywood County, a baok of six hundred pages, cloth bound- index ed, 'illustrated- and with t .bio of f .ontclits. to be i-Miid seine time in the next few month-. A dvanced orders a i e- now Ivijijf taken Read what the chaii 'iniu of the Federal' Trade 'onim i.- ion said Nat North Carolina's education di part men t is due to receive soon an allot ment of 1,200,000 is its part of the :4S,000,000,OOU carried in the emer gency appropriation bill passed by Congress recently for education relief, it was revealed in Wa?hington last week by J. H. Warren, secretary of the North Carolina State Teachers' as sociation after he and St..te Superin tendent A. T. Allen had conferred with the relief administration as to early allocation of funds- This sum will be in addition to the half million dollars received two months ago to aid "weak school units' in the st.te- and $140,000 that has een allocated by the Public Works ..dministration as a grant to supple ment $420,000 that the state is ap propriating to buy six hundred new school busses Is $r00,000 and the grant of $1mi,000 does not have to be repaid. The Tar Heel educators attended the 73rd session of the National Kdu tional association o, which Dr. J. V. Joyner 'of Lagrange i a former picsidcnt. the oldest .surviving mem ber of the Past Pre.-. dent's associa tion, wht was honored during the present session by presiding at sev. oral meetings. As poin'ed out by Allen and Secre tary Warren, the $1 200,000 will make a total of 1 s.MUHio received as fed e.al aid for Noith Carolina'.- MiO.OOO school children and 23.000 schoo tt'.icheiv. ti.Ooe ef such teachers be--ng negroes. Allen and Warren asked an early allocation of the North Carolina quota m.-e the ti.-cal Ve.r in the state began July 1, in accord with that of the government, and the budget for '.lie year i.s now being formulated with till u.-ual S 1 o-dOU,OoO educational ALARM CLOCKS 98c 60c I'NGENTINE For Sunburn 39c Big Values for 10 Days JULY 12 JULY 21 IXMTLAK LAXATIVES Feenamint y 25c Size I I C Alophen Af pills 7.c size tHC Milk Mug- nr nesia pt. size LiiJK .i . ai lie pa iica aj .'SOc size . . Z4C Mineral Oil n Full pint ... SuC Uubbino; Alcohol Full pint fund piovidod by .MARRIAGE LICENSES ' . A Muir and Klizahtth Ktes, 'I: "f ( anton- ' ''iver J. McKlroy of Iron Hurt' ' i Maggie Shelton. Crabtree I nd Olvey, Sylva and Dertlia loci-ii,;iii, Cruso,. 1 .W II Siwtb and Klsie Ilarkins. both ' ( itt;'n, ( .AVa!d'e. . 'Jenkins and Margaret i-bi., th Gilliland, both of Plott 1 ri'k. ..' ....: . : ,;ayni, nd Williams. Allen's Creek Ming. rice Goodson, East Fork. I "nue Deitz and Martha Am ''t. both Of . W'illets. ."vavti Rathbone, Fines Creek. Auce Hunter, White Oak. r.e Harrell and Coleene Evani, j; tri .,t Jonathan. R-A . Willis, of Asheville. and Iva ''- , dabtree. , yircf- Meadows and Meeky Messer, ' i K 2 Wajnesville. t -Ma.vhall H. Childers and Martha 1"';u- ''th of Canton. , .niiithers and Kate Medford, -'-. h of - Canton. .. I-,owl Shuler, Sylva and Anne : ' --d. Cruso. Subscriptions . l-e following sUbsCriptions have r-.ceived during the past few Vr J. R Latham cit , Mr E B. u r t . John . Plott, Rt 1; i uichestoT. Hn oK.-,,,..! r m n''v"n- , Hazelwood; C.; N.' Allen .'IP? Auin nooeiTS, jii C- H. Purcell. P.icr -Mrs. Uoyle Alley erling; Mr "kid , (. h;:r,4 Hill p U ,H'ell, Rt. 2; Tom Mas : ' V,;- Julius Williams, Crab-1- t t 'lm Nola"d. Crabtree, Rt. T i. "mtehouse, Crabtree; C. Rir KJ"n' Cra"tree; Mrs. Floyd li C'V ; Mr" FIod Bullock, Cau'vv ' '-T8:; Charlotte . News; u 'r , VubUr' J- C' Cracken, M s P w irier. Canton Rt. 2. -Mr- "1, ' .-S!t'e McClure, Dellwood; -."niM, T' TCanton; Hotel Rt 'i c,'.ty: Henlry Flrancis, J s'el P.nl L,M Kilhan.city; Rt ' T dari! cVah ' 3 H 1 F iMi'!ne'1 Hazelwood, Mrs. Mr, RC?V?;M,S K--- Rd. K.' Hrrafl'n 1 Dpan' Jacksonville J p u ulnlZ l Clty: Mrs w- Ro tree. Mr3- P- V Dotson. CrX : : I Kubbinjr Heproduttions All ri i5, Aleohol from the 13c Dyes f i l ull pint Old Masters 1 f 'jy, "ir The of Inno- 1UC g ? IDC cense, Little IjV . cl i Hlue, etc. ; V 25c p . Assorted tiSm Pound JfrW mmo TOOTHPASTE v o li tcL-Slriiu hummer hpsom halts .CTCSS rA- Ijsterine nn Li Jw.r!--J landies S3 Qn Kwll in Ke s,c DJC UL WWm ISC ,pana QO''I mm - zr -i I :m l" Yn -ai,o spnts - - t !ir,.,,.,i iv.i i Mr : " ipi!kw ii'' . ill I in m ........... i. -iQ 1(L " v,.,.,.v. Ilip ")0f sie . . . dLL: I Full pint JVC $1 1Q AVU I 2.K- nDlmiu ,r ANTISEITICS ' I ,hviiiK I t : m s r . mm : I , . - :i)Kivi ic wood- or rJL pmh ,,m,n,;,in ; Kr 69c 4k 59c J ( sio ltC ,l,,ks VV yu !1 A f UfelHmv n ( li"iUw IslhU.dan( l ull Pint, B 1,1. ... . r f A Siniilo Dock ....!',)( 11 SuiiiIiIim n a. B I ;.. in v.v, ... i ,....',.:,,.;; I . - I fir I. .VII 1 1 U 1A. iiounie I'eck , . . i.v I'.nt .size . . OUi I i B si.0' I l'll.'(; TIMS ( OII'ON AND I lulll'inl I -hiiiUloii, ( ft . July : l!t:.; H - I ' (lllnv,, 1 iWA.MPOI.KS llin -w,,m,., H 1UC HANI) I Oil ON H 70 m)ki:(i:im; v -,. itoriu: oi a ional Hank, or with M i: . T. 1,. 0 iUK, I 1'.. I' . L". " A.TtT : i ,i. w., ...... i, .in.. , i ,1 h . i i :ii iiiiii i r i ! v w .. .. . i i r i ill in,.. i r m - v i i n " 1 1 1 n i ! m in v m iv. a v. Bh KK.M) I UK Alls ' i 1 .m.u.-'i , BBMgBBMBBBBa3H . If -s I .ivriv.vvx-:--v-' 13:- .i i4- lyils l) Inlil) IT - fsie naiioiL s .... .. . ,:-' ,"JS.;. '.'a-s., ... ... .. .,. iV,'.;- ' - ." o... . ..'.. motor "capital - ooos IFOISi -mr 505 DETROITERS help to build mostxf the cars made in this country. They know What goes into them . . . and what their owners can expect to get out of them. That's why Detroit's preference means something to car buyers in every other city in America. This year Detroit's choice is three to one for the Ford V-8 . . . powerful evidence of the value these wise buyers know is built Intd this car. The truth is, that the more igh priced cars you look at today, the more Ford V-8 features you'll see. The only V-8 engine in a car under $2500 ...torque-tube drive... improved clear-vision ventilation. ..dual down-draft carbure tion... safety glass, and stcc! welded bodies. Put this new Ford -8 to your own tests, under your own conditions. Then you'll know why the men who build and know motor cars choose it. AUTHORIZED SOUTHEASTERN FORD DEALERS ANDUP, F.O.B. DETROIT Easy terms ihrough Imvertal Credit Company the Aur thorizeJ Ford Finance Flan. rOBD RAPIO PRC. RAM WITH WARUS'G'S PENNSYLVANIAN6: SB.S.V SvtfiPAT fcVKMNC-(LVMM4 NETWORK .

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