TRURlVY, JULY 12, 1931 THE WAYNESVILLE MOU.VTAINEBH SOCIETY PAGE Mrs. Ben Sloan, Editor ------- Phone 137 -Local Items Society News J i MI.SS ROSALYN KAY IS HOST KSS F(JR VISITOR ML,.- Sallyi Wiuiaub, i Savannah. Georgia, wn i.. the attractive gue-i of Mis- France.- Ray, waj extended a lovely courtesy Tuesday aftvrnoon when Sli.-. Ko.-aivn Ray was h-o-te.-s for a o.vige party. Pretty aTrangeii.e!:'..- : jf.a-li and .r,aiii!a'n.i ient od-r ar.o to the r oo.'iv wherein -.x tab.e- r:t placed !'-r contract A cvio-r note of : ver. and yciio-.v wa- carried ut in tin- party appointments and in tn,. -ai-.J cou..-e .-erve,i alter the garnvs. When the sole- were count ed M Martha M-k wa.- found to h.!,l h.jfh arid Mi.... K.aherine Bad-Ift-'.t iv. Kach wa, I e.-cnted a puze and Mi.,, William- received an honor gift. Th-..,. playing bridge were: Miss W.iliarn- Mr.-. Felix Stovail Mrs. Kinr.-tn F?nru.son. Mrs. Charles Fe. 4.1.-01., Ml.-- Jewel Hipps, Miss Mai in Mock Muss Babbie Way. Miss Kadgett, Mrs. Alton Kirk patrick, of Shelby. Harriet Crawford, of Dayton, Ohio, Muss Louisa Thackston, Mi-s F.llen LouUe Kilii'.n, Martha Stringrield Mu,.s Kdna Garrett. Mis- Alice Stringfield, Miss Marian McDowell. Miss Marave Hyatt, Mis,. tfanet Almond of Lake Junaluska. Miss Im.ise Singtield Gladys J)icu.s, M us., Mary Kmma Mass i-, Mis- Margaret Ashton, Miss Frances Shi ami Mi.,- Virginia Reeves, of Canton. Joining this group for tea were Mi.. .1 R McCracken and Mrs. M. H Bowles. HANDCRAFT DISPLAY WILL BK ADDF.D TO QUILT SHOW In (connection With the annual CJiult Show. sponsored bv the Wo- nian', Club, Which has proved I of such intere.-l to the summer resident.- as well as the home folks, ther,. will be this yen a competitive display of handcrafts of varied type... The handcraft department is being added to the club's program of work in an effort to encourage, .t more wide spread production of the arts typical of this locality and of pre serving their beauty and increasing their . distribution. This department is under thi' direction of Mrs. .Wil liam P. Matthews' who hopes with the co-operation, of all in this section who are interested in native arts and crafts, to make it a real event on the .-umnicr .-schedule and to serve as a medium of contact between the folk who. arc- interested in making liaskets, hooked, woven or braided rug-- stool.s and ch.drs. embroidered, crocheted, or miscellaneous articles and the people 'from various points who might help to further produc tion. The Quilt Show is to be held dur ing the latter part of Julv and Mrs. .Matthews' urges that all in the sec tion who can in vke anv of the items coming within the arts or crafts li.-l plan definitely to enter a.-- many a .' as po-sible. I'r;;:e- w i 1 1 i ( awarded in each class of entrie. .-ml the chaininr: would like to know a- eaily as p.sible what kind and how manv articles are to be entered .Mrs. .Matthews will be glad to see person s interested at her home, "Broadview'' at any time or she may be reached by phone or letter. ' MR. AND MRS. CAM I'li F.LL ARK HONOR 111) ON BIRTHDAY Mr. and M.s. W. J. Campbell were 'honored' at a surprise birthday party given by their children-op'-last. Sun- dav. .Mr- CmnbeU's hirthdav came- on' Friday while Mrs. Campbell's tame on the day of the party, After the family had assembled the guests of honor were invited into the dining room, Here a tieautitui whit,, birthdiiy cake .: with . lighted pink candles graced the center of the table which was laden with gift:. Delightful refreshment- Were , serv . ed witli the . cake. FREE SAMPLE Mrs. Itaymon Hyatt Demonstrating KERR Self -Sealing Jar CAPS At LONG'S STORE H AZELWOOD Friday 2: ,50 p. m. 6:00 p. m. Saturday At C. E. RAY'S DEPT. STORE COME ANU LEAKS' THE SURE WAY. ' Upholstering And Furniture Ilefinishing And Repairing ALL WORK GUARANTEED ARTHUR DAVIS Smather's Buildinjj Opposite Waynewood Theatre BARBARA HAVILAND IS : i : HONORED AT FAREWELL PARTY M.s- liaibara Hav.lar. 1 was rX i.ded a (ieiigntful farewell courtes;. i iday evening when her gr.ridmoth r M. S. i'. Satterthwait, er.ter- a n t. lirit-.'- o: rn-r .. ojng naity. Miss H 'er. ' visiting her W ithers, left M--n. r. New York City. .-n ,,'ji::. M-. K: :.: ay t'-.,r her h-.v.e Tr.c h'l.T.e prc.-pearar.ct- lor the le.-ented a festive ap le uartv with it.- dec- rat:t-n it gay Japanese lantern, ano bt igbt gard' n ti-.wers. Ping-pong and oancii.g featuied the eiitei tainnient c.unng the evening and attractive prizes were piesetited to Mi.-s Mary Willie Rot ha are: Mr. Hill Swift fW their costumes. Tho.-e pre-er.t were: Ml.-'.-., Havi land, Hazeltine Swift, Josephine Holtzcljw, Carolyn Rose. Anna Jean Barefoot- Anna Marie Peck, Jane Stent?, Rosemary Rippetoe, Emily Siler, Corinne W'agenfeld. Sars Welch, Martha Way Mary Willie Rotha, Ma.-y Snyder, Pauline Black Mary Wood, Thoma.sine Stringrield, Helen Sisk, Margaret Shackford, Alma Williams. Anna Katherine Coin, Frances Butler' and Messrs Bobbv Sloan, Joe Jack Atkins, E. K. Butler, Bill Swift, John We.-t, Howard Hyatt. Boh W'agenfeld. Thad Chafin '(-:. Kill'an. Frederick Marsh, Ray . ,.:i. Fioyii Rippetoe, David an 1 George Stent., John Cuddeback, Lock l nd Hvatt James Harden Howell Ottis Ma.-sie. Mack Davis, James Latham and guest. J- T. Russell, Bob Williams, and Ernest Withers, Jr. LEGION AUXILIARY HAS JULY MEETING The regular, monthly meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary was held at the home ot Mrs. L. B. tamp. Following the usual opening cere mony and the reading of the minute.-, report.- of officers and com mutes were given. The treasurer' .epoit of a balance of $"".!) 5 was ac cepted. $47.'.l4 has been contributed to all auxiliary causes during the year Mrs. Camp read a letter iiorn tho state president and a bulletin re garding the re-installment of mem. bcrs. An - 'open, discus-ion followed en various matters concerning child welfare meinbe'.ship. and rehabili tation. Mrs. Lonnie Bowen was welcomed ai a -hew-.member of the unit. This being the .Utile' for the elec tion of officers Mrs. Roy Campbell nioyed that ; the standing officers Mrs. E. B, Camp, pre-ident; Mrs. J. F Abel, vice president;- Mrs. R. II. Hyatt, treasurer; and Miss Ida dean Brown, .secrcta.y be re-elected lor the next year. This motion car ried. .Mrs. Ci.mpbel! was appointed as chairman of the uroiiiani committee. During the social hour Mrs. I. J. '.!i'"ffii and Mis, Ida ..lean Brown ei'ved iced tea ;.ni! cake. A special guest'' for the meeting wa M.s, Camp'.- .-i-ter Mrs. Storv. ilo.-tes-es for the August meeting Will be Mrs. R,,v ( amp! ell and Mrs. M. C. Green. CAMP-ING TRIP IS ENJOYED ON PIGEON A delightful outing extending over the Fourth of Julv wa, the earn ing party given by Mr. anil Mrs C. .1. Reece at their rutic,sunimer cot tage on Pigeon. Among those in the party were: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lee, Jr.. Dr. and .M.s. S. P. (layi Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wat kins; .Mrs. -Richard Barber, Jr.., Mr. and Mrs.. Guv Massie. Mr. ami Mis. Roy Francis. Mrs, Ruth Wii liams Rotha, Mr, Tom Hunter and Mr. Joyner; of Asheville. ... . .. SUMMER VISITORS AT"BROAD-'-,..- VIEW " ,-Vnioirg the recent arcivals in the city are the following, who are guests at Broadview cottage: .Mr- and Mrs. .1. O. Wiley anil two daughters, of Fort Lauderdale Florida; Lt. and Mrs. Gordon P. Seville and .'children, of Maxwell Field. Montgomery, Ala bama and Mrs. Seville's parents. M;-, and Mrs. Howard Hards, of Connec ticut; and Mrs. Fv. E. Einig and daughter, Mary, of Miami. Fla. : ...'... BIRTH AXNOUNf EMENT Mr. and Mrs. C. S. (ireen, of Clyde, announce the birth tif . a son, . Joe Silas, on Tuesday. July 3-: , NEW GUESTS AT PIEDMONT .-'Arrivals during the Dust week at the Pieibnant Hotol Include: M.r. John H. Cooper, of Atlanta, CJeorgia; Mr. and Mrs. T. C. . Reynolds and Mr., and Mrs, A. Le Pontois, of Lake- w-ood. Ohio ; Miss Marie .Mieport and Mr. J. C. Honaker, of Cincinnati, Ohio; Mr- arul Mrs. John Butler, of: Atlanta, i . Mrs. Rufos N. B-.rnes has returned to The Georgian after a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Anderson Wilder in Atlanta, Georgia. ' Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Harrison, of Dublin, Georgia, Miss Rose Stuart of Philadelphia . Pennsylvania, and Mrs. G. D. Green are guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. E. B. .Mc Clure. i. g MISS QUIXLAN HOXoRS RKN'.N- YLVANIA VISITORS Mi.-- Brt-ey Quinlan was lio-tess ! .; likiighlfui arfa.r la.-t Satui 'lay .-ver. nir when she entertain ed nuni'-e.' of friends at Smoky ('ve. Camp i n Pigeon. The party was giver. -,i !. ::. r .,f M Kv'er. Hamihor; J:: -tie-t. of Mi-. Ha.-n: A Mrs. Clair f Philadelphia, n'- s,i-ter, M.s.- A'arguei.te Barro::. D.:r.i!ig a:.d bvwi.n teatuiej the ei.tei .airinu-r.t and : : e.-hment, were served throughout the evening. Tho-e er.jovit: the tmrtv wer.: Mi. and Mr-. Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. M H. Bowi. - Dr. and Mrs S. P. Gav. Mr and M.'s. Richard Barker, Jr., Mr. nd Mr.-. Dan W'atkitu-, Mr. and Mr-. Ralph Prevost Mr. and Mr-. R. L. Coin Mr and Mr,. Colin Mclnne.-, Mr. and M Robert Woodward, Mrs. Sterling Bottone of St. Petersburg, Fla., Mrs. Margue rite Barron, Mis Mary Kirkpatrick, Mis. Ch.ries Badgett. Mr. Bill Wil-jiam-on. M;'. Ennis Sentelle, Mr. Charlie King, and Mr. Luckwooti Sharp of Cantor, Mr. Carol Bell Mr. Lee l'avis, and Mr. William M ed ford. O. E. S. HAS REGULAR MEETINC The regular meeting of the Way - nesville chapter No. 15 Order of the Eastern Star was held last Thurs- day evening. Past matrons and patrons night wa, uustrved an i tacn ot tne seven past matrons tilled a spation. Past Matron, Mrs. Green, presided. The present associate matron was es corted to the East to preside during the transaction of business. After the busine-s. session an en joyable program was given, .which included the following numbers: Reading bv Mi.., Louis,. Campbell'. piano solo by Mrs. Ruth (Ireen, and I a hi-torv of the Eastern Star b Mrs. Maud Jones A delightful the program. hour followed GEOR;i.N HAS LARGE NUM BER OF VISITORS Among the visitors in town who are spending soma time at The Georgian dire: Mrs. James J. Goulden, of Knoxville, Term.;. Mrs. J, Franklin Williams and daughter. Jo.-celyn. of PoinfPleiisant, N. J.; Mr. Gladstone j W. McDowell, Miss Edwina McDoW. ell. .Miss Marion McDowell, ot Wav- nesville, Mr. and Mrs.. II. E. Cudde back, and daughters, Misses Louise and Janet Cuddeback, of W est Pittston. Penrisvlv .nia ; Mr. and Mrs. Arelia Neck, of Palatka, Fla'.; Mrs. W. L. Jessup, Mr-. Julia .V Snlith and Mr. L. Eugene Je.-sup, of Ea-tmari, (ia-; Mr. Charle- Sims, of Kikix ville. , Term. Mis, Katherine Badgett, Uf Rich woo. 1, We-t Virginia, i- the guest "!' Miss Jewell Hipp-. " MISS ARol.YN ROSE, 'is HOST ESS FOR PD NIC One of the mo-; onjoya.oe out. ings in observance of the .. Fourth ot July- was the picnic given by Mis Carolyn at her slimmer h.'.mu at Bal-ani. In the partv were: Mi.- Marion McDowell. Miss Louisn Thack-ton, Mis,. Hester Ann Withers. Mr. George Smathers. Mr. Jack Beckwith, Mr. John Cuddeback, Mr, James Harden Howell. Jr., and Mr. Ernest Withers, Jr. .Mr. and Mrs. Noyes Long and in fant son, of Old Hickory, Tennessee arrived Saturday aceommpained b Miss .Mary Stringrield, who has been their (iuet for the past three weeks, and Mr. Buster Harris. .Mr. Long and. Mr. Harris returned toOld Hick ory Sunday while Mrs, Long and baby remained for a riMnth's visit to the former's parents,' ...Mr. .and' Mrs. AWL.. Hardin. . . " Mr. and Mis. Hallett Ward ami young son, of Riciivood, West. Virginia arrived saturd'iy: for a vwit to '-Mrs. Ward's parents," Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hipps. They will also visit Mr. Ward's parents, Mr. and Mrs;. -A. E. Ward., at. their home at Lake Junaluska, iMiss Alice iStringtiield.. , Who ha, spent, the past few months in Birm ingham, Alabama as the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs,.'M;cGee Porter, returned to het- home Friday. Miss Stringrield attended the Birm ingham Business College, during her visit. Mr. and Mrs. Rube Coman, . of Can ton were visitors in Waynesville Thursdav. ..:' Taff Ferguson, of Clyde was here on business Monday. . .''.'.-' ''....-' ' O. M. Hampton, of Canton was among the visitors in town last. week. R. Win field was here from Canton Monday. J. L. Walker, of Crabtrec spent Monday in Waynesville. ...;.' V ? Horace . Ledbetter and Will Moore were among the visitors in town Mon day from Pigeon, :,....'..:. John Carver and James Teague, of Jonathan spent Monday here on busi ness.'. , . v .-, ... Mr. and Mrs. O. Y. Kirkpatrick and daughter, Jane, of W'inston-Salem, spent last weekid in town visiting the former's parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Kirkpatrick. '".': . Mr. Thomas Reeves, who is attend ing summer school at Duke University, Durham, spent the; Fourth t)f July at his home at Lake Junaluska. KNGAGKMENT OF MISS I FF.RGU- SON ANNOUNCED Of intere-t to friend.- ai.-i rela tive., in Waynesvilie i.- the fv! lowing announcement, which wa.- nune in the New York Heiaid Tuoun-j en June 24: OLD POINT CoMF'iRT BEACH Va . June 2d The engagc.r'.e::; O' Mrs- Isaoel Ferguson ciaugRte. of Mr. ..nd Mr.-. Huiiier L. Ferguson, of Newport News t, Mr. Lyman S Ayre--, of Indianap nas an riounee'l on the Peiininsula. Mi.-- Ferx-on pa-.-ed the winter in X"w Yv.k her brother M. Wil--lam M. Ferguruii, uf 43 Park Avenue, while stu lying at the American Aad- my of Dr. niatic Art. Previously .-he ba.i atteii ied St. Catherine's SchoOi, Richmond, 'a., and the Oldfields School Baltimore, and n o a pupil -t Sarah Lawrence College, Bron.xvilie. She made h.r debut in Norfolk in l'j:-;2. Mr Ay res was graduated from Yale in VJ'dO M.-. and Mrs. Fergus jii are plan ning a party for their daughter at the New Cru.T.beriin Hotel. No date has' been .-et, but it will oe given be fore early autumn, when tile wedding wiii take place ; D ! X N E K -i ) A N C E MARKS OPEN, 1NG OF PIEDMONT j The foini '. ipeiiing of the Pied- i mont Hotel : . : , .av .vening was marker y a ..:., .n: iimner- dance attended oy an unusually large crowd. The dining room presented a color ful scene bedecked in red, white and blue and the patriotic motif was carried out in the courses of the dinner. The tables were graced wdth howl, of blue flowers and lighted with red, white and blue candles- I oi.e u. ie l .ie.-L viiiuiei pui uls wa- given oy Mr. and Mrs. Dan Watkir.s who entertained ten guests Mr. and- Mis. Wilford Ray and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hodges composed a party of four- .Mr.. A. K, Hines had a party of four and Mr. Charles Ray ntertained a. party of two. On,, of the largest Dutch treat parties v,'a- composed of Mr. and Mis. .Colin Melnnes. Mr. am Mrs.. Ralph Prevost, Mrs. Grady Boyd, Mis.- W'ilda Crawford, and Mr. W'iiite'ier Prevost, Df. and M.i's. 'N. F. Lancaster had a.s their guests Mr. am! .Mis. l.auri tvn Haitlin am Mrs. Lanv Lancaster, of Hender . nville. : i : her.-" a'. tenciing the dinner in cluded Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Kirkpat rick. Mr and Mrs. E.nest Withers, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Craft, Mr. Ken neth Dunham. Mr. Ed Rhineharti of A.-heville arid liaity and Mr. I.eRoy Davis- ami party. ' Fci!ow:iiig the' dinner the: dance Was 'held in th,, ball room of. the hotel 'and wa- attemted by appruximntely :w j iiilndred gue.-ts. Mr . I.. L. Raymond, of New York City has arrived to spend two months in Waynesville and i, a guest at the Hotel Le Fa I fie. '''-'' Mi-.- Hazel Smith, o; Hot Springs. Arkansas has arrived to spend a month visiting friends in the city. Mr. and .Mrs, Fred E. Stewart and son. of Larchniont,, .New York are guests id' Mrs.-Carolina Hyatt at her home on Haywood Street. Mrs. Dew and 'laughter. Miss Maud Dew,, of St. Petersburg. Florida ar rived Saturday X-.i spend the summer in Waynesville and are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hardin. Mis, Dew- will, give swimming instruc tions at Belle Meade Playground for two months. . . . Mrs. Robert Osborne and (laughters, of Tanipa, 'Florida- arrived Tuesday ty spend the summer with the former's parents, Dr,.. and Mrs. J. I". Abel. Mr. M. B. Francis and family, of Newport News, Virginia are guests of Mr. Francis' parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. P. 'Francis at their home on East Street. ' '.. . '.'..... ': '''. : Mr. C. E. Burn, of Charleston, South Carolina arrived Saturday to spend the summer and is a guest at the home of -Mr. and .Mrs. John N. Shoolbred. He was accompanied bv his son, .Mr Charlie Burn, of Columbia, who left Sunday, . ' .Mrs. vt alter layior and young daughter, ot Baltimore, Maryland are expected to arrive today for a visit to the tormer s parents, Mr. and Mrs John N. Shoolbred. Mr. and Mrs. Winfred Baker, of Orlando, FTorida have arrived and are guests of Mrs, Baker's parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Abel. i . Mr. and Mrs. Shi and daughter. Miss Frances Shi, of Auburn, Alabama are in town to spend the summer and have taken the Albright apartment Mrs. C. B. McKeel, Jr. and two children, of Charlotte are here for a visit to the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Albright, : - Mr. C. E- Hamilton left Monday for his home in Philadelphia after a ten dav visit to Mrs. Hampton at Pros pect Hill. . ,., ''': Miss Alice Quinlan expects to leave this week for an extended visit to relatives in Towanda, Pennsylvania and various other northern points. - . "-' ' Miss Jean Baug-hman, of Tampa, Florida is a gTiest at the home of Mr. and Mrs, M. F. Albright. . MISS IVA i'.OGERS IS BRIDE OF MR. WELDON WILLIS Of sr.teifc.-t to is the an. n junccment of the nr. Triage of Miss Iv. R .er.- : . Mi, W'eLion Willis, of, wr.ich was quietly solemn ized on June thirtieth at the home of tne '-ride's parents at Crabtree. Rev. J. P. Hipp.- of Asheville, pti'- I lo.-med tile ceremony. The wedding Maicn from Lohen grin was j)lae.i by Mis. Joe Tate as pi'ocessiunji The bride wore a chai ming , suit of hya.'inth blue with white a.ces- aulicS. Mis Will.s i.- the daugnter of Mr. and Mi,. J. P Rogers. For some time she ha- made her home in Ashe ville where she has been engaged in secretarial work. Mr. Willi.- is the sun of Mr. C. C. Willis, of Asheville. At present he i, connected with the American Enka Corporation at Enka. The young couple, after a short wedding trip, are now at home at Grove Park, Asheville GORDON DINNER DANCE TO MORROW EVENING The forma) opening c'inner-danee will be held at the Hotel Gordon tomorrow evening. Musi.- for the dance will be furnish ed by Russell Scholl afnu his Flam ingo Club, of Orlando. Florida. This orchestra is pLying at present at the George Vanderbilt Hotel in Ashe, ville and broadcasting over WWNC. Mr. Craft, manager of the Gordon, has asked thai those who expect to attend the dinner reservations at once. HOMECOMING DAY WILL BE OBSERVED 'BY HAYWOOD INSTITUTE ALUMNI " Homecoming will be observed by the alumni of the Haywood Institute on Saturday, July 28, at the old In stitute grounds at Clyde. A program of interesting events is planned for the day which will be climaxed in the evening by a banquet A charge of only o5 cents a plate will be made for the banquet and all who plan to attend are asked to notify Mis., F ranees P. Justice at Clyde before the twentieth. MISS KILLIAN IS PARTY HOS . TESS Mi-s Ellen Louise K ill ia li was host ess for a charming affair last week when she entertained . at a buffet supper.- honoring Miss -'Marian Mc Clenaghan. of Raleigh. Miss Iris Balis and .Miss . Nettie Pinnicks, of New Bern, Who are spending two week- at Lake Junaluska. Quantities of bright summer flow er., decorated the living rooms and in the dining room where the supper wa.s served, the large table was cen tered with a:i. exquisite mixed bou quet, (Linked with liirhted . pink tapers. The guest, present included: Miss Clenaghaii, Mi.-s Rail.-, Miss Pinnicks. Miss Jewel Hipps, Miss Martha Xeal. Miss Rosalyn Ray. Mr. James Queen. Mr. James Harden Howell, Jr., Mr. Johnnie Cuddeback, Mr, Sam Buh nell.1 Mr. Charles Rus.-ell. Mr. Milas Ferguson, and Mr. John Queen- The party attended the opening dance at the Piedmont Hotel later in the evening D An Announcement The former Ferguson (irBcery Company is now ope rated as The Food Store. It is loyally owned and will operate on a cash and carry basis. Shortly The Food Store will open in a new location with a new stock -and with improved facilities. The Allen Building; now being improved is the new site. The policy of The Food Store will be to give you at a proper price quality foods under pleasingly sanitary conditions. '-''. D 0 0 D n Ready To Serve You THE FOOD STORE Solicits Your Business In Groceries AncfMeats YOUR BUSINESS APPRECIATED Tune FD)D)dl Store D Emmet Ballentine Manager of Groceries Job Printing EXPERT WORK The Mountaineer PHONE 137 Pee Gee Paint Is Not Expensive Because a gallon goes '' so far. Come In And Let Us Show You Why PEE GEE Is So Popular. "A LEADING PAINT SINCE 1867" Waynesville Hardware Co. R. G. COFFEY, Owner D D 0 D D 0 0 0 a a a a a - 0 - 0 0 0 0 a Bob Fie Manager of Mea'- (mastic Li'I -lite

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