THURSDAY. JULY 12, lgfo THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER y j r.e .jilted to y1RSl I'KESBYTEKIAX CHURCH I -The i-ittle Church on the Corner" -lir ami nicmuci 3 ait: uir- ,,e so many vlmijis oui i ... , u.. !!i Sunday School and at andav Or. Vaiker: the pastor ! tU on "The Glory of Vii Age." I "no, a' mvfage to old peopH but r . ' iy from little vliildren to the J'Y: ,1- "are mo-t earnestly urged to f ''iV V: iVel like you mast "dress up" L a -tend church. Come just like you T . it j the worship of the Lord and So a .-.'octal event. The man 'ih 'over- U receive a hearty welcome. 'cumiay'. Program: Sunday School -40- .norninjr worship and sermon, II a' m.: Christian Endtayor.'7?lf.j J,.; Md-weck service Wednesday 8 t. m. ' SHADY CROVK A Revival Meet in-,' Xt!$t Sunday mormnc;. Ju; . 1". wi'' beuin our revivi! .r :.. o-.... j.. Gravi? Methodist thu: h' on 7.nV,i,',;, cieek. Service will h., i,..i i .1. , : ' iun week at 10:3(1 m the morninir and at r..0 in the evening The pastor will he assisted in the nieeiinu bv Rev J L. Reynolds of llurn-vi!!e. X. C 1 trust every member of the church, who possibly .an. will make his plans to attend all these services. We shall look for you Sundav niorn. mir at the first srvi, ... ( ..... i tiring some one with vuu. V. M. Uobbtns, pastor. FIRST .METHODIST i Paul Hardin, Jr., Pastor j All service, Kiinrhv ... .1,.. .. 1...J hours: ' ine church school at 9:45 a. m., with classes for everyone. Mr. Hugh Sloan is the superintendent. Morning chur. h service at 11 o'clock. Sermon by the pastor. The young people meet at 7:15 in the evening and extend a cordial in vitation to visiting young people. The evening church service is at s ..'clock. The rirst part of the ser v!c. is devoted to the congregational su.gnij of familiar hymns. Sunday i vening we are to. ..have the added pleasure of hearing the Rev. J. H. Barnhanit former popular pastor of our church, who Ls now pastor of t!i ace church. Wilmintrton. X. C. aie happy ove. the number of s who are attending our ser if you arc temporarily without ih home we hope that you will : fi'ctlv at home in ours. We visit o vices, a clui t l'C. ; FRAXC1S COYK Rev. R. P. Walker will preach in the rrancis t. ove Chape! Sunday after noon at ; o'clock. International Liw Jnw is best known by the successful violations of It. Mrs. Bill Eagle- of Decatur. Geor gia, arrived yesterday for a few days' visit to her muster, Mrs. Grady Boyd, and Mr. Boyd. Mis. Alain Kirkpatriek returned to her home in Shelby Wednesday after a visit to her mother, Mrs. J. M. Mock. . Mr. HaVrold Massie srxnt last week-end in Charlotte as the guest of h:., :.utu, Mrs W. A. Short Mrs. Humes Hart and little ii ughtiv '.oft Sunday to' spend sever al day- in Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. .John H. Wills and children, of Fort i.uulerda.le. Fkvida, are amont the recent arrivals in the citv and are residing at the Shuford Howell cottage for the summer. Dr. and Mrs. .John Smathers hav as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Sherman and Miss Flo Phillips, o St. Petersburg, Florida. . Miss Hester Ann Withers left Tuesday for Greenwood. South Caro lina where she will visit one of her ehool mates. Miss Mildred llooten. .y Rev. and Mrs. Roy J. Donaldson nn cniuiren. Miss Betty Jean and Roy, Jr., of Atlanta. Georgia a.v truest of Mrs. A. M. Maxwell Mr. Frank Hardin, of Cincinnati Ohio, arrived last week to spend his vacation with his parent- Mr and Mrs. W. I,. Hardin. Mrs. W. W. Norman and Mrs Av$! Davis, of Griffin. Georgia. an ivod Monday for a visit to the former's; iiiiugmer. .11 s. riicmiru H:rher. Jr ml Mr. Barber. Dr. and Mrs. Lay ton Hoy:.- and Mr. :nd Mrs. F.ank Hoyi.-, of I' lette, spent Sumiay in the citv as UWft' of their aunt. Mrs p.". W. Brown. Mrs. A. C. McLean, of Tamp. Honda arrived Tuesday for a twa week's visit to her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Abel. Differ in Keenness of Smell Individuals differ so in keenness at smell that some Mowers seem fragrant to some people and odorless to other Half Man, Half Hor.. In classic mythology centaurs rer heinss wlio were half man and half horse. They l'mi-lit ith the Lapltha a poop'e of 'Phcssaly at the mar riage feast of Ilippodaiuia and 1'irlt hous, and were expelled from their country. Chiron was the most famous of the centaurs I jra u hili. 1 n'.s k . . . .1.1 . 1 l" l " ' " '" '""' Are You Waiting for Your Ship to Come In? Many business firms have found that waiting is expensive, but that Advertising is inexpensive as compared with the profitable-results. Newspaper advertising is not an expense its an inyestijient, and one that Always pays big dividends. 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