193-T ' 1 1 u ' :r.,- '..l....' THE WAYNESV1LLE MOUNTAlNEElt THURSDAY, JULY to , a - . is I I IV, A 1 i Criminal Court Is Disposing Of A Number Of Cases with with (Continued from pape 1) capia. Marcvi'lle Goodman, assault Marcelle Goodman, assault deadly weapon, N. P. V. L Mariman Inmau and Jim Inman, larceny, alias as to Jim InniMi, con tinued as to Mariman Inman. Grady Heck, violation prohibition law. alias capias and continued, Grady Beck, public drunkenness alia.s capias and continued. R. O. McCracken. embezzlement defendant called and fiiiled. Forest Katclilt', abandonment, N. P. W. L George Rogers and Hutch Roger.-, assault with deadly weapon, contin ued. Cromer Chambers, rc-isting officer, continued. George Bradley, reckless driving, plead guilty, fined cost of $25, Douglas Rathone. driving while drunk, fined $5 and drivers' license revoked for 12 months. Fred Marcus, enters plea of guilty of driving auto while intoxicated. He is ordered to pay W. A. Haliburton $100 for damage done to car, and to pay $50 tine and court cost. He was also forbidden to drive on state high way for b' months. Ed Smythe found guilty of assault on a female with intent to commit rape. Sentenced from 'i to five years at the state penitentiary. HAZELWOOD NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Walk, of San Antonio, Texas, are visiting the form er's sister. .Mrs. Phi! Ma.-sey. and Mr. Massey. ., Mr. and Mrs. Christie Burrell, Carl Burred and Mis- Evelyn Freggens. of x' . i. v w . i l a1! .. ewarK. .n. j., leiurneu nonie luu.x. I day after a two weeks visit to rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. William Chambers and son, Ralph, left Wednesday for a two weeks visit to relatives in Mt. Holly. X. J. Mrs. Hitt. of McCormick, S. C and daughter, Carolyn, are visiting relatives. Mc( ULLOCK-ROGERS Mr. Earl Roger- and Mi.ss. Mary Aiicv McCullock were married bat urday, June 2. at Spartanburg, S. C. Mrs. Rogers is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McCollock, of Can dler. Mr- Rogers is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Roger.s of this place and is an employee of Enka. NEXT WEEK'S JURY it. W. Holtzelaw, Beaverdam; T. F. Smith, Waynesviile; J. L. Cham bers, J'igeon; J. L. Phillips, Beaver dam; J. C. Blaylock, Pigeon; J. S. Setzer; Ivy Hill; C. C. Medio rd, Bea verdam; J. H. Page, Waynesviile; C. C. Saunders, Beaverdam; S. B. Mc Cracken, Beaverdam; Hardy Caldwell, Iron Duff; L. E. Ensley, Beaverdam. NOTES FROM COURT Court convened at 10:15 Monday morning. Court adjourned for lunch at 10:15. Court convened for the afternoon session at 10:15, and ad journed Monday afternoon at 10:15, according to the clock over the judge's Jxnch. A long Ja;iirh placed in the.' hull .up stairs provided a. place for those wait ing to get to the grand -.jury room a plat i' to i i st. "Mils i i, no ul houses in 'the stale marked. the finest " Judge. PI ciiurt vs re- Fines Creek News JUST ARRIVED The following news has jut been received: Mr. and Mrs. Blake Hamilton, of Robbiasville, welcomed the arrival of son. Douglas Micheal, on Monday, July 2. Mr. and Mrs. 'Hamilton are lorme-r residents of Hazelwood. Mrs. Hamilton being the former Miss Berdell Sca-tes. ENTERTAINS VISITORS A group of friend! were entertain ed at the home of Mrs. Hessie Gaddy on the evening of July 4th. Dancing and cards were enjoyed until quite a late hour. Those present were Miss Evelyn Freggetis and Carr Burrell, of Newark. N- J., honor guests, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Burrell. Mr. and Mrs Vinson McElroy, Mrs. E. H. Ensley, of Orlando. Fla , Mrs. Harold Demp sey, of Harlen, Ky., Mrs. S. R. I.eatherwood. Mis-es . Wiltna Hoyle, Mattie K- Clark, Helen Morrow, Kath arine Hyatt. Mary Alice Blalock, Tela Mclx-an, of Enka, Lela Watson, of Topton. N. ('.. lJorothy.Dewee.se, and Me.-.-rs. Joe Davis, Ralph Sum merow. and Earl Byrd. EHic with Mir.-i.s Heli ii (in-iur and Greene i.-tit the 1 1 ; i t wirk-riiil their 'pa i t lit.-. Mr-. Lizzie UatclllV, ,-f A.dievilk and her ,- n. I.aw'.-oii Uatclitl', nf Hi troit. were th(. guesis of Mr. W. 1 M un ay Miss Wilnn. Clarke lelu.ned ft bar home Saturday 1'nnn Vu'llowhee. FOR SALE, .Meilford ioperty on Boyd Avenue. .Three lots,. 7 large oak trees, .j!750. Term- Apply to Mr.-. E. II. Howell. Willc'tts, X. '(.'-. WANTED OFFICE HELP Young I idy le.-i l ulls learning cler ical Work. M ut have A-l ; t fei eitce. Compensation extremely low but good opportunity to gain knowledge of office work. Address Office Help '.'i Mountaineer, Waynesviile, N. (:. ltp. MAN WANTED fo,- Rawleigh Routt of Si.il) f ;Anil ii-'s. Write immediately. Rawleigh fo., Dept NCG 5 SA. i 'ichmond, Va. .1 12-0. (Intended for last week) Hairy Brendle, who ha been in s'houl ,,t Newport News. Va.. U vis iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Bi'endle, fur two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. C'hal Little and chil dren, of Rockford, III., are visiting M r-'. Little's relatives. Mi--.- Tela McLean ami -Lela a-.-oii .'.if Enka, are guests 'of Mr. and .Mrs. L. '. Davis. liui'us Summerow is spending his two week- vacation with his p-.r-nt. Mr. and Mrs. (i. ('. Summerow. He h;u been, ill -chool at Newport New-.. - Va. M-:s. Annie Jenkins, of High I'-oiht, is visiting lier sister, Mrs L C. . Waddell, and Mr. Wit, Well. .' Mr-. I''. 11. Kiisley ami daughter lrU, i.i- tirl .i;do. KJa.. are sneiidinir Mr. Tom Hoyle is at the Haywood County Hospital for an operation. Mrs. Bob Henry and son, Raymond. are visiting relatives and friends in Walland. Tenn. thi.s week. Miss Rosamond Leagon and Mr. Cecil Leagoa of M avion, 'were in town Sunday-Mr- and Mrs. Ed Holt- of Ahe- ville, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Wall:;. Mrs. Holt remained here at the" bed side of her mother, Mrs. Martha Arlington, who i- seriously ill. Miss Thelma Swayngim and Mr. Vinson McElroy were quietly mar ried in Clayton. Ga. Saturday after noon, June ."0. They were accom panied to Clayton by Miss Dorothy Dewee.se and Mr. Earl Bvrd. Mrs. McElroy is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Swayn giin. of Waynesviile- Mr. McElroy is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McEhoy. He is employed at the eut-ole department of the Junalu-ska Tannery. They are re siding with the bride's sister, Mrs. Bill Blalock. and Mr. Blalock. A King of the Track and Two Aces Tea Room Opens The formal opening of the tea room at Belle-Meade Playground was held yesterday. Much new equipment has been added and the new fixture. are most attractive. Mrs. S. P. Strickland, of Nashville, who has had years of experience in tea room and coffee shop operation, is in charge. Regular meals and 5:00 o'clock tea will be featured as well as a varied array oi specuu saiaas, ami sandwiches. The tea room will be open from S:00 A. M., until 12:00 P. M. Tallies will be availably for cards at any time without cover charge. The Thursday and Saturday night square dances are rapidly increasing in popularity and attendance. Proof that the summer tolKri are welcome at Belle-Meade Playground, C. M. Dicus. owner, has announced they are invited to use the double tennis courts without charge, at any time during the , day light hour.-. I'he courts are in excellent condition The fwimniimr nool season is much better than last year. Girls from ( amp Junaluska will use the facili ties of 'tiie' pool each morning through- ut the season. W WW w ? I j V;; I'M l-a.,l.-.A.,)..J...w .. . .A. i -wmmm . rasM ... 1 B4n'l aounda S ,VWI not ice i.fr oao o' 'ill adu lt It re so abused by tiie hi-,- fen,uin Good bwimm .Probably no member f world is as adept at under -wa:t'f mtng rua the penguin, w; largely on small crustaeeai'.i M - 1 w.iu are' u(.- r.i jngnt Is concerne-! excellent paddles in tlil'- ...;iVr :.rtiWW& OF TRUSTEE'S s N-.. i u- The two most recent conquerors of the Atlantic by air, Cap. tain Maurice Rossi (left) and Y'ieutenant Paul Codos (right). They are shown here with Barney Oldfield (center) former race track champion. "Napoleon of the Stump" The title "Napoleon of the stump' was frequently applied to William Mc Kinley, who had a supposed resem blance to the Emperor Napoleon and who, during the Harrison campaign, traveled .more than 16.000 . miles and in his own first campaign made ovet "HO Speeches. Frog Held Able to Scream A frog does not open Us mouth during the ordinary course of Its sing ing, but it can scream with Its wide mouth open when occasion demands. A frog being grasped by a large snake bus been observed to do this ' most pitponsly. making a startling noise. I '.-! roit News. O.i .Monday, -lu'. r eleven' o'clock A. M. house door in the tov. i ville, Haywood Count,. olina. the undersigned' '.sell at public outcry t ;ht- r bidder . .lor cash, tht lands, to-wit: BEING in Wayn-- .' , t, Haywood County, North ( ., ;:r BEUl.N.MAli at a start t Southeast side of State Hi -hw; 10. which stake is 12 fee: fro Southeast margin of the which istake is 175 feet n a easterly direction from a -:al: intersection of the Eastern rtui the sidewalk line of Belle Meai the line running parallel with Highway No. 10, on the Sj side thereof, and said -takf the Northwestern cernei of -Devitt lot. and runs thence w: line parallel to and 12 iVtt ;r. edge of the concrete on .-rid way, in a Northeasterly i;r 400 feet to a stake; them,. S. 150 feet to a stake; thr;f Southwesterly direction paiaiit State Highway No. 10. -lou fee stake in the Northeasterly c".i the McDevit lot; thence with'! of said McDevit lot. N. '", V feet to the BEGINNING. Sale made pursuant tn .m salp conferred upon me by tain deed of trust executed 'y Bass and wife, Hallie V. Ha-.-February 7th, 1929, anil rec Book 20, page 100, Record .f of Trust of Haywood Cotintv This the 22nd day of June 1 m. g st ;;: ' Tin No. 225 June 28-July M : ir.omn w.tn tile Iiiiiiicr s parents, and Mr- .1. R. McKl.ov , Mr.-, ('ha. les Hoekstra and chil dien, of Melbourne, Fla., arrived last week. Mrs. Hockstra is erv ill at the horiie of her sister, Mr. E S. Clarke. ' Mrs. J. (J. Roger.s :md daughter Helen.'. -pent Sunday with the foriii er' si.-tt -. Mrs. E. If. l!,!,.. Helen remained for a week's visit. THE WHOLE COUNTRY Shv'c A'l-American Today's Live News For Fat Folks .1 (jreat Letters Head Them All From all over the country north . --south east west come letters of praise for the world'. safe and health ful enemy of fat don't miss "-these '! letters. "I am using Krusehen Salts on ad vice of my Doctor. Have used three bottles and lost 15 lbs., and gladlj recommend it to all my friends." Mrs. (i. W. Bryant, Foxboro, .Mass., 1931. "I am using your Kruschen Salts for constipation and reducing- Have faken .J jars and have lost about 20 lbs. I can recommend it to be great." Miss A. J. Harber, Pineville, Ky., 1934. "I have taken 3 bottles of Krus chen. I weighed 256, I reduced 56 lbs., and felt better each day, have got my 4th bottle." Ed Jordon, Le veen, Ariz., 1934. If you are proud of your double chin and bulging abdomen don't take Kruschen Salts. Ed Jordon made up his mind to take off 50 or more pounds of fat and he did Ed was sick and tired of lugging it around with him persistency wvn for Ed as it will for any fat man. A half teaspoon in a glass of hot water before breakfast every morn ing get Kruschen at SMITH'S CUT KATE DR IG STORE or any drug store, (adv) . tm fi I A J -m . I- .J..W.., t...... Tremendous welcome huge sales-follow announcement of sensational new Goodyear tire keeps us and factory on jump Users say "43 more non-skid mileage" under states it. MARVEL0U GOODYEAR ALL-WEATHER Miss Agnes Macauley Uodgers, Jn Btroctor of physical education fit George Washington; university, has the distinction Df.bla the- fcnly girl selected 'jnttli8-'jnflfiaericaa hockejr Look What You Get No Extra Cost: 43 More Miles of realt non-skid safety . v . Flatter Wider Tread . . . More Center Traction (16 more non-skid blocks) . . . Heavier Tougher Tread (average of 2 lbs. more rubber) . V. Supertwist Cord Body tsupports heavier tread safely) We've never seen the equal of it the way car owners have nocked in, looked, listened, bought new G-3's these last ten weeks and it's the same everywhere we hear. What's more, people who got G-3's months before the public announcement, report it's better than claimed! They cite mileage records to prove they're getting better than the 43 more non-skid mileage averaged by Good year's test fleet. Buy no tires until you let us show you this wonderful new Goodyear All Weather which gives so much more safety and service without costing you a cent extra ! Sure, we have Goodyears at ALL Prices! Because Goodyears are the largest selling tires, you get more for your money no matter what you pay. IWs aira Money-Savers! GOODYEAR TRUCK TIRES :50xr 16 55 30x5 17.85 Road Service Phone 52 ASHEVILLE ROAD f Willi i GOODYEAR SPEEDWAY Built with Supertwist Cord . . . Center trac tion; tough thick tread full oversize 30 5 um t 4.40x21 WV!3f 4.95 WAYNESVILLE, N. C. Other sites In propor tion expertly mounted on wheels Prices tubiect to change without notice and to any Stale sales toi. DOES YOUR MOTOR-. GET HOT? If it does, ' there- is something w r o n ' ,l' ' ; perhaps your racUtor needs flushing f'r fan belt adjusted spark plugs i-leantd, or i 'carburetor readjiiM. fii$ I A I -7$' 1 T BBINff BlKTl YWP RATHER HAVE L h-Hr p M ? f

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