v AUGUST 2, 1934 THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER rTLOCAl; NEWS BRIEFS i v PTTniVF. 1X7 W 4 s. 14 Ja a VF3 V ;r Mr. 5!, list wef 4 . w-..r; Friday ir,l Joe Collins were spent Creek I i ltel t uf Canton, business. . ,, v Dellwood, was Saturday. George C. Haynes, ' Waynesville visitors htre from Fines .. .,ie Theodore Fer I.imes. f Franklin, i mends in Clyde i week. :m. i in VMS Lh 1 - MeCracken Asheville as Osborne. Jali $ Mrs.5 ' Divis To.ndes i ' --I fttue-t ! at their ninent guests at re and Mrs. Rpb- n:moke Rapids. of Columbia, several weeks es Grace and lH;vis and Miss Sylla ,.. week-end with the Mrs- K. w -law- lii me in Asheville. Misi v spendiHi-' the cut Misi V I worro !" shew ,'.f Misi Nat-: i'!itt,J 4 yU-r. ,if Oregon, is the .. .1 l.-s. E. C. Moody ;, Hazehvood. I' ,Ms of Asheville, is ',-a davs in the city as y',, Sydie Ray. 1'errv will leave to. Tim. ii:,. Florida where Mi-- ' irvrinia Roberts- 11 , former resident -.he guest of Mrs, i'- i,. r summer home at T,,,,., ,-,.'.1 and young sons ;, Athnta, Georgia, , Mi- TherveU's mother- Iriy. of Charlotte- is ;,m -iua cents. : Mr,' and jller and Mrs. Ken .v Asheville visitors after1 v --" i Mrs. - ' f Miss ' visitin Mrs. I' 5 I ; Hit ll i neth i Vedw- a ;mJ?. S r,n.vn ;.n(l daughter and Mrsj Cain'n. nf Savannah, Georgia, fn fuc-t- at H'.-.nK- nonny. 9 DUCK-DRAUGHT Such a Good Laxative," Says Nurse Writing from her home In Fes tq Ma, Mrs. Anna LaPlante says; Imi practical nurse and I rec emrnend W some of my patients ttfct they taka Black-Draught, for U Is such a good, laxative. I took 16 lor constipation, headache and a SU feeling that I had so much. A Kw dosta of Black-Draught and licit Just fine." Btrttue so many prople know from fcoitnf uied It that Thtdford'a DUck fcaj!)t li a ood. purely Teietable ttn, aminos of package! of It wt) told Xrf jear. Miss Mary Adamg Ward is spend ing several days in the city as the guest of Miss Babbie Way, Miss Katherine Rheims returned to her home in Ramseur the first of the week after a visit to Miss Frances Rose. Mrs. M. J. Collins and three chil dren, of Washington, D. C, have ar rived for a visit to the former's par- etns. Mr- and Mrs. J. F. Cabe. Mrs. C. E. Lupton, of ' Bridgeport, Connecticut, i here tor ,t visit to her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Francis. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Frith, of Miam:, Florida- will arrive tomorrow to visit the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs J F. Cabe. Rev. ami Mis. R F. Randall, -who have spent the past two weeks in Ha zelwood, left yesterday for their home in Charlotte. Mr. Tom Taliaferro, of Raleigh, arrived Saturday to spend a week with Mrs. Talial'eico and young son at the the home of Mrs. R H.. Mitchell- Miss Mary F.lr.a belli Howell ha? returned to her home in A.-heville after spending a month with her aunt Mrs. F.li MeGee. Mr. and Mrs. J R. Latham and daughter, Betty, spent Sunday with James Latham who is spending the summer at Camp lUuiiel Boone. i: Dr. and Mis. Knstes 'St mines ami Miss Alice Semmes. of Memphis, Ten nessee, ace guests of Mi's. Mamie Deny at Chestnut Bark Lodge. Mr. and Mrs- C. H Ransom and son. 'Wick, of Hughes. Arkansas, have arrived to spend the summer at the home of-Mrs. K H. Mitchell. .Mrs. Blanche Lee, i f Marion is spending some time at Lake Juna-.lu.-ka- :s the guest of Mrs. Walter Lee. Mrs. David Miller, of Atlanta, Georgia, has arrived to -spend a mouth in the -city and is a guest at Bi.ch wi'o.l Hall. iK ... .Mrs. Willie Spnnhie, of Salisbury, is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs C. S. Kirkpatrick. at their home at Lake Junaluska. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. I'atton. of Hol lywood, F'lorida, are guests of Mrs. Patton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Francis. ... Mrs. Allen McLean left Tuesday for her honie in Tampa: Florida af ter a visit to her parents- Dr-. and Mrs. J. F. Abel. Mrs- C. J. Reeee will leave Sunday for New York City where he will spend several days purchasing fall merchandise for Massie's Department Store. ' Mr. Sam Bushnell, Jr.. .: who is. a member of the State Highway crew stationed at present at Bryson City, is spending a week's vacation at home. Miss Ola Francis arrived Sunday from New York City to spend her summer vacation with her parents. Mr. and Mrs- J. P. Francis. She was accompanied by her nephew, Jihn Everett Penny- Mi&s Frances Ray and Mr. Charles Ray left Sunday for New York City where they will purchase fall and winter merchandise for C. E. Ray's Sons Department Store. Mr. and Mrs. W J. Campbell had as uheir guests last weekend the latter's sister, Mrs. G. W'. Few, and Miss Geraldine Few, Messrs. Harold and Liion Few- of Greer. South Carolina- Visitor Does Not Believe Europe To Have Another War F- D. Trumbull, an officer in the French army during the World War, and step son of the late General Hans von Below, who spent several sum mers here, stated in an interview this week that he did not believe that war would be declared in Europe as the result of tlv recent trouble over the murder of Chancellor Do!fu.-s in Vienna. "I believe that it will take them some time to settle the matter, as it REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Mr. and Mrs George Hendrey, of I ,iT , , U,,R Washington, D C. arrived Tuesday ! sft,let,thtse thm, 1,ut 1 , hfv !10 for a v.sit to Mrs. riendrey's mother, uiea war w,ll be resorted to by what w,, hear of the situation is prop at her home on Mrs G. C. B.-igg East street. Mr. an i Mrs. B. D. Lane, of Ches ter, Pennsylvania, who make their summer home in Waynesville, have arrive.i ana are guests at Bnchwood Hal! Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jeffords and the latter's mother and sister Mrs. Arm strong and Miss Marie . Armstrong, of Clearwater, Florida, have arrived to spend the rest of the season at Birchwood Hall. .Mrs. Doyle Alley returned. "Friday afte.- spemiing several weeks at Chap, e! Hill where she attended summer school at the -University ' -of North Carolina taking a course in public administration. agan.i. . and even with that there does not seem t.i be a trend to wards war." Mr. and Mrs. Trumi.ull ere spend ing their fifth summer in this community Beaverdam J. N. Mease. Jr.. Comm. to W. C. Trantham. et ux. lot. Paul B. Clark, et ux to Eston Moore, et ux, lot. P P. Clark, et ux to Horace Rob inson et ux, 1 acre. W. J. Miller, et ux to Mrs. Nora Smathers, lot. Joe Miller, et ux to Mrs. Nora Smathers. lot. Joe Miller et ux to Trustees Wes levan Methodist church, lots. Clyde Mrs. E. E. Keener to W G. Bry ant, et ux, 1 acre. A. R. Nelsoa to J- I. Clark, et ux, 2 8-10 acres. J. R. Mo:g n. trustee to heir of J. V Morg n, l'-a acres. Crabtree Clark L. Jones, et u.v to Fannia Jones Hurkey, lO1 acres. Hugh Chambers, et ux to Jarvis Chambers, 10 acres. Hugh Chambers et ux to F. G Davis. 6 1-10 acres. Fines Creek J. R. Redmond to Dap Wright, e: al, 29 acre.-. Pigeon R. L. Wells, et ux to T .1. Pipes, et ux, lot. B. W. Tercel ,t ux to 1. W. Rogers et ux, lots. Waynesville R. L. Cope, et ux to Clara Fisher Allen, lot. HICKMAN'S ENJOYINC THEIR WESTERN TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Kickman who left here some two weeks ago for an ex tended trip wesl wrot,, friends here that they are enjoying their vacation among the Iuvkics. Last week they visited Pike - Peak and later attend ed the annual rodeo in Cheyenne- voming. j Mr Hickman is a merchant at l Woodiow and a member of the board Mr. and Mrs. Henry Y Bridge-j of county comissioners. who hav,. been visiting the former". The expect to return the latter parent-, Mr and Mr.-, ,1. T. Bridges,! part of August. tor some time, left Sundav far tneir' "' nome ,n ( hari otte. ICROI LOAN OI'I'ICE Mr . Joe l e -Js. n ,f Newpo, t I MOVED TO MEMPHIS News. Vicgcuia i ..pending several d..y.- hece l.u-i woeK a.- I be glH-s! of! . Notice' has been I revived that the hi- aunt Mr.-. U ,1. I an.poeil, and i .,, r i ...i;,.., c.,.,j,. I ioo . i o i.i in aningion mis neen mov- i to Menndiis. 1 enne.-ee. Twice the price couldn't buy more convenience in any ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR 'LJ - i Mm ;l ir , 1- . , . - . j -I-I '0 ilu Ir pROTECTlui with the GENERAL ELECTRIC Monitor Top Standard i year itarrant) plus 4 more years protection against any possible failure of sealed-in-steei mechanism for only $5.' Requires no attention not even oiling. All-Steel Cabinet. Gleaming white porcelain or glisten ing Glvptal baked enamel exterior. Stainless porcelain interior. Large, open quick-freezing chamber of stainless steel that cannot chip or rust. Freezes more ice faster. Temperature control dial for quick freezing when desired, and economical operation in cooler room temperatures. Sliding Shelves, adjustable in height. Automatic interior lighting. Auxiliary foot pedal door opener Vegetable container that keeps vegetables crisp and fresh for days. Mi. Campoell. Mr and Mis- J. C. Patrick have a- their -guests--the former s mother and brother, Mr.-.' Nettie H. Patrick . SeoU.-tCo.o, -Alabama and Mr. Paul Patrick, of -Johnson City. Tennessee. . Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Battle- of Sylva, spent Tuesday in town visit ing Mi's. Battle's ..father. Mr. G. C. Plott. who is convalescing after an operation at the Haywood County Hospital All hni rower- are requested to take notice ot this change and not tor ward anything to the Washington of-ti.-e which i discontinued. All cor respondence should lie sent to the Memphis office, or direct to S. S Williams, tu'ld supervisor for this district, at Asheville, N. C, Miss Julia Hayes, of High Point spent last week-end in the city as the guesl of Miss -Alice Stringlield. Shi' wa.- a.vompanied home by her mother, Mr- Mclviu Hayes, who has been vi.-itihg friends in Bryson City, who spent the F: 1I1 j an,i Mis.. Mav Ha, ueek-ciid in Canton Mrs. John Yaugh, of Raleigh, wb attended the wedding of her niece Miss M:.ude Terrell- and, M Miles, here last rhussdav 1- .spend ing several, davs as the guest of Mr. and Mrs- .1. G. Terrell. . Mrs. L. N. Davis, Paul Davis, lames.. Hrardon ..Howell,- Jr . Bobby Sloan, John West, and. Ernest With ers. Jr.. left Tuesday by motor fori Chicago. Illinois, where they will, WAR IV Kl'ROPE IS litenditsg tire BIK1JI Nol Ni 1 Ml M Mr. and Mrs. R. 11. Gibson an nounce the birth of a daughter, Har riet Brown on Tuesday: July 2-1. at the Haywood County Ho-pital. day. spend several World's Fair. Miss Louise Edwards, head of the home economics department of the Wayiiesviile High School, who has been attending summer school at the University of Tennessee, KnowiHe, returned Friday and is again a guest at Blink Bonny. .-. Mrs. George Semmes, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. If.- Ray. for some time left Tuesday ''or her home. in Jacksonville. Florida ALMOST IMPOSS1KIJ-: (Continued from page one) see eye to eye it is the opinion that von Papen may In' Hitler's successor, "Very little may be saidin praise of Hitler and his campaign. On the other hand,. Hitler has aroused the German nation, lie has put lire into the German people when as a nation Germany could pot look th,r rest of the world in the eye. "It i- too bad Hitler could not have been more generous to his enemies." ST A I KMENT National Ben franklin l ire Insurance Company, Pillsbnruli. Pa (ondition December J1. Dlt.J. as Shown bv Malemeiit filed Amount (t ( apital paid in cash , . .1 . . . . $1, OOOJIlill. (K) Amount Ledger Assets Dec. : st previous' year, $ l,.r l I ,-l7r..0:i; . Increase paid-up Capital. Total : . -I,oll,io0.( Iritwnvt' From -1 -d ie vho We rs, -. $S 1 !i,4XK.0:t ;, . Miscellaneous, S2y;,5:5T.:iii; Total J . ' -i .': :: . 1 ,0o(;,li2o. 12 Disbursements To Policvholdci s, .$',". 1 1 T.!tT ; M iseellaneous, . l,214.SS:i.s:!:: Total ..'.'-.-.. ... ... 1,'dl 1,(MH.1!I Fire Risks Written lir reneweil during vear, $ii,f 10,02S,.'!t In force , ---------- ,-- --,- J--.:,...-., - . 2,10;t,i;21.84 All Other Risks Written or renewed during vear. $."20..'i21.K2 In force .- :-'. - 2Wi.40oJO , ASSETS Value of, KealEstatc -r - -: - ' - --1 --: . . . - 2:IO,!il:f.to Mortgage Loans on itveai .Est at f" r,.-. . K24,7!l.'(.O0 Value of Bonds and Stocks i- -'-', -'-,,-- : -'" ------.--' 2.087,(i:!T. 10 Cash in Company's Mtiieo . : .. . r.-.l 27,0!I4.()0 Deposited in. Trust ('Ompanies and Banks not on intere.-t . . . 10.'i,710.0( Dejiosited in' Trust Companies '.and Banks on interest .. !',178.:W Agents balances, representing , ousmess wruten surjeipiem 10 ; October 1,. .l'J.'J-t ,. ---, -,.:-- -- -V- ------- -"- Agents' balances, representing business written prio,- to October -fill's receivable, taken for tire : risks :. Interest and- Rents due and accrued .. ,i -r-.'f - . ' All other Assets, as detailed in statement '; .r r.::..-- -r-,'.--,,-,---- 27(1,017.31 12:!,'.i:il.21 !i,7!.").'.t; . 47.570.74 .'il4,!8!t.(i2 ?4,04H,2i',().!)2 S 121.M4 2S i,!i2 5,410 0 1 $ 227;5i).li0 1.112, si I 2,000.00 - i :ii,000.00 : 1 1.000.00 c 2.1.0,121.84 $177, c Massie Furniture Co. ';..'.:'.- ;'-.' Total- -r- ::-,--.'v ------ - Less. Assets not admitted -. . . '.--..- - -- --,, Total admitted 'Assets - ----'.. ---.'.-- -LIABILITIES Net amount of unpaid losses and claims. .:rr:. Unearned.' premiums: -. 1 ---- ---------- Salaries -rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees, etc., due or accrue Estimated amount payable for Federal, State, county, and mu nieipal taxes due of accrued Con in ire:, t commissions', or. other charges due or accrued YH ither liabilities, as ' detailed, in statement -j-.--. ,v- Total amount of all liabilities except Capital $l,fio8,720.29 Capital actually paid up in cash ,000,ouo,oo Surplus over all liabilities '.- .-'-,ri, - ----- - --' - J -, ',ar,i. :Polirvhbl,i..i-s - - - - -- - !?2.2.14,720.:;.1 ftUrpiu- i-s"1, .... - Business in North Carolina During 1! W Fire -Risk's written, $4Di,227.00; Premiums received AH other Risks written, $1C8,()0;00; Premiums, received Losses incurred Fire, $0,090.00; Pa. 1 - . '.' - ,,! . All hor- SR.'til lift- Paid SpW: It;-- - : Secretary, .Th:. A ' Hathaway . ':- Treasurer, ( has. . Payne, ):. Home Office 120 Ohh) St.. West, Pittsburgh, Pa. . . , " to'ne "fot" -e! ice: DAN ( . BON EY, Insurance ( omm-ion.r. Raleigh, N 1 Manager for Noith Carolina Newaik, N J Oflne M" " STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, ';';:.'. ' : Raleigh, May 8, lrJ34. 1 D AN C BON'EY, Insurance Commissioner, do . hereby cert il y-.that-the above ia true and correct abstract: of the statement , ot ) the National V rr,llrn-'tn-re--I-nsuVahce'C6ni.panV of Pittsburgh, Pa., filed with -this - Depai tr jnush. if said .Company, on the 31st day of December, !"i5Witne-. my hand and official tdavan.1 jear above written - l" Insurance' Commissioner .. ... $4,802.00 292.00 2,n;io.oo ,i02.00 1 Ilore Shoe Mileage! It's surprising the additional wear you can get from sjtoes that are regularly repaired. The slight cost of putting them in shape is more than repaid in the savings on new shoes. THE CHAMPION SHOE SHOP MAIN STREET E. T. MTCKETT. Prop. NEXT WESTERN UNION pure canc jUGArv J5LBS.NET I . txtra hne t Granulated I J, -'-2V"' SnbttttAfl Parked in pMIM' W ic..bl.ootto Ilj UxrMMBililW'iwiaawi -v il3EVErLLOLD-J Quality Groceries Economy Prices Blue Plate Salad Dressing, IIAl.l- TINTS PINTS HUAltTS 10c 15c 25c Jar Caps ........ (Juarl Jars Half Gallons Vinegar, bulk. . . 29c Welch Tomato Juice UOTTLK . ... 15C HOTTLE 23C Super Suds 8c Palmolive Soan, 2 for 9c Camay Soap, 3 for 19c Honeymoon Grapefruit Juice 50 oz Size ;:k MARKET Native Teabone Steak, per lb. . .25c Native Round Steak, per lb 20c Ginger Ale, 3 for 25c Picnic Hams, per lb He Pork Chops, per lb l?c Pork Brains, per lb 12 l-2c Veal Chops, per lb 12 l-2c Mixed Sausage, per lb 9c Boiled Ham, per lb C. E. Ray s Sons Il5iIll PHONE 3.t j V