THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1934 Society News SOCIETY PAGE Mrs. Ben Sloan, Editor Phone 137 Local Items THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER I MRS LK NEERGAARD HONORED i. . . ,r two popular vi-itors f I "s',v.:"Voi-k Mr. and Mr.- Gould V"" .. .-ml. whu are quests of the ' "t'olher Mrs- Carotin,, de- - i-'.iai.:. a (it-n-'uiui aua.i ... I -ii 'lit' home ot Mr? :.. .-u: vc!..:.r jnil M - Caroline j,.,t'i: ItsU-s.-c-. lit: L. Allell with .Mrs. Allen do Xeerjraaril as - n: it. T .. ik V: Civ w .nner Mr. Gr. niics . . : ;.r.jed lor contract : .... which were elab ! with. cc'.ort'ul .v When the .-coic- f : . . !'. G . v was found ; m'ihy anions the M . !. X Shoolhred a- :' 1 v. and anioni; tne vi r C. i 'avis was winner, list included: Mr. and I' 1 . I'u'vost Mi. and ..Ml.-. C . l:cas, Miss Robina Miller. Mr. ",L- C F. Ki. kpatriek. Mr. and .1 h:i X. Sin oil :ed, Mr. and Mr-. C Davis. Mr. ami 'Mrs. E. L- . 'i , ' -. -Mts.s ties;er --inn nner.-, tr-"l A. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Roy ,. . Mr William Medford, Miss yu:'.,. Reed.' Dr. and Mrs. S P. t;,v' Mis- Catherine Reed, Mrs. s'v.i'e Ray, Mrs. Sandy McLcud, Mrs. ,1 S.iiver. and jruest, Miss Mary join MacFie. of Winnsboro. South , ., i:,iu. Mrs. Frank IWes, Mrs. ;-!.ur ('. Whittier, of Washington, t C . Miss Carolyn Welsh, of Cin. i-it;ti...t'i Ohio. Mr- and Mrs. Burton, Mr' and Mrs- Ben Colkitt, and the truest.-. -f honor, Mr. and Mrs. de NecrRaard MRS. HKS SEA WELL HONORS MILLER As a courtesy to Mrs. William Mil ler, of Baxtey. Georgia, Mrs. 'Thomas M. Se.well. of Winder, Georgia, wius hostess for a beautifully appointed luncheon on las'. Friday at the Hotel LeFaine. Mr.-. Miller, who has the distinction of recently receiving the Pulitzer, prize for her novel, ' Uunb in Hi.- Bosom." is spending several weeks here with her family at Clyde Kay'.- cottage on Main street. Mrs. Sea we II- spent days at Lake Jt.r.alu-ka 1 st week visiting her daughter, w ho is at' Camp Jualuska. The luncheon table was graced lv bowl of yellow garden was the place cards and FRANK SM ATH F.R ,IR. RECEIV ES AITulNTMEXT Friiik S nuttier?. .) . ,.:' M:air. Florida, wa- recently .. ih'ir.'.e i act ing -tatc a:t .-r.ty i'.y Jiidjr,. It. F. Atkinson In ( ;:cu:: can -. :he'.v He ha- i.:et ;: ac'.:nr a- a-.:-;a!'.: :-'.a".e a".. U rney in tin ;.h-uHe 1 ller.iy M. doi.v-, a-.-i-.a!.-:. a:ii x serve acting ati.oi-.iy daring ;n-vi:o if N. Vi-m: . Haw: ho! i:e who i- ..: totiiiinc Daw- Sr. .'.!.'.'- pea, f xtli.vr sen. o! at C. 1:11:1 I'o-.i 1 near -lacksoii. ville. M' Small:.-'.'- who 1- the .-on of M-. ..1. a Mr-. Fair.;, Sni.theis. ..f Mian:; c.!..i Wavne.-vi'.'e. w.l- cue of 1 1 out of So ho pa.--o'i :1a Flor'da Bar c:iniii:..tlcn la.-l fall In-fore c m joe', ng hi- law c ui -e. MISS MAY CR A Y FORD SPEND ING SI' MM ER IN ADIROXDAKS Mis- .May I't.iwfoi.i who lias been assistant athletic director at the Boston l'!i:vei.-ity -piir.g camp at Peter boio, Xew Hampshire . is now at Camp Red Willi; in the Adirondak.-. where she will be general athletic councillor for the summer. Miss Crawford graduated in June at Sar gent School of Boston University and wa.s one of six young women who won the coveted Sargent blanket, the high est honor conferred by the. school. .MRS. COLE HONORS XIECE'S BIRTHDAY Mrs. J. W. Cole was hostess for a pretty children's party on last Thursday afternoon, honoring her little niece. Oleta McClure, on her seventh birthday anniversary. (James ami contests were enjoyed on the lawn after which a dainty ice course with candies was served The children present were: Sara Joe Judy and Jimmy Goodin, Theresa Alley. Ann Farmer, Lou Flit. Hall, X.'.ncv Jones. Peggy Taylor, Rose mary" Herman, Mary Ellen Boone. Bett'y Latham, Dorothy Phillips. Vir- and Betty Ann .Mattiey, and Sue McClure j'.l.ASS i';F iwv TO HAVE RE UN- NOTED PIANIST GIVES 15 EC IT A I ' iov orvi. iv 111.. ii ; t ., 1 1... P.,,,1 stt.iv., M: ginia Betty iml yellow .olor in th laid for -Mrs. Miller a flaw, 1.- iiMtinc filUM'S. 1'. v.'is were Mr- J. R.McCiaeken. M.s. T. Lenoir (c.vvt.. Mrs. Ernest Withers, and Mrs. Sc. well. . . Hr. lames Albergotti, of Orange hurg. South Carolina, arrived last Week for .a short visit and is a guest at Wayside Lodge. 3s COUNTY BAPTIST' MISSIONARY SOCIETY OFFICERS TO MEET Tiiere will be a meet ing of . t he officer.- and interested workers of all missionary societies of the Bapti.-t churches ot the county on Tuesday. August 14. at the Clyde Bap:st church from :.".0 to l::Ui p. m Mrs. Laura Tyler 'and Miss Bonnie Frank Hankensoii, of Aiken South Carolina, 'arrived Saturday to spend the rest of the summer at their cot. tage on Meadow street. Tliey have as their .'guests Mr and :Mrs. G. Emmett Vtsey ami , . little son. ot Jacksonville. Florida. LADIES HERE'S SOMETHING ION SUNDAY ,nd Mis. Tiov Wyche wall be . a: lw ::ie nvt Sun.L.y afte.T.ovn to ' '.:'.. !u ii'.X-! of th.. ne.-ville High i S.-i., giadaa::! ,!ass of li'Ci', : !'.it.:l.f; alio '.eacheis. , 1 i'i: - la.-s ha 1 Ulc da-Una". 1011 ef 1 . :: :!.o :i:a-'. u jouiney t hioiigh the : ay 'a -v:ll. PuMk Sk In" . '.. 1'ron: the , lii'st c : .. i-a '. i'i a.tuat ,. :i and w as ' t be !,,.:;. , la-- 1111 to , that :mo. t v . r. : y-:i c nomhets b.v.rig taa: ; cd i . 1 ! i ni u - from th,. h 11. l of Pro!'. W C. Allen. Tin- . !a.-s . ol! was a . !o!!aw.-: ( aiiae Sue Adaliis itlue B.v !.. . ; Mareuciitc Hiiitg.-, Maul,. Kratic- , Nina Howell, 'Bruce li 1: 1-. Leha 1 Mock. Hortense Moore. Jennie May Senlellc, Meindi Shclton, Annie Shoolbrod Mary Turttvtill Beatrice' I' ride, wood, llattie Wharton, Wil! Coble, Charlie Francis. Noble Gai rett, Ed Hy.ut. John Martin, Ben Rickcrt H riy Sriienek. Joe Turbylill, Lewis Wharton, Thurman Williams, and Troy Wyche. Of the twenty-one living members only three now reside in Waynesville. nine in other parts, of North Carolina, two ip Illinois, and one in Tennessee, Virginia. Texas, South Carolina. New York. New Mexico, District of Col lumbia All teachers of the class are living but two. A number of these former high school students arc expected to be present for the reunion Sunday af ter twenty-live yeat 11- graduates. Mr Cuilis Logan, .Jr., arrived Sun. day from St. Petersburg, Florida to visit bis parent-. Mr. and Mrs. C G. Loga n. Mr.-. Frank Smathers, of Miami. Florida, daughter of Mrs. S. A. Jones, has been re-elected president of the Y W. C. A. of that city. Mrs. Smather- and her .ihughte.'r, Miss Virginia Smathers. arrived yesterday to onen their summer home here. Mis- Ozello W.Midward who ha been the guest of her uncle, Mr. Jo seph E Johnson for sometime, left Monday for tier home in Goldsboro. ec' ure-1 ecital bv Paul Stoyc ; t.d ,o::.crt pianist, last Thursday o!::ni; at t lie Home of M.s. Hui;tt 1 'W. wa- i nt !ui-ia -t icaliy . , ceivee by .. ;. -,-le. i aud . nee of ytK' Kayser Gordon and Golden Art Hose R EDUCED Thursday, Friday, Saturday All Summer Shades of patfs SERVICE WEIGHT AND CHIFFON VALUES III TO Sl.;i5 This Sale Pertains To Summer Shades ONLY lassies Dept. Store "A Good Place To Tradev M: a : , re.! the his. i!i:-t 1 nun 11'. : :ic prc-cnt : -lory of o:a :,. ';:e nt of 1 wa 1, b :am l!j . . 1 'oiiiini. Lieut. Hairy Crawford who was lecently transferred to Fort Kiley, K.'insa-', i- doing duty as adjutant of the Kansas district of CCC Camp and -tut toned temporarily at Little Rock. . things the, you're n ;t: ; .;:: . :na . M r. v laimbci -: t a. .!. 'n's h.-G. S. la 'a 1 1 I 1 M; an .oil:. I hi. malic la nt a- by 11 , . b. Sana.i.i ;,, I'. Shall. Minor, bv ltcct- iiov en. Sciioiro 111 1! Minor, by Chopin, laiimal. by Schumann PJth Rliasody, by l.isrt, llurdy Gurdy .Man, liy GM.-ens. Marionette Show, by Gooselis. All these number.-, were tdayed witli the coinplot iirtist. U'aeuse of the clear fasci nating explanation of each number, Mr. Stoyc held the rapt attention and interest of the audience every mo ment. The Music Club is to he con gratulated on having taken advan tag,. of the opportunity of hearing one of the finest pianists before the American public. Mr. and Mrs. S M. McCracken have returned to their home in Waco. Texas after a visit to relatives in Waynesville Canton and Asheville. Mr-. T. 1 lidos Cr.iry and three chil dren, of Hinghamton, New York, ar rived last week for a month's visit to the former's mother, Mrs S. A. . I on es. Mi. and Mis River.- Johnson and son, of War-aw, weie guests of Mr. Joseph la. Johnson last week. Mrs. A. C Recce of Clearwater.' l'lorida, is visiting her pa rents, Mr. and M.s. A C. Walker, at their home at Ciabtree. Mi.-- Xannette Jones, who has spent the pa-t .'several .months with her sister, .Mrs. T. Delos Clary, at her home in llinghamton. New York, ar 1 ive.i Saturday for a visit (0 her mot her' Mrs. S A. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. M. 1. . t V, ileliUs,'. of Cincinnati, Ohio. Iiave returned to their .'home, after a visit to Miss S. A. Jones at hei home and at Ruby City Camp, They also spent some time as guests of Mrs. Joe I'.mersoii Ro.-e at her Balsam home. Mrs. I. V. Poring ami family, of Lakeland. '.Florida, "have taken the Crawford cottage on . Hraiiner avenue for the remainder of the season. .Mrs .1. O. Pryan. of Lake Wales, Florida is the guest of her pa'renls, .Mr. .and Mrs- A. C. Walker, at theii home at Crab! ree. Mr. Rile ('oiiiaii, vice president of tire Carv Lumber ( dmiianv. Durham. I i-ilfd relative- here last week M r. and M i s. John Is i rk pa t rick and thiee daughters,' of K.ent'.s Store, Virginia, -arrived. .Tuesday for ;i visit lo relative.- in Waynesville, Clyde. Lake Jan lu-ka, and Ciabtree. .. Mr. and Mis. Ilvei, Pa call, of ( I reeli; iio: 0 are s fiend i ng t tl i s -week ill Hi,. c:t a- giii'st.- of Mr. and Mrs. TheodoieMcCiaeken tin TtK'sday Mis. McCracken, Mr. and Mrs. ;.'. call and M isses Mozelle and Mary Pililand .MrCraeken motored to S)iai tanburg. South I'aiohna .and pent t tie day;' it tl f riends MKS. HAY MS AND MRS 11 RP1X I'll HONOR 1USIIOI' AM M IvS. KFRN Mr.-. P.,u! l!ad:n Jr. and Mr- 1. P.. Hayes weie h.-tcs-c- for a de lightful informal tea ye-n-rday at'tc i. oan honoiing tiishop ..iid Mr.-. I'aa P. Kern and Bishop kctn'- s:.-lto Mis .1. M. Orm.m.i who arc .-pcta! ii. jt '-h,. .-Ui.ira. ' a; tin r cottage a Lake Jiinalu-i.a SC1TKK To HI! CIVKN AT Kt't W HILL Tlie ! 1 a :: I., , f the Jona than Me'.h...,.- ,hu:,i: ;: spoti.-or a pie sli pt . S:l!u:.!.t night at the R.H-k 11:1! ... m...; ii'lmi:t at S o'.lork Plai.ecd- will to the I . ..ita, . The u a- ;nv; d. . r I M 1 1 ills !L.w .0 t 1 Ih a:i' '.Veil t lie a: Mis lia:.:.i, cad the -ne t- in cluded the ..:s'o:s o!" the M e t ::o,i ... i vhurvh o: : n.- a iic- :'V I 'i-: n 1 and tli.'i w I.'-, The he-'o-.-e- weie u.s'.eii !:i '. .' he. the! 1 st.i'-'.s by he vl'a:rn.c': ,a the i ll', k - ..f the ane-ilie clinch Mrs C. 11 Ray, Mrs. John M Oueen. Mrs. .1. M. Long, Mr.-. .Noble G .1 1. tt and Mrs. M 11 Howies. The home presented a scene of love liness arranged with many vases and baskets of colorful garden tloweis. In the dining room a color scheme of yellow and green was noted The beautifully appointed table was cov ered with a lace cloth and graced with mastery of (he great pink lav-e buds and lighted green t ipers. Here punch and sandwiches were served throughout the afternoon. ia-t M -t'tirt 1 la . 'a: chili an An . ofl'.e, ,- . :' ',, gran: , :.:, 1 ed b tile h.lll C.H'klC- U t ! e mint Thi' next nic be tie 1 tl :il Si'i r h i.. ni.w ' -Hi-v Y. .t.L' Peo- t- I'lual,.: uioiithlv ! not nan Methodist .giam u.i.- given, 11. 1 na n. .,.) and :a n. After t ::c pro nna :.; a- piv-etlt-le.naui Pun. h and cl after adjourn- t ing of the union wit! richer in Canton. Mr. i.n.i Mr.-. A. p. Herien ami family of Washington, P. C, ari spending the month -of August here with ndatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Frith, of Miami, l'lorida. arrived Saturday to visit Mrs Filth's parents, Mr and Mrs. J. F Cube. CM1 SHOPPING for groceries and meats will be a pleasure at Co E. Ray' s Sons THIS WEEK Specials here in Soaps as adver tised for THE FOOD STORE We charge nothing t or sanitation and our only basis for soliciting your patronage is Quality and Service C. E. Ray's Sons ma Does 3 minute 1. Makes you look pounds lighter. ' 2. Improves the fit of your dresses, 3. Gives you the freedom a -id c Dm fort that, you thought w: : : elusive with your lean coliege typo sisters. . . Boned end reinforced n lust the nght places You will not be well dressed even in a new fall outfit, unless you are outfitted with a new Girdle and Brassier, and there are none better tjian I'OUM IIT. Massie's Dept. Store "A Good Place To Trade" 1 Here's M MRS. NORA MASSIE REECE Who Is In New York Buying Merchandise cf. .1 1.". in. m;v vouk Hei Ai't; s :-: MASSIFS UK PART ML XT STdliF 11 '"..''I, WAYXK.SVII.I.K N'CAi: A1V KU'l'lSF. THAT IlIAVi: ALRFAUY FOL'XI) 'JUST TJIK. l'LAPK TOllUY OUU K.XTIRE WIXTKR MFKCHAXIMSF STOP AM RFCKIVIG .COOI'KRATIOX ; OF . SOME OF LEAUIXG STYLE EXPERTS IX MAKIXti, MY ', SKLKCT10XS STOP MERCHAXDISE IS XOT SKY HKill TH,T I AM IH.'YlXt; STOP MKiHT STAY DAY LONGER. THAN EXPECTED BUT CANNOT WAIT TO GET ; BACK WITH ALL THE NEW THINGS "''I,'A'" "' :' NORA . Well let you know as soon as they arrive Massie's Dept. Store "A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE' , 1 ri ii