-V-- -w- . .Z .. ;:S v IT.-' v- ' 'r - ytts: - 1 -, f J THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1934 f LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS PHONE 137 A. G. Baldwin of White Oak, spent Saturday in town on business. . V. H. Terrell, of Clyde, was here on business !t wek- C B. Medford- of Canton, was among the recent visitors in the city. G.enn Brown was here from Clyde the first f the iceek. Anions? the visitors in town from Fine- ('reek -recently were Jesse Janie.- and Ben Green. ... Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Noland, of Pien:., .-pent Monday in town. Anions the visitors here from Can. ton this week, were Mrs. Sallie Hipp. Mr.- Ann.e Fincher, nJ Mr. Minnie Smathe. s. - Mr and M;-. W. C. Ru--.- have as their truest Mr.-. Rus--' nephew Roy Ber.r.e'.t. Jr.. ,f Hernlersonville Mr, an.i Mr-. Henry Murp.t-y, uf Tampa. Florida are .-pending some time in the city isiting relatives anl -r,. .t"ppir.f at Ia-Vita Terrace. M Henry R Bryan, or Raleigh, artived la-t Thui.-uay to spend Mine time a- the iuest of Mr.-- Charles R. Thoniu.s. at her home i.rt Walnut street. M.ss Virginia ' Carter returned to her h: m,. Sunday after a week's v.-.'. t. : el.a .ve.- in X'.'foIk, Virginia. m w M: an i Mr.-. Jerry Coikitt have a. thtdr.'jruv.-t Mr-. I'olkitt's sister, Mrs. George Ward, of Aheville, spent Sunday in town and attended the reunion of her class of the Waynesville high school- Mi?s Fay Fitzgerald, of South Pittsburjr, Tennessee U the gueet of her aunt Miss Ann Jones, at the h .rr.e : Mrs R H. Mitchell. Mi.- Mav Have.-, of Hiirh Point, is v:.-;t:r.jr frier.d in Waynesville for -t't-rai days. Mr. Fa-, Brliri?-- . f Raleigh, is the 'je-t ..f friends m town ... M.-s Virginia .Vdi. of Kinirsport, Ter.r.e.-.-ee, an i Mi:-s Jane Williams,. Wilmington vis ited Miss Martha Nea'. 1 a -t week-end Mrs. Eugene Carter returned Sun .lav fr'.m a week - stay with Mr Caster ir. Lenoir City, Tennessee. M .- (....-. Burn visited Mr. and Mr.-. J. N. Sh'dhred Sunday. ... Mr. an i M.-s. Frank N'ichol- and son Frederick, and Mr.-. Sam Queen ar. : .r.. Richard, returned to their h :r.e.- Tue-oay after i week's visit to thv World'.- Fair in Chicago. Dr. and Mrs S. P. Cay have as their gue-t the latter's niece. Mis. V "" I'.-.iwf.-rd. of Newport Ten- -VI J- - llea-n New Jer.-eV. Atlantic City- Mrs, Franklin Spencer and infant .-!:, of Rale.gh,' arrived Saturday to ,-pend -ecrai weeks with the former'- parent-. Mr. and Mrs. H. W Mr-. itte! tnw.- !'eturne: yesterday after a six weeks' visit to her oaughter. Mrs- Haviland, at her home in New York City. ... M:.-s Heste.- Ann Witners returned to her home yesterday from Ashevi!le where he was a gue.t at a hou--e party given by Mi.ns Marion Calhoun. The house party guests included a number of classmates at Agnes Scott, College. Or Henry J. Langston. of Danville, Virginia, arrived Tuesday. to spend a few days with his children at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Baucom- Mr. and Mr... R. L. Coin. Mr and M H. Bowles, and Mr. Fred Fergu son motored to Elizabethton, Tennes see Saturday and spent the week-end as guests of Mr. ami Mrs. Walter Dungan. Mr. and Mr-. .Fuger.,. W. Br.jwn a!" I'almetto Florida, and Mrs. A. E. Brown of Lakeland, Florida, arrived vtsterdav f..r a vi-it to Mr.-. K. W. Brown. Mr ar.i M rs. Sam Brown and chil dren, of Charlotte Were guests of Mrs.' Ida V. Brown -during la-t week i Mrs. J. B. James and daughter, I Sarah, of Cra'tree, were Wayne.sville i visitors !a.-t week. Mrs. Maggie Leatherwood was j her,, from Lake Junaluska last week. I Mrs. ("ha.-. K. Rav, Jr., will arrive from Chapel Hill this week to spend several weeks with Mr. Ray at the Stringtield apartment, Dr. and M.-s A. C. Bulla, of Ral eigh are guests for several days of Dr- and Mrs. C N. Siskat the Stringtield apartment. Mrs. Harley Ferguson ami daugh ter. Miss Virginia Ferjruson. motor ed up from New Orleans on Sunday. Thev will sDend sometime in the city. Mrs. J. ('. Orr, of Morristown and Newport Tennessee, is visiting her sister. Mrs. W. T. Blaylock- JHiVjMifeJ THIS SKiAR, CREAMER SET IS YOURS Bv Simplv Sending Sales Slip Showing Purchase Of Two Packages of WHEATIES and 25s. To Betty Crocker, Minneapolis WHEATIES-27C THE FOOD STORE Look at both these ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS before you buy Mr. and Mm. .Leon Simon, of At lanta, Georgia visited Mr. Chas. E. Ray, Jr. last Friday Mr. Simon is sales representative of the Griffon Clothing Co., cf Baltimore. Messrs. Carl Norwood Robeson and Victor Williams, of Pittsburg. Penn sylvania, were guests last week of Mr. Rob-json's parent's, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Robeson Mr. Chas. Hard, of Elyria. Ohio U visiting Mrs. Hard and children at the home rf Mrs. Hard's parent.-, Dr. and Mrs J. F. Abel. Mr. and Mrs C. J. Reece returned Sunday from New York where Mra. Reece purchased fall merchandise tor M assies depnrtment store- Mr David Miller of Atlanta, Geor g.a is spending this week with Mrs. Mi her at B.rchwood Hall. Mrs Millet'.- niece Mi.-s Tommy C hestnut, -. a guest of the Millets. ... M.ss Henrietta Love, of Raleigh, w... !;e with her mother, Mrs Hugh A. Love on Love Lane tor two weeks. . Mr- Mabel Brown Abel returned Sunday from New York where she has been vi.-iting friends for the past : week. I Mr. J. Wilford Ray returned Satur day I !:!, a buying trip to Louisville St" Louis and other mid-western p.ont. Bee's Stinging Mude Cause Three Movements When a bee stings you, she uses 22 muscles to carry through three dis tinct movements of her weapon. So aays the United States bureau of en tomology, la a report on the morphol ogy of the Insect abdomen issued by the Smithsonian Institution. The first movement thrusts the stin out, the second swings it downward, and the third works the little lancets that b'JT the sting in the victim's flesh. The sting of a bee or wasp is a mod ified ovipositor or egg-laying orgau, and the poison-sac that supplies It with Its peculiarly painful ammunition Is one of the active accessory sei glands. The Idea that a bee -feels around" for a favorable place to thrust home its dagger Is a fable. Stinging Is largely an automatic art. When a bee "sits down" oa Its victim, ' the highly mobile abdomen swinps around in all directions and the decurved tip strikes at random until an object is j encountered which, if nothing else pre sents, may be the body, head or mouth of tbe bie herself." Rule of Heirs Aa heir-apparent la the actual heir who will succeed If he outlives the present ruler. An heir-presumptive la one whose succession to the throne may be broken by the birth of some one nearer akin to the rnlpr. Quaint Burial Cuttem In ancient days In Spain t!., were robed. H,inrfH rn .v,. - ... ... .. tw iuf;; the garb of monk or nur .,- ounei. i prai-t.ee w:o,-!i --4Ve ,., the assertion that 'Onlv r.,... monks die n Snaln " Ball Games Re.-tore Son Lost uO Years. Dramatic True Story of Child Kidnaped by Gypsies at Last Restor ed to Parents in The American Weekly the Magazine which .'omes on August 12 with the BALTIMORE AMERICAN Buy Your c.py from v.iur favorite new.-Qoy or newsdealer. A paitv of Mr. and Mrs arM M:.-. Ha'.-t and M: . h : week-en i at ( m A.-hevillians including Paul Rhinehart. Mr. -. M:-s Ma.gaiet Nimo. Rhinehart spent tr.c inipbeli '.- I arr.p. Mr-. J 1. I .. .- Ml Harv.lle, .:' U'a-hingtoii, . .- a g'Je-t . :' r.er iiutner, Mrs. aret Mo,,dv, on Main street. Only 20, out Has Had Six Hus bands. Five L-cted for an Average .;' Five Months, but Beauty Call- No. i a Perfect Romance. Read About :t in Tile Ameiicar. Weekly, the Mag azine which comes on August 12 with the -BALTIMORE AMERICAN. Buy your Copy f:orr ;:. fav lr.'.e news : oy or newsdealer. Mrs Nina I'arck of New York Citv is visiting her parent--, Mr. and Mrs. 1 A. Howell. . Mrs. Eli McGree and Misses Edna, Kathryn and Eli McGee left Monday for a motor trip to Savannah Georgia, where thev will visit Mrs. ... ... ;.. .Cue tor th: ee weeks. Dr. Charle.- Ferguson, of Baltimore,; Maryland, arrived Saturday to join j Mrsl Ferguson for a visit at the home! of her parents. Mr, and Mrs. J. T. j ( oman at Lake Junaluska. Dr.. and.j Mrs- F.-'guson. will also visit the j former's parents; Mr. and Mrs- Hor ace Ferguson in Waynesville. Mrs. Stanley Weaver and children .ire leaving today for their home in Weaverville after a visit to the Form er's mother, Mrs, J L. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. C. C Lewds, of Charleston. West Virginia, airived Saturday for a Vusit to the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs W. T. Lee. ,.. Mr. and Mrs. C 0. Woods, of Greenville, S C. Miss Laura John son, and MUs Myrtle Johnson of Aiken, S. C. were guests of Miss Laura Tyler and Miss Benni,. Frank Hankiason on Sunday, '4 L' 1 LT SHOW PROVES INTER ESTING TO LARGE NUMBER Stressing handiwork of the moun tain section, specially arts and crafts, the annual quilt show sponsored by the Woman's Club of Waynesville, was opened for visitors Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the vacant building next door to the Waynewood theatre and continued until y o'clock at night A large number of peo ple passed through the exhibit lines during the afternoon and night. It was the be.t quilt show that . has been held in a number of years, and manv Utly Say. CARDUI Eased Pain In Side Cardul helped aa Oklahoma lady, as described below, and many others have been benefited In a slmUar way. ... I had a hurting In my side every few weelu," writes ?..-s. 3U1 Stevrart, of Devar, Ofcla. "I hid heard of C:rc:ul ar.d started taking It. It stopped my hurting and built up my strength. I took 11 bottles and I sure felt better." Trr Cardal for pto, crmp, nrroo new due to run-down condition. Tfc undt of women tuufy Cirdul bnate4 them. If It Soe Dot benefit IOU, M full phjsld&a. OF CHARLOTTE. N. C. NOTICE SEIZURE Whereas on July IS,. 1934, Ford Roadster.- Model ll2lJ, Motor No. Al 177614 was .seized by Federal of ficers in Haywod County, N. Co in violation of Section 3450 Revised Statutes; now therefore, Notice Is hereby given to all persons owning or claiming right, title or interest in said automobile to present certified claim thereto on or before Septem ber 8. 1934, in default of which same will be advertised and sold at public auction, as provided by law. T. E. Patton, Acting Investigator in Charge, Alcohol Tax Unit. Bureau of Internal Revenue. No. 237 Aug. 9-16-23. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'E SALE Under ind by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by Thomas L- Bla look and wife. O- M- Blalock- to Insur ed Mortgage Bond Corporation of North Carolina Trustee, under date of December 1, 1926. securing the indebt. edness therein described, said Deed of Trust being recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Hay wood County in . Book 21, at page 17, default havint? been made in the DaV- of the exhibits excited ; much , ment of said indebtedness, and at the notice and comment. A silk quilt was request of the holder or holders there put on exhibition by Mrs. J- W. Kil-. 0f. the undersiened Trustee. Will, on the ''th day of September. 1934, at The finest refrigerators General Electric ever built! You get 5 Yean Protection on the sealed in -steel mechaoism for only It a year! the standard I year warranty and four more years protection for $5. A G-E Monitor Top costs no more than other leading makes yet gives you features that cannot be duplicated at twice the price. Model above has 7 cm. ft. storage I capacity and over 12 sq. feet sbelf space. This is the beautiful new General Electric flat-top: the aristocrat of all popular-priced refrigerators! U.J. I -. 1. r. i famous Monitor Top it includes such features as the G-E all-steel cabinet, stainless-steel quick freezing chamber, defroster and automatic temperature control. The mechanism carries the standard 1 year warranty, Model above has 5.3 c. jt. storage capacity and" nearly 11 sq. feet of lb elf space. Massie Furniture Co. nan; a quilt oO vears old was ex hibited bv Mrs. W. T. Rainer;. a big sunflower quilt made 60 .years ago. was exhibited by. Mrs. E- J. Howell; a quilt top, made U'U years, ago was put on- exhibition. . by. Mrs. Lucia Newton: a Star of Bethlehem quilt, made, in IS.'!-'!, .was exhibited by Mrs. W. L. Croi'ke.-y. One of thisyear? work. The Blazing Star, was shown by Mr. Lee Fisher. There were two old quilts made in 1S05 by .Mrs, R. J, Hyatt'.- great, grandmother. . The 'judges we:.. Mi.-. E Pd'tiree!', 1 -with . th S:; P.etersliurg. 1 la.. Mrs. G. P -bavieile Mojitgomerv, Al..-. and Mrs. W. A. Eylor. ,-f S:.' Peterburg. Fla. ; The winners 'were announ.-ed iu follows.; piecp quilt; first prize, Mra. W. I. Kirkpat rick, second. Mr . ". H. Crocker: .old quilt, first Mrs. W. R. Cr.ckc. second.Mrs E. J. Hyatt; crochet coverlet., first,. Mrs; E. B Mc Clare. second. Mr-. .Pel; Stovall; knit .-pread.Mrs .Mrs. W, R. Crocker, second, Mrs. W. R. Checker; silk quiltMrs. J W. K.iilian, ti.'st .and. Dr. I. B. Funke, second; hooked rug. first, Mrs. Charles Bui-gin- . second, Mrs, 'Charles Burgin; woven rug. first, Irs Charles Burgin. sec;n..,i. Mrs. N M.;-;.Medfo;'jl:-. pillow . slips, first, M rs. John W est - second. M r . W, R. i Ra. cliff ; children's article-. :irt Mis. j Ranald ...Morri.-. . second. .Mrs. Roriald 1 Morris. " Applitiued quilt, firstv Mr.-,. Ronald Morris, second- M.rs.,J. L. Davis; quilt top, first, Mi's- Charles Burgin. sec ond. Mrs. W. 1? Matthew.-; Yo-Yo 12:00 o'clock ndn, at the Court. House dor in Haywood County. North Car lina, offer for sale at public auction, fur c.:h, to the highest bidder, 'the following described premises, to-wit; Certain veal estate situated in the City of Hazelwood,: County of Hay wood. State of North Carolina, and de.-cribed as follosys. that is to say, . BECilNNING on a stake at the in tersection of Laurel and Poplar Streets, thence S 73 : . E. 150 feet side line of Poplar Street to . a stake; thence North .17' East IS." feet to a stake;, thence N. .'7.1' W. .150 feet to a stake in the Southeast side line of Laurel Street ; tht-iice S. 17 W. 15 feet with the side line of said Street to the BE- Cfinning,: and being' the ..sarne' lots' de scribed in deed from W M. Pruitt and his wile-' E. V. Pruitt to Thomas L. Blalock and his wife 0. M Blalock. dated October 5, 1917.. and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Hh'ywcvxi. C- unty. North. Caro lina; :n Book No. 50. at page 136 This the 2nd day of August. 1934. Insured . Mortgagp Bond Corpor otion of N,...-.h Carolina, Trustee. By Johnson. Rollins & Uzzell, Attorneys. No. 23-5 Aug. 9-16-23-30. qui! first, Mrs, J. E. Burr second, Mrs. Louise. Allen; candlewdck spread first. Mrs. J. L. Davis- second. Mrs. W. T. Rainer: embroidered linens, first, Mrs W- T. Shelton, second. Mrs. John West; miscellaneous groups Mrs. E. B.: McClure for. stool, and Miss Jeanette,: Phillips for. basket; afghan spread, first. -Miss Robina Mil. ler, second, Mrs.1 H. W. Baucom; ap pliqued quilt. Irs. Lrucia Newton; linens, first, Mrs. W. H Luther, sec ond. Miss Jeannette Phillips- PHONE 33 Tha Rhododendron The rhododendron growg profuiely In the United States In the Blue Ridge range and other southern mountains. In western North Carolina the moun tainsides are literilly covered with the plants. ' EXECUTOR'S NOTICE: Having qualified as executor of the estate of C. D. Ketner, deceased, late , of Haywood) County, this , is to notify all. persons having claims against . thp said estute to present the same to the. undersigned for. pay ment within one year from the first publication :of this notice or this no tice wii: ge p'.eaded in bar of the'.r: recovery. . A!1 persons indebted to the estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. ." This the 16th dav -i Jul v. 1934. W. p. KETNER- -, . ' Executor. July 19-26-Aug 2-9-16-2-3. NOTICE "Stock Ranging Prohibited on the Long boundry." Prosecution will be enforced if stock found thereon. W. H. SILVER. : Canton, N. C. No 22 Ju'.v 5-12-19-27. C. E. Rays Sons Groceries You Can Appreciate Dei Monte Tiney Size Sugar Pea No2 Can ... ...23c Welches Tomato Juice Quart Size ...23c Pint Size ...15c Quaker Macaroni . 3 for 25c Health Club Baking Powder 32 oz. 23c Blue Ribbon Soda 3 for 10c Eastern Carolina Honev 3 lbs, for . . 45c 5 lbs, for . . . 65c Native Carolina Honey Quart Jar 79c Half Gal. Jar .81.25 Our Mothers Cocoa . 2 lbs, for 19c Sugar in 100 lb. bags . ....... .$5,25 Flour, 24 lb. high grade ... ...$1,00 Lard, 8 lb. carton . . . 69c Black Flag Fly Spray 8 oz. size . . . ,25c 16 oz. size . . ..45c 3 for 10c Palmolive Soap And A Bargain 3 f0r 14c GIANT OCTAGON Soap ....... . .3 for 13c Powder . . . . . . 3 for 13c Calo Dos: Food . ..3 for 25c FRUIT JARS Pints ... 75c Quarts . . . 85c Half Gal. $110 From Our Sanitary Market I amb Chops . . .per lb. 29c Veal Chops C per lb. 121 -2c Swift Premium Hams per lb. 20c Picnic Hams ; . . . . . , . . per lb. ljc Hamburger per lb. 12 l-2c Country Sausage .. . .per lb. k FRESH DRESSED FISH Trout . ... . . . . per lb. 15c Butterfish per lb. 15c Salt Mackerel ..Eachj Nucoa 2for Rums Dry Ginger Ale .3 foTjjc ENJOYABLE FOODS C. E. Ray's Sons