THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 19H Society News SOCIETY PAGE Local Items Mrs. Ben Sloan, Editor Phone 137 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER A large party of juniors from Camp Jjnaluska were in Waynesville Mon day morning accompanied by Misses F -ances Phillips, Emdy Bradshaw, Margaret Chick, Mary Main. Lucile hS. and Mr. Archie Parrott. -eunsplons. Mis. Gladvs Miller, of Webster Grove Mo., arrived Monday to visit V;- Margaret Ray on Love Lane. ' " Mr ami Mrs. Bill Clark and Miss M'.rv Kiv are on a motor trip to CiJMa "to vUit the Century of Mr- Arthur Schulhofer, of Roxboro. . Ttr :1 1 i the weekend in waynesviue Schulhoier. .vi-.'n Mrs. t UY TOUR BRASSIERES 'as YOU buy YOUR SHOES . IT viJth AS WELL AS SIZE I Mis pa i t in terence by in connfir dainty l aces is a choici or mil width Ustfcht, medium or kill) jpOK IVSIT IUIT nil..... Massie's Dept. Store "A Good Place To Trade" CLASS OF 1909 HOLDS REUNION Celebrating their 25th anniversary, members of the class of 1909 of the Waynesville high school were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T- Troy Wythe i.t their home on Tate street' Suiidav afternoon between the hours of 4 and 6 o'clock. ThosH present were: Mr. and Mrs Noble Garrett, Waynesville; Ben W' Rickert, of Chicago; Charles C. Francis, of Ratclirl' Cove; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Green, of Hazehvood; -Mrs. George H. Ward, of Asheville; Mrs. '. L. Turbyrill, of Waynesville; Mrs. Arch McFadven. of Wavnesville; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Allen. 'of Way nesville; Misses Margaret Stringlield. Miss Mary Ector, and MUs Sue Willanf Lindslev, of Wavnesville; and Mrs. R. C. Long, of Lake Juna- luska. The informal program took the form of personal recollections of school days 2j years ago and a short memorial program in honor of the late Judge and Legislator Joseph M. Turbytill. of Hastings, Neb., who was president of the class in the senior year and who died since th, last meeting of the class In memory of their honored class-mate, president, and friend, all stood for an interval in silent prayer .iiuuiig v u. iii.tv4i- minimal i.,.., talks were W. C- Allen, who was the, lulR superintendent of the Waynesville schools at the time the class gradu ated, T. Troy Wyche, who presided, Ben W. Rickert, of Chicago. N. W. Garrett, Charles ('. Francis and oth ers. Miss Margaret .Stringlield. who was teacher of music in the high school when this class graduated in 1909, said that she composed the music to her song, "Alma Mater," that year, and the song has been the class song for every class in the Waynesville schools since that time. .Miss Mary Ector and Mrs. R. C Long who were teachers 25 years ago. also re sponded in brief informal talks. The house was decorated with '.pink and white (lowers, pink and white being the -class colors at time of graduation. At the conclusion of the program "commencement" was an nounced and Prof. Allen was request, ed to again present diplomas and was handed a silver tray containing .'white sandwiches rolled in the form of min iature diplomas which he passed to all present. The guests wer, then invited into the dining room the color motif of pink and white' was noted with pleasing effect. The table boi a handsome lace cover and was centered with a crystal bowl from which punch was served. Sandwiches and mints were also served. PRESIDENT i f J r Li x " Mac Reynolds. president of the North ness and Professional Women's Miss Reynolds will take an of Raleigh. Carolina Bysi- Clubs. active the Southeast Regional Con- which will be buld t Blue August lti-1'.l. 1 he Business :nd Protessional Women's Club of Waynesville, N. C. expects to send delegates to the Blue Ridge Conference this week. A meet ing was called by Mis. Ioyle Alley, piesident, on last Wednesday and ten Charter members weie enrolled. Others desiring to go in as Chaiter mem be is will please phone Mrs. Alley at oik e. Mrs. H P. Elliott, of Fayetteville is expected to arrive tomorrow for a visit to Mrs. Charles R. Thomas. Are You Small - Tall Average? Gordon's I. P. s assure a perfect fit i I" or these Individually Proportioned stockings by Gordon are made in three lengths and are design ed to fit perfectly all types of women. . . Let us :how you how to forget your hosiery troubles with these beautiful stockings in chiffon or service ?'ght i i lassies Dept. Store .MR. A N 1 1 MRS. BEN COLKITT ENTERTAIN FOR VISITORS Mr..-. ,a'nd Mrs. Ben Colkitt enter tained Jfl.ight fully -ait !rilre Hast night honoring Miss. Helene Goldey, of Atlantic City, New Jersey, who is visiting her sister. Mrs. 'Gerald Col kitt. and Mr. Colkitt. "Green and pink was the chosen color combination for the affair with quantities of gladioli and other mid summer flowers used as decoration. Contract Was enjoyed at: four tables after which attractive prizes were presented to the holders of the high scores among the ladies and men. Miss Goldey also received a lovely where! honor gift. Those playing were : M is.s Goldey, Mr. and .Mrs. Gerald Colkitt. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Mclnnes. Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. White, and guests, Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Bell, of Jefferson City. Tennessee. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Stretcher, and guest. .Mrs. Ed Stretch er, of Wilson Mills. Miss Virginia Sapp, Mr. Jimmie Neal. and Mr. William Shoolbred. LEGION AUXILIARY HOLDS AUGUST MEET The August meeting of the Way nesville Unit of the American Legion Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. E. B- Camp on Monday after noon. After the regular opening ceremo ny Mrs. Camp introduced Mrs. Gabe r rooms, department vfrce president and 5th area chairman, and Mrs. Joseph Bradberry. 18th district chair man, both of Asheville. Mrs. ("rooms made an interesting address on mem. her'ship rehabilitation and Junior Unit. She '.made a special plea for the non-compensated men at (Keen and stated that many did : not even have the price of a postage stamp to write home' to their families. Mrs. Bradberry led an open discussion on membership, the F, I. D. A. C and 1 Junior Units. During the business session the convention--to be held in Greensboro on Auust. 21! was discussed, Mrs. R. R. Campbell was appointed delegate and Mi-s Ida Jean Brown alternate. Hostesses for the September meeting were announced as . follows: Miss Nancy Killian and Mrs.' George I'lott. During . the .social hour following adjournment of. the .'meeting Mrs. Campbell and Mrs- M. ('. 'Green serv ed iced tea and cakes PRESBY ITRI N AUXILIRY 'I O HOLD BAZAAR The annual bazaar of the Woman's Auxiliary uf the Presbyterian church .will be held Friday, August' 1 7, on the porch of the old Ketiniore Hotel, be ginning at 9 a. m. The. public is invited in attnd. '. . . , Miss Mary New is expected to ar rive tomorrow- from New York City to visit , her parents, Rev. and Mrs, Albert New. Miss New returned: to New York this week from Bermuda where she spent two weeks. ' Mr- and Mrs. Howard Covington, of Ashcvilie, are spending this week at the Piedmont! Hotel. Mr. Covington is assisting with the management of the Western North Carolina Tennis Tournament, which, is being held at the Piedmont this week. -., LARGE CROWD ATTENDS BALL The largest crow i of the season was in wttemlan.e at the dinner dance at the Hotel Gordon on Friday evening, when more than ."00 tripped the light fantastic on the big ball room floor. Many private parties were made up for the dance and one of the largest ur.s that of Mrs. Sue Crawford of i ayton. Ohio, and Waynesville. who iiiteitained to bono.- nor daughter. Miss H-.rriett Crawford. In Mrs'. (. rawford's party were: Miss Louise Stnngrield. Miss Elizabeth Butler, of Jacksonville, Kla.. Miss Jane Williams .W:.-s mine I rawtord. ot Newport Tenh.. Miss Jane Duesenbury, of St Petersburg, Fla. Mr. Joe Jack Atkins Mr. Wallie Hardin, of Chailotte Jim 'Hie Smithwick. Memphis. Tenn.; Jack Giimhall. Charleston S. C., Leon Killian, Jr.. Kay Burgm, and Marcus McCracken, of Waynesville. This large party sat at a long table decorated with orchid and pink flow ers with these same beautiful colors being l'uithered in the favors. Mi. ami Mrs T J. Saunders, of Jacksonville, Kla , had a party of four with then) at one table. Mr. Ed Kbomp, of Miami entertained a party of six. Mr. Steve Millcndcr and Mr. Ray Carter, of Asheville, motored over and entertained a party of eight . MISS SNYDER AND MISS BLACK ARE HOSTESSES M ..-s Mai v Snyder, of Salisbury and Miss Polly 'Black, of Traveler's 'Rest, S. l'.. who are guests of their grand parents. Mr. and Mis C A. Black, entertained a group of their young friends at contract Wednesday after noon Garden (lowers with yellow predominating were Used to decorate the living rooms. In ad. ling the score Mis Martha Way was tound to be the top score.' and Miss Margaret Shackford, of Charlotte, cut the consolation gift. The young hostesses were, assisted in receiving their guests by their ifi andmother and their aunt, Mrs. Diana Shoolbred- Among those mak ing up the tables were Miss Helen Slsk. Miss Corinne Wagenfeld, Miss Billy -Hot ha. Miss Sarah Welch. Miss Martha Way, Miss Louise Stringlield, Miss Hazeltinc Swift. Miss Emily Si let, Miss Ruth Hawkes. of Lynn. Mavss.. Miss Margaret Dieus, Miss Anna Catherine Coin, Miss Tommy St.ringfieUl, Miss Margaret Shack ford. of Charlotte, and Miss Lois Dicus. MISS CLEO 'CALDWELL WEDS MR. HUGH ROGERS Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss I'leo Caldwell, daughter og Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cald well, of Waynesville. to C. Hugh Rogers, son of Mr- and Mrs. .George Rogers, of Clyde- The ceremony was performed by the Rev, J. W. Tysinger at his home in Clyde on August ninth. , Mrs. Rogers was graduated at the Waynesville mgn scnooi in ij.w aim is an honor graduate of the 1 1K!4 two year class of Western Carolina Teach ers College. For the past three years she has been teaching in the public schools of Havwood county. She is a mi'ttilicr o f the Crabtree faculty for the coming school year. Mr. Rogers was graduated at lyde High School in 19:iD. He at present holds a position with the I hampioii Fibre Company at Canton Mr- and Mrs. Rogers left by motor fo a several days' wedding trip immediately after the Upon their return they their home with the bride in Waynesville. ceremony, will make s parents VISITS PROF Wll.LOUGHBV CITY Prof, and ..Mrs. C. H. Villoughby: of the College of Agriculture. Univer sity of Florida, at Gainesville, Florida, have been at the Palmer Hou-e dur ing t h,. . pa.-t week, enjoying their annual vacation in the .mountains. They will.: attend the Fai mers Meet ing at Swannanoa oh Thursday, and then go to Knoxville for a few days inspection -of of the T. V A., and leturn to Waynesville later. ' Prof Willongli'hy tearhe- Animal Industry in Florida, and h is been much pleased to si e the development: of daily work in Western Carolina with more and better .cat 1 le: iiuid su ii plants a- th new Creamery in Way nesville. , He predic ts this will be a continued, source:. ,(d' : pride and, reve nue to i he community. ''."' MR: LEE CELEBRATES BIKTH DAY. .""'- Mrs. W. T, Leu' honored her hu. .Iianjl -with a smoker on Tuesday even ing in celebration of his s'venty- nxth; birthday anniversary- Trie gue.-t- enjoyed set-b k lur ing the evening and after the. games delightful, .refreshments were served. Those present besides the guest- of honor were: Mr. ' S. H. BushmdT, Mr. J, M. Long Mr. W- L. Hardin, Mr. John N, Shoolbred,. Mr. ,R, L, Lee. ami Mr. Tom Lee- : ' 'A Good Place To Trade' We Sell and Recommend BLUE PLATE MAYONNAISE Pint 23c .23c Half Pint ..15c Spread, W pt 15c Burgin's Dept. Store Mr. Ferd Crawford left Monday fon Chicago where he will play with the All American Football team against the Chicago Bears in the Memorial Stadium August 31. Mr. Crawford's invitation came from the Chicago Tribune. Later he will play professional! hall with the Chicago Bears- Mr. and Mrs. Don Hyatt have as their guests at "Sunny Knoll" Mrs. Hyatt's sister, Mrs. William Dula and Misses Harriet and Patricia Lula, of Durham. Mrs. Dula is the wife of the owner and editor of The Messen ger, daily paper of Durham Mrs. J. 1. Murphy, of Hickory, is visiting her son, Dr. J. M Murphy, and Mrs. Murphy, at the Stringlield apartments Prof and Mrs. E. J. tertained at luncheon Prof Robeson's sister, Jones, and Mr. and Mrs son, of Marietta Georgia spending sometime at th Park Hotel in Asheville. Robeson en last week. Mrs. E. J I.. B. Robe- who are Battery- Mr E. I.. Hinton returned Sunday after spending a week's vacation with his mother in Portsmouth Virginia. QUALITY CLOTHES QUALITY CLOTHES C. E. RAY'S SONS Friday and Saturday The Storrs Schaefer Line OF CINCINATTI Represented By Mr. Grady Kinsland a en a Large Range of Distinctive Patterns Superior Tailoring And Styling Attractive Prices We Guarantee You S a t i s f a c t i o n Showing-Also For The First Time Smart Fall Hats Knox Rvrnn HIlDunlap by n Greatly enlarged stock of fine clothes for men and boys' Regular models d o u b 1 e breasted, belted backs, slims and stouts. DROP IN FOR A LOOK C. E. Rays Sons INDIVIDUALLY TAILORED INDIVIDUALLY . TAILORED

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