THE WAVNESVILLIi MUl'NTAINEEii THURSDAY, AUGUST 2 : abp iHmmtainm Published By THE WAYNES VILLE PRINTING CO. Mnin Street Phone 137 Waynesville, N. C. V. C. RL'SS - Editor W. C. Ru- and M. T. Bridges. Publishers Published Every Thursday SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Year. In County ... " $1,00 ti Months. In County .50 1 Year Out -ide f Hay v. aod O-unty $1.50 Subscription payable in advance Knuied at the J .' office at Waynesville, N. C, a Sfc:'!'ul !a-s .Mail .Matte'-, a- pi avided under' t...- Act ..-f M.vch :;. 1 T1. November -'0, Kill. Ull iiSD.vY. AUGUST L'.'J. 1 :! I w vi: n.i.i: s wi-i.u kept cemetery rate 'A I i la .-'..( ; i -. i : i i i;: :::.iiv' r,--pu''. - Va,V!te il)e !:'. iit a vi'.y, .yi-t tnt ie i- ;!:n;r thai we .- j - h : l j .- ii!-pu- i ,, i - ' cities in, !';'. i i. ' i ' v e!l i'.i'-.p' i. .. ':i;ci v ' v In I c. Tk .,; . :'.-v-- i i: ' an 'in. - .. , V,',.viit-vilU' t rial haw a cemetery that a '.. . 11 as ! he. ulle here. 'Hi 'e al'r few via : ';a- itii ! vahial - ..iv in i !,;..! ". ' a-i ,' : - in e cai-eil for as hi re. Ail if i' eti - i ni the t ype 'if pi-cple making u p "itt.'!:!'ii:? v, 1: indicate : hat h.- mvinui-y : !..,.-1 i : i - si i II chrrisiieii and at :' --pei -ci by 1 lie inahiienaia-i- of I,, nil i e; r e-iaiiiii.' a' ' .!) la-i. iv.'-'ring pha-. . .'-. '!!. ... e .!,V. . , IU-il el r ill. h- 'hie th'ise aeaihtaia the ci '::i lei y l.vca'ii ;: a ! t ay all hke ! ha' ehe: h 1 vp- .. I' .;!.. ill t he i';i.i:y t!i'.(- i'''i';-ei',i!ly tiiaa ia ai.njv other ANOTHER 'TEN ( OMMAN JOIE NTS" 1. K.'j) -ki,l chain- en your tongue; al ways .say. less think. Cultivaie a lmv persuasive voice. How you say it' often counts t'e-.- mare titan ' you say. 'J. .'lake j I u.i . sparingly ami keep them faithfully, iiii'inattt-r what it co.v. s yoii. '!. XiA'ei-- let an (ipiiortu'nity pas- to say a kin.l and cnciHii-aKin tiling to or ahout s inie l)(nly. I'laist jrooil work done, regardless of who did it. If cihicisin is inieriteil, criticize .helpfully, never spitefully. 1. He interested in others; interested in their pursuits, their welfare, their hotiies and familie-. .Make merry with the.Tu re.iore, and mourn wi:h those who weep. Let every one you meet, however humlile, feel that you regard him as a person of importance. He cheerful. -.Keep . e corners of your mouth tinned up. Hide ytur paiiis, worries and disappointments under a pleasant smile. Laujrh at jjfi'fid stories and learn to tell them. (i. Preserve an open mind on all debatahto questions. Discuss, but don't arjrue. It is a mark of superior minds to disagree and yet be ; friendly. 7. Let your virtues, if you have any, speak for themselves, and .refuse to talk of another's vices. Discourage gossip.: Make it a rule to say nothing of another unless it is .-omethine good. '' i S. I!e careful of others' feelings. Wit and - humor at the other fellow's are rarely worth the . effort, and may hurt where least ex pected. .'.' ' :..' . D. Pay no. attention to .ill-natured remarks about you. Simply live so nobody will believe them. Discouraged nerves and: poor digestion are common causes of back-biting. . 1.0. Don't be to anxious about getting just dues. Do your work, be patient, keep your dis position sweet, forget yourself, ami you will be respected and rewarded. Selected. LOOKS LIKE AN UTTER FAILURE Western North Carolina is unfortunate in that it is receiving all 'he publicity being given to Albert Teester, the Jackson County preacher who permitted a snake to bite him in order to prove his faith. His "stunt" will perhaps mean many dol lars to him as the world today is willing to pay to see such folks. The movies offer good money to such people, so after all it might be a paying proposition to Teester, but the section as a whole won't gain anything except a name that most of the citizens within this territory be lieve things about as absurd as the Jackson County preacher. As far as proving his faith, we feel that it was an utter failure. As for convincing the world that he had fit ir h himself that is ques tionable. We have re-'p'-ct for any one's religious b". liefs, bir we fee that extreme care -hould he laki n when inti i pret ing toe scriptures, and especially when such drastic methods of demon-nation are lesoitcd to, a. ''"eester saw lit to THE HUMAN' PKAiN The f:ua:t;i brain doesn't wear out. It I '.M 'A.s with (.!'. No: lone; before his dea'h Vie ..;. . A. K le-on v.; ;L ., ' ' kep, hi .Nolithflli iiiltloi-k. Me :,ail Oei-ll tain.'lljT. ... "'i ' of thing- lie W's goill;. 'e i ,,, net. " Von i ,; j :.ei - .,; ,,. ! ing it nani." he i.-piieo. "K gio',s in power 1 with u -e. The only 'hing that grows ohl about 'f man r- his boily. If my stomach holds out ! I'll be iiuenting r.ew and better thing- at Kmi." We are. convinced that Kdison was right. Or coin ,-e. -on;" na n top : h ill king., o' h.'.'r.- never 'ISO til, '" . ,'eo -h. Lj,. ;,, V. il aa- a good i,i ain and Uses u (;., Jijuit grows : 'in ability as time gees on. -Wayne County Xt -'Wayne. W. Ya. BY LAvWP,ENCE -HAWpHOINE We talk about our troubles, And we think about our fears; We wonder what will happen In the coming months and years; We worry, and we grumble, And we dread, and we complain And we've just about decided Life is mostly grief and pain! Wf ,"ho'.it dpnre?sions. And we hear about hard luck; e lose our joos or incomes, And we almost lose our pluck; We view a lon procession Of misfortunes, woes and ills, And wg fine! ov.'??lve?i surrounded . By cur tt.xe?, debts and bills! vr 22 Years As in HAYWOOD 'JEmJM Wc-ll. there comes a day in Spring .SSSr ..J&mfa&rt When all this sri-cf and worry Pk Simply doesn't mean a thins! The- batter and the pitcher Got the-ir orders to bcin -Ancl the only thin? that natters to r.c.Xi ir.c home tccrn :ir. i (From the file of Augu.-; ! ML-f. Jessie -Meody ::. iiay in Asheville .shopping -Wessj'js. Hunic.- lJiutt J isJi 'fiu tj Atlanta- c:- -Mr. Ltno.i- Gwyn, tm oj' J?prir.da!e. v t. , :-.l-v lie ' Wednesday. ' " Mis-es Hfcttie -Muck r. : j .pent Tuesday at Sate... . were iruest.s of -Mi.-s -MesM s. Walter Knox, i;ah H ,va: .! ant Jasuie ',: -.veie et: tally WeJ!;es,:.; ;'-! Spring ;' ,. i-.ropinjr trip. Mi.-.- Uiiliat! A:!,-;; - Tiaa-ilav tv, v . . ' 'live K:V-;.- . r !: ;., ...-' eat v ! e Mis Sl-s Kei.v t . j it-1 KmMiui .Miller. mfii 'ave Kin:- and M ar.'t haval Mille.. It.. . -i:: A! a. ira 7.... ' : .'. ('. St.iuii. V.'v a !e.ia :s.-e (.'el':;;.-. .-,,! ,up:y ;. !,a:.!e S-it.s?:. Ma lEi s i (ii(;i;T rows and niiK of ( illl.DKKN I'lieie.'is no Mich a tiling as over-production of miik in t.his County. Tint . dealers --may he unable to .sell all the -milk now furni.vh'ed t hem. . Hut. this iloes not necessarily mean u er. production. Wha; it does rellect is under-c-o'i-siimjUioii.'. : - A survey was made recently of families in three cities. Tht.' cases of many thousands ''of -hihlien wen- listed, with the astonishing dis-L-overy mad-, that the average daily milk con--unip;ion ol' these childnn was, less than one half pint. Uvery growing child should drink a pint and a half of milk daily to 'Maintain health and facilitate grow t h. according to government ex perts. Hut this survy shows they are not do ing it, and the 'reason is obvious-M hey can't atford it. We must not. attempt to restrict milk, pro duction. That is the wrong solution of the problem, and an exceedingly 'foolish one. Our job is to raise living standards to the point where parents are able to buy sullicient milk for their children. Let the government forget cows for a while aiul turn its thoughts -to our children. Kx . Random SIDE G lA i CES liy W. CURTIS RUSS vh: h .Ii ti;ii.-- w. !l,j,; 1 1 :ire 1 1''' -'"111 After several ;-: ' )!". sia; 'a: ' thei'e w:i- en -j t;:e ;ki:.i' tie-, "W' i. i'"l :'ei- I wuitiiiff- that mud) t inie." hut g'.-e, '.::,:'. it was fun ! v:...-k A. M ( aatv :" at pahl.i.' . , ier fv ca-r: r i f vi'eekl: liver? a:iv I'uii i -i t .f eeiiiu' that injr land- and premi-i int: in 1 1 aywiMid County. , -lira, and bounded ar.ti follow,; Tiai-t N'-. 1, from i st.eet. Ii. Ilia feet- to. i'-iVi' in the l .;,,W Satn-il!iv.'t!!i' Smathers line; iscus.-iiiK si'llinu- .-unie ii-eper- Mia.t n-.-rs line . ,v tine said: Well yni . ouyht t- be im-ncf tt"i '"' ;'.. ; : .!! tiiat latin, to smiie rUCKer, . .'"". v'.1 i a ; k- 1 have been Ie.. ;.,a. . t.i.e -ne!e'u:i llr, K I'. U'aiKeiV an e 2'. owi tig n.igei' and 1'iiygei'.. Of i . ... ,.'.- J - :...-' M' l know' 'the. ealls.e -ci'.n -olile n:e 111 ! ie I' -ii f ll : s i o:-':, a : aa. !:'ef L o pa: a hii; red a : e : st .en plate, el' s ol lie '.1.1 i t IK. : a: r'l , laV . lie. . stujf.iied in .with two ;,. . ,s ' eia'.oe.- i ael; weahiii- .1 , I In iaiil the .-aine. sniiie, -.- 1 ia...,- to' ai t' a ... i u ; ,:n.r.. e that was b.u le of it I-or -i'V v. i'ei'.s he had neell U-iHIi'.'-iy i-iinr.u I'm l.,s niatei:.-. they -ay . there's one home every .i: : nute." , : Th,, o" her pi'-iinpUy replied; "that's' all true, but Undine- one is the trouble." . . . .") i.Aii.ii. : -owaig f lasts .ait e.-- ileltei (o-oAel- C- l'y.s tells J1H ' ! area; a in in u lio t ok all jiriz.s ' for Kiuiaii.i:' larg"' puiitpkius when Hay- W :! e unty :;ad fails. It was told on the man that just K'l'-re the i lie he ellt it otl' about two feet Ileal a:.; j'Unipaiii ami each nay placed I the ia' a, ixv.'ti butteniii'.K.. i .ie liaa terniilk vvas- iibsofa.e'i' into the j i'Unaikai a. id it l hnveu on it. .V.'laaiie.' that is -o or' net- I lia-vi htard nveial tunes that waterilleielis would ab-orb the t!av...r of liquor ' m that ir.aiinei ' Maylie that would' help increase sales of these Georgia ine.oiis. . j ! out i,.e:ir . Uarner s Orcaar.d last l-'riday a tVuck failed to niakt- a curve and spilled their melons all ovr the read. Several days later the seuied ine'...ns were awful in. fact, the-.e'.s lew things worse unless it i. the 'odor of a dead rat that has gotten into the walls and passed oil to glory. la- feet. This being X per surve'v of J. ( '. Havia -, tlle.ol, IP.'''.. Sale inade tairsuant : . - de coiifei'i'ed UJion the a: : -t r a-toe hv virtue of a ,J, . ' : ' r, .. . r- , execute ! hv Mas Dollv ll'.e :. ; Dut.e. of Fugleman husband- Hob Harding, a,-, i , A fugloman is a leader or exemplar, tier ti!. l'.i.'fli. and recordr - , Fornirrly a soldier cailccl a fugleman ' :;o. page 4i;il Record ' iif l'' - : was detailed to standi before his :-:: Tnia of Haywood Couiityi I amy or. regiment or at the liead of a Tiiis August lb. J'.i.'U. i;!.. tiVner us m oi;p:e ,,ri ieo,ei in ,ir;" 1 R. VI it la i A , if. - . Title " No..'.'::! Aug. l-2:!-'.,ii.-Sei.t. -' In Asheville Four (irand Opera Conceits for hcneflt of BILTMORE and MISSION HOSPITALS MON. - TUES. - WED Aug 27 28 29 McDowell High School Auditorium Wagnerian Festival Opera Company of New York Conductors: ERNEST KNOCH Dr. KARL RIEDZL (For 12 Years with Metropolitan Opera Co:) TAXES ARE THE ONLY WAY Governor Ehringhaus spoke wisely at Wil. mington last week at the opening to the public of the Wrightsville Beach Causeway, following its purchase by the state, and the subsequent abolition of tolls. "Taxes are the state's one and only way of getting money to fulfill the in numerable demands for worthy projects," he said. "Remember, my good friends, you can ' ask without difficulty, but when we promise, we must provide." When municipal, county and state officials adopt the plan of speaking frank ly on the cost of proposed projects, there will be less demand for these projects, or at least a greater opposition to the part of the majority of the taxpayers, Stanley News and Prer Albemarle. PIIM'Y LICENSE . PLATES I sirty ami obvnre license plates are a men. aee today t ha' ; nould be watched very closely and if the tivya aire, niotorist will notice the ma chines which pass him by. he will be astonish ed to see that only about one in every dozen has a license plate that is properly displayed. ' The law compels the owners of machine t keep their plates clean and wholly visible at all times. .Many owners place their luimbor plates behind the bumpers where they cannot be seen or they permit mud to splash all over them, and in many instances you can't tell whether the plate is actually there. Travellers often pile luggage and other things over the license, which is contrary to the law. It is needless to say that if you hap pen to be one of the unfortunate persons who get struck by a machine, you would be un able to distinguish the license because of either its location or the smeared condition. While the auto owners are; asked to keep their license plates clean and visible at all times, many of them should also wipe off their wind shields and rear glasses, because only cautions of fhis nature will assist in reducing the num ber of accidents. Many mishaps take place each year, 'due to dirty windshields and poor vision. Ex. Seeing Judge 'Alley chatting, with front of .the court, house, Saturua na nnr.g hiought to mind the yarn 1 once heard aiMut a S-utli . Carolina I r.egio who - was on trial for -tialing chfeKetls. .... After the just had re- turned the verdict, the '.iudtre .said:' -Ra-tu.-. j.ny ii...s seen tit to ac quit you of the charge. ' . ; Vith a Jes.k of dissatisfaction -oh his lace, the prisoner saai: "Ys: honor, tiot s ti'iat iiiean 1 ha.- to gave back dem er.ii kt Wi.y U a t!i .t little trilling things that really tioii't seem humorous any -the: time ai(, absolutely funiiv : in Last Sunday a little fellow in of .me had his two front teeth. I':' course all.' of us have parsed through that period of life, and there '.s not much comeilv about that, but I couldn't help but think of the tiai., when I was in a similar pre dicament a.; i tried "tn 'pat- rirn ir tlia .... ... ..... VB cob. Now if there's anythink that'll, pot one's funny bone upset, it is to see a snaggled tooth person, trying to eat corn on the cob. Mondaj rtrnlns . Aida rursilny Matinee .a traviata Tuesday Evening .. Rls"-lfttn Wednesday Evening ... Cavallerla and r.iiaurii Popular Prices: SI, SI. 50, $2, $2.50 Season Tickets: $6 JO and $8 iSat-' 2.2 Government St., Ashevillj For Reservations, Write or Call GEORGE COGGINS, Phone 4466, Asheville No wonder the postoffice has a balance I ....... left over this year. If all the money that has been spent on sending "free publicity to news papers had not gone through the mails, the postal service would have been "way in the red." Mrs. Jessie Smith, of Baker. Ore Fon.. who is visit ir.c hr parents here, was . mighty nice, to call, and said she liked this column because it was hu man: Thank you Mrs. Smith Aastanger stopped in the office last week and said: "Say. that's a .swell building across the street there, what is it. the postoffice?" I told him it was Haywood's temple of Justice, whereupon he replied: ' W ell, why don't you name it?' : . . He's the tenth out of town person to say that, j a o long ago I was looking .through some old school books of - mine, and found one of the most common pas times of that era which I had careful ly done while the teacher was explain ing some Latin of French phrases which I cared nothing for. On page I had written ".see page 17." on page ! was tne : notation "look on page That page referred to page 93 '.'-''-. -a ' .1.' A Sense of Values Is especially important in the choice of those product that ' affect the. .health and happiness perhaps the H,H of the household. Purity and dependability Ml T come first when the safety of One's family is threatened. For thirty years ALEXANDER'S has been dedicated tc the compounding of the purest and most accurate P'X' scriptions that quality and care can achieve. ASK YOUR D 0 C TOR ALEXANDER'S DRUGSTORE Phones 53 & 54 Opposite mt Offic

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