Till US AY. AKil ST 1 H i I THE WAYNESY1LLE MOl NTAINEEK 1 2 Clyde H. Ray j MERCHANT Wavnesville, N. C. A Complete Stock of Men s Wear 1 Clothing Bats and Caps Dress Shirts Underwear W? me's Shoes Men's Hose Pajamas Dress Shoes Service Shoes Work Shirts Overalls School Shoes Men's Ties Sweaters Lecher and Leatherette Coats See Our Sehwtl Shoes for Girls Ynrie-v (ioods Gtmk Wmt he as Represented LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS PHONE 137 J .- i urnu n ami Aasiiln Pat to. - Ai. . .1. K. M. imi.i ,i ihei: home in linvn. i r.. I'oai. :u..l M. . ii. M M.;...-!. ;u:v Fimi.-: wn: a; . i.a after a wt ckV viMl .M':.-. Can.'!; Hell Kiiiir. of Leak-vale aiui M ....a l.,-;.,. Scot:, of Winst.Mu Sa Uiii- u.ek-enii iraest.s of M i Mi; No:.! at ! in- l' !e owl 11 Apart. M;-.- l.aii:-c Kiiv..iil.- ii'luliuJ Sai: :a i,;u!:t alter a sewral days ... :. a iliu'iian'iM an.l Marlitigtun, i ..v ,-ti y ;:i Asrieui.e an.i a.trn-.i..i lia nui'.'iu,, m e.-ental .on at' Tr v.aiaj . :!v Wacrv! ian Oih ru I i ncany. Mi. ami Mr.-. K. 1. Pu-.-; and Mi. an.i Mi-, ,1. M. l.,n; !,-fJ v.u-.--iiay ly ihcVt far H.'-'.aii, Ma. a cr.UM'St, wiuiv '.hey u ai .-J'eii.! Un tiavs. M r. M i -. 1 ham .- M Seaueil . i : a i ih'.I '.a tiuai hem. tn VY-.ii.lor. l.a' Myia Tuesday ai':-i a .-. w.ul ;a.-' " " . in town. I !'a v !;,. .... a a; ra I Ml-.. ia:.-.i; an,l K. age lie Lang. . : a ronu- J.y Ohm .uusiitfi', Mi.- tau, 1 nville Virginia, ami Ken- j Ar.r.e Seaw i 11 wh.i n .- i mi .1 i'ami n "i i.-. . ,a l.eaksviile. loft Monday , Jiitialu.-ka during the a.-: two ftt iheir r-pr.'.ive homo- after a j men: h vHit ta '.Ivan inu'le aril aunt. Kov. j ' ana Mi-.. 11. W. Haueom. . Mr. .I'llo- W elch, of San 1' taa i-co, V laiit'aiisia i- livrr far a -visit t.. llU Mi-r lr;i i.'.r tTu-aihaiii af ("ol- ' pa 1 1 it .-, Mr. ami .Ms.- .1. t . Ve,.ii inuai- ig.a, ,: ml Mi-.- lirace I1. IU vt : - ii. a! Km villc ' Tennessee, f finer na aila'!- of tin- Way na-v I llo il rJ: ,s.-h. 1 fai-u '. v 1 ). have hern - u.vvu : in : v.ioat an a: illink r 'ii:; , . f , l . jala l'ai 1 !aar . r- !T';r xi.ii' ru?n vci ? ) fax V. . Ma-. ,a- w . :- a i ai Mi ii i . i a; a i iifil : V-ok al tar '. i:,.; 'a. II S rr-i i j iieau site Aoverusemeius 1 i: a I ' a . : . r, M For A Better School Year i :. Buy !??nch &; school supplies fa. : c. lay's Sons "Unda Bkrs" PREMIUM FLAKE CRACKERS SALTtD ONE POUND National Biscuit Com pany Products I rea d ( ' rack e is ( ' a k es ( 'andies Sandwich Spreads Cheese MISCELLANEOUS SCHOOL SUPPLIES Pencils8 for 9c 3 for 5c 2 for 5c Pencil SetsErasers Paste Inks Book Bass . . .23c and 49c PALM O L I VE . . . The soap of youth NEW LOW PRICE 3 for 14c Octagon Soap or Powder Giant Size . , : .6 for 25c Super Suds . -... ..... . 3 for 25c fresh mayonnaise in 90 seconds! Quick mayonnaiso maker and can of Wesson Oil AN O VALUE EOT FLOUR Good Grade in 24 lbs. . . . .. ...92c G. E. Ray's Sons "The Home of Better Groceries and Meats" a i . -ill lulla l.lar- !1 t : !!- I'a'lll. h.' - ( i .i . 1:1 at 1 II. n in. ;aal of t In :. .1 l !. S, !, M i - .lame- ' . i M f';,-, 1,1a. Kltil. ai S.il : : , , . M It' , 'tk-l 1 1, 1 !.' lll'-t .' il . Kalll.;. Ma- M i A, tain- Wai-,1. ,.f Axlir. i i" u-isM 1 1 .all, I - hi' 1 , Su lulu .ui'iaiipaiiii'il hiinic l .Mi-.-Nr.. I. ' ' Mr. I'h h ha- hai n attammm th. ni.',lii'al -1' .! at la ! n.l-SiaiilM .1 I MIVl'l -it '. M ' .-. iMi II Stuh: -. Mi.-- Kitty S'ul.l-. Mi- Wiiiun Siu!i-. Mi--i.tic Mafi Stuhh- ami Mi-- Ann St uah- ah ' ra - I a n,i ! nr. t In -111)1 un r a i '. ha , a: tar., ..f : la I a i in r at 1 . . Un .1 ana in- ka a i a iaa v I m: t a. a ta .1 Irn : 1 hi a: l,f- I'll: i in II,.. ail'a. DKCOK A I ION DAY SET I OK SEI'T. it I II AT I I I E HI ( II ANN AN ( EMETEKY Ha, ( A I) THANKS Krii'inl.- at' llaywan.l ii'.iiti-t' "It" IniM' .-linuai . il - kinilni' iluririv tan illrn'-s aiui .iaa!'. i,l '.i' hii.-haml an.i tat liar 1 1 , v i inir Iumii I IV-it 1 hank - ami 1 il i 1 iin -: May Ha nil, himu - all tiling.- inviii'il V"ii. ami yui - !.. ! iliKI I.. I hr rr Inir-- f II ri a, I n lialtirtllar tin vr wi.-li la iaHi- ta till' llUI'-a- Wlla -a flllt lll'lllly -laail llV, atlll tu I'l'i Sllatrlll'l ' lllla in "111' niiinian ii'inlr.i'il I'.i it hl'nl M'ina mill Iricil in man y w.'i.V- to ra.-r I ho pain which inir I'.'it her h.-i'l tn otic In ro. Mr- "T. I, l-'ram-i-. ami Kaniily. SILVER FOXES For Sale From naliv born slock. Hltic Uiclito Kancli x lis avorattcil S."7..'l . . . lop $1:17.1111 on St. Louis mar kol in lH.'l.l. Write Hlue Ki(lne Silver l'o Kanch Hr. vard, . . Mr- . I ioi i L'r llai ill Hi find, lit! 1, ,i iiLil.lii Holly. f Saiannah (lr,,r ria. aniii',1 Krulay for a vi.-it tn M - Illinium's rau-iti. Mi-, l-'rani-i-M.-.i-.-,o. and Mr. Ma-io. Mr and Mr-. O. 1.. 'I Tin !lu I.I ha-a- thoii Ktio-h- mi Suml..v then .anvil. I. a Miss I.arotla . I , Ik. 1.1 Miss Adilio- Wall-oil. Mi-s Anna I. ail ;-o Ilawkin,. .M r. (ji-orjio Ik Vi'noynril. ami Mr Charlo.-, af Is. nn v 1 1 lc Ton-iio-scn. Mi.-- 'I'la I !,n !,i l lllOI I'll and Mr. Charlo- Andor-cn nf Kii" vi!!o. 'l'onno.--oo. Mi-.- Tin i lki.1,1 oii toroci t . aininir at Kurt Saunders Has .iital in Kmixvilh' in May. !Irs. !'. A Amlcin id' .Ic.ihil-icn (My,. Tenite.ssoe, arrived Mamla fM ,. - -it ta her sister,. M is. I '. K Ka , and Mr. Ray. ' '; .Mrs. Christ cipher ( 'riltenclen and yinintr sen, who have lux-n vi.-iliny the former's mother. Mrs. Charlo- (.u in Ian, are leavintr toilav far their Immo in Chapel Hill. '..'.".. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harher re tuined Sunday niht from- Martin.--buijr.'WVst Virginia whore they .-pent th,. wr'ek-enci as truesls of lr and .Mrs A. 1!. Kiltie. They also attend ed the annual picnic of appl,. Krower.s ; t the orchard of Senator Harry Hy id .n Win lies tor, Vi.'ir.nia. : Miss Flora McNeill of Fayette ville, and M ; -.- Askins lvey. of ('.ha.--ii tie, . arrivi',1 the lirst 'of the week lor a visit to Miss Marv St nntrlield. M rs. .lohn Kii kpat i ick and haljy, of (iteenville. . (', and Mrs. Kirkpat : ok'- m 'tiler Mrs. Williams, of I'acoiet.. South ( 'm rol i na.. a i o .-pi-nd i no- this week with ridative.- in the city. --a... i- Mrs. R I.. .N'ciiaiid, of 'ayno.shorn, Virginia, is tho jruest nf hof il ;i ii to r, M i s. Oti- liiirgt!;. Mr . nd Mi-. (I. V. K..k;.atrrk of Winston-Salem, spent la.-? week-end with the formei'.- -parents- l'r. and Mr-. W. 1.. Kirkic.liiok. .. (iuy Hipp- cif Catifon, was a Way ville visitor last week. : . . Mrs Ka'e Satifonl Mrs. (irace Giles. an, .Mrs, Hlien Xoland. of Crab tree, spent Friday : shoppiiiK in the cilV. ' . A. ('.-Walker, of Crabti'e, was here on : iiUsine.-'s la.-t . week. . M' ami .Mr-. H. .1. Noland, of I'itreon, spent Satunlay in town. . Am. inf the visitors here last week fiom Jonathan. Were A, Li Hall and J. A. Sinpletpn, Mis- F.llen ('amp)ielj spent Satur day in AVaynesville. M..- (). ( . I'iot? and Mr-. Jack Campbell, of Jon ;than. spent Monday in town. - . -'-.'. Mis.- Kva I.eatrierwcM.cl returned Tuesday after a few days' visit to friends in. Spartanburtr. South Car olina. '' Mr Harvey F.. Pa.fford, of Atlanta, Geoijria. -cpent la't week-end in the citv as the pue.-t of his sister, Mrs. V, D. Miller, and Mr Miller. Mjss Frances Garner and Miss Collie Garner returned to their home Sunday after a ten-day visit to the World's Fair. ...'.. Mi-. Fay Gibbs arrived last week from .Try-on to spend a few .day? w-ith.her sister. Mrs, C. M Dicu-. and Mr.. Dicus before . going to James Chapel -to resume her duties as a teacher. Miss Mamie Leatherwood has return- 1441 Asheville, N. C. ed from a visit to friends in Raleigh. Aug.9-16-23-30-Pd i 1 1 ,-n, ,11. i'', a, 11, ana 1 ,1 1 In-- 11 a-, k ; , ii-u:n,' 1 la- out : 1 1 1, in -r at : i a m ,. a 1 h, 1 a 1 a el 111.- .la i;. I' .ai.k l.oa! '1, v.-' W al -.il! ' 1 Jii..: liiv iia. I'lu- loll, I at 'olid. : , 1 ,-m !'.'.' : 1 1 i 1 . . : m.i ,-n. I'la 1 , 1 , a- 1 a n 1 M a i . and a pu ni.' a' a ill c . t'i a 1 u ,.,,.! and Man - 1 i li,' -. 1 '; i , i-l , i I - nil lie. I I ICK ( KKAM SIT'l'Kl; Anno c rea in mi ppi 1 Mill be hold al l la- h'ai ,'hll' ( e e ha '' 1 , 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 r: 'I'hii' r dir. . 11 ohl A nr n- l "a. - 1"H- a 1,'d by Ilia Ladles Aid ,,f I hi' Moth adi-t chin eh. I. " , 10:1111 cake, loin made and ran,l l',a .-1 1 1 . 1 . 1 . I odv -invited Want Ads ' ' .. ... -1 STKAHV W(RK CiHiii 1'AV RKLiAliLK MAN WA.NTI II t.. ali . 'in farmer;:.- No e.xpet ienoo (r cap . ital needed. Write today McXKSS . (;t., Dept. S. Fi-ecjiort niinoi-. ltpd Rattle -nake bite . -do tint often kill Why'.' fully explained in pamphlet . bv noted' export I'ricc; '. Cuts V. Collins 1 1 1 Walnut St. St. I.-.a. Mo. I'd. I.' 1ST - 2 bu- . ticket- to Savannah Geo.gi.c. '!ea-e ri-tuin to Mrs. . Francis Ma-.-ie or call 2.'!S-.J W' wat'd. . L A in-. :!0. FARM KRS. Dairymen. Stock Feed ershow can you afford . to delay buvintr today the new Jay Hee Feed Ma-tor feed mill -a better. ha turner mill at lower cost. Libera! terms. ' denionstJati.on on request. . Owens UrotU'r- Brevard, N. C. - .Au--'.'.-2:i-'M-Sepf. B-.-AMP.'.-; ; MAN WANTKD for Rnwleigh Koute of 800 families. Write immediate ly Rawleigh Co., Dept. XCH-5-SA Richmond. Va. Aug. 9-2'ipd W'ANTKH Wi'd giiu-eng. dry or green, highest market price- Cash. Parcel post, express or deliver Reference. Hank of Clyde. X. C. I). M. Cagle, Clyde, N, C. !'-B-pd Alilr YOU CAN RELAX IF YOUR STOCKINGS SAY - GORDON I 111 (Jordiin stockings represent eaieful nianiiratlnre . . . sdeded silk vitli lil'e and elaslioilv . . . tiMii'tt (It'sionini; of tout. leg. anil top . . . met ititluii- inspee. lion . . In LttT. v er thing that slot-kings t an give to luiiulilA miiii leg. Disrou'i Tor Miuisell llieit lu'autv and value . . . W e have Uiein in Ihe 'new fall shades. '79c $1 $1.35 MassieY Dept. Store "A (inod l'laee To Trade" KNCOUE STUFKEI) OLIVES 6-oz. bot. 17c 10-oz- tot. 25c Popular Hrands r.EGARETTES 2 Pkgs 25c 8 Pks 96c I'lus Stale Tax VlIkflA SAUSAGE 21 5c SOAP Camay 4 Bars 19c wl; paper ct Rite pkg. 10c -M MILK r,s 6 ItJO TICK Insecticide - Pint Can 25c CORNED BEEF ' 2 29c GRAPE JUICE A PUREP 2 Pint Bottles 25c SHU T OK SVW I I ur.n PICKLES :-;;-;'.-'19c; TEA Tetley's 1-4 lb. Pkg. 25C ! skyflake WAFERS Pk- 1 7c WHITK HOUSE GRANDMOTHERS JUILK BREAD 3 Tail Cans 17c 15-oz. Loaf 7c NECTAR '---L . A TEA CRISGO 1-4 lb. Pkg. 15C 3 lb. can 5 3c PIANOS Wanted a home in which to place small high grade upright or fine Baby Grand Piano-- with prospects of selling in order to save teshipping expense. Will sell .for balance on monthly payments Write Factory- Representative. Box MACKAREL 3 No. 1 Tall For 25c Bulk VINEGAR Per. (ial. 25c Chewing Gum and Candy Bars 3 for lpc L,t liilATiiBr,X!.llllML

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