Emm-wm The liest Advertising Medium In Hayood C ounty Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Read by Thinking People Till RSDAY. SEPTEM HER 11, l!3i VOL. XLIV NO. 11 WAYNESY1LLE. NORTH CAROLINA Grady Welch Is Bound To Court; Assault Charged Hearing Here Tuesday Attracted Large Crowd. Assault On 14 Year Old Girl, Charged Grady Welch, 42, was bound over to Superior Court without bond Tuts, day afternoon by Magistrate M. E. Swearingen after a preliminary hearing at which the defendant was charged with rape on Susi,. Palmer, 14. of lower Iron Duff township. The alleged crime was said to have occurred on Saturday night of Sep tember first. A warrant was sworn out by the girl's mother, Mrs. Will Palmer Tuesday. Welch was appre hended Saturday and lodged in jail by Sheriff J. A. Lowe. DeVoe MeElroy, who was also arrested, was not held by Magistrate Sweanngent after the hearing. The hearing Tuesday morning at tracted a large crowd, especially from the community where the act was committed. Ihe hearing was held in the main 'court room, with about 19.ri in Attendance. Th inrl took the stand and testi fied that Welch met her as she was' en route home after shopping in Waynesville that afternoon. He met her near the Riverside school she said. He had about a half gallon of liquor, she testified, and made her take a drink against her will. When she continued to refuse he is alleged to have beat her. bruising her arm and then pushing her through a barb wire fence, inflicting a number of scratches She further testified that he threat ened to kill her if she screamed. "He told he had killed two men and would kill me too," she Continued during the testimony. She explained that she was frightened at the threat arid that he assaulted her. Court record show that Welch has on two different times been tried for killing men in this county. One was killed while he was deputy sheriff. He served about three years in the State Penitentiary for the last hom icide. The plaintiff testified that later in the evening after Welch had assaulted her that she had similar relations with McElrov, but 'that it was not Mr Polly Palmer, aunt ot the girl,' testified that sue saw weicn ue.ii. the girl, and that Welch was drunk at the time. ShP admitted on cross ex. amination that she too had had a A neighbor of the girl. Mrs. Sam MeElrov. told of hearing the girl tell the detailed story of the mei-'. dent all of which she was vorrott-, orated by the girl's mother when she , took the stand- j The girl is of medium size . and weight. She did not show any signs of being nervous during the -hearing, and on several occasions while others were testifying she made .-several re marks from her seat within the bar. Groer C Dai- upit-m-ed Me Elrov, and Ennis Sentelle .appeared for Welch, although F. E. Alley, Jr , is attorney for Welch but ; was called out of town prior to the trial W al ter Crawford is attorney for the plaintiff. METHODIST YOUNG PEOPLE NAME NEW OFFICERS FOR YEAR Locke Hvatt, of Waynesville, was oleed present of thHa Young People's Union of the Meth od.st church at the regular monthb meeting held in Canton Monday even- 111 Other new officers elected were: Virgin a Osborne Bethel, vice pres ulent; Annie Boyd, Jonathan, .ecre UTy; Myrtle G.llett Lake i Juna t,ska treasurer; Lois Ball, ( anl"" Martha Way, Wane-ville upuin tendents of publicity. Welcome This week TWENTV FIVE families in Haywood County will receive The Mountaineer lor the first time. This group has be come subscribers during the past few days, and we trust they will enjoy reading the naDer each week along with hundreds of other families who have previously sub scribed. Since September fi r s t the- e have also been fifteen families to renew their sub scription making F o r t y subscriptions in all in 10 days. Boy Shatters Plate Glass With Head; Escapes Any Injury A twelve-year-old boy playing On the street here Tuesday night ran head long into the large plate glass window at Burgin's De partment Store on Main street and shattered it beyond repair. The miraculous part of the ac cident was that th boys' head was not injured at all. He was not even scratched by the falling glass. Otis Burgiu- manager of the store, estimated that it would cost about ?5U to replace the glass and the expensive sign that he had on the glass. Civil Court"fo Convene Monday. Docket Is Light Two Cases 01 Interest Scheduled To He Tried During Second Week Of Term .hi din- .1 Will Pless. Jr.. of Marion will preside at the September term of Haywood County Superior Court which will convene Monday, hept-eni bor 17- The term will lie ucvoted entirely t,, civil cases and will con cnm ni net ienllv the entire two week although the docket is not as crowded as previous ones. Th. tu'n cases that will llerhui) prove most . intflrestiiig during the Kginn are srhedu ed lor Monday .September 2-1. The - case '.of Turpi n vs. Rhitiehait is air outgrowth of ' the alleged kidnapping-in Jackson county some months airo- 1 hp other case same time is the I.eNeve is suing the suit LeNeve t bv a tarantula; sclieduled lor uie suit in which Carl Ail' Tea Co.. In aims lie was bitten lk asking 1'ot have been first week: . 11. Mason. J. R. Walls; R. J. Tram- $oO,QUO. The following jurors selected to serve , for the Waynesville township, E J.H Beach, II. I,. Wyatt- Beaverdani, Vv- b. links- mell, J. 1) Harbin, C. M. Harkins, Dolph Lanning. C. F. Smathc.s. V. B. Biamlett, K- (--Mull; Last 1-ork. J. T. Powell; Jonathan- Creek, Sam F.vans, Lee Ferguson; Clyde; L. H fmrlo' .1 "W. Creel). R- L. Penlatid: Fines Creek T. M. Ledford. Charlie Duckett; Ciabtrce, C. 1.. Hill, Ji ll E. Seay ; Pigeon, R. II- Brown: W. F Cook 'For the second week. -ihe .following were drawn: .-Beaverdani. S. I.. Alien. C. D Mott. W, M. Cogdill-, L. C. Reno; Waynesville- W f. Medford, W. L Mehatfev Edward Glavick, C A. MesscrY). W. Ross. R. II. Boone. W, K.. Mirier, (!. V. Turpin; Pigeon J B. H ii grove ; Ci abti ee. J. L: kins i.,.i. L'inoi Cu.ek.. ('. A A rrington ; Jonathan, J. I'. Caldwell. Marshall V.esser. . G. S. Ferguson, Jr. Reappointed On Fed. Trade Com. Reappointment Made Monday By President Roosevelt While Mr. Ferguson Was Here Hon. Garland S. Ferguson, Jr,, for the past , seven years a. member of the federal Tade Commission, re Ifeived a message. Monday while spending his vacation- in Waynesville with his si-Hi, Mr- I J. Hobe-on, President Roosevelt for another term J on tne Doarg.. . i "v -seven years. Mr" Ferguson received hi.s nrst appointment from President Coolidge in 192T. There are . five -members, on the board, coming from all. sections of th,. United States. Mr. Ferguson and his . son, ; Gar III. were joined Tuesday . by Congres.-man .ebulon ' v..ki-c.r ui,i W 1 Hardiii fur a fish ing t:ip west of here. The, partv plans. to return the latter part .of th0 veek. Mr. Ferguson and son will .return to. 'their home -in Washington, about Sunday. Mr. Ferguson is a .former Waynes ville .resident, having been born, and reared here and. for some : time assocra ted. with his father: Judge Garland S.. Ferguson. ." CattleSaiesvF Clyde Increased f; .- ' " ' Approximattlv 2oO heal of .cattle were sold last Thursday at the stock yards at Clvde, bringing a total of about S4.000". : '; - : '; '". Interest: in the stock yards is steadilv -incTessing. officials of .the-in-corporation stated. As high as- oOO people attend thP sales each. week. The prices- being : paid for steers range from . V to, ; ?4.0. , : HeiK,, from .2.r0 -to S8.50; Calves from..?? to S3- -.'.'' Most of the cattle, is shipped to Spartanburg-. Columbia and eastern n'tdii-t -wr-ere thev are butchered.- . County Fair Will I Be Held Week Of October 1 To 6 Arrangements Are Already Un der Way To Draw Large Crowds Here For First Fair In Years Pl-ms c-Aini7 ftirwarH rflrtidlv ' v - - - I lor the Haywood County Fair which will be held Here at tne Band -uiu (.rounds' the week of October 1 to 6, All contracts have been siened by lepresentatives of the local post of tbi American Legion who are sponsoring the fan. Mr. and Mrs. Burke ar rived last week and have established head quarters next to the W'ayne- wocid i beatre ivncr,, thev are busily engaged in making plans lo.r several outstanding events of the gala ' oc casion.' Advertisement elsewhere in thi paper give some idea of the nature of the events- a popular hoy and girl contest a baby pageant, -and several other days. Mr, Burke announced that during the fair one day will lie set aside as Canton Day, and other special days will probably bt announced later. Members of the Legion committee who are promoting the fair are of fering a prize of $2 to the person sending in the best slogan for the lair- 1 hose answers should be given Torn Lee, Jr., who is commander of the local Legion post. A draft of the by-laws of the Hay wood County Fair association has hceii sent Secretary of State, with the following hiving signed it as di rectors: J. H Howell, W. T. Shel ton. Charlie Met rurv, F T. Crecn. . I i.oo .-jr., . n. Mimn, r . rv. Went., D Reeves' Noland. Mansoii Medford, and I P. Alley. 06 Births And 29 Deaths Inllaywood During Past Month Majority Of Deaths 'Were With I hildren Under Two Years, And With Adults Over liltv There .veie mir . than, twice ;.s inany '.irlb-. in Haywood comity as ilealbs .-iiirntir August, acconliiig to ill oil rial i-tateimiit just made public Pr (' A rs ; s k . of t tie muni v al'ii di rid: Tbo d i tot;il 1k b; i t lis !- : is as fol-j 1 teatlis. 2 1 .J. I .5 0 1 1 .7 0 2 C Hi U f 1 n 7 r. ,t 3 o 5 0 fifl 29 taled'- CO. low.- Biit'hs Fines ('nek ; White Oak. . . . . . r. . .... Jonathan . ..:...... Iron Huff . . . Ivy Hill , . . . : . . . . . . Waynesville . . ... . . . W a v n e s v i 1 1 e Taw ns h i p Clyde - .: .,.:....;... Canton . . . . . . , . . . . . . Beaverdam Township -East Fork . ......... Cecil Total -.'.. . ....... .. All births during August, were white and all legitimate except one. There were ,'!8 male and 28 female r,ii-tbs- !YX VL-pro attended bv tlhvsi- cians, and 8 by midwives. '.Of: -the 29 deaths. 28 were white and 1 colored; 15 were male and 14 female; .10 deaths Were in children under 2 years of age ; a deaths from 2 to ,r)0 years ; and 14 deaths were over at) years. Football Schedule Announced For '34 j -Coach C. E. W'eatherby announced yesterday the following schedule for this season for the Waynesville "Township Football team: '1 earn Hate Place Huf-vT'i 'pf 21 Htre -l( Mlh (Pt. 28 Thire Iilack Mountain Oct " Here (Fair Week) '.Christ School Oct, 12 : Here Asheville .School Oct. 20 There WfaiiPe f't 2C He-e 1 im S hoo! o 2 Here Hi n-'ei-rnville Nov 9 There r,, Nov'. 1f rwnn- Nov.. 2:1 Here Thanksgiving ODen . -Nov.. 29 The admission prices this year. will he "5c and 25c The games for the first will begin at 3:30 o clock ornrERs c pti re 11 TWO STILLS AND HEER 1 A . forty-five gallon still and 300 gallons of beer was cantured by of firer? . in Cecil township last wek. Those making the raid were: Roy Reece- BCn Green. . Charlie Moody, Jo'-.n Kerley-and Elmer Downs. Later in the week a small still and inn gallons of - beer was captured Three n-.en were arreted during this raid-. ' ':.''' .',--' , ' ..'"-. Western Cattle Are Improving On Haywood Pastures Uelief Is That Shipping In Of Cattle From West W ill Make Farmers Interested In Stock rIo date approximately d.OOO head of cattle from the drought stricken area in the west have been received at Clyde, where a thorough exami nation is given them before being shipped west of here or let out to pusture in Haywood county. The cattle are kept at ( lvde lor 72 hours befoie being chipped else where, or turned over to Idywood farmers. Several tests are made and all symptom- of the examinations are carefully vw.l, ;'.cd Hot ore- these in charge give the fin 1 approval for moving. It was learned that as a general rule the cattle are arrivimr in fair condition, and a check up on some of the cattle that have been on pasture f,,r it f.ne weeks show 1 hat UliS isec- t ion of the country is agreeing With them, as all ot them show a maioua gain in weight as well as looks. Tim Mnllntnmeer nliest iolle'd SOVOT al who have been in close contact with thP work since the cattle began ar riving here and found that these men believe that th. shipping of all the cattle into this area will get the farmers more interested in stock and ...ill .vontllll'v ie the IlleailS of 0011- veriing Western North ( arolina into on,, of the largest -cattle raising sec tions in the Cnited States. ti,., ,...,tt,.r-M ,.!iHl,. will have a ten .1 , ,,,,inrii,n, heller stock, that! tie I n . - vvi v ii ... w ... , I) ,ving the opposite effect, it was Saul, No (lel'niite: statement lias been ..,,! ,JU 1,1 wli.it th. Lrovernnient in tends to do with the cattle, after it ijs fittened on local pastures, Republicans Of County To Meet At Clyde Saturday II. . Leavitt, of Asjieville, Will He Frincipal Speaker of The Kally At 2 O'clock The Republican executive ("o'nimit ,,f eoiuitv will'. meet ut lb- Clyde H igh School " at . two o'clock Satuiilay, according .to an ainiouiice ni! lit made by Iiairuiaii (..leiin A liovd.- 1'! ... :;i lie made lor the coming eli-ctioii- and also . till varaiu'ie.s nil the IU-publican ticket At this tune there is only the place .of clerk ol court to till tin the ticket a:- Mr. lio.vd ilecided liol to Ciller Uje . ai'C- Tl,.. iiriiiciDle sneaker iir Ule ineei- ing will be Mr. 11. B. 1-cavitt. of Ashevilh', an outstanding woiKer in t.:,- KcjU-ioc party in lids .-tate. The meeting will 'be ..open to all, and Mr Boyd is anxious that all . Repub iica'n.s of the county attend the i ally. Th,, complete ticket for the ( ounty Republicans will le made public Saturday afternoon, Mr. lioyd said. Phillips Elected Captain Of Team Jack Phillips was elected captain of Georgia Tech's football team for the coming season last week. Phillips will, again play full bacn for the Yellow Jackets. Jt was at this position last year that he made ko many sensational plays. It. was i :...,,V.. -j.. PWi-itihe that Geortria Tech was able to defeat Duke last season. Last year Phillips received honor II American teams im alt Southern teams. This yearf he is slated to get a place on tnese, teams fristiad of just, honorable men tion. Fd Davis Jailed In Lenoir On Charge Of Poisoning Daughter The Associated Press, on last Sat urday carried the following ' article under a Lenoir date line: L'd E- Davis, furniture workerwas jailed in . Lenoir .. early . , Saturday charged .with murdering .his four-year-old daughter, Dorothy who died Friday, night of what physicians, said was poisoning: , The pronouncement and arrest was a, ie a::.e;- an autopsy. . Twin girls, aged, six, were critically ;o K.jiihvinv' l.l .JCvu..,,", ... lm.h.,iiii.s - -nied tne nenei that the. poison was' taken in candy or i.ai'' s;mdv;(-hes t-arlv FridaV night. The child w.s bu led in Waynts- V-ille- Sunday .'afternoon. .- : ( N'IO TO HAVE A WOM N I'inSK IAN Haywood's first: woman iracticin' physician- filed Iicen:'" v:t-h the clerk of court here. -Jonday. : She is. Dr. J'a-garet Elizabeth .. L'neberry Owen. r;d will practice in cantol witn ner His! 1"' . Pc.bf.it: Hvi risori Owen. Special Train day Carrying Tar Heels To The Parkway Hearing Plans Are Heing Made Tor 200 l,V,,n, iT,. Amw.irln llo. half Of North Carolina I e.l liv (ioveinor J. ( . 11 Fhllllg- haus of North I ..roluia, several hun dred citizens of the Old North State will journey to Washington by spe cial train. September IT, to attend a hearing which will ilevule tne route of the projected National l'ark to Park Highway which is intended to link th,i Shenandoah National l'ark in Virginia with the liieat MiioKy Mountains National l'ark in North l arohna and lennessee. The special train to he known ag the "(lovernor's Special. ' will leavt Ashevill,. at about 7:00 1 M. Moii Im. stentemliiT 17. nii'ivinir in Wash ington early on the morning of Tueu- lav, September 1. the nay 01 ue bearing. Ihe train will leav,, Wash ington on the return trip at atioul Ki.'itl I'. M . September IN arriving in Asheville at alniut !):tl(l A. M. Wed nesday, September ID. Citizen- from all parts ol Westvin North Cit.olina and fixtni niairy other sections of the state are ex pected to board the special tram and make the trip in the interest of se curing for North I arolina the soutn eru terminus of the projected high way. At least 200, it is believed will niak.. the W ashinirtoil trip. The hearing which will bo held in Wash ington hotoro Secretary ol the In tenor Harold I. lckes, will result in a decision us to whether the new l'ark to l'ark Highway will enter the Great Smoky .Mountains National Park on the: North Carolina or the Tennessee side of th,, great national playground, with : resulting greatly increased tourist revenue to the area chosen as a terminus. Western North ( arohnians are urging interested North Carolin ians in all parts of the state to take part in the expedition which will at tempt to prevent tlie diversion of tourist traffic via the Parkway from North Carolina to Tennessee. The special train may be boarded at any iininl aloiig the route ami the regular I.Vday found' trip rates will prevail. Thos,, 'making (he trip no the special train may leinain in W'a.-hi nglon "i t ravel idsewhe.e liming the la-day period, it was poinled mil . 'before the return t rip is made. A large North "Carolina delegation jr. needeil as .is- indicated by the fa, t that Teniiesseiins ulan" to h ive at least ;;(HI delegates in W'a--hi iigtmi -to plead the cans,, of that. .-tale. Round, trip fares mi the spool':-.! froi.il Asbo ville are $ti ,.r.r for lowe,- berth and $ki.ri.0.Ji with Ujipei berth. Wythe M Peyton. A.shevdle pc-tma-ter, is in charg,, of the ilelegat ion as chairman, Season Football Ticket Offered Free To Students It's Football Weather And the Waynesville Mountaineers are work ing hard under ( oach Weatherby to get in condition for the opening game here on 1" nday, September 21. with Hayesville. Interest in football this year is just -as keen as ever, and an effort as beinir made to. have the -entire 'student body as well as town peode attend the games. In view of the fact: that many of the students will not have the opportunity to attend, this paper in co-operation with school otticiais, will giv,, to each student, a season ticket : for . bri ngihg into this . office two one year subst. riptions. The tick et will admit them, to all six of the game.- played here at home- Four Six months subscriptions will be con sidered as two one year subscriptions just so there is $2 in cash. The regular price of the six tickets is $1 ..",il as students will lie admitted for $250 this year as usual: ! The best .iram.es. .-of' th season will be idaved . : here., according to the . schedule as announced by Coach W'eathe.-by: , The -schedulf includes j Black Mountain, Canton,: W'eaveiville iind . .Other strong teams that always furnish plenty of competition to the 1 o a 1 team a n d e x ci t e rri en t . t o t h e fans. : School officials have : nnoumed that the class room selling the: most sub-, fcriptions will b( given a half holiday for th,. Carton game. . . No "advance price will ! charged for subscriptions- ju.-f ONE I I'll. -I AR a (ar Rii'ifi- wi'l Y maiV 1 from: the offi- e of The Mountaineer direct to the subscribers.-1 . . . - There ,is: no .limit to the number of season tickets that will be awarded, i nor is therev any limit to any grade or class in school. . : The: subscriptions- can - be new or i-enewal the publishers, agreed: to give, a season ticket for each ?2 'turn, ed in. .-, The students' thist begin fi:t w i:,' have the easiest chanre of .'Ut-.' them-- oulckly. ' " Leaves Mon Number Of Delegates From lllivuood ( OUntV l lan lO Make Trip To Washington As The Mountaineer went to pies it was impossible to dcteimuie . . -. how many from here would be ao .. 1 the special train next Monday ! -when it leaves Asheville Washington to carry Iar Heels 1). -fur Secretary kikes to present claims tor U"' Parkway route in this state. Some hftccn or twenty from tan ton intend to make the trip, and sevevjil f-nm here. Tentative plans mail,, at last week's Rotary meeting will likely develop in sending a dele gate from that club; the local Cham ber ot I onimcrcc will also have ;i representative. Ihe city ol Waynesville will have :.n official representative among the group. Ihe County Hoard ot t om niissioners will be on board, repre senting the county. Several business men ar known to be making plans to make the trip. The District nucUng of Young Democrats here last week adopted and sent resolutions to Secretary lckes urging that he seriously con sider North Carolina's claims beforu his decision It i.s understood that Mr. Will Shel inn will mill.. th trin.!inil Mr Frank Miller will go in the capacity of mem ber of the State Highway Commission- The Rotary Club adopted the fol lowing resolutions and these togeth er with similar resolutions ; from other North . Carolina clubs welo bound and sent to Secretary lckes- WHEREAS the location of the Southern Appalachian Parkway in it southern portion, is a matter of mo mentous concern to North Carolina and to all potential visitors to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, and WHEREAS the seem, v along tho proposed North 'Carolina route, id incomparable; the region travensed alro'idy is dedicated to serving the tourist public; has made very con siderable investment's; and by its very nature, the region is peculiarly bail ed to tourist purpose's, and U'llE'REAS the W'ayiie.-vilie ioin nnmity joins with all of North ( ar olina in believing .strongly thai the Parkway Coin Hluwinir Rock South-' Ward, -fmuld follow ''the reciirnnieiida-tion.- !' tin- Noi't b --Ca r'ol iiia Iligbway ( i. inn, iision ahd a.-.-o iated groups: IM; II' RESill.'VED' that '..Hie Ro t.ry I 'hlb of Waynesvill,, endol.-e ; completely and boa. lily., the recoin Hielidatioli.s of th' State Highway Commissioii as to location of the P.iikway; and strongly urges fa vorable action thereon by the federal authorities. ROUE RT H STRETCHER. President, J. R. LATH A M Secretary, CIIAS. E. RAY, Jr., Ch Com. Does Waynesville Want A Library? (By Publicity Oommitte.) It is with gieat regret that the, (lirectors of the Waynesville- Library : announce that the doors must b,, closed on October first. For several years the roroipt.s and circulation : have been steadily decliriing anl for the past season the decrease has been appalling. For forty-three years the library has been supported by lenefits of one kind and another.' -With occasional, gift from clubs ami individuals., until the public is weary of su :h appeals. The day of ,-.u.bseriptio!i libraries is past, most of them having been made free. After : mature deliberation, it seenls evident th ut the W'ayne.sville Library must fall into line if it is t survive. The loss to the public of use , of six thousand volume.s would be de . ploi able when they should be free to - every man, woman and child in the I town. - j : . To give the puioi an idea of t he cost of maintaining.' the.-; liiirary- the budget for the yt';r J2h is submitted : . I.:irari1n s saiar.v- .irshi-l Janitors . .. . . .. . . . . '? i: h- - 22 Magazine.' . .. . . . . .. : : - .'. . 1'! P O. Bo . 3 lu.l 1 Supplies . . 26 Ripai- H House ( So: mtlir : : ' 17 - .an. on . Bucks & Building -. 58 i xpen iitures : jr. -perous- ye st during -747 Pa h W. En-it v has been : con ,,i his home -for tile past . two en.' account of illness. - ' . Miss Nellie Mehaffey is ill ;at her t: on tee I- a:rv:ew R u-

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