THE WAV.XKSVIIJJJ MuCN TALViSEI THL'RSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, mi ahr iHunutatnrrr Published by THE WAYNESMLLE PRINTING CO. Pnone 137 Main Street U'aynesviile, N. C. W. C. RUSS Editor W. C. Russ and M. T. Bridges. Publishers Published Every Thursday SlBSCRII'TIOX KATES 1 Year, In ( ounty $1.00 (J Months, In County .50 1 Year Outside of Haywood County $1.50 v Subscription payable in advance Entered at the post office at U'aynesviile, N. C, ai Second Class Mail Matter, as provided under n.e Ait of March 13, 1879, November 20, 1914. Till KSI) AY. SEPTKMHKK l.S, THIS SEPTE.MHKR WEATHER We. fail to understand why the niruith of Kepi ember should not he our best tourist month. Certainly there is 110 other mouth in the year that Is more appealing to those who are not I'ortnna!'.' enough to en.i".v this climate 111. year .'round. There is a touch of spring mixed with a breath of autumn in September's weal It er that tends !o one feel hetu-i line, . any cirrum.-taiKHS. -hi.-; wiiy tin ui'iuntain resoils are not crowded in Sept, infer is beyond us, unless its heeause we have 'hns far failed to advertise what we have. A selling point would he, it seems, to convince Florida that Septembej is the ideal month tn spend in the mountains and certainly it is the one month we don't care to .v in Florida wlin .tropical hurricanes are frequent. ' IT ALE DEPENDS ON K'KES' WISDOM The interest which North Carolina is show ing in the routing of the Parkway, exceeds that of any election, either state or national. Tin em ire state is looking forward to Tuesdav, September 18 th, when Secretary I ekes will hear North Carolina and Tennessee present their claims for the southern portu 11 of the Paikwav. North Carolina is basing her hopes for the route on the fact that her sconerv is unsurpass ed and that Secretary Ickes' better judgment and wisdom will not ignore such a fact. ('IIE( KIN(; TP ON OURSELVES When evening comes, go off into a quiet place and review your clay. Have you been kind and thoughtful, or mean and thoughtless? Hao you kept an even temper, or have you lost your temper When things have gone wrong? Have you been pleasant, or grouchy? : , Have you 'inspired those whom you have met, or have you depressed and discouraged them ? Have you done, something creative and worthwhile, or have you wasted the dav with : petty things? Have you increased the happiness-moments in the lives of others, or. have vott thought onlv of self? ' Have you enlarged your mental horizon, expanded; your personality have you grown larger, or shrunk smaller ? '." What we do day by day (letermines; Avhat. we become. .Hour by hour we build our lives for. better or for worse. A daily, inventory will help to keep us on the right; track, headed to- TAKIXG STOCK OF OL'R "GOODS" At least once a year merchants and busi ness men take stock to see just what they have on hand; what is needed to improve their busi ness and also to find whether the profit is more than the loss. If merchants find that stock taking is worm time and trouble, whv should not a community take stock of itself ence in a while to determine just which way its headed? This thought is brought about because so many summer people have said time and tim'. ngain, "weil, within a few weeks things will be awfully dull here, when all the tourists have gone." We disagree with that statement. They don't know I lav wood County. We work for the tourists in the summer and during the other nine months of the year we work for ourselves, all of which is profitable to those who WrORK. Now getting back to our "stock-taking." This fall we face a brighter future than at any time, since !!)2t. There are more staple, permanent establishments here in the county now that were not here three or four years ago. Even nature has come forth and not only help ed us locally, but indirectly from afar. While the Piedmont is in turmoil with' .-trikes the west, suffering from continued drought, this section enjoy., f-h;if working full time, and the best crops of years. The establishment of the large number of '( ' I '.. r,,t... ; .. . .. I . v. v ,,:,,.- in .inn ni',,i nu r;,im;v 1 ; luotigh: in hundreds of dollars a month that otherwisi would not have come. The tourists have left more money in the county this season than at any period since '2!). The prospect for good prices for buiiev tobacco is far better than last year. Irish po tato prices an . tie. aragin- while prices for eaftle are belter than manv expected to ge; ihi fall. Tl, i.e. i . , - . .... .uim-i,v nas lawen Itie surplus vege tables this year; while the creamery is consum ing all the milk and cream that can be deliver ed in the county. Public works are not at as low an ebb as last fall. -The letting of the Soco Cap Road lontiact wMerd.iv will gne unemployed labor beie an opportunity to work during the next nine or ten months. ; The tax rate has been cut for the coming car, which tends to add a spirit of optimism to that which is already prevailing. The aboe miiw.v is n(t what we hope will 'me to pass, but it it "bi.smess already done." To the above "stock of goods," we must .emember that the Paik ".stock" paving -t late of mteresi while the goods are beimr "made up." So, alter all, it looks from our "stock sheet" that Haywood County has mad,, a profit during Imxi .ear. and has the "goods" htm that the world wants and is willing to pay th price to get. v v Mi Ws .w3r rw;. 9 ------ raxap&tax? 7 .. 1 m tt ii i 1 .7 Jrpible ounshine 0ifJ.aure1ce fjaufjorne I j It takes a bit 0' trouble now an' then y ' To help us learn the ways 0' life, I guess; A . T - 1 1 .1 ... 1 1 speii w ciouuy weaiaer leacaes men To understand what brings 'em happiness. No person ever yet has seen it rain Without the sunshine comin' later on; ' But some folks get the notion grief an' pain Are here t' stay, an' every joy is gone. 7 Seems like there's plenty more o' cheer than care A For them that keep their spirits brave an' true; Seems like the days 're mostly bright an" fair, An' clouds don't often cover all the blue! An' so, a bit o' trouble now an' then Should help us prize our blessin's all the more: An' when good-luck is greetin' us again We'll find things even brighter than before! ,l 22 Years Aso in T r. t : 1:. ol. HAYWOOD 1 1 urn the li!e id' September, li)12. An . . "i. Lee and family have :e :u;. :.j VayntfsvilI alter n.n.lin.. v.oation at their home at Sau- AI-. Will .Sitiather left this week :.r ('hi'.jicl Hill where he will resume 1 :.- .'ijdic- i.t the University. Since .Mis.s .IoIiie Ector has been i nle.i to her sehucil duties -Miss Alice Wu'nlan has taken her place as town J. i.aiian. -ili. W. (1. rr iK-is of Wavne.-iville K- F. I) Mt Thursday for Chapel i'.ill ivlme he will attend school at t!- State University for the ensuing term. .virs. . T. ( I'awford ami son. "'.-.v.;!y illumed from a trip u-h :1k cvunuy :;, A heville. "1 hey declare that the only really ny-httul vv.y to se- the Biltmore -t;:te is to have your own vehicle and as was 'vnnce Hawthorne Random SIDE GLANCES J5v w. ( runs hi ss '-on 1! Hayes, presiding elder wts asked th,, direct iiue.stion last weyk: 'llo yoa think Lne world- is K'.inK to the devil " He quieklv .e plie:.., Wlien I feel that it is Tusu a!l.' rind dt - eallsed l.y indijres.tioli.' Sunday v..s the fir-t tlnic. I've i-v.-r ea;m- in rlixc nint.-i.-t with ::. mud hornet. It v;h all my fault, too. I j.w lijildin.: ..n.--' and 1 thi.u-ht I d destroy it l.el'oic it gut too large. .My idea was line, hut I failed to see two other hornet.s on the opposite --ide. of the nest. I figured I could :U'.'do . !lo Ulrlt"' nllllOst on.- I'irw.m. -'':'cc-, 1 1 l; t .hadn't figured on more than oije. After I stai ted it was soiiiething I ciaihln't stopI had to keep on the go, and if you don't think dodging three nud hornets is a man sized job just try it. I didn't get slung, hut the anxiety I went through for a few minutes was about as bad. Nope, never again irom now on I'm a friend of hornets r ! dr ive wheiv you ( ic - yov, want to. I -i- :.i;in;urjce,l e;sevl'ere in this ; is.-ue, rvinim A: t oinpany will J ojcn a new stoic for ladie.- sntl chil : --n at. the Br.zar old tanf. Mr j ". 1 '"vington. tlu manager is. from! 1 ree,-i)(M... Tt-tiii. He with his I family -will occupy the C rraway cot- te v W'.diuit street. ! ' he .-ity -i-hooN begin th'cir four j te -Mb year l:i' .Men-lay. Th(. high 1 ir '"' iMeTictit is made up of a I ;' .' e; ,f yn-M,;.- n;en and women. I 1 !" '" 1 1 - in thN department '' -nich is .; . le-..g;. of I'l-, f. I!. L. Bak- r. ir::-c. ;;i w:!r, i'lof. E, V.. Davis ""'i Mi- o assist him. These I'jii-e make- a -trong faculty for the ineh -chonl. Jn th, elementary school 'ie"e are :) !(l tuipils under Ike '.uti! eev of Mises R.,bei ts, Sh-elton. Davis, 'ie.ien. I.aura Roberts, A'ier -nl Mrs. Wvehe. " " l'retty good answer. -I-.. . . e . , . ... 1 nar s rypnal ot . lv. B.s answers to such questions. He's far fiom be ing run row with his views, and is al ways ready to talk about any .subject th. t can be brought up. His pet-subject, outside of preaching, is West- rn North ('..rorma's possibilities and a lot of times he even preaches about that. ward our highest ideals 1? ; old, ui'T (;ooi) The i'ojlovving, oath, taken by the young citizens of Athens, Greece, is more than 2.000 years old, and et it has ideals that it would be hard to surpass : "We will neer bung ch.grace to this, our city, by act of dishonesty or cowardice, nor ever desert our suffering comrades in the ranks. "We will fight for the ideals and sacred things of the city, both singly and together. "We will revere and obey the city's laws and do our jbest to incite a like respect and rev erence in those above us who are prone to annul them or set them at naught. "We will strive increasingly to quicken the public's sense of civic duty. "Thus, we will transmit this city not only not less in all these ways, but greater, better, and more beautiful than it was transmitted to us." Ex. CANAL 20 YEARS OLD Twenty years ago on August is i lie Pana ma Canal was opened, but during its earlv wars tiailic was not great, owing to land slides which closed lhe; channel from time lo time, and also idealise of the redtieed movement f ship,,;,,,, title to the war. The canal was not declared ofiiciallv opeii 1,ntif -nice which lime about Tnoon toll-paying vessels have passed through i; pay nig (oils exceetiin- !?:;00,(l00,()()0. ; In addition : "lany Americt.n warships an, other govern n.eiu ve,s,ds 'nave t!ie D-ll-free. - Cp to 1!);;;; expentlitures in building and miproving the canal had reached . 5 to; million - dollars, the interest on which at .". per cent is diiore than 1G million dollars :a year. Contntry to the general belief, the Panama ; ( "anal .has not been a paying nronosition f m-1 , Cniled States goernment when its inxestment i" the project is considered. During the past few years thc. clcfioit has (.ceeded foui million dollars a year. The onlv wav in w hich the canal can be considered ;m ass0f to the federal gm ernment is, by taking into account its supposed alue to the national defense. Whether the canal could be defended against n power in time of war is one of the country's important military problems. : This, problem did not arise during the world war, as the Central Powers had no fleet in either the Atlantic or Pacific after the United States entered the struggle. Reidsville Review. Last week while we Were eating together, L. B. turned to me and pointing to hr.s dessert which was sprinkled with, raisins said: "You Know, that reminds me of a jok ..van. once, a man went into a cafe in a .small town ami ,.r,i;. .. .-,;., of , apple pie. The waiter 'brought: it out ami lor a inmiite the customr K'azed at if and said: 'Say, I ordered apple pie and not huckleberry,' W hereupon the waiter said "Shoo,'' and instantly the 'huckleberries' flew Iron) the pie and there was Only left the ap;.:(, pie as originally ordered " Plant Bed. Sterilized Kven plants need the safeguard or sterilization of their habitat on occa sions. Operators of grpenhousea are forced- at times to steriliw the soil In the seed beds to prevent 'heir plants from contracting various nlaiu dis eases which can cause thousands of dollars in . damage unless preeutod The usual method of sterilization is to heat the soil in the seed beds with steam pipes,, the soil being raised to a temperature of ItlJ degrees Kahren. heir. Averse ana Aavc.-se- Averse, from the Latin aversus, alienated, is derived from uwrtere to turn away, and is applicable only' to fieings of consciousness and will, and that in reference to their inclinations ami rasies. we are adverse to that which we disapprove, but averse to that which we dislike. We are averse to what is opposed to our reason, or to that which is uncongenial to 'our tastes. We are averse also to enter ing upon such courses or taking such steps as w.- may feel to he ohjeetion-abh- on any account whatsoever. In addition, we arc avers-.- to actions," con duct, or occiiiiat ions that are foreign to our mil tire, or to which we do not lake. Few cats are averse to flsh. Literary I lieest. . Penalties of Fame "Fame has its penalties," said Hi Ho, the sage of Chinatown, "and a monument preserves memories of deep sorrow ns well as splendid achieve-men'." I can't vouch . for it, but I am uie 111m opinion that L. 1!. was ready to pass the jemainder -of'hii de-se :t after he told that ioke " (Heiui : A. ISoyd ,,(dedV another ., , ?',-' y, to the ones given r. . -..s uMiimu last, week.--. Mr Boyd ooout lour years n,. ',. .-.. i" o'ne-nol just two volks, but 'one c-mplete hard-shelled eegg ' inside an i;i,.li.n;".ok;ng-i-gg."- : '. NTow those whoe;know Vir '-.Hovi' ;o:e aware of the fact t.h:,t he' .'is.' a bjud Worker; and it seems- from the a 'ove ..that even' the chickens on' hi. place have gotten the habit '' : '..Mi .- Moore, of l ake Jumduska s opped in last week, to.: make ' mem .tion 0 the, paper-ali of whiclr I sincerely appreciated. Few people et imm reaf enjoyment out - of en uragmg others :;than Mrs. Moore Mie came ehere three veai's ;:,go and counly: "M):: y i ks: I Mil nun rrorjon nukes its dram 0,1 enerv. So it's im portiint to know that Camels Jo release your stored-up en cmv. 'sunk feel ing to d, lnjm ,hls oeligtithd '.'energizing effect" Js freepiently as vou want Camel's costlier tobacsos never disturb the nerves. comes ': a long with Dr. E. W. Gudger, of New York, and a former WaynesvUle resident, is spending seve ral weeks' vacation here, and last week made the remark that this September weather made him feel young, spry and sassy. In fact it made him feel so pepped up with excess energy that he hiked to the top of Balsam, six miles from here. LeKoy ; Davis this ::::" ''-. u, C , l - n";:;:-: ;1 'H'gro ..drayman wa la e for. wofn, ..n l when: the alinllf"v why he was ,...e, r"! Phcd: 'Wdj. sahhon Ah looked L t,E tr '?,01:mn?, Ah couhln't see "Mh- r .dere. so Ah - thoutrht Ah'd i t ; "Ul0verc,i oat the had dropped "out of de frame." one" ITu 0,fLctinuedith west 'h Cd w'hll, W'Ming out I -. V , Tw .farmers : were discussing hard tunes, and bad crop, years. One sani. one year our, string beans "in'T onthing'" !'eplied the -h''. n v oh! h rnV was .so had tha ; my old dad. who b-.,i . . ., ofcoilta -' V'fr 1 itlt'tl I, My father. ,hw tT -nville, haaVt,VZ u was lyinjr lead durnl,- itj i 1 '"'." uui even that T0lheph.matMst ALK M)EK'S, a prescip nisno! just a .o,oc.,i r drue. Jind chemicals. lhe members rf t his f i(r i 1 '"' i-iN stall lnok far bexond that to m in,m .,rins , ,riumph mei. ""T C" "' Pr&Crip '"""led , Mp cl.omp,ish. ""'S 'h0U1-"" " -W W easll, hv ALEV. ANDEIt'S pharmacist, it. snch inlini(e A S TC v n it n v u ix u U C TQR XANDER'S STORE Phones 53 & 54 Opposite Post Office

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