THE WAYNESVILLE .MGI'NTAirCEER 6o to (ihurrli gmiuuy It Tii,: I'RESBYTERIAX CHURCH Dr. ii r. ..ikc-r. Minis;, -r . On la.t Friday iVfr.:n nine men of ti::- chuivh uttriule.l u men's sup pe: m West Asheville. where were a.-.-nioIeil 15li men tj hear the Rev. O L. Whiteley. of Roanoke, tell how t;s JittJe church entered into a cov enant to tithe for 1-J week. In that tiiiR- they pa:d expenses an.l .1 debt oj S2,t5liU.lH and rai.sed their ort'er ingi from JoO.UU a Sunday to $150 00. That how what can be acvmplUhej uhen we actually obey God's Word. At the H.-.ywood County I'astors mtet.njj on -Monday the matte.- of a for children at the County HL:r.e was discussed. It appears that ali civic clubs of the county are be hind thijs movement as well as the p-i-tor. This thinji is greatly neeri ami we hope it can be done. Rally Day comes in October. Let -us.betfin now to invite people to Sun day school. September 16-2:5 is Church Taper Week. Do you take the church pa per? Now is the time to bvg'm to jtrive your subscription: u any mciii tier of the Auxiliarv; thev iret .SI Uu for every new subscription and you need the chuich paper Our program: Sunday .-ehool it :4o. iermui 11. t'hritian Kndeaver T:l.". The jiastor will preach Sunday on "Litter Thinking," and he will be v; a I si'e you at chur.h. v . A Y KS'1LL K .MKTHOPI ST i'.iui liaidin. Jr.. I'utur. Ti:e Lev; n nu L. 15. II aye.-, preid- j itig eiiler cil tne aynesville district, preach at our church at 7:dU Sunday evening. Please reiiU'lllber that lhe hour of the night seivice h:..s been tdiangeii fiom t,, 7::;o o'clock,! The pas-tor will preach at thej morning hour 11 a. in.; and all o'.h.i r .-ervLes will he held as Usual. The1 yuivng people meet at (i:-15 p, ni. Wo' : re pleased that -Locke Hyatt was -.let-led president of the Haywooil County Young 1'eople's Union." Let's buck Locke here- in our own church. Jl'-XALUSKA SCHOOL HEARS DR. 'PARKER t)r. Parker, of Rio de Janerio, who is spending sometime at Lake Juna laska, was the guest speaker for the chapel exercises at the Lake Juna lusk.i .Elementary School last Mon tiy morning. Dr- Parker has lived its Si'ttth America 33 years and his was especially interesting to the .school children who are at- pfs nt covering Brazil in their study of Cify;r..phy. 1 AN APOLOGY In week's issue there appeared a paragraph in an article which some of our readers took offense to. The psrairraph got in the paper without the editor seeing it- Those offended were kind enough to come to us about it and we gladly made personal apty ogy to them. - Ve deely regret that it happEjied. We also appreciate the attkUifb of those who came in and tukjjd the matter over. ' American Legion Post No. 47 Presents Their First Annual HAYWOOD COUNTY FAIR Industrial and Agricultural EXPOSITION Dellwood Highway Band Mill Grounds One Week October 1 to 1 934 WAYNKSVil.I.K. N. ( . :iC.R-AUS Fiirnishina: All Midway Attractions 7 M VMMOTH RIDES 7 12- BHJ I I N SHOW S-12 CALLIPHONES HANDS SPECIAL FEATl'RES Tuesday. Oct. 2nd AH Children in Haywood County and sun oundin Com munities will be admitted FREE on this day. All Shows and Ride will be 5c to the kiddies on this day only. Friday, Oct. 5th (Big Legal Public Wedding) On the Midway when a local couple will be joined in Matrimony. ' '- - ." ',; - - ' ' ' ADMISSION ( ADULTS i : CHII.DHEN free Parking for 'This Is Your Fair - So i; w,.-j!,i tie a .-n'.e'id!.! thim eeiy niembe.' of ,iuj- chuich would ii.ake an lume.-t etfvrt attend Sun ia.v .-.r. .,d and chu.'ca Sunday Why not d- it '.' LONG'S HA1'K1.-,U' N l.LSk 'S only i mm ii F O. Dryman, Pastor. "Behold hew ,,...1 and how pleas ant it i fvr b.ethren to dwell to gether in unity." Denominational aie !. ...-eiv drawn here. The i--U-i ..' workers include Baptist. Kpi-copa::ais. .Meth.o.list and .per haps Ours i. a community ' r.urch. V:s.f-! of the winde of the ou:h:and w..-h I'-ed lute Sundav. San-lay .-cho,.: en the up grade. The pa.t0r w ill dis.-u.-s the need of a new ..ea! that ':,, both new and work Our Rogers t.'ove opeii-au '.Heeling continue. W id have some special music again Sun.'.ay momiiig. Diil you know that the i. i-:,l i- meeting with His people t Lung's Chapel and that there special congregations are putting aeu life into the people What a joy try to preach to full pew.-! I've the i-pposite i Mieneiice Lvery -e:v;.e oa mi.-- s oil cau.-e the p.each '" o' -- -oaii- :ta! .-ometlung lie c.i.i. ' w :tii you ..way H 1- '-ic ..-pen-i- on ,.a:- co-operation "-l:.i i 1 "Hl'UfH IN i'Hl-: .MoUX i'.WXS,' WAYNLSX ll.LK Kpi-copal Minuay. Septeir.oi r li 1!';-1 A, M. d ie Sacrament of' Holy 1 0111 inuii ion. I'1 A M. 1 htir.-li S lu.ol 111 the Lor:.!! Il.u;-e 11 .A, M. .Moll. !.g .i vvr; .-ei-inoli -! - i Lei to: . I'op.c A j, Ain'oa.--;oi-'! . in- t iia::. -.' Le:;,'. dv na'.i- .nvitcd. 1 !'.. 1 DA Li IS 1' (TiL'KCU D'. W. II. I-'itzgerald, f-o inej pa. . . .' : I:.- Liltm-o-e Papt.-t , llurch v, .1: o..-l:-ei the .-.Tiiioh at both 1110111-:-. ;r . ,.vea d - . vice- Surnl jy White Oak News ' Mr.-. Mis. .1 Hello Rogers, the mother of II. McFlrov of Whit,, Oak. is M-;iously ill at the homo of her son W. W. Rogers, in Swam county. Horn-to Mr. and Mrs.'. Edgar M01 iov, Septemher 2. a son, Tommio Mac.':; .- Mrs. Josephine William-, who has been ill for sometime. i.s recovering. .Mrs J. I IV. McFl.-oy, who has been ill for the past month, is slowly .re covering. . Mrs. Weaver Rramlett and niece, Miss Mildred Sim- who have boon visiting re! iCves here, have returned to their home in Washington, D- ('. Mi.-s Ruby. Nell Williams spent Sunday night with Mis.- F.dna Rose .MeFl.vy. Mr. Richard Queen, of Waynes- 'ville. spent the week-end with rel atives on White Oak. Men. .rial services were held at the Clark cemetery Siturday afternoon Mr. Theodore Raby. of Waynesville was a visitor here Saturday. . Canton Day .25 Cents .10 Cents. ' ' ' Automobiles Why Not Be There" J LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS PHONE 137 Mis. ,1. F A'-cl returned to her home Monday after a visit -to her daughter. Mrs. Charles, and Mr. Hard at their home in Flyria. Ohio. Mr-. Dew and daughter. Miss MaJ.ii" Dew, who have spent the -sum-n.e: at Wayside Lodge, left Sunday f. r t'he.. home in St Petersburg, Kla. M M .rgaret l'err left Sunday for Cieenslieio where .-he will enter the senio;- class at the Woman's Col lege of the I'niversitv of North Car- 1 .nr. an, .;is. rianK 1 nerret ana. ' ' . . ,. , .... lliMrcn 'ainved vestenlav At- ant, to spend sometime with Mrs. i'hciiel'- mother, Mrs XoraAshton , , Ahbie Fav Henrv left this ween tVr Creeniuiro where sh,. will I enter the fiohman c!a.-s if the Wo-j man'- College of the I'niveisity ot .North Carolina. I ! Mr and Mis. George Hcge of; ;n.-:on-Salem leturned to their home Mondav .Iter a week'- visit to " " ' " ' " and Mr. l-rje. l I..-.,.. . 1. I-I1IL I- --, M i d M -. Rev Plott and .laugh-f M;-s Mai'.na Plott. lett Sunday the 1 home in St :e-dle, after I'hC tl-.e .-uilimei- at their cot at Magu'ie. ri: an.i Mi-. 1 11 are leaving this weel ;n St. I', : 1, - 11. Ilaeii for their home Florida ntVr wo .imifi- 1; d .a.-n-I 1 -On,, dur.n;-, -are,,;, , ' R -kn.nv n .'i. el l oei.iliiig I!:.- 1 1. Mr. .11 ;e i.o.l ' 11 M. I .,!;. 'ii. wiio ha- liven Mis, Palton. in .-an he! !y oo.l ;.' to vi- l ald'o. nia, arrived last -it her iai cuts. M r and I- i an.-:.- ' . !. p. .Mi. and Mi.-. .1. -M. Long and Mi Mr, and Mi--. R L. Prevo.-t returned 1... their home- Satin day ' after a two u oks' trip to Huston, Ma.-s. and ot her noli hern points. Mr ("laiene Ray. who has spent -eveial seasons at the Piedmont Hotel as assistant to Mr. Paul Hyall, arrived last week to spend a Iv.-o weeks' vacation .' Mrs. Joe Justice returned : to her her home Sundav after a visit to her daughter. Mis -Sammy Duval, and Mr, Duval, at their home in Green ville, South Carolina. Mr J. W. Veatch, of Athens, Geor gia who spent several days in the idly is the guest of Mr. Joe Sloan, lett Tuesday for Emory Junior Col lege where he is a student. .Mr. and Mrs. John M. Queen. Miss Kathryn Queen. Messrs. James and John Queen, ami J. Q. Allison, left Sunday by motor for Chicago, where thev will attend the World's Fair. Miss Ellen Louise Killiau. left this week lor uainsvilie. i.eorgia wnere ho will enter the junior class of will enter the junior class Lron.-ui College. Miss Killian is a graduate of Peace Junior College. Mrs. 'Adorn Rayne. who has spent t ho slimmer at , her home here, left thi-- week for Atlanl re ( i: v. New Jer sey. She was -.'accompanied by her nephews- Heir and J B. Sniathers. Miss Hester Ann Withers left Moil d ,y to resume her studies at Agnes 'Scott College She motored to At lanta wit h her parents. Mr. and Mrs. K.iitst Withers, who returned yes terday. ' . -- .(. Me.-sr.-. -Arthur and Walter Fiancis l.-it Sunday lor Wake Forest College: '! '..- !' m. r will enter the -cliool of Ii ,logy while Walter will .pursue course .of study for an A. 1!. ,d ,e;l ec, '-' M.s. Je.ssc Smith letinti- ' to her : ,Lio- to lay in llalo r, Ot'egon .after 'j e'idiiiLf sMiiK- : ( inie . ' w-it h ' .'relatives no re. -. '..''' M i.,- - t i 1 1 i e . Hi i th : i ; left S un d a y fo r Chii':ago, yy'hei e- '.-he is - speiiding this Week seeing the World's I- aii. .M iss Ro; ha' is a menibi'i: ijf a special party wlii-ch is' '' lv.dlig -oiul-ueted . by M . -dleh-i, C. Matthew-. '- , m m Mis- Marie I'lnit h-f I Suiiday. for S' tesviJle- whoio -ho.w-ill visit her uncle arid aunt. Mr. and Mr.-- Roy I'lott, for. a week. . She: will then go to Gieon-boro yvht-re she has a posi tion for the winter. ; : .'.': Mrs. . Rube.t l-'rve. of Knoxa,Ville. Tennessee. i spending -sometime. 'with her mother, M rs.. Gat rett Reeves, at her "hotiio ;,t I. ,k" Jutialiiska. She is also visit ing hi. r . husband's .parents, Mr. and Mis., Frank I- i ye. --.,'. .-.,''':.,.-. Miss M ,ry Snyd'-r, who has 's prn.t the summer with her grandparent.-. Mr-, and .Mrs C. A- Bla.-k, left Sun day for h-r home in Sali.-bury. She was accompanied by Mr.-. I liana who returned Monday. ' - . , Mrs. B. H. Pearson, who has been visiting her sister- Mrs. C G- Logan, for' some time, will leave tomorrow for her home in Nashville, Tennessee. She ' accompanied by Mrs. Lo gan, who will spend the winter with her. ; " Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Mowdy and Mr. Leslie .Mowdy have returned to their home in Colegate, Oklahoma, after a vi.sit to Mr. James M'cLean. Betty Mowdy. granddaughter of Mr. McLean, accompanied them home for Mr. and Mr.- Robert liraren who have inon visiting Mrs. Hraron' p.ienU, Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Gar rett, left Tuesday for thei.- home in Daytona Heach. Florida. They were accompanied by Mr. l!rarcif moth er wno '.H-en spending the .-u:n-mer at Pa'.sam. Mr.-. T. Delos Craiy and children, who have spent th,. summer with the fiirmerV mother Mrs. S. A Jones, left last week for their home in Ping- namton, -. 1. .Mrs Jone.s accom panied them as far : Abingdon, Vir ginia where she is vi.-iting relatives M I M .... I ... " ' "'')'" le.iy. j"1'-" have made their home m Sylva '"' the past tew years where they have manaired the Poinsett Hotel. inoved to avne.sville Sat urdav. Last 'week the Perry.s purchased the Pal me: llou.-e on Pigeon street and are now open for guests in their new i .. 'in.'. 1 Mr. Joh.11 Murphv left terdav lor 111st on-Salcm after spending -eer..l days with h:. parents. Dr. an I Mr.-. J." T Murphv, at the String- nel.i apartments. .Mi. .1urpl1y is a iniembe.- of the North Carolina Sym- i phonv Orche.-tra which will give a I 1 -.. 1. , -, iu-- ,-f con-eit in Wm.-ton during the fall. Mis- 1-iC'el l-'crgu-on of Mu.-phy, --pent Monday with friends hero be- , ret in iniic to Winston Salem wi ... . -s a im-m'-er of t he faciilt y of Colleue M mil Mi-. S. Ii. l-'reeborn and ii of .-heille, and Mrs. .Ill, ol llelide.-oll spent h Mr. ,1 '..mes McLean and i - M i-( 'o:n remained for ,. ch-ildro S Mi ( I h i a w 1 1 mlv VI v. e -i Rateliffe Cove News .1. A Francis. The farmers are veiy bll.-y at pics eiit harvesting then crops .mil s-lov ing till in away, for w inter use. "I'll seasen has been very lavolalile f la tlie year. I lie I'armcis have hud ample tone to care lor llieir crops alio pastilles hae oeen llonrislllng all .summer due to the siiHicient lain I ,11 an.l sunshine. All crops seem to he good this season and especially is corn and Irish potatoes. The apple ciop is somewhat, short but enough to supply the demand. The great problem that faces the farmer at this time is getting a mark et for his . .surplus crops, in order to raise funds to pay the tax collector and to meet other obligations The men of the -community have been -utilizing their leisure time dur ing the past few weeks in the. con struction of a new Baptist church on the property adjoining the' com munity center. The work has moved along very rapidly and the building is almost completed. When completed it will rank among the best of the rural churches in our county. Key.-. Thomas Krwin of .Canton ha.s accepted the pastorate of the church and preached h i.s first sermon on Sunday, Sept 2, at 2 :.)' p. ni. The public i.s cordially invited to come and worship with us. Mr. Melvin Rogers remains serious ly ill at the home of his daughter. M..S. Klmer Bryson. Mr. and Mrs. M II. I'nderWood have been confined to their beds for several days but. aie somewhat im proved -how. .Mr. and Mrs. K liner Palmer an nounce the birth of a daughter on Wednesday Sept. o. Both M.s. Palmer and daughter are doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. O. J Smith and in fant daughter of llendeisonville spent Labor Lay with Mrs. Smith's par ents. Mr. and Mr.-, J. A. Francis. IL . Francis h is returned to. re sume his dirt ies as principal of Ma i ion graded school. ; i. . Walter and Arthur Frail; e:.- left Sunday l'..i Wake Forest ( ollege where they will attend Col lege this Ve .r Walter wall begin his sop In .mo, e year's work, .While A it h u r wili ent er a.- a niihislei ial -t udent ,: Mrs. -fi M, Liner .: attended the funeral of Miss Fay (jrogan at Cruso htsb week'., ,',- Funeralls Held For Mrs Haynes At Sprinj?dale Funeral servi es were held on Tues--iav: Augu-t. 2- K. for M rs. Llizaheth Havm-s, Who did at her home on Sunday an illiie.-s of w eeks. I. He set vi es wri e conoucieu at the cc.iietery by. Rev. Oder Burnett, of Cruso, a-sisted by Rev. II. W. Baucom, pastoy of the; Waynesville Baptift church, and interment was at Springdale ; cemetery. Mrs., Havnes is surviveil, by five children: Mrs. Klla Smith and Mrs. J. If.. Kuykendall. of ; WaynOwville ; .M rs. Sallis Curtis,, of Winloek, Wash. r-n'stiW;. "rid James - and Brownlovy id' Springdale. -- .'.", - HELP WANTED Male or Female Manager Wanted by half million dollar company to handle local territory. No Selling. Good references required. A fully protected and returnable invest ment of from S.'iOO to .$600 requir ed. Mcnt hy income guaranteed. Opportunity for man of vision and energetic ability. For interview today or Friday, call Mr. Crawford LeFain Hotel between 2 and 4 p. m. Thursday, Senator Reynolds Heard By Young Democrats Here District .Meeting Of Yauru Democrats I'rg'e Secretary Ickes To Route Parkway Through State Rcpi e.-ent .t ! es from all the coun-itiMU 111 the L'.eventh lt.-tn.; nn-t line' . -..uniiiy toi tne oung l'emocratic jally and baiuiuet at which time S.n-.' at..- Robert R Reynolds was the pr.:s- ' cipal spker. John Edwards, of Franklin, d.. j t rift chairman. pre.ideil at the af ! tennon session- which met at the " I court house. Plans were made bv . tho.- present to the nature of publicity to us,, during the ' K.hvards suggested! campaign. .Mr. r.ilwards sugg that all cars iven by members of fl . Anting I oni.vrat :c organization carry placards showing their atlili ation. During the afternoon meeting Doyle D. Alley, state president, was design naled as a delegate to attend tlie national confereiii e in Wa.-hington next .Monday an.l Tuesday. Mr. Alley ikn i,,,.,-nl...l .... .,1- , I... ,,!.,. " '.' 1 """ ne na.s kit iiirecune: tne state organ ization during the coming year Judge Sam Cathey. of Asheville spoke brielly on what-, to do to hold the Democratic Majority in Western WANTED A Couple For Public Wedding At HAYWOOD COUNTY'S 1st, AN Nil A;L FAIR Sponsored !5 Ann'ricim Legion Post No. 17 HAM) .MILL (iKOl'NDS WAVNKSVILLK, N. ('. Friday Nijb(, October 5th ruise of .Money, ( lollies and m;iny oilier presents Kiven to Couple Apply At Onee To: SK( HKTAKY HAYWOOD ( OI NTY 1 AIU Fair Olliee Main Street "ONE OF WALDORF TISSUE A 17 SCOTTISSUE 2 roi, 15c HEINZ PRODUCTS T0MAmJUICE3cans25c RICE FLAKES 2 pxgs. 23c Ketchup ice. boi. 19c I BEANS 3 ".s 25c CUCUMBER PICKLES bottle 24c OCT. SOAP PALMOLIVE Powder 4 9c SOAP Z 9c Ann Page PRESERVES 2 1 35 CAMfnill.S ' TOMATO JUICE looz can 5c MELLO WHEAT package 1 7c Bulk-VINEOAiry-;;; CampbelFs TOMATO JUICE Can 5c EIGHT O'CLOCK COFFEE lb. 19c QueenOLIVEa Whole Grain RICE IRISH POTATOES 10 lbs. 19c SWEET POTATOES 10 lbs. 25c Malasra GRAPES Salt Makerel . PORK ANI) BEANS BEER, L&O , . I Fines Creek News j Mr. ;ni .'d . . i". C Greene. Marga 1 let (L.-t r.e i ah, - Ja.iie.s, and Mr, j N, t , Jam -t . :ie pa-t week-end I it: T-niie e v;-::ing' Misses Lucy l.i.'.h.e- a!..! Kathleen Gl'eel'.e. I '! Kutr. .dae'. had as , h ; cuo-t tl-.e p. week-end, Mis F. -la Mi-G. Ni w.-uk. X. J. I Mr Robert Fergus-. n left Monday if'"! Cuilowllee w'iele i:e will enter a.- a! p.ayer. Ml f ed Roger.- left Sunday t-i r.-' o wiiere site w..i cou ;er -ciuxd work. M I a: obi:.;. 1 '' nie-t a'.-,, adopted re-o!utions which were -ei;t to Societal y Ickes uririiig 'ii'it the Parkway be routed tiuough North Carolina. Farh of the count v chairmen pres ent m ule a few brief remark- re garding their local situation.-, all of wbi.b w.-i'e t-n.-i 01 r.-i.i n Id ditrirf llicials. . At seven-lhirtv a 'oanouet was staged at the Masonic Temple at which time To were present After the meal, the meeting assem bled at the court house to hear Sen ator Reynolds.- CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friend.- ami neighbors who helped in any way during the sickness and death of our mother. Mrs. John Smith. Mis. J. 11 Kuykendall. James Havnes. Hiownlow Havnes. THE BEST FOODS" mm ; . .lb. 5c . 3 lbs. 25c . Each 5c rGaL33c 3 for 25c