THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1931 VHE W NtsVlLLE MOUNTAINEER V 1 i 27ie taai Side 0' Life ! Incidents and Observations Anecdotes and Humor i I've ;narr;e.i the UcnuU- and the Jew, his htad (I proposed u, Uv tr: f r Coloied i. plenty, hah breeds tjo; ! I wanted him to be eumi.rul li'l ue 'the tall ana lean, the .-hoi: and itout- ' tarte.i en ou mi--ur The weli-Ui-do and tile "down and My hls: InterView. w.ih i;Ut' Aiwtt Fiancw. had nu iven very fx'., .j, .;...! ,.,,,,.. ,u.. i i .... 1 1 ......... .. .t. i . ue ii.i i a t: ..iv nit- oju uu.i tough, The Kay and pretty, the ugly and 1 ouh ; .Most ol tm had sense some "thick iver tie.-. id el a Medl'ord sU-aling. "No. I have not." he said. Then 1 .i.-ked him about ::u :: recvi'd tor keen- I I njr out of eo.l.:. "lienerallv veiv i I . I L I I II I . T1U :i 1 i I as a enuiiK. . XVearly all were sober two grooms i Well. I nele Albert, did you ever were drunk. know of a Mcdlord le:njr en the loans 1 asheu. I've married them in offices, in parlor and shacks. In groves, on the highways, by the railroad true a. ; Some .smiled oil, so happy! or era- I raced with a .-mack ! As somebody in tee crowd let go a "wise crack." "Sakes alive, yes," he rt-yftTed. 'and not only was there one sent to the J loads hut h,. didn't have sense enough I to get away after he had been given halt a dozen chances to do so." You i see I askeii one question too many, Well William and 1 went over on the 1'igemi side for ..n interview .Maybe some were in trouble -had ' Ami what do you think' Wo hadn't to say "I do." j .i.-ked more than hall' a dozen ques Onc nride fainted before tht. cc.e- j tons w hen we learned hy. ."they say" mony was through; :..;.t our great great jrramiY.ithei 'Some couples chewed gum o:;,- si; all' ; :: : married sin Indian foi his thud on the stick-, ' . e Another ki-:ctn .iiagged out! Hut aii were in haste for cir.-iii.iny ..'lu-rt u;ur. 1 a:d. "Win., 1 think we'd quick. itti'!' ;;;." "Ihtt,, if we iiad ne r , j . gun " Slim replied. 1 u.iti't l.iuu now tin a.o,. u jj; i , ' , ' , , ,, . . , ,V . j '.!! ei II). -it) -kc W., ; : ! l- 1 '. ' . ...: , , . , ' ' .'. .. day if I unv a "N t:ir- -(1:,'"1' 1 I '.,! i 1.;.,, ,-. ,1,',. I I.'.. I Y tr.ii-..:. Iiu :. will giV.- ii;e ieade: - . ' ' . ' , ', ' , . t:-.:s -..jlulni. m me i.ioa i'i:A A o - Y ' '' "! U'"'i!l1 ''"V 'n ni Me , .... -w a- -1 ri.-i v '.i , ,v .- I,m - .... J,i - .1 ... I ... i. I 1 ifi I '.I i.e...,. i ieniemi't: one among I'.i -OUlile I mairied, back about li' years ago. wa . a coioied man mul Wolli .11 they Wele cooking at Uiej old kciimou- Hotel, i think, ami had decided to Vet "mall led up." At llie i'leginii oig of the ceremony when' They Were toid tu "jmu their ight iiand.s," up went the vol" rid man'.-' riglit hand a-:. ve is; head ready to ' take ill,, oath.- , Subscriptions 'l!.e follow ing subsci .ptioti have io.:i receive. i since August 24th: R. V. r.ojei.-, Clvde, Rt 1; K T. Ucv.l Wavne.-viile. Rt. 2; Hill Bla Hanelwood: F. B. Shelton, Bris-1.-'.. Ya.: Lucius Smith. H.izelwood; , l'. t. Tur'tiytid, Xew York; Rufus Mier. Hazel wood; lionnie league, Vv , re-'. ;!! Rt. 'J ; J. F Rogers, t ..."u. Rt. 1. ,i. i". H. Smatheis. Clyde; Mrs. V.'ait.i Uvmgan. liiizabethton, Tenm; Rivati M-.dford. Waynesville, Rt. l! ; 11 W. Re-- c'lvde. Rt. 1: James It n,:f. :d. V. yne.. I'.le. Rt 2; J: .'.. Tate W.i ynesviiie. Rt. 'it N. A ! n. Hiit,-n Yillage. Ya. 1- . H. Moody. Waynesville Rt. 'J ; H N. 1- ianei.- Marion, N. I'. ; Frank t'.-r.pfon. llazeiwoodt ; R. F. Robin son. Hazelw.'Od ; Tetmesse.1 Yalley Au'.h'detv !v.iii- ilit ; Mrs K T. "I'm n v,.t. ill, I,,- l-'p7 ih.oh Vil. -e;.. Rt. l; M: . K 1!. It'.aekweM, city; I- dj i. l'.eanu li.d'.e: in, Fia ; A. C. l'a! iw in. ( 'ove t . eek. U A. Wiiitne:. Hazelwood; i.'. L. 1;; a nesvi.'e, Rt ''; Sam Free man, elf,; In A. i. 1 towns, Clyde; J. V. l'aiker. I . n'.Jn Rt. 2; 1. C. ';,!.:. .n Rt. ; K. A. Uavis, t .e. 1'ivfh; S. 1. .1 1'arve; . VVaynes ille, Rt J; tileim Brown, t.'lvde; ,1. T Holder Clyue. Rt. 1 : V. '.I. Me l .acker.. Clyde Rt. 1; J. 1'. Coinan, 1 lik. .IdliOiU-kii. Y..i dr' Mi-m: Coe l'u-.k; T. R MoOl e. 1 ! ieh. U '. 'J ; 1 le.Mlis. M !. city; M:.. Se'.m.i .Mel-ll'o Lake -lunaiu-ka; John C. l'uderwvod, Rt. -; Hardy Line!'. Kt. 1; C. W. M ...;. i an;.. ti Rt J ; t '. i ai I ii.n. li i :. li;.",. Iwo .e ; L ... I i:S. A. 11 -r i Telephone Turns Transits of Venus and In irLwirl l'iivn' When Phenomena Occur 'ait that "l could li up ' h J' ;'e:- ali'ight. ' MARRIAGE REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS A telephone it: unoeeupli d sum mer home on Lisiiei's i-la:ui oil' the i'..i!!u.'lii'li: shore proved a reliable - entitle! iccetiily. I 'he owner of the liou-e, pieparing to e.-.upy his island home for the summer. lietttied the water company' ami iii.eieii tr.e water 'connected. This, was done. Soon thereafter a light i ..ppeatcd on the test board at thei local telephoru cent! a! otlice, and a' ;opanma:i was sent out to lin.i tiie tri'tlble. Te.-'.mg the line from the' curb bo lie found it clear to the een-1 tra! otlice Tins indicated that some. I tiling must In .adic.lly wrong in the j house, which had not yet iieen opened '"or the season. Obtain ng tt'.o keys.j re entered to be guated ey a .-how-i er id' water. I Investigating- !.,. found that uheiii tile walei had been amml on a de fective valve m tlie lire protect ion 1 system h .d permitted the lii.. Iio.-ej to till. Win n the pro-sure heeame1 -Com: idioueh. the ho.-e was for. e. 1 1 out through the glass container.' knocking the telephone over a.- it tell to the tloor This cau.-ed a s.gnal to. appear in the telephone central otlice.' l'romnt action nl evented -i-n 'Us ! damage to the house, which wa being. rapidly Hooded. After olliciai lug ni.-.hei col ored couple ti.ey -. ... i almost With-. ut moving: u'.tit alter the lieeii.-c had been witnessed, 'etc., as if wait, ing for something. When told it was "all over.' and that they, could go. the in. ii quickly replied; "Welt, mis ter, don't I git some kind or receipt?""! He was told that his "receipt" Wa.- 1 standing by his side to take her and i go on. li IN'ovv, 1 know 'Sqiiiio M cC'racken is more of a veteran than 1 am but I wonder if his experience has been any more varied- And wliM does the and iuhv o k Y. I a! e an i Ra; h I la i !' Canto:''. , ' '. Finiu y. I . .1 .i1,., u : 1 yi t ie ( 1 1 astey, .Liiiat han. Rob, It .1 1 til V is. ( 'in,. (.' !.iT lidna Biy-on. Waynosv life. . John Fltuer (iood.-oii and k:a til loth Wavnesvilie R 1. Luther Carve M!i! .d Vi' .yne.-v ille. (, ( . dilie-pie an'! Anr.e May Sams, both of Canton. 'tbodiah . (1. Ka-tetlarg.: Sumnier- , die S. (';., and 'I'enha. Rathbolie, ' nnua. .lame- I!. 'I'owle- .ml (l.aee llva- Ivn Simmon.-. lioth-d' Fnka. Wood "Good Indian and "Judge" Frank have Henderson ( otter, V laltdn, r la., to sav and Regina Kleannr Hornc Mock-s- . '.' .': Y': . j villi', N, C All 1 know i.- iust what "they say." I r And this i.- especially true when it ! -"SIGNS. -OK' THF. T1MFS" A comes to tracing up.- family history. J m w series of fuj-cin 4ing painting- by Some time ago Prof. .Allen asked Henry Clive. the distinguished Ameri Wm Medford and me to get up some , can artist, reproduced in full coldrs more of our family history for his in th(, American Weekly, the maga 'Annals' Well, after "Slim" had assured me that he could get into my old '26 model and that I would not have to cut a hole in the top for zinc distributed with next Sunday BALTIMORE AMERICAN. Buy your copy from your favorite news boy or newsdealer. a la I a Mint r- I .1. : I' lvv 11:11 i f Si, , u to I''. 15. Shel ; a. ri -. Jol'id' hall Creek ' v - Rh.'iiai lee r to .1. O. I kildweM ' ' I .1 e . l'lgeoii I . II Min'rio to K; W. O borne, in2 acres. Wavtiesville Geo H Ward, Tr. to Pr. R. II. Stretcher lot. ' Minnie Boyd to li. B. Smil.h. . 2 tiaets J. P. Scale's, et ii to JamesMilner, 2 lots. ' ,1. I'. Scale.-, et ux to ILllie Milrier. lot in Gnmhall Park. J. IV Scales, et u to Frank Scutes, l." acres. .1 P. Scales, el ux to Raymond Scales, lot. A. P. LedlM'ttev. Tr., to Realty I' Corp , lot. Goodyear All- U,&9 f? f, A if Product of Catrin I here are several different kinds of plastic material used in phne of horn, ivory, celluloid, loir. I rubber, etc.. In milking knife handles, all I lie products of the casein industry, ordinary cow 'si ri lk eolila.l' about ." pel e. Id ol casein Sl.timtillk i- run into v al-., a ollle sour milk or eiilnae of Sac!:. .leal baelei i.-i add, .1. and it is allowed 1 to f'er.uelit mil il .-ur.liii.g is couipleio. 1 I'he.i i lie clear 1- ran oil, the , ,iii-. I wasliod. ire-...,t into ,.il.o- and j dr.ed. There lire two pcueip 1 1 pi ue , ..-os for tile l.:a 1 111 I :n 1 in e o! e.l-ein ie-. In o: e ..I I hoi'n. I i,.' , a-, .n ,s tirsl di--.died ,ii :i am. on ... or -,n alkali. I lieu ,1v. lulls, V aa.'.'ds or , j,.,., i,. L. c 1 he i old , olor, and a coa-iileni wi a- an acid i- ; added In Hie dry proce-s the c:i-e.n I is powdered and ne'o'd with Hie dvc , si lifts, then put lhron.:'i .l rad ; li- n.ii , hint's or hi nted calendar rolls, which convert tlio powder I iy tni'.ins of heat ami pressure inlo plastic rods or masses. J his is burden. ! Iiy .ineaiis. of t'oriinihh'liv de and is -on-one, 1 bv dryiiii; ALL RAIHO I 'Rot IRA MS The full wick's inoadcasl,. ot voii' favor If the orbits of Venus, the earth and the sun were all In the same plane, a iran-it of Venus her apparent pas sage a, ross the face of the sun would occur once in every days, the time in which Venus takes to nuike the cir cuit of her orbit. Hut. says a writer in Cleveland Plain 1 leader, owing to the different Inclinations of these or bits It only happens nt ttng Intervals, that when Venus passes one of her nodes or points at whirl', her orbit Intersects tlu'ir of the enrth she is in a direct line between the earth and the lioilv of ilu mi. 't he earth passes the line of these nodes, .respectively, on or about IV eember 7 nnd .tune CI. so, that transits can only occur near these ilntes. Psu nl!y a pair of transits occur near one of these dates with mi Interval of eight years hetween; then 24,'t years must elapse before a transit can fall upon the same date again. Put near the middle of this, period nut exactly Hie middle, because neither Venus nor Hie earth travels qui-te uniformly in Its orbit one or two transits will oc cur at the other dale. There was a transit lVreinber '.), 1S7I, mi! another IVcemher 2. ISS'J, and another pair of lteeember transits w ill not occur lor . I.'t years in 2117 and "l-.'i; but during lids period two June transits win occur. In -the -years 2001 mid "HI-.-. TU O RACKS OF RARIO I'ull week'.- pi ..ii ra :i i of your favorite sla, new- and pictures ef leading ' do Her ' '11.1 1 . t le- I ' V e IV Week ill :ii, !' ... It A I I" I M ( RI. SI'MtAV AM I'UICA.V On -al. by you r favor M w - " ' , : la w -deab r. Ceil a , tgage., and Deeds of Trust Nu at p .J (20). detault having i n... 'lavment ef the iiu e in . -eeared and the i : :..e i i,.- - i ecu red having ie- e i i :.c . , a-:, e : offer the in.: :, , ... e: .. e,: n. a ial.-es for . ... mi., ,. , .: n -ii.. power at, ii n , e i ..: ; ru.-t and :.: pica .-i.- .".a . .:: oeen liere-.i- le-vvit: ,..'. a., 'Jo-.h day of : ' . hi.., ., ; ; , i iiie ..overtise- . . i... . i : duly :v i to : '.,. (a,, Miiierior ; ,f 11 ay wo id t oa:.. . . rth ,. .u. i. an, : an " : e . . : a V- ! eon lib : w .: :. ., !.. , . a; ter a a : i ," , : i ... : . e a a i ihe under- llll rdered , v e i ; i -NOW BLACK -DRAUGHT For CONSTIPATION "I nm 71 years old and have used TlH'diorii's lil-.wk-Uraupht, a.lxml feny yours," writes Mr. W. J. Van ov.r, of Koine, Ky. "Wo are never wathout :U I take it as a punt.v tive when I am bilious, dia-.y uud sv, i.a imhii: in my head. Ll.u k ! vvui'iht reh.'ves thh;, ntul helps ;r." ; t ir.ativ w ars." . . . Keep a- p.u k : Una old, rcliabli', purely V , .b'.J laxativo hi your home, : v. 'U,- it, lor prompt, relief at the - , .-. ;.i of cviu'.uiiation. '.Vrll tne de ii the 1 e i ourt navwood it twelve eptembor rial town of aid Clerk I ,.-u.,; T.u aid lea' r OKI-'. : ,.: . ill el.-lj.Iled Will etle: for hiKhe.-t I'idder, for ca-h. a : 1, use dooi :n av n. -v ii. I cunt v N e r t n (. a ro! ina, o'clock noon, on Men i v., 1' 1. l;i.!l. the' follovvir.c. , . late: I. vine and m tl i anion. Leaver, iam i evvn.-hm Hay wood ( oiintv North (aioiina: HK blN.MMi at a .-'.ak, the Northern in i i tr . i-i ot Water .Strict, corner of .1. .M. I'urtis' residence lot. and runs thence North IC ! West, I'Jtho feet with the line of .1. M ( urtls' residence -er-pertv to a stake in William.-' line; thence North bs l.Y Kast. lop ' feet with the line of William.-' property to a stake in C. T. Well.-' line; thence Soii'h 12 1-1 .-1. l'-'U feet with C- T. Wellj line to a stake in the Northern mai'ii of Mam Street, eoiiie,- of the e :c -to: e buildui;'. u : i i w , .-1 cor ner of ('. T. Weil.-' l,t; lliene,, South 01 lb' West P'.l.'i feel with tin N.orth er!y inaririn of Mam Strict t its inteiesect ion with Water StieO to the point of I', 11(11 N N 1 N 1 1 ; beiim' vv hat iv know n as the .lehi. M. 'u ta. : .!.. ha and the .loho M . Curtis -a me land M Curtis, .1 ; Curtis e in liO'lk 1 olbee of Curt for also the in a ipiit S. Curtis, :.'.. and in 1 doM-rilied in t Urtis and ALberl H. is, widow of 1 h .lell M Cm N' ' Tic oi- S.M.I-: iliee is hen by uiven' llial. vv here under I lie: terms ol a certain deed I ... . m ....... : .... .1 :te stations will be totllid in I WO I hi; . H ""-i nomoi ...v " -"'' ""' .... ... .., i:,; ';.. ii,;.'. it t Tl. wife.- Ida K. ( lirlis. .laled- January kir.i'i. vr'vii A v At.'IM('A I ! n v 2I1. 1H2X and recorded in Ihe idlice of eo,v ,',,,,v 'froin vmir favorite news-1 the R.risU i- of I Veds Tor 1 ay wood . K' .... . I ...I ,,, II.,,,.- O! .,,1- I IllltllV, IVi'l I II ' .i.oitn.i. in ........ ... oy or; new lea ;!,,! I "111.-1 S I 111'' I - e I'' ,!' .'Will- No I. a: ; aa, be t -erk ,.( ! he Sup, 1 1. llavvvooil" County. lieu - line pi'oprrl y de.-erliu el claim deed fiom Laura to .1. M Cnrli-. dated IV.-. recorded m Look i'C Pa beinp: the s.anie pr.peity a- deed from J'. Can en. a wife. A ti ii.i I'. Curtis ( 'm l is nd Laura S.' Curt Jehu :1. t'Ulti-. to .lo-pell M. ClirtlS, d.ilod .lanuarv l'.'2r and recorded n lb ok hS, p;.,.,e ITS, Records of Leeds t llav wood I ', unty. The above de-c abed pi opcr'.y .will Ix: -obi -nb.ii'cl to any and all taxes and essinoids. I'll is September I'.C 1 W'ai hovia Hank and Trust Com pany Trustee. I'.v ( V Walker. A.-sisiant 1 rust Ollicer. ,, :' I'd Sept. Ll-211 S'.Ads cause 5! a times as many accidents as hlououts (insurance rcccrds show)!Umv's the GRIPon , T T 1 . ' . ,. -yti:.' lives: luiv noes ii iiirapa Weather ALL-WSATHtK G O D D YE AR S P S E AW A Y Center Traction jfZ&Sr tough thick tread ribbed staewaus Super twist Cord lifetime IIJIS W'M 30x314 4.50-21 S 1.46 5.i:J I.30-20 ? I.6S 3.00-19 SS.45 0U s t toa tot W 8,40 0 stop tests show snvioth tires slide 77fc and other new 'tires slide 14fc to 19- farther than New G-3 AU-Weathen. Goodyears grip best, top V 'f liultrvv;"' w W fCLVrt CLNTER TRACTION. w further improcd and n 43 longer-lasting in ' new "G-3." Also agairt the slight hazard ot blowout 4 you get the protection :t patented Supertwist Cord -n EVERY ply. Why Flirt iti Fate when you can Itave "The Goodyear Margin a!. Safety" at no xtra cost? fll X .. I (f . T 1 J,M-d---.i,sA-f. One ride isworth a thousand WHAT you hear ami win you read, .about a ar is ir Put on New G-3's and get at no extra cost "The Goodyear Margin of Safety" for 439i More Miles! Flatter Thicker Wider All-Weather Treadt Tougher Rubber and more of it! Supertwist Cord In EVERY Ply! ABEL'S GARAGE ITS MOTOKIMf TIME Fall is the time ol year to u:et out and places, hut its not very 'satisfactory, when that motor is not acting just right. No matter IF you think it is working fine just drive in and let us give it Wm--: words &S&,.. .SMmk: wuiub n,iMi1-ll-rlrlr:Tirif- .Twmwmii. r GHEVR iat vim rc:nt .21! mil I u ar IB iru- portanl 1 nit -one rnl; is worth a tluutsand wonls. Tt Chevrolet's Kiiiw-Artion on a liuniiv road, Vrliom you can h': fur yourwIf what a lt li(Tcn:nc knee-Action makin in riding uiifirt. .'I Ins lest will uIko aemaint you with the 'Kniool'h, economical, valve-in-head eiipme, I lie positive, calile conlrollcd hrakes, the litxhi-H hy l isiii r, and tlie comfort of I isher cnlil.ition. (.0 to oiir nearest f.lie'!. rolcl dealer and rn.ike the (hvncrstiip'l est. Chevrolet issallK (ied to let ,u and the rilr d--ido winch ear is the Inst for yon. III- KOI I T V I'll 'H II , I'll 1 . Nflf II. Coniffirr (UrmiUts Unr lUltn r, mill and tviv M: t. ( t " I (, mnd : " f.,trs ..' OLET WATKiNS CHEVROLET CO. WAYNESVILLE. N. V. ASHEVILLE ROAD PHONE 75 PHONE 52 the once over. ,