The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entra true of The Great Smoky Mountains .National Park Kead by Thinking jVoplc VOL. XLIV NO. 43 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Suit Against A&P Moved To Federal Court From Here ine uoone vs. Collins Case Is Again In Court, Making Fifth . Time It Has Been Tried The second week ot civil court was still in session Wednesday afternoon, ine two outstanding cases scheduled for this week will not be tried until later. In the case of Carl LaXeve. plain tiff, versus The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company. Home- f) won and Sam Owen, the motion to have ine case tried in the Federal in Asheville was denied ants by W. G. Byers, perior court. Judge I overruled the decision of Mr ana ordered the case federal Til I 'USD AY. SKl'TL.MllKU 27, 11KJ4 Governor-Elect Olin D. Johnson Of South Carolina Spends Week At Lake Junaluska After Political Campaign court the defend- Clerk of Su . A. McEIrov Byers removed to the court. The nlaintiff tlion appealed to the Supreme court from Judge McElroy's decision. The ques tion now is one of fraudulent joinder with the case in the Sunremp court until it has been decided whether the case will be tried in Haywood county or the Federal court in Asheville. In the case of Turpin versus Rhine hart trial has been continued on the affidavits that Rhinehart Was phyai cally unable to attend court. Another interesting case of this term of court is that of (',. M . Boone versus Belle Collins, which has been tried three time before, with the plaintiff winning twice and the Su Governor-elect Olin D. Johnston, of Spartanburg. S. C, returned to his home yesterday after spending a week at Lake Junaluska, where he rested after the second primary in which he won by over 34,000 votes over Cole L. Blea-e, Mr. Johnston during an interview with The Mountaineer Tuesday, expressed himself as being pleased with this section of the country. Al though he has been here several times I before he said he found real rest and comfort after hk strenuous cam paign in South Carolina during the pasi iew months. T .1 A. I . jonnsion is a lawyer, and Is a self-made man. For eleven years he worked in a cotton mill, and during the time he worked a week in the mill and then went to school a week. After finishing hiirh school this wav he entered Wofford College and work, ed in the summer to meet expenses in the fall. During the school months he worked as proof reader on the Spartanburg Herald, and on Satur days in a department store. for two years he served United States army eighteen in France. Alter the war he ed to college and receiver in the months return- his AH pre me court granting a new trial in each instance. . . The case is the outgrowth over dispute over a strip of land about 15) feet wide and tapering down to a triangle point some 200 feet from the I widest point. i degree. He -occived Ivs AM and l.l.H degree at the University of South Carolina, in Columbia. ! . While still a student at the Univer sity he was a member of the House of Representatives county. He served from Anderson as repVesenta- tive for two years and then moved to Spartanburg ami for four years rep resented Spartanburg county in the Assembly. Govermv'-eU'et Johnston was one of eight candidates in the last elec tion in South Carolina. He and Cole L. Klease, long a prominent political figure in South Carolina, were polled logeiner in a second race. He takes office on January 15th, ann immediately atterwards says he is going to reorganize the state "high way department from top to bottom, and 'begin an investigation." When asked the direct question if there was any indication of graft in the depart ment he said: "Some people seem to think soj any way we're going to clean things up." The present commission is compos ed of 14 members. Mr. Johnston in tends to make it a bodv of only six. In his lH.'iO campaign, when Ira V. Hlackwood. present governor ..defeat ed Mr. Johnston in liie second race, the highway department issue Was one of the principle issues of Vne cam paign. Mr. Johnston protested against the state staging an $108,000,. 000 ImhiiI issue for highways. . Wlli'n asked if li.i olvo.'.il,,,! s-ilua ' tax for his state he said: "Hy no means. And if such a bill is pnssod 1 shall veto it immediately. I can take 'the present income, of the state and run it. There is no need for ad ( Continued on back page) Haywood's First Annual Fair To Begin On Monday Present Indications Are That The Exhibits Will Exceed All Expectations Program For Fifth Sunday Announced The Fifth Sunday meeting of the Haywood Baptist Association will be held Sunday, September .'ill, at Dell wood Baptist" 'church. This will he an all day meeting arid picnic dinner will be served. Rev. K. I Mo( 'rack-en- is moderator. The subject will be "Growth in Grace." based on 2 Peter .'5:18, The following program will be carried out: 10:()0-10::10 Sunday School. 10::10-10:40 Devotional Glenn Brown. 10:40-11:00 Growth Through Study Robert Gaddls. 11:00-11:20 Growth Through Giving Mis. H. W. Baucom. 11:20-12:00 Sermon Rev. P. C. Hicks, 12:00-1::H) Picnic Dinner. 1;.'10-1:4U, Devotional Rev. Frank Leatherwood. 1:40-2:00 Growth Through Decision Rev. Oder Burnett. 2:00-2:20 Growth Through Chris tian Fellowship Grover Havnes. 2:20-2:40 Growth Through Soul Winning Rev. B. B. Caldwell. 2:40-3:00 Growth Through Church ind Denominational Loyalty Rev. J, M, Woodward. Adjournment- Official Report Shows Lake Had Successful Year James Atkins, Receiver, Is Busily Engaged In Working Out Elaborate Program For Next Year Shelton Will Be Honored At Fair In New Mexico Former Superintendent To Leave Here And Go Hy Plane To Ship Hock, New Mexico Officers Make Arrests On Two Liquor Raids Members of the sheriff's depart ment captured a Co-gallon still in Beaverdam Last week. -.One-man was arrested and the two other men who were present at the still when the raid was made are known by officers. Three gallons of whiskey and 200 gallons of beer were destroyed. On Tuesday night-member of the sheriff's office caught lS'a gallons of liquor and arrested a man in Way nesville township. The liquor was found in a house. The man .was placed in jail. Mrs. C. E. Frazier of Atlanta, who has spent several seasons in town and has many friends in this section, ar rived on Sunday and will spend the next two weeks as a guest at the Hotel I.c Faine. Tired of Borrowing This week a certain wo man came in to subscribe to the paper, saying that for many months she had ; been reading her neighbor's, but that the plan wasn't at all satisfactory, so she was subscribing for herself. Regardless of your finan ces, you'll agree that there are few things that will be worth more to your family than a year's subscription i to this paper. Only One Dollar a Year. James Atkins, receiver and general manager of the Southern Methodist Assembly at Lake Junaluska. filed his annual leport with the clerk of court here last week. The report showed that the attend ance at the lake, and the gross re-ceipls-'were !I4 pe.- cent more than last year. The total income, being $21,000. It w..s estimated that over 20,000 persons visited the lake duing the year, with the majority being there during the three-month summer sea son. . A report from the Southern Rail way depot showed mat passenger and freight receipts for that station increased .255 per cent this - year over last year. Mr. Atkins brought to the lake some of the outstanding speakers and entertainers available, and this ac counts to a large degree for the suc cessful season. He is how working on next year s program, -which he says he hopes will even surpass the one of the past season. Several prominent speakers of na Wonal and ihternatiial fame lire being contacted ami it is believed that a '.definite, acceptance .On their part will lead to their appearance at the lake next summer. One of the outstanding parts' of the tiled report is that the cash bal ance this year is almost double that of last year. The report sh'Iws $3,500 on hand at present, Canton Man Hurt In Shooting Affray Cragg W'ebb is in the County Hospital with a bullet in his left arm, alleged to have been received Sunday night when he was in company of Hugh Early and Hoke Smith, all of Canton. Sheriff J. A. Lowe arrested Early i ami Smith and both were .released under ?l-")"o bond by , Magistrate Erank 1). Ferguson. All three of the men. mantain that the shooting was an accident. It was. first feared that Webb's arnr would, have to be amputated. Case Dismissed Against Davis The judge of; Recorder's court in Caldw-ei'l county . dismissed the case against . Edtr-.r Davis, : who. charged with giving his, children son.. The judge held that th-re not .sufficient evidence to hold Davis after the -fcte witnesses been heard- F.; E. Alley Jr of : thrs city resented Mr.. Davis. ' W. T. Shelton has received a spe cial invitation to attend the 11th an nual fair of the North Navajo Indian Agency at Ship Rock New "Mexico, on the :!rd and 4th of October. The booklet giving full -information about the entries and the premium lists contains a picture of Air. Shelton ami under iieattl is the following: 'Dedicated to Natani Nez . 1'. Shelton, J First Superintendent of the Navajo Indian Reservation" Mr. Shelton knew nothing of this honor until his recent visit to Wash ington in the interest of the Park way route in North Carolina- He looked, up- some of his obi associates in the offices of the Department of the Interior and was shown there the booklet. Since his return, however, to Waynesville he h .s been sept ohe and also an official invitation to be the guest of honor at the fair. .Mr. 'Shelton was superintendent of the Ship Rock Indian Agency on the Navajo Reservation of New Mexico for a period of Li years. The time spent-, in this work was not merely holding, a job with . Mr. Shelton. To hini it was a real mission. From the government records of his years of service at the agency can easily be found the accounts of the results of his remarkable achievements in de veloping the school into a modern plant and the great transformation not only with the youth but also among the older Indians along , the lines of. -.manual: training, agriculture and stock . raising, , W hen Mr. Shelton lirst assumed his duties at the reservation there was a rough one room log cabin for the school which still stands as- a land mark of that, -period. It was sur rounded in a few years by a .modern school and executive buildings and a splendidly developed farm and biiihL incs that are a necessarv nart of such naywoou , a plant: wound i , . , "" i. Among.. ine numerous souvenirs oi his (lays spent with the Indians are many beautiful rugs, baskets, ham mered silver and other specimens' of Indian art. For on the eve of his de parture., after , ill health forced him to give up the iwork. he was showered with gifts by the Indians. He organized the first fair held on the reservation and this recent rec ognition of his ,': work among the Navajo Indians shows how far reach ing was his inspiration to them for improvement and development and the affection and ' esteem -'.with w.h-ich they still regard him. Mr. Shelton will motor to Green ville. S. C. and from there will take a plane and fly to Gallup, New Mex ico, and from that point will motor to. Ship: Rock. Final' plans were completed here Tuesday night for Haywood's first annual fair, which is being sponsored by the local post of the American Legion. The fair opens Monday and will continue for the week until Sat urday October tith. At a meeting of the sponsors Of the fair Tuesday night, T. L. Green was named president of the Haywood Fair Association, and Chas. McCrary, first vice president; Medford Leather wood, second vice president, and W. D. Smith, secretary-treasurer. County Agent Smith stated Tues day that present indications are that the exhibits will exceed all expecta tions. The exhibits will he displayed in a tent which will bo 40 hv 100 f..,.i on the fair grounds at the Hand Mill. line ol the features of the fair will be the exhibition of the greater Krause shows. This outfit includes riding devices ami all kinds of .amuse ments that go with fairs. ii was siaieu uy win. (.Murray, advance agent for the shows that 'it was America's cleanest carnival com. pany, and it is the intention of (he promoters to give clean, wholesome amusement. Several special days have been des ignated' hy. the lair promotoi's during the nex( week. All these days are listed in the special advertisement on page eight of this section. The board of directors for the Hay- woon oumy .Pair Association con sists of the following: Reeves No land. Medford- Leathorwood, F. K. Wcntz, T. L. Green. W. T. Shelton. .). .M. ..Medford,- J. 11. Howell, W. I). Smith, D. 1). Alley, Tom Lee. Jr. Chas. . McCrary. and W. A. Hradlev . City Tax Rate for '34 Is Cut Twenty Cents Highway At Canton To Be Widened 12 Feet By 78 Men Information has come fioin the local office of the-National Reemployment Service to the effect that 7S men are to be put to work today on improv ing N. C. Highway No. 10. On the stretch of the highway down the hill after leaving Canton' for a distance of three-quarters of a mile the road is to be widened bv twelve feet, which will lw a much needed im itate For Cominjr Year Is Set At Sl.fiO Instead Of $1.80. Hud. set Calls For $.):i,220 pnmement. iilnive the t Railway and this a rather highway It the engineer four to si work as jdanned I be elevation iireef ly ack.s of the Southern the heavy traffic make dangerous section of the has been estimated by that it will take from weeks to conmlclo the Seven Haywood Students Now At Mars Hill Mar taineei enroll,', close .of Hill (Specia )- Among the at Mars II ill lirst wei Definite Plans Made To Close Local Library In accordance with the notice given the public two weeks ago, the Waynes villc Library will close on Saturday. the 2mh, for lack of funds. Tlie treasurer has 'on band money enough to pay all expenses until OcIoIht ihe lirst. As explained in above mentioned article, it would be necessary to have atvout $700 in sight bet'oie re-opcnini; since insurance comes due tbi.s year and repairs ale 'much needed. The board of ill recto. wa iman imous itr voting that wlo n the library is re-opened, it inn.-'. as a free libra ry. 1 The .di ic-clors hone that the monev will be fort h-c nmiiig before next sum mer in time to serve the tourists who have always shown their apprecia tion by their support. . Rotary Official Says Organization Fostering Peace Speaking before 28 Rotarians here last Friday. John Ar.rin.gton, of Greenville.. S. C. district governor of . the fifty eigh-h district of Inter national Ko'tary, said that Rotary is doing imuch at. present to foster world peace, and that eventually the- work now being done by International Kotary -would eventually mean world wide, peace. Mr. Arringfon in. his formal, address before the local club stressed the im portance of Kotary and th(. aims and objects of the organization;'- During the course of his. address1 he cited several instances -'where Kotarians had ficen materially berieliteil because of their affiliations with the organization.. Besides-- Mr. Arringion, there wern six othe;- out-of-town visitors and 22 loca members present. . session whi se'veii ale i Her,, are: K liryson, Henry Mabel Coffey. Marie Young. This statistic ty-live count ie, to The .Moun. ll' students college ;1( tH k of the 7Sth h opened September U. from Haywood county! I'alit.h Kauconi. Williain ( al.e, H. 1! Caldwell, lla.d Massie. and bow I'urt her sevcll if Nort h ( 'aroliiia sixteen states, and three foreign coun tries rcpu-sentod among t he si udioil s The atiites. represented are: Xoi t li C'aTolma. IMS, Souih Carolina. Tennessee, Viiginia. is. (Jeo.gia. 5. New York. Florida. I ,,I,isi.,,,.. i Indiana, :i, Miebignn, Kentucky. . 2 each; Maryland, New .leise'y. Mexico. Conned leol I .....I, T he foreign count i ies rein esented are vieiniany, t un , ami Urazil. Hyatt Named Head Of Locai Stuaenls each Texas Nt'w The city Uiard of aldermen in ses sion here Tuesday night adopted a budget for the city for the coming year which made it possible to reduce the tax rate by twenty cents, making the levy for the coming year at Jl.tiO instead of $1.80 as last year. The total budget requirements we placed at $t,i..!20 which was t,, b derived from an' estimate -of prope : valuation of $2,200,000. The outstanding item in the budget was for debt service, which was $1 00. The general fund Udng next with a 4o cent rate and the street fund was placed at la cents. The light and water c.opartmonts did not come in for any appropria tion in the budget, as each are self supporting, it was pointed out. The hgliti department cslitufte for the year was placed at $17,000 and the water fund at $1,500. Last year the rate for deht service was $1!5. .and the general fund the same, hi ng -jr. cents There was not anything- in the budgi last year lor streets, while this year there' a re 1 cents set aside lor l ins fund. The board of aldermen consists of .1 II. Way, W, L. Hardin, Jr.- and Sam II. Jones, A member of the board stated that . every effort was being made to cut down oil expenses and that the twenty cent reduction was in keeping with their policy of "saving until it hurts." Hunting ; Season Opens Monday For Squirrel And Bear . game warden for ed yesterday 'that game in the county, any time during tire dv ol High on u'f ,al efe,- iii mated I be Sen lit llolll later elect ion hi Tuesday I lie Student I! tile Yayncs illi I'own-b i j School held js alilmal elect '".Mirer.-.. I'i i,,r t o t he gem tion each home room I is- o a president to be laken I'ioid i"i I lass and a vice pi i'.si, the Juniors. 'I'ho.-.e nomine, Ml.'lite op tile tiekel f,,- ( , . ", i no enure student group I ho. election was held, the -upon i-., on ot' the l''i".-hinaii ('las;, as- a -subject in civics and wa,s car ried out in all the details according to the Australian Ifallot. As a re sult I.orkland Hyatt of the Senior Class, was elected pre.-idonl. ;,nd Sarah Welch,, of -the Junior: ('lass, was elected the vice president.. (In the sanic -lay the e!a m s ;,!,.,. had their (dertions with the following results: Officers ol the ..Senior class are I'resident, Taylor Ferguson. Vice I'n'sident. May Sisk, and Secretary and Treasurer, Kuby Jirendfei' Of. oee.-.s oi , me Junior class arc (lent. Douglas Moore, Vice Lmily. Slier, and Secretary oror. Lawson Sum nie row'.' the. Sophomore class are, Ciorcbin Hendricks, Vice Hazel tine Swift. Secretary ufer, Kdna Ku'ykendall. ' the Freshman class aroi Jeaii Koak. V ice 'r-sj Kobmson, and Secretary urer, Helen Kogers. (i W. Humeri this county, slat there was nioie tbi.s year than at past live years, "People are making great prepar ation loi the season ..which opens Monday for siiiiire.l and bear. Al tliouch the bear are not fat, there will lie- several parties out hunting M oav morning, be rout niiie, . Is and labbit Ve been in re o Ibis will ! I on - I Here are more t bis N r hn ii t hero cent years ;aud 1 Ik a great hunt lug couiily." oi in ll.ivwi resi- I'resident. arid Treas, Officers, of , I'resident, President, and Treas-' .Officers' of I're,sident, lent, Hazel and Treas- was poi- was Mr. had rep- STUDENTS HEAR DR. R. P WALKER Revenue Official Here On Tuesdays M. f. Jones, with the state depart ment of revenue, s'tated yesterday that. he . and his staff would be. at the court house here every Tuesday from 9:.'S0 until. 4 o'clock to assist all per sons with tax problems. Merchants are- requested to bring sales tax problems to Mr Jones, and he will also be glad to assist in mak ing reports on franchise, income and inheritance taxes.. : Florida Croup To Stop Here Today SOUTHKRX PAY'S .TAXES bm the Sou'b- f this week Thp count received f: prn R.i :-.v v n Tue-day a check f'1r'..?21.,!M5-which -wa tnves f-;,;- 'hfit i'-lnparv for th;; Dr. R. P., Walker, pastor of the rresbyterian church here spoke be fore the students of .the East W'ay nesville. Elementary school Tuesday morning. He used as his text, the 1 'th verse of the 119th Psalm : "Open Thou . Thine Eyes. . ." . . Dr. Walker has spoken to the ma jority r,f the schools of the township j'.lreadv this. vear. '' : Walker Has Fine English Walnuts A. C- Walker, of Crabtree, has on display at this office a hunch of En glish w-aliutst. When lirst prcked there were eleven on the single stem. This is the first yea.- that the .'tree has .born' fruit, although it is: years old. Mr. Walker said he gather aliout a bushel this season- .. English walnuts in this section are r;'jite rare. . " . . 1 ho. proposed (our of the Hand of St.. Petersburg which was to. have in cluded Waynesville in its itinerary, has been called (iff hut a Good Will 7iur from the city, has been substi tuted. The group of enthusiastic ciuzens irom this popular Florida resort will- arrive in Waynesville on Thursday afternoon, according to a letter from Mr. W. A. K'enmuir to Ernest L. Withers, secretary of the Waynesvilln Chamber of. Commerce. Sometime ago at the suggestion of Mr, Jimmy (air, of St. Petersburg, who with his. family, has spent Sev eral summers in town. Mr. Withers wio-e and : invited the St Pe lersbtirg . Band to . come to ' Wav nesville. The invitation was ac cepted, so, after the . first trip was , given up, and, the second planned, Mr. Kenmuir. notified , Mr. Withers! Of .ths eh : mre in the personnel of the k;ouo. . j.n nis iouer, Kf-nmtiir ad. vi-'ed that he would wire from 'Atlanta what . hour tn expect the nart v in Waynesville. .. All the cil,.ns V.i" eight i Waynesville are a: ld to Icon hand vo.uld to -welcome these FHridians. Th .e wen mol e tourists th:s .-'.;mmor f re m Massie Staging A Bi; Furniture Sale la 'the advertising columns of this week's paper, Massie Furniture Com-, pany announce a Fall-Sale on their entile stock of 'furniture. -.'This is the first -ale event Ibis lirm has had in years, aiid the values- offered ale ex pected to attract hundreds during the ten day sale period. A. C. Craft Leases A Florida Hotel Mr.; Angus Craft, who, has had charge of the management of the Hotel Gordon for the past three years, has. recently leased, for a period of five years- the Deermont Hotel of St. 'Petersburg,' Florida.' The lleermont: Which is wel locateil. in the city contains seventy-six rooms anil is modernly equipped in all de tails of -structure and furnishiiig and since its erection bi'e.n a pop ular tourist (-enter of St- Petersburg, Last winter Mr. Craft was associated With Mr. Ilonald . l'.inham in the management of the Wigwam winter hotel of St. Petersburg., Since closing the Hotel fiord n the first of September Mr, -,nl- -Mrs. Craft have bee,n o'ecupying an . anart men; in :-vewi!l. 'Tbey Will . go to St. id'rg. a i-nutid. ' :v joth of Oc the MISS AI.IIKItlll f JOINS F. T'LTY Mi-.- Ann- Ah. right was elveted at .'r meeting id' the Township School Hijar-1 (.ii Friilav flight lo a "place oil of the Waynesville High s. Albright enjoy.s a wbi? in the toadiing nrofes- p . st sevefab years she girls of the St. P- than a; v-ot'- th,. faculf S- h-icl. . M' epi r. e Slon. f or the p st has. been' dean of th High . Point High Scho - She is a graduate: of the. North ( arohna rniversitv for Women and. holds a Master's Hegree from Colum bia University. Miss , Albright had returned to High Point :for' the en suing school terin there, but w:ill. give up her work there and return in a few (jays' to Waynesville. ; Miss brings - the -'number . f . I. . C l t i .. , ". . u'e iiigu -Lnmii tactiit.y uii ' 'l. Her- eb'Ction was nocis by the ircrease of .ir:em'ance !ir.-t two weeks .of Li g !;. e hvi this i.c-en .Mb,.; ( !'.! ge ca.--;lic ttem: -rag. : V'i' t:' !01 was af.ef" 42.- dai-i. i I ; ' rna c!ii- -'t'rai o six-, i'a'ed year while 'e ha Miss :e up e it:' y r: . v i ill I 1 V-s - -: f