THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 19.51 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER County Tax List (Continued from preceding page) Franklin J. H., Mrs.. oC acres franklin, Lawson, 65 acres Green, Cromer. 70 acres Cireen, Donald- 2Q acres Hannah, Allen. 82 acres Haywood Electric Power Co., 20 acres Henson, Jess- 94 acres Henson V. B , SO acres Hoglan, Grady. 22 acre Howell Alden, 200 acres Howell. C. B . 40 acres Howell. H. R. Heirs, 59 acres Howell, Lee, 88 acres Bal Howell, R- G.. 12 acres Howell, Roy A.. 15 acres Kennedy, F. R.. Mrs.. 14 acres Kinsland, R, W.. 115 acres Kuykendall, Ed. 4 acres McElroy, P. R.. 38 acres McElrov. R- O., 3 acres McLin, C. H.. Mrs., 42 acres Messer. Glen F., 15 acres Messer, H H.. 58 acres Messer, James 55 acres Moody. James, 6 acres Moody, Lizie, 9 acres .Moody. T. H , 31) acres Owens, ( . J ., 7 acres Owens I). A.. 12 acres Owens, N. F , 40 acre Partem Merritt, 7 acres Parton, Paul. 0 acres 'Rath bo ik'. Mart a Jane, 48 acres Rathhone, Reuben, 21) acres Kathhone. Sam 60 acres Rathbone, R. M., ID acres Rboilarmer.. Davis, 44 aces Rhoclarmer, Ernest. 7 acres .'Rhodarmer. E- Z., 157 acres Rhodarmer, John. Mrs., 40 acre; Rhodarmer. Sebv 58 acres Rose, J, H . Mrs.. 21 acres SIomi, H. G.. 14 acres Smith, V. S- 14 acres' Sutton R. I.'.. 11 a. res Wilson, Jane. 1 acre Wood. D, A., 30 aires Wood K. ' A.. 53 acres A.. 312 19.46 10.98 13.74 7.42 40.78 3-51 19.33 18.70 17,80 24.87 22 1 1 20 54 32 34 20.54 20.54 24.51 36.11 5.92 6.60 2.84 20.54 6. 04 13.58 10.35 6.95 3.89 30.78 12.04 37.80 16.50 13.14 6.70 .10.93 14. 12 110.54 10.70 3.12 28.20 7.126 12.05 6 98 7-7 9 9.14 1.70 .M 4 55 14.36 41.11 FINKS CREEK TOWNSHIP, 1933 TAX Bea-slev, Doutrlu.-. 40 acre5 11.42 ilea.-:.,. ,1. R., Mis., 1U acres- 28.18 lieasley. L- S.. 2U a, res 11.32 Brown, Clark, 26 acres T.Mi Clark, (. laud 20 a.-res 13.09 Clark, Doe- -40 acres 12.98 Clark. Grover. 33 acres 12-51 Clark, J. C, 49 125-M Ferguson-' O: T,. 42 acres 9-41 Moody, Sarah J., Mrs.. 5 acres 15.70 Rathbone, Hiram, 17 acres 4.10 Rathbone. Jarvis. 1 acre 6.56 Rathbone. N- J . Mrs., 29 acres 1032 Rathbone, Seldon, 3 acres 3.77 Reed, Jut. W.. 25 acres 35.35 Rose J. F., 10 acres 20-84 Russell. J. W.. acre 2.3S Sanford, J. R 37 acres 10-47 Setzer. Esteile, Mrs , 6 acres 14.59 Sneuan- R. A.. 6 acres l.M Shelton. S- A. Est., 124 acres 81.05 Sutton, Jim, 10 acres 3.56 Sutton. Rufus. 10 acres 4.57 Sutton. Ted, 10 acres 2 46 Whidden. S. W., 2 acres 9.98 To the foregoing; taxes will be added penalties of one-half per tent per month beginning with t.he month of February, 19. "11 and the cost of this notice. Sale made pursuant to Chap ter 312. Public laws 19.iT. and the order of the Hoard of County Commissioners. This the 1th day of Septem ber, 1931. J. C. WELCH Tax Collector NOTICE OF -TRUSTEE'S SALE Ferguson, U. H..' 42 acres 112.3 r mener. C. r ., vv acres J ..! F'incher, J. H.. 137 acres 15.40 Finchor. W. C - 120 acres 28 6:; Fish, 1. H., 6 aces -2.27 Hannah. 1. V., 35 acres 9.47 Hawkins, T-. 155 acres 42.39 Havnes. Ilarlev. 32 acres 22.40 Haynes- J. L., 34 acres 5.5 Haynes, Root,. 29 acres 12.79 Haywood Electric Power' Co.. 29 acres 7.94 Haywood Land & -Tmber Co., 18.788 acres 1,394.82 James, J. li.,.-.73 acres 7-60 Kirkpatrick, J. S.- 8 acres 3 06 Ledford, K. B., 28 acres 8.03 Ledford Geo. N, 2 aces 2-84 LedfordW. R., 35 acres 14.28 Messer. I). L-. 37 acres 1175 Messer, Rov, 70 acres 35.90 Moore, H. R- 12 'acres 7.21 Noland W. B-, 1)4 acres 56.92 Penland. Rogers & Rhea. 490 acres 78.00 Price. V. ("., 67 acres 150 Rathbone. Oma, 50 acres 11.63 Rathbone, Reeves, 20 acres 8.61 Rathbone, T. J.. 7 acres 3.52 Redmond J. R., 517 acres 115.79 Ray, Mrs. Joe. 30 acres 7.09 Rogers, C. R., 135 acres 47.23 Ropers. Dora, Mrs-, 51 acres 16.83 Rogers. G. C . 75 acres. 22.60 Rogers! Homer, 36 acres 20.30 Russell. .1. N.. 36 acres 15.88 Russell. R- L.. 55 acres 27.97 Sutton, J. E.. 18 acres 6-27 Sutton, Maggie, Mrs., 28 acres 2.22 Swanger. Joe. 20 acres 9.91 Teaster, Berdie, Mrs. 25 acres 6.31 Tratham, Herman. 3 acres 10.14 On Monday. September 24- 1934, at eleven o'clock A. M. at the court house door in. the town of Waynes ville, in Haywood County, North Car olina, the undersigned trustee will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for c.ish the following lands and premises, to-wit: Being in East: Fork Township. Haywood Count, North Carolina ami lying and being on the head of Fall Branch- head waters of Ugly Crook. BEGINNING on ;, locust near the top of main niomitain North east of the. bead of the Falls Branch; tin nco running S. .",0 V. io poles to ;a stake; thohce A. 00 . 1H' poles to a .-take; thence N. 30 E-.90 poles to a .-take, thence S- 00 E. iU j.!,. to tlv. BEGINNING, containing FIFTY (50) ACRES. This also in cludes ONE acre that vti.s reserved an ! marked by T. and was later sold to j. W. Burress- Salo made pursuant to power of sale confer! ed upon me by virtue of a deed of t rust executed by W. A. Smather.-, dated May 11, 1931 and recorded in Book 32, page 5 Record of Deeds of Trust of Haywood Coun ty.. This the 24th dav of August. 1934. M-'G. STA.MEY, Trustee, No- 2-12 Aug. 30-Sopt." 6-13-20 the Register of Deeds for Haywood County. V. S. Bryant Substituteo Trustee, will at twelve o'clock Noon on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2ND. 193-4 at the Court House door of Haywood County in Waynesille- North Caro lina, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, the following land, to-wit: BEGINNING at a stake at the Northwestern intersection of Wesley Street and Pigeon Road; thence running, with the Northeast mar gin of Wesley Street N- 71 degrees 30 minutes i5o feet to a stake in the said margin of Wesley Street: run ning thence N. 18 degrees 30 I minutes E. 125 feet to a stake; thence running S. 71 degrees 30 min utes E. i0 teet to a stake; t nonce running S. 18 degrees 30 minutes W. 40 feet to a stake; running thence S. 71 degrees 30 minutes E. 100 feet to a stake in the Northeast ern margin of Pigeon Road; thence running with the said margin of Pigeon Road S. 18 degrees 30 minutes West 85 feet to the point of begin ning, same as described being the property of B. E. Smathers, located in the Town of Canton, Haywood Coun ty. North Carolina. This sale is made on account of default in payment of the indebted ness secured by deed of trust, and is subject to all t.ixes ami assessments against said property whether now due or to become due. A five per cent (,V, ) cash deposit will be , (.quired of th,, highest bid dod at the sale. This the 27th dav of August 1934. Y.S. BRYANT', Subst. toted Trustee Loan No. .859. No. 247 Sept 6-13-20-27. NOTICE OF SALE 'OF LAND notice will pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will make immediat,, payment to the undersigned. This the 26th d.,v of August. 1934. T. V. FERGUSON. Executor. No. 244 Aug. 30-Sept. 6-13-20-27 Oct. 4. 81.31 2 i.l.s 23. I n 75 0l 77.01 7.13 IRON DUFF TOWNSHIP, 1933 TAX 10.22 5.92 10.04 46.99 11.31 18.46 4.92 8.37 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SM.I. Crawford, C. B.. 33 acres Crawford, J- M-. 4 acres Hannah Violet. 50 acres Jolly, A- P., 16 acres Kinsland. Herman, 109 acres Kinsland, W. R.. 25 acres lf, 7 A Ai) inu Palmer. William. Mrs., 10 acres 'Rhine-hart, Robert, 10 acres IVY HILL TOWNSHIP. 1933 TAX Anderson, W, H. &Lowe. 50 acres 5.56 U.-adle, A. S. 30 acies 10.04 Bradley: Jack, 20 acres , .489 Pradlev, W. Arthur. 16 acres. 7.74 C'agle.'Zeb, 71) acres 19.16 Caldwell. .1. D. &' J. S., 1 acre 6,12 Caldwell. John. 20 acres 24-31 Caldwell. T. H.. 32 acres 20.54 Carpenter. D. M., 115 acres . 53-51; Carpenter, J. J.. 47 acres 21.79 ( Carpenter. J. N.. 52 acres 17.90 Carpenter, L. A , 32 acres 9.45 Carpenter, Pink. 60 acres X.47 Carver John, 130 acres 18. 34 Carver," L. D- Est.. 88 acres 15.26 Clark. Clrover, 200 acres; 31.40 Havis, Gerald, one-fourth acre 10. 88 Davis, J. F., 36 acres 18.40 Edwards' E. B . 3 ' acres 7.56 Elliot, Fred. 1 acre 8,18 Evans. Allison & Roland, 6 acres 5-24 Evans, Cordell, 1)2 acre.s 23.26 Evans. John. 3 acres ..2.13 Evans. J. T., 137 acres 30.73 Evans, V. R.. 76 acres 26.41 Ferguson, J. W. Est , 404 acres 25.36 Fie A. AV.,'4d acres 13.63 Fie, R. F.. 12 acres 7.52 Finger, R. IX, 15 acres 4.76 Fowler, W. T., 94 acres 17. 64 Cfarrett. Thomas. 32 acres 14.85 Grant. Floyd, 3 acres 6.21 Grant, Will. 2 acres 6.04 Grasty, O. P., 50 acres 5.33 Henrv. J. A.. 44 acres 25.08 JayneV, D. P.. 14 acres 17-45 Jaynes. F. S., 1V2 acres 4,13 Jones, G F., 10 acres 3 76 Ketner, "C. D-. 112 acres 71.15 Ketner- E. T., 2 acres 4-47 Ketner, W. D.- 8 acres 22.70 Lockman, J. B., 1 acre 7.09 McCord Joseph A.. 87 acres 13.54 Miller, J. N- 76 acres 8.85 Moodv. H- B., 75 acres 14.13 Mondv, R. C. Est., 2'i acres 9.28 Moody, Helen. 13 acres 2.27 Moodv, R. MVS..' Mrs..-28 acres 10J8 Default having been mr.clo in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain deed of trust to me as Trustee for Jetferson Standard Life Insurance Company by William Foster Hargrove on September 18, 1930, and recorded in the oUioe of the Register of Deeds of Haywood County- in Book 30. at page 86, I will . under .and by virtue of the power of sale Contained in said deed of trust, and at the request of the cestui que trust, and for the purpose of dis charging the debt secured by said deed of trust, proceed to sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door in Waynesville. Haywood County, North Carolina, at 12:00 o'clock M., on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1934 the following described property, to-wit: Being in the town of Canton, ad joining the lands of C. T. Wells Estate and the W. T. Sharp Estate, and bounded as follows: BEGINNING at a stake, corner-of the W. T. Sharp hotel on the West margin of the side walk of Main Street, and runs N. 33 50' E. 30 feet to. a stake; thence N, 29 50' E. 39 feet 8 inches, to a stake, corner of the C. T- Wells building; thence North .78 45 W. 156 feet to a stake at the edge of side walk on Park Avenue; thence S, 66 30' W. 26 feet to a stake, at the edge of said side walk; thence S. 67 15' E. 105 feet to a stake, another corner of the. W. T- Sharp hotel building; thence S. 48 20' E. 57 feet to the BEGINNING, being the same land described in a ileed from J. II, Kirk patrick and wife, -Lula Kirkpatrick to W. Foster Hargrove, and register ed in Book 83, Page 260, Haywood County Records of Deeds. . This, the 23rd dav of August, 1934. JULIAN PRK E Trutc e. Smith, Wharton & Huilgins, -Attys. Greensboro, N. C-, ' '"'.'.-'' . N-,. 241 -Sept 6-13-20-27. V ! Under and by virtue of '.lie author ity cont'eried by deed of 1 1 el---1 exe cuted by L. lb .Ferguson and wife, Lizzie Ferguson dat.d I he loth d.y of Maich, l;2s and recorded B.-ok 20, page 167. in the otliee of the Reg ister of Deeds for Haywood County. X. S. Bryant. Substituted Trustee will a! t u el e o'clock Nu.ili on C I'.SDA , OCTOBEU loth. 1931 a: tl:' l ouit H.iiiv Door of Haywood Count in Ya nesA i lie North I'ero !ij,:i. e!!' at I'libl'-i- a net ion to I ho high bidder ; lie foMowing land, to-wit.: Situated in - Waytie-yille. Haywood (iounty. -'North Carolina: BEGINNING at .a., stake in the Noitlu-.-ist intei-seetion of Cherry and Streets - and inns with the Fasti i n margin of ( herry Street St; eel North lb degrees Lust 123 feet to a stake in the'- Eastern margin of sold Chciyv Street; them e running I Soiilli 82 ilegrees 30 niinuto.s East 100 tool to a stake; thence running' South 10 degrees West .125 feet to a stake in the Northern margin of Hazel Street; thence running with the Northern margin - of' I lar.e! Street North 82 degrees 30 minutes West 100 feet to the point of BEGIN NING. This sale is made on account of de fault in payment of the indebtedness secured by-'said deed of trust, arid is subject to all taxes and assessments against said property, whether; now due or to become due. A live per cent .(5 ;-') cash deposit will he required of the highest bid der at th,, sale. This the 4th dav of September, 1934 v'. S. BRYANT. Substituted Trustee. Loan No. 1260. No, 250 Sept. 13-20-27- (let. 4. 1 le 183.6 N ( )T If ' E ( ) I' SERVIC E OF SUM -MON'S BY PUBLK ATI ON STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ( OUNTY OF H Y OOD IN THE SUPERIOR ( OURT. J L. SEXTON i VS. . -j;' MARGARET ELLA SEX'ION. The defentlant above named will take notice , that a . summons in the above entitled action, was issued against said defendant on th 29th day o,f August, 1934 by W, G. Byers, Clerk of the Superior Court of Hay wood County,, North Carolina ; that said action was brought for. the pur pose of securing for the plaintiff, a divorce absolute from the defendant on Statutory grounds; and ; The defandant will further take notice that she is required tq. ap pear at the office of the undersigned in the Courthouse in Waynes viKe. on the 6th day of November, 1934 and answer or demurrer to the complaint filed herein,;, or the relief demanded will be granted. This the 29th dav of Augu-t 1931. W. G. BYERS Clerk Superior Court, Haywood County. North Carolina. No.- 245 Sept 6-13-20-27- 28.0 I 7.13 8 . ." 7 1.28 99- ,':' 32.65 11.11 80.3 1 r, oo 17-on 11.11 28 ol 19.83 132.33 tm .:: 12 -00.33 83. ,', I NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Under and by vitue of tlie power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by W. T. (iueen and wife, Zola E, Queen, to Commercial National Bank of High Point. N. C, Trustee, under date if Decimber 1, 1927, securing the indebtedness there in 'described, said deed of trust being recorded in the office Of the Register of Deeds for Tkiywood County in Book 21. at page 335, default having been made , in the payment of said indebtedness, and at the rJopiest of the holder or holders thereof, the under signed Trustee wilt, on the 3rd day of October. 1934, at 12:00 o'clock noyn, at the Courthouse door ih . Haywood County, North Carolina, iill'er for sale at public auction, for cash, in the highest bidder, the following de scribed premises, to-wit: A certain lot or parcel of land -in or near the city or town (if Hazelwoocli County of Haywood. Township. Way iii'sville, . and more "particularly de scribed as follows: BEGINNING at Western margin of which said st feet 'from- the if - stake -. in the Balsani Street. ike is S. 6 ' .30 E. 3,o Sou'th-we.-'t inter NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred by Deed of Trust exe cuted by B. E. Smathers and wife, Hattie E. Smathers dated the 15th dav of January 1928, and recsrded in Book 20. Page 135, in the office of :-tloli .of Balsani Street, and Sycamore Lane; thence running S- 83' 30' V. 150 feet to a stake in the old corporation line jf the town of Hazelwood ; thence with the' old corporation line. S. 6 .30' E. 100 feet, to a stake; thence N. 83r30' E. J50.;feet to a stake in the, Western margin 'of Bai. a:n Street ; thonce with t-hfl Western margin of Balsam Street, N. 6 30;' W. 1 00 feet to the point of Beginning-; Being Lot No 117, and the Northern, half of Lot No. 118, and the Southern half of Lot No. 116, of Block "II" of "Brook W'lod.". as per survey and plat of J. W. Seaver. .t, E-. jecorded in Map Book "A, '' page 94 record of. Maps of Haywood. County. North Carolina. Being the same land conveyed to the said W; T. Queen and wife, Zola E. Queen by J. P. Kuykendall and wife, L. J- Kuykendall, by deed dated Nov. 28th- 1927. and recorded in Book 77, page 28, . Record -of Deeds of Hay wood Countv; NVC, This, the, 1st day of September,. 1934 Commercial National Bank of '- High Point, N. C, - - Trustee. -By John II- Biggs. -Receivcr. . By Johnson- Robins & L'zell- Attorneys. No. 24s Sept. ''-13.20-27 1': EVECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the estatP of W. R. FERGUSON, de ceased, late of Haywood County, this is to notify all nersons having claims against said .estate to present . the 1 same to the .undersigned, for ' pay ment within on,e year from the first publication of this notice or this Notice of Sale of Real Estate for Taxes for The Town of Wavnes- ville On Monday. October i. 15.M. at eleven o'clock a. m. :it the (turthouse door in the town of a nesville. Haywood County North Carolina, the undersigned will offer for sale at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash the land of the follow inn property owners for taxes due The Town of Waynesville for the year l!i;5;!. Abel, Mrs. J. F l lot Alcv.nde! . 1). T. -J bit A in n. .1 C. I lot Allen, W. C. 1 let Ulc.. I . E., 1 lot A.rington. Jiartha. 1 1 I Atkins. 11 li, ' lots Atkins, .lames. Aomr., B,.!i G C . 1 lot Bei ku it li. Sue. 1 lot BeviUc. Mis. Annie, 1 lot Beurley. A. 11. 1 lot Boyd .v. S! 1 inglieid. 1 lot 1 Biailibt: T i.. ' lots Braiges. ,1. 1 ,,t I! I l in fuel , Mis. T. II.. 3 lots ill .--u n. ,1. V, i ir.t Brown. V. ('. I ,,t Burfe. Kaelu-1, . I ,,( Biishi.e-i! and aid. I lot 1 alow e! I. It. II., I ,, ll-luell 1-'. H . 1 ("ampliell ' II. K., 1 lot ( arland v I 'ampbell 1 let l "ai -well, .1. It., 3 I,, is ( a,e. Mi-. M. B.. 1 lol ( a rpi-r.i ei II I' , 13 lots Can aw ay t'ein pe, 1 lot t'eniral line--!. i'n'rp...l lei . 222 'ni ral I in el On'. p., 1 . lei (i 1. I 'ent r .1 1 m est . ( 'ei i., I let 37. Pi! Central liive-l. .Co', pi, 1 lei 2-1 30 ( i-lii r.;l 1 in eisl ( 3ij p., I lot I 1-1. (HI . out nil Invest. ( 'm p. 3,,.ii I l.'.ial Invest. Corp , 1 let 21 .-.'IS ( '!ta.-e. Josephine. 1 lot j I. Id ( itireiis Hank, 3 lol.s .3 111.00 t elite, .Mi.s (i. V , I lot .31.37 Coble,- W. A - 1 lot 7.7S Coe, ---Frank IVt.. 1 lot l'.i..3il Colson, . V , 1 lot. .fl.H0 Consolidated Realty Corp, 1 lot 21. OS C.rawteird Inez, 1 lot 3,3. 4h ( raw t'oril. M i-s. V. T.. 2 lots !m1 Ph Crawtol'il ', 13. lots 37. OS Davis, (.', !'.. 1 lot 2li.lM) Davis, Mrs. Fred, 1 lot ISClKi l-'avis. J- F.. 1 lot n., li Davis. Mr.s. Lula, 5 lots 7.r D 1 Davis, Mr.s. T. J 1 lot 2!).'J,i Davis, T. E., 1 lot. 2X 51 Davis. W. ('.. 1 hit 1S-.20 Dicus, C. M., 1 lot . 71 07 I lu-iihum, I.lonald, 1 lot ili.'t 31) Edwards, C. J. f.. 1 let 7" 1 U Edwards, J. P., 1 lot I2.tii) Edwards." R. II. E I lot IT,. 70 Farmer, .Mrs. V. P., I lot 2X..M Felniot. Mr.s.; Lula, 1 lot 114-75" Ferguson, Hester L., 1 lot 21. lit) Fiorina Skyland Est.. 54-00 Forga, J. A., 1 lot 1.73 Foy, Lucile, 1 lot S.r.70 Francis, V . R.. 1 lot n.72 Freeman. Sam. 1 lot. 12.0!) Caddis, John, 1 lot 14.2C Caddis, J. R., 3 lol s .'12.40 Caddy. Henry, 5 lots ,'!li,4 Galloway. -M. )- 2 lots 4."..r4 Carretl, N. W., 1 lot 77 04 Garrett & lligdo-n, 1 lot hal. 27. 1U George, C. A., 1 lot 24.41 General Realtv Corp., 1 lot 24.2-1 Grahl, LinwooVi. 1 lot 27 14 Graham, Hattie, 1. lot 28315 Gwyii, T. I... I lot 10-1.40 Grcyling. Realty Corp., I lit 71.2K Greyling Realty 'Corp., I lot 25.07 Gieyling Realty Corp.. ), lot 42.53 II dl, II. A., 1 lot 13.41 llamer, - M., 1 lot 1 02 Hannah, W. J- 1 lot. 10-1.-10 llannah. V . T.. 2 lots 17.K7 Harbeek, -Li I lie, 1 lot 5i),5 .Haivh-i, W. L., 1 lot 1 1.20 Harrohl. Lillie S., 2 lot.- hal 00.75 llavwood Cooperage 'Co.: 1. lot !).00 Hawkins;, Huhy ( . 1 lot 3 12.,-,; Henderson, Eniin'i, 1. lot r 7.13 Henry, ,J. B., 1 Jot,, 12:j,H0 Her- en ' Jes.-ie. 2 lots 7.0'.) Hoi ion,' U. A.- I lot V ."', ; 31)3)2 HoHitiel'd, A G , 1 lot : J,!).!)0 i.i: , V i ., 1 lot L02 Hai kins; M -- V. I.. 1 lot. 0.43 Howe'!- A; ,1., 1 lot - - ' ,: 12.X3 Howell. Claude, .2 lots i'-' 31.77 Howell. Mr- J. It-: 1 lot .. H3.5D Howell, R, W.. 1 lot 17.50 ilowi-11, ;T, Wooisey, l iot :1533)7 Howell V Bo'vd, 1 lot. 5.71 Hoxit, Glenn' 1 lot '. 30.00 Hyiitt J- R.. Est., I tot 74.14 Hyatt, ;B B., Est , 1 lot 30.S1 Imperial Mtg. Co., 1 lot 3,0.2! Imperial .Mtg. Cci.,. 1 lot . . 31 .37 Imperial Itg. Co., 1 lot l!).!)i; Jones. S. A.. 1 lot 1 3 05 Justice. Mrs. Ji R 1 lot 27.0!) Killian; J. W., 2 lots. :- 03.00 Kelly, S.' II.. 1 lot . 8-40 Kirkpatrick. C. F., 1 lot . .'l-'l-Oo Kirkpatrick (. F.. 1 lot. : .04.15 Kirkpatrick, C, -F.-& W. L., 4 lots . " " ;- 544.50 Lattimer, Mr- C. W.. 1 lot 1 H 54 Let. R. D., 1 lot 25.07 Leming. . R. ('., "1 lot . 11.!)!) T ,.,.fi.,,,l W I 1 Irtl c.a n:t Linforst' cla'rae'l lot : :; 150.!! Lindslev II ('., 1 lot , 50.40 Magl'uder,. Ruth, 1 - lot ,4.2S Martin. ).. R.;- 1 lot . 3 43,40 Massie, Dennis,, 1 lot . . . 7.44 Ma.--:e. Elizabeth,, 1 lot . 71.28 Mas-ey '.. L, 1 lot :i 24 Meriford. W. ('., 1 lot .15.10 Mehaffeve J. T , 1 lot 21.71 Mehaffev, Jerry,. E.-t., 1 lot -12.83 MehifTe'v, Roht. Est. 1 lot 8.57 Metropolitan Realty Corp.. 1 lot 12.K3 Metropolitan Realty Corp., 1 lot 22.82 Metropolitan Realtv Corp., 1 lot 25.07 Metropolitan Realty Corp,, 1 lot 17.12 Metropolitan Realty Corp.- 1 lot 3.5 G4 Miller, Elsie Mae- 1 lot 97.20 .Ueiiatiey, 1 , 1 lot 17.12 Mcu ipontan Realty C orp.. 1 lot 44.55 .Uetiepolitan Realty Corp., 1 lot 21.3S Metrope'itan Realty Corp.. 1 lot 17. 2. Metropolitan Realty Corp., 1 lot 10. 20 Metropolitan Realtv Corp.. 1 lot 32. 4U Miller, F. V 2 lots l-JN.,3!' Miller J. 1.., 1 lot 10-2O Miller', S- J., Est.- 1 lot 57.02 Miller. S. K , 5 lots 43.03 M liner, F. C, 1 lot 10. 5. Mmctt C. -- 1 dot 2.x. 10 Mitchell, Mrs .M. 1.., 1 lot t'5.7o Mitchell, P- W.. 1 lot oils Mitchell, W. A., 1 lot 11S2 Montgomery Mae, 3 lots 1.5.SB McClurej j'. F.. 1 lot l'J 04 McCracken, J. R.. 1 lot 3'.7;i McCracken, M. J., 4 lots 104 1)7 McCracken, M T- 2 lots 125.1H Ms t raeken, R. Q . 1 lot 12-tti MeCracken. W. O, 1 lot 52.40 McDonald,, E. B., 1 lot 1!) 44 McDonald, Minnie, 1 lot 11.41 McElrov. Mrs. Paul, 3 lots 47.43 MeKinnon. Jane, 1 lot 025 Nelson, F. A., ,1 lot 8.15 Nol.eck. V. C-, 1 lot 27.00 Parson. Ray, 1 lot 4.84 Palmer, J. M., 8 lot.s 150. US Palmer, & Boyd. 2 lots 2S-51 Palmer Lena B., 1 lot 73-80 Peacock. J. V. Est., l lot 4.28 Peacock. Mrs, J N.. 1 lot 52-70 Phillips Const. Co.. 1 lot 4!.iH) I'atton, Dewey, 1 lot 3.18 Plott. G. C, 2 lots 31hS5 l'lott, 11 H , 1 lot :i!).85 Hay W. -M. 1 lot 22.12 Reed. Granny, 1 lot -1.28 Reed,- Lena 1 lot 4. '.15 KVcd, ,1- ., Jr.. 1 lot 20.24 Kee,i Mi s. J. Y., 1 tot 152 02 Kcicer, l-eo F 1 lot 4.28 Rln mei , O. S.- 1 lot .1 1.11 Really Sales Corp., 1 lot 00.58 Realtv Sales Corp., 1 let 01.15 luevc-, M 11 - 1 lets 357.10 hiis-eli aiul Holland 1 le! 0.4 Sadler, M .dgo. 1 lol 5. ,3d Setups, Homer, 1 lot 1.11 Suite linvait, S ('.. 1 lot 01.80 Satii'M-liwait and others, 1 lot 23.1',) Saundeis Fred 11., 1 let 25.55 S, bulliolVr, D. I.., 2 lots 52.3s She!;,, n. (). . 1 k,l 31.00 Mien iM, Geo. 1 1., lis!.. 1 lot 52 30 SktH'oid .V Campbell, 'l lei ,,". 15 Simii-en- .lames. I lot s.10 S nieii-., 1 1, M 1 lol 0.2 Moan. II. J. 1-3 I , 270 OH Sum h I.. Ne .l, 1 let 2.03 Smiin Mr,. Ella, 1 let 03.12 Slim V. .1. K.. and elhel- I lot -1.1 I Sutl.eiland, Ethel. I lot 17,12 Si - m.elield, S. J... I lot 7.' 00 St i inglieid, "riioinas, I lol 2,57 11-1 St uhlis, ( ', .!., I lot !K) 00 Svt!t,,n. I- leteher 1 lol 5-1MI Sw lit, ill. . I-'., 1 lot O.'r Stone. (;,, 1 ol 0.1S Tale, ,1. N., 1 lol .37.0 1 Teiehner, Mrs. 1 -adore. I let 11.-11 Thomas- ,1 R , 1 hit 151.55 Turhyl'ill, P. I... 2 lots 1S1.35 I'll Ifim, D. II,. 0 lets 43. Oil 1 ' ood, " D F., 1 lot 2S;51 I'lMel w-.,i W. I... 1 lot 21.00 Ward, Geoige 11., 8 lots 220.1)0 Ward Bass, 1 lol 70.57 Ward cv nt hers, 1 lot 204.1)0 Waynesville Bakerv. I lot 52.01) Wnync.-vill,, Real Estate. 1 lot 42.12 Wachovia Bank. I lot 108.08 Welch. M r.s- F, C, 1 lot 40.HO Welch. Joe, 1 lot 1.08 Wtdeh. S. ('.. Est., !) lots 52!).74 Wilson, R. 1,., 1 lot 25.07 Wilson. .1. A.. 1 lot 1 2 DO Wells, Reagan, 1 lot 4.05 Withers, Mrs. E L., 1 lot 145.00 Wrighl, J- A.. 1 lot 17.48 Wright. C. W , 1 Jul 14.20 Wrighl, II. I.., 1 lot 12.24 Vales ): L., 1 lot. 0 84 Vount. D. A., 1 lot 2.'!.:i8 Acme Billard Co., 1 lot 81., 31 Biddix, J. R., 1 lot 3.50 Black, R. E, 1 lot 5,30 Bnckne.-, (). D.. I lot 18.54 & 'Co., 1 lot 4.8G Collirov Minnie T., 1 lot 4.28 C V. Miller. Jr.,. 1 lot 31.37 cent per month beginning with the month of February, 1934 and the cost of this notice. Sale made pursuant to Chap ter .512. Public laws 1931, and the order of the Hoard of Alder men. This the 1th day of Septem ber, 19.51. T. W. FEUUrsON Tax Collector Notice of Sale of Real Estate for Taxes for The Town of Hazel wood, On Monday, October 1, 1931, at eleven o'clock a. m. at the Courthouse door in the town of Waynesville. 11 ty wood County, -North Carolina, the undersigned will oiler lor sale at public auc tion to the highest bidder for ,1' the land 'of the following property owners lor taxis due Ihe Town of Haztlwood for (he year I !),;. Estati hal. I orp. COLORED Arthur, Aliee, 1 lot Bald., Tom, 1 lot Baii'o, Will, 1 lot Brown, Jule. 1 lot ( asey, 1 )ora, 1 lot Casey, .lames Henry, 1 lot Casey, Sol- 1 lot ' .."... 'openey. S A ., I lot Davis, '('hat-lie, 1 lot Dunn, Ella- K., 1 lol Foster, Charlie. 1 lot l-'ol !;.-, Tnlii, 1 lot Gray Pink, 1 lot Gray' Will, I lot ... (Irilliii, Nelson- 1 lot Hackett, Delsie, 1 lot 'Man-icon.;. Alhert, 1 ll Hodge Rob!., 1. lot Howeli Ada.: 1; lot Howell Marion Kemp, 1 lot Houston; Aliee. 1 lot K( iop I i I)., I lot Kemp, l.ell . 1 lot I.i'tiiti.r, Jake, I lot. . I .eii.oi.r, Lizzie, 1 lot : Lenoir, VVV. A,.'- 2 lots i . Andv 1 lot -1 o ."Cliai lie,, 1 lot ' .; Love, I). I... 1 lot 11.41 1171 8 57 4.8(1 8.57 17-70 11.41 12,!)(i 28.51 2.60 25.02 -. 3.21 25.!ll . 0 80 12.83 8 57 14.20 14.20 ., 12.!'0 2.5(1 X: 57 2.50 15.70 18.20 1 5.23 : 41.35 11,11 8.57 17.11 Line, Charlie & Minnie. 1 lot 21. 31s K. of P.: 1 lot 11.41 Love.. C. E- I. . 1 lot . 25.18 Love;: George,, 1 lot "".' 4;14 Love. Ilenrv '., 1 lot 17.11 l.ovi-. Henrv 1.3 1 lot . 8.10 Love, Howard 1 lot 1 - 1711 Love. J, C. l lot , 10.2!) Love .1. P. E , 1 lot 12-83 Love. Leon 1 lot. 21.5- Love,. -L.ilj.-a:, . p lot : .'' Love,. ' Margaret, 1 lot ."J5 Love. H. C., 1 lot 2,-0 McDowidl. Cora. ,1 lot 2 HC. Melton. John. 1 lot '''" ... 25.07 Moore, J. IL, I lot ., 7-15 Ohv. Gudger, 1 lot 1 1.20 Oshorne, R. G,. 1. lot 11.41 Patton C. P.. 1 lot 8.71 Marv, 1 lot 12.00 Si-k. W. ('., 1 lot 14.M Smyrne, Aggie. 1 lot . 14-20 Ste'wart, J. IL. 1 lot 14. HO Thompson Tina, 1 lot 1 4.20 Trotter. -Mag., -1 lot 12.83 Walker, W. ('., 1 lot 14.20 Wek-h, Louise. 1 lot : ., 14.20 White, Dave, 1 lot 11.74 White. J- ('., 1 lot 4 40 Young heirs, 1 lot 8-57 Realty --Associates. Inc., 1 lot 24.25 Realty Associates. Inc., 1 lot 35.04 (i W Green, Estate; 7 vears 21.10 Lewis Barber, 14.20 1-wi.s Barber 25.00 To the foregoing taxes will be added penalties of one-half per lal-k Gert i ijilc O. E. B. A. W Corp. ( 'orp. Atkins, II. i Barovr, Lewis BiL-s, J. K. Bhuk. Ail,,,, r Black. C. A. Blaloek, J. V. Blaloek. T. I.. Blaloi-k. w. li. Blaloek, V. H Blaiilon. M I' ( rut rat I nvesl mem d 'rk. J. E, heirs ( hi! I, Se-yniore Coinpton , J 1'. ' onai d, Athur i url i-,, .less Davis. ( '. S 1'avi- I. i D alt, A. It. I.ehvards ( Evles Mrs. E:slier. Mi (ortner M. Gaddi.s, . Garrett. X. Green. !,. i ureyl-mg Keallv Gre ling Realt v Grimhall Bros:" Grinibill Park Guyn, T. I... Rec Ma ris. VV. L. Hendrix, Harriett Hensley, Mrs. R. C Holder, J. G. Hopkins, Ed Howell. Mrs Alden Hyatt, Iliii rv Imperial Mortgage Knight. J. N. Knight, Sam Knight Oscar Kuykendall, K. E. Kuykendill. Mrs. j. I.mer, Mrs, Huhert Martin Electric Co. .Martin, Paul Maxwell, Mr.s. A. M. Messer, Homer Me.s.ser. J. IL Messer, Jam's Met ropolitan Realty Co. Metroiiolitan Realty Co. Metropolitan Realty Co Metropolitan Realty Co. Metronotitan Realtv Co- Met ropolitan Realty Miller. Miss ('. V. Miller, L. A. Moodv, E. C. Moody, IL B. Moody. Thomas Mooney, J- E. Morgan. J. R. McCracken, M. J McDonald C IL McElroy, J. R. McKav, Dora North Carolina Mtg Xeedham, Dr. Sam Nelon. E. A. Nicholoudis, Pete. Nirhols. Bob L. I'aliiier. G. C Prevost. R. L-,, R. L., Trustet Price, Mrs. Erank Qmen W. T. tjuinjan, & Ray, Rov C Realty Sales Corp. .Realty Sales Corp.- A. Co. P Co. Co. Siler Rohinsoh. Robinson. Uo'nir.-oi , Robin son, Robinson, Robinson. Robinson, Robinson. Ross. E. Devvev Roue, W. M. Ruff, Roht. SafTooI, S. V. Sc . R L Shoolbred. W. A Swanger,.' Erank Erank Ben Ernest .'-' H . c. James E. M rs. Josephine Luther M Ruben nk S Swanger. I Cli'lervvood. ,ii- C, I Winchester, H Winchester Withers. E Wit in -. W Young. Tnul I. , hal. R. Lee L. A.. E'. L3O.N0 ,30.0(1 0. 1.u .35 83 7.84 .31.58 12.02 iil.00 1 3.27 25. 2u 1 1,10 10,18 1 0,18 7.00 7 14 22.2!) I. 3. Oil 2 1.24 II. 00 o.7;i !-.S 00 7 1.10 25 20 18 1-1 ;i!)8 2!) 01 .38. 01 57.02 1 111!) 517.15 21). 80 12.(i7 10.14 5.07 2.88 24.00 5.07 liO.U 1. 'l 1)5 It). 74 18.48 l'J.74 20.48 1C.4I) 5.07 5D.65 22 H2 21.44 24.80 5.04 21.56 lli.95 5702 24.43 15.21 30 41 4.157 7.20 57.92 1 5.22 5.20 12.67 22 82 86.40 13.77 21.02 32 13 7.62 3.17 35.36 25.9a 0.34 12.22 1 54.27 1.003.87. 10.14 15 11 S'J.18 17.22 31. 68 1 5.22 4:45 14.67 12.62 8.42 5.81 42 14 5.76 IH. 58 S.88 II, 12 12 14 4 75 4-5!) S'l.6-1 15.17 7!i 37 31.06 31.30 13.57 D3.00 5 1 03 31.08 1-4.67- R.76 '?2:t8 Discovery Palmer, -I. M. .Morrow, l . I. . To the foregoing taxes will be added penalties of one-half cent per month beffinning wit. the month of February. 1931 and the cost of this notice. Sale made pursuant to Chap ter 312, Public laws 1931, and the order of the I5oard of Alder men. This the 1th day of Septem ber, 1931. . , V. A. WHfTrVER Tax Collector

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