7 v THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1934 THE WAYNESYILLE MOUNTAINEER Local Items SOCIETY PAG. 9 O o o News Phone 137 Mrs. Hilda Way Gwyn, Editor till r. i X' t If I ! ' i. YOUR CLOTHES p ex D You can wear a Yassarette Girdle with e ver tiling from gports to evening clothes . . . and look ami feel perfect! These tiny garment do an amazing amount of figure work for you yet they never interfere with your freedom. Thev're controlling . . . but never conGiung. Try one with the adjust able Yassarette Bandeau or ask to see the Yassarette All-in-One. All Yassarettes wash perfectly! VASSARE TTE FOUNDATIONS M,SS imp I icii u jM.olcLl our Figure Xo oung Lines The diagonal pull of the crossed back straps flattens the dia phragm and abdomen, raises the bust and smoothes away at! waisdine flesh thus avoiding that tell-tale look of maturity. The mcxiel sketched is of peach rgyon figured batiste and elastic with an uplift bust of tricot mesh. Model 2405 . . Rrj. V. S. PaL. OJ. Ptu. .No. ljJ.lW iGOSSARB C. E. RAY'S SONS ( ft w IX f WOMAN'S CLUB HOLD i FIRST MEETING Or' FALL i ' The initial fail meeting of the ( W . iron's club which .va; he:..: Thurs-; i day afternoon at :he home of the pres-i ; iiicn: Mrs. G rover C. Davis, was j ! marKcti wit.n Keen interest ana anuc-i ; ipatiorj for the coming year's work. ' During the business session plans; weie formulated for the activities of. the various departments and com-1 . ;1;; . A'cs. The president appointed Mrs. John j M. Queen. Mrs. Drayton Perry, and j Mrs. J. H. Howe!! as a committee on ' transportion for the district met i ng to be held the last of the month I in Murphy. Mrs- H. . Baucom Va I appointed as the delegate to repre I sent the ciub and all members wr: I urged to attend. ! The following chairmen gave in teresting reports of accomplishments ; ' of. their work in the past year and of the p!an ior tne next few months: Art, Miss Robina Miller; civics. Mrs. ! ( . F. Kii'Kpatrick ; education. Miss ! Daisy Boyd ; literature, Mrs. H. W. Baucom; music, Mrs. Horace Keener; public welfare. Mrs. Hbimtr Henry; garden. Mrs-. T- L. Brmlett; citizenship- 'Mrs- John M. Queer,, and Amer ican kvme by Mrs. Helen Matthew. Mr.'. Horace Keener, chairman of music, presented the following pro : gram: violin solo by little Miss ; Gladys Walker, a-companied by Miss ! Grce Cr'X'kcr ; viurt s-jiv by M: ' Margaret Stri-ngrield ; ..'ava'.ier Rusti eana" by Macagr.e. accumpanied by ! Mrs. Horace Keener. F'r the ...ccasior. Mr-. D.-.vis usea a ..olor effect of 'yellow and white which ! was 'r.'vtcd sr. all detaiU. The houe was thfvwn en suite and vaSes of yellow and white rlowers were j.laced at Poirrts of vantage. She was as sisted :n- living by 'Mrs. S. P. Gay and Mi; T. L B.'amlett. Special gue.-ts "f tnt. afternoon were: Mrs, Grant Lowe- Mrs. Arthur Shuihofer, I and Mrs. Paul Walker. . W .MISS MARY ANN MASSIE CEL EBRATES BIRTHDAY. Mrs. Hugh Massie entertained with "a lawn party on Wednesday afternoon in observance : of the fourth - birthday 'anniversary of her young daughter. Mary Ann. A color note of pink and. white marked alb the party appoint ments. A large .Jack Horner pie with favor.- dear to chibiren was cut with; appropriate ceremony. . Mr,-. Mas.-:e w;:s as-i.-ted in entertaining I the guests by Miss Emily Siler and Mis.. Martha Way. The youthful ! honor guest was the recipient' of ' many lovely gifts. . T ':-.,. guest list included: Betsy and o Paul Hardin, Bet--v Sile.o Jean Anil i Bradley, Geraldir.e 1 Colkitt, Barker . Gay Biltie Sue Francis, Jackie Loin i Bobby Hardiir 1'atsy Dillenger. Joe Huweil. Doris Clk:tl, Bettv Francis, j Patsy T.iavi.s, Carol Louise Bell Wal- ter Taliaferro, George Stovali, Bar ; bai'a Ann ar.d. Sonny Boyd. Nancy IJor.es. Theres,.; Alley, John and Jean Hodges, David O'Brien. Betsy Han nah. Jean Roth.i, Jack and Zeb Alley, Jean and Martha May Wyche, Eu genia Bo. inc. .Marguerite Way. Thom a.s Ray, ,.nd Bobbie .Massie. T' business and professional women's club holds meeting: The Business and Professional Women's I'lub held a reguL.r month ly. -meeting on Monday night. Septem ber 24th at the Hotel LeFaine. The meeting wa.s opened in the dining room of the LeFaine with a delicioue four course dinner, followed by a business session. The matter of a suitable club room was discussed and the following committee appointed: Mr.s. Millie Harbin, Miss Louise Frye Miss. Edna MePay, who will look after a location and furnishings. The following committee Was ap pointed to perfect plans for. program and banquet on October 27th, when aM clubs of the district will be en tertained in Wavnesville: Miss Ila Green, Mrs. Hedwig Love, Mr. Bonnie Haynes. and Miss Elsie Davis. A number of new members: were elect, ed to membership in the club and with interest manifested the club is looking forward to . a splendid year's work. Present' members of the -club are: Mrs. . Doyle Alley,: president. Mlss Edna McKay, vice president, . Miss Louise Frye, secretary. Mi.s Ila Green, treasurer Mrs. .Hilda Gwvn Mrs- Hedkig Love- -Mrs Millie Har bin, tf; Edwin Haynes, Miss Louise Moody,. Miss Elsie Davis,. Mrs. Ruth Whigham, Regular meetings . will be held monthly or. the fourth Monday night. .'. " LUNCHFOX HONORS MRS CHRLE- TILLITT, JR On S ednesday a beautiful, appoin ed luncheon was given at Mrs. Har din's tea room in honor of Mrs Charles C Tillett. cf Charlotte, vice chair man, of the Democratic. Executive Committee of North Carolina, . Mrs, Tillett spent the day in town attend ing an : executive meef ng of the eleventh district. ' . .. The table was centered, by a. bowl of late summer flowers in a variety of, vivid shades.. . Place cards . designat ed the following guests: Mrs. W. A. Hyatt, .Mrs. Dovle Alley. Mrs. R. R. Campbell, Mrs. Ruth Williams Rotha, .Mrs. Caroline Asnton Hvatt, Mrs James M. Gudger. of AsheviUe, Miss Margaret! Stnngfield, Mrs. JChester Cogburn. of Canton, and Mrs, Giles Cover, and Miss Leuna Tatham, of Andrews. ..'.',:'". Mrs. 0. J. Storev, of Chicago, ar rived during the week and will spend sometime as the guest cf her sister, Mrs. E. B. Camp. Mrs. Storey has been tne guest of Mrs. Camp on other occasions and has a number of friends who v'ill be. interested in her return v ..-it . ;n DORCAS BELL LOVE CHAPTER D. A. R. HOLDS MEETING The initi .as Bel! L il fall meeting of the Del ve Chanter of the DaUgh- ters or ;r.e .-vmerican rievoiuiion was held .. n Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. cL.ver neton and Mrs. Jere L'avis as joint hostesses at the home of the latter, with the regent. .Mrs. J Harden Howell, presiding. A large number we:v in attendance and the new , vear was rte i with interest , and enthusiasm. The program committee, consisting ..! frs. J F. Abe! cnairman, Mr?. E B. lamp, and Mrs. J. W Seaver, presented the year books and outlined the plans for the year. The chapter will study certain phases of the Na tional work of the D. A. R as given in the Magazine which will fumihanze the members with all details of the policies and aims of the organization. Mrs. Howell read a letter from the a-e Reger' M . H Belk, whi h gave in full account the plans she h- red to cany out during the coming year. The librarian announced that she ha! recently placed two more hr.eage book in tne aynesv.Ue Li brary. An invitation was read from the Wrightstiil Avery Chapter of Brevard to the 'members to attend the District meeting to be held with their member.- on September: 27th. Mrs. J V . St aver was elected a.s a delegate j and Miss Margaret ' Henderson w j appointed as a page- A letter was real from M btrt Morris, distrist director. is G urgi iisti-i so re :he member- to attend ing. An invitation "n j '.; n.' j 'the Mecklenburg Chapter lotto t-. a recent in n Septeir If.th in K.r.or ..f Mr-. W. H. Belk ;tate Regent. commuication from the Cros- AIL- ! n wo,-, on ma. Tapter. ea.i in wmcn g.reit expressed for a re- al' iati t. the school sent Business w.:.- laid e at tnt;'- time and the chapter .ted several minute.- to a memo, to Mrs. Anna Mcintosh Bevilie. dev ria beloved and loyal member of the chapter, who had pa.-sed away since the last meeting, Mrs, John N. Shoolbred had charge of the irograni of the afterno.m. She gave a most illuminating account of the 42nd Continental Congress with mnh. on the- imnortant actions taken regaroiiig the pressing needs of th,, country today with the great 're sponsibility 'that rests with the mem bers of the D A R Mrs. H. B.. Seiie.-t lead the .President. General's mt-s.-age which urged, a study of the ('.institution of the United States by the members. Following adjournment a ' social hour w.;'-' enjoyeil by the members, Special guests of the afternoon were Mrs. John M, Queem Mr.-. Elmer Mc - Clure. and Miss Mildred Marshal! - of Miami. The Regent announced tnat trie r.et meeting wouj.i o with Mrs. Harry Marshall a of Mis. S;.m Strintttield. the' home F-ORMER MEMBER OF HIGH SCHOOL FACULTY WEDS The following from the Asheville Times will be of interest to friends in Waynesville as .Mr, Smathers taught in the high school here: Mr. and Mis. Robert Hoyle Smath ers have arrived in Asheville from a short wedding trip to take tip resi lience on w estowr tirive, .uonuorci Hills. Mrs Smathers was formerly Miss Katherin.e Lewis, Cf Dallas, N. C., and her marriage to Mr- Smathers took place last Thursday .afternoon at her home in Dallas- Mr. Smathers is a brother of Mr. J. Bat Smathers and is associated with him in the law firm of Smathers and : Smathers in the Jackson building- The ceremony was performed by the grooms brother, tne Rev. M. T. Smathers, pastor of the Broad Street Methpdist church of Statesville. at the home of the bride's parents. Mr, and Mrs. R. S Lewis, in Dallas. The bride was educated at the Woman's college pf the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and since her graduation has been teach ing in Dallas and Charlotte schools. Mr. Smathers is the son of . Dr. and Mrs. H- A. Smathers, of Canton, and was graduated from Duke University. He taught school for several years prior to completing his law course. Attending the marriage from Ashe, ville were: Miss Lois Smathers and Mr. and Mrs. James E- Smathers, and Mr. and Mrs. L. B Carpenter. At- erl nr f-om ( ar' n were Dr H smathers, father, and .Mrs. M. K Smathers, sister- and Mr. Roy Smath ers. brother of the bridegroom. The many friends of Mrs. y .: L. Kirkpatrick will be glad to learn that she has returned to her home during the week from the Haywood County Hospital where ' she : has been a pa tient for the past fourteen months. While Mrs- Kirkpatrick will still be confined to her bed she is much improved. Mr Lee Ferguson, of Jonathan's Creek, made a visit to aynesvill during the week. Mrs- Charles Terrell, of Bethel spent Saturday town shopping. Mrs J J. Burnev, of Wilmington.' , wiio has spent the past month. as the i guest oi ner sisiei- ,n. . . -.s . ! at her home in Belle Meade, returned ! to her home on Sunday, . .:,..' ! Mr Humes Harte. who is the head cf -e French Department of -the Western Carolina leacners couege ai Cullowhee, spent the week-end -with his family- v 1 M- and Mrs. Ernest L Winers have as their guests this week Mr.-. E J. Coppedce and Miss C aronna Lucas, of Atlanta. MUSK' CLUB HOLDS MEETING UN SATURDAY j Tre V lies , ...tr .'las. r...( its rir.-t meeting ui tr.e ' - 4" ' r urdav afternoon Septem:-t-r tr.e with' Mrs. Fred Mart.r. and M;ss Frances Robeson as i o : r. t e.s--e s a. the bme of the former Hugh A Love, the prtsi ing. A discussion ot tr.c pro esid- wnl soon t.e given oa was lead M R 'e- the chairman Mrs. L The course of study promises to be both interesting and instructive. During the business se.-sien pians were formulated for the organization of a Junior Music Club with Miss Margaret Strmgneld ar.u V ss Giaee Crocker as joint cour-seior.-. I- a decided to have the Junior Club take part in the contest given by the North Carolina Federation of Music Cluos and have their own meetings which will be inr.ounced later. They will stu.ly the comDO.-er whose birth day occurs in the month of their meet ing and the progam will also include 1 contemporary writers ami trie musi cians of the oirtnoay rr.or.tn- The following prograi by some .f the juniors of groups for the. senior ciu; ing on Saturday. They pii. of Miss Maigaret wis given .iiiferer.t age at the meet- Mrs. W. L. Matne ar. Ci ovker: 'Poli.-h Laiue." Allegro." by MoHa: ' Peasant Dance " Gladvs Walker. 'T.. Tenney "Wing Foo,'" ry Betty Burgin, "Viennese fair. ;.v I Andertor. ':', "'Tis Raining Ciruen, : y M.-.r i Tuio Penia- uuiian i nee an.; Pre! Stl ingllei'l. , la.ya j cifl.ln Aniulig thos-; atte-i.,: Fair at the Cherokee Rest ing tne week wer,. .M;-.s Mary Kiiii patrick. Mr; -James R Bov.i Jr., Mr. David Hyatt. Mr. Neu Fergus..::. Mi Wilda Crawford, and Mi'. Whitner Prevoit. Mrs. A Iton Kirkp.-.tri er Miss Mary Mock. the gue.-'t of her' mot he Muck and her si.-ur .Mock, was joined over' the week by Mr. Kirkpatrick and .they' retu on Monday to their home in: Shell Mr. Bill Shoolbred and Mr. J Siler motored, to the Chci'okee Reservation.- and :-.ttende! the Indian Fair the opening day, j Mis.- Loekie Carlisle. 1 viile, S. C'., was the week-ei !. Mr. .a'nd Mr. T. L- Brum ; Carlisle is a niece of the 1 Ml's. J. M. B ,r,..i ite Bell.' ot v llniingtoj:, .. i. .. ar ived Saturday and are gae-t-s otvMi.-s Jessie Heiren an. i Mr- Uiciie Foy.: .U; uiiina .U-c(.racKe.n ot Hill S. C, spent the Week-ell guest of her grandparent. Mrs, Torn'. M-assie, at tiiei Pigeon street. ', Miss Mary New who h..s spent the past few weeks in Waynesville as the guest of her parents. Rev. and Mrsi Albert-New, has returned to her home in New York City. V Mr. James Atkins has returned from Chapel Hill where he spent several days with his family who are spending the winter there. Mr. George Moore, , of Charlotte, spent the week-end as the guest of Mr. John Branner Shackfoiil at the horn,, ot Mr. James Atkins '.. " Mr. George Ward, prominent at torney, of Asheville. spent several day in town on business during th week. Mr. Fred Ferguson is speriding a fortnight in New York City, ' Mrs. George. .Smathers and Mrs. Earl MofRt. of Asheville, were the guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Satterthwait.. .' Mr. D. H. Ple-s, of Cr-oso. spent i Wedrt-dav n town on nu.--e-s Dr. and Mrs. X.. F-; Laneaster had as their guests during the week. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bazemore, of- Hope well. Virginia. M- Ben Y gh' it Wm-e Oik, spent Wednesday in town on busi ness.' Mrs J. Wilford Ray and Mrs. William Hannah spent Tuesday in Asheville. ' '.' ' .' Mr G Baiow cf U te Oak. made a business trip to Y aynesville on ednesdav. . - . Mrs. Will Muellersham. of Durham, the former Miss Mattie Maxwell, is visiting her mother, Mrs. A. M. Max- well in Hazelwood. o Mr, and Mrs.. V. C.. Nobeck have as their guests Mrs. D. R. Shearer, of Johnson Citv, Tennessee, the sis ter of the- latter, and Mr. Charles No bect, of Los Angeles. California, the brother .of the former, .. Mr. and Mrs. B. G- Kuhne. and daughter,: Miss Ann, an.dMiss Dor othy Tucker, cf Akrcr.. Ohio, are visiting relatives in W nvnesvilie. Mrs. Kuhne is tne former M:s Acd-e Newt. n. vhb. V, mi.nv frieti, is and lelatives m tn.s secion. We.'e t.'le PU g' 1, i -- l-irace Sella! wer.k.o i'al-v tiwvr.. Be rule, by 1 i i liUl'lelg.'l. !.V Folk Song.," Her.rv rov, by rmmmm : McCrackeii, I !: If g the Ir.-T.an 1 1 T iS, tire .tylim-'H hu has- iA-t-n , I , Mr.-, J. M.ll Miss Ma.tha il Mi- Marga-- V.Z5?3 of Rock d as the I Mr. arid I home oil I i IMMUNITY CLUB TO HOLD MEETING Tre riis: meeting of the fall ot 'he, ' r:rJn:tv Club wii. be held on Mon-1 av'afternvor. O.'.ober the 1st. at 3, :,. ..iub -ooms on .wain 'C"h C. Wilbum will address the . ". "' '-T-, , . . --.,,.1... f..,n.o:n; cluij or. l ne ore-: .-miw -'" National Park." Hostesses ot tne a''er-or. w'l be Mrs. Grayden C Feritu.-or.'- Mrs. R. 0. Martin. Mrs. M C Green, ana .Vr?. R. R. Camp bell. Mrs C. M. Dic'i- and Mrs. James R. Thomas spent Friday in Asheville. Mr. Carlisle Harley, of Knoxville, was the guest of his aunt, Mrs. J, Howell Way, on Monday. w Mrs. M. H. Bowles, who has been visiting in Irwinton. Ga.. and Daytona Beach. Fl.-.., for the past several weeks returned to her home on Sunday. C. E. RAY'S SONS HIGHER. SOAP , ARE COMING- -,tS , I r J v 1 m SuperiS: B Lawiids- I gUest Ot, I . I I Palmolive Soap .3 for 14c Palmolive Beads . . . .3 for 14c Super Suds 3 for 23c Giant Octagon Soap and Powder 6 for 23c Octagon Scouring Cleanser 3 for 14c Octagon Toilet Soap . . . . . .6 for 25c Sterling Health Soap, 3 for 14c V Mr. Forshaw. Pepitesentative, The Colgate, Polmodive, Teet Company Will Assist Saturday to Make This A Real Sudsy Sale. School Children - - Attention Keep Your Shoes Smiling With "Bixby" Jet Oil 2 for 23c g Shinola 2inl Polishing makes the shoe last longer AT OUR MARKET Juicv Tender Meats Beef You Can Realy Eat C. E. Ray's Sons " The Home Of Good Foods" Among those in town during the - eek was Mr. R. L. Penland, of Clyde. Mr. Adolf Pricken, who has had charge of the Balsam Springs Hotel during the past season, left for his; heme in Hawthorne. Fla.. on Wed nesday. Mr. Pricken will have the management of a winter hotel ia Florida during the coming seaosn. Mrs. Ed Stietcher who has been the gues 'of her sister, Mrs. Robert H. Stretcher, for the past three months, returned on yesterday to her home in Wilson's Mill's. Mr and Mrs. A- D. Dixon, of Knox ville, have taken an apartment in the Kirkpatrick Apartment house and expect to make Waynesville their per manent residence. Mr Frank P. Coroett advisor of the boys at the Cherokee Indian Res ervation, was the week-end guest of Mr- Charles E. Ray, Jr. PRICES i i Aiill I s r ...9c each 2 for 23c MM . II A

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